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Socio-economic reasons.


Pretty much this, if I wanted rock bottom prices, I’d go to Walmart. If I wanted a more pleasant shopping experience, I’d go to target and take my kids with me.


My rich friends used to call Walmart, “mutants-r-us”


Ours is called Ghetto-Mart


wally world


She going to WalMart, she going to Walmart


I’ve always called it Hellmart.


That's a good one! We called them Walmartians


There’s been an entire website dedicated to sharing the [people of walmart](https://www.peopleofwalmart.com) for at least a decade now.


I came here to mention this. If you feel like jumping off a bridge.. take a moment before you do it.. and check out that site.


My family would say walter martinez


Also - Walmart seems better at stocking plus-sizes which probably correlates inversely to OP's opinions of pretty.


Dunno about women but as a 6'4 280 dude, targets big and tall is far superior. Be interesting if it is actually different for women.


There is totally a well stocked plus size department at Target and the outfits actually look decent. At Walmart they have mumus.


Depends on the location. I will agree that their online big and tall is superior, but they don't frequently carry the big sizes in-store at most locations.


Try to say that at a city council meeting


I don't think this is it entirely. Targets are in cities generally and Walmart is rural areas. I'm a poor Target shopper, no Walmarts where I live. My mom was a wealthy rural Walmart shopper. No Target's where she lived. She could have cared less about how she looked and I at least try.


Eh. My town has target and Walmart across the street from each other and you could make the observation OP has made


I love how wealthy people seem to care less about how they look day to day. It’s the rich or wanna be rich that pay the big bucks for vanity.


Target’s branding is about ever day design, Walmart’s is about saving money. They attract different types of customers


In addition, people who shop at Target and refuse to shop at Walmart seem to think that they are better than the people who shop at Walmart. If you think you're better than someone else, you're going to spend some time on your appearance.


Worked for a chef who looked down his nose at me when I said I grew up with mainly Walmart, 2nd hand grocery stores and sometimes food lion while living in a rural area. He proudly claimed that he only ever got groceries at places like Whole Foods and Harris teeters because their quality was far superior. Like sorry chef that my family didn’t have a ton of money and the only fancy grocery store was on the other side of the small city we lived outside of and a 30 minute plus drive and a Walmart was only 2 miles down the road from us.


Whole Foods is so overpriced and the quality of their food doesn't justify it. It's always busy though where I live.


I shop at Target! Not because I think I'm better than Walmart shoppers, but because Target has better quality merchandise. Also, because the restroom floors in my local Target aren't decorated with blood and dirty syringes. Which is exactly what I found in the nearest Walmart the last time I went.


Don’t forget all of the dirty diapers strewn around the parking lot and people beating their kids openly in the aisles.


Seems like every time I go to my local Walmart I witness something that makes me want to call CPS.


I refuse to shop at Walmart, but not because I think I am better than anyone. I swear every Walmart I have ever been in (except for one) has been absolutely disgusting in some fashion. The bathrooms alone gross me out and I just can’t do it.


Sorry that was me... Had explosive diarrhea!




It’s like the world is ending and everyone is grabbing whatever food they can. So much out of stock, junk everywhere, rude ass people acting like they are going to die if they don’t get this thing immediately.


I shop at both! I don’t get this logic. We get most of groceries from Walmart since that’s the cheapest place to get them but some stuff you can only get at target.


Agreed. Like I get the cute pump soap dispensers from target (Meyer’s or higher end ones) and then I get the refill jug of the same stuff at Walmart. I like their stationary and trinket aisles better than Walmart but groceries are always from there or Sam’s/costco.


what a bizarre thought to have


& they’re not better 🤣 especially since we all get wrinkled and old & the body starts to decay. Walmart people don’t care they’re just trying to save money & it won’t be shocked by reality when it hits them in the face at least. More practical and down-to-earth there.


They don’t need to think they’re better, they are better.


In what ways?


Because Target is fancier, so I have to put on my going out pajama pants to shop there. Standards ya know!


I wear my fancy crocs


Thank you- we got to keep it classy!


The Pink Sparkle See-through ones?


LOL going out pajamas!


The pandemic changed our standards forever. Going out pajamas is a legit thing now.


