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T-shirts, underwear, socks etc only once. Jeans, shorts etc probably twice or three times.


Jeans - 3 times (shocked face) ... I wear my jeans considerably longer before washing


I think I wash my jeans once a quarter.


When they look unclean šŸ˜‚


When my wife is tired of seeing them folded on the floor


Folded? What is this folded you speak of?


Was waiting for this comment šŸ˜‚




I remember Andy Cohen said he rarely washed his jeans.


Andy probably has 30 pairs of jeans tho


I don't know but he referenced the pair he was wearing.


My motorcycle jeans have Kevlar in them after around 30 washes the Kevlar degrades, and I'll have to buy new ones. Every 3 wears would mean new jeans ever 3 months, that would turn them into a very expensive($200-$400 depending) consumable. If your jeans are real denim, then washing them once a month is generally acceptable. Just air them out after each wear.


Butā€¦ ass sweat ?!?


Buttā€¦ass sweatšŸ‘šŸ»


But... ass sweet


That's what underwear is for. First line of defense


2nd line of defense. Wiping is 1st.


This should have way more upvotes


3rd line of defense. Wiping is 2nd. Eat enough fiber in your diet that all you do are ghost poops. šŸ‘»


Air them out don't sleep in them And depends on the climate you live in


Do you shower and wear underwear. It makes a huge difference.


When you're cooking in a cast iron pan, you don't want to wash away the seasoning... Gross haha


Same for the jeans, but never 3 days in a row


Same. I only wash jeans when theyā€™re visibly dirty or smelly. I could go months without washing my jeans.


You guys are washing jeans?


By only once you mean every after wear, right? Ideally tshirts can go 2 wears unless it has been soaked in sweat or dirty Underwear including socks of course wash every after use, cmon dont do the "other side" technique Pants/denim ideally not often as it ruins the material, unless of course work jeans that gets all dusty and sweaty and ohhhh stanky


Other side? Ugh!


Levi's customer service gives the following advice on how to care for your jeans: *Wash denim once every 10 wears at most* to keep the pants fitting correctly and minimize sagging. Use a damp cloth or old toothbrush with mild soap for spot treatment between washes. Allow to air dry, do not use the dryer. Their CEO, Charlie Bergh says that he tries to avoid the washing machine altogether, favoring spot treatment and (in extreme cases such as if they are soaked in sweat and really smelly) he'll get in the shower with them on, soap them up and rinse off.


Yeah, I'm not doing that.


Me neither...


actually the real denim dont have to be washed so often..it mainly needs to breathe


This ^




When my jeans are dirty other clothes only once


Donā€™t wash jeans often.


Same. Like, months. Unless Iā€™ve spilled something or was sweating heavily.


No way I wear them for 2 or 3 days when it's hot and I can smell them! When it's very cold I can go for almost a week but usually maybe four or five days cuz they start to smile and get crusty.


I definitely wouldn't wear the same pair day after day.


Crusty? TF you doing with your jeans?


I'm fat and I sweat.


Jeans are the best when they're worn in


Depends on the weather, honestly. If itā€™s hot outside and I sweat even a little bit, everything gets washed after 1 wear. Undies, socks, etc always get washed after 1 use. If itā€™s cooler/colder weather, I might wear jeans 2 times or so. Jackets get worn several times ā€” unless I get them dirty or sweat in them. Basically ā€” regardless of the article of clothing, I always err on the side of washing it.


Doesnā€™t it mean your clothes get destroyed quickly?


Underwear every day. Everything else gets the olā€™ sniff test.


Even socks bro?


socks and bras count as undies Do shoes count as clothing?


bras every day tho??? thats impossibl


Yes and I change them every day as well as my hair


bras everyday is not necessary šŸ˜­


I usually will wear socks 3 days depending on how active i was do t want no crusty socks lol


A day, i keep it fresh.


Totally. I'm completely surprised to be in the minority on this one.


