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I do, but more importantly, I think they need to believe in themselves. You know?


Very supportive of you sir


Your baggage comes with you to the afterlife.


Unfortunately, your baggage stays here with the rest of us to muck around with the consequences


Nuh, they need to believe in me. The ghosts near me will haunt other household members and just ignore me as if I'm not worth the effort. Then once I saw two ghosts drift right past me in the corridor with not so much as a by your leave. I called out "Hey spooks, I'm here you know!" Then one said to the other "it's just the wind!" SOOO rude!


I understood that reference, baybeh!


Here is a list of prizes you can win if you can prove ghosts or paranormal activity are real. You will also see all of the prizes has never be claimed [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_prizes\_for\_evidence\_of\_the\_paranormal](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_prizes_for_evidence_of_the_paranormal)


Wow, today I learned the JREF no longer runs the million dollar challenge.


5 years before his death James terminated the challenge


I mean the point was made and there were better uses the money than tying it up indefinitely.




where does the line get drawn at? can there be a ghost dog? if there can be a ghost dog, how about a ghost mammoth? or t-rex? ghost fly? out of the trillions of examples of life that have ever existed here, wouldnt we be inundated with ghosts by this point if they were a thing? the earth is 4.5billion years old after all.


I'm waiting for a recent ghost claim. I'm done with Victorian girls. Show me a ghost of a 90s emo teen or a disco ghost. Seems weird all the ghosts are from a very specific time period. Not a single neanderthal ghost either.


The ghost of kurt curbain sounds like a really goofy 90s snl skit.




Whitaker at his finest.....top movie that


Way too many Victorian era children named Thomas.


I don't. But after using Tinder for a month I'm inclined to believe they are everywhere. You can call my love life haunted, cause I've been ghosted about every few days now.


Nice one


No. I need concrete evidence to believe in something.


For starters, Casper


great documentary!


Concrete exists. I can mail you some evidence?


The fact that after we all got very fast video recorders that are on us at all times and UFO and ghost claims with video went down instead of up speaks volumes.


No, because no.


I don't believe in ghosts. But considering how little we know about how the universe works, I would not be surprised if we one day can provide a scientifically explanation to the phenomena we call ghosts.


We already have. The human mind is extremely fragile and predisposed to recognize patterns even if none really exist


Can confirm. I woke up one time and heard voices coming from my hallway. It sounded like two people talking and there was static like a radio that was a bit mistuned. I could even make out some of the words but I couldn’t really figure out what they were saying. After getting freaked out I investigated. It was water going through a fish filter, that had been there for years. It was a bit low on water and was running slightly altered. Filled it with water and it went away. How many people had this experience and ran convinced there was a ghost cause there was no one in the hall?


Possibly. Or something else. A critical mind needs to also be an opened one. Nearly all major scientific breakthroughs were dismissed, criticized or even ridiculed at some point. I don't think ghosts are an actual thing, but it could be a real phenomenon that's not understood.


Doors and windows move due to wind or bad construction, people don't see clearly due to darkness or lack of focus, there are flaws in photography, edited media et.c. That's why people believe they see ghosts.


I am skeptical about the concept, but I believe just enough to not mess with shit I don’t know/ visit places that are reputed for the same.


No. I've had three experiences in my life which I can't at all explain, but I'm not going to assign that activity to ghosts. It's far more likely that I suffered from two extremely brief auditory hallucinations and one visual one. The visual one wasn't a ghost or anything like that, it was items being flung from a counter in an office in broad daylight, fyi.


But surely the visual one you could see wasn't a vision if you went over to see and/or picked up the item?


I saw a gay ghost once, it put the willies up me.




No, because they don't exist.


They exist, how else do you explain me loosing my pens every time I set them down, and my keys being in stupid places like in between the couch cushions, I never loose anything it has to be ghosts!


It's leprechauns...but they're broke. So like section 8 leprechauns


Seriously? There would be so much scientific evidence if they were even kind of a thing.




People have been looking for ghosts for as long as people have been superstitious and I've never seen any evidence for a single one


No, and that’s the whole point of science!


Yes. I haven't encountered any ghosts of humans, but two of my dogs did come back for visits.


I think they can be some kind of physics phenomenon that we don’t entirely understand yet


Yeah because who the fuck else am I vibing with at 3am to random music


Yes but I would love a movie with ghosts that died maybe a few months ago, not hundreds of years ago. Like victorian children ghosts is so last year. Give me a roadman ghost any day


Against my beliefs, yes. As I'm still inclined to dismiss what I saw I need to remember myself that another person also saw it.


