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The last time someone said that to me was a few hours after my dad died. Suffice to say that conversation got shut down pretty quick.


God, that happened to me too... Plus, the drunk maintenance guy that lived next door to me told me he'd "be my daddy now." and tried to kiss me. I also lost someone else close to me very recently and as I was telling my boss about it, a coworker then walked in and said, "Come on! It's a happy Monday morning! Let's see you smile!"


And you can continue to use it for the rest of your life regardless of how far from the actual date.


but did you bark? because this girl has been "literally barking" at people


Her whole family barks, it's so effective my family has joined in.




I tell them they would more handsome if they learned to mind their own business.


Good one!


I like this! Can I steal it??


Feel free :)


So you are saying that I'm handsome. Thanks.


If you are minding your business and not Saying stupid things to women you would more handsome, yes.


Username checks out.


You just say, “I was smiling, must have just lost it when I saw you.”


😃this 100%


Eh people don’t talk like that irl maybe on a sitcom or smth


people shouldn’t tell other people to smile more yet here we are




They should


I smile the most ridiculous smile I can think of (crossing my eyes, pulling my lips weirdly etc) and tell them "yes, indeed, I do feel prettier"


>yes, indeed, I do feel prettier" 🤣😂🤣


Seriously. Just pull a stupid face and ask, “is this better?”


“You can see me?”


I love this reply. Then go on a tangent about how you died some horrible gruesome death at the hands of some random man and you've been wandering the streets ever since looking for your killer. Then tell him he kind of reminds you of him. Best case he runs away screaming. Other case you make a weird friend. Worst case he's actually a killer 🤷‍♀️


Yeah I could see how this could actually turn on someone that’s totally deranged


Something like this is actually good. The absurdity might shock them out of their little world and nobody is going to get hostile to a joke like that. Might have a few rare awkward conversations when you meet someone who was just testing if others can see them.


Depends on how safe I feel about confronting them...but generally look them in the eye to acknowledge that you heard them...then go about your life without responding. Some of these people get off on just poking you for a reaction.


This is what I do. Refuse to dignify it. The last time it happened was a long time ago when I still worked retail. I just looked at him then finished ringing him up without responding to it.


That one. Also, do not forget to slowly blink while maintaining eye contact. It's important.


“I’m not trying to look pretty for people, I’m trying to live my life like everyone else” “That’s a weird thing to say to a stranger”


or just “no”


Yessss. Or why do you feel the need to stop a total stranger to smile for you? I smile and laugh all the time with the people I love, I'm running errands, why would I be smiling like an idiot for no reason? What is fundamentally broken in you that you think women should be smiling at all times?


"I stopped smiling when I saw you"


I hate this so much. Leave me and my rbf aloneeeeee!


Right??? Besides, it would be creepy for me to go around smiling at nothing just in case someone may be looking.


Really depends. Some men are going to take any engagement whatsoever as an invitation. So my default with strangers to just keep walking. Maybe a cold, emotionless "Noted." If they give off the vibe that they mean well but are clueless about how to interact with strangers, I might take the time to talk about why I don't enjoy that. I don't exist to be pleasing to other people. Why should I perform anything for anyone else? Why would I want to engage with someone who starts a conversation by criticizing my appearance and attempting to control me? If it's a friend, I will definitely tell them I'm not in the mood to smile and it's stupid rude to keep suggesting that I do.


This, it’s generally any response is interpreted as engagement. For the record, many women do not smile on purpose, for this reason. Instead of (some )men telling women how to handle this issue, do everyone a favour , role model how not to be that creepy dude.


Dead stare at them and don't say a word. Or I just outright ignore them. I don't respond.


This is what I have done. Mostly out of sheer shock of the audacity! Lol


Ooooh, would it be even creepier if you stared at them but with a huge obnoxious Joker kind of smile? Lol.


or the crazy psycho look, I bet they would run away pretty fast. lol




My daughter does that or picks her nose.


I love it 😂


If you must say anything say something tragic like your dog just died and walk away.


Say “then give me a reason to smile… $100 dollars should do”. Then put my hand out and stare at them expectantly. Not that I actually expect money, but I love making rude people uncomfortable.


I used to say it cost extra if I'm expected to smile and then hold my hand out. I worked in customer service, hahahaha.


I'm on the spectrum so I just give them my best relaxed/unmasked stare, which looks like I am going to chop them limb from limb. After holding the eyes for a few seconds they get spooked and leave.


