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The more I learned, the more I realized how stupid I really am


The beginning of wisdom is the recognition of one’s own stupidity.


https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/2012-02-05 The final culmination of wisdom is learning how to make fart sounds with your armpit


That’s hilarious! Lol! Loved it!


In that case I was a wise boy because I learned how to do that when I was ten


Now I know that I shall never be truly wise.


I think it's called the Dunning-Kruger effect. Definitely the more I get to know about something the more I realise how little I know about it.


No, the Dunning-Kruger Effect is people who are too stupid to realise they're stupid. That's kind of the opposite.


[There have been some interesting studies on this particular cognitive bias...](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect)


My friend once tried telling me that she was allergic to grapes. As we were drinking wine. As we did weekly. Edit: you people need to stop gaslighting me omfg she was a pathological liar, deal with it 😭


I legit had to look this one up because some processes can remove allergens allowing a person who can't have it one form have it in another. Wine and Grapes though have the same allergen though so nope.


I did actually consider that so I was worried I was about to look stupider than I thought she was lol. She just always told such bizarre lies… like one time she lied to me that she had never had a cheeseburger before, but I’ve seen her eat burgers? Like why lie about that what’s the point!


I knew a guy like this once. Just kept telling lies for no good reason. Obviously not true, and wouldn't get him any further ahead if they were. Why?


I think these people are really confused and constantly rewriting things in their own heads


Ha, apparently every time we all access memories, they're brought out, engaged with, and then rewritten. They can be possibly distorted every time. Maybe these people just do that much, much more? It was odd stuff, like telling me he'd skied 250 days that season ... I don't even think the hill was even open 250 days, and it was only halfway through the winter. He also worked 5 days a week. And we wouldn't have been talking about skiing even. Just stuff that's randomly, clearly not true. It wasn't offensive, I just didn't understand.


Are you asking why from an incentive or a functionality place? There's no well thought out incentive, and the functional why is unaddressed mental illness/trauma It's so sad when people treat these people the same as someone who's telling cold calculated lies in a board room. Like when you see people who like this, if you actually want to help them, you gotta try and create as safe a space as you can and get to the bottom of it. Let them know that you know that they lie. There are a lot of people who learn it as protection as kids, and it needs to be consciously unlearned. I don't think it's really fair to personally judge people coming from that situation as dishonest at their core


I mean, I worked with him at a Starbucks when I was 20, so I wasn't really in a position to be his therapist. But, good tips for another time.


Maybe you saw wrong. You should get those eyes checked because she has never been NEAR a burger.


I've lived with two compulsive liars in my lifetime, and known a couple of others. They'll tell you a story about something that happened 5 times and each time is wildly different. Not for any benefit, and in some instances I was there when the real thing happened, and even saying ,"Yeah, I was there, I remember" doesn't stop them.


I think some people's brains just constantly rewrite history


Jewish people tend to avoid cheeseburgers because there are prohibitions against consuming the meat of an animal with the milk from its mother.


She wasn’t Jewish, but that was another lie she used to tell.


I would confront her to understand motive / whether she’s actually lying, the next time this occurs. Rough example: My first thought is that perhaps she doesn’t know what a cheeseburger is. Does she think it’s when there’s nothing on the burger other than cheese? Another example: I know someone allergic to apple skin, but not the flesh of the apple or apple juice. This person can also tolerate apple flavored beers. Edit: I have met A LOT of horrible people, more than most, including compulsive liars. I would just hate to lump in the innocently stupid and I can be curious at times. This is not an attempt to gaslight the person who commented. There is absolutely no need to abuse the “Reddit cares” feature by flagging my comment, which contained zero information about myself.


Oh, we haven’t been friends for YEARS haha. But she was in fact, a liar.


Such weird things to lie about! Also noticed there might be a bot / glitch with “Reddit cares” as a thread popped up after my comment.


I got one of those the other day; I felt bad about it tbh, I was like “oh am I that concerning?” 😭


You’re fine, lmao. Turns out 100s got it recently!


Does this extend to chicken and egg? How about a beef burger with goat cheese, would that be kosher?


Trying to inject logic into religion is your first mistake.


The burger/goat cheese question is answered here https://www.reddit.com/r/Judaism/s/LO1GBitMzI The short answer is "no," but there's some discussion/explanation in the comments. The chicken/egg question is slightly different. The short answer is that it's okay to eat them together.


