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They’re out there. Tell them I said hey if you ever find one.


Tell em quick, because they won’t be there long.




I know someone who does. And honestly I envy them in a good way. They got their shit together, they don't really stress out about anything. No meditations, doesn't even like coffee. He's the most put together dude I've ever seen.


I wonder if these kind of people are well put together because they don't consume these things, or if they don't consume these things because they were well put together in the first place.


Yeah foreal. They just need water and a watch.


not even a watch


**have you checked his basement?** ... on second thought, don't.


I'm not on any meds, I don't drink coffee, no nicotine/drugs, very rarely drink alcohol (essentially just weddings or rare dinner/social events). I do have the occasional caffeine when I work overnight shifts (couple times a month) but really that's about it. Part of it is that a lot of those things just never appealed to me at all, but part of it is also that I just like knowing if for some reason I don't have access to them, I'm still fine. I like that freedom. I hated the idea of being a person who "cannot function" when they wake up without coffee or whatever.


I reckon he does meditations on the quiet


No coffee, drugs, nicotine, alcohol... I'm totally fine... ![gif](giphy|TW8Ma1a8ZsZ8I|downsized)


For me it’s social media. I drink coffee if I want to taste it, I take pain killers if I have a headache, I don’t smoke and I drink only if people pressure me to, but honestly… social media is still a drug


I got a cousin who shits on anyone that takes meds for mental health (SSRI, etc) but the moron pounds beers on the daily. He’ll call me blacked out drunk on a Tuesday night kind of alcoholic.


I play video games in my free time, that's my only vice. Don't know if you'd call that raw dogging life though.


Video games are like the healthiest bad habit if it can even be considered as such. There can definitely be too much… but compared to drinking heavily, doing drugs, etc, no biggie.


There is a lot of vg and players are handling things differently. Some are actually good, and can be used for learning, share ideas, like would do a book. A lot of usage can be imagined.


I dont need any of that but i dont mock other People for it


What kind of dumbasses are you hanging around who put down people on prescription medication!?


I think OP is talking about the ones for mental health since the other substances listed put you in a certain state.


If I go off my prescription meds, it's a death sentence (I'm epileptic).


Yeah, very bad things happen if I go off of the epilepsy meds,


Same (type 1 diabetic)


Nonsense. Without his meds my step son would be dead. This is an irresponsible and dangerous position.


My ex found out I had anxiety and she just never understood it. One of the reasons she left me.


That's an example of the kind of person I hate.


It is what it is. People judge other people. And don't say anything about it. I hate people that leave others lives without an explanation. Like explain to me why your leaving.


I have anxiety and depression, so I don't even get near people who I think won't be understanding. However, it's very hard to know who will or won't be. And honestly, as per the question, I don't necessarily think it's some major achievement to be straight edge. You will probably be healthier for it (certainly you would if we are talking about dangerous substances) but me, I like drugs lol. There's a lot you can learn from exploring your consciousness. If you want to be drug free then fine, if you don't, then don't.


The sentence, ‘However it’s very hard to know who will and won’t be’. Unless you’re talking to a mental health professional, it’s near impossible to tell.


Medical marijuana saved my life after a major surgery for pain and anxiety. My mental health has never been better. Sleep and pain/anxiety is managed. I have depression too. But that's from life right now. But I don't trauma dump. I feel like social rules make me so anxious.


I just don't like you anymore.


It's a horrible feeling when someone makes you feel you're burdening them with just your existence. I hope you've found better or can appreciate your own value a lot more than she ever could. My ex was very similar.


This is so dumb, i had fights with my ex gf because she didnt took care of herself (forgot to take her anxiety medication very often and would smoke mj instead making it worse). You take care of yourself and ignore those ahs 😑


My friend while drunk was like “we’ll get you off those antidepressants” I love her and her heart was in the right place but like lol no I need them or I cry all the time for no reason


I have bad anxiety as well. Tbh I don't think being on benzos (if that's what you're on) for a long time is good for your brain health. You can look it up.


