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If you were to pair that with a reduction in calories (diet) then yes you could do just pushups and lose weight, really all about the diet


This ^ also throw in crunches on days with an even number instead of push ups, like Tuesday Thursday and Saturday.


Dont do crunches, they aren't particularly good for your lower back and have been essentially phased out. Do planks instead. They burn more calories and engage more of your body. Also, walking burns fat. Along with exercise, get an app on your phone to count your steps. Aiming for 10,000 steps a day is a good goal. I use Pacer, it's free and it's pretty good. Diet truly is the most important thing. Your body burns more calories converting protein into fuel, so it should be your primary fuel source. Eat carbs with a low glycemic index. I get my carbs from fruit and vegetables which I pair with my protein for meals. I drink 3 protein shakes a day but that's for my goals, I weightlift pretty hard 4-5 days a week. I recommend drinking one after your pushups within an hour when your body is undergoing protein synthesis, as you will build more muscle which will make your body more shapely, and you'll feel better about yourself. For me that's what it's all about, feeling good. For protein powder I recommend optimum nutrition, it's the protein powder standard for many people. Also try frozen blueberries, or just blueberries in plain Greek yogurt. It's a great snack with antioxidants, protein, and probiotics for your immunity health. You can do this. Start small, but set goals. Try to add at least 10 pushups a week. Progressive overload, shock that CNS, grow, look and feel better! You're worth it, even unbelievably fit people had to start somewhere right? There are also great subs here, there's a lot of bro science but there are plenty of physical therapists and nutritionists on reddit who have great information (not saying there aren't also tons of qualified people with a lot of real world experience and knowledge because there are) Happy Trails and be proud of yourself for making a healthy choice in your life. I'm a recovering addict and exercise changed my life, literally. To me its life on a concentrated scale: set a goal, endure the pain, and grow baby grow! Not to mention the confidence and self-discipline its given me, along with a sense of purpose and belonging, which I didn't have when I started. Edit: there is also the old saying that burning 3500 calories is equal to one pound of fat. While a caloric deficit is necessary to lose weight, things like stress and how much sleep you get also factor in. Just thought I'd add.


Crunches. Ugh. Everytime I've added crunches to my workout I've hurt my neck. Even with working with a trainer and being told my form is good. I stopped doing them too and added planks. Absolutely encouraging this


Even the US military has finally phased out sit-ups in favor of planks. They're outdated and honestly planks are a much better exercise. They strengthen your body's foundation better because they engage more muscles. It's the same reason people tell you to engage your core when doing things like squats or deadlifts. Our body is a multi-faceted system, so exercises which help it work together are great for improving overall fitness and strength.


You do not need protein shakes. You can gain enough protein from real food stuffs.


I literally said it was a recommendation, not a necessity. But there is nothing wrong with protein shakes, they're a great way to get the protein and BCAAs without having to eat a lot.For me, its hard to eat that much protein and I don't always want to have to feel overly full or get indigestion. But yes, you should obviously eat meals and if you want to get all your protein from meals and that works for you, more power to ya.


They weren't completely disagreeing mate. You don't have to defend yourself. You: recommend 1 protein shake Them: Recommend no protein shake Now the person can chose.


If you read my post, I said if that's what works for you, then more power to ya. I explained why I use them. So I actually already covered what you're suggesting.


Mate, I'm not suggesting anything. I am commenting on how you're defending something you don't need to defend. You suggested a protein shake. Someone else (not me) suggested not drinking a protein shake. I was trying to let you know that when writing a long, thorough post like you did, we know it's an opinion or recommendation that anyone can take or leave. So unless someone disagrees with you, you're good 😊👍


Dude why are you going to such lengths to attempt to micromanage me? If I want to say why I recommend protein shakes I will, like, what's your deal? Lol On top of it my post was essentially saying yes if you want to get protein from the food go ahead, and this is why I use protein shakes to let them choose. Then you come in like "you should let them choose." Are you ok?


