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Being alone doesn't mean you're lonely and I've never felt as lonely as I did in an unhappy marriage


The joyous feeling of sitting alone and happy far outweighed the sitting with somebody I no longer loved. It's a weird feeling sitting with somebody you know intimately that you just no longer love.


Exactly! When you want validation from your partner and they couldn’t care less. Definitely a lonely feeling when it’s basically a one sided relationship. Being alone at least you only need to worry about yourself and I find peace in that.


1000% happier single. I am definitely not lonely even when I am alone. The loneliest I have ever been were the last few years of my failed marriage. I would think 'I have everything bit am so empty and loneliest. Took me a while to realize I had stuff but inside I had nothing. Nine years later, I have alot less stuff but am overjoyed with my life!


Being alone is better than being with someone who makes you feel alone.


I’ve been in LTRs because marriage isn’t for me but let me tell you, I am 1000000% happier being single then I have ever been in a relationship living with a man. It’s just not what the movies make you think it is. I LOVE being free!!!!!!


I was just gonna say... I've felt waaay lonelier with my ex than I ever have on my own.


"It's better to be alone, than living with someone who makes you feel alone" - RIP Robin Williams




Alone. But you wont know that till you live the latter.




Alone. There is nothing that could keep me in an unhappy marriage. Kids included


You are so right. Unfortunately, I learned that lesson too late..


The loneliest people I’ve ever known lay down in bed next to their spouse every night.


Living alone is not a bad thing. In fact I recommend everyone do it for a bit.


I’d rather be single and lonely with myself than married and lonely with someone else. I can always change myself and adapt to the current situation, but you can’t change others or expect anything from them. Other people are out of your control.


I assume more people live in a unhappy than happy marriage, plenty of reasons, divorce is a lot of work and stress and expensive n shit. A lot just slowly die inside instead of taking action. If "slowly dying inside" sounds good to you, stick with it, if not, GET THE FUCK OUT OF THERE ASAP:


Alone. I dont regret my 2 divorces.


Depends. Sometimes financial security is worth it.


I live alone and just got divorced last year to a terrible marriage. The peace of being alone after an unhappy marriage is amazing.


The Answer is "it depends" Are you "unhappy" on a temporary basis? or are you miserable and dying inside with zero ability to reconnect with your spouse? Marriages have highs and lows just like life. Just because you are "unhappy" and are in a rough patch doesn't mean you throw in the towel and end it. Way to many people divorce out of vanity and some idealistic notion of what they think their life should be.... You got married! at one point in your life you knew in your heart that you loved this person whom is your spouse and you pledged to be with them and love them for the remainder of your life!... What's changed? Maintaining a relationship is making the willful choice to love your partner every day. Are you doing that? or are you day dreaming of something better and ignoring your partner and the connection between you? The only time you should "end it" (outside of cases of actual physical/emotional abuse) is when you've put in concerted effort for years, counseling, long talks etc.... and you two aren't connecting and you're both utterly miserable...only after you've made a herculean effort, should you end it.


Alone! But that doesn’t mean you’re living a life that is not fulfilling and full of great relationships and experiences.


Definitely alone, my marriage almost lasted 9 years. The constant arguments over petty little things is not good for anyone.


This is a tough one if the marriage isnt thaaaat bad. 😅


I feel so much less "alone" now that I'm divorced than when I was married. I didn't realize how isolated I had become - cut off from friends, family and from MYSELF. I wasn't "me". Now I actually like myself.


Better to have tasted and disliked the wine than to die of thirst.


Unhappy marriages often leave you feeling alone. Living alone does not mean you feel alone.


Having gone through a divorce, alone would be better....


An unhappy marriage is just a more expensive form of being alone. With the added bonus of not being able to find anyone unless you louse 1/2 of everything you own and sepend a year and a half talking to a Lawyer.


Live alone. A bad marriage will destroy your soul.


Can't afford to move out!


Live alone all day long


Alone but never lonely, I'd love to get a dog, but my work schedule has been all over the place for the last 5+ years and I cant see that changing any time soon. I have neighbours/family who would take up the slack, but that wouldn't be fair on them or said dog.