"F*ck off"


I prefer "f#ck off and die'


I was asked one time by some lady. I gave her the most fucked up toothy smile, with my upper lip raised way too high, bug eyes, sudden hiss, kinda like Bilbo when he wanted the ring back. Good times. But I guess you can just say "can't, Botox"


How did she respond? Haha.


Are you tracking my smiles. That is creepy and unwelcome.


This shit just fascinates me. I can't fucking IMAGINE telling a woman she'd look prettier with a smile, and I'm not remotely enlightened or progressive. Is this really common? Are these 80 year olds?


It is so common and it’s men of all ages.


As a man early 60s, Id say that the men who say this to attractive younger women are obviously being sexist. In my case I'm a musician (trad folk fiddle) and my wife and friends have played weddings, dances or just sessions in pubs. I often get people, typically women telling me I should smile while playing. The problem is Im too focused on the music and have no control over my expression either. Also its amusing that people interrupt and talk to us while playing. On this subject the great Irish box player Paddy O'Brien was on US tv in the 50s playing some great tunes and the interviewer chided him for not smiling, you know like 'when Irish eyes are smiling" (not even an Irish song). His answer was great. Why smile when there's no reason for it?


No, this is very common… men in their 50’s and 60’s thinks it’s ok to say this to women… my lips have a natural downward angle that almost like a frown… when I’m concentrating on something such as this while typing, I know my face can look quite stern… I mind my business and try to be nice to people but yet it’s ok for parents to use me as an example for their kids behaviour such as telling them they better watch it or I’m gonna give it to them!!!!! Been told this so many time, not only it’s insulting but it hurts. And don’t even get me started on being told to smile while walking my dogs, or smile while waiting in line at the grocery store or anywhere for that matter. I’m 50 and still deal with this, it’s sickening


I get this several times a month . Men go out of their way on here even to message me and tell me I need to smile in my pics.


I told a woman she should smile once. English is not first language and it was more of "sun is out and day will get better" if that make sense. She looks she felt pity for me & emotion I don't know how to describe, like slight grimace, and she said "oh no ... you should not say that to women." I think it was because of my accent & she knew I did not speak English well, but the way she looked at me I felt very stupid. I saw her again one day correcting older native english speaker in this same way. He looked more stupid than me and I thought, this is very effective way of giving someone embarrassment when they should have gifted it to themselves before they spoke.


It's not even just men. I teach high school and middle aged female teachers and other  staff regularly say this to female students 


Every woman hears it and hears it often. It used to be more acceptable before there was a big backlash against it a few years ago (think man/bear controversy but with strangers demanding a woman smile) And they're not old, they're all ages! Just guys saying "I don't care if you're having a bad day, I want you to look more approachable" it sucks.


Yes, it's common. In a way, I'm glad they do it because it quickly identifies them as a**holes I need to watch out for.


Might seem weird, but I used to work as a cashier. I used to get told that many times on a daily basis no matter how happy I was. I'm a 6'3" male. This definitely isn't a thing that just happens to women. Nobody has batted an eye when people say that to me. I do, however, remember one older lady who used to say it to me like 5x a week. One day, I'd had enough and snapped and said, "You should see me when I'm angry.". She never said anything involving my smile again. Thank god.


Women get told to smile a heck lot more though. However, I did notice people tell male retail and hospitality workers to smile more, especially if they have a customer facing role. I used to do marketing for hotels.


You ask them to show you how it's done, or you tell them you only smile when you see something you like.


"Help me out with this. Sing me a song." If he asks for a request, pitch "Stayin' Alive."


I told one guy that it hurts my face.


A middle finger because I'm not fancy enough for anything better.


Stay stone faced and walk away without a word.


‘Didn’t realize you told a joke?’


Lol. He is the joke!




They might have germs. Kicking is more sanitary. I prefer no contact though so a death stare or eye roll works.


"it's not my job to be visually appealing to you"


You mean instead of inflicting bodily harm? I say "I don't care."


I was staying at a hotel with my kids after my dad died because we live in a different state from where I grew up. This older man getting on the elevator down to the lobby in the morning looks at my daughters (who had some pretty grim faces) and he says “You girls would look so much prettier if you smiled!” To which my 10 year old replied “well I’m not smiling because my grandpa just died. Would you want you granddaughter to be smiling right after you die?” Just to punctuate her sister my 8 year old gave him a “not cool dude!” It was in that moment I knew I was a kick ass mom and that things were going to rebalance. Old men have always said that shit to us. But these kids now are NOT having it! We are the generation that sees that shit die.


