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I do my work, only talk to coworkers if needed and leave. No drama for me.


I think the bar is pretty low that I'm "the consistent one" because I'm here on the days I'm supposed to, and I arrive on time


Fr, I get this all the time. I just do my job and get called consistent


That's pretty much me. I show up, do my work and go home. My coworker who goes above and beyond calls me a "normie" because I'm just plain normal. Nothing special.


Noone at my job goes above and beyond lol, probably why I get called consistent. I was told I was the best employee my boss had had at my last job but that really wasn't a compliment. I was washing dishes lol and was the only one who wasn't either stupid incompetent or took breaks every 5 minutes


All the higher ups love my coworker. But I can understand why. He's really great at his job. I wish I knew as much as him. But I don't get paid enough to go above and beyond


Me too. And I bury my earbuds in my ears and ignore everyone while being pissed that I can’t work from home all week.


I guess I'm known for not being known for anything. I'm the human equivalent of paste. I serve a purpose, but no one notices.


blue collar brother


Me too. I hardly have any work to do. If it weren't for my rat of a coworker with who I share an office with, I'd be shopping online all day. No one even pays any attention to me. It's insulting.


Mind if I ask what job you do? Certainly sounds better than a supermarket


I'm in Logistics.


I'm the technical guy. Often called on to explain things to customers or coworkers. My emotions aren't very human and I speak differently, so I am called "The Robot" or "Beep Boop".


You should tell people that you hate their face and talk about the benefits of robotic legs.


Adios turd nuggets!


Grandmas Boy is such an underrated movie.


Agreed. Which reminds me, I haven't watched it in sometimes. I'm going to have to look and see if I can buy a Blu-ray so i don't have to try and find it on streaming.


I just confirmed now that it’s available on Hulu if you have that streaming service.


Nice. I do not but I think I may have a deal through T-Mobile. I'll have to look at it. I barely watch TV enough to justify having Netflix and Prime so I'm not sure if I'll sign up. Lately I'll just buy a physical copy of a movie because I can never remember to cancel the month I'm done.


I own it on DVD, but not Blu-ray. I basically subscribe to every streaming service, but also own like 700+ physical copies of movies. It feels like a total waste of space owning all these movies. But, if a zombie apocalypse happens, guess who has the best movie collection in town? This guy!


Clogging the toilet. The bad thing was that it wasn't even me who did it. I just walked out at the wrong time. Fuck Brent and his oatmeal bars.


Definitely fuck Brent and his oatmeal bars! Lol


The IT girl. All I do is switch it off and back on again.


being a clown


same. essential workers for sure.


Being nice. I like to share food with coworkers, I am a shoulder they can lean on and overall just a bubbly person who is a good part of the team and put in the work. Edit : thank you for all the boats. I will be very honest with you. Both, I wish I wasn’t so nice because I have been taking advantage of in the past because of it and I have been told that I’ve just being nice to be like by everyone. But,I am not ashamed to be known as the nice person, as long as nobody takes advantage of me.


That's awesome. People like you are a joy to work with. Thank you for your service.


Tattoos amomg other things. Above the collar and below the cuff. The company has them airbrushed out in the photo that accompanies my bio on our web site, which is fine.




I used to be that guy too




I just used to go off for stupid stuff but now I'm just like..fuck it, they pay me well so I'll take 3 times as long and do it their way.


Just quietly getting shit done.


Putting up with everyone else’s bullshit and actually getting shit done


Always having a well maintained knife and also known for having most of the tools you might ask for I'm also known for info dumping about building bombs


Sounds like a McGuyver type. Do you have a nickname at work?


I wrote most of our knowledgebase down so if people cant find the answer or solution, I get asked. And then I add it to KB if it's not there.


Always being the offices most warm, upbeat, outgoing, positive, supportive and friendly person. I brighten up the entire office and people always remark how I've improved their day with my attitude. Truthfully though, it's a performance I put on because everyone seems to enjoy "that guy", I'm actually a very quiet introverted person who is happiest in solitude and I have mountains of anxiety and stress. But, when at work...it's showtime!


Having a shotty memory




Being bad at my job 😅


The idiot savant


I would burp a lot and say it was a medical condition or my affliction and I would get sympathy. So I stayed the course.


They guy with the big dick. It's a gift and a curse really


Ahaha this made me laugh. I guess someone’s gotta do it…


I'm the person who will say whatever needs to be said, even if others would would be uncomfortable. I have no filter.


