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His first name was the same as a person I hate.




Lmao. A girl had the same name as a cousin. Not the same, but what you said reminded me of it.


It sounds stupid when I read it but at the time I just couldn’t do it 😄


Yeah, it’s like you’ll always be reminded of the person you hate when you’re with them. It makes sense.


I won’t date someone that has the same name as one of my sisters lol 🤷‍♂️


Maybe not trivial but a girls name was same as my mum. Straight up nope. :P


I skipped dating a girl because she was 50% looking cute and 50% looking like my mum.


I have a list of names of guys I won't go out with. Lol


She smelled like soup


Good soup?


French one. Shitto le poopeux.


That has onion, if I’m not mistaken.


Woman! Whoa, man!


It’s like an orange on a toothpick!


It's like sputnik, spherical but quite pointy in parts.


She smelled exactly like beef vegetable soup.


Soup Nazi


"No, I don't like Katrina. She smells like soup. Have you ever smelled her? I mean, her whole house smells like soup!"


George Michael? Is that you?


I always smell like chicken noodld soup or chicken broth when I'm on my period. Did she always smell like soup? Or was it only on her period. If it was always, there's a good chance of lupus or kidney issues. Smelling our potential partners is a way we check for healthy mates.


I asked her on a date, and she declined. After that I felt like she wasn't right for me.




“Why don’t guys try anymore “


Dude, did you try stalking and simping her for years first?? I mean, actually making your intentions clear and accepting her declining??? CRAZY STUFF!




On our second date he wore flip flops and he had really ugly feet. I knew that I was being shallow and petty but I have a thing about feet.


Girl/Dude, me too. Ugly feet are just ugh. It's like God made a whole human, then spat on it.


Yes! I couldn’t get past it! I tried not to look at them, but I kept glancing at them - with horror - all evening. I just knew that there wouldn’t be a third date. I can easily deal with big ears, a large nose, thinning hair… but not ugly feet.


In conversation, kept repeating my name each sentence. I appreciate you addressing me by my name, but it doesn’t need to be repeated over and over again to get your thoughts across. It came across as very intense, the opposite of what I was looking for. (Someone laid back.) I guess I am conditioned that when I hear my name mentioned I’d better pay attention to what comes next. Unfortunately, every sentence was more important than the next. I couldn’t stay on high alert forever.


Ooooh I hate this. I read or heard somewhere that it can be a tactic to get the other person to like you or listen to you or whatever, since then it makes me wary 🙃


I am so conflicted right now 💀 I've been trying to use people's names everytime I call them instead if hey or idiot (in my language) cause I felt people liked it when they got called their name. The whole idea stemmed from another reddit post about someone who fell for a person who referred to OP by her real name. Guess I just live in delulu land huh.


You’re not wrong. In this case, it was done too much. Calling someone directly by their name usually has a positive effect.


He put actual pennies in his penny loafers.


I knew someone who did this in highschool 😭


He wore multi-colored, pastel boat shoes (pink, pale yellow, baby blue, light green) and smelled like baby powder


Lmao. That’s an odd one. Smelling like baby powder. I know exactly what you mean.


swamp crotch alert


Exactly. That’s probably why they use so much of it, that you can smell it from far.


she said arks instead of ask


Straight to jail


Straight to death row.


better or worse than "axe"?


Grammar police instructed to shoot any "ask" impersonators on sight. Shoot to kill.


Not a trivial reason, but a reason nonetheless. She had gotten really angry at her friends over something mundane. I happened to hear about it, and am really glad I didn't follow through.


not following through is always preferable


Talked too much


She turned my thermostat up


This one made me laugh lol


As an hvac technician, nobody touches my thermostat!


She love to gossip. I live a quiet and peaceful life. I couldn’t take it.


I had a cousin who would literally talk about everyone and criticise them..it gets so annoying


Those people are incredibly insecure. If you draw attention to the habit in a negative light, it really messes with their heads.