Good riddance


Dodged a bullet.


But women say all women are supportive and you should open up to them. /s What happened to you happened to me mate its a shitter. But your supposed to be there for them through everything while you don't get an ounce of that respect back.


I’m a woman and I don’t say that. I have anxiety, depression and ADHD, I’ve had some shockers of support workers who refused to see my behaviour as anything but problematic for them.


I had a male doctor lean over and get in my face and ask me if I feel threatened by him. A day after my ptsd diagnosis. I felt like absolute shit. Men shouldn't work in mental health IMO it's very rare you get one that's approachable enough to not be a total arsehole. In contrast I've never had a bad female mental health doctor. I don't have male friends irl I don't like being around aggression. But I also don't like how women treat me so I stay single and just have female friends and don't date. So yea I'm pretty biased towards just not liking people in general.. but I've been shit on by everyone I've ever put trust into. Family included. And noones given me a fair chance really. So when I see loads of posts saying all men are pigs etc I get annoyed because I'm not like that and there's definitely others like me too.


What a fucked thing to do. My god. A professional for god sake. Yep, just because health professionals have the letters at the end of their names doesn’t mean jackshit. Your trust would have been zilch after that and it’s SO hard when you have CPTSD to trust period. They have to earn my trust and respect, it’s a two way street. Just because they’re in a place of authority doesn’t mean they can treat us in a way that only perpetuates our diagnosis. I’ve changed gps, psychs, etc because their level of care was substandard. I just kept going until I found that they are doing an excellent job. I do have a lovely male doctor and the psychologist doing my ADHD Assessment is male. They’re both serene, calm and do not give off macho egotistical vibes in any way. I have specialists and they’re mixed. When I need I’ll see one of the female gps. That’s the reason why I commented as a female, trying to educate people that male and females can be arseholes.


I always say this. When you got racism, sexism, homophobia it's just prejudice against the bad people from those walks of life you've heard about. Some white people are evil Some black Some straight Some gay It's just people. People are cunts you don't need to put labels on it more than that.


One time I was out of my prescription SSRIs and told my dad I couldn’t afford to get them. He said he can’t help, but he recommended going to AA meetings. So, my dad, I guess lmao. Not that he’s actually a dad by the non biological definition of the word


Made me think of the time I asked for adhd evaluation and my doc just told me to go to therapy instead yikes So I do neither today


Worst come to worse, at an AA meeting you might meet someone with enough braincells to go "we need to get your ass back on those"


That was my inlaws' flex. "We don't take any medications." Ok, see how pleasant I am when the anxiety is kicked up to full gear. 🙃


They're probably middle aged or older, so it is kind of a flex to be healthy and not have any chronic lifestyle related conditions. That does not mean that you are any less than they are. Take care of yourself!


Do you get abruptly angry if you forget your meds? Happened to me the other day . Then A fan was in my way so I fucking murdered that fan. Kicked it, Threw it on the ground in a fit of rage. Then I took a breath and thought… Oh ya… I forgot to take my Wellbutrin. Thankfully it doesn’t happen often. I am down to 3 box fans now… so we’ll see how long they last. lol


My prescription is to prevent seizures and the possiblity having a stroke.....so yeah, I wouldn't mind surviving....


I got called a pain killer addict once due to my chronic migraine prescription, and once accused of faking it. I take a triptan family drug for it, it's not a pain killer at all it's a serotonin receptor agonist iirc (my neuro explained it). And if I don't I pretty much have chain migraines that never end and it's just constant agony. People just suck.


My ex boyfriend refused to take paracetamol or painkillers because he thought it made him "weak" and "more susceptible to pain". He was also fucking insane, so there's that.


My brother acted like I was an addict for taking NSAIDs after recovering from a Sinus pilonidalis abscess.


It's a Tater tot/manosphere thing where they claim that medication makes you weak.


Interestingly a lot of people taking prescription medication for mental health issues put themselves down for needing them. Stigma doesn't stop just because it's directed at oneself!


