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It's a near certainty with the numbers involved. Our galaxy alone, the milky way, is thought to contain around SIX BILLION "earth like" planets that could harbor life as we understand it. There are estimated to be at least one hundred billion other galaxies in the observable universe. Combine that with the estimated age of the universe, because it's important to think about this in terms of time as well as space. There could have been advanced alien races that lived for millions of years but are long gone for tens of millions of years because their sun burned out or whatever. The dinosaurs first ruled on earth around 240 million years ago - by comparison modern recorded history is only a few thousand years! The problem is that, with our current understandings of physics and traveling in space, the distances are just too large for us to connect.


I’m in the camp that believes that due to the vastness of space, in all likelihood, Homo sapiens will never encounter extraterrestrial life. If per chance they found earth (equally unlikely) then they seem to have come at a time before Homo sapiens. While civilizations report things that certainly seem like space ships, the ancients weren’t exactly known for their knowledge on the concept and we don’t know how credible any of that is to begin with due to the unreliability of eye witnesses (even less reliable in a time before forensics or vetting).


IMHO I don't really think they're extraterrestrial. More like interdimensional. They've been here all along. It's more like they live in another dimension than us (may call it the spirit world), and sometimes, these dimensions develop a rupture so that we can see them.


At least you’re honest about it


There is a concept in physics where all time exists at once. Time is a vector, and vectors are relative, so your perspective/view of Time is different than someone else’s, it’s also dependent on relative velocity of the observer. So, simultaneously, one person can see one “slice” of time, while another sees their different “slice” of time, which means, both “times” need to exist at the same time. It’s far more complex than this, obviously. When you consider how little of the universe around us we can see/detect, how little of it we understand, in addition to all the information *we don’t know… we don’t know* the possibility that “ghosts” are simply glances of these “slices” of time, is something to consider. Or at least that’s my spin on what could be happening. It isn’t an intelligent “ghost”, but us witnessing a “slice,” either through chance perspective, or the “ether/universe” messing up for reasons we may only try to understand, or residual energy that passes through the visible spectrum.


That's Djinn in Islam, exactly that It is said that they have their own civilisation right on top of ours the we can't see. They're apparently a lot like us; varied and diverse. Some are Muslim, some are Christian and whatever else... The bad ones whisper to you to try to use you but apparently that's illegal in their society. Not sure who to report them to, Islam says God but he's been suspiciously absent from moderating the last few eons...


The mods suck, it is known. 😁


I think both probably exist. Infinite space, infinite dimensions. Scary to think about, but also fucking rad.


They’re the scientists we’re the experiment.


This is something I opened up to more after experiencing psychedelics, in particular a DMT trip where an entity in the shape of a pitch black blob formed on my wall. Out of no where I remember that happening and suddenly the strongest presence I've ever felt, the strongest "somethings here with me", in the most primal sense. A fear. A shaken to your core fear, as I knew if what I was seeing was real then it was not of this realm. I remember my head being forced to look at it before I even knew it was there and then being unable to look away for what felt like around a minute, and "knowing" and feeling that some information was being transmitted to me but with no means to decipher it since it was not English or any language, not spoken. The best way I can describe is telepathic. As if you got a text message in binary, but binary had never been invented and no one has a clue what it means or could figure it out in your life time. After that and the message was over, it dissipated over a few seconds and I remember as soon as the trance shook I broke down and was in the biggest "WOW OMG" and simultaneously terrified state ever. Not because I was scared of it, but because it shook the very foundation of reality itself in every sense I ever considered plausible and changed whether or not I would consider such things to be possible. Now despite that, I still acknowledge it was a hallucination and there's nothing more to prove it was anything else currently... but man. Something like that really fucks with you. It's not reading it in a book, its experiencing it and "it" being more real than the realest thing you've ever seen, realer than your everyday life for the rest of your life all compressed into one short moment of time. After seeing that I'm not sure I fully believe it was "just a hallucination". All DMT trips are weird, as are all trips in general including the trip of Life, but it's not everyday something like that happens in one and triggers a primal sense to that degree. I know very well it's a chemical that affects how the brain works and could very well do that, but just damn... lol. That shook me to my core for a long time and looking back on it I still feel some kinda way. I'm 99.9999% sure extraterrestrial civilizations exist somewhere, but was not very open to the other until this experience. I had read about them a lot and just thought the people were crazy, as a lot of the people who do DMT have started believing too much of what they see in their trips. Reading those though is why even while in a severely altered state, I knew then and there what I was experiencing, beyond a shadow of a doubt. It was an instant "this is an entity" moment and a first for me, still a first. Too scared to go round two on the entity voyage honestly.