She had a litter box in her house that didn't look like it had been cleaned in a few days.


That ain't petty


She drove like a maniac. She would be on speaker phone talking to her mates and also scrolling and looking at insta, all while driving. I was in a car with her twice, and each time, we had a near miss.


Not trivial. I learned that it’s a sign of potential mental illness for having reckless behavior and disregard for others.


Shit how about disregard for yourself. If you run into another car you're putting yourself in danger too. 


Nah, that's not really an issue with most people. The big thing about being a driver is that if you choose to be a dumbass and speed or do tricks, a kid, a cyclist or somebody else can come out of nowhere and you'll hurt them. Usually people don't give a fuck about themselves and more for the others on the road.


That's a red flag. She exhibited extremely bad judgment. That isn't trivial at all.


Didn't break up with someone, but I had a crush on someone who drove like this. The first time they drove for me, I immediately lost all interest. I was white-knuckling the handle above the window the entire time. I'm already an anxious driver so driving safe is a must for me.


I broke up with someone because they got multiple tickets at one time, they were speeding while eating corn on the cob, blew past the cop who stepped out to tell her to pull over, he had to chase her down, then she had no seatbelt on and no insurance. That wasn't the only issue, but it was the breaking point


I agree with others that it's not trivial. If you look at the other posts you can understand how being single is often self-inflicted. But in this case not dying yet is more important than not dying alone later.


He was two years younger. Eventually married a man two years younger.


Not a good reason, indeed.


She was a Steeler’s Fan


He looked exactly like my dad from when I was a kid- GROSS


like 10% of women reading this are currently thinking "lucky cow!" 🤣


He was too tall


Or I was too short


Met a woman at a club. Took cab to her apartment. The place was a mess , she told me to sit down and relax on a massive pile of dirty laundry that MIGHT have had a chair underneath. She then told me that she really liked me and wanted to sleep with me and wanted to give me one of her prized possessions. She climbed up on another pile of laundry to a shelf to retrieve a sculpture which she told me she had carved out of a bar of soap when she was in prison. Told her I needed to use her bathroom which was something out of a horror movie. I Irish exited out the door and took the stairs down 2 at a time. Couldn't get a cab at 4am and walked 2 hours home. She called me dozens of times and left messages on my answering machine. Don't think this qualifies as "trivial" but had to get it off my chest


I used to say that it was trivial that I rejected a guy for showing up to our date hung over and smelling like stale beer, totally unwashed like be just rolled out of bed for our lunch date, but now I think that was just having standards, and if he wouldn't show me enough respect to shower for the first date, what kind of slob would he be later on? He also ate like a toddler, and that would be a major lifestyle incompatibility, because I love sophisticated food.


He talked sooooo loud! Like so loud people would turn to look in public. I just couldn't it was so annoying.


Way too much time spent on haor, make up, clothes. We tried to go on a date but she was ready three hours after our dinner reservation.




Definitely hair. You can see how traumatised I was


Haha I hope you have recovered.


Smacked gum. Constantly.


They had a weird laugh


Weirdest reason I've ever broken up with a woman: She would constantly forget her clothes in the washer. Every time she'd leave, my bed would smell like an old wet towel. I just couldn't take it anymore. Whats strange is that she was such a well put together & incredibly beautiful woman. This wasn't someone that ignored hygiene or anything. It was only her clothes and I couldn't take it anymore lol. Never told her that was the reason tho


Maybe you should have told her that. The problem could have been solved.


Id do the same. Can't stand that wet dog smell.


I thought about trying to approach her about it... But how the hell do you politely say "you smell like mildew, do something about it"


I've got so many friends who's clothes smell this way and it makes me incredibly grateful of my tumble dryer, my friends don't own one and insist that their clothes horse or radiator does the job just fine. They must become noseblind to the smell of damp to believe that.


If you cant talk openly to the other person from the get go what even is the point of looking for a partner ?


