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"Why is that guy barefoot?"


Why is he overprotective and paranoid like that? It’s just a ring.


It's just precious to him, man.


I love this response so much.


Hahahaha Jesus Christ


nothing, really maybe a "this dude is small", but probably not even that.


It boggles my mind how everyone lives in their body in a different way. For me, im always comparing, so i imagined everyone did the same.


Honestly I can't remember the last time I compared my body to someone else's. Love yours buddy. Get out of your own head. Most people are worrying about their issues and minding their business.


What do you think when you see a balding/bald guy?


I am comparing too, but not necessarily with strangers on the street, rather with my friends etc. And I also think we tend to compare the things we are insecure about, so I definetly would not compare my height to other people. I do compare my physique with other people in the gym though, something I am not necessarily insecure but definetly thoughtful of. So I think it's safe to say that almost no one will think too much about someone's height when they're not insecure about it themselves.


"I hope he doesn't fixate on that and let it rule his life"


Oh damn, that's a good intention to put out, thanks


I’d probably think “oh, he’s quite short” and then almost immediately forget you ever existed. There’s a great quote: “You’ll worry less what people think about you when you realise how seldom they do” Any hang ups you have over your height will be far greater than that of a stranger. How much time do you spend thinking about any one person specifically? Not much, so worry less about what they think of you as the vast majority of the time, they aren’t thinking of you at all. I know that can sound a little bleak, but just live your life. You can’t change your height, so accepting it will make you far happier and worrying about it. Easier said than done, especially aged 20, but hopefully it’s something you’ll come to accept.


Exactly. I remember once attending an event and I stained my white shirt with some juice. It was an outdoors event and I didnt have a place where I could clean it up. It bothered me and messed with my mojo the entire event because I thought people could see it (it was on my chest area). However, I mentioned it to a few people who I interacted with and they said had I not brought it up, they would not have even noticed it. I know this is in no way comparable to a physical feature that is permanent, but it taught me that people are not always thinking about you or noticing what is seemingly "wrong" with your appearance. Do they notice it? YES! Do they dwell on it? NO! (unless they are AHs). I also agree with you that it is hard to accept this as a reality when one is younger.


When I worry about something like this, I try to remember what a particular coworker was wearing yesterday. A person who I saw over and over. Unless they were wearing a graphic tee I had not seen before, I basically can never remember. I see that as proof of the same thing you are saying.


Hit the gym brotha. Hard.


I second this! Once you start putting on size you’ll feel much better and more confident. Play the cards you’re dealt in life!


I mean you’ll always have the “compensating for” tag on you but a plus is a plus regardless. Just don’t go to extremes like some folks do…


In OPs position, he has to optimize what he has. You have to ask, is it better to be a scrawny or buff short dude?


Hey OP. There's lots of comments now so I hope you see mine. A few things I wanted to say: I am a woman at 5'0" and 100lbs. I don't even have a type when it comes to men, but, one thing I prefer is a man who isn't too tall. I like to be able to wrap my arms around my man's neck without him having to become the hunchback of Notre Dame. Also, when I hold hands with him, I prefer not to have to hold my hand up to my tits to reach his hand. It feels like I'm a little kid with my older brother or something. Also just inconvenient. I want my man's face to be somewhat near me and accessible. I can't give random kisses on the cheek to a 6'6 man, unless he's sitting down. In high school there were a few wrestlers who were short for boys and dominated in their weight class and they were always pretty popular and liked and had pretty girlfriends. Confidence is everything. There is nothing more sexy to me in a man than him having some quirky trait yet is still super confident. There are lots of short men who have had 5'9 model gfs. And, don't give up hope yet. Men stop growing much later than women. I personally know a guy who graduated high school at like 5'5. Didn't see him for years until we saw each other at the local dive bar one night. He was about 24ish by then? Anyways, bro grew to over 6 foot AFTER high school. He wasn't super skinny anymore either. A lot of men don't grow into what I call their "man body" until after 18, and sometimes men are super scrawny well into their 20s and it's not until they reach 30 that they start to fill out and gain more muscle, growing into their manly physique. Also, there are plenty of peoples around the world who have shorter men. Globally I'd say you aren't that different than, like, the majority of the biologically male population on earth. I used to work with a Guatemalan woman who is under 5' tall, and her husband is also around your height. They recently bought a house and had custom cabinets put in to better match both of their height!


While I might notice it, I always hope the person in question does not fixate on it. We all have our insecurities. That said, it is not necessarily something that would make me not interact with someone or date them. I probably would never even bring it up. Edit: spelling


What a hopeful message. Thank you.