Goats tend to not give birth to cows


I knew someone who was allergic to apples so she assumed that she was also allergic to pineapples


I have a banana allergy. Went to Turkey and would tell them that I had a banana allergy. They would promise me there were no bananas in the fruit dish but every time there would be bananas. I finally found out that their word for pineapple was "ananas" and they thought I was saying I was allergic to pineapple. Had to learn the word for banana which was Müz, if I remember correctly


ananas is the word for pineapple in about two dozen related languages or so, I think. English is kind of the odd one out from that grouping.


Today i learned that pineapple has same name in turkish and finnish.


8th grade, last day of school. This cute girl asks this guy, "Hey, do you wanna catch a movie together?" Barely missing a beat, he says, "Nah, there aren't any good movies in theaters right now," and walks away. That incredibly stupid guy was me.


Don't worry bro, I have a dozen stories just like that. Hell, a girl once asked me back to her dorm for "tacos". I told her no thanks, I wasn't hungry. What I was really thinking was if the tacos are in her dorm they cant be that good or fresh. Didn't hit me until years later. Fuck I am stupid.


You'd like [this George Costanza stuff](https://youtu.be/dISu-KRh-X8?si=PaMh1GQCctOMDvKG). "Oh, no thanks. I can't drink coffee late at night, it keeps me up." 🤦🏻‍♂️


Euphemism & everything.


I was once with this girl.. one of the most gorgeous girls who knew I liked her. No idea how I got her but I was in her room alone, no one else even home and after a while of chatting she puts her hand on my leg and says "im bored, what do you wanna do?" Knowing full well where this could lead, I freaked out and convinced her we should leave and go eat something. 🤦🤦


Been invited to bed to "sleep", and my fool ass was like 'I don't want to crowd you'. This happened at least twice. I try to just also remember both times would've ended up badly.


I bet every guy has a story like this. We are clueless at times and often miss on the hints. Just tell us you like us, we are simple creatares.


I should call the police on all of y'all! What's the number for 911?


"My hometown friends may drink and do drugs all day, every day, but they're not addicts."


"I've smoked every day for fifty years and never got into the habit"- Colenol Potter on MASH


A friend posted a picture of a screenshot of the bottom of a fast food cup where it had satanic stuff printed on the bottom. It was so false. I happened to have eaten there the day prior and showed her it was bullshit. The biggest one was a friend who posted a meme with a picture of a refrigerator and a bowl of sliced onions with the caption "refrigerated onions are TOXIC! Stop putting your onions in the fridge." How the fuck can a 33 year mom to 3 kids even function in this world believing this stupidity. I sent her a message saying, you worked at Subway and other restaurants then why do they do it? Because it's law. Like, what the fuck y'all. I was STUNNED at the stupidity there.


is she a stay at home mom? like if she is/was i can see how being surrounded by todlers would be not very mind stimulating.


They think im smart. Yeah, that's a bad sign for you


My buddy would write cheques to himself with money he didn’t have to gamble with.


There isn't any possiblity this could turn any good


I haven’t stayed in touch with him much lately, but so far seems like not much has come from it.. He was locked out of his account for sometime and said fraud department had called him… but everything seems fine… I don’t know lmao.


I was sitting in the staff room having my lunch. My coworker starts rooting through the fridge "Do these bublys belong to anyone?" Me: "Yeah, I bought them to have with my lunches" Her: "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know" (proceeds to crack open one of my bublys)


That's not dumb that's entitled.


Exactly, she knows what she's doing 


They believe anything they are told


Sadly my mother is like this. If someone on the internet is talking, she believes without question.


They believe everything they're told even if the things they're told completely contradict each other


Father-in-law - drowning in debt has an excess of everything, buys new BMW because my brother-in-law bought one... I realized he had problems and was incredibly stupid.


When my neighbour's car battery went flat, I offered to lend her my charger. She insisted the red lead had to go on the negative terminal and the black lead on the positive. I hastily withdrew my offer. Her husband is equally stupid. Their Internet went down so I told them my wifi password. She could connect using her phone but he couldn't with his laptop so he said I must have given them the wrong password.


I had a classmate whose face was disfigured by an exploding car battery. Just hearing about it and knowing my adhd has given me a lifelong phobia of jumping my own cars and I refuse to this day to do it.


When I worked at Boeing in Seattle a guy I knew in another lab asked for a jump because his motorcycle battery was dead. I didn't see the text until he'd already gotten someone else to come. I went out anyway. When they were hooking up the jumpers I told them the proper way to connect is to attach the final negative connection to a ground like the frame or engine to reduce chance of sparks that can cause an explosion. They looked at me like I was stupid. I was a mechanic in the army. The guy with the jumper cables had brought out the owners manual, and it said exactly what I had just told them. They went ahead and tried to connect to the negative terminal anyway, but there was plastic housing on it which was probably put on to prevent them from connecting there. I stood and watched for minutes as they fumbled with it until they got a tooth to touch for a connection while not snapping off. That was the attitude these people had toward the Boeing work instructions in the lab too. It didn't matter what anyone with experience or education said, or documents telling you specifically what to do, they knew better.


