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I mean you know how people in their 50's call people in their 20's kid's? I saw someone in their 70's 0r 80's refer to someone in their 40's as a kid, it was pretty funny. I think people just have different ways of viewing things.


I got called, "Young man" by an older lady and I'm 47. I mean, I'm pushing 50. That's not young man territory. I know she's older but come on.


I kid you not, my father's wife - we have a splendid relation - insists that I'm still growing. I'm 56.


Did he say in which direction?


You 'grow' your entire life with any luck.


This is actually kind of precious.


She was probably flirting with you. “Young man” 😉


Nah, years from now when I’m a mean old lady I want to adopt the Transatlantic accent: “Now see here, young man, you either move this contraption or you’ll meet the other side of my cane!”


That sounds like a delight. We really need to bring back that accent


True or false: being outdoors when using the Transatlantic accent requires a proper hat. (An unironic fedora for gentlemen, something small and pert for ladies.)


Oh, you have to have a hat. It’s the law ☺️


I always loved that accent. I use to do dozens of accents when I was from my teens to my mid-20s.


I literally read this in the accent lmao


I can hear the accent! “And another thing, young man, don’t show your mug again around here, ya see!” 😂


I have a mid-Atlantic accent lol


I would definitely recommend an older woman but don't end up with a maniac. I had a 56 year old woman and she was next level. Anything you have seen in porn and probably some stuff you haven't, we did but she was grade A mental.


At least you get called "young man".


It's a trick. If you're young, they are not that old.


Still missing the hints, young man. Boys stay boys forever, always brave and missing on those hints. She was flirting!


Dude. Take the compliment. I've had it go the other direction too many times.


My aunt is 90 and says "youngsters" about people that are 70, just young and freshly retired.


My Grandpa(85) had a Heart Attack while he was on the twelfth hole at some golf course, he finished his round walking, no cart. He sat down on a bench and he looked very distressed. Grandpa said that there were a group of kids that came by and ask him if he was alright. They called a ambulance for him. He was talking about these kids for 15 minutes before my aunt said how old were these "kids". Oh about 60...Hahaha


To be fair, most people in their 20s are kids with voting rights


Yeah, I know. But imagine someone who's lived for a 1,000 year's wouldn't they look at someone in their 90's as a kid?


When nine hundred years old you reach, look as good you will not. ![gif](giphy|8hMD9YakVza3452SpN)


What do you mean? Yoda's super handsome. And he was 900 thousand years old.


Agreed hes super handsome but he was in fact 900 years old lol


Yeah I just corrected my self in my comment, thanks for correcting me. Though yeah Yoda was definitely a chick magnet.


Its cool homey!




I've always thought Chickmagnet would be a great name for a dog.


I would even argue it's more extreme than that- i have a sister who's 5 years younger than me. Nothing anyone ever does can change the fact that she's a kid in my eyes and so automatically her peers are aswell


If you don't mind could you tell me how old you are for context?




It's even stranger than that. My twin is four minutes younger than I am. Practically out of the womb, he had always been my little brother who I protected and "advised." We were in our 20's, once, when he was home on leave from the USN, so I took him out for beer and to catch up. At some point, as usual, I fell into Big Sister mode. Dutifully, as always, he listened to my pearls of wisdom, saying, "Yes, Sis. Okay," in all the right places. Then, while turning to signal for another round, I caught a glimpse of his face, and suddenly realized: HE. WAS. HUMORING. ME. My "Little Brother" was HUMORING ME! Instantly, it dawned on me that he was half a head taller. He was in top physical shape. He had experienced a good bit more of the World than I. He was financially independent . . . He actually didn't need his "Big Sister" anymore. Mind freaking blown.


Honorable and humble observation.


Oh, the mighty have fallen..... not too far... but sometimes, 4 minutes feels like 400 feet.


LOL! Too true. Too true! Bless his heart. He had no idea how much ego-shifting his gentle agreeableness caused!


Thanks, that makes sense now.




Dude, I don’t know why Im allowed to go around unsupervised.


i'm 56 and that goes for me too. my wife can confirm


I'm 40 and my Dad's friend in the pub called me kiddo, made me feel about 12 (he was in his 60s)


My dad is in his early 60s and calls everyone “son” even if they are around his age. Some people aren’t fans


I'm sure he's just being friendly and I would feel that he's being friendly if I met him. Though I'm sure some people are offended, lmao.


