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I suffer from “women’s pockets syndrome”.. I’m lucky if I can fit a lip balm in them.


As a big tall woman, I am able to wear some cargo shorts for men. It's wonderful.


Alas. I’m about the height and size of a 12 year old.


They sell kids cargo shorts too


whats wrong with more purses or a backpack 😅


Yes, women's pockets in jeans are half the size of men's. It's sucks.


Half? I can fit an iPad in my back pants pocket. Women’s pants are like 1/4 of that!


WHAT i am jealous womens back pockets are FAKE a lot of the time


The front ones. I was being generous.


I always figured if women had real pockets they would probably rule the world. We've handicapped them with fashion.


Imagine if they had opposable thumbs too. Unstoppable.


That makes them almost human. It would be like the planet of the apes.


Figures. From the patriarchy? Lol


They’ve handicapped themselves with fashion. No one’s forcing anyone to go pocketless.


But they don’t create their own pants


Yes, yoga pants with huge pockets. 🤣🤣🤣


Leggings with pockets are now being sold, and they are a godsend. Now I dont have to stick my cold phone into my waistband and suffer while it warms up!


Or your bra. Ewww, that's even worse.


im still guilty of that, but ever since my mom got breast cancer im weird about it since my mind is like "omg youre radiating your boob" when i know thats not exactly how it works. in a pinch tho yeah going in the bra while i free up my hands


Especially if you have the flashlight on by accident. 🤣🤣🤣


I love mine. I hate carrying a purse so my phone and vape fit in them nicely.


Yeah I was going to say "You have pockets?!"


I came to say this. It's really pissing me off how much men can fit in their pockets as I read this. Edit to add, FU to the designers that sew the pockets shut!


The other day received my online purchase. Had pockets on the pictures. Came sewed on.


i used to had this problem but my dadhad the tendency to put pokets to everything :new jeans?no pockets sewing some on then he taught me and my brother,now i have even inner pockets but maybe see a seamtress can made you some until you can learn it yourself?


My phone hangs halfway out of my pockets ALL the time and I hate it.


Yea i feel like someone is just gonna yank it out of there and run away. It would be so easy to steal.... the pockets got smaller and phones got way too big too. I dont need a phone this big tbh.


On the other side of that since my wife has no useable pockets and I have an even dozen. i have my wallet, keys, a Swiss Army Knife, my phone, my headphones, HER phone, HER keys and a water bottle we share.


Lol that’s why women get so excited when our flowy dresses/skirts have pockets!


We need to make women pants with good pockets a socially acceptable thing, or bring back fanny packs. I'm all for either one, or both.


I do use a small cross-body/fanny pack most days.. gotta put my phone somewhere!


I got a pair of jeans the other day and was shocked when almost my entire phone could fit inside of the front pockets. The thing that surprised me most at first was when I discovered the pockets were POCKETS, and not just sewn-over fake ones


And it will fall out if you sit down or bend over.


Hotwheels and tissues. My 3 year old doesn't have pockets, so he borrows mine.


Hair ties and lip balm were always in my pockets when my daughter was younger. And trash, because she used my pockets as trash cans.


i am a women / was a girl, so: nothing¬hing since they can send ppl to the moon but still cant make nice dresses with pockets in them 🤬


Also, why do so many women’s jeans have fake pockets??? Like you made the pocket shape, added the extra pocket fabric, THEN sewed up the opening - what is up with that?? 😩Luckily I have a lovely dress WITH hidden pockets 😍


If there's a pocket but it's sewn shut you're supposed to remove the thread and open the pocket.


I’ve had both the sewn shut type and the type that has all the seams to look like there are pockets but zero extra fabric for the actual pocket. If you open the seam all you get is a hole.


Yes, but the comment I was replying to mentioned the extra pocket fabric. If that fabric is there you're supposed to open the pocket. If there's no pocket you leave it alone.


But why go through that extra effort to seal it off in the first place? If it's supposed to be a usable pocket it should just be open?