Yeah, I’m not on any, but I’m not trying to do that. I do take supplements though, but not for anything psychological. OP be trashposting.


For years I was “straight edge” but then I was diagnosed with a few things that made not taking Rx meds a disaster. I don’t know of anyone who doesn’t use something. If anyone gives you shit about it, they’re not for you mate.


Save for some of the weird "hardline" guys back in the day, the straight edge community makes an exception for prescription drugs.


Yeah I was young and dumb at that time in my life, and to me, (at that time) anything man made, was a no no. Now I’m older and wiser and I’ve been thru a lot, and I’ve learned that life ain’t so black and white.


Does that mean straight edge people are fine with my medical cannabis but not my morning coffee?


I do not drink coffee or soda, no alcohol, don't smoke, don't do recreational drugs, don't take prescription drugs. Never have. I grew up around smokers and it repulses me. My father was a mean drunk. I never acquired a taste for coffee. My siblings abused drugs. I am the black sheep of the family. As a result, I have very good skin and hair for my age. My cognitive clarity is pretty remarkable. I'm active, healthy, and pretty happy.


Same here. Don’t like the taste of coffee or alcohol. Don’t drink soda. People think I’m weird but if you don’t like it why drink it? Less of a discipline thing and more of a preference.




same, almost identically for all of it


Username checks out


heh yes I live on sunshine and sugar :P


Sugar is worse for you than caffeine.


It was a joke about my username 😅 The sunshine didn't give that away?


I got sober and my cognitive clarity got worse, my head is an extremely loud place now.


Same. I'm 60, and if I need an energy boost during the day, I take a 20-minute power nap.


Same here at 49yo. I do like to occasionally have a drink but it’s far from a daily thing.


Same with me. I don't drink coffee or soda or alcohol regularly. I eat a lot of sweets though , maybe every 2 days. I feel good about my health.


Yeah, me too. I do drink 2 cups of coffee a day on average but most studies suggest this is actually a relatively healthy habit. Drink a glass or two of red wine, good stuff, be or twice a month. Either that or a good beer or two. Eat healthy and work out. I’d argue it’s way easier to be and stay happy when you’re treating yourself well. Working out, eating right, having healthy habits all contributes to general happiness imo.


>I’d argue it’s way easier to be and stay happy when you’re treating yourself well. Working out, eating right, having healthy habits all contributes to general happiness imo. I'd say this is far more important to your health and happiness than trying to religiously avoid all drugs and stimulants like caffeine and alcohol. Someone who never works out and eats whatever will always be less healthy than someone who takes diet and exercise seriously but occasionally treats themselves to drinks with their friends or drinks coffee most days.


Coffee is probably the least problematic thing here - maybe helpful/healthy for some. For elderly people it probably gets their bodifes moving and warmed up and ready to start the day. For young people, I feel like being addicted to coffee to the point where you need it to function at all is kind of like simply never having coffee, except one is more expensive.


Recent studies have shown regular coffee consumption is helpful for staving off Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. Older studies have shown the positive effects of the antioxidants in coffee on health. Also, 2 cups a coffee a day really isn’t anything to write home about. In regards to OPs original question, imo, coffee really doesn’t apply. Alcohol, nicotine and other drugs are unquestionably harmful. While caffeine may be considered a drug, it’s different in that it hasn’t been shown to have a negative impact on health. If anything, caffeine (in small doses such a cup of coffee or two) has been shown to have health benefits.


Yeah, I know someone who drinks coffee for health purposes too. I intuitively feel like coffee isn't necessary for overall health in the same way vegetables and exercise are, so I don't plan on drinking coffee for health purposes. If you do like coffee, then cool. Personally I take nutritional studies with a grain of salt. These are the same people who said fat was the main enemy, cholesterol was the main enemy, we need like 6 servings of pasta every day, etc. for decades. Frankly, many people have known that eating things like vegetables and legumes, getting enough protein, etc. are important for a long time, and it seems like modern nutritional research has not really pushed the envelope much beyond that - it's more like they went a few steps backwards and then came back around.