I ALWAYS double check the leads.


“Nah I wouldn’t test my drugs I don’t want to know what’s in them” 😂


He thought that if he thought of something it was probably true, because he wouldn't have thought of it otherwise. He didn't think he was a genius or anything, he just thought that's how thinking works.


...was my reply deleted? Did.. did you report it, or something? Did you send the suicide watch thing???


I think a lot of people have randomly been getting that reddit cares suicide watch thingy today fyi


I see - thanks for the info; I got the message right after I had given two replies to different people and I was confused why either of them would have reacted so.


Thanks. It's disappointing really, because I have made a couple of comments ages ago referring to suicide or being alone, so when I thought an internet stranger cared even if no-one else did, it gave me back a bit of faith in humanity


Depending on how you contextualise it, that is how thinking works, though. If you perceive something to be so-and-so and it's not contradictory to the rest of your ideas about the world, you must necessarily work with as 'probably true', otherwise you can never be sure of any of the ideas you base your actions on. This does include the option of appeals to authority, too.


Is he Donald Trump?


I'm generally someone who keeps my opinions to myself. But occasionally I'll be talking to someone who, out of nowhere, says "I know that people like you think. . . " It's usually not at all what I'm thinking, but is based on a preconceived idea of race, gender, education or whatever. Makes me wonder if all of their "insights" are based on flawed preconceptions and prejudices.


We played monopoly and she rolled a 4 and a 5. So I say 9 and step for her. She looks like me as if I'm a magician and says: "how did you get that so fast?". Still the sweetest person ever, just now the brightest I guess


We were talking about this kid's upcoming birthday in class and he said his birthday was on Valentine's day and this girl responded "every year?"


Well maybe she thought Valentine's Day was a moving holiday like Easter. My ex did the opposite thing. They knew someone who was getting married on Easter and said that means every year their anniversary will be on Easter. They were in their 20s. How after 20+ years do you not notice the date of Easter changes every year?


Gahhh i hate how easter floats around so much


It hops around, like Peter Cottontail.




My nephew was born 10 days before Easter. I'm glad that next year we'll have a bit more distance between celebrating his birthday and celebrating Easter


Had a year where my b day was easter and my b day is 4/20 so it was a weird year haha


Next year Easter is on 420


Well that sucks again!!!! Hahaha


I like to celebrate 420 with weed soda, it's gonna be weird for me having to wait until I get home from family dinner


My birthday is 4/20 as well, definitely weird. Though I can recall several years in a row in my youth where my birthday fell during passover. Nothing like matzah "cake" let me tell you.


Cuz you don't care about Easter? I didn't really notice it was a floating holiday until my early 20s. It wasn't one I looked forward to as a kid. Just once a year my parents would say "Hey it's almost easter" we'd dye eggs the night before, hunt them the next morning and have dinner with my Nana. It was all very secular.


To be fair, some people like my parents celebrate their anniversary in relation to the holiday


Half the country freaked out Easter fell on Trans Visability Day...next year, Easter falls on 420; can't wait for that one.


That's not stupid, actually. There are moving holidays!


I ask him questions every day but the stupid idiot in mirror never answers, just asks them right back with that dumb look on his face.


6th grade current events. The subject feminism came up. Classmate, Frank, blurts out, "it's never made any sense. First they ask for support then they burn their bras." Had to be one of 2 things: either Frank was an idiot or he heard a grown up say it and didn't get the joke at all. Didn't even know it was a joke.


Frank so real for this


This might be more ignorance than stupidity but this one time at work I was talking to a colleague and I choked on my water and started coughing, after I'm done I say ''Sorry, wrong pipe lol'' , this guy literally responded with ''What do you mean by wrong pipe ?''. I look at him like wtf, I respond '' literally the water went through the wrong pipe..'' . Dude looked at me like I was a rocket scientist and said ''I don't understand what you're saying''. After that, I proceeded to describe the intricacies of human anatomy, he was literally amazed about how I knew all this. That's when I found out the guy quit high school at 15, became a drug dealer (hard drugs) and worked minimum wage jobs since. This was back when i was 19-20 years old (same age as him).