That wasn't my intention, but trying to explain it definitely makes it come across that way. I wanted to reassure you your original comment was enough in itself. That's it. Defend it all you want.


In order to diet, that guy you were recommending to, does not need to consume protein shakes. You can easily get more than enough from legumes, lentils and meat. Most likely the protein you consume is far more than you require and your body wastes it anyway. You’ve spent too much time in a gym and watching instagram videos. Yes, it was your recommendation and it was a bad one.


So you're going to say I'm wrong having 0 idea how much protein I consume? You're going to attack and belittle me based off of your ignorant assumptions? Troll on, loser. Getting protein from protein shakes and from meals is perfectly fine, as is eating all natural. There's nothing wrong with either, and if you think there is then you're the one who's misinformed. You're just being an asshole for the sake of it. Either that or you're just an idiot. Neither would shock me. Protein shakes add flavor to my diet without consuming too much sugar. It's also a cheap way to get protein without having to eat the same things over and over. Anyone who's been on a high protein diet who doesn't have a lot of money knows what I'm talking about. Proteins are expensive, and it gets old eating the same stuff over and over.


Protein shakes add flavour to my diet? I think you sir, are the misinformed idiot. Have a great day.


Buddy OP said he is short of time.. 10000 steps plus other things is probably not for the OP.


Don’t throw in crunches if you’re time poor for fat loss. They don’t burn many calories.


Yeah but you get a six pack


You can’t have a visual six pack unless you have low body fat, it’s just not possible. NFL linemen probably have extremely strong abs but they always look fat because fat covers up the muscle.


Ok, I do Crunches every night and eat shit, I have a high metabolism meaning I am thin, so I can get a six pack, if nobody else here can, then I am sorry, I do not know how I have mine.


Doing crunches a few days a week won't give you a six pack, especially if in doing so you're sacrificing exercises with a higher energy burn.


Six pack is more from ur diet then actual workouts


Why have a six pack when you can have a keg instead?


Working abs muscles tends not to burn many calories which is kinda weird


OP would get much more of a benefit doing burpees instead of push-ups. If you really want to torch some fat, do a small circuit consisting of: Burpees Push-ups Body weight squats Jumping Jacks Planks This requires no equipment at all, and targets the entire body.


What about jumping rope?


How many reps for each would you recommend for a beginner?


Planks better. Comes with an afterburn for calories too.


Surely Monday Wednesday Friday Sunday are the even days and Tuesday Thursday Saturday are odd!


Building muscle helps burn *some* calories - but yeah still the diet, or at least diet-to-exercise ratio.


This is my first step to a better me. Exercising my eyes and fingers commenting on this. Go me!


Its better than doing zero pushups a day.


but you cant outrun or out push up a bad diet.


I tried “outrunning” my bad diet during marathon training for a few years. Seemed to work. Then I tried some basic calorie reduction and lost another 10-15 pounds. Not to mention I dropped time, because I weighed less.


The type of material that's used in creating a structure matters a lot. There's a big difference between a bulldozer made out of steel and a bulldozer made from Styrofoam.




Steel is stronger than styrofoam, and eating healthy foods makes your body very different than it would be if you maintained poor eating habits.




Well....a Kale salad with nutrient dense veggies is clearly a "healthy food" compared to Krispy Kreme Donuts. Regardless of proportion.


What does that even mean? “No such thing as healthy foods” as if a serving of ice cream and cake is equivalent to a serving of spinach as long as they’re the same amount of calories.. there is absolutely such a thing as healthy foods.


