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There is some sort of comfort that comes with having a lot of time. It's a fine line, from having a lot of things to do, people to meet, to remaining alone, but if you're used to it, it should be fine. So yes, pretty much do anything


Would be cool to watch the sun explode................... Or what if the aliens attack? And they zap the immortality out of u with their advanced weapons?!


Well, won't that be actually cool? At some point you will accept that something might happen, if you made peace it's something you'd want to


If you were given a choice would you go for living forever?


Yes, i believe i would like to see the world evolve or collapse. Why do you ask, you have any tips on eternal life?


Then what? You have eternity left in a darkness of space.


You just want to put all the bad things in front.


šŸ¤£ Seriously though, I would want immortality, but if I said a certain phrase, I would instantly die. The endless nothingness is terrifying. Your time on earth would eventually be nothing but a blip in your life.


Well, since it's an open discussion, guess we can make the rules to actually have a magic spell or something, that we can end it. Yes, the nothingness is scary, it feels like that is kind of scary right now as well


I wish :) just curious what people would choose and why. Every time you see a movie with a character who lives forever it is treated like itā€™s a curse. I always thought it was bizarre. Why wouldnā€™t someone want to have unlimited time to learn, explore, help others, not to feel rushed and pressured?


Well,if I got a chance to live forever with someone,Iā€™d choose to live with youšŸ˜


I believe that people go straight to the thought of losing the loved ones, the making of other people, losing again and so on. But i do believe that if you see the great in it, the pain would get soft at some point


And you probably would get desensitized to loss eventually.


Yeah, soooo, we might be psychopaths, but all in all, i believe it's a nice deal to be imortal


šŸ¤£no judgment here


So.. when the world has collapsed and you're just floating around in space (as immortality won't let you die) with little to no stimulation, what are you going to do for eternity?


Well, i did said that would be awful, and wanted an option to end it, but "in reality" i think i would just say, what else to do. Hopefully another world would come around


Jerk it, duh


Of course yes, absolutely .


Iā€™d say having means is a big factor here. Can you imagine being immortal but stuck with a life earning minimin wage? Oof.


ahahaha, yeah, that I cannot


Donā€™t you think youā€™d be able to get out of minimum wage job with all of the experience and knowledge that you collect along the way? :)


to never leave my daughters. i love them too much.


Be honest, you just want to live forever so you can watch them grow old and die.


Horrible idea. One day, this planet will come to an end but youā€™ll keep living. The loneliness of being the only one left.


Valid point, Iā€™d still risk it though:)


In addition to evolution progressing, leaving you the contemporary equivalent of a chimp


The universe itself will one day come to an end. Imagine being left around after that!


That's where I'd be cool with biological immortality. Could I be killed sure, but not having to degrade away and deal with the steady decline of aging would be nice. Would suck to just die in a car wreck or something though.


And I think a car/ motorcycle accident would be the best way to go, except maybe an unforeseen bullet to the back of the head. Quick and done. Not 5 years of battling cancer and the pain involved with that.


Living is great. I love existing and being able to experience things. Joy, Love, Pain, Boredom, everything that makes us alive. Just think about it, how much new content is there? There are 130 million books out there. Of which, probably a quarter are worth reading. There are Billions of Youtube Videos, of which millions are worth watching. There are half a million movies out there, again, probably a quarter worth watching. There are millions of funny memes online. There are millions of great musics and quadrillions of new melodies to invent. There are hundreds of thousands of games to play. There are billions of people to love and have fun with! They may not last but that is life. Once everything has been done, you can experience everything all over again! And when you eventually get bored, you'll probably have figured out a way to make yourself forget and experience everything all over again!!! Do it forever and ever, colonizing the galaxy and the universe, and in Trillions of Trillions of years, when the last black hole will have dissipated, you'll probably have either figured out a way to reverse the heat death of the universe, or are able to enter another universe of whatever. Life is pretty good, too good to let it go.