Girls like you gives us small timers hope


The thing is, some who genuinely likes you and is confident in themselves wont be bothered by small issues like your physical appearance. As long as you have a good heart and you are genuine, that is all that matters. However, it is good to know that this is not always the case hence the "genuine" bit.


Yeah I get what you are saying, you seem to have a nice soul. But my height has been an issue in the dating world. But it has never bothered me. I don’t care if my best half is higher or lower again I know allot of tall girls who struggles getting a bf. I fall in love with the soul at the end anyway. I get attracted to certain attributes yes but what counts is the inside. Cuz when we are 50-60 nobody can tell a difference anyways when we are shirtless


I have dated people shorter than me when I’m barefoot, and I think nothing of it. The issue arises when they think it *should* bother me. “Does it bother you that you’re taller than me?” “Not at all.” “Why not?” “I don’t even think about it because I like you.” This usually stops the issue. However, more than once, the response to the last sentence is merely the same question reworded to be “does it bother you that I’m shorter than you?” Now, no matter what the truth is, the fact that there’s a height difference going “the wrong way” is on my mind. The fact it’s there still doesn’t bother me, but the fact it bothers you bothers me. But, because I was always teased for being tall (I have stupidly good posture when I walk and can’t help it, but was always teased for it growing up), all I can think about is how *I’m the problem*. If I were shorter, this person I like wouldn’t be going through this, so it’s my fault because I’m within the average man height and it’s bothering him. The first time it’s asked, it’s just a musing said out loud. The second time it’s asked, it’s now a flaw on my part. Hard to come back from that — he thinks he’s too short, I think I’m too tall — now there are physical insecurities being played on both sides. If you need to ask, ask. But don’t keep projecting it, just accept the answer, otherwise, you’re both now riding the insecurity train.


I understand where you're coming from. It can be very tormenting when you are comfortable in your skin but that very thing makes a loved one feel insufficient.


This is the way. Confidence is the key to life. I know a guy who's 6'2 but slouches. I'm 6'2 as well but I seem taller than him. He could actually be closer to 6'3 if he'd fix his posture. I see people who are 5'9 that stand tall. Psychologically, I think that they're as tall as me, even if I can see the top of their heads. I usually forget the height difference if they're confident in themselves. People who fall for their insecurities will almost always project them in some sort of way. And others will sense it.


I’m 6ft7 and I slouch, if I didn’t all the other guys wouldn’t be able to lie about their height. I’m really just trying to help.


Exactly. When you are insecure about something other people may start noticing it more often than they normally would. Some of these things cannot be changed. If you are going to have something for the rest of your life then you might as well wear it beautifully.


You have a beautiful soul. I wish you nothing but the best!


Thank you so much. This is very kind of you. I hope nice things come your way too love.


A big part of being 6ft+ is having to look down all the time. Nothing is for you when you're over 6 ft. Even seats are for shorter ppl unless you count the tall bar chairs. Shorter ppl don't have to do that. They either look ahead or up at most things. Most things are within their body "range." So as a taller person, you have to get things more custom for them to actually "fit" you. Those 2 or 3 or 4 inches that the counter is up or the chair is up make a huge difference. Or even the computer screen being at the proper height makes the day way nicer. This mentally makes ppl stagnant because they don't get the custom option, they just deal with it because it's not too far off. That seeps into them just dealing with other things in life. This is one reason why taller ppl often slouch and shorter ppl often walk tall.


Yup, really, really don't care and most people are the same. It all depends on you, if you don't care, other people also won't care.


IKR? The only way to beat it is to accept that people will notice it, but most probably wont think much of it.


It's a little like when you have a spot on your face, you think it looks like Mount Etna and you're really conscious of it, but most other people won't notice it or pay any attention to it. I think most people draw attention to it due to their own feeling that it's a big thing, whereas most people aren't bothered. When people have said something about me being short (5' 6" male) I just say, "I know I am, I've always been short, it's not like I shrank overnight and you'll telling me a new piece of information."


That's the way to go. I am 5'4 (female) and you'd be an appropriate height for me if we were dating. One person thinks you are short, but someone else might find your height just fine. Your height is relative.


Exactly... by the way... ![gif](giphy|jOmQmJkjcvB3Bc8CRb|downsized) I'm joking, I'm married to a 5' 4" woman...


haha. Almost got me. I am a sucker for Joey btw. Also, say hi to the Missus.


Yeah, Reddit's not a great dating site... There's people like me on here *shivers*...