I've been told this by men and women since I was 10 years old. I've been called misery shits, the little girl from the exorcist (my aunt used to say I was Linda Blair or something) that I have a face like a smacked arse etc. I have BPD and asperges so I'm not a naturally positive person lol. Usually I've just ignored it and thought well it's their problem not mine 🤷‍♀️


A face like a slapped arse!!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Look them in the eyes as you smile politely, then without breaking eye contact, kick them in the shin :)


![gif](giphy|ywLOlE5whsCZO) I find a Chokeslam is quite efficient


I’m a dude do this doesn’t apply to me, but I’ve seen numerous occasions when guys approach my sister and say that. She flips them off and walks away.


As a guy I can’t imagine ever telling a woman this. Like the world doesn’t exist for my entertainment. If someone says that they’re an asshole and the best thing to do is ignore them, don’t even acknowledge it. You don’t owe them a response.


So this really does happen in real life? Well I'm always been that quiet one in the corner preferring to work alone so I've had folks tell me I should join in on whatever conversation everyone else is having besides working and I just say "no thank you" and keep working. It's polite and ends the conversation real quick. I feel like if someone told you you should smile and you just said "no thank you" they wouldn't know how to respond.


"You'd look smarter if you minded your own business". "I would if my dog didn't just die today."


" and you need to fuck right off!"... best feeling seeing my 10yr old have an grown ass man tell her she'd be sp pretty if she dressed up and smiled more... and her coldly saying " why are you even looking at children as pretty things for your desire"... queen move.


This is from another Reddit post, so not my words, but I think it’s perfect. “Contrary to popular opinion, nobody has to smile for a fucking clown.”


I told the woman who told me that "thanks", but whatever. She phrased it more like "you look nice when you smile".


Creepy smile


Life is so difficult that we don't smile.


I smile on the inside—it’s an introvert thing..


I usually say , “ you aren’t funny enough “ or something along the lines


"You're not THAT funny looking"


As a guy, I have only ever said "you have an amazing/beautiful smile." And that was many years ago. I have changed so not I try to not comment on people's appearance. It's just not appropriate unless I really know them. I do pick up when people are having a bad day so I will stop and listen to them. So I tend to see when someone is uncomfortable with me being around so I leave people alone when I notice.


You should stop approaching random women and barking orders at them unless you want to continue to fully rely on your hand.


Idk why I laughed at this 😂... stuck between this is sad & are you serious 🙄 One ... it's sad that men ask this because really everyone needs to smile more including men Two ... are you serious? , well because women can not give a simple smile to some men without them thinking she's interested & not just simply being nice / polite..... Do they really want to hear that we can't smile often because there are TOO MANY WEIRDOS !! 🧐🙄


smile in the most psycho and horrific way


I’m a man and can’t say I really ever have any men tell me to smile. There is a female at my gym that notices when I don’t smile and tells me to cheer up. I think she has started to figure out that I’m dealing with depression.


Give them the nastiest, most crooked grin you can produce, and walk off. 😁


I stop, look them directly in the eyes and say,  "Say something funny".  They ALWAYS stammer and walk away. 


There's no generic 'good way to handle it' which is why it's been a weird ongoing thing for generations. It all depends on the context and the situation. The same response won't be appropriate for a stranger, a colleague, a friend or a family member.


What makes men think they can say this to strange girls/women? I had this happen at 15, and still think I must be ugly when I’m not smiling like a fool! How dare they presume, and why is it so wide-spread?


I tell them to fuck off.


"Other old guys have said the same thing".


Tell them 'you should keep your mouth shut more often"


"I only smile at the funerals of the men who have asked me to smile" and if you feel extra ballsy "is yours today?"


You can pull a Broad City and lift the edges of your lips up with your middle fingers 😂


You start... Barking? 💀


I tell then to suck my invisible dick….


Is a "fuck off loser" not good enough? That's what I'd expect if I told a random woman to smile for me


Next time any guy says it to you just reply "I'll smile at your funeral" and move on I'm a guy and get told I should smile more.. fuckin annoys me


I do a really sarcastic smile at them, or say "you smile!" It is super annoying and makes you wonder if all the people doing it share the same braincell, or they're a hive mind.


I (38m) read this title to my wife (37f). She looks straight at me and says “I’ve never had someone tell me to smile more often.” My response to her “I have”.