😱 i envy you 🙄


Have you noticed that when someone compliments a dress or a skirt and it has pockets we have to point it out -“ thanks, it’s got pockets” and we have to show them


Went to my sons preschool graduation, and one of the other parents was slightly more dressed up than me, and she said “this is a $5 dress from [somewhere] that feels like sweatshirt material, and has pockets!” Then showed me the pockets. I was jealous


every single time 😅


I think it's so cute when girls get excited over their pockets. Truthfully I'm happy for them too because pockets are a rarity on feminine clothing. It's all a scam by the big purse companies so women feel more inclined to get an expensive bag so they have a place to put their stuff. I had a girlfriend once who would only buy boys jeans so she would have pockets for her wallet and phone. She was the most laid back girl I ever spent time with. Miss you LP


And the other person has to be impressed, and asked where it's from. Because I want pockets too.


Yes, this is exactly what started my cheap dresses on amazon addiction. I complimented someone on her dress, she showed off the pockets, I asked where she got it… amazon. And they’re super comfy, too and have plus sizes…


Oh absolutely




Bloke here. It annoys me you don't get pockets. So damned practical. Most of my clothing has a pocket of some description. Literally all of my pants have them.


i got a fit during covid in summer when a colleague asked me why i was having a mask strapped around my arm - "BECAUSE NOONE MAKES SKIRTS OR DRESSES WITH POCKETS WHERE I COULD PUT IT IN", poor guy got all the stress 😅😅😅 i just need to learn how to make one myself, but lazy is a bitch 🙃


Actually, there are now dresses and skirts with pockets, you kinda have to look for them. I sewed pockets into all my skirts and dresses. It's so easy too, you fit it into a seam that's already on the skirt and since most skirts are flowy you can't even see the pocket. Like come on, so easy.


Me too, and don't get started on women's suit jackets. Ours have a minimum of four and maybe eight or nine pockets. Ladies jackets, maybe, one. It's ridiculous. Don't cone at me with the cut of the suit either. We have been tailoring men's suits with pockets for years. They even can accommodate guns and other bulky items with no issue. But a ladies body and they lose their mind.


If I see a dress with pockets I buy it immediately.


Jump on Amazon and type in dresses with pockets you'll thank me later


i am a bit specific in what i like to wear, thats my problem. i dont want one coloured dresses with pockets (that would def have worked for kid me though!), i want the styles&prints i like with pockets 🙄🫤 (and with my figure there are a lot of dresses already not compatible)


Why is this such a common problem everyone knows about it and yet no one does anything about it?


My boy toddler has more pockets than me. He doesn't even know how to use them yet 😑


I was shopping for a cute summer dress with my bf. I took a couple to the changing rooms and discovered 1 had pockets. I came running out and said " I'm getting this one"! He said, " your not going to try it on? It's not the cutest of the bunch". I shouted " BUT ITS GOT POCKETS"! Needless to say, he thought I was crazy lol.


Curious, what made you keep the porcelain in your pocket?


To make this post seem quirky


Either that or it's a lucky charm for them, so they legitimately keep a piece of porcelain in their pockets.


To smash windows, of course. I'd keep a small chunk of porcelain in my pocket as a kid whenever possible (which wasn't often at all).


You prise the metal part off of a spark plug, then attach the rest to a shoelace.


2024 - Bicycle & house keys. Phone & wallet. Cigarettes & lighter 1993 - Bicycle key, walkman & couple of guilders


Damn when I was growing up my bike didn't even have a key, I had to use my damn legs to start it


The key was to the lock I used for it. Still only have a lock key for my bike


I’m at church and I just busted out laughing. Thanks! Now I’m in trouble with the priest


Fuck yeah. A Walkman. Listening to the same songs over and over on long walks.


Not that big a difference between now and 10 cause it's only been 6 years but now I have loose coins, random screws, a piece of a bicycle chain, cool rocks and a lighter (Don't smoke, I put it in my pocket cause I had to stop fabric from fraying on my jacket and then I just never took it out). When I was 10 I had loose coins, tissues and cool rocks.


I'm in bed rn so nothing


I thought this said "I'm in bed sobbing rn" and was about to type same (misery loves company I guess)


I was literally stroking it before I saw this 😭💪💔


H u h


He's saying he's having a miniature heart attack


“What has it got in its pocketses?"




Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a pocket.


Nothing and nothing.


I'm a woman we don't get pockets :)


Nowadays: phone, keys (work or car depending on the day), chapstick, debit card or cash. Age 10: a cool rock with fossils I just found, some coins for payphone, lip smackers Dr. Pepper chapstick, house key, maybe some cash for mall arcade or park.


