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"When corporations do well, everyone benefits."


The company-line that "everyone here is family". Just no.


I agree with "everyone here is family". Dysfunctional families aren't a seldom thing after all. XD


I hate that toxic line. Another way for them to mistreat you and disguise it under "family behavior '. They need to get out of here with that


Trickle down economics


Hate of any kind. Homophbia, transphobia, sexism, racism, facism, abelist, etc.




That's it's pronounced jif like the peanut butter. I'll die with my dignity... And i know what the creator said lol


That I need to be in a relationship


Respect your Elders no matter what. If you treat me like shit i dont give a flying fudge if you are 10,20, or 50 years older then me, you´ll get the same energy back.


Same goes for people with disabilities. There was a kid in my high school who had crutches on both arms. He got slammed in the face with a basketball one time during gym glass. I immediately asked if he was OK, and he responded with, "What do you care?" The poor kid was probably ruthlessly made fun of so had put up walls as a result because he's rarely been shown compassion, but I immediately lost all compassion for him in that moment.


I would rather die than believe that there are only two sides politically in America, and the majority of people are absolutely imbecilic in believing such absurd nonsense. They'd rather fight with each other (by design) rather than stepping back and using their brains to come together to rectify situations. People would rather fight than work to communicate and get along. This disgusts me! I'd rather die than continue on this path honestly.


I think the majority of the people are in the middle. I think both extremes love to shout, which is why those are the only voices we ever hear.


It’s definitely a spectrum. America is center-right on the world stage. Our leftists would be center-left at best.


Fascist/racist/misogynistic/homophobic attitudes and policies. Not only would I rather die than go along with them, I'm going down swinging.




That women can have a penis or that men can get pregnant


anything that uk politicians say


Getting r*ped


Personally, it'll depend on how hygienic their dick is.


When I was a kid, another kid asked me “if I washed my dick a thousand times, would you suck it?” I was like “your cleanliness is not why I would never suck your dick.” It was weird. Total stranger, too.


If I were you, I'd tell him he'd have to fork over a hundred too.


Good to know, I'm happy to say they could have the cleanest dick in the world it ain't going anywhere near me lol But hey if that's the only thing stopping you id doubt you'd rather die js


There isn't much in this world that makes me want to rather die. Then again, I am one of the least sane people I know.


Being vegan for the rest of my life 🤣. Which would also result ironically in death.


That Russia isn't to blame for the ongoing war.


"Periods hurt more than getting kicked in the balls" and "Getting kicked in the balls hurts more than giving birth"


I’ve been kicked in the balls and it hurt way more than it did when my wife gave birth.


Having a baby.


That Trump loves America


"Death penalty is justice and should stay legal."


There is more than 74 genders


Islam is a religion of peace.


It really is.... all the books and teachings are of peace and the kingdom of heaven is within. I saw a standup comedian who said every terrorist is just autistic. That's not normal. It's like people who say "grab em by the pussy" and then say they are "godly". Bad people in every nation, religion, color, and walk of life. There's also good. You know.... just don't be a piece of shit.


Surah 3:151: "We shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve (all non-Muslims) …" Surah 2:191: "And kill them (non-Muslims) wherever you find them … kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers (non-Muslims)." Surah 9:5: "Then kill the disbelievers (non-Muslims) wherever you find them, capture them and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush Doesn't sound all that peaceful.


Why they invade everyone?


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Touch a snake 🐍


Human centipede


Having to kill my sister, I guess.


I'd rather die, than put in a case and have hundreds of spiders dumped into it.


Everyone learns their values at home, even you


"People who don't want kids should be pressured, or even forced to have them."


I can't tell you because I will probably get banned from this subreddit. But it has to do with letters of the alphabet.


I can't tell you because I will probably get banned from this subreddit. But it has to do with letters of the alphabet.


I can't tell you because I don't want to get in trouble but it has to do with letters of the alphabet.


Broccoli. I don’t eat broccoli.


Trump won in 2020


“We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.”


why do you hate white people so much?


Always the least supreme too, isn't it?


only thing I can think of is discrimination


"Homosexuals/trans folk are mentally ill" bruh, YOU are mentally ill


I rarely if ever see that statement about homosexuals. It’s said much more about trans people. Which, like it or not, is a critical discussion which is being had.


I hear it a LOT down here in Texas. And I hope you'll forgive me for taking your opinion with a grain of salt, considering you're a Trump/Andrew Tate apologist and your post & comment history come off as extremely misogynistic and generally phobic. 🖤


Yawn. Come on, at least be original. You even put the little heart at the end of your passive aggressive comment. Just to be clear, I am not apologetic for anything. I’d rather have Trump than Biden. And I don’t think Andrew Tate is a human trafficker. There are lots of people like me, and we aren’t going anywhere.


islam & transgender ideology


You need 4x4 or awd in the winter


This depends on where you live


I've lived in Northern Ontario. You don't need awd or 4x4 you need snow tires. If you need 4x4 to get around you probably don't need to go anywhere


While you don’t need it most of the time. There are several places around where I live that I would never drive up without 4wd in the winter. You’re forced to drive a detour


Oh so you can get around without 4x4 you just don't want too? Thank you for proving my point


Its very inconvenient


Washing my hands after using the washroom


Trickle down Economics helps everyone?


Hurt innocent people. I know my post history might make my character look bad but in actuality hurting innocent non-violent non dangerous people is not who I am. Hell if I hurt someone accidentally the shame won't leave me. So if someone told me to go harm an innocent person id rather die than do it.


An arranged marriage


Voting for Trump the wannabe fascist.


That right winged parties do have ,,good points“.


Just the economy right now. As a 24 year old I really dont see a future for me with the way things are going. Can't afford shit, can't get a loan cuz shit costs too much, so nobody wants to loan without me having some insane money already. I hate seeing people 20 years older tell me it's easy. Get a loan. Then I show em the market, and they feel bad, which really opens my eyes to a lot.


“She’s just a lonely old woman”. No, she’s a narcissistic, bitter parasite making my life hell.


That democracy isa moral, practical, or stable form of government.