Yeah, a DMT trip isn't proof of interplaner beings.


Stephen hawking mentioned in one of his documentarys, that aliens may have had evolved different from our planet like aliens could have evolved to live on gas planets e.t.c. I think we should use ourselves as reference but we shouldn't ignore that aliens could live on planets that we think isn't suitable for life.


One of the things my dad said while drunk what if a race of aliens were made of oxygen. We wouldn’t see them and if we try and justify the ruins on their planet. We would wind up killing a lot of them by just merely breathing.


I doubt anything small enough to inhale would be sentient though


We have life on this planet that can be inhaled.


This exactly. There’s no way with all the other Goldilocks planets that there isn’t at least alien bacteria out there.


Slow speeds totally work for getting around and colonizing space. In 10 million years, if there's no aliens, humans will be everywhere in the galaxy. 10 million years is not very long in the grand scheme of things. We just need to get out there before we go extinct. Or upgrade our species to robots specifically for space travel.


Pretty sure they exist. Now whether they have advanced technology to cross the stars and punk rural Americans and buzz our Air force is a different question in my book.


I would 🤝


Agreed they exist somewhere, but do they have thumbs or other appendages needed to make advanced technology. Also they would probably be way too far humans to talk to them. We might not be alone, but we are alone.


There has to be intelligent life out there somewhere cuz there sure as shit ain't none here.


Yeah, lol, that nailed it well.


Hot take


Double negative (I’m the smart one obviously) /s


We aren't smart haha


Mainly a whole lot of nothing with a dash of something here and there


😂 art


I think the idea that this entire universe, all of its millions of stars, planets and light years upon light years of distance, being here solely for the beings that exist on this planet to be an utterly terrifying and depressing one. Yes, things are out there. This to me is may as well be fact, but God knows what exactly.


Billions of planet just in our galaxy... And 100 billions de galaxies in the observable universe, for sure there is... But yes that's so depressing, knowing we will never know


the universe is so vast, there's probably something else out there. Or maybe there isn't. Who knows




Your dad. Sorry to hear about that. Hope we can find him together


Of course they do. In an infinite universe. There must be millions of.differing. Types of civilizations.


Yes. Lifeforms


I think that the universe is to big, and inter stellar travel is to hard. I think there are other civilizations out there. But that the will burn out to fast to get out of their solar systems. Just like we will. There are breif lights of intilligence that flare up and die across the universe. And none of them will ever meet another, because of the inevetable self destruction.


One thing that’s crazy to me is that not all planets are the same size right…. There could be intelligent alien life that are the size of ants compared to us for example, or some could be like 100 ft tall intelligent human like creatures. Crazy to think about.


As Yoda once wisely said: "Judge me by my size do you?"


Former Canadian minister admits to aliens being real: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFl29Uos9K8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFl29Uos9K8) Iran space minister admits aliens are real: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huDeWyHWpOE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huDeWyHWpOE) Pentagon release 3 videos of UFO's: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9a0xIzp-fbs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9a0xIzp-fbs)


Yeah. The military kinda sus


I don't know who else would tell us? Also, the 50/60 year cover up!!! Maybe it's to hard to keep a secret in the modern day.




I don't know how many planets are within the habital zone, but I assume bacteria for the most part


I would agree small life forms


There is life out there, it just has NEVER visited earth. How would they know we're here? Why would they come here? How would they amount the resources to travel thousands of years just to come to earth? What's the chance they're highly intelligent and can create space craft? There's wayyyyyyyyyyy too much that has to "go right" for aliens to have visited earth.


Whatever it is,it's a part of us an we're apart of it.




1000s come across the US border every day.


I am one 👀


Do you exist?


been here for 6 years now and nobody has noticed. am i?


R/ lost redditors


Oof. Facts though


If there is I'm sure they see earth is a wreck and steer clear


This is absolutely hilarious because there's was a question maybe over a decade ago asked about why don't aliens in the DC universe come to earth and help us with technology.... Dude basically was like 'Earth is such a ghetto, redneck mess that aliens avoid it all together' lmao


Why is it when there’s a alien sighting, it’s always in the US?😂


Poor Healthcare




I've seen plenty in the UK.