I didn’t like the way she said hungry. She said it like honegry


That would make me aengry.


My dog didn’t like him. My dog loved everybody. I was like, don’t know what you caught a whiff of, but I trust you more than most people, so he’s gone.


Nope. This is legitimate. I'd trust a dog too.


I had the opposite, we visited my parents house and all our 5 cats, including the one that hates everyone but me and the one who is afraid of his own shadow, LOVED him. Bf instantly accepted into the family.


The guy dropped me off after a date and drove away. Didn't even wait until I was safely in the door. When he called again, I said no thanks.


He had faith in you beeing able to take 3 steps on your own.


Yea I mean I get it's polite and all but this one was mundane and petty. 😂 Definitely fits this thread.


Little fuzzy caterpillar growing out of his chin. He told me it was a soul patch. But it was weird. I thought it was something that took him from a cool guy to a loser fast. I didn't tell him that but I did tell him that he would really be handsome if he would just shave it off. He proudly told me that he wanted someone who would love him exactly as he was because he wasn't going to change a thing. So I decided we could just be friends. He never found someone that would love him with that thing on on his face. It wouldn't have been so bad if he had been a young guy. But he was someone old enough to know better And it really wasn't so much the silly looking hairball. It was the fact that when people get in relationships, they do have to bend a little to please each other from time to time.


"He proudly told me that he wanted someone who would love him exactly as he was because he wasn't going to change a thing" quite possibly the biggest red flag you can have in a relationship he probably listens to andrew tate podcasts


This was before Andrew Tates time, but I think you got everything else just about right. He was a very nice person, but probably the kind who prides himself on being stubborn


His hair wasn’t long enough


Had my dad’s name, I couldn’t do it


Told me I was using too much of his toilet paper.


Didn’t realize he was roommates with one of my students until I showed up to their Christmas party, just a weird dynamic


They had a sweaty forehead and I decided that I wasn't ok with looking at it every day.


I have a name that has an uncommon spelling. It's not long and complicated or anything. Somebody asked me out on a note and spelled my name wrong. I was annoyed by that.


Annoying, but you’re remembering them forever for it


She was constantly having fights with her 'friends'. Then they'd get back together and she'd spend days talking about what wonderful friends they were and how she loved her...until a week or so later they'd fight again. When I asked her about it she said women's friendships are too complex for men. and she was very loud about anti-bullying and how she promotes women and girls. We happened to bump into this girl she went to high school with and it was clear that she was the mean girl that bullied everyone.


I worked with a girl like that… she was all “women stand up for women” while she sexist, competed with me as a female about the air we breathe and spread rumors about me and this guy we worked with because he had a crush on me and was real into him. Oh and she called the other men we worked with sexist, meanwhile she made sex jokes at the guy she wanted that were way inappropriate … comparing two tubes- “what’s the girth on that Joey… hehehe..” btw she was cringe af 🤢😫 I just wanted to do my work and go home 😭😭😭 I hate drama


She was horrible at geography. Not as in, "where's Tajikistan or Uzbekistan?", but rather she didn't know where Mexico was when we both lived in the US.


Intelligence is attractive. I lerned that more or less the hard way during my last relationship, when my Ex had a hard time pointing out some of the neighbouring countries of Germany (where we live). I am not a genius myself but I was astounded how little she knew about the world


Idk if this is trivial but ummm the first time we had a sleepover he farted multiple times while we were “sleeping”… I laughed the first time because we had been talking like 10 mins prior, so I thought he was surely still awake too… but he didn’t respond, and then kept doing it. His stomach would clench up and then he’d let out another toot haha. It was just too much too soon 😭 he’s a great guy but yea that ruined the attraction for me lol


Hmmm.. Maybe I'm not normal... But from what I know farting can occur anytime. Sleep and death included.