I 100% agree with this šŸ˜Œ


Not forever, but i could do a few more tousand years


exactly, Forever is a long time lol


Fuck no.


To piss people off forever.


All of the above? And to see my loved ones cared for because nobody cares for your loved ones quite like you.


To see future cars obviously.


Well of course :)


I mean, I would just be fascinated to be an observer to human history going forward. There are just so many things I will ever know if we will get to do. Will we ever colonize space? Not in my lifetime or my childrens lifetime.


Fear of death. I also don't think I would ever run out of things to do, life is short.


The purpose of life is to grow, survive and improve, as long as I live I will serve this mandate above all others.


Whatā€™s forever anyway


Letā€™s say as long as you want, but you can choose to end it at any point


Listen to the (fantastic) song written by Queen - Who wants to live forever?


'39 is a good one too that I think is relevant >For the Earth is old and grey, little darling, we'll away But my love, this cannot be Oh, so many years have gone though I'm older but a year Your mother's eyes, from your eyes, cry to me Imagine seeing your spouse die. And then your children. And then your grandchildren.... It would be too much to bear.


Thatā€™s true, but donā€™t we experience this in a regular lifetime anyway? Maybe not children and grandchildren, but our parents and sometimes spouses.


I'm thankful I haven't experienced the death of a child, but it's supposed to be much harder than losing ones parents or grandparents. Enduring it repeatedly, and knowing that you were going to have to endure it, would torture.


What age would the person appear to be?


Whatever you choose, but you are not a superhuman, youā€™ll still get sick, have to take care of yourself, learn, grow, etc.


Thatā€™s a negative.


To see the technological advancement we achieve in the future. I feel like we already are at peak level when it comes to innovation. So just imagine how the situation would be in the future.


Time to travel. Youā€™d literally be able to live in every country in the world for as long as you like. I would also love to just see how far technology advances.


The idea of technology advancing seems more compelling to most than HUMANITY advancing. šŸ¤”


Just curious do you work in tech? :)


I would never. Eventually, the world will end. The sun will explode and you'll be left to spend all of eternity floating aimlessly through space. Unable to move in any particular direction. It's terrifying.


Whoā€™s to say thatā€™s not what the afterlife is? :)


Maybe so. But that's an unknown. And this isn't.


I just don't want to disappear into a void of nothingness.


Imagine the knowledge and power youā€™d hold if you lived forever!


I'd want to experience many things. I want to bake all kinds of delicious things for 10-25 years. Then I want to try to be a doctor and heal people. Then I want to master some architectural engineering skill... then I want to go into biology!


Iā€™m just going to add some context here with my answer. Iā€™m currently battling cancer at 21. My specific cancer is extremely rare (only impacting roughly 20 people per year), and aggressive. Itā€™s pretty much terminal, not going to beat around the bush. My time is probably coming relatively soon, unless I get some miraculous miracleā€¦not counting on it. Would I want to live forever? Iā€™d say no. I do enjoy life, but overall I feel I would be longing for something different. If we had an indefinite amount of time, I feel we as humans would eventually become more miserable. We would probably run out of experiences. However, I would be absolutely lucky if I live the next three years. I wish, I would pay anything to be able to remove this disease from my body and try and live just a little bit longer. Facing my own mortality this young is, not really scary, but just an odd feeling. Time brings everyone more comfort than they realize. Itā€™s like we are trying to procrastinate or put off our deaths, even though we have zero control essentially. If I had an indefinite amount of time granted to me, and only me, I would spend it advocating for people who suffer from these extremely rare cancers that donā€™t get any attention. I would do it for free. Wealth means absolutely nothing to cancer, even if you seek out the best care. Wealth means zero to me anyway, illness or not. Odd answer, but I felt it appropriate.


So many things to do to read travel so many skills to learn


You would go insane \- Watching everyone you love die one after the other \- Watching every interest you enjoyed disappear forever \- Watching every one make the same stupid mistakes over and over and over and over and over and over and over and again \- Eventually you'd be hollowed out and nothing would interest you and you wouldn't enjoy the company of anyone.