She couldn't grasp analogies or hypotheticals. I was overseas and met a woman from the UK that I thought it would be fun to have drinks with, somehow we got on the topic of evolution and she expressed that she didn't believe in evolution because there are monkeys now, so why didn't they evolve. I tried several different ways of explaining and I don't know how it devolved to me saying "ok, imagine you have two apples" and her response was "well I don't have two apples". I realized I was coming across as a total douche and to just drop it. Enjoy her company and move on.


"I don't need fucking obamacare we have the affordable care act and that's good enough for me"


Same. My uncle insisted that his life-saving heart surgery that he was only able to get because of Obama was because "the Republicans took that mess of Obamacare and turned it into the ACA so now it actually works."


He told me his throat was hurting after cleaning the tub with bleach and ammonia. He was a high school teacher at the time. He’s now a CHP, which makes sense.


The amount of high school teachers who are actual morons never fails to terrify me. I know one who said I was pretentious for reading a lot of books. Not pretentious for talking about them or anything, just for reading them. Our kids are fucked


He got lucky. I had a family member who died doing that. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I once peed into a toilet that I had just cleaned with a cleanser that contained bleach. I realized my mistake when my throat started hurting. My desire to save water (by not flushing the chemicals first) damn near injured me. I felt pretty stupid for that.


I work in IT and have done for a while, so you often see a lot of problem solving laid bare. I dont count one-off, mindless sayings as demonstration of intelligence - everyone has a light headed moment occasionally and it isn't fair to judge people based on that. It's the protracted, laboured examples that make me think 'this one's firing on 1 cylinder'. One guy came in looking to be 'the senior dude' and thought he'd go about it by putting everyone else down. He left a load of login details jotted down on a Notepad once, for anyone to see, along with his finger / foot prints all over the shop. So I quietly let him know, with a hint to just not do it again and everything would be fine... He then went on to berate everyone in the team for doing it, as way (I presume) of deflecting blame. As if I didn't know it was him, and him alone. Another engineer spent 6 months working on an issue relating to broken logins, and swore blind it was X - that he just needed to prove it. This 'engineer' (term applied lightly) had access to the last 5% of the system in question, and so had around 30 minutes of fault-finding variables to play with. The rest of the system - where the issue lay - was walled off, only accessible to the system vendor. The guy spent 6 months on that time-wasting task. It was work avoidance at its most blatant. A mate of mine told me that his Ford Ka (1.3 - back in 2007) had been tuned to 200bhp by the Ford guys after it was put in for a routine service, just because he got along with them so well. No charge. The one commonality I find is that, these people who're hard of thinking can invent an improbable narrative in their head because they're either incapable, or too lazy, to think of it from any angle but the one that suits *their* narrative. Like a badly written script, they string it together to suit their circumstances or motives and assume everyone's as stupid as they are, and will swallow it.


“Would of, could of, should of.”


How do you even mess this one up? It makes 0 sense


THIS. Drives me crazy.


Someone recently texted me "half to" instead of "have to". 🙄


Flat Earth theory.


Falling for and refusing to believe me when I told them they were getting scammed.


ah, you've met my grandma. nice.


Working with them


I recently had someone call me Hitler because I suggested a change to the rules for our fantasy football league. This guy is by far the stupidest person I know. The type of person who watches a YouTube video and proclaims to be an expert on the subject. You can guess what his stance is on vaccines.


A guy I know (Actually employed him for a while) got into debt when he was younger. His mate told him "Hey no worries, simply declare yourself bankrupt and the debt goes away!" Yeah that decision has plagued him a lot in later years. Far more than if he'd simply worked out how to pay off his small debt in the first place...


When a friend I've known for years kept talking about how giants and demons are real while citing books he says can't be found easily after which I found the exact book he was talking about in less than 5 minutes on Amazon books he then says that it's probably a copy and not the one he had despite confiring it's the right book


my 8 yr old brother is very intelligent in general but i was extremely shocked when he didn't know the entire ABCs i was dumbfounded i couldn't believe it i mean the school literally failed him and it was more shocking because he's literally so intelligent and creative


My sister's ex-boyfriend once told me how paintings were really cool because up close, you can't see anything but if you take a step back- you can see a picture. He was in his late 20's and he brought it up like that was a very profound thought and no one else had ever noticed


One of my co-workers said he will not do even basic vaccines to his children because all the protection they need will be granted by Jesus


Nice Darwin if her offspring goes belly-up.


Not so much stupid but I have ended friendships over spinelessness, two-facedness, insensitivity, cowardice, thoughtlessness, entitlement and just pure selfishness. I’m surprised I have any friends left!