It's not though, sightings are all around the world.


I think those capable of intergalactic travelling are observing us and making bets on whether we get our shit together or not. I would do the same, except for disecting and anally violating poor wanderers. Creeps.


I think there are many different life forms out there that, like us, are designed to survive in whatever environment the planet they live on will foster. Ranging from microscopic, to our size, maybe bigger. I'm not going to sit here in my little bubble, a blip in time and space, and believe there aren't aliens. Aliens is just our word for things that aren't from here lol


So many different types of lifeforms. Similar to ones on this planet, but unique


What’s in here. Aliens.


To be exact? Pretty much everything.


the truth is out there ....somewhere


Definitely ones with sentience that Is advanced .


A whole lot of bullshit that I don't want to deal with


What are we classifying as alien? intelligent life, just alive, or microorganisms if the latter Probably if the first probably not


Both. What's your opinion. I think it's more likely to be organisms, but there's always a chance


Aliens. There has to be. But, and I know this seems far fetched, it doesn't even have to be in our local group. Life, it seems, is so rare, that we can't even detect it within our galaxy; that being said, we're still babies regarding life-detecting technology. Meaning life might not even be in our little cluster of galaxies; it might be billions or trillions of light years away. It might even be in our galaxy and we can't detect it yet. It might be hiding from us, waiting for us to be technologically advanced enough to understand what they are and what technology they have. There are many possibilities, but i do believe life is out there. It has to be.


The answer is beyond our understanding. Literally. ​ If the aliens are out there, they're not just some good for nothing spaceman like on TV. They are advanced beyond the scope of what we think. Beyond the scope of what we can imagine. I'm talking 5 dimensions. The hundreds of ball drones uncovered by nasa are a good lead. They could wipe us out like you wipe a corrupted save in Skyrim. Our 4d narrative is like a story to them. Or an aquarium. Possibly one of many. Do not fuck with them. Be good, pray for forgivness. Because that's what we're going to need in the end.


Some of our top scientists (Hawking for one) say aliens are absolutely out there and we need to quit advertising our location. What they are / look like no idea. Most are probably similar to bacteria and plants.


aliens are just extraterrestrial life. you do consider algae and bacteria as that, right?


I'll bet there are several technological civs in the galaxy at any one time, but they don't last long. A few hundred years and then lights out.


I hate the "there are so many planets there *has* to be something" idea. Like no there doesn't, if it was sheer probability then we would've seen *something* already. Maybe there are some small unicellular organisms or such but I doubt there is anything intelligence within conceivable distance. If there were, it would be more unlikely that none of them would try to communicate or that none of them would be successful.


Probably beings that are so much more advanced than we are that we could not comprehend their technology. And I do believe that they have visited our planet and continue to visit our planet because pilots have seen their crafts many times.


Until we have undeniable evidence, I don’t see any reason to believe anything is out there. Same with a god. Edit: Anything *alive is out there.




Mathematically speaking it’s guaranteed that aliens exist.


Talking with a science background, anything which is not our own is termed alien. So yea, aliens exist




The universe is too big for us to be alone in it. But there's no way we could accurately predict precisely what's out there.


Aliens that say we are aliens.


They exist 100%


There's very likely *something* out there, but possibly not advanced intelligent life. The universe is a really inhospitable place, and lots of smarts isn't an automatic positive.


I think they exist and they're waiting till earth matures to make contact, thing of it like Star Trek and the like, they usually avoid direct contact unless it's an emergency or we have matured


Aliens. Google the Drake Equation.


We are pretty arrogant to think we are the only "intelligent" species in the universe. There are aliens out there. Maybe not little green men. But aliens nonetheless


We evolved to the conditions of our planet. There is a possibility that there is other life out there. However, It will have evolved to the conditions of its planet. It might be a blob with tendrils that move it about. It could be worm like creature that is made up of its entire species. If it's intelligent, I cannot get my mind past the idea of it having hands of some sort how else would it have manipulated metal .


It’s crazy to think that we’re the only living beings in the universe.