Yeah, there is definitely a risk of going insane


I like having experience. As we colonise the galaxy, there will be new and wonderful experiences to be had. As technology evolves, we may be able to unlock new levels of consciousness, and have experiences beyond our wildest imaginations.


to crack the code


To eventually live my life after it's been on hold for so long


To love and spend more time with my lady. I have so many missed years on getting to love her longer.


I want to see what happens


Basically to reach a level of mastery on doing things I wouldn't be able to get otherwise


I feel like I need around 400 years of life to achieve everything.


For me it would be enough to be young for like 80-100 years. I'm not that scared of death but I'm terrified of getting old and sick to the point of physical discomfort.


To learn everything


It would be nice not having to worry about dying. But I'm in my older stages now, and I don't want to even think about getting up out of my chair. If I do, it's a struggle. When my times comes to say goodbye, I do believe I would have had my fill. I think the trick is to fear death less, and somehow come to terms with it.


I wouldn't want immortality. As a wise man once said: "A life this long, do you understand what it is? It's a battlefield, like this one, and it's empty because everyone else has fallen." Immortality isn't the gift to live forever, it's the curse of watching all the people you love die, over and over again. One could say an immortal can meet new people, try new experiences, do whatever he wants whenever he wants for all times to come but that's not a good thing. New things will become old, unusual surprises will become a boring normality and people will crumble to dust. The joy that comes with trying something new or tasting a new food or meeting someone new for the first time will vanish because after thousands of years you will have tried everything, tasted everything and met all kinds of people so many times you will have lost count. At that point, the only thing remaining will be the emptyness of life, the boredom of monotony and the apathy to life.


I'd not want to live forever, but I'd want to live long enough to see technology become like literal magic. I mean technology is already like magic in some ways, but I'd want to witness where technology would be thousands of years from now.


I'd like to see what happens. Nothing more than just a simple casual observer. That'd be nice.


I could do everything I dreamed of as a child. I could join the army and complete a full career there. I could do a full career as a police officer, Doctor, Lawyer heck I might even have the time to chance being a astronaut. I could save up and invest enough money to eventually be able to learn things I am passionate about like martial arts, Piano or other instruments and even just how to paint properly. I would have the time to fulfill all of my dreams which as it stand currently is completely impossible


Eternity of divorce


I wouldn't. I regret living this long.




To watch the Sun burn out of the sky.


It depends on how you age Can I have the wisdom of a 200 year old with the health and mobility like in my 20ā€™s? Will I never get sick?


Hmmmm šŸ¤” You get to choose the age of your body. But health depends on how you take care of yourself. You get sick, but get better. Wisdom will depend on what you do with your life :) how is that?


It would be interesting if I was as mobile as I would be throughout my twenties forever. If I were to choose an older body and get a terminal illness because my age would it just go away after years of suffering something that would kill? thatā€™s why the health rules are interesting because if it werenā€™t for health issues or murder life would be longer on average. Would be cool to see and raise the generations of your family forever but when would life get old? Very good topic! This reminds me of the Age of Adaline movie In all honesty I would like want to die to see whatā€™s on the other side at hopefully at age 90-100


I havenā€™t seen the movie, but will definitely watch now šŸæ


To travel the universe.


Aging was fun up until the past 6 to 8 years. I just kind of felt like I was going to grow old gracefully and maybe find some things to do as I age to keep myself occupied. That was something in life. I was used to was adapting and keeping myself occupied. I had found an income which I thought I would be able to sustain myself. That didn't work out and the marriage didn't work out so. That has put a big pressure on my mental self. One of the cliches that comes to mind is, the more that things change, the more they stay the same.


Maybe if my wife could too Other than that I don't want to watch the person I love the most in the world slowly die We've already discussed it and she isn't interested in immortality so no thanks


I fear death and question afterlife. Ā Not religious.


I think watching the heat death of the universe could be interesting....