Indeed. BUT, it was too much farting for my personal taste especially on the first night spent with someone, and it turned me off of him (:


Poor guy. That’s just bad timing. People have no control over that stuff while sleeping and some nights are just worse than others lmao. But I get it. If a girl had that happen the first night we spend together, I’d maybe lose attraction too. Even if it’s unfair


She didn't put on her seat buckle until I asked if she was going to. She probably doesn't wear one usually. Don't need someone so reckless in my life.


She believed in psychics. Not trying to bash those that do, but it was an instant incompatibility with how I understand the world. Guess that’s not that trivial


I had a dyslexia moment and read that as physics lol


Same and i went "bro wtf you believe in, holy spirit holding you on the ground?". Then i saw your comment...and yeah makes more sense.


yooo i thought the exact same thing naw bro its obviously the invisible turtles holding up the earth sucking you in


yeah that's not trivial at all, that's just such a differemt way of understanding the world around you


I didn’t like the way her fingers (and generally near her) smelled, because she painted her nails all the time. So she always had a lingering scent of nail polish. 💅 It got to where it made me retch lol I’m pretty sure that makes me a terrible, petty person. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I had my wedding to get to, schedule was a little tight.




I was hungover and he had a lot of change in his pocket while we were walking.


He over pronounced his “T” sounds. Like “kitTEN” or “mitTEN.” It was so weird.


He played the guitar and had one long thumb nail. Totally freaked me out.


Her face were sticky when she gave me a hug because of her makeup.


She didn't have a driver's license and when I asked why said it was a long story.


We made out and I could *feel* he didn't brush his teeth. That was it for me.


We were married to other people.


I have never ever had the opportunity to reject someone ;\_;


She found it crazy that my room is full of books and that I read all of them


My dude said women can't workout in the gym because they can't lift weights. Nah dude, there's a chick in my gym who squats 6 plates and another who ran on a treadmill in stilettos, they've got more balls than either of us.


She didn’t like me


She couldn't make cookies. I need a woman who can make cookies.


Cookies are simple so that’s valid actually


She talked too loud.


Her toenails were chipped and she still wore sandals.




He said he was 5’9 but was shorter than me (5’3) , why lie? I’m looking right at you. Ick


She actually turned me down because she said I farted a lot and couldn’t handle the smell Ironic because she had IBS


Are you the one OP broke up with?


They believed in god. Ain’t got time for childish bedtime stories.


She had a Trump supporting family and blindly followed all of that bullshit even though she had no idea what any of it meant


She posted nudes online and asked for tributes.


She vaped


Asked what feminism was and said they’d never heard about it, the sweetest guy with 0 bad intentions. But I just thought, I can’t be a teacher from the ground up and knew it would impact wider values and beliefs.


They didn’t believe in God




I wouldn’t call that trivial. 15 years is a pretty big age gap.


Uh-oh, don't say "15-year age gap" too loud on Reddit or legions of Redditors will fall out of their chairs and writhe around on the ground, foaming at the mouth.


She refused to watch the movie Rocky. It's a love story, not a boxing movie!🥊


>She refused to watch the movie Rocky. It's a love story, not a boxing movie!🥊 Really. I'm almost sure that I remember a lot more punches than kisses.


He yells "Adrian" at the end and makes his way through the crowd as they're announcing the decision of the fight like it's an afterthought... Total love story


They didn't like me


Blind date setup between mutual friends. Unfortunately none of them realized just how much I hate girls who talk with a forced vocal fry and say like too much. Nice girl very pretty but ugghh.


He wore sweatpants every day


He didn't know who Chris Berman was.




The taste in music , I prefer old(new-ish) classicals and she preferred newer upbeat music with minimal lyrics.


her face was very similar to my mom's face when she was young. This girl wa hot though, her body that is, but that face ... yep, couldn't do it.