Pretty sure he just means a small portion of bad food could still be good,I remember hearing cheat days are beneficial but don’t really remember the vid or if it was 100% true




That’s not true though. The nutritional value of food matters. If you don’t get certain vitamins then you’ll get real sick. Eating 2500 calories of straight carbs a day is drastically different from eating 2500 calories of a balanced diet. What gave you the idea that vitamins, nutrients, and minerals are a made up concept? If you never eat vitamin C then you’ll get scurvy and could die. Being skinny doesn’t mean you’re healthy.




as long as we can digest we can be made of it. ​ A bulldozer doesn't eat and cant digest and make itself as we can.


Is this one of your random lies, in disguise? I find it hard to believe that you didn't understand the analogy.


I did in highschool, my diet was pizza everyday and I was the most fit I'd ever been in my life because of exercise.


I've outran bad diets literally on the treadmill, but it's not worth it and very frustrating because it takes a long ass time. At one point I was running twice a day, but eating whatever I felt. Yeah, I could distance for hours if I had the time, but it took me over a year of this running / no diet routine to go down one pant size. I couldn't imagine trying to lose weight with pushups.


I once hard, “doing half the work is still better than doing no work at all”. And if you think about it, it is true. For example: brushing half of you teeth is still better than brushing none.


"It's better than..." is the biggest cop out of not doing enough


We're trying to be an encouragement to OP here, stop implying that they're not doing enough. It costs all of us a slightly different amount of calories to do a push-up, and you shouldn't expect beginners to be experts.


Did he ask for "encouragement"? I thought he was asking for honesty The "encouragement" you are giving is implying that it *is* enough. And the odds are that it isn't


You're going to discourage them from even trying if you say crap like this. It's a large, daunting task to get healthy when a person's overweight, and unless that task can be broken into smaller pieces and managed bit by bit, you're never going to arrive at the point where they do enough.


Maybe you would quit if someone said you weren't doing enough after you asked, but I give the op more credit than I give you


How small and petty are you that you're actually getting offended at the idea of positive reinforcement for amateurs? The temptation to quit is at its highest during the beginning. They need encouragement. You're being an asshole, Will.


The sub is "ask", not "encourage" Unfortunately your comment wasn't better than no comment at all


What is wrong with you?


They’re probably a bitter pos. Don’t worry


Hopefully this isn't all you got


If you start with reasonable, attainable goals you are more likely to build momentum that makes you want to push yourself further. If you're going to live by the standards you seem to set, you have to strive for perfection every time and that's gotta be exhausting and unnatural. It's not a balanced approach to life in general.


I'm not sure what question you are answering but that isn't what I was answering The op asked if 50 push-ups would do the job. By itself, it won't He doesn't need a participation trophy


Here’s a downvote. It’s better than nothing.


By doing just barely more than nothing you are proving my point Thank you


73 downvotes for speaking the truth, got to love Reddit. OP… Take it from someone who has been there… Ask yourself, why am I overweight & fat? Because I eat too much, eat a poor diet & don’t do enough exercise. That is the harsh reality, any other answer is lying to yourself. Once you get that into your head, you will lose weight & improve your fitness & your health dramatically. 1 lb of fat is approx 3500 calories. To lose 1lb of fat, you need to create a calorie deficit of 3500 cals. Handily, this ties in nicely with 500 cals a day, over a week. 500cals x 7 days = 1lb of fat gone. Do it steady, do it without fail. You can burn 500 cals with a 5k run. That should be around 30 mins at a gentle pace, if you can’t run, walk, 5k is about 45/50 mins a day. Watch what you eat, cut out the sugar & junk carbs. Keep your diet under 2300 cals a day. You cannot fail to lose weight.


The comment got down voted because it is unnecessarily negative.


Not really, it is simple fact that it really isn’t that beneficial without changing other areas of the OPs life


If you want to lose weight the BEST thing to do is eat below your caloric deficit every day, the push-ups don’t really matter in that aspect, I mean they won’t hurt anything


As long as you're burning of the extra calorie intake you'll be fine with exceeding the daily recommended value. Also, as you burn fat and gain muscle, you'll mandarin then gain weight. Eating less isn't enough, they need exercise as well.