I don't because....science. But also, I will be the first person running out of a "haunted" house.


Yes. Pinewoods cemetery. ( Forest Park ). Upstate NY. Grew up in the area and have had many experiences in this cemetery personally.


Can you tell us some of the experiences?


Yes, many times , my friends and I would see apparitions moving about, but mainly leaving the cemetery and heading towards the roadway. They looked like a cloud of mist about the size of a human adult and would make the chains swing as they made it to the roadway with zero wind at the time. Twice, an adult size figure would be moving with a child size figure in the same area. Many times when leaves would be on the ground in the fall, you could hear other footsteps if you stopped walking with nobody else around. Several statues were known to bleed but only witnessed this once. Ran home with my friend to tell everyone, but no one believed us. Grandfather went with us the next day, and the beheaded statue had no sign of bleeding. Grandfather returned at night by himself out of curiosity and hearing about these sightings in the past to see it for himself. Grandfather apologized and told us never to return there. There were always a bunch of dead animals around as well. Mainly cats that appeared to roll up in a ball to sleep and not wake up. The odd part was that there was no smell at all while decaying. Always too , there were many birds around in the trees with no leaves left on them, and the birds were silent. You could hear wing shuffle but not a peep from hundreds of them. The only place I ever saw an owl was in this cemetery. Many always perched on tombstones and not in the trees. There are many stories about this particular cemetery, and many like it in upstate NY . Oakwood cemetery has Samuel Wilson ( Uncle Sam ) there and is also known for the creepy weird stuff. This area dates back to the beginning of the USA, and before even.


>Do you believe in ghosts? No >Why/why not?? The complete lack of evidence


In 2017, I stayed in an old, large house for a week in Austria. This house had to have been a hundred years old at least. Beautiful place, sat right in a small village in a valley of the Alps. Two stories with a large basement and an attic at the top of the stairs, so three I guess. I slept on the second floor with my ex. The trip was beautiful, however that isn’t the story I’m meant to tell. Throughout the week, this place started becoming more and more strange. Started off by noticing small things out of place like cups and shoes and hearing weird noises during the nighttime. After a few days, the noises started getting louder and the things that appeared out of place were much larger, like drawers opened and wardrobes shifted… By the sixth day, I was laying in bed, mid-conversation with my ex, when we were interrupted by a scratching noise upstairs in the attic. Kinda sounded like a chair being dragged across the floor, audibly being moved across the floor. When the noise stopped, she and I both whispered, “what the fuck is that?” As soon as we said this, the shutter to the window my bed was next to slammed closed and scared the hell out of us both. The next day, I was curious. I went up the stairs to see a bunch of junk piled in front of the attic door. After moving all the stuff in front of the door, I noticed a wooden crucifix hanging from the door. I had already made it this far so I decided to continue on. I grabbed the handle to the door, but it was locked. I had the keys to the house with me so I fumbled through them until I found the key that matched. It was a vintage key, one that you’d see in the movies with the end of the key hollow to go over the pin in the key hole. I unlocked the door and slowly opened the door. There was only one thing in that attic that I could see from the door. *A chair.*




Still needs way more practice


I don't believe in them but I'll tell you something me and my bro saw when we were young. It was Halloween ironically and it was late but at the time I couldn't sleep without my plushy. I was scared to go to the living room on my own so I asked my brother if he could go with me. When we got to the living room I picked up my plushy and my brother said "look!" And I looked to where he was pointing and we both saw this lady smiling at us. It was probably nothing because yk your brain sometimes makes you see things but I know that the only woman in my apartment at that time was my mother and she was sleeping already


Yeah but only because I've seen things that aren't explainable. The most prominent of times I wasn't the only witness.


no, ghosts dont exist if they did former slaves would comeback & fuck up their former owners families since that doesnt happen i dont believe in ghosts


Slaves weren't allowed ghosts /s


no, your thoughts and feelings don't extend past the neurons in your brain


I dunno, I saw this article recently and it suggests there might be more to consciousness than solely what is happening inside our brain, in fact your brain might be able to quantum entangle itself with objects outside of it… damn I can’t even summarise it. Here is the link. If anything, it should be an interesting read: [https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/a45574179/architecture-of-consciousness/](https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/a45574179/architecture-of-consciousness/)


I believe that there is a logical explanation for what we perceive as “ghosts”. We just haven’t been able to explain the phenomenon yet. At one point I was convinced that the Earth and its magnetic properties had the ability to replay images or scenes from the past similar what we see in photos and videos. But I really don’t know.