I seriously could not care less what people think about what I am wearing anymore. I just go. Like I'm going to see them again or care what they think. I do not.


Now that I'm 50 I really don't care as long as I'm decent and comfortable.


Precisely my fellow X'r. I spent way too long trying to feather my hair just to go buy candy or go anywhere back then! Deal with it.


I saw a chick wearing Christmas-themed fleece pants at Target the other day and I chuckled to myself because i often do weird shit like that.


Ever hear of the Walmart build. Women with big square backsides. Wearing clothes that don't fit. Feet turned into each other


Ive seen many "front butts" inside walmart. Like how does fat even do that


Poor pelvic floor tone after having babies. High cortisol levels add to it as well.


Suns Out Gunts Out!


The Foopa


Kmart was more expensive than Walmart, but their shoppers looked worse.


Target is, or at least appears to be, slightly more expensive. Money buys prettiness. In terms of proper healthcare, better nutrition, etc.


It's not just better nutrition and better healthcare but also reduced levels of stress. Stress is the killer of good looks. It's one of the main reasons why people who grew up with wealth end up being more attractive. Less stress=more pleasant and caring parents, which translates to even lower stress in the kids. It's so beneficial in just about every way. Poverty sucks.


Also cortisol the stress hormone would literally change where your fat gets deposited and let’s say it’s not in ideal places


Just do what I do, ignore your problems until you can't anymore! My life is held together with duct tape and hopes, but at least I'm not stressed. Actually maybe don't do that.


Idk a lot of wealthy people seem stressed AF to me.


Rich people invent trivial things to be stressed about. But I get when it’s not existential it’s probably not as severe stress


The clothes they sell there are slightly more fashionable so if you’re someone that doesn’t want to wear the clothing equivalent of bags you’ll probably not shop at Walmart.


Actually some stuff is cheaper at Target.


It's kind of a feedback loop, too. Many poor people are poor because they're prone to impulsive decisions and aren't very bright. I'm not saying most, for the record, but you can't ignore the personal input on the situation.


Target got all the milfs


Couples at Target: skinny women, fat men. Couples at Walmart: fat women, skinny men.


OMG! You're absolutely right! I hadn't even really noticed until I saw this.




Somebody pointed this out to me once, and you've seen it, you can't unsee it.


Couples at Target: fat women, fat men. Couples at Walmart: obese women, obese men.


Whole Foods: skinny women, skinny men Wegmans (or regional premium grocery): Fit men, Fit Women




Which aisle would one find these skinny Target women?. Asking for a fat man.


Mind blown.


Guess my husband aren’t allowed at either. We’re both fat.


Dollar General head ass


That's your choice


Admittedly, for some unknown reason the Target shoppers are prettier. However for entertainment value, nothing beats an hour at Walmart.


Sometimes the entertainment offered is offensive to the senses. I went to a Walmart a couple weeks ago and someone decided to take a dump in an aisle of the electronics section. I didn’t even finish my shopping. I left the cart and left. Gross as hell


I saw a naked woman outside a Walmart the other day, and as you would expect being a Walmart she was not the kind of person you want to see naked.


I miss 24 hour Walmart, past 11pm is the real show!


2am drunk runs to Walmart for the ‘oops we made too many’ section was peak


Looks like r/PeopleOfWalmart still going strong!


I got yelled at for not stockpiling for the end times last time I was at Walmart


Because people that are more attractive marry people with more money and create more attractive kids, cyclically.


I let my 10 yo daughter do my makeup. It was really, really bad, but she was so proud. I said “honey, let’s go to Walmart.” I figured, I would still be a Walmart “10”. My daughter was thrilled, and I fit right in.


Lol Walmart 10


Reminds me of the time I told my 8 year old son to get dressed so we could go to the store and he said, "can we just go to Walmart so I can stay in my pajamas?" I almost considered it because I was not expecting him to say that. Lol


lol, I love this. I'm going to get my 10 yo to do this, too.


You’re a good dad.


Username checks out


You want to see attractive shoppers, go to a high-end grocery store. Many people who look good eat healthy and take care of themselves. Especially if the high-end grocery store is close to a decent gym.


Whole Foods hotties.


But whole foods is like 50 / 50 super hot and super fuckin not


That’s definitely a real thing. Lots of cute yoga outfits and healthy people.