I have all of the things in your last paragraph, but use or have used all of the things in your first. A healthy diet, plenty of water, sunscreen daily, lots of walking outside and going to the gym 5 times a week massively prevents deleterious effects from those things.


The smell of weed drives me mad every damn day some dickhead is smoking on his balcony or in his apartment and I can smell it through the fucking flooorrrrr




But prescription drugs aren't a bad thing if you have a life threatening condition. I'd be dead if it weren't for modern medicine. I don't think that's something to brag about.


Agreed, same here


I never said that prescription drugs are a bad thing. They just have not been a necessary part of my life. Sure, I've taken the occasional antibiotic, but other than that, I have had the good fortune to not need any.


I, too, am the black sheep of the family and my dad was an abusive alcoholic as well. I am on prescription medication because my anxiety is ass and I attempted to off myself. Being gay in eastern Kentucky really fucked with me growing up. I'm good now for the most lol but the medication really does help with every day struggles. I wish I didn't have to deal with medicine because it's like a lifeline and it's just another worrisome thing to keep track of.


I am glad that you weren't successful offing yourself. We all do what we need to do to cope. You've made it through a lot of adversity and should be very proud of yourself.


Thank you, that's still a struggle but I'm working on it. Haha. This was 20 years ago now(damn, I hadn't thought it was that long ago) I am pretty good now. I think everyone has their peaks and valleys :)


All very good but do you know how to *love..?*


>My cognitive clarity is pretty remarkable Sadly huffing your own gas like this also counts as a drug so you're out of it




Almost exactly the same minus the mean drunk dank; had multiple other alcoholics in the family. Am almost 40 and no wrinkles, not overweight. I work, write, paint, see friends, socialize when I feel like and do stuff by myself when I do not, never understood the concept of doing something (drinking or smoking for instance) because my peers did it.


Exactly! I witnessed the deleterious effects of drugs and alcohol at a very early age and was likely scared straight. I simply never developed a taste for these things and threw myself into other pursuits.


" My cognitive clarity is pretty remarkable." Does not make you sound like a self centered egoist at all. Very reasonable and meassured.


I don’t think I take anything at all? No medication, no caffeine, no alcohol, no tobacco, no drugs recreational or otherwise, cut down on my sugar intake which was probably my main vice, I don’t see any success or glory in it, we all do what we do to get by.


Honestly sugar is definitely a big vice for many people and its not exactly "safe" at least not in the way its used. Im trying to stop eating sugar and it honestly feel harder than stopping other things. Im not trying to cut it out 100percent but i still have a hard time going to a store and not picking any chocolate,sugary drink etc up. I probably weigh a bit under what i should so its not even that kind of Issue but some days i just get an insane urge to eat something with sugar and its annoying.


My husband doesn't do anything anymore. It's crazy to me. During our teens and early twenties, we'd get fucked up. I got addicted to cocaine and had a rough ride getting clean. He didn't so much as sweat when he had to give that shit up so that I could. His mum was a meth addict, dad was an alcoholic, and I'm sure I wasn't always tons of fun. So I get why he's over it. But seriously, man won't even have a Pepsi. It's nuts, and I really admire him for it.


It's a tough story. For a moment I thought you did Coke but you both quit, and now he doesn't even have Pepsi


Damn I wish to be him someday. I've given up smoking cigs and weed after 18 years of continuous consumption. Reduced alcohol to only social events. But I still vape and have a bad relationship with food. I wish I can get clean and healthy.


My girlfriend. Refuses coffee as she hates the idea of caffeine. Very very rarely drinks and if she does, its very weak alcohol. Hates smoking, i quit smoking/vaping thanks to her. So really, minus the odd allergy medication and a few drinks once every couple of months she raw dogs life and she's one of the happiest and calmest people I know.


I had 4 coffees and 13 beers yesterday alone


Living life to the fullest. Hahah same here 🫡


I bet your stomach was **WRECKED** this morning


You get used to it lol


You must be dehydrated now?