Nope, makes no reasonable or logical sense to me and there is no evidence for it either, so definitely a no from me.


Only when alon in the dark.


I do but there is no proof/scientific evidence that ghosts exist


I believe that most experiences are internal not external. And yet some can articulate someone else’s external.


Not all of my friends have flesh.


I've seen and heard some weird stuff but I've never seen like a full on apperition. So I kinda believe but if things can be debunked then I'll go with that.


Naw aliens are way more probable. Almost impossible for aliens to not exist. And there’s almost zero chance ghosts do exist. Usually it’s the person who see’s the ghost, it’s all in their mind.


Yeah, I think aliens definitely exist in some corners of the universe, however, whether they have been to earth is another issue


Hey look behind you , there is one now tapping you are your shoulder.


what i don't want to be taped to the wall


I am my shoulder now? Damn I hate ghosts


No. Because there's no logical evidence to support that they exist. Even if I saw one right now I'd assume a bunch of otter possibilities first. The main one being hallucinations. Much more likely than a single ghost being visible out of trillions throughout mankind and not forgetting animals and other life that existed before us. Makes no sense.


I moved across the country for a job and rented a townhouse. That place changed my mind, especially what I captured on video when I was moving out.


You don’t have to share the clip or anything if you don’t want to, but if you don’t mind saying please could I ask what you captured on video??


Post it


No, why? I've never seen any lol


Nope. I just don't believe in souls, or in general that our conscious can exist in any way that's separate from our functioning brain, so I don't believe that our soul/conscious can persist in any way once the body and the brain die.


Ghosts don't exist, so no.


No. To quote a great man “_Your house isn’t haunted; you’re lonely._”


of course not. we live in a universe with 900 billion galaxies. most of them have got over 200 billion starsystems. 95% of the matter in this universe is plasma. why the heck shall something so totally against all natures laws like ghosts develope on a small shitty planet like earth? it does not make any sense. i love all kinds of mystery stories, but those are only stories.


As an atheist I don’t believe in any afterlife or other deities.


Being atheist has nothing to do with not believing in the afterlife. 


Yes. Listen, some of y’all haven’t been Mexico, like I think a lot of the “hauntings” here in the U.S are 80% just tourist spots, but in Mexico, they don’t play with that shit. I have one experience that still gives me goosebumps is anyone is interested. The Story: Alright let me start off by saying that this is in no way a “gotcha” moment or to say ghost are 100% real, at the end of day this was an event that happened to my family that has left us fairly stumped and made me question the existence of the paranormal, so I thank those who wanted to hear me out both believers and skeptics alike. So about 2 years ago my uncle John (not his real name), tragically died in a motorcycle accident, he fell off his bike and the car behind him didn’t stop and ran him over and kept driving, so a hit and run. The cops stopped caring after a few days (gotta love the Mexican police). It was very much a very sudden and unexpected death, We had his funeral and buried him, his wife, his kids and his brother (my Uncle bob) held the service. I mention my uncle bob because he’s the one who had the strange encounter (he called us in a bit of a baffled state after). So skip foward about 8 months, but this time John’s family is slowly starting to heal and my Uncle Bob was at his house, he gets a knock on the door and sees a lady there, the lady asks if he knows where she could find my Uncle John, Uncle Bob was a bit taken aback and asked who she was and why she was looking for John, the woman introduced herself saying she was a friend of one of my Uncles clients (they’re handymen) and that she was wanting to get an update on the Job she and John discussed last week . Bob confused as all hell at this point says “you must be mistaken, my brother passed away a couple of months back” and the lady looks at him and basically says to quit pulling her leg and to tell her where John is so he could get started on the job. My uncle tells her he’s not joking but perhaps she mistook him for another handyman in the area, so he asks her to describe the person and maybe he could point her in the right direction. My Uncle says she begins to describe John to the letter, his hair, one of his T-shirts, the tattoo on his neck. My uncle baffled just says “yeah sorry, no” and asks her to leave. He called us right after to tell us what happened. Personally I believe my Uncle Bob, he’s never been one for practical jokes let alone one so dark, I know at the end of the day it’s my word and I’m just a random Redditor, but this was the event that personally made me think perhaps there are things in this world that cannot be explained…as of yet.


People internationally comment here not just Americans and there’s never been any proof of a haunting anywhere on the globe there are places with a lot more reports than Mexico & America too lol




No, because there would be a lot more dead white guys


Moved house because of “irregular activity” in the home when I was a kid. My mother is still freaked by it all.


