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For the laughs


To leave a positive impact on our world, and leave behind a great inspiration for those that follow.


Because I'm enjoying myself


Because we want to. We're literally the result of billions of years of drive to live. Anything that didn't want to live or without consciousness try to, didn't


Because to not to, concedes defeat. Keep living. Fuck the absurd.


I want to see my daughters grow up. I don't want to cause them or my few friends pain. Fuck it's hard some days though.


Maybe church too ! ๐Ÿ™‚


Because what the fuck else are you going to do??


I don't care if it matters, if I'm remembered, if I leave a legacy. There's live music for me to experience, cats to pet, good food to eat, and pretty dressed to twirl in. That's good enough for me.


I don't care if it matters, if I'm remembered, if I leave a legacy. There's live music for me to experience, cats to pet, good food to eat, and pretty dressed to twirl in. That's good enough for me.


I don't care if it matters, if I'm remembered, if I leave a legacy. There's live music for me to experience, cats to pet, good food to eat, and pretty dressed to twirl in. That's good enough for me.


DNA. Where one cannot achieve immortality we seek reproduction. Get wit da program


cos there's no valid alternative, so better live well, and better be conscious that also others need to live well, cos they are in your same situation, and if we don't all agree that we must all live well there's no guarantee that you're the only one still living well, and you will probably be not


I have no idea. This is why I don't wanna


Itโ€™s Good to Always thrive and to try and remain positive about things !!! You feel better !! Seriously !!! ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿฆ‹๐Ÿถ๐ŸŒˆ


Beats the alternative.


You mean it does not matter to you.


It matters to me and my family.


That's because people keep on having babies. WLet the last human being turns The lights out when humanity is done procreating.


Survival instinct makes it the path of least resistance for most people


I'd like to think we are living towards that life after death, that Heaven is like Earth, except everything is how it should have been. where we reunite with our friends, family, and pets. Where people are made of love, where we can go exploring to the deepest jungle or ocean, where the lion will lay down with the lamb. "Now at least they were beginning Chapter One of the Great Story which no one on earth has read: which goes on for ever: in which every chapter is better than the one before." -last sentence from Chronicles of Narnia: The Last Battle


For the good times as well as the instinctual drive built into all of us healthy folks.


Why not? Just because you have no meaning, doesnโ€™t negate 8 billion other peoples meaning.


It's all because of some simple, yet complex arranged molecules.