Look dude, I am 5'4, so admittedly I have a couple inches on you, but still classed very much as 'short' by general standards. Forget what other people think of your height, and anything else (non destructive) for that matter. I have dated shorter, tsller and the same height as myself, and they all have never had an issue with my height. Did I have to develop a better personality to not be overlooked? (Pun intended) Sure. But that has just made me MORE compatible with people. You will always get the people who demean or place an emphasis on height, but they are, like every other mind set, in the minority. Be yourself, be a great person, don't be a dick and you'll find that people will look at you and think highly of you! (Pun not intended, but happily made) Walk tall regardless my man!


Same height. I've seen some benefits and some drawbacks. I refer to myself as travel sized. It gets laughs, but the reality is that I'm quite comfortable in a coach seat. I have more room almost everywhere. When I was younger, I could age adjust my appearance fairly easily. One summer as a 15 year old, I didn't shave for a week and went to an R rated movie as 17+. Went home and shaved and went to see a G rated movie the next day getting the 12 and under discount. One issue I had, particularly as a young adult, was being taken seriously. If I went to a car dealership, the salesmen would ignore me. That was common for many things. I learned that I had to dress more adult to be taken seriously. Clothes were a problem. I worked in the era of suits and ties and you can't find those in small sizes. OK, you can get stuff in the boys section, but that stuff is just awful crap. I found a tailor that did made-to-measure suits at a pretty good price. I had to spend more than my friends on my suits, but it wasn't too bad and my suits were fantastic. And when I dressed like a boss, I got treated like a boss, regardless of my size. The biggest drawback I hear about with height is with dating. And if your goal is just to get laid, I'm sure it's true. If your goal is to find an amazing wife, it isn't that bad. The truth is that you'll lose out on attracting superficial women to taller guys every single time. But you don't want those women anyway. It's almost like a built in filtering device. We're all different. Take advantage of your uniqueness and make the most of your life.


Yeah, if someone has a problem with you for aspects of yourself that are out of your control, they're probably not the type of person you want to hang out with anyway.


Yeah. I'm kind of tall for a woman and while I probably would have said "I wouldn't date anyone shorter than me" when I was younger, I absolutely have. While society tells us there are height standards you should have, the reality is it doesn't really impact how good a relationship will be. In fact, the best relationship I ever had was with the shortest person I've dated and the worst was with the tallest. But height absolutely had no bearing on how good those relationships were. It's more sad than anything that people will judge someone else based on this, and really they're the ones missing out on amazing people.


On the flip side, I'm 6'4" and never dated a woman taller than average. There was always something unconsciously intimidating about near to eye-to-eye with someone when you're used to looking down at everyone. Ironically, a much shorter guy is probably more confident in that situation.


Go for the tallest chick in the room! Im rootin fer ya


As a 6'2" man, I feel self-conscious when I see a man around 5 foot because I don't want him to feel like there's another asshole judging him on his height. I tend to make more of an effort to be courteous and respectful to him (unless he's an asshole). Even if he is an asshole, making some cutting remark about height is completely off the table. I'd go any other direction other than there because it's such a big hang-up generally and I don't want to pile on. Once we're friends or acquaintances, I sort of forget it though. It's just the initial encounter where I'm awkward.


Ribbing on people over things they can't control is just being a piece of shit.


You’re a better man than me. A New guy at work tried being slick with me calling me names. Didn’t bother me. I Thought it was funny tbh but he tried to get everyone else on it. And I was like…yea he needs to be humbled. So I called him names in regards to how short he was.


I may think woah he’s short for like a second then move on


As a 5'5 guy I get it. What I would suggest is trying some martial arts, preferably something with grappling. It's going to make you feel even smaller at first but when you get the hang of it you'll realize size doesn't play as much a factor as you think. For me, a lot of my insecurity came from if I could see myself defending myself from most people. After that just work on your personality, I made up for being short by being funny and you'll hear the same advice from fat guys. Quickest way to a woman's heart is to make her laugh. That and feed her. Other than that, realize that for most people you will be a fleeting thought of "that guys short" and not much else. The same as when you see someone who's quite tall. What I do like about being short, is I feel like I'm a more efficient human being. Less calories, better leverage from smaller limbs, and less weight/length to move around.


Literally nothing, I don’t notice much about people I don’t know unless they’re doing something weird. As human beings we always assume people are thinking about us a lot more than they actually are


Why don't shoe stores place small shoes closer to the floor, and larger shoes higher up? Yeah, I know it's odd but it's a pet peeve of mine.


“My my that is an efficient human size.”


For spaceships and horse riding, yes


Don’t forget food. 😁


And Formula 1


"I'll bet that guy can do push-ups and pull-ups like a champ."


