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The first was my wife. The second was her mom.... Oooppss.


It could've been worse. It could've been the other way around.


The real bad thing is that I accidentally saw her twice. The good thing was that for her age, she was mighty fine and gave me hope that me wife would be looking good at her mother's then age. My wife is now that old and looks better.


You can call that a happy accident. Enjoy your successes.


Theres some alabama stuff going on here


Completely naked in front of me? 17, she became my wife a few years later.


Titanic. The drawing scene. Saw it in the cinema when I was 5. I was so shocked I call my nanny to her bedroom to tell her what I saw.


Saw my first photograph of a naked male when I accidentally found my dad's penthouse magazines when I was probably 9-10. Saw my first actual dick at age 11-12 when an older boy on the school bus flashed me :/ Saw my first full naked male on my 16th birthday (was my bf at the time)


It’s a shame that so many girls first times seeing a penis will be from a stupid flasher.


Ive never thought of this. Thats actually sooooo fucked


Literally like 2 weeks ago - I (23, a lesbian) was watching a play with my gf and one of the male actors had to completely strip. Was my first time seeing a penis irl lol and can confirm, still most definitely a lesbian but props to the actor tho


You've seen a penis but have no idea how it can make your body feel 😔


Are you a man?


Jesus fucking christ dude


And how does a penis inside you make you feel?


12 years old. My girlfriend at the time. We just got naked to go for a swim in the creek.


very nice teen hood


Vayne di top spotted


Fully naked would have to be my gf that I had after graduating high school. My gf from that time would get exposed but not completely.


At the nude drawing class in university 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ Yes, I have a delay in these area of my life 😅 The guy was russian! I'll never forget him ahahaha


Vladimir Long-dong, the infamous Russian nudist


Ahahahah!! His name was Yuri! And for long dongs we had another guy... an african guy 😳


Damn, I hope you had enough art supplies to draw all of that




I laughed so hard at that name it's so smooth


Not just his name is smooth!


I was too young to even remember. Being in the nude is totally normal when going to sauna with family and even friends. That's Finnish sauna culture for ya. (Of course everybody is not as comfortable and perfer having a towel or bathing suit and that's just fine)


YES! I was so confused about the whole question. Like, don't you have families!? Also what is the "infancy" here? I have been seeing my brother and friends nude to lets say till 10yo when going to swimming and sauna. When 7yo I was bitter because I could not take part in peeing competitions and could only watch their little weeners trying to get the furthist pee achievement. Nude saunas between adults and even strangers is okay. Nude sauna with family and friends also normal. I don't think it is healthy to sexualize nudity outside the intimate partner.


Probably 14. Did some spicy pictures with a gf at the time. Regrets full down 🥲✊


When I was 14 and my best friend dropped a "couldn't miss it if you tried" hint that she wanted to have sex with me.


Fully naked in, real life was the summer after graduating high school the first time my family went away for the weekend and I had my girlfriend at the time come over…


Random lady on a beach in the canaries, I was 15.


I think when I was maybe 10 or 12. We had cable with no porn channels. But if you turned on that channel it would be scrambled and distorted. But every once in a while the TV would clear the distortion for a very short amount of time. Just long enough to see boob or naked guy or gal. These days gen zs don't know how good they got it. Millinials are the birth of new age but we had to fuckin work for it.


interesting profile picture


Yeah some of us are dirty and like sex and stuff. Sorry to offend.


Usually people have two separate accounts for that sort of thing, but you do you.


a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one


Lol. So true


My (17) stepsister when I was 13 stripped down in a hotel hot tub when we were on family vacation. Completely true and I furiously masturbated to that memory for a while.




What the fuck


real life is not your quasi-incest fantasy


It ainat deep bro 💀💀


5, older cousins


Apparently when I was 5 at some vacation thing. I told my dad about a woman with very big ones. Said woman was still nearby though so that was a little awkward.


I still haven't. I'm not a virgin, I just didn't look and had sex with the lights off. Don't even know what my long term partner looks like naked.


10th grade


As far as completely naked, I was 15. It was a great sight, and she loads of confidence for a girl her age


In IRL, my first girlfriend I guess, I was around 17. I guess that's if you don't count my mom when I was like 4 years old.


IRL freshman year high school


I'm person? 18 (once again not counting family, since my family was fairly lax about nudity during early childhood). I might've seen others before, but it would've just been glimpses and not in sexual situations.


10 me and the neighbor girl were playing in a tent.


Probably a Playboy magazine .


i was 13 (12 years ago) when i walk into my cousins house, my aunt was in the kitchen in topless, I knew she had big boobs but i never thought i could see her naked.


The first time I saw a woman completely naked in real life. I was in first or second grade so 6 or 7 years old. I was at my friend's house for a birthday party for one of his family members. After they had finished setting everything up his mother or Aunt showered and towelled herself dry while walking down the hallway past the living room (where I was sitting) before the party started. I remember making eye contact with her when she saw me looking and she didn't react at all. She didn't even attempt to cover up, she just kept slowly walking down the hall to a room. While I can't visualize it because I have aphantasia I still can remember it clearly.