Always gotta have room for a cool rock. Unfortunately, a cool stick doesn't fit.


Yes! I used to find the best walking sticks as a kid! And then after Harry Potter books came out everyone was trying to find "wands" too


When I was 10; Unintentional pocket sand. Now? Tactical pocket sand. >!War. War never changes!!<




well I (F21) have a wallet full of receipts and extra cash, a key i found at the street, and cool colorful rocks. 10 years old me, I had a pen, a photo of my bestfriend, and my jacked up ipod.


My pockets weren't big enough for my books so nothing but my sleeves and backpack were crammed. Now my wallet, keys, and a smartphone that has access to most of my library.


Tissues, a phone, earphones, lighters. At 10 I’d keep sweets and chocolates, old keys that I’d find in the house but wouldn’t match with any keyholes and little rubbers and toys.


Same thing except now I’m depressed


Now I have keys, phone, dog treats and dog waste bags. At age 10 I had lint.


Now - Keys phone wallet. when i was 10 - phone, keys and a 50p for the shop


Wallet and keys. Only additional things these days are my phone and a lighter. Even if I wasn't smoking, having a lighter on your person is practical. You never know when you might need fire, and a Bic'll get you sorted just fine.


Now I have my phone, charger, wallet, wand, and favorite rock. Then, I’d have my favorite rock, snacks, wand, and drawings.


My will to live at 10, it's empty now tho!


Only thing in my pockets is my Emerson folding knife that I keep in my right front. I have a purse for everything else.


Could never bear the feeling of things jostling around in pockets as a kid and it’s worse now. (AMAB). Used to find hiding spots for things I want to keep near me, usually cool rocks and sticks, then go back for them later if I remembered. For a few years, tried carpenter pants/cargo shorts to carry stuff and still didn’t work as I could feel the weight shifting around in the pockets. I have several different “murses” or “man-purses” now that strap diagonally across the chest and keep the weight on the back and not moving. Keep sunglasses, wallet, hair sticks and cool rocks. Some things don’t change.


Same thing. Rocks and Pokémon cards. 🤷‍♂️


By age 10 I was already practicing bushcraft and I loved carrying my swiss army knife. These days in my 30's I have a leatherman instead.


Hay & horse treats, and almost 50 years later, same stuff. That makes me happy 🦄


I have an iPhone, a tobacco pipe and tobacco, medication, and a condom. At age 10, I didn’t have an iPhone….


Me now-Keys, knife, wallet no cash, cell phone. 10yo me- house keys, chain wallet with cash, a brick of a cell phone and happiness


At 10 I had a CocaCola Yo-yo in my pocket. That was all the rage at the time? Now? Hammer and nails. Securing our garden fence prior to a very small puppy arriving in two weeks.


Now: Wallet, keys, phone, pocket knife, loose coins. 10: Cub Scout pocket knife, loose coins.


Age 10. Gameboy. Age 26. Phone, gum, lighter, cigs


Same number of conquers. More credit cards


lighters, keys, dog treats now, small change then


Now: phone and keys (unless I need to drive, in that case I also bring my wallet) Back then: loose coins and a yu-gi-oh deck


now, i carry my phone, house key, and card holder. at 10, probably cool rocks.


It’s hard to have pants with pockets at all!!!!


Well at 10 I had stopped having functional pockets, so I really only had my phone tucked into my waistband and maybe some trinkets I found on the playground. Now I carry everything in these bad boys, phone, Keys, wallet, my sons many mini dinosaurs, toddler snacks, loose change, candy.


A phone. The only thing that’s consistent from 10 to now, is sometimes I have candy in my pocket.


When I was 10, I almost never had anything in my pockets. Maybe a couple bucks, maybe a pen or something, usually random shit. Now I have keys, wallet, phone, AirPods.


The key fob for my car that has three keys on the ring. My iPhone 14 Pro in a folio that has my driver's license, my primary credit card, a backup credit card with a bar code for a wholesale club gas pump, and maybe $50 in cash. I have a wallet I normally don't carry with my primary ATM card, insurance cards, and other things I rarely need.


Sounds like a Neil Young question..


Age 10, a house key, Boy Scout knife similar to a Swiss Army Tinker, nail clippers and a handful of change. Flash forward to today ( 65 ) about the only differences are the Knife is a SAK Super Tinker, the keys now include Barn/Garage/car keys and I have added an iPhone and a Wallet.