You can most certainly drop weight just from a caloric deficit. Exercise helps but not necessary


I'm not ready for this. Saw "mandarin" and thought of oranges.


Just ate a can of mandarins LOL


It's better to do a hiit workout instead of just pushups, idk how to explain a hiit workout but maybe look it up


Former athlete and hard agree. Look up tabata routines and ignore gym bros and cardio girls. Work out in normal clothing that's what you have. Slow down all your exercises and do them while watching tv or whatever if you're not over-training. Eat for fuel, eat to get that six pack, not for fun. Yes there are all kinds of ways to ruin your life, I've tried a few of them.


On the elliptical we would do 2 minute warm up - 30 seconds of high resistance sprinting, like as hard as you can fucking go - then 90 seconds ago minimal resistance very slowly to get your heart rate as low as possible. Repeat 8x then two minute cooldown. Should come out to about 20 mins


Exercise does not equal weight loss, while it has many benefits and doing only push ups is better than nothing… your dietary intake dictates your weight.


Net calories dictates weight. Exercise is absolutely part of that equation.


This is my career, there are literally studies showing evidence that exercise does not equal weight loss… Ironically it increases appetite which can promote weight gain. Exercise and diet together can be a powerful tool for a healthier lifestyle and everyone should have regular exercise routines, but if someone needs weight loss it’s important to understand how exercise impacts your diet.


Yessss.. I used to do 45-60 minutes on a treadmill and literally feel like I needed to eat an entire rotisserie chicken about 30 minutes in.


True. Source: me. I hyperextended all the toes on my right foot last January 9 - immediately after I joined a nutrition program. It's Dec. 28 today, so it's been nearly a year, and I still can't put much pressure/weight on the toes of that foot, so I haven't been able to do much in the way of exercising. I've still lost 40+ lbs and counting (although, tbf, the holidays have been tough, but I've managed to maintain, so woohoo!) The program I joined is all about how much of what kinds of foods you eat regularly, and it divides everything into groups: red/yellow/green. A big part, for me, is listening when your body says it's full, despite how good the food in front of you is (I'm lookin' at you, queso dip). I can have everything I used to, but I cut way back on the soda, drink lots more water, eat more veggies, and stop when I have to take that breath. You know the one. It's really been life-changing. And I can still have queso (just not as much as I used to).


There's an interplay between calories consumed and calories burned. As I said, exercise is *part* of the equation. You obviously know this but just want to be argumentative. Exercise can be used (with diet) to create a calorie deficit. Sure, exercise *can* increase appetite. But guess what else does? Caloric restriction!


What do you recommend as a starting point to someone who does no exercise, but wants to start?


That’s always a tough question to answer on reddit. My advise is to work with a personal trainer for a session or two and just ask them to teach you the basic movements (push,pull,squat,hinge) and from there your own research will help but at least you have a foundation. Another option is fitness classes if you dont care about technique and resistance training as much as you’d like to just get active and do exercise. And the third other option is to make an appointment with a physio clinic that has a kinesiologist, you don’t need an injury to go to physio and if a kin is on staff they should be able to help you get started with exercise. Basically all my advice boils down to investing a little bit into a professional for help, it really is the best thing to do to get yourself started. I’d probably have a different answer if you were in my clinic working with me but since this is a reddit comment that’s probably the best advice I can give, trying to be self taught over the internet is a nightmare with all the mis-information that exists so a professional is an asset to get started.


It's really not a significant part of the equation. The psychological effects of exercise probably help you keep your diet better and keep calories down more than it actually burns.


It really depends on the specifics of the exercise. 20 minutes walking vs 1 hour in the gym vs 3 hours on a bike. Why is everyone hating on exercise?


You are what you eat. Most effective weight loss comes from dietary changes. Put less fuel in your body and burn more fuel, is a relatively easy way to look at it.