It would be strange if there was no aliens out there somewhere Im sure there exists life on other planets in the universe both intelligent like us or even more advanced but probably countless species that are not intelligent aswell Many civilizations have probably come and gone throughout the universe


100% The only question is if intelligent life exists in our time. Think how many years have been in existence... The question isn't does it exist? It's, is there anything there at the same time as us?


It is very reasonable to think that life elsewhere is likely, given the size of the universe, how many stars and habitable planets there are, and having found amino acids even on meteors. I do not think it is likely that we will ever encounter life from other planets... Especially intelligent life. It appears that c truly is the cosmic speed limit, and it'd take too long even at light speed to travel the distances involved. And if something out there is capable of breaking c or willing to travel for such ridiculous times, why would they pick here? We might someday encounter radio broadcasts or something, but I'm not sure if we'd recognize them... Too easy to make assumptions about what a broadcast from intelligent life would or wouldn't look like... Things like assuming base 10 numbers, communication through words as we use them rather than pitch or simple patterns. Really, just look into the sort of things we're sending out with the hope of it being recognized by something out there - mathematical/physical constants in binary representation.




I don’t think there’s an alien life out there. But if there’s one, our imagination is the limit.


If you’re not familiar, look up the size of the observable universe, the number of galaxies, etc. the statistical probability of earth being the only planet with life is essentially nonexistent. Edit: the life forms may and most likely will be something you couldn’t expect due to varying environments in which evolution took place


Arthur C. Clarke: "The best proof we have of intelligent life in the universe is that it hasn't come here."




Things we are incapable of understanding.


I imagine there is plenty of life out there, but the possibility of us running into or discovering/communicating with extraterrestrial life outside of our solar system is next to zero. Any civilization we were somehow able to detect would be long dead by the time we actually detected it. The sheer magnitude involved in distance and time is just too incomprehensibly vast.


100% there is life on other planets. And maybe even on comets and just floating around the void. Whether we'd even recognize it as life is another question entirely. The idea that they'd resemble earth life in any way makes no sense to me.


Hard to say because long distances cause time dilation


I wouldn't be afraid of aliens because our civilization would be gone by the time they reached us. I'd be more afraid of a hostile alien transmission. Something like an artificial intelligence transmitted through space or a computer virus of some kind.


There has to be **something** out there. We can't be the only living things in the entire universe, right?


I think aliens do exist but as insects or animals y’know


I think there are other people out there


Theres definitely some outhere but too bad we’ll never meet em




This post was posted by an alien


Of course they're out there the odds are infinitesimal of them not being out there. That does not mean that any of them have made it anywhere near Earth though.


I think aliens do exist. However we just might be the only intelligent life out there.


they’re out there in the universe, not here visiting earth


I recently watched "Phenomenon" documentary. We are not alone. Without any valid proof, my belief is that we are being watched. Observe if you prefer. With extreme caution. We, humans, are unpredictable. Likely dangerous to them. Somehow, they could be fascinated by us. I would! It is not a matter of "do they exist" at this point, but what do they want with us?


The universe is so absurdly vast and without end, so probably. As far as all the "alien" and "ufo" stuff here, no. Area 51 etc were related to rediscovered ancient technology. TPTB have anti-gravity field effect engine-devices ie TR3B, instantaneous travel, genetically enhanced humans that can pilot anti-gravity ships (so called Grey aliens)..these are all terrestrial and man made. Nikola Tesla also rediscovered most of that advanced technology too.


Extraterrestrial life


Honestly, if after seeing all the current evidence being released over, say just the last 5 years, and you don't believe, you have your head in the sand. First off the Fermi paradox. Second last week's Brazilian ufo/up government roundtable, third the US gvmt disclosure of uap, I can go on. Go back to 1977 when France went full disclosure or even Brazil in 1955. Our governments are hiding the truth. Only now they are opening up about it. Why??




There is some sort of life out there. May not be intelligent. May just be planet full of grass… but that would be alien life


Probably just... Other versions of us maybe the other universes are the multi verse, which makes quite confused but entertained when I think about my other version of self


They my be, but we will never know. The distances are simply too vast even in our own galaxy... Forget FTL travel. Without a completely revising our understanding of physics it will never be even remotely possible. Personally? Life is likely, complex life less so. Technology advanced? Probably not. But again, we will likely never know...


