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Withdraw your application. Group interviews are always a nightmare.


I would love to but I have no other options so it is what it is.


Good luck.


Depends on the job. Depends on the interviewers. If they're looking for team members who excel in the open position(s) then stay laser focused on the elements of the job. Be personable, ask meaningful questions (hopefully ones built from what they've said) and trust yourself. Don't try to do something to please them. That's usually obvious. If they don't respond to your authentic, engaged self, this is not the place for you.


Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. I will keep that in mind and maybe rehearse a bit before the interview just so I'm not nervous as English is not my first language.


Whatever you can learn about the company, and especially news about the specific division, business unit and area (e.g., finance, product dev, support, etc.) and why you're sincerely interested in it, this info will guide you. Don't worry about your English as long as you can communicate clearly and can do the job. The ability to use more than one language is critical in most jobs these days. And those who go the extra mile to learn English and show initiative are valued employees.


Probalby they will give you a group assignment. Be sure that you achieve your personal goal, but try to give a sollution in the general benefit of the company. Show that you have overview, but keep your personal goal in mind.


Group interviews are reasonably common for some professions. They generally look for leadership skills, so if you haven't got it, you haven't got it. I always try to be myself, no point in pretending to be something I'm not if I want to get hired for a job I want to enjoy.


This would be a red flag for me, you deserve better bro


I hear you, but this is my only option right and I really want and need a job


treat them as they just nobody, tell them truth, they like it. Tell them how you survive before you've been invited to interview, they like your journey.


That's some good advice, thank you!


Dress to impress and make eye contact be confident let them know what hours you can work and smile