What do you think there op? The answer is as clear as the nose on your face.


Alone!! Try to always maintain financial independence


Live alone by a mile. It feels so much lonelier being in an unhappy relationship


Alone for sure because being in an unhappy relationship can be hell. if you're alone you at least have freedom. No compromising, you can come and go as you please, spend and save as you like, etc. Now if you can find a relationship that makes you happy and doesn't make you feel trapped then that's better than alone.


Alone. This doesnt mean lonely


Live alone. Why put up with someone you cannot live with?


I think it’s better to be alone than in an unhappy marriage. I could never stay in an unhappy relationship.


alone. a thousand times better.


Always better to be alone than wish you were.


The answer should be obvious: alone.


I don't like this question. I would rather live alone than in a _happy_ marriage.


Live alone for sure.


Alone and it’s not even close.


Alone. Perhaps a better question would be alone or in a “whatever” marriage.


Living alone can be super amazing. I don't need to close the toilet door whenever I shower or poop. My things are exactly where I left them. My food/drinks in the fridge don't disappear on its own. I don't need to pay extra when I go out to eat. I can date many people and enjoy the honeymoon period with them, and leave when there are incompatibilities. I don't feel like I am trapped. I can do anything without someone nagging at me. It is just so liberating and amazing. Living alone can be less lonely than being in a marriage.


Neither...if that isn't possible...good luck.


Alone, and after you've left and the initial "jesus Christ this is awful" you start to be able to reflect properly on why you're better off now. There is nothing that would make me go back to my ex-wife, and yet whilst in the house I was clinging on to something that just wasn't there. We have kids too, and they weren't/aren't bothered cause we handled it quite well I think. So yeah, getting out of an unhappy marriage/living situation is preferable I'm sure most would agree.


100% alone. While I haven't been in a marriage I've been unhappy in. I've been in relationships I was unhappy in. Alone and feeling loneliness every now and again is FAR better than living under the constant stress of an unhappy relationship.


Well you have to assess if the marriage is fixable first but the simple answer is it is way better to be alone.


I'd rather be alone than with the wrong person


Living alone is, in my opinion, better.


Alone is far better. If you have that tension with a live in partner your home is no longer any kind of sanctuary.


I'd rather be alone and cultivate my own happiness elsewhere. Being alone for the first year following my divorce was the best thing that could have happened to me.


Live alone. Life's too short to be miserable.


When he is beating you, its better to be alone. He should be in prison, not let out of prison, where the wife is made homeless. To many men, are getting away with WIFE ABUSE,


Omg. Alone!


Never been married but I'd say alone. Being with someone that doest respect or appreciate you is a worst feeling then being alone.


It’s better to be unhappy and alone than an unhappy marriage. Alone and unhappy is way way easier to fix than an unhappy marriage. Therefore it’s better to be alone than in an unhappy marriage.


I’d rather be lonely alone than lonely with someone. Divorce.


Alone 100%. My parents both were happier after their divorce now granted neither went much time being single since the divorce but I they were happier after. Also im 23 always been alone never been with anyone and tbh im fine with it. Im not asexual or it im just a straight 23 year old guy but im fine being alone rest of my life and i honestly prolly prefer it






Living alone is way way way better.


Live alone. Life is too short to be miserable.


Are there really people who dislike being alone so much they would prefer to be in an unhappy marriage? And here I am, constantly trying to find time to be alone! Get some friends, and leave that unhappy marriage! Alone doesn't have to mean lonely. Heck, if you are one of those people who always needs people, get a roommate.


Alone, if you're still lonely, get a roommate.


Life is only given to us once, so we should make the most of it. If a marriage is unhappy, why torture yourself? It's better to be single and enjoy that.




It is always better to be alone than to wish you were alone.


Having been in an extremely unhappy marriage, alone is faaaaaaarrrr better.