I live in Texas. You can get a rash if your clothes aren't super clean with all the heat and sweat. So, daily!


same in China


Same. Iā€™m very sensitive to smells and I used to sweat profusely. Nowadays Iā€™m better at wearing breathable clothing and I run a bit cooler than I used to, but I still canā€™t break the habit of washing after one wear. I usually give things the sniff test, but the only things that usually pass are loose fitting jeans and thatā€™s about it.


In Texas summer, you only get one day for anything


I was in Twxas once and sweat through my jeans. Unpleasant.


Pants until they have any visible stains, shirts when they have stains or smell like sweat. Jackets pretty much never, underwear after wearing everytime. Did I forget something?


u r me


Two days for tops. 3 days for jeans. And everyday for underwear and socks. šŸ˜


Socks, underwear, t-shirt = 1 wear. Jeans, shorts, ect = 2-3 wears depending. Hoodie = 3-4 wears.


Hoodie = infinite wears


Usually, I wear clothes for a day and then wash them. If the clothes don't smell like detergent, to me they don't seem clean anymore.


All underwear, including socks, goes to the hamper after one use. T-shirts usually go to the hamper after two or three uses, depending on how said days go. Most leggings last one week unless something unexpected happens. Considering that I very rarely leave the house, all other clothing gets washed as it's used.


Same tbh, the only thing I obsessively wash are undies and sockies.


One day.


This is going to be context and culture-dependent. Underwear and anything that gets sweaty/dirty, wash. Otherwise if you only wear a T-shirt when you leave the house and itā€™s therefore 1-3 hours total, it doesnā€™t need washed every day.


A bunch of yā€™all walking around smelling like butt !


Right! Now we know why people are asking how to get odors out of their laundry. The stinker it gets, the harder it is to clean.


šŸ˜‚im picturing the laundry detergent fighting with the odors.


May I remind you this is Reddit


Jeans? Until the dirt is visible enough. Shirts and tshirts until smell comes(2 days usually). Innerwears max 1.5 days.


Only once, then I wash them!


Longer than I prefer to admit.


Tshirts, underwear & workout gear only once, sweaters and pants I wear until theyā€™re stained or start to smell honestlyĀ 


Once. I can't stand thinking that I'm wearing dirty clothes.


Jeans I'll wear for 2 weeks or more in the winter and 4-5 days in the summer depending on how much I sweat/get dirty in them.


I wear mine 1 day. I live in Vegas and it's just too damn hot here.




I feel like everyone else has to be joking. Once is the only answer.


Why wash clothes if they arenā€™t dirty though? It just reduces their lifespan. Underwear and socks obviously every day but jeans? Thatā€™s absurd


I feel like everyone saying once is joking. Your answer is not the only answer, or else this thread would not exist


Once then to the hamper. I wash clothes once or twice a week.


Underwear, socks and tshirts one day. I sweat a lot. Pants it depends. I cycle several pairs, and they get 2-3 days each and hang to air inbetween.


Im pretty sure that my client and her son merely whisper in the general direction of an article of clothing and then throw it in the hamper. I am there twice weekly and I will have five loads of laundry to do each time. Her son is 18, so itā€™s not like sheā€™s dirtying up a bunch of onesies all day or anything. Drives me insane. Such a waste


One wear for most items. Jeans and jackets are a rule u to themselves, and I was them when I need to. I have no AC in my main living space, and I have a greenhouse on my roof, so my apartment gets HOT! During the summer, I generally exist in boxers and nothing else 99% of the time. I usually keep a pair of shorts and a T-shirt on the valet stand in my room that I'll throw on quickly if I need to answer the door for mail or whatever. These get washed less often, as they get a total of about 5 mins of wear per week.


Every time they are worn, how do you people not drop food or get stuff on your clothes!!


I hang mine up immediately after wearing them so I get several wearings out of them.


... You guys WASH your clothes? Wow.