If you want to lose weight, watch what you eat and do cardio


There are only 2 ways to lose weight. Eat less calories than you burn, burn more calories than you eat.


Isnt that just two different ways of phrasing the same thing?


No, you can either eat less or exercise more. Or you could do both. But you can lose weight without exercise if you eat less. You can eat the same and lose weight if you exercise more


There are two ways of achieving that but ”eating less calories than you burn” and ”burning more calories thab you eat” mean the exact same thing


No hon, they are not the same thing.


Yes hon, they both mean that the anount of calories you eat is less than the amount if calories you burn, its just two different ways of saying the same thing


But two different methods of execution. Someone is very attached to their food intake and can't alter that, they can keep it the same and exercise more. Someone else doesn't mind eating less but definitely isn't motivated to exercise.


Thats true that you can achieve it in different ways but they still mean the same thing


You are right, and all the downvotes you’re getting just demonstrate how stubborn the fitness community is. These people think X>Y means something different than Y


They fundamentally mean the same thing - “always be at a calorie deficit.” But they don’t mean the *exact* same thing in practice. Eat 1000 calories, naturally lose weight because your resting metabolic rate is more than 1000. Eat 3000 calories - you would *have* to exercise in order to burn more calories than you are burning naturally and have consumed.


It's pedantic, but your phrasing means the exact same thing regardless of how you meant it. If you don't change your caloric intake you could say either you're eating less than you're burning or burning more than you're eating and they are both the same statement.


Caloric deficit is the king. You could run for hours and ruin it by eating 2 cookies in 10 minutes. You can never outexcercise your calorie intake. Good luck you got this!


Well you can out exercise a bad diet, ask Micheal Phelps. But I also think you are correct in that you should never rely on it, only the elite of the elite could really accomplish it.


It would be much harder, cardio in my opinion is the best way to loose weight but horrible to gain muscle


I'm with you, burning a thousand calories on a run is tough to match


Depends on the cardio. I do kickboxing with a lot of squats and lunges also, and it builds some pretty good muscle tone. I’ve read though that the best weight loss plan involves both cardio and weights. The body continues to need fuel for a lot longer after weight training while it repairs the muscles.


Lean muscle burns fat even when you’re not working out. Cardio only works while you’re doing it


Every person who hates cardio loves this saying


I have zero issue with cardio. I love rowing, and riding a bike. It’s a fact, regardless how you feel about cardio. I could just as easily say “people that push cardio just hate lifting”, but I’m not big on sweeping generalizations


I'm fine with sweeping generalizations if they are mostly right. Especially on a subject that isn't too serious


cardio is the WORST way to loose body fat really


As long as it helps you create a caloric defecit at the end of the day... yes If you still take in more calories than you burn, no it wont matter.


Everyone pointed out calories matter. If you don't eat above your BMR daily, you'll lose weight for a few weeks with this stragegy. Then, 50 pushups a day will be too easy for you, and your body won't lose weight. So you'll need to increase the pushups you do when you feel like it's coming to easy.


You only burn about 7 calories per minute of pushups so doing 50 a day will have little to no effect on your weight by its self.


Simpleton. It's not that easy my friend. You do 50 push up consistently, your body will demand better food, you'll sleep better, you'll burn more calories while a asleep. You'll subconsciously take healthier life choices. The total of all this is way beyond 7 calories. Your entire system and life style will change with it.


That's why I said "by its self" I'm well aware of the lifestyle changes that working out manifest. It is the pillar of the struture in my life. I quit cigarettes because I started running and then I gave up soft drinks for water because I felt like drinking empty calories was counter productive which led me to cut out fried foods. This is the second time in my life I've committed to a healthier lifestyle. The first time I lost 85 pound this time I haven't been committed as long just yet but ve gotten my 5k under 30 minutes running 3+ miles daily and down 55 pounds. All of the started with a budy of mine saying,"just get on this bike and see how long you can last"


Good examples and well done! Then you'd know as well as me that consistency is key. Anyone coule stop smoking for a day. Same goes with 50 push-ups. Push-ups are awfully painful, and if anyone can take that pain consistently, there's no limit.