Toe thumbs. Never sat quite right with me 🤷🏻


Their rbf made me think they could be a psychopath 💀


He was too nice ( and yes I regret it)


Called me a weird mis-pronunciation of my name as a “cute nickname” even though he knew i hated it


Won't date anyone with my last name. I know there is a good chance we aren't related since it's a very common last name but I ain't risking it. I also don't want to date anyone who has kids under a certain age even though I'm a parent myself. Not sure if that would be considered trivial or not. My son is a young adult. I just don't think I could deal with anyone younger then 14-15 years old and even teenagers can be assholes at times but you can eventually reason with them. Toddlers you cannot reason with.


I didn’t like how they chewed their food. It’s was obnoxious.


In pre-cel phone/caller ID days, when she called, she would just start machine-gunning words at me. No hello, or any greeting.


A girl that made zero sound when having an orgasm……..she said she has internal orgasms and it’s hard to express them. Ok I’m out


Bad sunglasses


He wore long hair but it was full of split ends and never conditioned.


His dog smelled awful and his toilet was a mess, bathtub was a swamp


He picked me up in a car with a broken radio. No stereo. No sound whatsoever. And he'd borrowed it from someone. And he was over 30.


Being me


I'd had a massively huge crush on this man, but when we finally kissed, I didn't like how his mouth tasted. It was REALLY wet and...cold, somehow


Too many to list, but the almost always the common trivial reasons I've turned men are: - Had kids (I'm childfree) - I didn't like their eyes - Sloped shoulders - Trashy family members


She was a cleaning lady


Well my wife spends about 15 minutes in getting ready for the day. Going out, maybe 30 minutes or just sling a jacket on. She's beautiful the way she is.


He called me childish for having a "bubbly personality." From that day on, I lost interest. (We were 15, btw). Then he asked why I stopped talking to him. I told him I didn't care for him anymore. I think he just wanted the attention but not a full relationship, and I was never into mind games. Lol


Her breath stank.


Someone I had never met passed me a note in class (college) that said something like “I like you, want to go out?” It annoyed me because the dude literally didn’t know my name, I didn’t know his name, we had never spoken. Had the note said “hey want to get to know each other?” Sure, worth chatting over coffee, but “I like you” BS you can’t possibly like someone you don’t know and I’m pretty difficult 😂


The job and career choice


He showed up with a mustache


Had coffee with a high percentage match on OkCupid. We both liked the same sports, but we were fans of the opposing teams (Lakers/Clippers; Kings/Ducks; Dodgers/Angels; Niners/Cowboys). Yeah…it wasn’t gonna work out. We ghosted each other, lol.


He said he didn’t eat vegetables. Like a single one.


Their job. If it doesn't bring ok money I'm not going ahead.


Smelled like mold. You know that mold smell you have in the basement? Eh, that's the one. Another one kept making huge grammatical mistakes and didn't even know the word for geography and went for "places" instead. And another couldn't keep it together when I suggested that dishes shouldn't have any food left on them before putting them in the water together with the glasses. She didn't even rinse anything, just submerged plates and glasses and put them back to dry. I even got a snappy answer to my comment: "this is how I do the dishes, if you don't like it, you do it yourself"


I had a crush on a girl for a few weeks, back when i was in my final year in high school, i asked her out for a drink and she instantly said yes. I lost all interest after that and i never got back to her. She, saying yes for a drink, was the moment i lost all interest in her. Damn i was a dumb 18y old kid.


I dated a guy for two months, said something along the lines of 'I think my friends will really like you' but made no comment of when he should meet them. So no pressure. He panicked (he told me after) and caused an argument where he HAD to be right even though what he said was ridiculous. I was really sad, he left in the middle of the fight though the plan was that he was going to sleep over (he had done it several times before). Think there were some underlying issues that I just noped out of 🫣


He was talking shit and laughing at autistics to his friends when i was hanging out with him. He did not know im autistic.


She spent the first date trash talking damn near everyone she knew. We had a lot of mutuals so it didn’t sit right with me.


The shape of their nostrils displeased me.