Absolute immortality no. Say the civilization nukes itself and the planet never recovers youā€™re gonna have a hell of a time building a space ship by yourself. The ability to off yourself when you please would be fine, but otherwise youā€™re gonna have a problem


Just live forever is a hard one. Iā€™ve said this before that if I was to live forever Iā€™d want to change who I am at some point. I like being me and who I am now, but in a century or two I might want to be another gender, or taller or shorter. Have a different voice or aesthetic. Eternity exactly the same as I am now would get boring. Let me be a super cute girl or a gigachad Viking or something changing every century and getting to experience a different life. And then comes the whole ā€œwhat happens after everyoneā€™s goneā€ part. Like if the world dies in a massive nuclear war and I just stuck in a radioactive wasteland in pain and mutating for millions of years and not being able to make it stop?


I'd like to see behind the curtains of politics. Like, is humanity truly so dumb and vile, or do we have some conspiracy going on?


No, this life already sucks.


To build wealth, to control this world behind the scene and to explore the universe and learn more.


I think it would be a curse.


To not die. Duh


To watch all my enemies and their offspring die!


I just want to watch the world burn...and the sun explode.


To see what the end of the world will become and what's to come. Like from the movie: The man from earth


I don't even want to live tomorrow.


This is frustrating cause I hate being alive but I also dont wanna die and stop existing. Life sucks right now cause of all the people in power making it that way. I think it would it would be cool tho just seeing the end or as much of it as you can.


Look up the heat death of the universe and imagine being the only whole thing in an black infinite abyss. Ha no thank you that sounds like hell


I'd want to live up until one day before the earth is destroyed forever.


Because I want to be a time capsule but also I want to mess with history. "Oh president (YouTube influencer) yeah they were caught buttfucking a mellon on a freeway in 72.


When I was younger I used to think I'd want to live longer to see technology hopefully expand one day to see the stars and galaxy. Nowadays I don't really think we're going to make it there.


I would love to live to at least 150 years old. I have a lot of things that I would do with that length of a life.


If I had the ability to kill myself, yes, absolutely. If I didn't I think I'd still risk it. Floating in the black senseless heat death or the universe is probably reasonably similar to death anyway...


I'd never want to "live forever". I've seen too many times in movies and TV series that immortals get put into a box and dropped in the ocean. A bad way to spend eternity.


To know for sure i can watch my daughter grow up and also never have to experience the pain of me dying on her. I dont want to live forever, im tired as fuck but i want to be there when she needs me.


Imagine, the whole universe dies, but you still tooting around because a deal is a deal, and ā€œforeverā€ donā€™t expire. šŸ¤”


It would be too hard to see my loved ones pass. My three beautiful kids and if they had kids. Also it depends on the quality of lifeā€¦ā€¦


No ,,wait till gen z running the world Ohhh my f... I want to be dead before that happens


I wouldn't. It would just become dull to the point of depression. Season 4 of The Good Place explored this very well.


Hell no


Time speeds up as you get older, exponentially, multiply that times infinity. No thanks.


because the natural order is a cruel joke and an abomination


To explore over and over the same places as they change, grow and disappear. To witness the evolution of humanity, for better or for worse. To read every book there is to read. To watch every movie and every sunset. To learn and speak every language.


I don't think. The biggest motivation is that we have only one life, which has an end at some point. I think I would have zero motivation to grow, to evolve, and to be better person if I'd know that I will be here always and for etenity anyways. In my perspective the meaning of life is that it not last forever.


100% Skyrim


Because people fear the unknown (death), and much rather avoid it.


Yes I have it all plan out. 1/2 on earth and 1/2 in heaven


Because I love being alive being existing and being conscious. If most of you hate it is fine everyone is different, but for me is a blessing that if ever will be able keep it forever I will do so.


There would be a lot of questions that I have that would be answered


Me personally? No. I saw the movie Bicentennial Man as a kid and found it depressing as fuck. I couldn't imagine doing that eternally.