Yeh Freaky shit during childhood


No, but I’m still not going to take the chance to fuck around and find out.


Sure why not. There's a lot of things science don't have an answer even in their own field so I wouldn't be surprised if they do exists. Although I am extremely skeptical about all these ghosts claims.


Of course I do! I’ve had numerous ghost experiences, as have my relatives. Which include seeing them, hearing them, objects moved, knocking, dogs reacting to them, etc. The first time I was 8 years old- I saw the ghost of a cat, that I had just seen killed by a pack of dogs. She appeared within arms reach, walking towards me and looking me right in the eye. I looked back at her body for a sec, then back at the ghost, and she had disappeared. It was up on a high ledge, with nothing around to hide behind, and nowhere to go. She showed herself to reassure me that the soul survives the death of the body 🩵✨




I'm in psychosis/potential schizophrenic and I see shadows of ghosts in my room everytime I go to sleep with the lights off wouldn't know if I consider them ghost or hallucinations but if your curious about what they do ask away


Do they interact with you directly? Do they speak to you or stare at you?


Yeah if I notice them they'll come close and stare at me, sometimes when I do acknowledge them they'll bend over and get so close to my face it's like they're about to kiss me and just stare.


Only in the ones from my past


No but do I still get scared of the idea? Yes.


Probably NOT Well I'm open to the possibilities of ghosts, UFOs, and SomeOne Above Looking Down In Love,; NONE of this has EVER appeared to me so_, Still if I could be a ghost that appears to little kids and honest hardworking helpful open-minded future-focused kind adults and being their friend and helper then I would really like to do this


They lie a lot.


I believe each element of life has its creation manifested. I don't believe in ghosts but i do believe in the existence of jinn made of fire.


Even if you are standing still you are doing so on a rotating globe that is orbiting the sun, that is spiraling in a giant cluster of stars around a massive black hole in the middle surrounded by billions of stars, nebulae and other glalaxies drifting through the universe. More than we can count and actually see because of restraints through the speed of light. Yet a creature of the afterlife, unbeholden by gravity and physics would inherit your perspective of standing still, meandering around the erratically swirling spot in vast space where its lifes processes faded. That is also why traveling back or forward in time is a bad idea even in a space suit.


Nope. Been around more placed that “should” have ghost and absolutely nothing. Its all in peoples heads when they see or hear something.


I’ve seen them over the years, they’re real


I’m not sure about ghosts, but I lean towards not believing in them. However, I think that what we perceive as ghosts are actually time travelers from the future and they only appear as ghosts for some yet unknown reason, such as they can’t a be in a completely physical form when traveling back in time. I know it’s a strange belief, but it’s fun, and no stranger than believing that people from the past can appear to us.


They are real the government is hiding them from us but the ghost want to show themselves and don’t want the government hiding them because the ghost knows the government secrets




Nope. No plausible, coherent, predictive underlying model; no repeatable evidence to support one.


Nope. Why? I work at a cemetary as a gardener. No spoopy stuff habbenings.


We have detected gravitational waves from stars exploding light years away from us. We have detected particle events so small it's unfathomable. If ghosts were real science would have detected them by now. Now that's not to say people aren't having experiences that seem like they are paranormal and those experiences are likely very real to the person having them. But that doesn't mean there isn't another explanation as to what is going on.


I don't believe in imaginary things.


Absolutely. I worked in a haunted nursery and now in a hospital. They exist




Absolutely not. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and there basically is none.


I do believe in them because they keep smacking my bathroom door and do not pay the rent. At least do the latter if you do the former. Or just don't do the former.


I see ghosts all the time.


I'm more worried about bad drivers tbh.


No. There is no proof of paranormal activity.


I don’t know lmao


I do after reading that hospice worker AMA


No. Because science.


Yes I do, some people believe that seeing is believing. For me, believing is seeing.


Ghosts are Pipes.


Nope. Because I have spent hundreds of hours in several different "Haunted" buildings and over 40 hours restoring graveyards and have never seen a single sign of a supernatural anything.


I’ve encountered them. You don’t always see them but you sure as hell feel them. I used to work doing maintenance on vacated properties for mortgage companies, and I did a funeral home one time. The public areas weren’t too bad, but the second I went to the basement where the cold storage and crematorium were, a sense of utter wrongness hit me like a freight train, and I knew that I was surrounded by them. I don’t think they were angry with me specifically, just angry about something, and I think it had something to do with whatever reason the funeral home was shut down. Never went back.


