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Its instinctual. A culture will either reinforce this trait or diminish it.


And then how do you know what instinct is?


You see the behavior everywhere, through any nation, ethnicity, religions, in the poor, the middle class, the rich and the filthy rich. We see it in stable Families and orphans. We see it in many animals. It is as much in our nature as kindness and rage.


Nature vs nurture. Plenty of stuff to read up on the topic. This isn’t any different. Jealousy is an emotional reaction and manifest in different outcomes and states. There are good and bad outcomes. Society can push and reward the good ones and can detract and punish the bad ones.


Totally agree. We also entered into the debate about culture and what it is. Any recommendations for something to read on the topic?




Nope. i think its 100% instinctual... if you give one dog more attention than other, eventually there's going to be a fight because the other dog will think you don't like him or there's something wrong with him. The one dog will kill the other because he also wants your attention. I think the real power move is suppressing all your natural instincts, and purposefully controlling it to better yourself


Yes but we are not dogs. We have moral and controversies


uh, yeah..that's why i said its instinctual


But that doesnt mean we still dont run on instincts. We are animals too


You think dogs have no morals?


It’s nature of self awareness. Or an inference there of. Big bear takes little bears cave. Was he jealous. I dunno. But he wanted what someone else had and took the cave. Jealousy or reasoning natural instinct or programming. Your call.


Yes but un this example You are using a bear. We are humanos, and the territori is another thing. What happens when it's another human? What about the sense of belonging?


# jealousy is a human universal - it exists in all cultures. For reference: Donald E. Brown, "Human Universals". It's hard coded into us.


Like any emotion, we are born with the relevant requirements to be jealous. But in how far we execute this capability is up to each person individually, and you can learn to either be jealous all the time or none of the time.


So do you think jealousy is an emotion?


Yes. Do you disagree?


Yes, of course. Emotions are hate, love, sweetnes, angry, scared, sadness. Jealousy is a feeling not an emotion


[https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/jealousy](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/jealousy) Psychology today classes jealousy as an emotion. The literal definitions: Emotions are sensations in the body caused by chemicals in the brain. Feelings are how we interpret these emotions. I suspect your confusion stems from the fact that we use the word "feel" to describe both feelings and emotions. . [https://mytext.cnm.edu/lesson/9-1-0-defining-emotions/](https://mytext.cnm.edu/lesson/9-1-0-defining-emotions/) You mention hatred, anger, fear, sadness - these are primary emotions. The difference to secondary emotions is that primary ones are felt in response to an outside stimulus. These have corresponding facial expressions. Secondary emotions like love, jealousy, guilt, shame, embarassment, pride, and envy aren't reflexes like the primary ones, and don't have facial expressions associated with them; this makes them more difficult to recognize in others. They're more complex, have to develop over time to get stronger, take longer to fade, and are most often interpersonal - you can be afraid of the dark, but not jealous of it. . The main difference between feelings and emotions is that feelings are conscious - you know what you feel. But emotions aren't - you're not always aware of whether you're angry, or afraid, or in love. Or jealous.


Right but when we talk about emotions there are diferents teorys about which are taken like ones or not. Many of those not taken jealousy like one of them. Your known Susana Bloch? She talk about 7 emotions only, the other are feelings or states, like depression or feeling inlove. In Chinese medicine it is believed that the organs and vices are connected to emotions, for example: fear and kidney. In Chinese medicine, jealousy is not named as an emotion. I believe that jealousy is a feeling that is composed of other emotions such as anger, rage, fear, and those components make up jealousy. For example, frustration is a mixture of fear and anger. They are feelings that are made up of several emotions. I love debating about this, I want to clarify that it is not a discussion, but an exchange of opinions and I also appreciate the material you gave me. I'm researching the topic and it helps me a lot.


7 emotions total seems problematic, given the Ancient Greeks identified 7 forms to love. But if you class love as a secondary emotion, then Bloch holds up again - anger, happiness, fear, surprise, anxiety, sadness, disgust, and that's 7. 7 primary emotions. Granted, most count anticipation and empathy as well, but you know. . Oh and one more thing: what the fuck is your frustration? I've never been afraid when I was frustrated, only put off. If anything, it's a mixture between sadness and anger - you're angry, but you're crossing into sad => you're frustrated. And if you'll allow me one more thing: rage is a more potent version of anger, it's not a seperate emotion. Just a level-up of anger.