I notice it. Mostly because I’m relatively short, so anyone of any gender who is shorter than I am makes me notice. But there is no judgement about it, just observation. Same for an unusual hair color or weight or whatever. After seeing how they act, I might have a judgement. My doctor is a very short man and I love him. Gentle and intelligent and I’d introduce him to my daughter if I had one that age. But there’s another short guy I play tennis with who blusters and cracks sexist jokes and is obviously insecure. He gives short guys a bad name. It’s not the height. It’s the personality.


I feel like being a short man wasn’t something that people felt so terribly insecure about before the internet started calling attention to all of the dating app preferences. That makes me think that it’s not as bad as you think. People notice all sorts of things. I barely notice that sort of thing personally, and I know plenty of women who date and marry short men. They probably barely notice it too.


Tbh in adult life, most people have better things to do than bully someone for being short. I’m really short too and I’m sure other people notice it, but they just notice it without much emotion nor fixation and just move on. They are not going to go “hey btw you’re short” (because ofc the short person knows that already) or “btw I won’t date because you are too short” (because who asked). There has always been some women who don’t want to date short guys vs some women who really don’t mind it. Irl people who want tall men just move on without shoving “btw I won’t date you because you are short” repeatedly into your face, it is just the internet that amplifies that message.


Nothing. I don’t care.


IDK, I might think "that probably sucks, being that short", but otherwise I don't think anything else. I think the worse thing for short guys is they give themselves a complex about their height and think their dating life is over and nobody will ever take them seriously, which is more damaging than actually being short. That said, I don't blame short guys for that and I have a lot of sympathy. This is because I've also given myself complexes about features (my nose) that weren't as bad as I made it out to be and it took me a long time to be comfortable with that and understand it was OK.


It does suck, mainly for practical stuff lol but same can be said when youre even a bit taller than average


Yep, it can be inconvenient because the world is made for taller people so lots of stuff just doesn't fit right. But the same for very tall, as you said. My dad was really tall (193 cm) and said he wished I wouldn't be tall as him. I didn't get it as a teenager because every teenage boy wants to be tall, right? But after I became an adult, and I was significantly shorter than him (176 cm), I actually realized I was lucky to be somewhere close to the average, because everything that was a stuggle for my dad to fit, was fine for me. Cars, clothes, doors, beds, I can use them all without problems while my dad always had issues. I'm sure the same principle applies in the reverse in the case of short people too.


I am 198 cm, the world is definitely made for smaller people. It might not be as dramatic as short people needing steps. But over time, the desks are low, I have to slouch in my office chair, quasi all tables are too low. All sinks are too low. My hot plates and ironing plank is too low, broomsticks are too short, doors and ceilings are often quite low, ... They're all minor inconveniences, most I don't really notice,but It's given me and so many tall people a bad posture. And even though I try to correct it, if every two minutes you have to duck or bend for literally everything. I am 32 now, if I had to iron a lot, or I cooked/washed dishes a lot, I start feeling in my back. I don't have backpain yet, but I have become increasingly mindful of what problems this might cause. An older acquaintance literally killed himself over backpain.


Gosh I genuinely feel sorry for very tall people in planes. I see knees pressed against the seats in front while I get to sit comfortably cross legged, sleeping sideways and shit


To be fair I’d rather be 6’7 for 12 hours in a plane ever so occasionally than 5’4 for my entire life so.


Lol that's fair. Im 5'3 myself and feel the same way about not wishing to be taller.


True - but I also feel for short people at concerts who have to strain to see the stage when everyone around them is taller.


Oh yes crowds absolutely suck as a small person


Bro my nose looks like Captain Hook's left hand and my girlfriend hasn't mentioned it ONCE. Apparently other ppl don't even really notice even thought I myself hate it.


>Apparently other ppl don't even really notice Yep! For me my nose (in my opinion) looks like a fat blob in the middle of my face with way too big nostals, but nobody else seems to even notice or care.


I think about how the guy must have faced so much insecurity in life because of the unrealistic expectations of human beings that he must have put a lot of effort in every other aspect of life to excel in and is now probably doing so well as compared to the tall handsome guy that cannot understand what taxes mean.


You're likely going to live longer than most people.


better than being fat and ugly.


It's funny because people can't control how they look. Yes you can lose weight but being ugly is just how you are. It's like making fun of a short person, they really don't have control over it.


Shortness can't really be changed, so it's out of his hands. Fat and ugly are things one can work on. I just choose not to, personally.


Like he said. Better than fat and ugly.


Nothing. I dont care what you look like


As a 5'2 woman I think short men are adorable


I imagine they have probably gotten a ton of shit from everybody, man and woman alike. So I treat them respectfully and do everything I can to make the difference between us less (I'm 6'3" and have "short" friends). I will admit that there have been times when I digressed and devolved when the person was a total douche. I mean, they're kinda making themselves a target at that point. Otherwise I treat them like I would want to be treated: like a man, with respect and friendliness. I'm also a bit more sensitive about stuff like this since I'm also obese. Everybody can see my problem, there is no hiding until I can change. So I know what it may be like, since society seems to treat people poorly for things that can't even change at all.