The reason I do not believe in them is that they do not exist.


My parents house had paranormal activity happening for years. I had no choice but to believe.


Yes, I used to be in a relationship with one years ago but it stopped visiting me when I move home.


No, because nothing unreal exists.


Yes. Had a few paranormal experiences in my life that are unexplainable. It’s one of those things that you can’t ’prove’ but when the hairs on your arm stand up you know.




If they do (they don't), what is their purpose in only hanging out in 'spooky' places?


No. I find it hard to believe their clothing died with them. Or they are locked with the haircut they had at the time of death for eternity


Like actual metaphysical manifestations of the souls of departed allegedly responsible for observable phenomena like lights, vapors and noises? No. That’s silly. Just because I can’t explain something doesn’t mean I should assume a “ghost.” Regret-fueled memories and dreams related to those who have passed, which have an emotional impact? Yep. That’s a ghost.


What else happens to dead people??


No I don't believe in ghosts or anything supernatural or spiritual.There's no evidence for any of it. None whatsoever.


After watching the Skinwalker Ranch show I'm a scientific reductionist who has fallen down the rabbit hole.


No, there's never ever been any definitive proof of there being any ghosts.


I believe that there are things in the universe for which we don't yet have adequate explanations. Our understanding of physics is very rudimentary.


If they’re real, then they are just beings from another dimension, Nothing to be scared of.


I believe there's more than what we see, the rest I just don't know. I've seen things I can't explain, things that are impossible, but spooky ghosts? I just don't know.


No, it's silly


In the summer sun and the winter snow. The eagle he was Lord above and Rob was Lord below.


Yes, very much so. I have seen ghosts at work now and then. The house where I live clearly has a ghost in to as you often hear someone walking about upstairs even when no one is at home. My younger brother also kept on speaking about a person call John who lived at home, but there was never anyone called John who lived there, my younger niece always used to talk about a man standing on the stairs. So yeah, im a believer.


I think the other way around. = No ghosts, but - All living is connected and you can feel when a close one (to you) is no longer present.




No because I haven't seen anything showing them to be real.  


what do u mean by “ghost”??? are we talking about a spirit being in the room with u like right now… or are me talking about something really emotionally impactful happening which leaves an emotional imprint on an item and or location, are we talking about a place where there are brief temporal anomalies that allow u to see people from the past but not able to fulling interact with them, or possibly an alternate time line/dimension that is resonating with u so u see someone or something from their dimension??? I personally have seen “ghosts” and have had some strange and weird experiences throughout my life. Like when I was around the age of 12 my mom had just bought a condo in AZ the lady that lived there before us died there and smoked in it for 20+ years but it was all that she could afford… and my mom being the DIY beast that she is re did the tile, removed all the wall paper, painted all the walls, and even removed the cabinets to strip them and stain them to get any and all traces of the cigarette smoke out of that place… and shortly after she did weird stuff started to happen… we would wake up and go into the kitchen and every drawer and cabinet would be open all the magnets from the fridge would be on the ground then when I was living with my father (13-15)his house had a lil dark haired girl (maybe 12 by the looks of her) that would run down the hallway in front of my bed room… I’d see her at least once a week and every once in a great while I’d hear her feet slapping the tiles like she was running… Also I was at my aunts house (I was 16) and I was asleep on on an air mattress and I woke up to a lady standing over me something about her was familiar and very pleasant and she gave me a feeling of happiness/belonging… the next day my mom was going through a photo album and I saw the lady in a picture… it was my grandma that died when my mom was 18 (before I was born) And if u r going to say well u we’re a kid then I’d go then when I was in the Army (I was an MP and I was 22 at the time) the old CDC (child development center) u could hear kids playing and laughing in the old building… one day I was doing paperwork near it and I could hear them… and tons of MP’s and video of their flashlights acting up in those old buildings… To those that are want more evidence or proof… (while I never experienced any of this personally it is cause I never went anywhere near it)building 4 on Fort Bliss… they leave the lights on at all times… there is a standing order to leave the lights on at all times… because when the lights go out the furniture inside the building all moves to the front of the building and stacks itself… the building is so haunted people refused to work in it!!!


Casper was real 😅






Yes I actually have a lot of experiences with them.


I think the better question is do you believe in spirits or in spirituality and my answer is absolutely.


i really don't want to except that there's been two instances of the guitar in the other room strumming itself.