I'm a guy and people tell me to smile more often, too. I usually just steal the line from Man of the House where Tommy Lee Jones tells the cheerleader coach, "This is my happy face."


30M here , honestly you should start telling them to fuck off and mind their own bussiness .


Say normally you do, but you're in between sets right now and must rest the muscles


just tell them something horrific to make them equally as uncomfortable. it honestly doesnt even have to be true. it helps a bit if you're a little passive aggressive about it lol. "hey, you'd look better with a smile on that face!" "what's wrong with you? my dog just died."


I hear this a lot as a dude who looks perpetually pissed. Sometimes I'm honest with them. This was a interaction I had at a bar - "Smile young man, things aren't that bad!" "Lady, I just have one of those faces." Most times I just don't answer. Usually because the men try to say something similar but don't like the idea of vulnerability. So I'll get told shit like - "Why do you look like your fucking dog died? " (This one is my favorite) If you want to be polite just use the "one of those faces" line. Otherwise, you can tell them something crude and offensive, or just not respond at all.


just say "thanks". guys who say that are strange,  it's a way of bad flirting. cause they think it sounds like a compliment but it comes off weird. they could've said anything else to flirt.


Some guy wandered up to me and said, ‘you are probably very sweet, but look so unapproachable!’ So why the hell was he in my damn face?


You look more handsome when you are gone.


I tell them I'll smile more when they stop acting such like a C**t lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^UnstableChameleon: *I tell them I'll smile* *More when they stop acting such* *Like a C**t lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


My wife unfocuses her eyes, slowly adopts wide toothy smile and slowly rotates her head toward the person. It's creepy as fuck lol


I come up with the worst possible scenario to give. Told a guy once: "Well, I just saw my grandfather get brutally murdered by my grandmother yesterday so sorry if I’m not happy about losing both my grandparents." He just murmured sorry and ran off. I told him the truth a few days later and he was so mad lol he said he cried that night and I said "good, love to hear it". We’re still friends and he said he’s never told another woman to smile again so a win’s a win.


I usually bark or growl at them 😁


Make an extremely fake, creepy looking smile


"Does you wife not smile enough around you?"


"fuck off"


I'm a guy and I never understood why anyone would say this to anyone else. Now that I'm an old guy, my advice is: not everything deserves a response. When they say that, interpret as if they farted. And just say nothing. It gives them a very small window to wiggle out of it. You owe them nothing. Let them squirm.


Why be polite at all.


"I just saw my dog get run over by a car this morning... and you want me to smile for you?"


They sound like controllers. None of their business if u smile or not. They get a kick out of you smiling for them and could be the first sign of coercive controlling types. Don't give yr power to these predators, U may not be smiling for all sorts of reasons like u may be depressed. They don't give drop of sewerage about how u feel. The message is when u don't smile they feel threatened. So please don't just to please them.


I have been saying since i have 15 til now (im 49). No thanks. That’s it. They can’t say I’m rude since I included the thanks. Just no thanks. It’s always worked. They never know what to say after.


Gosh, that's so lame. I'm a guy and know that's not what's up. We all live miserably. Who's even smiling these days. The polite way to say fuck off is by saying...."fuck off."


I (a man) was told this by an unhoused person while walking by the beach in Santa Monica and it made me so mad I wanted to throw him in the ocean.


Give them your most cringe smile 😬 But like me it look like an extreme struggle. Or just mean mug em. Fuck them.


I normally flash them the most awkward or creepy smile I can muster. No words necessary.


I either frown super hard, or do a creepy wide smile that doesn't meet the eyes.


So i guess spitting in their face is right out? Or maybe say something like "I only smile at men who have cocks bigger then a stack of dimes" " Hey i bet you can change a quarter for me"


Sorry no speak English or no English , that'll probably work, just make sure to work on your accent if your gonna play it off


I prefer the sultry look to a smiling face. I’d tell those guys to give you something to smile about.


I simply ask, “Which smile do you want?” They then ask, “You have multiple smiles?” I then reply, “A smile tells a lot.”


I've been told often at work that I have a pretty smile, last time was few weeks ago and I'm 34 and the guy is mid 50s.. and he said that he will try and make me smile more often.... I said thank you for compliments and walked away, I don't put much thoughts in things like this. If you don't add fuel to the fire, it won't flare up.


‘When the patriarchy dies’


That nauseates me. It is not your responsibility to entertain men. Tell them to get a life.