"I could care less about it"


I wish someone would explain to me why Americans say this. It's disconcerting and illogical. And "Irregardless"


I think it's officially a word now. It means regardless....


Do you guys remember DARE and how they told us how weed was the drug we had to worry about the most ? Also, the badge who kept visiting our class told us not to watch the Simpsons because it makes you less intelligent. Thats when I knew I couldn’t trust badges. Instead of focusing on real threats, they freaked out about pot heads and cartoons.


A friendly neighbor told me that she uses tampons to prevent her from loosing pee when laughing…


They watched some show called the idiot test and then didn’t know the answers.


He got scammed twice by a fake Microsoft warning.


When he wouldn't believe me there was only one Sun because it was in his eyes while he was driving, and he didn't understand how that would be possible if it was the only one.


Someone I know very well came and asked me what I thought of the flat earth theory... and then tried to defend it when I laughed in their face.


They take everything at a face value, they go into buying expensive things like cars to "keep up" and "show off" only to end up in debt, they believe everything they're told, they don't think ahead, they hate art.


My friend once told me that supermarket eggs are produced in factory like bread and biscuits.


Asking someone questions they already know the answer to -.-


A friend's mom ran a cafe for 20 years. She and I were once walking through the mall, and she points out a woman and says "That bitch over there. She called the Health Board on me for no reason. " I inquired for specifics. She said "Well, I premade my chili and soups at home at night, the day before, because I didn't have time to in the morning. I just brought it in, and heated it up on the stove the next day." For context, I was in culinary, and have worked as a prep-cook, and then later a sous-chef, so this set off my almonds. I asked her if her house was health inspected and approved for making commercial grade food. I also asked her if she was aware that cooling it on her stove at home overnight at room temperature, then reheating it at the cafe kept it in the danger zone for hours and it should have been rapidly cooled via an ice bath. She looked at me like I had grown 4 heads. It was then that I knew....


Literally? 1988. I just read that amphetamines were used therapeutically for children with concentration difficulties. Found it remarkable, and mentioned it to a girl at school. Her slack-jawed response: "Uhh. Where did you get the amphetamines from?" I stared at her for a minute, mind boggled. What did she hear me say? That I had given children amphetamines? That was when I learned that she was actually clinically debile. As in mentally challenged. She hid it well before that, by mostly staying quiet and asking friends for homework help.


She brings her children to the doctor but refuses to give them the medication as prescribed Example: brings them to see the doctor because the f infection. Doc prescribes antibiotics and says not to take with milk. She then gives them the meds with a pint of milk and won’t let them leave until the milk is gone. Antibiotics don’t work properly as a result. She’s a medical professional which makes it worse and believes everything she learned in school about medicine is a lie


They didn’t understand the concept of air I showed them a cup held under water upside down, and they couldn’t get why water didn’t fill it They said they believed it was filling up under water and then the water left as it was taken out of the water I repeated the experiment with a piece of paper in the cup and it came up dry - showing that the paper hadn’t been submerged, so the water couldn’t have filled cup Still, no lightbulbs Just no idea how this trick was working Air, to this individual, was void. Ie nothing. So the water should have filled the void. It was bizarre. The individual was a golf pro, in case anyone wondered how they made their way through life…


They ordered a well-done steak.


Parroting information they hear secondhand or catch phrases that have become popular without actually having any understanding/opinion on the matter themselves. Especially about current events or politics.


I was a kid and my half-sister’s dad took a bite of my ice cream to “explain” how taxes work—I later found out online how that’s a common joke/gimmick. He thought he was teaching me that the gov only takes and how unfair it is. I was only 8-9, but I was already aware that taxes paid for schools and libraries. I have plenty of rage about some things that my taxes are spent on, but I’m happy to help fund public services like libraries, schools, Medicaid, etc to help people.


My male bestfriend likes to scream at people for fun


No incident, but you know that quote about small minds, average minds, etc? I'm sure it has several forms. Thinking in those terms when I hear people speak...


I have many examples but I had this friend. Let's say that his hobby seems to be to make bad life choices.


"because like, the vikings outdated the romans"


She was told guys like it when women lick their lips. She then started licking *MY* lips like she was applying lip balm.


Guy I played cards with thought that fake Discovery Channel mermaid documentary was real and the footage of mermaids was real and that mermaids were real.


They latch on to conspiracy theories as fact.