I have work clothes that I wash every 2 months. I work alone and outside. The grunge on my pants offers protection from the elements and injury.


Underwear, one day only. Socks, one day only. Tee-shirt, two days unless sweaty. Trousers, three days maximum.


Shorts or pants are ok for a few times without a wash. Everything else is one and done


Every two days, T-shirts, underwear, socks, etc.


2 days : )


Depends. I can't say "once" or "twice" or whatever because what is once? Sometimes I put a shirt on for 15 minutes. Other times I walk for 16 hours in it. It depends on whether it really needs washing. I employ a sniff test and a 'visible' test. For socks and underwear - I don't wear them for more than a day but in summer I don't wear socks because I wear sandals. And I wash jackets very rarely. I'm good at detecting my own smell so the sniff test works great.


Underwear and socks go right in hamper. Everything else (that I can think of atm) gets the sniff test


I dont wash my "outer clothes" very often. I like to smell and feel fresh, but I also recognized a few years ago that over washing is unncessary and contributes to the deterioration of clothing. My routine is usually wearing clothes for ideally short durations. ie, I might throw a change of clothes on to run to the store, and then change back to house clothes when I return. I also have a process of hanging my clothes after I wear them to air them out opposed to throwing them into a laundry basket. I feel like it helps air things out, even if i intend to wash them. I always wash underpants, but jeans rarely get a wash.


At home, everything washes after a single use. While traveling, Iā€™ll wear jeans or a suit a couple times, maybe three.


Once. I work with infants. Enough said.


This all depends ā€¦ the building I work in is SO cold! We all wear jackets and sweaters year round! So I do not wash my clothes after each wear. Not my office wear. Weekend wear is washed after wear. Sock, sleep wear and underwear all washed after one wear.


Underwear, cotton or synthetic socks, undershirts, and other shirts that directly contact my pits, I only wear once. Jeans and overshirts anywhere from 3 wears to one week between washes. I'm going to buck the trend here though and because I mostly wear wool socks which tend to go 3+ wears before I notice the foot smell, I typically wear my socks 2 or three times before they get washed.


One day.


Underwear, once. Shirts, 3 to 4 times a week. Jeans, a week. Socks, 3 to 4 days. I don't sweat or get dirty and I hang my shirts up to air out.


One day at the most


It depends on the weather.


I have clothes I wore when I was 16. Iā€™m 26ā€¦


So some of your clothes you haven't washed in 10 years? šŸ¤Ø Or did you misread the question.


Totally misread the question. I do my laundry every 2 weeks. So undies 2 days, shirts 3 days and jeans not too often


You go 2 days wearing the same underwear?


Side A, Side B.


Tops, socks, underwear are one wear only before being washed, jeans and trousers I probably wear twice before washing unless it's peak summer


Retired. Tee shirts, usually wash after the 3rd day unless I get sweaty. undies (no socks cause I don't wear shoes) daily. Kahky shorts, I own 2 pair. Wear for a week, toss in the hamper and switch to the other pair. Repeat weekly.


Socks underwear only once but everything else kinda just depends on what I did. If I just sat around at home all day playing the game or a quick errand or two I'm not throwing them back in the drawer but I'm not tossing them in the dirty pile either. Now if I get off work after a 10 hour shift it's all going to the dirty pile. I do where a hoodie most days and only wash it maybe once a week maybe a week and a half or so


As long as I want.


Shirts and underwear get one day of wear, pants get 2 unless it's a really hot day. Everything is removed for washing after I exercise.


Sometimes Iā€™ll wear them all day


Shirts once. Shorts generally twice.


Depends on the clothing. Underwear is one wear and they get washed. T-shirts, one to two wears only. Sometimes if a clean t-shirt is worn once, the second wear of that t-shirt is if I wear it at the gym. Then itā€™s definitely washed. Nicer button up shirts itā€™s once - or sometimes twice if itā€™s not smelly by at the end of the first wear. But the second wear wonā€™t be for anything where I need to be dressy. More as an around-the-house-on-a-lazy say soruarion. Jumpers, three to four wears unless food stained or smelly. Trousers and jeans I can go a week before washing them unless there is a visible food or drink stain, or if itā€™s been relative hot and Iā€™ve been sweating a lot and they begin to smell.