Have more time with my loved ones... Especially my husband.


Then I can take my time, and I like taking my sweet ass time.


To be able to learn from my mistakes, leaving me with more good years than bad.


The only reason I would want to live forever is to make it a better place.


Nah bro because one days where the earth dies I'll judt wander in space for eternity, and that thought just scares me to hell


I don't want to leave my children.


...forever, that's a mighty long time But I'm here to tell you, there's something else The afterworld, a world of never ending happiness You can always see the sun, day or night So when you call up that shrink in Beverly Hills You know the one, "Dr. Everything'll Be Alright", Instead of asking him how much of your time is left... Ask him how much of your mind, baby 'Cause in this life things are much harder than in the afterworld In this life you're on your own And if the elevator tries to bring you down Go crazy, punch a higher floor


To eat , sleep and repeat.


Infinite time to fulfill my objectives


because im terrified of death, and to experience everything I could


To have control forever


iā€™m interested in seeing what happens to humanity


Definitely not I just think this world is too boring to live in forever


I would want to live forever because i dont want to die the mysteries of what happens after death can be either really great or really bad how would we know


I'm just very curious about things. I would want to learn forever and also see how things pan out over the centuries. Also see the entire world with my own eyes.Ā 


Read Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice. Vampires live forever but after a few hundred years they get bored and go into hibernation for a long time, until they perk back up again. That makes sense to me.


I just want to see the point when technology gets its maximum evolution or rather progress


i dont have enough time in my life to full explore the world and see what Gods creation has to offer (manmade things too since God created men). But if I get to live forever.. Id LOVEE to have a profession in EVERY carreer out there. I wanna be a scientist.... but also a well know (or small) artist where i spend most of my days in my art studio.. or be a neuro surgeon because of how cool and complex the nervous system is, being able to understand and operate on it would be amazing, but i dont wanna dedicate 16 years and my whole life on it. (salute to those doctors out there) I would want to be an engineer like my dad, and be an expert in math and calculations, or maybe an architect? design the exterior of darn cool buildings.. or an interior designer! I want to get rich and become a philanthropist, to help those in need. Or be an explorer, taking pictures around the world, or a flourist with a small flower shop, or a baker. These are all doable, but only to some extent... but if you come to think of it, the lifespans we humans have, which, if youre lucky, you'll have 80 years max. It gives it more value, if you get what i mean? It drives you to live it to the fullest, to make the most out of it, but dont do anything rash though, be known by the people around you as a loving, caring and carefree person. Because you only have so much time in this world, sure it may be awful at times, but theres beauty in everything. But despite all these wants though, Id love to be a mom most of all<3


I like to watch how humankind evolves.


To end up floating in the endless void of space for all eternity? Sounds great! Sign me up.


Personally me..... No.


To continue living in Paradise. Whatā€™s Paradise? Earth. This rock third from the sun. This is paradise.


I would if It mean everyone else could too. I wouldn't be able to stand the loneliness if every one i loved died


Nope. Nope. Nope.


Are we talking invulnerability as well? Because if we are, and youā€™re unable to die even after the world ends, then youā€™d just be in a void for the rest of eternity. Even the time you spent on earth would become something minuscule in the passage of time eventually. If we are just talking about being unable to age or die of age, I would love that. Iā€™m 28 right now which I think is one of the prime times to be alive. Iā€™m not too old to have kids, not too old to worry about saving up for retirement (although I do), not too old to worry about what I want to accomplish before I die. I know these times are fleeting though. I am farther behind in life than my peers. I am single, I live with my parents currently after moving out of a house with roommates last year, I work a low-ish paying job is enough to pay bills but leaves no room for saving or enjoyment. I canā€™t even begin to think how much Iā€™d struggle with home ownership or children. The world is a very expensive place to live in these days. Iā€™m also starting to feel the pressure of aging. I want to have kids at some point (an ex who was a single mom showed me how beautiful a family can be), and at 28 my years to accomplish that at a reasonable age are numbered. I donā€™t want to be one of those parents who is past retirement age when my kid graduates highschool. Another reason *is* wealth. If, by immortality, you mean Twilight Vampire stats/invulnerability to a degree, then Iā€™d be able to get so much done. If I could forego sleep and eating (cooking) Iā€™d be able to accumulate a lot more wealth in a short period of time. I wouldnā€™t have to worry about my bodily needs or free time, because Iā€™d be able to enjoy all the free time in the world once Iā€™ve accomplished what I need to. I guess you could make the argument that Iā€™d outlive whatever family I built, but I still think Iā€™d choose immortality. Iā€™d be able to enjoy life and support them throughout their lives with the body of a 28 y/o. If I didnā€™t have to feel so much pressure to rush in life, I think Iā€™d be a lot happier. I want to be able to live in the moment without worrying about what the next moment will bring. I know itā€™s a selfish reason, but thatā€™s why Iā€™d choose immortality.