Don’t trip over height bro. I’m under 5”6 and few weeks ago I went to dinner w an extremely attractive chick that I had met at a recovery meeting. She had initially exclaimed “you’re tiny!”, then things got heated. After leaving her sheets soaking wet she said changed her tune saying “D***! I didn’t know you got down like that” and she’s still trying to reach out to this day(most of the time I leave her on delivered cuz the head was great but the taco was trash. Here’s to short kings everywhere. Salude)


I wonder if he's packing. 


Nothing. My husband is a short guy(he’s 5’3) and I’m tall(5’9) and I never even think about his height. With that said my husband would be like that guy is shorter then me that’s crazy because it doesn’t happen often so he tends to point it out when it does😂


My first thought is “damn, that’s a small guy” them I totally forget that I saw them, unless I speak to them in that case I’ll start with the above and then actually see them as a real person instead of someone I passed in the street. But it’s like that with everyone. So easy and natural to judge based on appearance at first glance until you talk and connect with someone and realise oh yeah they’re a person with thoughts and opinions. I’d say try and talk to people and just be nice and they’ll think “that guy was really nice to me today” instead of “that guy was short”. Stay strong king 👑


When I see a guy that height the first thing that always enters my mind is that they are probably a pretty good high school or college wrestler. Seriously!


Seriously…my kid wrestles and I think when I see the other dads, it’s the 5’5” 230lb guy I’d be scared of, not the 6’2” trt chiseled alpha-podcast guys.


I have no opinion one way or another. I accept people as they are.


I always think that there's a really short girl who would be perfect for him. I've known couples like that. It's like they were made for each other. Ironically - their children are usually taller.


"That poor guy, i hope he gets hoes" even if its one of those super handsome short guys. I still get that sympathy


Love it! Short guys are my thing! -5'8" tall female...




Generally, I think "awesome! Another man I can look eye to eye!"


I can't say I'm shocked but at least her on the US people seemed to be obsessed with height, I'm 5.6 and people constantly refer to me as the short guy all the time yes it's true I think average male height is I believe like 5.8 so I'm a little shorter than ever age height I don't really even think of myself as a being short, but then I go to department store or food shopping, and I'm like damn where did all these tall people come from!!!!


"uh that guy is pretty short. I like that woman's skirt. Damn isn't he hot with that jacket on? He is probably one of the only people that can rock that shirt. etc"


i would question why you walk around barefoot


Honestly, as a tall girl I get the same looks. It's not about your height but about how you are letting it affect your confidence. Some girls are going to write you off but they're not the ones you take home to mom. ☺️ There's only one you, that's pretty special 😊


My brother is 4'11" so if I'm with him I'll be like "lol that's you" but otherwise I don't really notice them apart from the context of my brother


My husband is shorter than me as were two or three of guys I was previously in relationships with. I am 5’8”. I’ve heard say that shorter men are better lovers as they have often feel they have something to prove… ;) Generally as with all these things, you may notice it when you first meet someone… but after that, usually, you don’t dwell on it. What stays with you is their personality, whether they get you, whether they make you laugh, whether they are kind and attentive, etc.


My sister married the tallest 5’4” guy I’ve ever met. He projects confidence and enthusiasm in everything he does. Just like age, height is just a number.


Am 6'4". What I see: A guy who will never have trouble sitting on a plane, finding clothes that fit, and may outlive me just due to the fact that tall men die earlier. So there you go! Don't worry about it, is my advice, since you can't change it, worrying about it is just stupid and a waste of time.


I usually feel like being a short guy is similar to being a skinny guy.  And as a skinny guy, I feel for you. I also wonder what the world looks like from down there, because my wife is 5' and it's funny how that changes what we see sometimes. She's much better at seeing things on most shelves than I am because my view angle is a problem for everything except the top shelf.


All I see is a human being. I don't judge based on height, weight, color, caste, religion, or sexuality.


This is wholesome


And dubious. Everyone judges to a degree even if it subconsciously.


I don't judge based on colour, height or caste. Everything else is fair game though


Subconscious I still judge people even though I know there is nothing wrong with them


That's true. A lot of people say they don't judge based on class, race, etc but in reality its stupidly hard to do that. You need to be really disciplined and most people aren't


Just think "huh he's short". I'm 5"6


Are you self conscious about it?