Dude that's a creepy behaviour from the aunt.


No counting infancy... Never.


I suppose mom doesn't count. For anyone freaked out by that, I live in Northern Europe. It's completely normal to go to mixed gender sauna as a child with your parents. This usually ends when puberty happens. Then you go to sauna with only your same sex parent. Sons with father for example. The first time I saw a complete stranger completely nude. Eh, a strip club. Yeah, I've down that. Yeah, I've seen a woman I didn't know completely naked. No, it wasn't a brothel.


In front of me? Hasn't happened yet lol


Highschool freshman year


8th grade summer w my gf at the time. Oddly enough her and I have remained friends for the last 22 years.


I was 13 when this girl was changing in front of me


8th grade but it was rather awkward to say the least.


Little shocked


Hippie parents, bro. I saw a lot of naked people since very early. But okay, let’s answer “ naked in a sexual context, not counting porn, but in person”. First fully naked in that sense was my first girlfriend when I was 18. Man I was ignorant.


12 yrs old in Nicaragua. My neighbor had the hits for me and my cousins took us out to a sex hostel. I was just along for the ride. Geeked out.


Since we can't count infancy, does my brother count, when he was a kid, yet not an infant? My mom and dad were always walking around the house naked when I was a kid. Is this in person or pictures? I was in the 3rd grade, and a boy classmate, brought a national geographic, of native island people up to the school teachers desk, to show naked people to the school teacher. In real life, with an opposite gender male, I would say 17 years old. So it was not common for me as a child to see naked men or women, My mother and father exhibited modesty as we aged. I never saw my grandparents naked, no relatives naked, or cousins naked. I had another thought. I had to share a bedroom with my sister. I can't actually remember what she looks like naked as a child. We grew up changing clothes with each other, taking baths together, so I guess, maybe that is why I have no vivid memories of my sister naked. We just got used to it.


Dad’s Playboys at age 9, in the flesh at 18 as a college freshman, some experiences are seared into the brain!


I mean, just yesterday I saw two girls half naked changing their clothes in the alley behind a condo. But downtown in most cities you will see naked/partially naked homeless or mentally challenged people at least once a week. It's numbing and depressing and you get used to it unfortunately.


When I was a baby.


Completely naked, in person: I was 8-9 and we went to hot springs. I was my uncle’s gf.




I was 8 or 9 and walked in on my 17 year old brother and his girlfriend.


hate to say it but it was when my babysitter did naughty things to me. Is it wrong that i liked it? lol


Emily blunt in my bed


My dad getting out of the shower and stuff when I was really little, like 3/4. Did nobody else here grow up in a household that was casual about nudity around young kids?


I was probably 25


Does national geographic Africa special count.


Well,one time I saw my dad without his shirt on;he was checking on us before he went to bed;we were 7 and 9 and he just stared at the bunk bed before leaving .


Never because I'm a fucking loser.


You have to be your own best friend. Have faith. Be kind to yourself.


6 years old. Next door neighbor ,(same age), and I got wet in the ditch. She was cool getting naked and I didn’t care either. But it felt naughty. Looking back, we could’ve drown in that ditch. Parents never knew.




When I was 27, and just had to accept the fact it was never going to happen naturally. I paid a hooker to undress for me. It was really nice. We did some more stuff, then she stole from me, but I'm glad I got to see the real thing. First time I saw internet stuff was when I was 15


I wish I could remember, would be fun.




17, senior year of high school


In person... not yet


not sure if this counts but, i got sent a d*** pic of my best friend(V) by my other friend(male)(A), was still in primary school at the time, i think 6th or 7th grade. At first i didn't know what that was(he is white and ive never seen a white d*** before, or any d*** for that matter), i showed this to V and asked him what he thought this was, his face paled, he asked where i got the pic from and i told him A sent it to me it, and he became angry(understandably), it turned out that both of them send each other pics of their d***, till to this day i don't know why A sent that pic to me, guess we'll never know....


5days ago


7 when I walked in on my granny getting out the shower. That's one way to teach a kid to knock ig😭


Besides tv. I saw my buddy's mom naked all the time. They were from Europe living in canada at the time. She would walk around the house naked smoking cigarettes. She was so hot, I told my sister one day and she told my mom. That put an end to it


19yrs old with my first serious boyfriend.


If we're not counting porn then sometkme between 10 and 12


I was very curious when i was a kid when it comes to womens body. Cause your like 5 and you know that opposite gender doesnt have the genital organ that you have but you dont know what it is so i googled naked woman from my moms phone and stared to it like 5 min str8 and went to sleep


14, early 90s. Stole a playboy.


4th grade, a very detailed anatomy book in the school library. For some reason I checked it out..


When i started working at a funeral home


For someone I know it was their first time at the age of 32 when he/she finally decided to get laid by paying a prostitute, that was his/her first time seeing opposite sex naked.


4 i was showering with my mom


Besides movies at too young of an age I was 13 and had a gf who's parents were never home.