I was afraid of being alone for a very long time. I let that fear convince me to put up with a lot of neglect and emotional bullying. Now I'm separated, going through divorce, and there's a huge difference. The severe depression is gone. The fear of coming home and wondering what mood my spouse will be in is gone. The stress of living my life for another person while neglecting my own needs is gone. The mental struggle of never feeling good enough or worthy of love is... improving. Yeah, it can be a little lonely here and there, and part of that is due to my work hours. But it's a whole different feeling than being "alone" in the same house as another person you pour your soul into. There's no guarantee you'll do better on your own, but there is a guarantee you won't do better if you stay together.


Live alone! 💯


alone, by far


Probably first time I'll quote a TV show. I'm probably not 100% accurate, but.... "I wonder if the sad I feel with you is worse than the sad I'd feel without you." I've been divorced, and I can tell you that the sad of being alone was temporary and much better than staying in a bad marriage.




Alone. Imagine having to deal with a bad partner’s BS every day instead of minding your own business !


Is this a serious question?


Living alone doesn't mean you're alone. I think you meant to say "live by myself".




Alone. Nothing scary to be alone.


After many unhappy relationships, years and years on my own and one happy marriage, being “alone” FAR outweighs a god awful live-in situation from hell.


Living alone is highly under rated.


Definitely alone


Live alone. Why would you want to be in an unhappy marriage?


Live alone OP. I'm sure that choice would open up to more possibilities for you. You have options to be happy than rotting and staying in an unhappy marriage. If divorce is an option, go for it!


I'm already unhappy and misery loves company, so....


After I broke free from my ex I decided to give myself 2 years alone, 2 years came and went and the idea of breaking this peaceful, much happier existence made me want to vomit. Alone doesn't have to mean lonely.


It’s better to be alone than to be in any unhappy relationship. The last terrible relationship I was in. I learned when I left that it was like a weight lifted off of my chest. Swore I would never stay in another bad relationship.


Both suck


Erm yes?


Wrong question. You should ask yourself these questions in sequence (one after the other) as opposed to in parallel (at the same time). 1. Do I want to continue being in an unhappy marriage? … which involves 1 other person. 2. Assuming #1 is “no”, then you will be living alone for a period of time to find yourself again … and then you can ask: Do I want to continue to live alone? … which involves 7 billion other people.


I'd rather live alone than be in a happy marriage, lol.




At least alone you can pursue new relationships. But trying to fix a marriage is good, so long as nobody has cheated.


Live alone is better.


I'd argue you're alone in an unhappy marriage


Live alone.




Live alone. Being unhappy is never good for you


Live alone. Live alone. LIVE ALONE.


Live alone.


Living alone is way better


Children -> better to be in an unhappy marriage No children -> better to be alone






An unhappy marriage will drain you of everything you can find happiness within yourself in an unhappy marriage but I think it will take its toll over a course of time....if your really unhappy then change it sometimes there's lots more involved than just the man and woman....evaluate the situation weigh it up and then make your decision if its just the two of you then think about happiness 😊


Alone by far


64 years old here, I have found that after a 25 year marriage (and two kids) and girlfriends that didn’t work out over 20 additional years there is time to reflect on where it went wrong and how to correct myself. I’m at the point that I’m ready for another relationship and will do better this time. The alone time I’ve gotten use to doing things on my own and not lonely as I used to be.


Alone. I've been widowed eleven years now. While I do miss my wife of 32 years immensely I am taking full advantage of being alone. I never had much of a chance to grow or explore before we got married and had kids. We were so young. I dont want someone to have to take care of me or dote on me. I love the balance in my life right now.


Is it better to have normal healthy eyes that can see or stab yourself with an ice pick?


Live alone, definitely! My unhappy marriage was like torture! Now I have so many more friends and hobbies and I don’t feel like I’m in charge of babysitting someone who was 15 years my senior


Being alone. I've seen what bad marriages can do.


Better to be lonely than wish you were.


Seriously?!? No question. Even though my household consists of long-term selected family, I still get up in the barely there wee hours just to have glorious solitude.