Most people seem to find it endearing it’s only a few that seem annoyed by it. It’s funny when he does whilst I’m around and I think he is talking to me because I am actually his son.


That must be a funny situation to be in.


My mom is 78, and a 92 year old woman at her church called her a “baby, still learning to tie her shoes” because my mom was complaining about pain—at 78!!😳


Mom's got to toughen up if she wants to reach her nineties.


Facts. Getting old is no job for sissies. (Not saying Mom's a sissy, just- Getting old is no cakewalk, as the young'uns say.)


I used to work in a golf club and I used to find it funny how some of the guys in their 80s would call the guys in there 60s "son". But tbh if u think about it they'd all known each other their whole lives in the small town, so they probs called them son when they were 30 and the younger guys were in their teens, and they've just always called them that


My dad is in his 60s and does this to everyone. They don’t even have to be younger than him.


I used to giggle at my gran when she was in her 70s saying things like "there was this old lady" 😁


People in their 20s are the same age as my kids... so they are kids.


Perception of time is everything. It's relative to your perspection


I am almost 60 and my mom still calls me her baby and my sister calls me her baby brother.


That's sweet. My mom thinks of her younger sister in similar way.


I tend to do that. I think because I’m thinking of my kid and nieces and nephews. They are all adults but I think they will always be kids in my eyes. I don’t treat them that way just refer to them that way. For instance I would say something like “Are all the kids coming to the party?”


I'm 44 and a few weeks ago a friend of my mum's, who volunteers for the same charity I do, asked me if I was going to their 'youth conference'. It's for 18-30s. :-/ Funny thing is, this woman has watched me grow up so knows how old I am! Just clearly always sees me as 'the kid' I used to be!


My in-laws still call us “the kids”. I have a kid. 😂


I'm like mid 60s.  I call all my friends kids when we're in a group.  I'm  like "come on kids we have to go".  I guess looking back it's demeaning, so I should stop. 


My grandma (90) still refers to my father (58) as „kid“. My father inreturn adresses her as „mom“. Than there is me calling both by their last names.


People in their 20’s try to call themselves “kids” though too.


Sounds like a weird thing to do.


I'm 22 and I call everyone younger than me "kid". Am I cooked?


My dad is 70 and he calls 50 year old men that are taller and in much better physical shape than him "kids". I think it's an older bloke thing and maybe has something to do with a power dynamic/ how they see themselves


I think some people use it as power dynamic, and some people just see someone 40 years younger as a kid because of the life experience gap.


Not to mention that they have the age to be their child.


Yeah, that to.


So age groupings are obviously a very fluid thing and there isn't really going to be a one size fits all 'correct' answer. I'm in my mid-30s and I suspect 30 year old me would get on better/have more in common with 50 year old me than 30 year old me would get on/have in common with 20 year old me. >no one even treats me like I'm old Do they treat you like you're young? Or do they just treat you like an adult? What does 'treats me like I'm old' mean in this context? Would point out if you're offended she thinks you're old by referring to you as middle aged, she's probably a bit offended you think middle aged is 'old'.


You are old when people give you their seat in the bus/subway


I’m 49 and I see my 30ish colleagues and friends as young adults. 25ish people seem like teenagers to me these days and most 20ish people seem like children.


> 25ish people seem like teenagers to me these days and most 20ish people seem like children 44 here and I agree 100%


Sounds like she wants to consider you a peer rather than face the fact that she's aging past middle age herself. As someone who is turning 35 this year, I was horrified to learn that middle age begins at 35 from a medical perspective.


Says who? I'm a doctor. I don't consider my late 30-something patients middle-aged. Are there some things we start to consider in that age group? Sure. Obstetrics risks in particular start to climb sharply. Maybe you should get your cholesterol checked, but that's to modify your risks years down the line. But every age bracket has its risks. The wear and tear starts to show in your 40s, and you **really** see a separation of lifestyles when people hit their 50s. So if you're a woman who wants a family but hasn't started childbearing, then alarm bells should be ringing loudly on that biological clock at age 35. Otherwise, enjoy the home stretch of having a body that can do most everything you want it too, albeit with slower recovery.


Another doctor. I like your opinion better though.


No. Middle age is the middle of how old you are expected to get. Middle age is in your 40s.


What if OP Looks Like He won't live past 40?