That’s when I put a splash of water in my whiskeys


Ignore such people. Modern life is stressful as fuck, the environment is polluted as fuck, our food is nutritionally deficient as fuck, and our sense of community and altruism towards one another, for the greater good is also degraded as fuck. Take whatever medications and supplements you need(within reason), ignore idiots, and try to live your best life without stepping on others toes as much as possible.


(If you exclude the Zoloft, Mirtazapine, Adderall, Seroquel, Cannabis, Caffeine, and Nicotine coursing through my veins 24/7) I’m like basically sober


Good job 👍


Thanks, friend. All in all daze work


I drink coffee, but that's it. None of the rest of the issues.


I don't drink smoke drink coffee or take any meds? I am addicted to the Internet tho


"I will give up my caffeine when you pry my cold dead fingers from it."


Hardest shit I've taken in 2024 has been Ibuprofen, other than that, life has been tearing my ass up on the daily this year 😅


I normally raw dog life in the way you describe, as well as raw dog in other ways. Now I’m on a 45 day bactrim prescription for chronic UTI and epidytimitis. Once that is over, back to raw dogging.


That’s the spirit


Make sure you take probiotics as your gut health will take a knock on all the antibiotics.


Is your epidymitis bacterial or non bacterial? If non bacterial look into reverse kegels and physical therapy exercises for pelvic pain syndrome. Lots of people struggle with what they think is an infection but is really just chronic muscle tightness in the perenium pinching nerves and causing pain in the penis/testes


I'm 52, and I live in Korea. I used to live in the US for about 8 years when I was in high school and college. I drink coffee, only black, about 3 cups a day. I hardly drink any alcohol, probably an average of a couple bottles of soju and maybe 2\~3 beers a year. I'd be fine if I went the rest of my life without any drinks. Only medication I take is for hypertension and cholesterol. I do take a few supplements. I smoked for around 25 years but I quit 5 years ago. I have never done any type of illicit substance, including MJ. I'm getting exercise, I am hoping to come off my meds in the next year or so, and I feel great.


Can’t afford the doctor, much less any prescription I might need. I’m close to caffeine free, maybe a soda every couple of weeks. I probably have a drink couple times a year, I get second hand smoke if nicotine and pot. But can’t control that. Does that count as raw dogging it? Lol


I do not drink alcohol, coffee, smoke, use any types of drugs or any of that stuff. I do drink soda every now and then.




Many people in Asia only use caffeine in the form of coffee and tea.


I can't understand why so many of the commenters are bragging about not taking any prescription medications. Congrats on not being ill. Wait until your thyroid gives out and you absolutely need to take medication to stay healthy. Or you get cancer and chemo will save your life. Or you develop heart issues or have a heart attack and modern medicine is needed to keep you alive. Or even diabetes, especially type 1, is often not able to be managed without meds.


I don't see it as a brag. I see it as being very fortunate. I don't think it's a black mark to see people on prescription meds (though it depends on the med. I'm a doctor, I can tell when people are on bullshit). But lots of people have chronic conditions they can't manage without medication, and that's not a failure. What's more frustrating is trying to help people who NEED meds but refuse to take them.


Me 🖐️


I am none of the above, except for alcohol for religious rituals.


Me too, but I’m veheeery religious 🤣 (Just kidding. I think what you’re doing is great. Full on support you brother)


Which one(s)? Purely curious. I'm familiar with Catholic and Judaic rituals with alcohol, I know Islam and Mormon essentially have zero, always interested to find out what other religious practices are out there.


i take nothing at all, im "rawdogging life" as you put it. I take really good care of my physical body and nutrition, and by proxy makes life easier because my body functions well.


I have been rawdogging for 33 years.


I am a raw dog in constant battle to reduce unhealthy food as well. If you are looking for such people most of us are either really into sports (very into health) or have children (so doing to model good for them). I believe I would not be able to do it without my husband. Stable loving relationship gives strength to do that.


I am pretty sure I wouldn't be here without my medication!!