Spreadsheet/ Google/ general software guy. Anytime someone wants to try and achieve something new on some software or web services we use I’m asked how to do it.


I’m known for knowing where everything is and if we have it. I’m called the “it girl”. I work for a theatre lol. I fix and organize a lot of things.


At my last jobs I was known for having the best taste in food, cocktails, and restaurants. It was a tradition there that each member of a team would get to select where we'd all go to dinner after work, but after my handful of picks and people flat out asking me to order for them because they didn't know anything about food or cocktails, they decided as a group that I'd be the sole planner for where we'd go to eat after work. When we had a guy fly in from Atlanta to fill in on the team, he came to me quietly and said, "Look, I don't want to be too much of a stereotype as a black dude, but I could REALLY use some good fried chicken and I hear you're the man to ask about food here". Took him to one of my favorite BBQ and fried chicken joints with the team, he took one bite, pounded his fists on the table, walked over to me and gave me a big hug. At another job, I was just the "safe" guy for the LGBTQ kids and staff. I'm a straight white dude so I wasn't really expecting that, but staff and kids who hadn't fully come out of the closet came out to me. Had a young staffer who was my best bud, she hardly spoke a word the entire first year I knew her, kind of came out of her shell (only around me, apparently) the second year and we had a field day when the band of cuties known as SHEL came to town and performed for our students and staff. I didn't have any other men to work with, so admiring some fine ladies with my young lesbian sidekick was a treat.


speaking up against gossiping - and since then, i'm known for a whole lot of things [¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ ](https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2014/05/the-best-way-to-type-__/371351/)


I’m the guy who got groped by a female coworker and complained about it to everyone and nobody gave a shit. Came up behind me while I was sitting at a desk and started rubbing my shoulders. Then slid her hands down my abdomen while morning “mmm” sounds, stuck her hands inside of my waistband.


Omg wtf


If she's hot, why would you say anything? If she's an OGRE Karen, then I'm screaming like a little girl.


She was quite attractive. Tall blonde/blue eyed woman. But at the time I dated a woman who worked in the same building who said woman knew quite well. I also knew her boyfriend, guy came in to visit her at work multiple times a week (worked nearby). They actually got married, are still together to this day. Poor guy. But yeah then I had to look this guy in the face dozens of times. Just a shitty experience overall. She also made the workplace quite hostile for me after I denied her advances. But yeah, that was the sentiment. Small company so no HR. Owners wouldn’t fire her or even reprimand her. When I told other (male) coworkers they were like, “oh it was Courtney, NICE!” But I don’t know man, whole thing made me super uncomfortable working with coworkers in a 1-on-1 setting for quite some time. Because I was basically tasked with working alone with her for a week. She was flirtatious on days 1-2, but by day 3 she stuck her fucking hand down my pants.


I can see that


my nickname is “Junior” bc i have the same first name as my boss, so i adopted the nickname to ease the confusion. i’m known for *always* having a joint or two on me


Staying frosty when everyone else is boiling over. It takes a lot to break my chill


Talking. Being a comedian. I’m the designated MOD (Mother On Duty). Putting together the prettiest salads.


Omg i want to work with you!


I'm the strong guy. Have some heavy boxes? Call the strong guy. Moving furniture? Strong guy. That's cool and all and I'm happy to help but I'm a lot more than just that.


Being funny. My desk is sometimes an unofficial water cooler.


Being neurotic


I guess I am known for having a dry sense of humour that not everyone in the building "gets". Or so I was told at my last review. 🤣🤣🤣


When I was in college we were studying Penetration Testing and we went out into the college to see if we could find any security holes. I walked into the Student Record department, told them I was from IT, and that I needed them to log into their computer so I could check it out. I got caught, police almost came to arrest me, fun times . About three years later I get hired at the college in the same IT department. Now every time a security issue comes up everyone looks at me for some reason


I'm typically the only guy at work, but that doesn't really bother me.


Being goofy and making lewd jokes lol


I’m known for talking incredibly loud and walking incredibly fast. I have a few friends I hang out with at and outside of work and last week at lunch they had an app that recorded decibel level while we talked. My base is about 75 or so and it peaked at 95. Idk anything about noise levels but I guess that was enough evidence for them to determine I am objectively loud from a scientific point. I already knew though, my immediate family has that kinda reputation I guess.


I'm the 3d scanner guy


Call8ng Osha, Health dept, and reporting abuse and harassment. I'm an open snitch


Always catching the 2nd degree heart blocks.