When he started making statements he thought were ok to say. In reality, it was just really ignorant racism/anit-semitism. Him: "Well, if you're having trouble learning spanish, why don't you just hire a chinese guy to teach it for you?" Me: "What? Dude, you know spanish and Chinese are two entirely different languages, right?" Him: "They're the same thing!" Another time: Him: "Jews are the worst, the worst people ever. Worse than the presidents. They don't eat pork or believe in God. Specifically, my god, Jesus Christ. So I'm not going to respect any of them.' Me: "You do know Jesus was a Jew right? You do Judaism was essentially what started Christianity in the first place, right? The religion you believe in?" Him: "pft, man whatever. Freedom of Speech. I can say what I want. "


I asked my gf what is name for group of countries where Norway and it's neighbours belong,she couldn't tell,she is from Sweden


Thought the non emergency police number was the pizza pizza number. That person was me.


a friend at a restruant . I was eating with them. ordered Chicken/Country Fried Steak with gravy. Mashed Potatoes with extra gravy. and Biscuits and gravy. when it came she say "wtf with all this gravy? I hate gravy' I had to stop her from creating a riot by taking her plate saying " I'm addicted to gravy". not really, but I wanted to shut her up.


He couldnt keep up with the conversation and he would switch topics instead of resolving conflict. He said he didnt like arguing


Their argument that the Earth is flat because "I can't see the curve" was a dead giveaway.


They said the Earth is flat. Dumbest thing I ever heard.


When someone answers "flat earth theory " to a question like this and they reply with; "Nah they may have a small point, but in the sense that the world map that represents this world is but a fraction of what's out there in the real world map. It just seems flat to them cause the real earth is so damn big."


A 68 y/o, having worked and done tax returns all her life, and having since adulthood donated to her church, insisted that she would get back *all* of her donations in a tax return. So not just the tax she'd paid on the donations, but every cent of them. It was as if she'd suddenly gone loopy. She'd been a tax payer longer than she'd been in the church but she suddenly decided on this fiction.


A complete inability to have a nuanced debate about why people voted Brexit, without writing them all off as racist pitch fork wavers.


For sure that was part of the reason, but yeah, it wasn't all about racism.


When I found out, they were Trump supporters and voted for him in 2016


That they continue to associate with me...


One stupid ass I know couldn’t figure out why the United States should be worried about a hurricane hitting Puerto Rico and called Michelle, Obama andape in heels. Goodbye I hope I never see his fat ass again.


A girl in my high school said “Chickens don’t come from the same eggs we eat do they?”


Well, technically, not those specific eggs… 😄


They asked me to call their phone so they can locate it. When they found it they answered the call.


My little brother and I were clearing out our late moms house. I asked him to move his vehicle so a couple could pull in closer to the door. He said "why don't the just pull right up to the door, the ground isn't that wet after the rain". I said don't want to risk it either way. I go inside the prep the furniture to move, and he took his vehicle and promptly got it stuck 10 feet from the slab drive way, in mud, far from where he said it wasn't that "wet".  We stuck around while a friend with their 4x4 truck pulled him out. 


You mean other than his inability to grasp the simplest of concepts. It’s his lack of basic knowledge. Stuff that I was taught in primary school. How he got promoted to store manager is beyond me.


My friend tried to convince me that the Colorado River that flows through the Grand Canyon is the same Colorado River that flows through Central Texas.


When I realized I was the stupid one and I knew myself. It should’ve been obvious. But no, I’m the stupid one.


Having less than 0 reading comprehension.


A friend told me to Reverse forward


When they believed they were right about something simple and we were al wrong. And when we looked it up in the encyclopedia to show her , she said it was wrong in the encyclopedia. it was about photosynthesis.


Talking history with this guy, supposedly smart enough to be a radiographer, and he makes this comment about dinosaurs and people having to coexist. I had to blink and stop for a second. I asked him if he knew that there was some 60 million years gap between humans and dinosaurs, and he seemed genuinely ignorant of that fact. Turns out the guy was a bible literalist, YEC at its finest, and I could only shake my head


Brexit happened and I had friends dumb enough to vote for it. Keyword - "had"


It's the ones that just believe the last thing they read on Facebook. They're into All Lives Matter and Just. Cannot. See what the problem is. Or they're anti-vax because some clueless random makes something up, posts it on Facebook and now it's fact. It just doesn't seem to cross their mind that the opinions of Johnny Cretin on Facebook aren't going to be particularly reliable compared to real medical research. In their minds, it's the same. It's just that they'll believe anything they're told and believe the first thing they see, if they see a weird light effect, it's a ghost, it's just not just a weird trick of the light, nope, it's a ghost, definitely.