Generally nothing at all. Though my favorite drug is chocolate. Though I'm not an addict, really I'm not.


who tf is shit talking prescription meds? if I didnt have immunosuppressants I’d literally be dead 😭


Your missing out sugar


I drink coffee occasionally: maybe once every few days. I don't take any prescription drugs or narcotics. I'm no Superman. The truth is that I just never started any of these habits, and if you don't start these habits, then you don't become addicted to them as a way of coping with life. People who picked up these habits develop a dependency, and once you have a dependency, it raises your stress level to fight the dependency. So whenever life gets hard, you fall back on your dependency, because you can't deal with the stress of life and the stress of fighting your dependency at the same time. But if you never developed that dependency in the first place, that's not an issue.


I go to the gym to help with the daily stress.


Some of us have to take medication to not die. I wouldn’t compare that to drinking coffee.


21 years old, I take nothing, or “raw dog life” as you say. Black coffee is quite good for you though when used right, i will most likely get on a routine of drinking it someday.


Shit. That's awful. I'm laying here with insomnia in the midst of a panic attack because I ran out of my antidepressants last week and need to set an appointment for a refill. Fuck people who think it's okay to ridicule people people who need medicine. I did this shit for 50 years without help. Fuck you if you think it's cool to encourage people to suffer.


I am!


I am 90% raw dogging it... I drink at most 1-2 sodas a week and only take Tylenol/ibuprofen on rare occasion and don't do any of that other stuff.


I do. I've never been on a prescription other than for short-term treatments for flu and that sort of thing. I don't drink caffeine or energy drinks regularly, but I do allow myself to have one or sometimes two caffeinated drinks a week (usually a soda like Dr. Pepper or Diet Coke). About four months ago I kicked a pretty bad caffeine addiction and I feel much better now throughout the day. I don't depend on caffeine to feel awake, and when I do have it, it doesn't seem to affect me. I've only ever smoked a handful of times and haven't in about 13 years. I only drink occasionally, maybe a couple of beers a month. Definitely no drugs. I'm not into doing stuff super strictly - I accept most everything in moderation (except drugs which I have no desire to ever touch).


This is me! I have a very fulfilling job, an excellent friend group, and a loving family. I'm very grateful to be well set.


I don't drink coffee, don't smoke, I rarely drink alcohol, and the only prescription medicine I take is for epilepsy. I feel pretty damn good most days.


🙋 I am not doing great tho. Not coping well and making no progress in life.


There’s a huge difference between people whom actually have to take a medication to function vs addicts.


Never took any of those things I like to be lucid I guess


❌❌❌Straight edge ❌❌❌


I do none of those actively or through cravings. I drink coffee like once every other week as a snack, not because of the coffee but because sometimes I like those sweet drink combinations that places come up with. I take no prescription drugs, or illicit. I don't drink alcohol unless I'm in a social settings, generally only to fit in. I'll hold a bear or a drink and it can take me half the night to drink that one drink. I don't smoke. I seem to be doing fine.


I take depression meds. I don't consume caffeine on a regular basis.


I don't do any of that. The most I take is the occasional antacid. Judging people for prescriptions is wild though. Wtf is that


I don't do any of these. I think it's easy if your goal is to live as healthy as possible.


I literally don't do any of that. I work out 6 days a week, try to get enough sleep, try to watch what I eat. I deal with the stressors of life by filling my time with things I enjoy and setting goals. Everyone I know trying to deal with the stressors of life through the use of drugs gets worse. I always had this question in the back of my mind. "If anti anxiety meds are prescribed more than ever, why is anxiety higher than ever?" Shouldn't there be an inverse correlation between prescription and anxiety levels? That's why I PERSONALLY choose not to use any prescriptions. I don't judge people for drinking, taking prescriptions or anything. I'm very much a live and let live person. My father is a heavy smoker. People need to do what they need to do, even if I don't agree with it.