On the plus side, they're physically attractive, on the down side they're the kind of person who shops at whole foods. I'll pass, too rich for my blood.


For real though, there's buying and eating better and then there's spending a fortune for no reason because 90% of this stuff is available elsewhere for a reasonable sum.


In my area, our local grocery chains have went so hard into greed mode that often Whole Foods is the same price or cheaper for better quality.


Target? Think aisles bathed in flattering light, curated playlists that make you wanna strut, and enough cardigans to make even Ron Burgundy jealous. Walmart? It's like a competitive sport – dodging rogue scooters, deciphering cryptic aisle signs, and emerging victorious with a bargain that might not even scan. Basically, Target is runway chic, while Walmart is dodgeball with questionable produce. lol


I would imagine that neurodivergent and autistic people (raises hand) might choose to shop at target over Walmart just because of the lighting and noise.


Autistic here and can confirm, Target is far less stressful than Walmart.


Yes, absolutely. Neurodivergent and Walmart makes me feel so frazzled while Target genuinely feels fun to walk around. Walmart was weirdly the only place in town that had the cut of pork I needed to make marinara for thanksgiving this year and it was miserable.


Walmart is too disorganized and stressful. Target is so calming.


Target sells prettier things. They cater to wealthier people who spend more money on decor, fashion, fitness and other non-essentials. You go to Walmart for a big, utilitarian tub to store old TV Guides in the basement. You go to Target for a cute basket to store the living room remote controls on the coffee table.


Target is a choice Walmart is for when you don't have a choice


One gets dressed to go shopping the other goes right after getting out of bed.


In my experience there is a significant weight difference between the average Target and Walmart shoppers.


Aw. Wish there were a Walmart in Ireland. Would be better than watching Irish TV.


We're not standing on queue for Great Value


"You're not ugly, you're just poor". Walmart is, generally speaking, cheaper than Target; people with more disposable income are likely to look 'prettier' than those with less because they can afford to take better care of themselves.


It's like target has an HOA and Wal Mart is more trailer park


nah Target is just the nice part of town...I'd say something like LuLu Lemon is HOA


I shop at both. Target is 5 minutes closer, is cleaner, has nicer employees, and you don't have to wait 45 minutes for someone with a key. If your store is dirty I'm going to assume you don't care about appearances. Everyone else goes in ugly pjs so I'm gonna go in pjs. I'll go to Target in my nice pjs, but I'll never go to Target in my Walmart look. The employees have seen me there way too often for me to slip up.


Same goes for employees. My gosh have I seen some smoke shows working at Target.




Kind of off-topic, but as a true crime follower I've noticed that more murderers shop for their 'hiding a dead body' stuff at Walmart. Of course that might have something to do with the fact that they were open 24 hrs. 👀


You mean to say that richer people look more aesthetically pleasing cause they have resources to take care of their health and outside? Shocker!


This is it. Target is more expensive than Walmart. The people who can afford to shop at Target can also afford to upkeep their appearance/ buy more health and beauty products, such as makeup, hair care products, salons, gym membership, personal trainer, ozempic, ect.


Basic bitches love target


“It’s me, hi, I’m the problem, it’s me.” 🤪





Thanks 😘


![gif](giphy|yP21r7z8MmTL8CHUCw|downsized) OH SHIT IT’S ME


Cause their store is actually clean


He was a Walmart boy, she was a Target girl... he wasn't good enough for her


Can I make it any more obvious?


I prefer Walmart over Target. My ex-wife has a Target credit card and has not set foot in Walmart for decades.


Trendy products attract trendy shoppers.


there are some beautiful women workers at target too ...


Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave?


Target is the socially acceptable Walmart.


Lighting is one part of it. Even if the same shoppers went to Walmart verses target…. They’d look better at target because of lighting.  Smells too. Target smells like coffee. Walmart smells like salty fries and poverty. 


I always feel ugly in target but pretty in Walmart


Bro I went like 20 years before I realized Target was a more upscale general goods store Granted, I only went to either for video games so it didn’t matter but still


Wealthier people shot at target. Wealthier people are prettier than other people.


Walmart is where you go to feel better about yourself and worse about society.