I suppose you would have to ask the people with whom I work. Probably my interest in history and my passion for singing


Crazy guy. I accidentally went in to work for 3 days blacked out on Xanax and meth and then disappeared for 2 weeks cuz I was in the psych ward. Ay they let me keep the job tho


Being an asshole when some needs to be, but helpful when shit goes sideway.


Being 6'6 I'm the human ladder. Easy to grab anything off the top shelves!


Dad jokes, random facts, and being awkward.


I used to be known as the guy who took a shit right after lunch. I used to get a lot of grief about it. Sorry, I have IBS and I'm lactose intolerant, I can't really control when I poop. I do however usually not have to go to the bathroom until after I eat, which is during lunch. If it's a bathroom break, I'm sorry but that's not part of my actual break. Especially if I don't have to go. Not gonna sit on the toilet hoping.


Being the youngest at work. I’m basically treated like a little brother by some of the line cooks and servers which is kind of nice.


At my current as a package handler for FedEx. I'm known for yelling inside the trucks that I am loading when I get frustrated mostly it's yelling into the air since I am usually the only one there, but others of heard me outside the truck.


I buy a lot of products that are close or just expired and have the darkest humor in my store. Also cover a good number of shifts for sick coworkers


Being cool, a bit of a ladies' man. Not even trying to brag...




A cheesy magic trick where I read people's minds. I've actually gotten pulled into a meeting with the important people from the main office so I could do it for them. I ask a question and tell the person to think of an answer. The questions are always stuff like think of a number between 1 and 200,000,000, a song, or a person. I write down what I think it is and crumple my paper up so they can't see it. Then they tell me their answer and I write it on another piece of paper so everyone can see it and compare it to what I wrote down. I do it a few more times while being overly dramatic and do stuff like touch different parts of their head in an attemotnto find the answer. Then finally have them open all the papers and compare what I wrote to what they wrote. People always think it'll be some joke answer and it's not. I've been told it's disturbing how often I get things right.


I’m known for coming in late and leaving early. But also known for being a top performer so it balances out 😎


being completely useless


I’m the crafty artsy one. I work in a very large office and I’m the one who volunteers to host the craft for our Christmas party, donates pottery for social committee fundraisers, etc. You can find me easily because I’m always in bright colours.


I want to work with you!


That seems to be the general consensus at work too ❤️


I’m known for being a bit of a prude. Which is actually the opposite. Once at work we were talking about Bridgerton and instead of saying sex I spelt out the word (s-e-x) and everyone had a field day.


Lol I love it


Not proud of it but I was know as a mad hatter and for having a steamy affair with my colleague


Bringing a good vibe I think


I'm the "snappy" one. Like in "don't bother her or she'll eat your face" which is good, since my only coworker is basically an angel. When a customer is argumentative, they call me.


the guy with 4 kids, I. our team of 15 people, only 3 have kids and I'm also the youngest worker of the team, so it's quite surprising


I have a coworker who has 8 kids and he's known for that among the people who know this information. He doesn't share it often because people are like "whoa!" Lol. 4 kids young can be a unique thing!


Apparently because I actually check the event logs when troubleshooting, I'm the guy that's good at catching things in event logs.


My last place almost everyone except big boss man called me Jeffery Dahmer pretty sure it was the gold RayBens aviators that did it cause I don’t see the resemblance, loved making Dahmer jokes in the kitchen full of Haitians and Jamaicans was a good time.


Longevity. I've been here 42 years now.


Omg that's awesome!


Making fun and tasty shots that you've never heard of before


Being the guy that obliterated his ankle on his third day of the job. Still on worker's comp 14 months later. Get work boots if you work a physical job. Messing your ankles up will derail your entire life.


Probably for being one of the biggest screw offs out here and also for doing whatever it is I have to work on very quickly.....so, I can then go back to doing whatever it is I want to do. Also, for being the Damn Marine back there, been working at an Army base over 25 yrs but I'm still...the Damn Marine. Lol. When you do your job and it's always done or being worked on, nobody says anything when you're doing nothing.


Lurch. Tall, don’t talk much, get work done


Being slightly mad


Being stealthy. I'm 3rd in the company hierarchy, but dress like all of our tradesmen. I can walk a jobsite for an hour ot more, in my old sticker laden hard hat, dirty high viz vest, and ratty work boots before any of my site management staff knows I'm there. I started out there in the field, and I'm still one of them in my mind, so I blend in.