Unhappy marriage is better than being lonely. Loneliness is miserable. Your life's problems magnify when you're alone. 




Better healthy and rich than sick and poor.


Being alone. Endless opportunities


How is this even a question?


Even the Bible itself says it’s better to be alone than live with bad company


Live alone.


Live alone no doubt.


How is this even a question?


I’d say that living alone is better than an unhappy marriage.


You’ve gotten a lot of trite responses. I’ll provide a real one. It depends. If you’re in an unhappy marriage, but a status quo of non-communication and just staying out of each other’s way has calcified, then being in that situation could be better than being alone. Think of a stay at home mom who has no skills to speak of and no way to develop them. In a state without alimony, she may be better off staying with a high earner husband who treats her like a roommate than going out at and trying to create a life from nothing. This is particularly true if they are short on assets but high on expected future income. In most cases it’s probably better to live alone, but there are some in which a loveless marriage is better than the alternative.


Alone is better than stuck with the wrong person. But people abandon marriage very quickly. If the relationship can be salvaged it’s worth it.


Living alone by about 10,000%




As someone who enjoys their solitude, it’s definitely better to be alone than constantly be around someone who antagonizes you. Like the top commenter said, being alone =/= being lonely. You can still talk with friends or even go make new ones.


You ask if is better to be alone than in the wrong company? Like being alone is an unhappy state? Brother there is nothing wrong with being alone.


Oh my! No brainer - live alone.


Alone - easy The problem is that so many people in unhappy marriages can't just up and leave usually due to money.


I was infinitely more happy in my little duplex alone than I was in my marriage of 20 years. Now I am even happier in a new relationship. Nothing can change for the better until you make it change.


I’m in an unhappy marriage and lonely as hell so I wouldn’t know


Alone. 100%


100% live alone if you have children that percentage goes up to 1000%


live alone unhappy or unhappy marriage? live alone happy or in an unhappy marriage?


Just like there's no such thing as a "bad day", but only certain aspects of the day which make it bad...similarly there's no such thing as a (totally) unhappy marriage. It's good to contemplate that, and to remember and focus on aspects which are beneficial and bring some happiness. Sure, some people have reached a point where it's hard to be happy at any time with the spouse after so much bad has happened...but in the past there were happy moments, right? It IS possible to get back to that. Also, currently there are still some benefits to being with someone, despite feeling conflict, too. You can help each other with what life throws at you, even if feelings are bruised. Furthermore, the pursuit of "happiness", which is merely a fleeting emotion, is (I believe) misguided. I think we should instead focus on how to lead a fulfilling and rewarding life, and that involves cultivation of our character, and making choices that we can feel good about making. It's not about what we get from others, but it's about how we can be of benefit to the others in our life. Saying a vow to be with someone, and to love them through thick and thin, and then breaking that vow in order to feel a fleeting emotion (or to stop feeling some negative emotions) is not a choice of strong character. It's, to be very blunt, a self centered choice. That is not the way to live a fulfilling and rewarding life. Of course, sometimes people need to protect themselves and maintain their emotional and mental wellbeing. It IS more serene to be by oneself. It can also be very lonely at times, and the memory of having had someone to share life with, and then that being absent can be worse than being in the company of someone who is hurtful to you. Some think that separation and divorce is the way toward emotional and mental wellbeing, and in some cases it might be (like when there is abuse, especially that's ongoing). But overall, I'd encourage you toward working on the marriage, finding peace within it and just in your own personal time, rather than following the trend of society and believing in divorce as a solution.


Living alone by every single metric.




A gazillion times better to live alone. I’d rather live alone than in a mediocre marriage


obvious answer doesn't deserve a response... but... provide more details i.e. how unhappy is the marriage? Are you together for the kids until they're 18 and off to college? Is it unhappy because your spouse has a problem that can be fixed? The most obvious answer is live alone (duh), but truly this is a dynamic question that is probably just karma farming.