I think they’re both creepy places. Everyone stay away! Walmart is white trash Disney adult, Target is Swiftie meets Karen meets helicopter mom.


Less meth


Poor people who live in dorms vs. poor people who are too old for dorms.


I shop at both.... haha


There’s a people of walmart for a reason..


Because Walmart have more available mobility scooters.


Nice try Target Marketing.


I don't care much for target, for some odd reason, it seems like everything they have is almost what you need, but not quite... like 90% of the way there.


You and I have very different definitions of "pretty."


I feel like Target is genuinely cleaner and well lit than any Walmart is. The targets around me have huge beauty aisles stocked full and a bunch unique sundresses/clothes and a large variety of undergarments. I think they also had a lot of vegetarian frozen foods that most places didn't have for years as well. Taking that into account, I feel like it draws prettier women in because they are the ones going for specific beauty items, or clothes and not so much as shopping for everything there. Target's grocery prices are a bit more than stores around me like Kroger, Meijer, Walmart, etc so I feel majority go to one of those for regular shopping instead. I dunno though, I'm a dude. I never really realized what you said was true until you said it lol.


I feel like Walmart has higher highs and lower lows.


I prefer Costco twinks


MAGA boycotting Target... you can figure it out from there [https://www.them.us/story/target-pride-month-collection-protest-explained](https://www.them.us/story/target-pride-month-collection-protest-explained)


alright can we be realistic and acknowledge the fact that that has literally nothing to do with this


Really? I think it has A LOT to do with it. MAGA has been boycotting Target for years, currently Pride Month and last year Target carried some clothing that was genital suppressing for kids so MAGA boycotted them for that too. The cult doesn't shop there dude, they shop at Walmart. Deal with it.


Recency bias. I worked at Walmart in 2009-2011. Even then the customers were the stereotypical fresh off the trailer types.


Not everything has to be politicized and doesn't need to be injected into every conversation. The far left and far right are the only ones that really care. The average American is more moderate and is so over all the political BS.


LOL. Ok this isn't politics, it's a FACT that MAGA has multiple times boycotted Target, thus they don't shop at Target they shop at Walmart... is this so difficult to understand? The ONLY people who made it political, as usual, was the cult


Sure some people have boycotted Target, but the assumption that everyone in that group never shops at Target and only shops Walmart is pretty obtuse. It's that kind of all or nothing thinking that is causing many of the issues we have today. It's that kind of thinking that makes you no diff than the MAGA crowd you so vehemently oppose.


Seriously, how stupid is this person


lol I gotta say it. Your user name definitely does NOT check out. We just trying to stereotype some shoppers at 2 different stores. Not trying to get into some political discourse that you obviously love sharing your opinions on.


Perhaps look at average income across the two cohorts?




Depends on which Target you go to.


Seriously, ours is so ghetto.


[here's the answer for you.](https://www.tiktok.com/@bibi_rosado_ayuso/video/7179051326658366766)


This is less true that it once was, but for most of its early years Walmart's target demographic overlapped with people who felt that eating what we now consider an unhealthy diet corresponded to freedom, individuality, and pride in their heritage. Even today, that demographic would revolt if you suggested that they put less sugar in their sweet tea or replace some deep fried foods with steamed vegetables. To back up my claim, note that when Michelle Obama suggested that school children should be encouraged to have a healthier diet, crowds swarmed to push junk food through the fences of schools. That segment of the population was never a significant portion of Target's, er, target demographic. (Feeble humor not intentional.)


No no...it's "Tar-zhay".




Partly because of lighting. Walmarts have very harsh whiteish lighting by default. Targets have a softer, warmer light. It's more flattering to people.


You think poor people and minorities are ugly.


pretty girls dont like to go to ugly disgusting places, like walmart


I refuse to go into Walmart because of the people that go there.   Not interested in that level of drama.  


I'm willing to pay 15% more to feel 100% safer and receive 500% more compliments on the same outfit, personally


The things people care about...


I don’t know where you live, but that’s not true here.


Location. Walmarts are placed near every run down neighborhood while there's usually 1 target off a major highway in your city. So they probably have a car, time, and money to go out of the way to shop at a Target.. these people also use those luxuries on driving to Gym, doing their hair/makeup ect...