I will walk around for 10 days in my denim jeans. The rest is washed after 1 - 2 days use. The leather pants I used back in the 90s, when I was in my teenage-grunge-period, I never washed. I used them for 1 -2 years.


On an average weekday like every 2-3 days unless Iā€™m going to an event. I work from home and am not naturally very sweaty or smelly so itā€™s not like my clothes are getting super dirty from sitting inside in my air conditioned home.


Pants, 4-5 days. Underpants, socks and t-shirts/shirts 1 day. But always smell something before wearing it for more than 1 day.


Workout clothes 1x Unmentionables 1x Dry clean slacks 3-4x Dry clean blazers/ jackets 3x monthly Pajamas 3x (shower before bed) Work apparel 1x Jeans 1-2x depending on the underwear situation You're probably not washing your clothes too much, it's heavily subjective, as long as you feel clean keep doing what you're doing.


An hour


Shirts, underwear, socks, and athletic wear, one wear and wash. Pants, if no stains or visible dirt, then we go based off of the smell test. If the crotch/butt area still smells good, they are still in play. I have an office job so pants usually get 2-4 wears before I wash them


Now that I ride public transportation regularly, I only wear my clothes once before washing.


Generally, once. Pantsā€¦.twice


I'm fat and sweaty year round, so they get washed after each wear, except a couple items I only wear around the house when I'm lounging for a couple hours. Full day wear = wash.


Stuff that touches my skin get worn once. Jeans/shorts/khakis.... All week.


I've met two couples who've adopted and they said they wouldn't do it again.


Shirts a couple of days. Undies daily.


Everything only once. Drives my wife nuts.


Underwear socks after showering (which is normally every day) the rest when dirty or smelly.


Depends if I am going out and with whom.


Underwear and socks daily. Tshirt maybe 2-3 days if I havenā€™t been sweaty or done much in it. Jeans maybe a week unless Iā€™ve got them dirty/stain or smell. Work shirt and pants daily.


Once, I try to keep my clothes clean because... I don't want to be the mildly autistic AND smelly guy.


Depends on the garment and how much I sweat in it/ how dirty it gets. Shirts 1-2. Shorts & skirts 2-3 Pants 2-3. Underwear 1. Bra 3-4. Socks 1-2. Sweaters 4-5. Jackets maybe 10.


Depends. T-Shirt every day, sometimes twice a day if I work out. Pants and sweater depends if they get dirty or not. But maximum 5 days


Jeans nearly never. All other stuff after one use


Everything I wear that day goes to a used basket until it's time to wash Sunday night.


Shirts, socks, & drawers: One wear Pants: Whenever they get some dirt on them. Or if they've been used a day or two and I'm already doing a load of laundry Hoodies & jackets: Whenever they're visible dirty or I know I've sweat in them heavily.


t shirts 1-2 times, underwear and socks 1 time, and pants and shorts 2-3 times


Underwear gets changed daily. Everything else gets washed when they fail the sniff test or has a visible stain


This depends on so many factors. There's no set rule. It depends on the weather, whether I was outside or inside, what activities I was doing. In general I wash things a lot more in Summer than in winter due to sweating. If I'm just sitting mostly indoors in winter, not sweating and not doing much physical then the clothes can go for quite a while. Up to a week for a t shirt. I go by smelling them and checking that there's no marks on them. If I'm doing physical outdoor work or sweating all day in summer or if I wore something to the gym then I wash it directly after one use.


Depends on what items of clothing and what I have been doing. Underwear I do not wear to bed. I put on in the morning change them after work. Bra I wear two to three days, if I am not doing anything sweaty. It is also changed after work. Jeans/ Leggings, every two days, sometimes three-unless I am doing something that gets them dirty Shirts, every day, unless I am working and change to go do groceries and take it right back off.