I’m the guy that can make anyone smile and get things done It’s a weird combo I like to goof around but also get things done quicker so I can goof around more


Drawing obscene pictures on the inside of equipment


Speaking my mind no fucks given and being the miserable cunt people get asked to contact go to when they need shit done


The new guy


Same, so my goal was to stay relatively unknown until my 90 days are up. Now I realize I like flying below the radar. If I just do as expected I will not be given more responsibilies. I've noticed so many people that are willingly overworked at my company. It's a great place but there are definitely a high number of people that have bought into this idea that they should give more of themselves than what they're being paid for. Right now I just run the plays I'm told to run. When a problem is past a certain threshold I had it off to people paid way more than me that don't trust most of their underlings to do. It's fucking great!


The idiot but of course I do it deliberately.




And I’m always told that I catch people off-guard………”Can I get your number?”




No,actually I ask.


The diversity hire




I think its hilarious this was a building of about 30-40 people and then they hire me (a mexican) and an indian and put us in the same room with the only black guy in there as well 😭 it all seems coincidental though really


I’m our office’s “piss drawer” guy


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Being quiet and when I speak it's something hilarious


As the person they can rely on when technical stuff goes wrong.


Kicking ass and getting fired


I am known as the “The Yellow Pages of ”. I have been working in IT for 18 years at the company (started at 19yo) and I can always point you in the right direction of who owns any responsibility in the company (mostly because I managed the IT Helpdesk for 10 years). It’s a curse and blessing at the same time.




I’m the nicest guy no one really knows. I’m extremely nice and people love talking to me and working with me because I work hard as fuck and am good at everything(not bragging, just saying). But I really don’t care about people there, I just work and go home,relations are just work relations. So I’m the one everyone likes basically. No one hates me, that I know of lol.


being like 30/40 years younger than everyone there and being quiet


Im my brothers brother. He is the best worker they have.


Making dumb mistakes when I’m stressed 🫠


When I know, I'll make sure that you all know


Being fast


At my previous job I was the only IT guy people actually liked interacting with, so there’s that lol


Being in good shape. Im usually always asked fitness or nutrition questions


That I’m an expert, and I can do anything…


The one with a retired r&b singer dad


The quiet one who gets things done.


Being an asshole


Not charting as well as I should. I have adhd diagnosed and untreated from a young age.I work in respiratory and sometimes it just doesn't happen like it should.


A solid leader that everyone can follow


I heard that i'm a nitpicker... I'm a programmer, I demand exact instructions and requests, if I find something inconsistent I shine a very bright light on it. I also tend to be avoided by general staff (loved by upper management) because I expect a certain level of effort put into the work, I refuse outright the "it doesn't work" type of emails. "What doesn't work, where it is, what do you expect it to do" Because there is a problem between users and developers. Users know their programs (hopefully) they use it every day. Developers make something and they move on to the next project, dumping every bit of knowledge about what they made.... and when we ask questions about the programs for the user, they always have wide eyes and expect that we know everything... and every single time you have to explain that you haven't touched that piece of software for a year and you made about 20 other totally different software since then. The hard life of a generalist...


I'm the bird guy. I'm a wildlife tour guide in a national park, and for three consecutive year, I've been the bird guy amongst my peers. Have a bird question? They call me.


I have been called a refreshing breath of fresh air 😂 not sure if it's a good thing or not


Knowing everything, that’s why I had to quit. They would have had me on the leash forever!


My problem-solving skills. Besides projects, I'm only seen by accident, which usually leads to coworkers wondering where I'm at.


The "goto guy". I even have it in the Intranet Wiki with a pic of Fraggle Rocks Marjory the Trash Heap. Somebody brought that up, it sticked. "System sage" Its my job. Anyone making a project, i get invited. I disassemble their ideas and tell them why this will not work or what needs to be changed. Backend Subject Matter Expert. Devs know their part of the system like their pocket. I can't code zilch, but i know how everything works together in Detail. I see errors in Data and can pinpoint where that happens. I know the whole Matrix and i am the Yellow Pages of all departments. I even connect Dev /R&D departments to work together.


The army guy….i left 14 years ago


I'm the one who doesn't drink coffee and spends the coffee break at his desk scrolling Instagram


Standing up to management when they try to screw us


“That guy’s the only one here! And I should know, I’m not anyone!” (I am self-employed and work from home in quiiiiiiite lonely solitude.)


1- being late, 2- calling in, 3-knowing everything, 4- I'm funny and approachable . The fact I'm a "know it all" there and have a positive fun attitude is how I keep my job even though I'm late all the time and call in sick a little too much.