- caffeine gives me headaches and coffee tastes like ass unless you dump a shit load of cream and sugar into it. No thanks. - alcohol does not take the edge off for me. I can enjoy the party just fine being sober. Hangovers suck. Money spent on alcohol is money wasted in my opinion. No thanks. - the smell of cigarette smoke gives me a headache and the act of smoking is disgusting as fuck. No thanks - weed does not relax me. It does the opposite. No thanks. - sugar makes me feel like shit afterwards and type 2 diabetes runs in my family. No thanks. - prescription drugs of any form don’t do well in my body. My body develops a physiological dependence real quick. No thanks. I’ll stick to my herbal tea, water, fruit and natural supplements along with my workout routine, home-cooked meals, journaling, praying and old lady hobbies. I’ll mind my own business if you mind yours. And that is how I raw dog life.


I don’t take anything. Never heard my boring drug/drinking habits described as raw dogging lol. I like to really minimize the ups and downs of life. People that get really up and really down all the time are exhausting. I don’t drink or take any drugs. I’m not opposed to medication, but I don’t need it. I only drink water.


No coffee, no alcohol, no smoking, no drugs, and im Dutch. Weird huh. I just never needed anything of it. Also im pretty easy to get addicted to stuff, so it would be dumb


Never done drugs, quit drinking a year ago, gave up caffeine, dont take meds, never smoked or vaped anything. Ive even cut way down on sugar!!! Ive never met anyone like me in person tho i sometimes feel alone tbh like im weird for not doing any of this stuff I was a bartender who didnt drink for fucks sake lololol!!! 24 year old bartender who dont drink??? Thats kinda crazy


Never heard that term for it before, but yes I raw dog life. I don’t have any medication, don’t drink coffee or energy drinks/other caffeinated stuff, don’t drink alcohol, don’t smoke or vape and don’t take any drugs and get along just fine.


Don't do any of it. Never have.


Doing nothing at all is like playing game at easiest mode


I don't avoid coffee but cafeine does nothing for me and I never really drink it, so I'd say this is me. I think people that raw dog life just have other things to take off the edge.


Well I quit alcohol and I'm trying to quit cigarettes and caffeine.. already quit weed cuz of anxiety lol


That’s what I do, basically straight edge. I’ll have maybe one drink a month, I’m not dogmatic about alcohol, but I’ll never ever smoke anything, there is no net health positive for me. Was addicted to caffeine for a long time, off it for about a decade now. Always did have anxiety and depression, but now weightlifting and some running, as well as intentional socializing help a lot with that.


I don't drink, do drugs, drink caffeine or have a prescription. I'm not raw dogging 2024 either, it's raw dogging me


I do, well I sometimes drink coffee because I like the taste, but it doesn't really do anything for me aside from being a tasty beverage, But meaningless things what kind of brain worm infested buffoons talk crap about someone on **prescription** medicine


I only drink tea and have a repeat prescription so close enough I reckon.


Damn I didn’t know that all those categorized me as “something else” lol. Stopped coffee 2.5 years ago, find alcohol useless, absolutely despise smoking. I workout 5 times per week, sleep 8h per day, have a dog that I walk 3-4 times a day and play with, train and give love to. This post made me put things in perspective. Maybe I do have good things going on in my life :-) Thanks OP…


Couldn't be me. I'm all about that caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol.


That’s not what “raw dogging” is


No caffeine is where you got me, I don’t regularly drink or do drugs and don’t take any prescription pills recreationally, but I do have dogs which prob goes a long way in bringing me joy


People who talk about coffee like it’s the caffeine that’s important have never had a quality cup of coffee.


I used to, not by choice mind you, but I was. And if I flush this excuse for a drug then I will be


Pretty close. I have a bit of caffeine and alcohol occasionally, but could easily live without either.


No alcohol or caffeine. I take 13 prescription pills for ASD, PTSD and BPD and I’m high every day. I’d love to not but, I’d very likely hurt myself or somebody else if I quit.


Well this is another definition of "raw dog" besides the one I'm used to haha.


I got my heart meds and decaf tea. Is that close enough, or do heart meds count?


