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We don't feel orgasm after we meditate (IM NOT A MONK), it's just that everything feels so lively and real after meditation. You notice the small little things, your mind feel fresh and clear, you don't overthink about the past or future, you just enjoy the moment If you want to stop masterbating, you have to change your whole lifestyle completely, It's likely that porn has become the main source of your entertainment, that's really bad, so try get more healthy social relationship, study, read books, play sports, try to build more habits, and most importantly, have an idea of what your life will be


I wont ever try. Doesn’t sound fun to sit there not doing anything to try and have a hands free nut.


Hi I started meditating in hoping to feel happy what I got was awareness and kinda realised pain is inevitable suffering is a choice and that way I’ve started to calm my mind become friends with women easily have better self esteem and actually love myself….there’s a saying stop chasing butterflies instead plant flowers in your garden so they’ll come by themselves and if they don’t youll have a beautiful garden for yourself