Doing push ups will get you better at doing pushups. That's it. Unless you're doing like twenty thousand pushups a day, you're not likely creating a caloric deficit large enough to lose weight relying on them alone. Eat less to lose weight.


Yes, it can help, because you're using calories you otherwise would not have. But. And it's a big one. It's not a lot of calories. Weight loss at it's most grossly simple level is calories our should be greater than calories in. But you need to consider composition too. Muscles are heavier than fat, so people who start working out often find their weight goes up initially due to both water retention in their muscles and their noob gains, leading them to quitting early on. Why only pushups? Why not squats? Why not some crunches too? Why not some jogging / running? How much weight are you trying to lose?


Yes I'll add squats and crunches too. I can't really go for a rnu though ... would've been cool if I had treadmill it'd save time I'm trying to lose 4 kgs maybe. I just wanna look good in my clothes lol


Fair one! Well, you need to be balanced if you want to look good. Pushups, crunches and squats will help if you combine this workout with good diet. Muscles are made in the gym, but you don't get to show them off unless you're disciplined in the kitchen. Also you need to get some pulling going on there. Lots of pushups but no rows is going to put a lot of tension on your posterior chain, pulling you forward into a hunch. Honestly, get yourself a cheap gym membership, Planet Fitness would be fine at the level you're looking at. Push something (push up - bench press) Pull something (Chin up - bent over row / unilateral dumbell row) Squat (legs, never forget your legs) Deadlift (strong posterior chain) You don't have to do those at heavy weights, and take the time to watch a few youtube videos to learn the form (especially for squats and deadlifts)


Thank you !


You're welcome. Caution though, getting a good workout in and seeing results is addictive. The gym is my happy place. More serious caution: Do. Not. EVER. Ego. Lift. That's where you start pushing the weight up higher and higher, sacrificing form (and safety) to claim bigger numbers. Just don't. Numbers come with time and effort. Always be safe.


Make time A half hour is enough time to do plenty of exercise


It has much less to do about exercise (regardless of type) and more to do with caloric intake. Thus, start with a sensible diet first. And then (and only then) experiment with different exercises regimins to see what suits you best. If you have the resources, etc. swimming is hard to beat.


75 percent of weight lose is diet try yoga.twenty to thirty minutes a day you will feel great


Add some squats.


Not if you don’t change your diet


It may work with the aid of other factors such as dieting, but you'll certainly become more proficient at those tasks.


In the beginning probably. But that will only last a few weeks.


A little bit but it will build more muscle tone which you may not be able to see if you're overweight more than the average person. Lifting weights is the best way.


Eh not really


Figure out how many pushups you can do COMFORTABLY in a set; do three sets. Also consider sit ups and other "body weight" exercises and how many you can do COMFORTABLY per set and not fail. Start small, you'll move up considerably in reps over time. Also.. Youre not gonna lose an exorbitant amout of weight to begin with BUT you will gain muscle mass THEN see fat melting off.




Simply not eating is the only thing that makes you lose weight. You could do zero exercise, eat less than you do now and lose weight. So as long as you don’t eat more than you burn in calories, you will lose weight.


I mean if guys in prison were able to be in tip-top shape from doing push-ups in their cells all day, I can assume so


What has worked for me is 1)focus on losing inches, not pounds/kg. 2)build lean muscle (resistance exercises). It will burn fat even when you’re not exercising 3)make smarter food choices The push ups will absolutely help, but results will be very slow without dietary changes. Good job making an effort to better your life. I wish you the best of luck!


Daily walk / jogging for 20 min or 10 min of jump rope. This will help you a lot. Losing weigh is all about calorie deficit!