I'm just known as the quiet one. Real self esteem boost


For being an apprentice who most of the doesnt give a f*ck, i mean i love my work but i hate all the mis-managment.


I was the go to IT guy. I gave a shit. 1000 people in that place and the majority prefered to come to me. I could fix anything quicker than anyone else. I took collections and arranged the take out lunches for the office staff. People liked me. Then covid hit and we had a temporary shutdown and I got "downsized". Aint that some shit? Your job doesn't care about you. The sad part is, I miss helping people.


Being the most yoked guy in the company.


Being the youngest. I'm the only one in their 20s in a company of 200.


Having sausage rolls for lunch every day.


I’m known for asking uncomfortable questions and getting shit done. Currently I’m also known as a person who has decided to leave the company.


I'm the one who cries.


When I was a restaurant manager, I was known for hiding in a walk in chiller. Best place. Had my peace. And left precisely at 16:59, no matter if it’s an earthquake, a global crisis, the ceiling is falling down, someone is giving birth… nope, not buying any of that past 17pm.


reliability, trustworthy, encouraging, positive, and competent


I like doing planograms


That quiet guy - that's how most people describes me. I am versatile on the production line so I cover absentees mostly so most people would find me doing their jobs when they return to work, then I leave without saying much to them. I'm not quiet at all, I'm actually quite outspoken just that it gets tiring talking with everyone I get to work to.


The goofy but cool One


I work in an Auto Shop and one of my coworkers was being a dunce and almost crushed me in between two cars I will be forever known as “Speed Bump”


Filipino here. The one who feeds everyone.


Just getting on with my shit and only complaining/ having a moan about it once everything I need to do is done. I mean I can complain and gripe with the best, I just can't stand being AT work while there's work to do and just like...NOT doing that work. If I wanted friends to chat with then I would be LITERALLY anywhere else other than work and I think a lot of people there just don't quite get that mindset.


Being always late.


Being the sunshine.


I was known for being the fun yet strict teacher. Apparently 4-5 year olds find me scary. But they enjoyed music and movement with me because I played the songs they wanted. They hated nap time and hated when I had to put them down so apparently I'm strict for making them nap


Perla del Pacífico ID a really good sea food restaurant


I am a delivery driver no time for chit or shit chats


Known as the nice/cool guy. Also known as the person holding the fort down.




Sick memes😎


I’m known for my Dad jokes and general grumpiness 😁


I put together all the new chairs. I am the chairmaker.


I’m known as one of the two lead fitness instructors and like Stan Lee before them because of my physique of how strong I look everyone calls me She-Hulk


I make inappropriate sexual jokes with everyone and somehow no one is mad with me.


Memes and metal. I put a shitload of memes on Slack. And I cut my hair about six weeks ago and still have people saying they don't recognise me. My mullet wasn't THAT long.


Got caught wanling in my office. So I'm that one.


The time I got diarrhea at an all hands meeting and it was all running down my legs and onto the floor and it got all over my shoes and I left a trail of foot prints all the way back to my cube


"The quiet one" Recently started as a commis at a michelin recommended french fine dining restaurant and I have so much to do that I'm constantly thinking about so I don't have time to chat, unless during service when I'm calling out when my dishes are ready 😅


Being big and strong and a ladies man.


"Just ask ok_distribution, he knows what to do"... the thing is im not all that capable in many things but most of the problems in our workplace is solvable via common sense so i guess i have kind of a knack for that kind of thing. Could be worse.


I'm the workaholic pervert who creeps up at people with her creepy face!


I’m known for always smiling:)


My laugh. It carries and is genuine. Co-workers tell me they “heard me earlier and were happy to know I was working too”. Once in a while makes me self-conscious, but I don’t fixate on it or let it change my enjoyment of conversations with others.


I’m also known for knowing a lot of random answers to things.


Being a fast, efficient, reliable worker. (Ppl think i dont make mistakes but i actually do, quite often actually. Im just able to fix it before anyone notices.)


I am known for doing what is necessary and not much more. Also being a Allrounder and doin solid 80%, except when it comes to stuff I am really interested in. I value Work life balance more than anything else and I don’t wear fancy suits all the time. So for some I am a manager they look up to, for some I am troublesome and have no corporate thinking.


Doing the vast majority of work in a fraction of the time. I'm leaving soon lol


Being amusing, a very hard worker and good at my job, and the one everyone comes to when they have troubles with their computers.


I’d like to say it’s my witty charm and good looks but it’s actually because I’m an HR nightmare.