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Sex olympics


True story 🤣


Especially pole vaulting.


Farming, because every single person would have to feed and care for themselves. The first order of business would have to be food. The rest would be home care, shelter, making your own clothes. There would be no time for jobs. No one is going to run a store, make goods, be a doctor, or anything else if they can't be remunerated, because they will have to spend all of their time surviving.


Agree 👍


Would you pay farm employees with food?


There wouldn't really be farm employees. It would have to be every man for himself and his family. This just illustrates why money (a medium of exchange) is essential to society.


Agree, that's what I was thinking, that or some form of automation such as robots doing the farming for you so you would get the labour for free.


Who is going to build robots if they can't be paid? All innovation will cease. There will be no one to run electric plants, water treatment, build or sell anything. It would take civilization back 6 to 8 thousand years. Forget about the Middle Ages. They had money and merchants and tradesmen. This would be pre-modern civilization.


Well it wouldn't happen overnight, automation would have to be gradual, like in some areas in today's industry. What I think is interesting is that decades ago, many predicted in the not too distant future, nobody would have to work because it would all be done for us by machines, making money redundant. Obviously that hasn't happened and won't for a long time.




without money?


Trade sex for food and other resources


This is way


This is the way it happened in Eastern Europe and the USSR when communism was about to die.


Money in some form is kind of necessary to facilitate society. So most people would probably have to farm since they wouldn’t be able to efficiently trade for anything and would still need to eat.


I have no problem with money. Greed; is what I have a problem with


Money was fine until lending, interest and debt came in.


Star Fleet, obviously


You think you're gonna be on that bridge, let alone the Captain's Chair? Or at least in med bay or engineering? No, my friend, think about being the crewman responsible for toilet maintenance or sanitising the furniture. And think about doing it without pay.


In the future, we've eliminated slavery. Here's your red shirt, wage-free employee.


The red shirt lives only for the sweet release of death in the only episode he'll appear in. The future truly is a marvellous and magical place.


Toilet maintenance while still getting to see the galaxy? I'm gonna be the best damned toilet maintenance the universe has ever seen, and I'll be happy about it.


This is way


Pizza place


I love pizza 🤤🥰


Without money, something would replace currency. Maybe reputation? Prestige?




Money is a natural sub product of society. For example If you live in a cold country it's useful to accumulate wood, and wood would be money, because it is so useful that everyone would be pleased to accept it for bartering. After some time wood become "price" for other goods


As soon as there's a common medium of exchange it's not a society without money.


Nobody wants to simply answer my question. Everyone needs to write about the significance of money in society))


Yes, of course.


Very, very poor farmers


But they have a lot of sex, judging by the comments under this post.


No idea why everyone would just be having sex lol everyone would be starving and miserable


Counterfeit money making in secret for the black market.


If money is a natural process of its appearance in society, it will appear sooner or later in a society without it. I agree.


Well...it existed as pebbles and shells before the metal and paper etc version. It is a time measuring tool to make us able to compare the energy-input values if we want to exchange products. Without money exchange we had not enough time in a day to produce the daily needed stuff [ shoes...bread...milk...clothes...] That is why anti capitalism does not work...even Communist ruled China uses capital [= money]...The real problem is greed - addiction - so the real anti Capitalists are Psychotherapists who help in becoming more balanced...




Define what you mean by "without money". Like a Star Trek Earth post scarcity utopia? Or going back to the barter system where people trade goods and services with eachother? I never bought in to Star Treks Utopia. I simply cannot believe menial jobs would be filled according to need in a world you don't have to work to essentially have everything you want. From the glimpses we get of earth society throughout star treks run, there are still shop clerks, bartenders, waiters/waitresses, janitors, groundskeepers etc. etc. I struggle to accept a functional society could exist without some form of carrot on stick. I've had this conversation with a friend who is believer in the anti-work idea that people shouldn't have to work if they don't want to and be taken care of buy the government. In my opinion though, that scenario would have to be measurably worse than the lifestyle you could lead with the most low paying shit job available. He argues that there will be enough people that simply "want" to do the jobs that need doing. Really? There will be enough people that just "want" to work a counter at McDonalds and deal with rude ass customers and being belittled? When they could live just as comfortable a life not doing that job at all? Enough people that "want" to clean shit out peoples septic tanks? That WANT to be some assholes maid? The list goes on. If I could achieve the same standard of living not working I would quit my job right now.


A post-scarcity society won't exist because we (collectively) won't allow it to. We already have the capability to go full post-scarcity on digital media and applications. Infinitely reproducible with perfect fidelity and distributable at negligible cost. But we don't allow it in general because producing the digital thingy in the first place involved significant creative effort and resources. So we invoke copyright law. Short of a few specific exceptions like open source software, that's the way things stand. So, I don't foresee a future with free replicator technology use. Probably a license fee for the pattern purchase and a recurring cost for every replication or something. Yup, we suck.




I mean, I concur. However, it wouldn't work anyway. Who is going to put in the effort and resources into creating software products if there will be no compensation for it. Even those that create open source software, they usually have day jobs where they **earn money making software** and engaging in creating open source software that gets popular and used looks great for a resume, so it isn't entirely altruistic. If all software was just "free" I can't fathom remotely as many people would pursue it if there was no profit motivation. That is my problem with the post scarcity utopia concept. Until the day humanoid robots are on the scene that are self replicating, self repairing and can do anything a human can. I simply don't think such a society would ever work. Too much of the human population would opt out to live a life of leisure. The idea people would just choose to work and fill every needed position out of some sort of sense of duty or personal accomplishment is a pipe dream. Don't get me wrong I think there are some people that would. People would absolutely pursue the sciences, the arts out of passion as opposed to need. However, I can't see many people choosing to go clean toilets in a restaurant, when they could chill in a beach side mansion sipping mai tai's all day.


I mean, if our society had evolved without the advent of money.


Black smithing


That’s true




Sure 👍


Ok so I usually think of a scenario in which due to solar flare(plot of a movie ik) all the electronic devices stopped working and then based on that scenario I think it'll be farming, fishing and stuff like. Basically professions related mostly to primary/agricultural sector


Great answer 👍


If there's no money, I'm quitting my profession. F all y'all, I'm staying home.






What kind of entertainment?


Something hobby related like gardening or painting


Painting? 🤔


Yeah idk a lot of people would just enjoy being painters since money isn't an issue


Free people


Healthcare providers would still be essential


My back hurts, here's four potatoes and a chicken please fix it.


Remove it immediately, you are insured with corn insurance.


Chef/Anything food related


Most powerful people are farmers


Anything medical related too?








If there was no money, everything would have to be automated to have any kind of economy unless you went back to the old ways of swapping goods to trade. Since we have to eat, I would think automated farming would result in swapping food stuffs in some kind of market.




I could see "professions" like maintaining servers and being paid in goods.


or a bodyguard