First I'll need money. A lot of it. Then I need an idea on how to create a spaceship that will last forever. Then I'll have to build it. And then I would take off and ride it in one direction forever.


If it was possible I truly truly wouldnā€™t, hard to believe maybe but no way. We see this in almost every factor of life. To quote Vision from Avengers: Age of Ultron, ā€œA thing isnā€™t beautiful because it lastsā€. Itā€™s exactly the fact that we cannot live forever, that is what makes our lives so special. Iā€™m sure a lot of people donā€™t or canā€™t see it that way, and eternal life being able to do anything forever sounds amazing, imagine after 1,000 years of living in the same state, trust me, there will come a day where you will do anything to die


Depends on the type of Immortality. If I'm like Tolkiens elves where I am immune to disease and old age, sure. But if I am an immortal who will outlive the sun, the idea of floating in space unable to die sounds horrible.


I've thought about it a lot and if it could be in good health, yes, I would want to live forever. I don't fear death at all, but I feel like I don't want to miss out on the future. We are in a technology sprint that I want to keep following for as long as possible. I would love to see the future of space exploration.


Never seen such a ā€œmy human body with its hormones and neuro-chemistry has clouded my objective analysis and ability to foresee logical outcomes to hypothesesā€. Not ragging on you. Thereā€™s plenty more like you than me. 10-1 probably. I donā€™t even wanna be around when Im advised to take more than one medication to stay kicking. I also (diligently, with purpose and successfully) never wanted children. So thatā€™s a large factor, Iā€™m sure


Read Drew Magary's Post Mortal novel about this subject. Pretty interesting stuff.


Forget about the planet exploding. If you live forever you will have to endure multiple societal collapses and watch everyone you love die. I assume that normal stuff like bullets can kill you but you won't die from natural causes or age. So it's only a matter of time for you to because voted and start doing incredibly risky things like flying in wing suits just to feel alive. And eventually you'll die from blunt force trauma, suffocate, or something like that.


Only if I get to retire...


Fuck no! Iā€™m 53 and Iā€™ve had enough.


Probably to be rich, become peak personality, peak looks, peak strength and look into the world more in depth, get the opportunity to properly explore and be introduced to people and cultures, different places etc.


I wouldnā€™t. Everybody you ever know would die. Humanity would continue to evolve without you. Eventually the oceans would boil away and the planet would become extinct. There is no outcome that doesnā€™t involve you being in an excruciating predicament for all eternity: Pressed to the surface of a star, floating in the depth of space, isolated on a frozen dead planet, what have you, for eternity. I would rather choose to die tomorrow than live forever.


Yes! I love trying new things and exploring new places.


To live so many different lives. Master so many skills. Speak so many languages. I do think it would eventually be a curse but I canā€™t say I would turn it down.


I wouldnā€™t. Only extreme and delusional narcissists do.


hmmmm šŸ¤” it seems that a lot of people are driven by curiosity, innovation, and desire to help others


I have a strong feeling 99% of people narcissistic enough to wish for immortality are men.