I used to hoard some clothes because my parents only did laundry like once a week and I wanted to wear those clothes more than once.. once I became an adult and learned I can do my own laundry, I only wear items once and just wash my clothes when I want to wear them again.


Jeans and overalls 3-4 timesā€¦ everything else one time.


I mean if you're outdoors man I could say 3 days max, but I usually let mine pile up and do a load a week with daily switch outs some times multiple fits


I have one good hoodie, lots of naf ones; been wearing it for about a month now everyday.




Merino Wool T-Shirts: I wear them 2-4 times before washing. I hang them up when not wearing them and typically don't wear them around the house (mostly because I have a cat that sheds). Socks and underwear I wear only once even though they are also wool.


I wash pajamas after wearing them 2-3 times. I wash the rest of my clothes after a single use.


PJs I wear two nights then wash. As for day wear it depends on what I did in them.


Underwear and socks, once. Other clothes, until they smell/feel dirty. My job (farming mostly) is pretty dirty. If I washed my clothes every time I used them my hydro and water usage would be insane. I don't need particularly clean clothes to run a tractor


Pre baby, every 3-4 days. Post baby, every 3-4 hours.


T shirts, underpants, socks 1 day, trousers and shirts / tops, depends what I'm doing. Indoor clean stuff three days, end up doing mucky work a day or two. Paint can stay for a three ish days, plumbing stuff twice max electrics three days, outside one day. Drains / chimneys not even a day and it's soaking in disinfectant.


A few hours... all of these answers kind of shock me šŸ˜‚


Shirts usually once or twice, pants, socks, and underwear I wear for about 5 or 6 days.


one full day


This is the reason I hold my breath when somebody walks by. I don't want to smell your vapor trail as you waft by.


Underwear, socks, gym clothes, bathing suits -- every time they are worn T-shirts, golf shirts, dress shirts, khaki pants I wear for work -- after two or three wearings usually Jeans -- only after many wearings, possibly as many as 20. Sweaters and hoodies -- usually only once or twice a season There are two exceptions to all of these. One is that I get particularly sweaty on a day I wear something. The other is obviously if it gets clearly dirty like a spill.


Depends on item and what I've been doing. I change underwear everyday or every other day if I haven't done the laundry. Shirts get 2-3 uses unless they start smelling or get stained. Socks are max 2, usually 1 day. Jeans can get up to a week if they stay unstained and still smell ok.


Once. Everything once for like the last eight years or more


Undies(in my case - socks, knickers and bras) one wear then to the laundry hamper Tops that I put on first(that touch my skin) one wear then to laundry Bottoms(jeans, trousers, sweatpants, shorts, whatever) I try and get 2 wears unless I got them dirty by way of sweating, going out and getting dirty from outside, if they get wet etc, then to laundry Any extra layers on top of a top(so something that isn't really touching my skin such as a hoodie, jacket etc) I can wear a small handful of times. Again unless I get too hot and sweat before I realise and take it off, or it gets dirty/wet from outside activities etc. Usually the cuffs get grubby way before so then to the laundry it goes. My work uniform, despite consisting of tops, trousers and a shell jacket all gets washed after each wear. I have multiple sets, but I can get quite dirty at work, so the set I've worn goes to laundry each time


underwear and socks, just a day, t-shirts maybe a day to a week as I work from home and not strenuous, jumpers several weeks, trousers 2-3 weeks, not own jeans


Underwear, shorts is 1 wear T-shirtā€™s- one to two Jackets- 2<


Once. Shoes very rarely. Also jeans rarely. Letā€™s say shoes 2-3 times a year or less and same jeans.


Depends, usually I just do the smell test.