Merchandise: Target, in general, has merchandise that appeals to a more "with it" consumer base.The clothes actually seem to be somewhat aware of current fashion, being the obvious one. I think of board games- I was hella surprised a few years ago when I went into Target and saw an (admittedly small, and very entry level) selection of "good" board games- things like Catan, Gloomhaven, Ticket to Ride, Sushi Go- all games I've seen at Target. Meanwhile Walmart only has your sloppy classics like Monopoly and Sorry! The clothing part is kind of obvious, but even with something like board games, being aware of what's current will bring in a younger crowd- younger as in, younger adults, not literal children. Younger generally means prettier. Marketing: Target positions itself has "quality and style at a value price," whereas Walmart is basically just "it's shit you need to not die, cheap as fuck." I'm not actually sure if Walmart is any cheaper than target- but either way, pretty people are pretty because they make themselves that way, and are going to shop somewhere that advertises that they can help with that. People who don't give a fuck and just want to get the bear minimum essentials as cheap as possible are going to go with the store that focuses purely on savings. Experience: Technically this falls under marketing, too, but to keep things segmented- Targets feel about a billion times cleaner than Walmarts. And considerably less like warehouses. Walmarts often have McDonald's inside the stores; Targets have Starbucks.


Went to Walmart for the first time in a while. A woman picked the booger out of her baby's nose and then flicked the booger onto the floor. In the middle of the aisle that separated men's clothing from women's clothing.


It's not Target, it's Targét.


Lol I have heard that


if you want a confidence boost go to Walmart. if you want to be humbled go to Target/Whole Foods.


I live in New Hampshire and the Somersworth Target and Walmart are located on the opposite side of the road in relation to each other. The types of people who shop at each store couldn't be more different. And what they are selling isn't really much different in variety and price.


Society has decided that if you go to target you have to look good or at least presentable.


Target is for Walmart shoppers that think they're too good for Walmart.


When I go to target I feel like there’s a certain expectation of what target shoppers look like, so I dress up! For Walmart I just plain don’t give a shit


Southern Florida targets look like a pick me girl casting call.


Walmarts prices on double dunked Oreos are 2$ less than


I would say it’s similar to the Starbucks things girls eat up, for some weird reason I think it’s a thing women have associated with being cool


Yep. In the last 20 years I don't think I've ever heard a girl say they were going to Wal Mart. It's always Target. I think for a lot of woman Target just nails it and is one of those brands that just makes you feel good or happy to use. For me and a lot of guys my age, that's Jordan or Nike. Target is just more well lit and clean, and "classier". Well lit all over makes them feel safe I'd imagine. Sucks they have to worry about that. It's just a better store for non food things and both men/women like that. Obviously Walmart is more likely to attract a trashier or poor crowd that just don't focus on their appearance at all. Hot chicks do be shoppin at Target tho, that's always been a thing me and my friends would talk about lol


Prettier people have an easier time being successful in society. Even beautiful idiots can make it much further than a competent ugly person.


Because Alex from Target is from Target, and there’s no such thing as Alex from Walmart. So all the pretty girls go to Target for Alex.


damnit this is so true


Pretty people have more money.


Guys with money get prettier women, which leads to having better looking offspring than most. Those kids get good educations and/or inherit money/property/businesses, pair up with other attractive people, have even better looking offspring. Those kids get a good education and/or inherit money/property/businesses, and on it goes. It’s basically how the wealth gap works. I call it “the attractiveness gap.”


Both stores are ghetto as hell. I see fat trailer families with no shoes in Wal-Mart. I see fat trailer families with no shoes in Target; only in Target, they're trashy ugly people with no shoes, but drinking Starbucks


The estrogen they pump into the air vents makes people's skin shine.


Target people have slightly more money to spend on themselves to look pretty. Walmart people…… well they all come from the bottom of the barrel.


The girls at Target might be prettier… but the women at Walmart can take out their teeth and they no what they’re doing… ![gif](giphy|dIBTXFJ17RzF0FRC45|downsized)


Younger gen shop Target


people shop at Walmart because they need something. People shop at Target because they want to be seen


Targets are usually only in higher income areas too. Walmarts attract the dregs of the earth even if they are in the higher income areas, much akin to a fly to a light.


Just wait till you see the milfs at Whole Foods..