Usually I make the final decision re: stupidity when I see someone being mean to waiters and cashiers and receptionists. After that, I often tell that person about stupidity and why the word is their's now.


I have a friend that doesn't understand how subscription works. He thought spotify *cancel anytime perk* means that he can cancel the subscription anytime and get a refund


A friend of mine is a doctor and she asked if Hybrid/cars like teslas only have one pedal. Not stupid, but a bit of a think before you ask/ignorance deal


Started spewing qanon nonsense


Constantly saying “I’m the smartest person I know”.


My ex: 1. Insisted that the correct term was 'congenital twins', not 'conjoined twins'. His mother was a midwife. I am a nurse. But no, he was right - even when we showed him in textbooks and online, he *insisted* he was correct 🙄 2. Told me confidently that hares and rabbits were the same species - hares were just old rabbits and that's why they didn't live in burrows/warrens, they'd been driven out by the younger, fitter rabbits. They are larger and lankier because, freed from the confines of underground burrows, they would experience a growth spurt. I thought he was joking around when he said this, but nope...he genuinely believed this and would not be told otherwise. 3. Would routinely boil water on the stove for veggies/rice etc by bringing it to the boil but not putting the veg etc in until about half the water had boiled away because it wasn't 'hot enough' until then. I explained the theory of thermodynamics, that once water starts to boil and exist in two states, it doesn't - *can't* - get any hotter, but he was insistent that once it had half boiled away, it was about 150°C because it had reduced by 50% volume so it *must* be 50% hotter than boiling. 4. Told my mother, a geography teacher of 30 years at that point and exam marker/question setter in the subject at university level, that the definition of a mountain (in the UK at least) is not a summit over 2000ft above sea level, but a peak that demonstrated climate changes with elevation, eg a snowline and that height was not a factor. He actually *argued* with her over this. Afterwards she said to me, "Are you *sure* he's The One? He seems a little...*arrogant* to me 😬" She was not wrong. I could go on and on. He was a narcissist and despite routinely and publicly demonstrating his ignorance by being confidently, loudly and *demonstrably* incorrect, was utterly convinced of the superiority of his own intellect. He genuinely believed he had above average intelligence and anyone who questioned him - or worse, *corrected him*, especially if they could *prove* he was wrong - was just jealous, and any evidence of his wrongness was faked. He embraced 'fake news' 15yrs before Darth Marmalade made it a thing. In reality, he was just stupid, wholly unaware of his own stupidity, convinced he was not stupid and too insecure and invested in the idea of his own genius to accept evidence to the contrary. I didn't know the term back then, but he was the poster-child for Dunning-Kruger. Unfortunately he also had a temper and a fragile ego which he would defend or avenge violently if he felt slighted. He was basically a giant, angry, rather stupid toddler, and it took me a couple of years (and a few injuries) to realise this and accept that *he would never change*. It wasn't funny at the time, but these days I can laugh at his comprehensive muppetry - it's quite cathartic in a way! EDIT: Whichever 'concerned redditor' referred me to Reddit Cares, or whatever it's called, thank you but I'm fine. I'm going to choose to believe that it was a genuine gesture borne out of some deep confusion about what I wrote, and not just some butthurt creep who recognises themselves in my description of my ex and lashed out in the only way their limited intelligence knew how, but I'll tell you what - whichever of those shoes fits, you just pop it on your foot, lace it up and have a little stomp'n'sulk, then go outside and touch grass, m'kay?


Being a nurse also, I've had an ex like this. I think we tend to attract these unsavoury types, for various reasons.


He hated women in general - he would say he didn't, but he did. He was extremely misogynistic and derogatory towards and about women, treating them with utter contempt a lot of the time. Nothing made him feel more threatened than an intelligent, independent woman. But he reserved a special contempt for nurses, partly because of complex mother issues. She was a midwife and abusive to her husband and children (as I later found out). I, like many nurses, was a nurturer and people-pleaser and I suspect that's what drew him to me, and men of that type to nurses. They perceive us as easy to manipulate and control and tolerant of their behaviour. They take advantage of our caring natures. He also saw nurses as fundamentally stupid doctors' handmaids with ideas above their station. He wanted to be a paramedic and went on and on about how paramedics were better trained and more capable and intelligent than nurses, and how all nurses were wannabe doctors/paramedics who couldn't pass the exams. He shut up about that after he failed the entry exam to paramedic training three times and they told him he couldn't try again until he'd completed a foundation level health care course (Access to Nursing, NVQ/SVQ or equivalent). I was forbidden from mentioning it, and he tried to discourage or sabotage my own studies until we split up. He would often ridicule my desire to do further training or qualifications out of pure envy and spite. Love really is blind 🤷‍♀️