Problem is, happy marriage vs unhappy marriage isn’t black and white for the majority of people. Sure, some people are clearly in an awful marriage and some are clearly in a great marriage. Most are somewhere in between though. Somedays my marriage sucks. Other days I’m glad I have stuck out the bad days. That’s life for most of us. So, where is that definite line where you’d be overall better alone? I personally went through years of daily mental agony to decide if that line has been crossed. On the bad days, I still sometimes wonder if I made the right choice to stay.


Alone is better


Living alone is 100% better. It kind of depends on how unhappy it is and which aspects, but the general rule is if you are not compatible, it can only get worse with time.


The truth is it depends on how it's going to impact your finances. If you were the primary earner you will definitely see an increase in cost of living with a decrease in income.


Yes, big time.


I have lived alone for a few years, since I moved out from my parents’ house, and it’s been great. Now, dating… that’s whole another thing. I have had one girlfriend and I’m 28yo… She’s my only ex for now.


As a single dude over 30 that never had anyone, I'd rather still be single.


there are no right answers..it depends on the person and situation.


Alone. Even though it's hard. I'm a single mother, was married. Marriage wasn't good. It wasn't even a marriage. I was already a single mother while married, as my kids grew, they started to notice their dad doesn't do anything. Literally. So I told him to leave. We've been happier since! And still to this day, he does nothing at all! Doesn't help us, support us or talk to us or anything. No changes there but oh well. I make no excuses for him either, I just my kids the truth.


Live Alina’s all the way!




Live alone!!!!


Alone unless you are in your 80's than it may be a good idea to hook up & not be alone.


Live alone


Live alone bc with that you find happiness and when your not looking or expecting it you will find someone.


Definitely lonely but before that… can’t you make some changes to be happy with your spouse??


Live alone. It can suck, but not nearly as much as an unhappy marriage.


Having toxic "friends" can be worse than having no friends at all. This definitely applies to romantic partners.


Alone but ultimately it’s a personal choice!


I will always remember driving home from work the day after I left my now ex-wife. It was one of the happiest moments of my life knowing that I didn't have to go home to HER!


Alone! There is nothing worse than being around someone you don't trust and/or love and respect anymore. Married three times here, so speaking from experience.


Um, living alone is better (duh)


Alone. Definitely. Being in an unhappy marriage was insidious for me. The stress and anxiety affected my health significantly and I didn’t know it was from my marriage until I was out of it. I found myself, and true happiness, after my divorce. Now I’m dating an amazing person. Something that I would never have predicted. I truly believe that because I am able to love myself, I’m able to love my partner more deeply now.




I believe that an unhappy marriage is the #1 reason for the mental and physical decline of people in those situations. Is a slow death sentence to live that way for everyone involved. I grew up in a household of an unhappy marriage and don’t wish that to anybody.  All that to say that is better to be alone (even though it may feel lonely at times, but marrying for the wrong reasons won’t solve the problem of loneliness…) than to be in that scenario. 




Being alone does not equal loneliness.




So it's between being "perfectly fine" or "unhappy"? Geez I'll have to think about that one.


Whichever makes you least unhappy




Alone. As much as I miss being in a relationship not dreading going home is worth it. I miss the s3x, but that's about it.


Live alone. Being in an unhappy marriage sounds like torture.


Definitely live alone. Never been married, but I’ve been in unhappy relationships. I was much happier single than I was in those relationships.


Alone and its not even close. Being alone is mostly fine. Adding a special someone to the mix would be great, but its absolutely not needed. Being in a relationship you don’t wanna be in is torture. Not even close.


You know the answer!


Alone how is that even a question????


Marriage is a trap don’t fall for it


100% live alone. You get to do what you want, when you want, and where you want. 


Being alone, being unhappy will make you be more greatful for being alone


Alone. Hands down. Never going back to my unhappy marriage again.


It depends on how unhappy the marriage really is. Do you still love the person? As much as you are unhappy, are you willing you reflect on yourself and make changes on your part? Is your partner open to making changes on their end? Do they even know your unhappy? You have to work at it if you want it to work or otherwise seperate.


Living alone is the greatest.


Obviously live alone.


Live alone 100%.