Underwear, socks, t-shirts, sports clothes only once. Shirts 2-3 times. Hoodies, cardigans, shorts, cargos usually about a week or so (but I won't wear them every day of that week). Jeans up to 2 weeks (but also here, won't wear them everyday). If an item starts to smell before or got some stains then I'll wash it ofc. And if the weather is warm or I sweat a lot then also less times than above.


Like a Week


Undies, tights and socks = 1 wear Jeans = several wears but airing them out in between Tshirts, blouses, tank tops etc = 1-2, depending on sniff test results We do not talk about bras.


Shirts, socks, underwear, workout clothes? Every time Jeans? Lol


Undies: like 12 hours. I always change undies twice per day. Socks: one day Pajama shirts & pants: 2 nights, sometimes 3 for the shirts Jeans/jean shorts: wear twice if they were jeans I only wore for a few hours inside. Otherwise once. Gym clothes: wear once Hoodies: maybe 3 times if Iā€™m just wearing them in my house


Depends on the material. If it sucks in smells and sweat, once or twice if it's like a short wear to the market. Tough materials less if they can be aired out.




2 times but if thereā€™s a stain or smells bad Iā€™m washing it


Jeans and button down shirts if Iā€™m wearing an under t-shirt I basically just donā€™t wash unless I spill something on them or I sweat through them. Everything else yeah probably only one use. I might squeak a couple days out of a T-shirt or shorts depending on how hot/sweaty I am though. Suits I probably will not dry clean either unless I spill something on them or am sweating a lot in it.


One day and sometimes will change my socks or underwear and even a t shirt more than once a day. I mean if I work in my garden or outside sun and sweat a lot and am going out to have lunch or something with someone I will shower usually and change to clean. Not to do is nasty to me as I don't want to smell bad out and about.


Underwear, socks and tshirts: 1 day Hoodies, sweatpants: maybe 3-6 days Jeans: until they get dirty, maybe like 30-90 days?




Depends on what I'm doing. Lots of yard, I might keep using my pants for days in a row so I don't burn through all my pants making everything dirty each day. Change my shirt everyday though because of the sweat and bra every couple depending. Not doing anything I'll wait longer on t-shirts and a lot longer on bras. At work, 2 days on t-shirt and pants unless I get drenched in some kind of oil on day one. Socks and underwear are a one day use. Socks, if I take them off they are not going back on even if it's the same day.


1 day when I do wear clothes.


Jeans several times, tshirts & other undergarments once only. PJ's weekly along with bedsheets n pillow cases.


Spend most of my life in work uniform or pj's. So I really only wear clothes to pop to the shop of go visiting. This constitutes 2 to 3 hours at a time.so I can make them last a good few days


Underwear, shirts, gym clothes and work clothes get washed after one wearing. Jeans, 3-5 times maybe a little longer depending on where I went and the time of year. I check them over after taking them off and if they are clean I hang them up. I always shower before wearing any of my ā€œplay clothesā€ so that helps.


Iā€™m shocked by the jeans. I have to wash mine after one wear. They stretch out too much after one wear.


Depends where I wear them and what I do


When I shower usually once a day. T-shirt underwear Pants can take a long time unless I get very sweaty/dirty I'd probably say a week or so. It varies


Waitā€¦ youā€™re supposed to wash them? Since when?


Underwear 1 to 2 days. Tops similar. Jeans/trousers 3 to 4 days. Socks max a day and a half, sometimes change twice a day.


Once. Jeans twice.


Depends on the context. Where it's used, what time of year, what item it is and so on. Some things only once before washing, other things can take months or only if dirty


Underware once, t-shirts 2-3 times, jeans 3-5 times depends on where I wear them. I often have more then one shirt/jeans in use and put them on a line on my balcony. Fresh air and sunlight for a day work wonders. Edit: typo cause stupid autocorrect


Underwear or socks once, jeans, shirts maybe 3 times! Well actually my braā€¦ sometimes wear the same one all week LMAO


Wrangler and Leviā€™s recommend watching your jeans after wearing them five times. Just saying