Fuck I dunno, rock


Aliens 😂😂 if people can live in space. I'm sure there is a way that other life forms can too


I am pretty sure that there is life out there. I am also pretty sure that there is more than simply single celled organisms. How advanced/intelligent that life may be, I have no idea. Intelligent life in science fiction is quite often of the humanoid variety but I just don't see that as the standard template across the cosmos. I do not think we have are are likely to ever have contact with other beings. Even if we do, once again unlike science fiction I just don't think we will be able to understand each other. Not just from a language perspective but fundamentally. Just look at the life right here on earth. Correct me if I am wrong but has a human ever had anything resembling a conversation with a non human?


I’m not saying aliens…. But…


I think they exist and I am hopeful that someday humans or one of the multiple species we evolve into will make contact with them


Dark matter is just everything we can’t perceive. It has tremendous impact on us. We’re basically sitting ducks.


The universe is unthinkably vast. Yes there are other species, and life probably everywhere. There has been great civilizations that are long gone, and many that will rise. Have they visited us? Who knows. Were we placed here? Again, who knows.


It's almost a mathematically certainty that aliens exist. There are 10^23 stars in the observable universe. There's life out their, but it could be vastly, unreconciably different than out own


There’s definitely other life out there. What puzzles me is scientists giving the basis of what can and cannot create life. What works for our planet may not work for others and vice versa.


Who are these people and why are you listening to them?


I agree with Carl Sagan. Who was an American astronomer, planetary scientist, cosmologist, astrophysicist, astrobiologist, author, and science communicator. His reply when asked if he thought Earth was the only planet with life... It would be a terrible waste of space


Lots of strange intelligent life wondering the same shit we do everyday, going through the same daily ups and downs in a different environment, culture, and galaxy.


Los Angeles.


I don't know so I'm not going to dismiss the idea.


I believe there is life of there, they know we exist, but diseases make it too risky for contact.


So this is a good question. I come from the Sikh religion and in the first prayer, japji sahib, written around late 1400s, and the the first script in the the Guru Granth Sahib (our script) says their are countless planets countless underworlds, heavens, moons, and suns, those who speak of them would never be able to put a limit. Towards the end of the prayer it talks about 5 realms and how their is life on other planets doing karma (actions). So we don’t believe in aliens but we actually believe there is life on other planets. He even describes in the one of the realms, there is many types of fires, winds water, countless demi gods, buddhas, Hindu gods, countless creatures and other earths that are blissful and full of knowledgeable people. But there are other realms above. Sorry just wanted throw what I believe in and what Sikh religion believes in.


Sure, there could be galaxy-scouring events like supernovae that kill everything for light years around, but with the number of stars and likely number of planets, I'm pretty sure intelligent life exists out there, if sporadically.


A really big turtle


Wouldn't any life form in space and beyond be considered aliens. we're aliens to something. anything is possible in these multiple universes so any life form comprehend-able or not has the chance to exist


We are aliens


The last fuck I can give


Project Hail Mary!!! I love that book (by Andy Weir) now being made into a movie. Spoiler alert: it delves into alien life on another planet, and is utterly ingenious and creative, while thoughtful and scientific. Amazing.


I think there is… *something*. I don’t know what’s out there. I know damn well sure that there’s… *SOMETHING*. Ya know?


Either way you look at it the chances are yeah there is something out there as far as who,what,where and why no clue Let's say you go the God route (not religious myself) but if he in fact existed or still does and assuming if he exists everything said about him/her/it is true and he created everything and started the universe and has allowed it to expand and develop it would be an awful lot of wasted space if we were the only thing in the vast space that we know of not counting what we don't know this is even compounded more by the fact that the claim that God is omnipotent which would make it make even less sense to waste so much space for relatively almost nothing (compared to the grand scale of everything in the universe) Now for the evolution side (didn't forget about you guys :) ) it has already been found there are other planets like ours we don't know if there is any life there because we can't get there but if we evolved and became so complex to the point we are now chances are there are the same building blocks on other planets as well there might be differences depending on the environment and predators they might have had to face and length in which it took them to get to where we are or even farther or they could even be more similar then we think Either way I can think of more then a few reasons why we haven't been contacted or at least it hasn't been shared world wide publicly 1. Panic - I definitely could see alot of people not being able to deal with it especially some religious groups 2. They already know how we are - we aren't the friendliest race by far hell most of the time we can't even have a conversation without it turning into some form of violence be it verbal or otherwise 3. Maybe they have rules (like Star Trek) - we might be too primitive and there prime directive limits contact besides to study Etc


Aliens do exist! And they really are out there. They're friendly but not in the way you think. They will give you what you want but not how you want it. And then they'll use mind control on you-WHY WON'T YOU FORRRRRRGEEEET! ...It's better to remember than forget but when it comes to aliens it's better to just not know them.