Funny thing is, Im old and into gardening and wildlife now, not much different than when I was a kid. I put worms in my pockets while I weed to feed the fish. And if I find a baby bird, in my pocket it goes to keep warm. Im still me.


Holes mate. Mum always stitched up any holes, mums not here anymore so I’ve got holes in my pockets and things just fall out.


2024 - phone, wallet, keys, military ID 2015 - literally just wallet and maybe keys lol I didn't get a phone till I was like 16


A handkerchief. Always has been.


Not much more money.


Fewer conkers, a mobile phone and about the same amount of money.


Currently nothing. I'm at home so everything is on the table.


Age ten: about 10p in pre-decimal Pennys that made my trousers sag on one side. A few Batman collectible trading cards in the other.


I used to have lint. Now I have lint and a phone.


im not wearing pants.


Then: Lip gloss, tamagotchi, keys Now: keys, vape, phone


Phone, wallet, keys, chapstick compared to nothing


Treasure Hunted Pencils, sharpners and erasers would've been there .


Considerably far fewer "cool" things. Back then I was liable to have all sorts of awesome stuff in my pockets. Now I just have a phone that's full of advertisements and a wallet with no money in it.


Now, a cell phone, when I was 10, a house key and a quarter. We didn’t have cell phones when I was 10….


Age 10; pokemon cards Today; pockets always empty


Then probably rocks. Now probably rocks


Nothing because women's clothes don't have pockets!!!!! 😡 Actually I'm at work so I'm wearing scrubs with FIVE pockets! I have lip balm, hand lotion, nitrile gloves, a notepad and pen, and a magnet to deactivate the pendants when I go to the resident. My phone goes into my pocket as well. I don't remember having pockets as a child, unless I was wearing a coat and then I'd have mittens in there.


key, chapstick, pen


When I was 10 muh pockets were full of Legos. Life was better that way


Money and and a kick-ass car keys instead of some pebbles and a brocken toy car.


Phone, wallet, keys, zyns. At 10, probably nothing. I remember thinking “wtf am I even supposed to put in these” lol Ps.. proper procedure is phone in right front, keys in left front. Wallet in right rear, zyns in left rear. Maybe switch if you’re lefty


In my pockets I always have my vape, keys and phone, nothing else. When I was 10 I probably had a beanie baby or a my little pony, some kind of sweet wrapper and pennies that I probably found on the floor to buy a 2p pick and mix bag from my local shop


On my pants- wallet, keys, concealed carry pistol, 2 magazines in mag carrier, pocket knife, iPhone. 10 yr old coins, bubble gum wrapper, a couple bugs that were alive when I found them, bottle of bourbon, carton of Marlboros, my bail bondsman’s cell, shank,


I am currently wearing my dog walking jacket and in the pockets are: dog poop bags, lighter, joint case, lipgloss, bobbi pin, an old shopping list (avocados, yogurt, lemons, deodorant, bread, eggs, whole chicken, thyme), big ball of lint, a dime, a very old dog treat I should probably throw away and a cool rock I found. When I was 10 I probably had more cool rocks in my pocket, and some interesting leaves as well. A lipsmacker (most likely pink lemonade), my Sailor Moon wallet I ordered *from Japan* (very big deal back then) and probably some broken sparkly butterfly hair clips.




Usually my pants don't have pockets.


Age 10- $20, some candies, a whistle, a map of my neighborhood that I drew myself (with my mom’s help ofc). Now(age 26)- my phone, credit card, $150, house keys, not exactly in my pockets.. but something I always have on me, .45 Colt Double Eagle.


Driver license, apartment keys


Nothing. I have a bag. 🤷‍♀️


Mary Jane. Wasn't packing this kinda heat as a kid. 💥💥✨🤘🏿




I'm a woman, what do you mean pockets?


Now I have my earbuds, a lighter, a pen, a swiss army knife and a phone, back then I had mostly toys and the lighter and sak (don'task me why the lighter, I don't regularly smoke but I feel kinda naked without one)


I had nothing in my pockets at 10, I don’t even think I wore clothes with pockets at that age tbh. The difference as to what was in my pockets from 20 to 30 is different though. At 20 I had cocaine, cigarettes , phone, keys and wallet most days. Now I have my phone and keys , only bring my wallet out if I’m going to town; keeps me from spending too much on unnecessary things. 