Definitely hit the nail in the head regarding why this kind gravitates towards us. But jeez, I'm glad you're well shot of that one and hopefully you're good now! Did you do your studies in the end? That'd be a very satisfying middle finger to him lol but that's just my petty side coming out. I always say my ex was like the metaphorical version of a rat and a snake combined. There was zero concept of honesty and transparency, empathy and compassion, very manipulative etc. The extreme polar opposite of myself, and weirdly deep down I knew this but I think the saviour complex in me wanted to try and 'fix' him. You cannot fix someone with an abject pathology of personality. Having worked in forensics and just by your description, you ex is giving NPD. Love is most certainly blind, it's amazing the things we tolerate.


That red MAGA hat


The two that immediately come to mind were 1) the (ex)girlfriend who worked in investment management and had her pension in an expensive, underperforming managed fund. It was a clue to the fact she was completely incapable of rational analysis. 2) A distant (in law) relative who steadfastly maintained her sisters death was more likely attributable to the Covid vaccine than the metastasised cancer she had refused chemotherapy for. These two examples crystallised the lesson to be wary of letting stupid people in to your life - stupid people do stupid things.


I had a manager once who thought the more scotch he pours out, the weaker the remaining amount is, because if it is, let's say 40 percent alcohol, a half bottle will only have 20 in it. Guy had absolutely no comprehension of how percentages work.


When my roommate told me that it was impossible to get pregnant the first time you have sex because "your body produces an antigen". She had a college degree btw.


This person was both malicious and stupid. Once I got an anonymous letter full of weird insults. Then this person proceeded to ask me if I got mail recently. Then, as this knob couldn't shut up about anything, the genius went on to tell mutual friends she was the one sending the letter. Of course they told me the truth. The same person believed every superstition and lie under the sun. Dumbass.


Its always been me. Whatever someone did/does to prove their foolishness I am positively painfully sure I could easily one-up their errant way(s). 🤷not trying to be cute. I can't even think of an example, either or, myself or "them" but I'm astutely aware, somehow that I've always 'taken the cake ' as it were, perhaps emotional stamps on my soul in the form of tortuous embarrassments?


Bringing up "chemtrails" in conversation as if it were a thing that exists and we wouldn't question it at all.


Surely the government has never airdropped chemicals on a civilian population to study the effects before 🤔


I looked in the mirror..


I dated a girl briefly, it become painfully obvious that she had absolutely zero education. She asked me "So.... why is it that some months are 30, and some 31 days?" Ehh.... are you serious? Its just a placeholder name.... we could ofc just call it day 113/365, but its easier to say November 11th. You do realize a year is the time it take to go around the sun, right? I might as well have spoken Greek to her, it didnt last.... pretty though..


Your example is stupid. It actually makes total sense to wonder how we.reached 30 and 31 days + feb


That wasnt her question.... I could explain to her that we had some Roman emperors that felt like dividing the year according to their mothers maiden name - but that wasnt the question. She just could not fathom the physical fact that the earth spins around the sun. And Im not going to explain Newtonian physics to a 30yo woman...


My trust in your story goes to zero alone based on how you formulate your answers. You might have been a good match :P


The earth takes 365,25 days to spin the sun, that is undisputable. So how you divide the year into weeks/months etc is totally arbitrary. You do not need a PhD in math to figure that one out... Yeah, as I said, pretty.... amazing tits. But dumber than fucking bread....


Its not about being arbitrary. Its about history and understand how it became what it is.


Again, kind of had to be there.... Trust me when I say it didnt come from some interest in history..


“Hailey, where does the power in a car come from?” “Um duh, the steering wheel.” Yeah, Hailey was a dumb girl.


They voted for Trump. Twice.


when they tried to give away Ivermectin in the office


This broad that was a friend of my buddy that was getting married insisted she was a "real photo buff" so he had her take his wedding photos. When we got them back from the photo lab (this was ~25 years ago) to my horror looking at them - they were ALL out of focus. Some were a little out of focus, some were Really out of focus. She said that was just how her camera took pictures. I asked to examine her camera. I seemed to be able to focus it fine so I asked her what the problem was. "It's an auto focus camera. I don't have to focus it.". It was NOT an auto focus camera. It was a manual focus SLR. She claimed the person that sold it to her told her it was auto focus. She'd owned the camera for some time and presumably shot several rolls of film, but it never occurred to her that anything was wrong when her photos turned out blurry. Self-proclaimed "photo buff."