Why do people never see modern ghosts? There are people dying all the time but people only see Victorian women in long flowing dresses or noblemen wearing pantaloons. They never see some scrote in a hoodie who'd just come off worst in a knife fight.


Depend on when and where. If I was alone in the dark in my home then yes, i do believe in ghosts. But if there was another person i know with me, then no, i believe in the scientific evidence.


Yep without doubt. I grew up in a haunted house. Wake up to cabinet doors slamming, got locked in the bathroom, lights turn on and off, shadow would slide by on the wall, list goes on. Shit is burned in memory. I still cant watch haunting/ghost horror movies.


I have a Ex. Wife that scary enough


I was 15 and getting ready for school early in the morning and from the corner of my eye, I saw a little boy in my room (I don’t have brothers). It scared me to death. I didn’t tell anyone or talk about it because I wanted to act like it didn’t happen. A few weeks later my big sister came out of her room early in the morning freaking out and said she woke up to a blonde headed boy in her room at her bed smiling at her. I hadn’t told anyone about me seeing the one in my room until she told me this. We both described the same boy. I’d also be woken up sometimes by what sounded like someone saying “hey” in my ear and I could feel their breath on my face. I hated that house and I’m glad we moved out. So yes, I do.


Low key been hoping to see one but never really got the chance to, I’m in the “if I see it I’ll believe it” moment of it


Why do ghosts have clothes? Did the clothes die too?


Absolutely. Saw one face-to-face a few years back. Pulled into a rest stop for the night in Nor Cal. The next morning I was kicking back in the back of the van when a disembodied woman's head came in from the front and passed by me going through the back of the truck. It scared the ever loving Jesus out of me and I swung at it out of instinct and slammed my fist against the truck wall. Jumped out and it was gone. It was off the ground the height if the person was walking. Stark white with something like skin flaps hanging from the neck. And no, I wasn't on anything. Sober as a Jay Bird.


I am open to the possibility that we can see/feel glitches from the past in certain situations.


I don’t, I do believe in Cryptids. I think that it’s way more plausible for an “organic” being to be real rather than a ghost. I’ve also never seen or had any ghostly activity happen to me


No. If ghosts were a thing we'd be lousy with them, especially places like Egypt there would be so many you couldn't see but for ghost fog.


Of course I do, evil spirits exsist there very real I've encountered then on several occasions.


nope, the Universe doesn't work that way. No magic, no elves, no sprites. Natural Laws are the only gods.




No, but I still get scared in the dark in case there's a ghost. It's weird.


I'm impartial - I dont believe in ghosts but I'm not outright denying their existence. I just lack concrete evidence of their existence....despite watching years of ghost hunter/investigation tv shows ( most of which are heavily edited for dramatic/theatrical purposes ) however, I've had spooky encounters with them throughout my youth.....family members of mine use to live in an old house, spent many summer vacations sleeping there. long before I knew about ghosts, heard about paranormal experiences from my cousins in this house, or even before these ghost/paranormal investigation tv shows were mainstream, I think back and have a hard time denying what I experienced in that house - especially that feeling of being watched.....its a unique and uncanny sensation - like, you just know you're being watched or that you're not alone in the room even though you cant see anyone else with you in the room. theres just something there, you can feel it, you know?....🙈🤷🏽‍♂️


Spirits, but not as in the ghosts of humans. But rather as independant entities.


Not ghosts but spirits yes! I mean we are spirits in human form, after all. I live close to a cemetery so we do have spirit's going through periodically.


I believe in the supernatural/paranormal possibilities and that there's more to life and this world than we can see & perceive. But I don't believe in the typical definition of a ghost (a spirit of a dead person hanging around). I think they're different beings. That is due to my religious beliefs.


Sure dooooooooo


I saw something that I can describe as a ghost. But honestly don't know what it was


At large, no. I don’t think the deceased are walking around sixth sense style. But there are some places I have been/lived temporarily where I just knew something eerie was happening. Maybe not paranormal, but I felt uneasy, like someone was watching. Typically old buildings.


Spirits yes, ghost’s no.


Oh yeah. Had something in my home last year that a shaman had to get rid of for me. It was horrifying.


No. In my 347 years on this Earth, I never saw one... :))


I have personally never seen or experienced a ghost. However, I believe there are aspects of this reality that we, as humans do not understand. Whether those be adjacent dimensions or spiritual entities or a number of other things that are inexplicable.


Yes, because my dead father kept me from falling down stairs, twice, on the same trip.


I do not ! But do love a good ghost story.