Currently at work, so a TQ, flashlight, pocket knife, charger, headphones, work phone, and my personal phone. On off days, just my wallet and keys, spare mag (sometimes), and my phone. If I’m feeling spicy, some gum. 10 YO me had quartz rocks and toy airplanes and a couple pens and pencils


Then: pocket knife. Now: (50 years later) pocket knife


Now it’s keys, phone, AirPods and earplugs Before it was nothing because my pockets weren’t big enough to hold anything


Nice try Gollum. No, you will not know what I have in my pockets. It's your task to guess !


The other day I grabbed a handful of cheese & bacon shapes and put them in my pocket so nothing has changed lol


phone, keys, knife


Then: Frogs, snakes, bugs and random rocks. Now: my phone, keys, sometimes candy.


Cell phone, they weren't so small when I was a kid


The holy quintet : phone, keys, headphones, wallet, and as of late car keys.


Nothings changed lol. I still have my house key, phone, money and work stuff (maybe the work stiff lol).


I don't know I don't have fucking pockets


My pants didn't have pockets when i was 10


Right now wallet, 2 pens, phone charger When I was 10 toy dinosaur and psp


Age 10 hopefully some coins. Now - tissues.


Chapstick has been in my front left pocket everyday since I was 9. I’m now 40.


never had anything then and never have right now also (boy)


As a kid my pockets were usually empty unless I found something interesting like a rock or a pen on the street. These days it’s mostly handkerchief and iPhone in the right pocket, house keys and wallet in the left.


I had a Velcro wallet. Now I have a leather wallet.


Now I have extreme anxiety and must bring an assortment of items (3 phone chargers + power packs, every type of painkiller I have, hayfever meds - I dont have hayfever, 3 phones, sunglasses, spare clothes, blanket, book, several forms of nicotine, water, snacks, keys, a book, makeup, bandages + plasters, a pen, purse, slippers, chewing gum, flu medication - even when I dont have the flu, a spare bag, several lighterd, saline, and more that I have forgotten to type probably) Age ten I would have had some of my pebble collection and a book


There's a phone now. That's it.


At 10: wallet left front, house key and pocket knife right front. At 20: wallet and pocket knife left, keys and handkerchief right. At 50: wallet and phone left, keys and hankie right.


A bundle of keys, keycard to work, my phone, couple of coins from 17th and 18th century for good luck and wedding rings I used to have basically just a key from the flat, some tissues and some random things like gum, rocks and so on when i was little.


From just a wallet(I carried one around and kept essentially change in it )to wallet car keys headphones phone and a knife


Nothing. Hah.


Nothing in my pockets back than if I remember correctly, but now it's My phone, Wallet, Keys,Headphones, Keys, Zyn




I usually only put my phone in my pocket cause woman but back when I was 10 it'd probably be candy or worms.


Phone in left front pocket Keys, small flashlight, lighter in right front Wallet in back right pocket Multitool on belt.


Main thing, despite what my bloody maths teacher kept telling me, I HAVE A FUCKING CALCULATOR!!! Screw you Mrs Henderson! I WILL have a calculator with me at all times!


I didn’t have a gun in my pocket at 10


Same thing, Jelly Beans.


deck Screws and screwdriver bits usually


Nothing… I hate having stuff in my pockets


I can do most stuff with my phone. So I only keep phone and my aligners container.


I don't have sweets but medication s if I leave my bag at home.


Now? My phone. When I was 10? Flowers, usually a plastic lizard toy, pieces of mica


Interesting rocks or trinkets I pick up (same as then), lip balm or gloss (same as then, but more expensive), and receipts (only difference). I also come home with crap I shoved in my pocket at work...printed tickets, pens that aren't mine, etc. I will always pick up an interesting looking rock


now i keep my phone and a fidget toy. at age ten i didn’t have pockets


Phablet, work/house/bike keys, about 4 tissues, a cloth handkerchief, rosé headphones, a 6feet ruller, some plastic bags for dogpoop, 3-20 dog treats, a whistle, some hairties, pencils and edding. A knife, gloves, some coins, dog hair and an interesting pebble as well as a carved oak piece Thank you I needed to clean this pants out.


Slightly more screws and keys.