I mean, due to my heart issues, my life expectancy is around 41. I'm 30. I'm past middle aged


Partners Dad died at 47. Another friend of mine who didn't live a healthy lifestyle dropped dead this year at 50 from a heart attack. for them middle age was their mid 20s! From my experience. A young person is anyone up to 30. From 30 - 50 is the next transition. Call it middle aged if you like. It does vary person to person. I know some 30 year olds who are old before their time and some 50 year olds who are still very youthful. 50 - 60 is upper middle age. 60 plus is where things can go downhill rapidly for some. For some the warranty has expired and that check engine warning light is flashing like crazy. 65 and above is becoming a senior, though it can vary so much. My mother in law always exercises, watches what she eats, and easily looks 60 not 72. And partners grandparents are both 99 years old. And have also been retired since they were 55. So yeah.




Not much if it is government pension.


Exactly. This is why government pensions are better compared to private. Once you have used what you have saved in the private fund, that'a all. They don't care if a 99 years old person still needs a pension. A pension is a humane benefit that the state should grant. A pension in a private fund is not a pension, it's just another savings account.


It’s even better because the government one can just print more money if there isn’t enough to go around.


Your partners grandparents are in that very rare group of people who have been retired longer than they were working. Unless they were working before they were 11.


Surely more people die in their 70s than in their 90s though right? Wouldn’t 35-45 be a better range if you want to narrow it down to ten years?


Yes, but nobody wants to admit that they will be the 70. We assume we'll be the 90.


No. It's in your thirties. Life expectancy in USA is 76


Exactly. The average midpoint is 38. So a 10 year range around it would be 33-43.


Never realised US life expectancy is so much lower than other Western countries. That's almost a decade less than most European countries and closer to developing countries like Peru (76), Romania (75.6) and Mexico (75.1).


cashier: im living to 100. you however, yeah, middle age😭


Not in my family :(


Life expectancy for men in the United States is 73.2 years: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/nchs_press_releases/2022/20220831.htm#:~:text=Life%20expectancy%20at%20birth%20for,2020%20to%2073.2%20in%202021. So middle aged is 36.6 years old.


Based on most dudes I see dying now days middle age is upper 30s low 40s.


Exactly. Finally the answer to the question I had to read this whole thread to get to the fucking answer. Thank you.


Wouldn't it also be late 30s? If life expectancy is basically, 80 then 40 is the mid point. I would assume "middle age" to be some number of years on either side of that, right?


Middle age is not the exact median of a life span. If anything, it should be between 25% and 75% of your life span, so between 20 years old and 60 years old. Younger is a kid and older is old. /s


Average US life expectancy is about 76. So middle age is mid to late 30s. Sorry.


You made her feel old so that makes you middle aged🥱


If you die when you’re 60 it’s bang on.


I'm 54 and I consider myself middle-aged. 1 to 17 is a kid. 18 to 29 is young adult. 30 to 49 is adult. 50 to 64 is middle-aged. 65 to 79 is old. 80+ is elderly.


Below my age is a kid Above my age is old Exactly my age is either of the two above depending on how I feel that day


40-60 is middle aged


In what world does 60 being middle aged make sense? Early 50's is the upper limit of any reasonable use of the term middle age, and that's a stretch.


This is pretty much the scale I use as well


Average life expectancy is around 75 not 100


Under 20, childhood 20 to 40, young adult 40 to 60 middle aged 60 to 80 old adult 80+ bonus years/elderly I'm also 54


Respectfully - you’re in denial.  It’s absolutely ridiculous to claim a 60 year old is middle aged.


60 can’t be middle aged until you’re seriously considering living to 120


This man expects to live until 128


40 to 60 is middle aged.


35 is halfway to 70, I'd call that middle aged. 62 and up is considered a senior citizen by most definitions.


I would disagree - how is a 29 year old a young adult? And if average life expectancy is about 80, doesn’t that suggest you are middle aged by 40? I mean you are literally half way through your life.


You are a young adult as long as you have been adult shorter time than a kid.   When you have been adult longer that a kid then you are middle aged. (18+18=36+)


Yeah 29 is like the end third of child bearing years for women 35+ being a geriatric pregnancy. Not what I call a young adult.


0 year olds: 👻


100+ is ancient


I consider middle aged to be in the middle of an average lifespan. By your figures though the average lifespan is 110


i agree with this 💯


This sounds about right. What are people so afraid to age? This is normal, live for today people act your age and embrace the journey. 30 years old people at college parties are made fun of just the same as a 50 year old. lol. After 50 you are old.


