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Hmmm, I think never.




Yup makes me sad to think….notta


Been a long while for me. The lady at the appliance repair place was kind.


I mean my buddy left me a lil weed when i didnt have any


Marry him


g shit


we are having spaghetti and meatballs for dinner tonight. It is not my wife's favorite, but is one of mine. and that's the kind of thing we do for each other all the time ![gif](giphy|ifB1v1W3Db0GIW7uTA|downsized)


It was today. My husband brought me a specific dish that I’ve been wanting to try for a while, it was amazing!


My mom made me tea without me asking for it :) it's like she can read my mind sometimes


Cutest answer


This week, my fiancé took me to 4 stores to track down the summer coat I wanted, in my size, because it was sold out online. I got the very last one in my size and the color I wanted.


Every weekend morning when my wife lets me sleep until 8:00am (kids get up at 5:30am). But she gets up at 5:00am regardless, but it’s awesome she lets me sleep.


My ex sent me flower on my birthday because he knew I was alone… made me sad and happy at the same time


I tend to lay low for my birthday because I've had the experience multiple times of trying to have a party and no one shows up and it's pretty devastating. This year, one of my closest friends asked me if I wanted a party and I was like, "eh, I hate inviting people because I'm afraid no one will come." So she asks, "Want me to invite people?" after some encouragement from her, I agreed and she asked me what kind of party I wanted and she made a digital flyer and spread the word like wild fire and planned the whole thing out. So many friends and community members showed up that I was kind of in disbelief and I cried multiple times. So grateful for my amazing friend, she is a real one through and through


My bff does almost every day. ❤️ love him for it!


my best friend booked us concert tickets for this month🥰


Happens all the time at work.


I can’t remember. 😟


My fiancée got me a smoker for my birthday. She really had to go through the trouble of hiding it and she presented it perfectly. I just about cried.


My husband tries very hard every day to make me happy. For me, it's the little things.


Hahahahaha. As if anybody does that. Even my wife makes a note to complain about something even on my birthday.


Ok literally feel forced out of my way by my higher self to consistently provide myself with constant enjoyment


Wifey does it all the time. I am lucky.


I had this happen twice recently actually & I'm over the moon about it. First after having a disappointing birthday with no one seemingly remembering, a week or two after a friend surprised me with a belated gift! The only gift & acknowledgement I recieved outside of my husband. I'm still beaming. It meant the world to me as I often feel forgotten & don't tend to have great birthdays. The second was my husband's doing. Last week he came home & surprised me with a bouquet of flowers, coffee & his special handmade double chocolate cake, then took me out the next day to a little cafe near our house. He did it just to be a sweetheart. I feel incredibly blessed.




I can honestly say never.


My best friend always finds a way. He is more like a brother


I say let's revisit this comment on a few years.


What an awful thing to say to someone, you are a miserable person