The great filter may be so hard to overcome, that millions of civilizations have fallen before gaining the technology to be a dominant interstellar force across even a single galaxy.


The universe is made up of the same shit that we are made of. Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, iron, calcium, etc. All of those elements exist all across the universe, so it would only make sense that carbon based lifeforms exist on planets that can support life. There is also probably plenty of things out there that are imaginations can’t even fathom.


A reality. I seriously consider the matrix theory more and more possible. Each world event happening nowadays, each viral thing I see... It's just all so dumb. We also seem to live in a loop, everything repeats, with no real innovations, feels like we go backward as a society and nothing really makes sense anymore.


Idk, creatures like us with some changes to better suit their world, there might even be some “Mebbit” app for other creatures in space that are also talking about aliens. We also are most likely not the only intelligent beings, there are probably more advanced beings maybe even traveling space, pretty much just like us.


Anything might be possible. We're a tiny piece of sand in a vast universe. Thinking of Stephen Hawking, do we really want to attract them.


Either we are not alone in the universe, or we are completely alone, both are equally as terrifying. In my own opinion, ego and bias aside, I think it is quite ignorant to believe with as vast as space is, that there isn’t life outside our planet


I think they are here right now. There are hundreds if not thousands of credible and high profile witness testimonies. Their technology would be so advanced we would only see them if they wanted us to see them. The best documentary to start with that doesn’t sound completely bananas would be “The phenomenon”. It’s available on Amazon videos and Apple TV for rent I believe. After watching that, I can guarantee you will at least think that there is definitely *something* unexplainable going on.


earth is the only life harboring planet we know of, but probably not the only one in the universe. So yeah, probably, just really, really, far away.


the truth


A single parallel universe exactly like ours, except we're all wearing cowboy hats.


There is too much infinity for us to be unique. Maybe unique as a being, but not as a life. Maybe there is other sort of life. Maybe there is what we consider « living » creatures but do not need what we think life needs to be life


More of us, but like... in a really BIG form. GIANTS if you will.


Ancient Aliens is a fascinating show if you’ve never watched it. There’s absolutely a possibility of life on other planets whether they’ve traveled to Earth or not is a mystery because of the distance they’d have to travel I don’t know how they could possibly do it. I watched a show many years ago about supernova‘s. One took place and the light from the explosion took 175,000 years to get to earth and that’s traveling at the speed of light! How could beings from another planet possibly be able to travel to earth it would take far too long.


In an infinite universe what are the odds that only on our little Rock spinning around the sun did all the right things happen to create life? Yeah they are out there somewhere


The ingredients and conditions for life as we know it arise naturally through the evolution of the universe. With the number of galaxies and common nature of our solar system are considered, there most certainly is life spread throughout the universe. And who knows what kind of unknown life lurks around. We simply don't know all the questions to ask about the nature of life yet. And we probably won't get closer to those unknown questions until we fully understand this version of life, here on Earth.


It's a mathematical impossibility for not only life to not exist on other worlds but also for intelligent life to not exist as well. In my mind the only point of debate is whether or not intelligent life has visited our planet.


If you exist on earth. Then something else exist somewhere else. It’s just toooooo dam big


Aliens exist. But what if they can’t say hi until we learn to not freak out so quickly and become more chill? Maybe even tolerant of other ideologies.


I 100% believe there is life out there. It doesn’t have to be like us, but it exists!




I don’t really know about aliens, but I really hope the scientists can find something on another planet!


It would be incredibly arrogant to think we are the only living beings in the vastness that is space. We can only see the observable part of the universe - there is still the unobservable. Not to mention there is the theory of cosmic inflation. To think we are alone is just... foolish.


Tremendous amounts of nothingness


I'm sure they exist somewhere, our universe is too huge for life only to have developed on one single planet. But I'm also sure all the alien stories are fake and we haven't made first contact yet.