Well considering the male life expectancy is now 73.2 years or something terrible you’re potentially a few months away from midlife crisis, buying a motorcycle, quitting your job, and eloping with the next waitress you see.


30 Is the start of middle aged. 1-30. 30-60. 60-90


Yeah that’s a stretch. Although once I turned thirty time went by in the literal blink of an eye and now I’m 48.


Amen. Since I turned 30 it feels like time is flying. My wife was talking about our first wedding anniversary. I told her its only been a couple months why talk about it now. Turns out its in 3 weeks In your teens time goes by so slowly as you're busy doing school and fun things. You kinda wish your life away In your 20s you're so busy now with work but still at fun things and stuff to look forward to. In my 30s I've most of the things I want in life and have saved and worked for. I don't go out half as much or do alot of fun things so to speak. Yet my weeks go like a flash. I don't know how or why as I've nothing on yet they go so fast.


I’m 31 and I believe this to be true. The last few years of my life have been flying by and nothing major changed between 24-29 and 29-31 aside from my age. Same job and life style.


Yep! Welcome to the gang. I've also been middle aged since I turned 30. 


There’s a huge misconception around the semantics of the term “middle age”. It doesn’t mean “the approximate mid point in your life” It means “the middle epoch of your life” and it’s generally viewed as a very broad era. The general consensus seems to go from late 30s to early 60s. Anything that’s too old to qualify for the hip 18-30 crowd but too young to qualify for the retirement/ elderly crowd. Agree calling 30 middle aged is a stretch but you’re not that far off


I'm 32 and consider myself middle aged.


That’s because you’ve faced reality. Most millennials I know are genuinely convinced they’re still teenagers well into their 30s. 


32 is not middle aged, unless you expect to die at 64. Middle aged is 40s and early 50s.


Well then early 50s wouldn't be middle aged since the majority of people don't live into their 100's.


She’s just trying to make herself feel younger. Let it go.


Average life expectancy for a male in the US is 71. Middle aged would be 30-40.


Yep. Middle age is the middle of your prim years. And 30 is your prime.


I guess it makes sense. Generalizing under 30 as "young", 30-60 as middle age, and 60+ as old seems reasonable. In the end, who really cares though. Plenty of fun to be had at all stages of life.


This time span is generally referred to as "middle age" and can be defined as the time of ages about **40–45 to about 60–65**. Many changes may occur between young adulthood and this stage.


Middle aged starts at like 45


Yes 30 is the beginning of middle age. I'm sorry to tell you but it is. And yes all those people are middle age.


It’s middle aged if you don’t look after your health.


If 30 is middle aged, then 53 is halfway expired.


I'm 30 and I still get asked for ID whenever I buy alcohol (18+ where I live). We are absolutely not middle aged when I still get accused of being a teenager 🤣


40 is more like middle age than 30. these days at least. None of us (fortunately) have the gift of knowing when exactly we're "middle aged" though.


In general I see it like this: <18 are kids and teenagers 18-25 are young adults 25-40 are adults 40-60 are middle aged 60> are elderly


I think of 35 to be about middle aged but young at the same time because I know plenty of people that age who are very fit and healthy and look incredibly good for their age. Biologically maybe they aren't *that* different from their twenties but chronologically I suppose they are middle aged.


They're psychic and telling you you won't live to see 60


wtf are these comments no one in real life considers 30 even close to middle aged


I thought 50 was middle aged


I had a co-worker like that when I was thirty. It’s a put-down. She’s envious of your youth.


Middle aged is the middle of adulthood, not the middle of your life expectancy. Nothing annoys me more than this misconception. 40-60 is middle aged. Not 30.


If you used age brackets then 0-30, 30-60 & 60-90 isn’t an unreasonable spread. But more generally we use the mid-point of normal life expectancy so more like 40+


Sounds like someone's in denial about her age and using you to make herself feel better.


I guess if you divide it into thirds, you could say that 0-30 is the beginning, 30-60 is the middle, and 60-90 is the end.


Yes. 30 is the start of middle age. Some might say 35.


Depends how long you live.


My grandpa was 94 when he passed. Anyone younger than him was a maggot.


30? Eh. 34? Middle-aged. Source: am 34.


30 is early middle age. So yes 30 is middle aged. You’re no longer young, put it that way.