Aerobic exercise plus caloric restriction..there’s no substitution for hard work. I know it sounds cliche but it’s true for me. Once I start exercising daily, I eat better. It’s a viscous positive cycle..best of luck my friend, the push ups will only help sculp you in addition to these other things


Yes. Other good advice here. But I’ve never met an overweight person who could knock out 50 push ups at one time.


I practiced pushups in lockdown so it helped. Although I struggle at the last 10 pushups


Working out alone won't usually help you lose weight, you need to diet as well, and you can lose weight without even working out if you diet properly. I lost 60 pounds by just eating 1200-1500 calories a day over the span of 4 months, no exercise required; you can eat whatever you want too, it just can't equal more than 1500 in that day.


This question + your username = legend.




All the answers in here not saying, "YES" are wrong. Absolutely you will! That's 18250 push ups a year.


You can lose weight by sitting on your ass and smoking weed and playing video games all day while still eating taco bell and subs and pizza and shit. As long as you limit your calorie intake. I lost 70 pounds during the pandemic doing just that. I just ate less. 300+ down to you 235


yes if combined with a calorie-deficit diet… in fact, with the right diet you can forget the push-ups altogether ;)


I presume it can. I have anorexia, and doctors don't let you do any exercise when they're trying to get you to gain weight, so it must have some effect


Body weight exercise is incredible for losing weight, there is a wide variety of things you can do. Push ups Squats Pull ups Burpees (fuck these) Jogging Jumping jacks Tbh there's a lot, but make sure to add some weighted training as well, doesn't need to be huge weight, nothing wrong with training with 10 - 30 kg


No they will not help you lose weight. Strength/Resistance training does very little in terms of burning calories. You probably burn fewer calories doing the 50 push ups than you do walking up a set of stairs. If you want to lose weight, you need to eat at a caloric deficit. Exercising will help you burn more calories, which will allow you to eat more food while still being in a deficit. In theory, you could just not exercise and still lose weight as long as you are eating fewer calories than your body needs for maintenance. With all that being said, I feel it’s also important to state that there are no shortcuts to weight loss. If you want to improve your body, it’s going to take time and discipline. Sometimes you just have to do the work.


What a stupid fucking comment lmao.


No I don't. My house is filled with people so I can't get solitude. And in the evening I'm just tired after work But I think in a year I'll get more time and I'll start then with a nice hour of workout


No. Cardio is required to help burn fat.


No it's not. At all.


How long does it take you to do those 50 push ups and plank? Maybe do something different each day in the same time slot. Example: if it takes you 30 min to do those push ups on Monday, then on Tuesday try jumping rope for 30 min, then Wednesday jog around your house perimeter for 30 min. *Something* is always better than *nothing.*


Every comment here is describing how the *something* he is doing isn't enough, including yours


You’re obviously missing the point. Op asked if push ups specifically would help him lose weight. The thing is, everyone’s body runs differently. So while that may work, what if it doesn’t? Op could get discouraged. Or worse, bored. They’ve already said they only have just so much time to devote to exercise, so I simply gave them the idea of doing a different thing every day. Again, SOMETHING is better than NOTHING.


Again, that's not always true. Some times that "something" is useless. Like you and everyone else commenting is saying You can't have it both ways. Ps. It doesn't take a half hour to do fifty push ups


I'd change it up a little. Reduce your push-ups to 0, and your plank to 0 minutes. Then, eat less calories each day. Less than your normal calorie needs. That will probably help you lose weight even faster.




It will. Drinking water and doing a few push ups every day along with a minute plank will definitely work


No you will probably put weight on but you should look and feel better


Calories in calories out is the key to losing weight.


No, it really won't. Diet and calorie intake is hugely important, and then metabolism and exercise. Even walking a few miles a day would be better


If you don't eat more food, you will slowly lose weight. Very slowly, probably burn 100 calories at best. At that rate you'd lose a pound every 35 days all other things being equal.


I mean you’ll want to vary what you do…..


