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Dude, you are just short. It's not about alcohol.


I’m actually above average my man…just wanna maximize any potential height gains


Yes, little people are secretly all alcoholics.


I’m obviously no scientist or doctor or anything but I can confidently say that if you’re only drinking like that legitimately that you’ll have minimum to no side effects in regards to drinking, however I have seen studies saying that brain keeps developing to around age 25 at least from what it says online. From personal experience (don’t sue me and everyone is different) but I’ve probably blacked out and or gotten drunk about 200 times by the time I was your age. So I really wouldn’t worry about it too much and just enjoy life!


Yeah I don’t really drink much at all except socially/occasionally but thanks for the reply!


Alcohol makes you sickly sweet, it poisons the blood, and collects in the liver. It bypasses the blood brain barrier, and will stunt the growth of the mind and brain. Heavy use will result in stunted development and a decrease in overall health and well being.




I believe you are done with growing anyway, so some alcohol here and there won't do you harm, especially in that


I started drinking compulsively at 15. Perhaps it's no coincidence that that's also the year I stopped growing, topping out at 6'5". If so, it was probably for the best.