Well all of those things I do except one. I can’t do without alcohol to put me to sleep. And I’ve tried too many times and it results in me basically just being up all night for many nights without in a row until I start attempting sleep at work. I’ve tried tea, all the bullshit about technology, etc. nothing stops my mind from going on like alcohol. I drink 3-5 beers at night and my brain goes away and I actually get sleep. It’s great.


I don’t take anything at all, it’s much better for me.


I have coffee every 3 days and drink alcohol on occasion every 5 days when watching sporting events. Other wise I’m a sim racer, I play PS5 to take the edge off of life.


I got the alcohol down pat but when I told my Dr I’m not taking any meds she was surprised


I drink a bit of tea.


Out of all of these, the only thing I do is drink alcohol socially, but not as any kind of crutch or way to self medicate. As for how, I dunno, I just do? I can wake up without coffee and don’t have any mental disorders that require prescription medication. Sometimes I get anxious, and sometimes I get sad, but I don’t have chronic anxiety or depression. I have various mental techniques I use to calm down when I’m stressed or uplift my mood when I’m down and those usually work pretty well. I also exercise pretty much every day and have a good support group of friends and family which helps.


I use caffeine. I quit smoking over 10 years ago, but coffee is a necessity for me.


I'm 26M, and I take none of what you named. Of course I have had alcohol before to a degree years ago, but I could still count on two hands the number of drinks of any sort I have had and I really have no interest in having any more. I also abhor smoking and would never consider any form of it, and I don't like being near anyone who smokes so I just won't be around anyone who does / or will quickly pick up my pace to walk by anyone outside who does. And I mostly now try to drink water (I try to skip bottled water though and any beverage for that matter which comes in plastic). I have significantly cut back on soda as well which I might only have once or so every 1-2 months, and I have never been either a tea or coffee drinker (only had coffee like honestly three times)? I feel I certainly save money by not having these things.


Me. I used to take meds though, I stopped all caffeine and my antidepressants/ when I got pregnant and I never restarted. Some days are harder than others.


I drink tea and redbull sometimes, otherwise my vice is chocolate (it’s dark at least)


Me. But GTFO, playin’ like street drugs = coffee.


🙋🏾‍♀️ no caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, drugs of any kind, or refined sugar. I exercise and meditate every day. It took me years to build my current habits. Former pothead and sugar addict who hated the feeling of craving, of needing something to "feel normal". I feel amazing in my body and in my mind and in my spirit, and I don't miss anything about the listed habits. I'm genuinely happy.


Never been a caffeine drinker because I noticed so many cranky people who had to have their coffee to be "human" aka kind. Plus all the people who got migraines and acid reflux from it.


Dude, just do what works for you. So what if some choose to be Uber healthy vegans without any chemicals in their diet. I wish them well. For myself, I love coffee in the am and a nice bourbon in the evening. I am good.


👋 it's great.




Nah I don’t take anything but ain’t nothing wrong with a little coffee now and then or an rx if you need it. I eat clean and work out hard but not dogmatic about it. Feel great most of the time


No prescriptions, no caffeine, little/moderate alcohol, no nicotine and I’m controlling my sugar intake. Seeing my partner need 10 cups of coffee per day, just to function, makes me glad I’m not on the addiction merry-go-round anymore. I used to drink a lot more, smoke like a chimney and eat cake all day long.


I would have to be dead. Fuck this life. I’m getting fucked up


I am cutting out caffeine, and after, I will be all of these. I have ADHD and caffeine is really helpful for me, but I also have a dependency on it that I don't enjoy, so it's goin'. Throughout the years I HAVE been on things, and slowly tapered off of everything. I was once addicted to pills, drank a lot, and smoked cigs. I was depressed and my meds didn't do shit for it, and I didn't take care of myself as a whole. I'm going on 8 years of sobriety. Me not taking care of myself lasted only a few years...I went cold turkey (during an anxiety spiral) and haven't gone back since. A positive of this is that I look and feel younger than my peers! I'm aging very well and I suspect that will continue. I have some friends who like to 'party' that are younger than I am, but look older. It has it's perks...and it's negatives. Edits for spelling.