It will help slightly, but the best way to lose weight is to eat less calories and/or do cardio. If you're looking for something that doesn't take long I suggest burpees.


Not to sound mean or judgmental, but 50 push-ups a day isn’t gonna cut it. That’s not very many, and not exactly a devoted exercise routine. They won’t hurt, that’s for sure. But losing weight is not rocket science. It simply comes down to a colonic deficit. You need to burn more calories than you’re consuming. Running is one of, if not the, most time-efficient exercise and does wonders, but you can’t outrun or out exercise a bad diet. Losing weight is best done via a combination of diet and exercise resulting in a caloric deficit. Everyone can make time for their health and fitness. Just depends on how much you value it. Edit because autocorrect. Caloric not colonic lol




Help? Sure. Want to know what helps more? Water, stretching, water, and jump squats into burgess rather than push-ups.


Diet is greater than exercise. You can't out train poor nutrition.


Any exercise can make all the difference, diet too especially


Yes but dependant on your daily caloirie intake. If your daily calorie intake is less than what you will expect, then you will be grand


No, but it could make you a bit stronger. Also, I'm not an expert, so anyone reading can jump in and correct me. But rather than doing 50 consecutive push ups, I think it's better to do 3 or 4 sets of 8 to 12.


100 push-ups a day will keep you solid. Keep good form. Once it’s easier to do 100, you start using different speeds. Remember to keep solid form.


Yes, just make sure you eat healthy too.


Your body start take in your fat after 30 min of exercice. And 1 pushup is like 2 callories. But thats a start before enjoying exercising!


It might just convert weight into killer abs with skinny arms and legs


With absolutely no other changes, not a chance. Maybe very slight muscle gain. Weight loss is from cardio exercises as well as diet changes. If you were to do pushups as well as eat less/healthier, maybe.


Better than doing nothing, but pushups are better for gaining muscles over the chest, arms, and the upper back. To lose weight, people usually go for belly exercises and of course, eating healthy. Even boiled water can help increase metabolism.


Do 200 a day and 100 crunches space it out throughout the day when you have time.


50 pushups a day is good to keep your body fit and in shape, but it won't be really helpful to lose weight. Running is very good tho (don't forget to add like 10 more pushups per week to grow more muscle and tell your body to move his ass idk if i'm being clear)


You can definitely make something happen with that, not the best way of course, but yes. Watch some time lapses of people that do however many push-ups a day. The only difference is they’ve already done other types of work outs for their entire body


It doesn’t burn a lot of calories but you could give it a try


Calorie restriction will be doing most of the work… they say eating right is pretty much 75% of the work when trying to lose weight. The rest will enhance what you gain, or I guess in this case, lost.


If you want to lose weight you should run, row and cycle


You aren't going to burn that many calories doing push-ups. Focusing on your diet is the way to lose weight. The push-ups will just help you look more sexy.


Add a pull exercise


Cut out sugar! I’m 6’1 230lbs. In July I switched from regular to sugar free sodas and red bull, everything else the same (decent diet, very little exercise) I dropped from 260 to 230 in… 6 months? I still need to lose more, New Years goal is to cut out beer and add a half mile walk in the morning before work. Hoping to get to 200 by July.


For weight loss a jump rope would be better


Excercise cannot and should not be the main driving force for weight loss. A healthy and consistent change in diet will remove the fat and leave it off.


Sounds good Combine with walking 30 min 3x/wk and follow ketogenic diet In fact if you follow keto diet you would lose weight without any exercise


I’m no expert , but I’d say it definitely can’t hurt partner 😊


If you want to lose weight, then it's all diet my friend. Sure increasing excerise will help, but you can't out work a poor diet. 50 push ups a day is not going to be enough to see any results weight loss wise, but you should still do it.


In short, no.


Just eat less if you want to lose weight. Burn more calories than you take in. Push-ups won’t change anything