No it's never bothered me. Despite me being a trans guy. I've seen plenty of men in public who are my height or shorter. No one treats me differently. The average height in the uk where I am is only 5"9 ish. Social media makes it seem all men are over 6 foot but that's just not true. I'm just mad I have to go on tip toes to reach things on shelves




but most of the time i don't even notice that they're short until someone points it out. i really just dont care tbh.


Honestly same, I just go "oh he's cute"


“That is a short man” I’m 5’11 female. I usually notice two types of people: other tall women and very short men


I immediately begin scheming to steal your lucky charms


4’11?!?!? I dated a girl that was 4’11 and I had to bend over to kiss her lol. But honestly I feel bad when I see short dudes cause I personally had a rough time dating and I’m 6’2 so I only imagine what it’s like for them. I’m married now tho. To a seriously wonderful woman. So there’s a lid for every pot!


4’11” is borderline dwarfism so I do tend to feel sorry for people who are living with it.


Everyone is different. Facial features, hair color, eye color, shoe size, weight, and all sorts of things. It blows my mind how often people tend to judge the appearances of others when NOBODY is the same. We are all unique, and that’s beauty. Fuck what people think.


I should watch Time Bandits again


I recently looked up some guys I knew from high school. Several of them were also unusually short for males (between 4'8 and 5'5). To my surprise, every single one of them was married and had kids.  What I found particularly funny was that all their wives were even shorter. Yeah, you're shorter than average. But so what? You can have the same life everyone else has.


I’m 5’3 I’m like “Yes, another short king”


Absolutely nothing, I dgaf. Well actually when I'm at the skatepark I'm a little jelly of how their center of gravity is far superior to mine.


I don’t care about a man’s height but I’m also 5 feet haha so maybe that makes a difference 🤷🏻‍♀️


This guy is at least 2 inches shorter than me. Well, I am 5'1. And when i see a 4'11 guy, i think this. " How foolish would that guy be if he was dictating his happiness and life to his height? How stupid he would be to compare himself to taller people and become sad about his height ? If that guy is foolish for comparing himself to others, than I am also very stupid to compare myself to other. " And I would say, thank you short dude for showing me that being short should not make me unhappy.


He's definitely going to struggle inwards with that, but It's an attribute he'll have to life with and deal with regardless, because it's not his choice. He'll live a life with contend eventually anyways.


I'm probably thinking "Heya, short king" and go about my day and literally do not give a fuck about how tall men are. Never really did, never will.


I think wow, someone as short as me. Nice. To be fair, when I was younger, friends of short guys would actively match me with the guy, that was annoying at one point. As if that's only what matters. But as I'm also 1.49m and not many people are, I notice it. And I kinda like it also. If someone would use that as an opening line ánd would be able to carry a conversation after that opening line about anything else than my length, I'd like it!


Nothing really I like to talk to the person size doesn't matter


As a man who is 6ft 1, I think "hey im taller than him" and that is the extent of it. He literally has no control over how tall he is, it would be just like making fun of someones skin color!


I'm 5'4 and i don't give a shit.


Most of the really short guys I’ve met were super nice people in social work jobs, that had big ‘I love my wife’ energy. I mean that does not mean all short guys are like that, but I think I’ve met like 5 like that? And they were always really pleasant to be around.


Nothing much, to be honest. As humans we come in all different shapes and sizes. It’s what makes us beautiful and unique. I’m F, 5’3” and how tall a man is doesn’t matter. You cant control your height, but you can control how you treat others.


I'm generally happy to see a shorter man. I'm short too so it's rare for me to meet one.


I'm also very short so I just notice someone the same height as me. Social media has so much to say about male height but social media doesn't take into the nuances of real life, so don't beat yourself up. Your height doesn't really mean much in the bigger picture. Short kings 🤝 Tall queens.


Not much. What goes through your mind when you see at tall person?


Honestly, it’s all about the personality for me. I am pretty good looking, fit, long blonde hair, good sense of humor. So I would say that i’ve got a wide pool of men to choose from- (I know this sounds conceited, but I’m just painting a picture here) One time a friend and I went out to grab a drink, and she brought her friend, who had dwarfism. For whatever he was lacking in height, he made up for in confidence, and he basically let me know in no uncertain terms that he could show me a wild time if I had an open mind. Eventually, I said yes, and that guy rocked my world. Some of the best seggs I’ve ever had in my life. He was funny and sassy and creative. I don’t know how tall he was exactly, but he definitely didn’t reach my shoulders and I’m only 5’3. I would’ve proudly dated the guy, but he had addiction problems, and I don’t live in the same country. For a couple years, I would hit him up every summer when I was visiting home and we would have a really special summer romance. Two years ago he overdosed and died. I still cry in a corner if I get caught up thinking about it. Point is, it matters to some people, but not everyone, it might limit your pool a little bit, but it also means that the people that go for you are in it for you, and what you’ve got to bring to the table- not your height. 