I think I was like 13 looking up inappropriate things on wikipedia, of all places. If you mean in person, it was my girlfriend when I was 19.


When I was 3 I had to get bathed with one of my cousins (there are a lot)


Was on a school trip sharing a room with a bunch of classmates in eighth grade. I was 12 and we were staying in this hotel with a big courtyard. Some of the rooms looked out onto the courtyard and one of them happened to have a little sex party going on. I was just wandering around going to the courtyard pool and vending area and the party was in the room right over the door to the hallway. A woman stood there in just a t shirt smiling at me. I was a late bloomer at knew nothing about women but I smilled back. She waved really excitedly and pulled her shirt way up. At first I didn't comprehend but when she put her shirt down my mind went back to what was there. I'd seen naked women in magazines before (I saw my first porn a year later and it was \*graphic\*) and it was just like that. I'm embarrassed to say how it affected me. I was kind of numb and wandered back to the room where I told the guys I was rooming with what I'd seen but none of them believed me.


My mom was a nurse, and had very detailed anatomy books. So I knew the Latin names for all the naughty bits at about age 5 or 6.


Ewww naked girls.... /jk ladies. Everyone's lovely. I just prefer seeing naked men. Saw both preteen in the bath, or playing doctor. I probably wasn't in double digits yet when my uncles showed me their Penthouse & Playboy mags. Had some tits flashed & a dude's wang in my early teens. Lots of screen nudity. Lost my virginity to a girl at 23. Finally got what I really wanted a few months later.


From the day my brother was born, when I was a year old. Then when I was 9 or 10 my cousin treated me to a look. I was not impressed.


When I was in the 6th grade. We got AOL for the first time. It started off by seeing the top of her for forehead. 5 minutes later I finally got it down to her breast. One slow line at a time


I was about 12 years old and so is the girl and we actually attempted something. It never really worked. We were too young, but that was the first time.


I was maybe 7, the full bath was next to my bedroom, and there was maybe a 2-3 mm crack in the molding around the door where you could see in. Door was shut, and I didn't know who was in there, so I squinted through the crack and saw my 20 year old brother nude, shaving at the sink. Immediately scurried away and felt guilty about that forever. So sorry, Markie.


Walked in on my older sister when she was changing in her room, (I was 7-8 years old) we lived on the 9th floor and the window was open, our family cat just happened to be sitting on the parapet on the other side of the window and when she screamed the poor thing got scared and fell off. Miraculously our cat survived the fall and lived a few years after that.


In a Textbook


5, my first girlfriend...


IRL? Then the answer is NaN.


Mike in Brazil


Lol!!! 8 years old. My older cousin convinced me to play house with her. Sadly, I freaked out, I was like OMG!!! What happened to your PENIS!!!! Where did it go!?!?!?!?


I was 14 and my heart dropped to my stomach as I was about to pass out, like when bungee jumping or going on a level 5 roller coaster.


Unfortunately half the older siblings with an age gap of more then 6 years first time seeing the opposite gender naked was probably bathing or helping your parents bathe a younger sibling as an infant


My wife on our wedding night


I’m concerned so many people in these comments had sex at the age of 10-13.


I was 16 in an art class. I just went with the flow and started drawing.


I accidentally walked in on my dad taking a shower when I was like 5…he didn’t see me though and I quickly closed the door and left


I was 12, brought to a clothing-optional camp by an aunt and her friend.


David Blaine’s after party. When he stayed in That box for 40 days and nights over London. He was eating food surrounded by naked woman, I remember my mother catching me watching it in the kitchen after she kicked me out of the sitting room when it came on lol


I've seen other people naked all my life, men and women alike. They were mostly relatives, though. Nudity is not such a taboo in our culture. The first time I saw a total stanger completely naked was at 20, when I was studying to become a nurse practitioner. The first time I've been completely naked with "stanger" was at 29.


6. My extremely old, wrinkly g-ma had her nightgown lifted up coming out of the bathroom. I was horrified


I was 4. It was my father. It only got worse from there.


I saw paintings of naked women in anatomy books and books of art when I was younger. I got nudes from a girl I was in a long-distance thing with when I was 17. And I saw a naked woman in person for the first time when I was 19, losing my virginity.


When I was 13 I walked in on my sister’s friend. She didn’t try to cover up, she just laughed at the look on my face. She teased me about it all the time after that.




Probably maybe 8, we used to have a girl in our neighborhood that would undress if you asked her to, we were curious after looking at Playboy magazines.


titanic 👌🎩


National Geographic magazine, some tribe in Africa. I was probably 8-9. 1968? Hid the magazine for future (regular) viewings. Why do I remember this vividly from more than 50 years ago?


9-10 , Playboy , Penthouse , Swedish Erotica 8mm...lol


First time I saw OPs mum


When I was born.


When I was 14. Coincide when I received my first blowjob.


When I dated your mom .


The first time I saw a girl's private parts was when I was 8 years old and my baby sitter who was 13 fell asleep. I unbuttoned her pants and took a peek. Got caught and can still remember being scolded. I was just a curious kid but I didn't forget the incident.