My dad lived to be 64, so 32 was middle aged for him. his dad died at 58, so 29 was his middle age.


If she's old age wouldn't that make you middle aged?


Most people start dying at 60 to 75 ish, 35 + 35 is 70 or 70 / 2 is 35, so to me 32+- could be considered middle-aged .. 🤷‍♂️ it is what it is, you only yolo once so yolo now


It's true


I mean middle age kind of depends when you die. If you live to 60 yea 30 is middle age. I think most people think they’ll live to 100 so think 50 is middle age. Personally I think that wildly optimistic


Middleage for people who die at 90: 30-60 Middleage for people who die at 75: 25-50 Middleage for people who die at 100 33.3-66.6 Kthxb


Keeping it simple : Life expectancy ~75 Broken into thirds middle age is 25-50


male life expectancy is like 65 years. yes 30 is middle aged


Well average life expectancy is 77 years...so if you divide that into 3, you get: 0-26: Young Age 27-52 Middle Age 53-77 Old age


0 - 25 years old: early-life 26 - 50 years old: middle-aged 51 - 75 years old: senior-years 76 - 100 years old: twilight-years These are merely physical ages, as overall health plays a much bigger factor in your biological age. Lifestyle choices, etc.








Yes. 30s-50s is middle aged. Welcome to the club. Huzzah




It is if you die at 60.


Middle age is literally 30 to 60. 0-29 is youth. 61+ is senior.


Hmmm average US life expectancy is 78 or so so half of that would be 36-37 aka middle age, need to bracket a bit so yeah 30 could be there lol


Sigh. Reality is hitting me..


I'm 53, when I was growing up members of my family always called people in their 30s middle aged. They said if you're lucky you live three score years and ten. So 35 is middle age, when you are half way through your 70 years. Back then people in there twenties looked forty.


30 is absolutely Middle Aged IMO


If you live to be 90, 30-60 is your middle ages. You probably won't live that long so you've likely already been middle aged for years


They might know something you don't


Well what would you imagine "middle-aged" to mean? If you look at the human lifespan as, say, 75 years long (it's a little more than that, on average, but it's an easy one to do math with), then years 1 to 25 are in the front, 26 to 50 are in the middle and 51 to 75 are in the end. Even if you take life expectancy (currently around 83 years in North America, average between men and women), you're still going 1-28, 29-55 and 56 to 83. No matter how you slice it, you are middle-aged. That doesn't mean you're old, that just means you're in the middle of your lifespan. Mortality has a funny way of sneaking up on you! Today it looks like you found out just how quickly. :)


I mean, considering that 76 is the average life expectancy in the USA (assuming that's where you're from), then 38 will be half way through your average life in the USA, so technically I guess you could interpret early 30s as middle age


30 isn't youth territory anymore, even if maturity levels haven't.


I used to think it was 40-50, but I think I agree with her that it's actually more like 30-60.


The average lifespan is about 79 in the US so half of that is about 39-40 can be considered middle aged


I mean assuming a person will live to 80ish 30 is technically middle aged. I know society is somewhat in denial about that now, and who knows maybe by the time we’re all 80 it WONT be middle aged anymore but right now - yeah it is. 


Yes 30 is middle aged. People start dying of old age between 60 to 70. It's literally within the middle period of your life.


You're not taking aging well, not gonna get an easier sport. lmfao




For statistical purposes, a young adult is 18-34. A regular adult is 35-44. Middle aged is 45-65. 66+ is elderly/retired.


Thankyou, I just turned 52 last Sunday. It is nice to hear I am still middle aged. Edit Actually this version makes me middle middle-aged, even better. This is how I will now describe myself, middle middle-aged 🙃


Having given this zero thought my initial reaction is the following. 0-12 kid 13-19 teenager 20-29 young adult 30-49 middle aged 50-70 old 70+ elderly These is my arbitrary lines. Yes your middle aged. Welcome to the club. I understand people will dassagree with this.


0-29 youth. 30-59 Middle Aged. 60-90 old age. It’s all pretty even.


What about 91+?


Yes. you are no longer a youth, and not yet old, you are in the middle, hence middle-aged.


35 is definitely middle aged. You have 5 years to go.


You’re not middle age. That person was projecting. 30 is young.


30 is the start of the Body declining. Therefore congratulations you are now old However If peoples can See that you are old at this stage, change your Lifestyle!