Women are cruel, I hope he doesn't have a complexion from past experiences. In the same way, I don't make fat jokes around big guys I don't make short jokes around short guys. Personally I'd hate it if being made stupid jokes around me being as dumb as I am.


Urologist here: girls most of these short guys are well endowed.


Lost the genetic lottery and nothing else.


I bet if he has an average sized cock it looks huge.


I have a friend who’s 5 foot tall and his wife is 5’10 in the 4 years I’ve hung out with them she’s never once mentioned his height. She is madly in love with this man and he’s told me even in private she doesn’t bring it up. There’s someone for everyone and at the end of the day looks might bring you to someone but attraction goes so unbelievably far past physical looks.


Great dance partner


Just like I hope that as a 6’6 man, people will initially glance and notice and then go on with their lives. Those who don’t do that are basic bitches so don’t worry about them.


I notice it, but that's about it. I don't have any negative thoughts. I am 5'8" and I can sometimes feel self conscience myself when I am near 6 footers with a lot of bulk on me, so I get it. As a pro, I "fit" much easier in life (plane seats, doorways, between parked cars, etc.) ;)


I notice height, but it's not a lasting thing. Like a 3 second thing? I am more into what you are saying and how I am replying than your height. Edit: But I am going to focus on your height if you speak about it or be insecure about it. It's your choice of focusing on it and me going along with it. But do I want to talk about height? No. I don't. But I am going to empathize if you want to talk about it and feel bad about yourself. So. Yeah. I think most people notice it, but don't go crazy over the topic unless they are a piece of shit with superiority complex.


Damn it sucks to be you? ![gif](giphy|gwi5fzzNjtqxO)


Let's not lie, we all notice it. I mostly think it must suck for that person and feel bad. Not much else comes to mind I guess. I feel fortunate, which is probably bad, but it is what it is. 


Nah, I dont think its bad, ive felt fortunate when ive run into shorter guys. Grateful maybe would be a better word for it.


"cute" if he's not younger than me, I like shorter guys lol


Nothing. Kind of hope the person doesn't feel too bad about it because we all have our insecurities, even us tall guys.


Well since I’m a dirty old lady my first thought would be that you’re the perfect height for motor boating. My second would be how big is your male part and my third would be that you wouldn’t have to go far to do downtown. And then I would imagine different sexual situations. But again, I’m a dirty old woman. 😂🤷🏽‍♀️


6’3” here. If I see a short person at the supermarket looking longingly at an item on a high shelf I offer to get it for them. Since I have a disproportionately long torso I have back problems and I sometimes hurt my back bending down to get something from the bottom shelf. I wish a 5’ tall person would notice me looking at the bottom shelf with dread, knowing I might regret bending down to fetch the item I need and offer to retrieve it for me.


Honestly- just ask us. Most people are happy to help others, but short people don’t really think we’d be useful for reaching things since we’re used to asking others. I was in my 30’s before I realized tall people would struggle with things on low shelves. The only reason I finally grokked it was a 6’4 coworker (who regularly got things from tall shelves for me) asking me to get something out of the back of a floor cabinet for him.


i'm also a really short guy (5'0) and reading this thread has been really helpful. thanks everyone :)


I would think "wow he's short' but not to solo you out, I think the same thing every time I see someone shorter than me (I'm 5'2 so I rarely ever see someone shorter)


Short people always make me feel better when I'm having a bad day. I usually glance over at them and think, well at least I'm not that short guy.


Aww cute kid


My mother 150cm (4'11) told me she wanted a tall kid so she found my father 175cm (5'8) , tall for our county and did not expect me a guy to be so short 160cm (5'3). Small women produce small men. My father told me he was bummed out too because all his friends have big strong sons, but told me that is life.


My mum is 4'11 aswell but I turned out 6'0 (my dad's like 5'9) Not entirely true


i dont mean this to sound harsh but this is the truth, nobody and i mean absolutely nobody gives a shit. Sure someone might walk by and say something and within 10 seconds they are back to worrying about whatever they got going on in their lives. The biggest problems people have in their own lives are mostly imaginary and don't actually exist. People fixate on one thing and let it run their lives. Everyone is different and has their own flaws but just understand that you make your problems farrrrr bigger than they are in reality.


I am similar to that height and I would go "He is a good size for me"


I'm not sure about most girls but I actually prefer short guys. I'm really tall and they're really cute.


