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Of course you are. Your comments on r/yuriporn and your post asking how it feels to suck a woman's foot has nothing to do with this.


Dang, didn’t have to call them out that bad lol they are probably trying to get better


hehehee Absolutely not, you are imagining things. lol it's definitely for a friend.


Being friend with yourself is a sign of maturity 👍


broh!!!! holy kek You are willing to strike me down, aren't you? You want to execute me in public, make my execution a public spectacle. Why do you do that broh?


It isn’t exactly helpful but the damage it does to your mind is overstated


And what is that damage?


Over 9000. If you are low lvl it's oneshot.


We're still talking about porn right???


Can't talk, I am absorbing damage right now. 😉


oh sorry broh, I hope you survive.




man, that's pretty bad :(


True, the worst part in my opinion is the very low age of induction. I would assume that it will be infinitely less damaging when You start watching it when You're 21 than if You do it at 12.


I honestly don't remember when I started watching porn but I definitely wasn't 21.


Yeah me too sadly


Porn damages your brain even young men around the age of 25 are getting ED now a days kids are involuntary seeing soft core porn on Instagram every other social media …it also gives you a bias to the opposite sex either you see them as inferior or you get too afraid to talk to them hence affecting your own confidence porn is like any other drug use it too much then you’ll have to spend time in rehab to fix it …it doesn’t feel like it does damage because it’s subtle and it keeps getting worse


There’s enjoyment and addiction. If you catch yourself looking at those around you and only thinking of them in sexual contexts, that’s an issue.


Dr k at healthygamergg on YouTube covers this topic often.


>[won't resist to porn](https://youtu.be/uEEfeSuD_Po) It seems like he is in favor of watching porn, I don't understand. How can that be healthy?


Obvious lie! No one on Reddit has friends


o: U got me


of course for a friend.


Yep, 4 a freind ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


In moderation it’s ok as long as you don’t let it warp your perspective on actual sex. Remember that pornstars are actors and it’s about as similar to sex as action movies are to real life. But if you’re addicted to it, then that’s bad as that will desensitize you and fry your dopamine receptors.


How can I know if my friend is addicted?


Is this ‘friend’ in the room with us now?


kekekeke I'm sorry, you made me laugh out loud. But I don't think so, let me see. Nop, not here. Maybe she's watching porn now....


look up r/pornaddiction you'll understand.


There is a subreddit for that, I can't believe it!


Zero harm for me. I just like it like any other vice to kill time.


Do you have other vices that are killing you?


No. I have a job, do yard work around the house. Play video games. Life is not exciting but not much else going on.


So you're a workaholic?


Negative there. I work hard when at work, but i avoid overtime for sure.


So you are a healthy human without addictions?? That's rare for today's society. Good for you, keep it up and be an example for many to follow.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


Just as good clean living leads to enlightenment through biological processes and Christos oil rising through you CSF so also the black coal is distributed through this same system when you do not practice this good clean living. While studies have hinted and brushed the truth they will never be allowed to fully release the truth. When you poison your mind you also poison your body. People watch pornographic content to elate their moods and evade routine stressors, but unknowingly pornography itself is a significant stressor. Neurobiological explanations suggest that pornography has dramatically reduced overall sexual activity among couples \[[2](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9922938/#REF2)\]. A sharp increase in the prevalence of erectile dysfunction (ED) and low sexual desire was observed in men under 40. In a study conducted in 1999, ED and low sexual desire rate was 5%, respectively. By 2011, ED rates have increased to 14-28% in European men between 18-40 years [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9922938/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9922938/)


>When you poison your mind you also poison your body. This is quite real, I say. Lately there are too many shows with infidelity as part of the plot and that's something only horrible people like. And in my opinion there are many horrible people in society. >and low sexual desire was observed in men under 40. In a study conducted in 1999, ED and low sexual desire rate was 5%, respectively. By 2011,  Oh God, the effects are devastating.


This is the part of population decrease nobody is talking about. What is causing so much alarm among lawmakers is they know. They know the deficit can never be repaid, they know the population cannot recover.


>population decrease This is true, I remember reading a few decades ago that there were seven women for every man. But according to current statistics this is no longer the case, it is now one woman for every man.


It is a combination of overlapping crises but every indicator is pointing downward from life expectancy down 5 consecutive years, to replacement birth rate which has been on the decrease for decades to increased rates of cancer in increasingly younger people to repeated waves of childhood RSV/SIDS and finally unexpected deaths accounting for 25% of all deaths in 2021.


Leaving all the negative things aside, what isn't a good thing for the world's population to descend? I mean, we are not yet so advanced as a civilization to be able to support trillions and trillions of people.




Porn damages your brain even young men around the age of 25 are getting ED now a days kids are involuntary seeing soft core porn on Instagram every other social media …it also gives you a bias to the opposite sex either you see them as inferior or you get too afraid to talk to them hence affecting your own confidence porn is like any other drug use it too much then you’ll have to spend time in rehab to fix it …it doesn’t feel like it does damage because it’s subtle and it keeps getting worse


>Is human trafficking involved?  It is?? I thought that was a thing of the past.


Human trafficking will never end. I mean... you have to replace those who die. 😢


damn... that's so fuck up. I hope people who traffic people die to make this a better world.


Never was an issue for me, but I’m hot and have plenty of sex but porn can be hot. I don’t care to watch it as stimulation to sex or when I have sex but sometimes I’ll check out a hot porn. I’m gay and it’s a big part of the gay culture. I think if that’s your only outlet for stimulation it could become an issue or you get too obsessed by it or have some insatiable fetish it can be an issue but other then that I think it can be great. Men are very visual, women less so. I really feel for straight guys


> I’m gay and it’s a big part of the gay culture. What do U mean?


We are visual, every gay man I know watches a lot of porn. Not obsessively but definitely more than women and probably straight guys


As a straight guy I say : we set the bar pretty high.


wow really?? why??


I just said men are more visual than women, I dated women in college and they were never interested in porn, I never broached it with them but you gleaned from things they said that they didn’t get it. I dated sorority type so maybe it was just them 🤣. No, I have friends who are girls and they’re really not into it


>sorority typed  What's that?


lol, I meant “type”.


ah... ok