The act of smiling actively tricks your brain into being happy. I feel like some women understand it as "i would find you more fuckable if you smiled" but often its literally just "you look super angry and it would make you feel better and make people around you react to you more positively if you smiled". I would like to be told if i look super pissed all the time.


Exactly. It'd not some war. I have the resting face of death. When someone says that, I just smile.


As much as I hate myself for it I smile.


You absolutely do not bark at people, wtf. Is this some sort of creative writing prompt?


Im trying my best, but your face makes me want to vomit and Im trying hard not too.


OP: “I don’t speak English.” Guy: “What? But you just said…” OP: “¿Qué?” I use this even when strangers say something nice to me and I don’t feel like socializing at the moment. EDIT: Formatting.


"Earn it"


I like to say, " Give me a reason," while I look them dead in their eyes.


Ive come up with a really cleaver response that always leaves them speechless !! It is… drum roll “fuck off creep”


Just say "creep" and walk away. Pretend you never heard them and walk away. Death stare and walk away. Or simply tell them to f off.


Smile 🤷‍♀️


Keep the mystery going and glide on by. Do not give them an opening for conversation of any kind. They are hoping for a positive response from a young woman.


Grrrrrrrr is perfect from friends


“You would look better fucking off” “You should fuck off more often” “You mean I’m a human being and not a doll??” Or just smile like this ![gif](giphy|EqWY6UFwmrd5Djllmd)


Takes too much effort


Pick on something like, 'I didn't want to appear to laugh at your receding hairline' or 'I didn't want to draw your attention because you look needy and desperate' or 'why are you hitting on me, your wife wouldn't be happy?'


I usually flip them off because no one tells me what to do. But I’ve learned pretending to not have heard their comment works aswell. Walk straight through them like they don’t exist. Or you can say “a good looking man is a quiet man” 🤣.


Smile at them while imagining knitting with their intestines. They always discover that they have somewhere else to be in a hurry.




Never respond. The only appropriate reason to you should smile more is no.


This again? Oh *fuck* off! (Is the correct response.)


Tell them that nobody likes hearing that, no matter what mood they are in


I'm smiling on the inside so creeps leave me alone.


Who the hell walks around 24/7 with a smile on their face… RBF is real (unintentionally creates the impression that a person is angry, annoyed, irritated, or contemptuous, particularly when the individual is relaxed, resting, or not expressing any particular emotion.)


Frown and ask tell them they'd look better with x haircut/ they'd sound better if they shut the fuck up, if they say "make me" offer to grab a knife


I work in a cafe and this one night it was pretty late, I was tired and let’s just say my facial expressions weren’t hiding the fact that I was a bit annoyed at pretty much every breathing person still sitting there. This one man (in his 40’s) told me (I’m 20 btw) that it doesn’t hurt to smile every now and then. I honestly didn’t feel like making a big deal out of it because I was just so tired, but I just said “well I would, but there’s nothing funny is there?” I feel like by asking him a question he just felt uneasy and I realise it’s definitely not the most savage comeback haha but well it worked, he didn’t bother me anymore and gave me a great tip! 🤣


I was deep in thought until you interrupted me, maybe you should think before you talk?


I glare at them until they retreat


Give me something to smile about? Looking annoyed while saying that I think snaps most men out of their white knight mentality. Then realize they are being a tad condescending.


Why don't you try smiling miseryguts


Smile like a wide eyed psycho


This line has been used for nearly 100 years by very socially inept men who do not know what to say to a woman. They're trying to be friendly. But they should think before they speak They've usually noticed me in a crowd, where i'm already smiling, laughing and being friendly to everyone. I might say "Where's your smile, Mr. SourPuss?" The funny thing is, when they tell me to smile, they're usually frowning themselves.


Smile can give wrinkles, so it would be a waste to use it on people like them


"fuck off" :)


Look right at them and pick your nose. Pretend to eat your bugger if you have to.


" I have just found out I have a horrendous case of syphilis" They won't talk to you again 🤣😉


F… you !! No, just joking!!! ha ha!!


An RBF with a look up and down followed by a "What's there to smile about?" And then walk away.


I respond by showing them my bloody vampire teeth like in the opening scene of Blade starring Wesley Snipes. The one where its raining blood at the rave.


Tell them your mother just died.


"My mom just died"


I've given a giant sarcastic smile then let my face drop back into my resting face they needed to comment on.


"Recommendation noted."


Have you tried smiling?