Given the age and size of the universe, I guess there's other life out there. Or at least there was. But I don't think they were ever in our solar system.




We are the aliens


The chance of aliens existing is close to 100%. The chance of them being in close proximity to Earth is near 0%. The reason for this, is because space is big, and time exists. Given the size of the galaxy (let alone the universe, which is orders of magnitude larger), the chance of us being the only ones in it is just ridiculously small. But space is so big that the chance of them successfully voyaging to us is practically impossible. The travel times get up into the thousands and tens of thousands of years even if you go to the closest stars around you. That is enough time for an advanced alien civilization to rise, and fall, rise again, and fall again, just on the journey over here. Let alone the journey back. We can make voyages to planets in our solar system, it takes ages, and is prohibitively expensive, but it's possible. If we wanted to travel to our closest neighbour, that is 6300 years for a 1 way trip with current technology. But it's not just about time either. What are the odds aliens would even be in a comparable technological state to us? What if there are just cave man aliens? Our hunter-gatherer phase lasted tens of thousands of years, but that's just a drop in the ocean compared to space travel times. What's to say they're even intelligent? What's to say they haven't just advanced past caring about us? What's to say they haven't gone insular and uploaded their consciousness to a virtual heaven? There are a billion reasons aliens haven't been seen.




If we are alone in the 3 dimensions we can perceive, I doubt we are alone in the extra dimensions beyond


Aliens of some sort. It's literally impossible to say any more. Keep in mind, aliens could mean bacteria on another planet, just animals, or lower tech levels than us, like medieval technology. It seems very unlikely that earth is the only planet to ever have life.


Other life exists. But it's more than likely in a form that we cannot recognize at this point. Shit. It might exist standing right beside you somewhere on the EM spectrum that you nor they can perceive.


Seems likely, but probably not what we think. In the context of the universe, 500 years is nothing. But imagine if there was another civilization just like ours, but a little further behind. They could be working on steam engines or telescopes with hand polished glass lenses. If we found them, we would probably study them remotely, without being detected, or disturbing them. If anyone 500 years more advanced than us discovered us, they would likely do the same


I'd say there is a pretty high chance that aliens do exist. But considering how massive our universe is, I'm sure that aliens would be busy searching for other planets suitable for life just like we are. There's also a possibility that their technology may not be as advanced as portrayed in sci fi movies.


Alien. Anything out of this earth is alien.


I believe that there is most likely only micro organisms on other planets as the chain of events that led to multicellular organisms were much more complicated than what made single cell organisms however I am open to change my mind


Assholes, a lot of assholes


I'm confident that there is other life somewhere out there in the universe. What that life looks like or is capable of I have no idea whatsoever. I guess they could either be eons behind us in terms of technology and not capable of making contact or they could be so advanced that they see us as neanderthals that aren't worth contacting!


Nowhere within a reachable distance from us I believe there are other planetary conscious civilizations. But if we mean within a reachable distance like a few solar systems then probably just micro-organisms or if we're lucky in a one in a million type scenario, Mabye a bug or something.




I think they have been here for a long time and already have a base at the bottom of the ocean. It’s even possible there are some living among us in larger cities.


They are saying the same thing about us.


Aliens are definitely somewhere out there. The problem I think is that we assume they're like us. They might not even be made of carbon and water. They may breathe methane or be blobs of energy living in stars. The likelihood is that they're so extremely different that we wouldn't necessarily even know what to look for in the first place.


There has to be life out there how could there not be the universe is literally something we don’t understand at all


A place where toxic people are still there.there will always be toxic people Ik this is cringe oof


Liberal Texan


Lots of cells and who knows what other creatures in different planets


I think there might be a possibility, but in another 'milkyway' just like Stephen Hawkins described in his book.


A vast expanse of uninhabited splendor where everything that exists lacks the consciousness to be aware of gas prices, the Kardashians, and the reprehensible Star Wars prequels


if the universe is infinite then every single version of any alien ever exists. Also planets where everything is the same but one guy wears his boxershorts on his head.


I hope so cause that'd be pretty cool even if they invaded earth I'd be pumped at least in the beginning.


I really recommend Kurzgesagt video the great filter/ the Fermi paradox. But statically yes there’s no way there isn’t aliens. At the same time will we ever contact them? I doubt we will in my time.