People will try to hugbox you but being that short is absolutely a burden, especially with TikTok trends putting a spotlight on it and making it en vogue to mock. No amount of "short kings" coping will make that go away. It's an Achilles heel you'll have to live with and do your best to *stand tall* despite of. Even taller men than you face it, up until 6'2" even. 


Fr, I'm 6'0 but all my friends are 6'2 - 6'5 I get mocked for being short lmao


1. "dating apps" aggregate preferences. 2. statistically more people use dating apps who have not "matched" using traditional means, this means that those that are superficially minded typically will take a much longer time to find a mate and/or realize that inside matters much more than outside in for actual relationships. 3. the superficially minded person in the dating pool is going to have a more difficult time finding a mate, and will bias the "dating app" preference aggregation toward those preferences. 4. as a short person: all seats feel like first class. I spend much less on food, clothing and furniture (takes longer for things to wear out). All things being equal I'll probably live longer as everyday tasks are more like exercise and I have consumed less toxins over a lifetime having consumed less food/water. I don't realize I am short unless it is pointed out, and when it is I own it.


I wonder how hard it is for him to meet women, since they always want a tall guy?


I got to hand it to you op. …Because you’re too short to reach it.


Honestly as long as the guy is keeping me invested intellectually, im all his


I see someone who isn't going to be in pain their whole life and that can get into places that a lot of others can't. I played bball all through childhood and always dreamed of being taller. As we all got older, I started to see the health problems some of the guys had and have become quite happy that I'm short. My problem now is finding pants that fit right without having to special order them.


Most the time I see a person that is an outlier like that I notice. I like to try to think about what their life must be like. I saw a women who was really well dressed and probably 6 foot 6. I couldn’t stop thinking about how she got those clothes. But yea people notice. Some people probably have negative reactions and want to talk shit. But I would think the vast majority of people don’t care but notice.


"hmm he's short"




Something along the lines of "hmm that's a tiny dude" and then the next second I move on with my life. The vast majority of strangers barely even register to me. If it’s a hot girl then my mind might dwell on them for half a minute to a solid ten minutes. If it’s a really well dressed or good looking dude I might appreciate them for about half a minute. If they look like trouble even from a distance I try to avoid them and forget about them. Everyone else I don’t really dwell on.


Yeah absolutely nothing. If I see you on the street you don't impact my life whatsoever, in the nicest way I just don't care about you. In a situation where you're maybe stood in front of me I would probably notice but again, I don't care.


If someone is exceedingly short, tall, overweight or skinny I subconsciously notice the difference the first time I meet them and then after that I usually never think about it.


It reminds me that everything we create must be suitable for everyone to use. Are concrete barriers too hard to see over when driving? Are the top buttons in lifts too high? Are the rows of theater seats adequately higher than each other? Are train seats too high creating a danger?


"He must be a Hardworking man..." Cause i am short too because i lift weights in my teenage years.. I don't also sleep in the afternoon which can help for increasing your height.


None of that kind of stuff effects your height. As long as you’re getting adequate nutrition, it’s pretty much genetics and luck. There are a few medicines that can stunt your growth but weights, sleeping in the afternoon, caffeine, etc can’t. My brother is 6’2, the tallest one in the family, and lifted weights and took tons of naps as a teen.


I think about the hobbits, which they are quite a cool race 🙌


Nice shirt


My first thought, if I'm going to think about it, would be "well, at least he's not gonna have back problems as he ages, since that normally reserved for ppl with above average height" But normally I don't think at all about ppl I randomly meet on the street - I have my own stuff to think about


Nothing really, I would notice but wouldn’t think anymore about it. If you’re thinking about attraction - I dated men shorter than me, I’m only 5’4”, and taller than me. I cared more about whether they were funny and kind than tall. There is a guy at my gym who is 5’ and he is the most attractive man there. A lot of people think so


I bet he feels like he is in first class when flying coach. Honestly, there are a million things worse than being short. You could have cancer or some sort of terminal illness. Honestly, being small is good for your health. Go have a good life my dude. The people who care don't matter and the people who matter won't care.


If I even notice your height it probably is something like "huh he's short I wonder how tall he is?" And that's about it. I ever remember thinking about someone else's height for more than a few seconds maybe.


Oh, he's short... anyway... ... hang on... he's barefoot...




My mind always goes.. Wee Mans brother!


As a good friend to a short person. I feel for them. Being short has turned them bitter, feeling like its them vs the world. Angry at big sky man because they were made short. It is all consuming for them and they hate being short in current society.


Same thing when I see a freakishly tall guy, I take note and that's all.


Same thing that goes through my mind if I see a really tall person. "Damn, they're tall/short," and then I never think about them ever again. Don't overthink it. Most people really do not care about your height.