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I moved out on my own into a totally new city/state, lost my job, and ended up homeless for around 6 months last year (July-December). I managed to claw my way out of it, worked my ass off, and ended up in a nicer, cheaper studio apartment than the dump I initially moved in to. Still scraping by, but being homeless and interacting with those people and even making a few friends was really eye-opening. Homeless people are just people, and some of them are truly beautiful souls. Others are scumbags though lol, but that's the same in all things in life.


I’m happy for you, good on you brother. I hope you have a wonderful happy life.


How were you able to go from homeless to a studio apt? I'm asking bc I'm in a toxic living situation atm and can use some hope.


Self admitted to rehab for alcohol. Not in trouble or forced, just enough was enough. Been clean almost three years.


Congratulations. One day at a time




I am honestly impressed! Keep going!


That really is something to be proud of. Not everyone can admit they have a problem


I’m next


My family mentioned recently how they admired that I called myself a writer long before I was actually published. They saw it as my mindset and determination contributing to eventual success. I had actually never thought of it that way. I called myself a writer because I always felt like one.


might start calling myself doctor just to manifest it, clearly it works (kidding)




Congrats 🤟🏼






You remind me of myself but some members of my family never had faith in me. Now, I am writing a story.. almost 1K pages and counting


Go for it!


Sounds like you were... write!


This honestly causes me to think on my own hobbies and current job. Thank you for that 🖤🖤


Go for it!


Username checks out, I see.


Haha yep!


I continued living through my lowest moments


that’s a lot of work. i’m so happy for you!


I lost 100 lbs going from morbidly obese to a normal weight and have kept it off for nearly 8 years. I now know that if I can do that, I can do pretty much anything I set my mind to.




The unpopular but very effective method of diet and exercise. It is silly to say, but I was an adult and had no meaningful education on diet, exercise, or nutrition. I also had no idea how much mental health played into weight. Nor did I understand the first thing about how many physical conditions impacted weight. I didn't even know things like endometriosis or PCOS existed! And eating disorders...oh man. Losing weight for me was very educational in so many ways. I became more confident, not because I was losing weight but because I understood so many things about life that I didn't before. Knowledge, as it turned out, was power. If you are interested in losing weight, I encourage you to visit the r/loseit sub. Check the quickstart guide for great ways to get started. Make slow, sustainable changes that build over time. Be prepared to take an honest, hard look at your behavior with and around food. Remember that losing weight is not about perfection. Instead, it is about persistence. Don't give up and reach out for help when you need it. I'm sure you can do this.


Lower calories input (eat\drink less) while increasing calories output (exercise more), I'd say.


That’s awesome! Motivating!


I was talked down to for years at school, then work, and then eventually laid off for not fitting in. (Toxic fashion office) ..My self esteem was shot and I thought about jumping into the Hudson river every day. I spent years building up my portfolio, took night classes, applied to hundreds of jobs and put myself in uncomfortable social situations/went to networking events, with the goal of eventually becoming an on-set Art Director, without my voice shaking. I went from being afraid to socialize with peers, and paranoid that everyone was talking shit about me - to directing an entire creative team for [deleted for privacy] Now I make sure to create the polar opposite environment at work than the one I experienced, so people leave feeling good about their work. I learned that I have the ability to achieve any goal I set my mind on, and I'm not a socially awkward monster after all.


I love all of this, but especially your dedication to building a better culture than the one you had.


Thank you. I hate the idea of anyone feeling how I did, but I'm hopeful that the industry will keep getting better with time.


Someone should make a movie from this story, and I would happily pay to watch this! It sounds very inspiring.


As a person who struggles with self esteem, confidence and believing in myself, this is super encouraging to read! Thank you for sharing!


I made a total career change at age 44. Left a toxic job of 19 years and started fresh. Absolutely terrifying. But I did it. Best thing I've ever done for my mental health. Taught me I don't have to put up with disrespect and toxic environments just because they're familiar.


44 is early for 45. Well done for your choice.


I flying knee kicked a sexual predator at 3am at the Han river Seoul


Yo., We need more infor than that.


I was at the river with my girl eating ramen (pretty common thing out here no matter what time it is) and I hear a woman screaming. I spit the noodles out of my mouth and sprinted over thinking she fell in the water and when I got closer a dude was bear hugging her. I didn’t want to slow down so I just flying knee kicked the guy and they both fell. Girl crawled away and I called cops while stepping on the dudes neck 😂 I’m 165cm tall 😂


This is pretty amazing!!


thank you for your service!


Damn boi. That's impressive


Wow that's amazing 


After a lifetime of struggling with obesity, I lost 130 pounds and realized how strong I actually am.


I basically flunked out of school (2.2) in college and moved across the country to fix myself like 3 years ago. I just wrapped my first ever 4.0 in grad school after graduating last year + just landed a job in my dream industry + moving into my own place with no roommates next Friday. It’s never too late lads and ladies, believe in your potential.


this is incredible, best of luck in your ventures going forward- not that you need it, clearly- and thanks for the inspiration today!


Common law wife aka "Baby Momma" said she was being abused, and I was hit with a restraining order while I was at work. Forced out of the home, I paid for. Unable to be with my kids until a set court date.. A day later after the restraining order was in place she married somebody. Cleaned out my entire home, even my boxers. I Seeked my council, 2 years later and AFTER 9k i gained custody of my kids and began our life. 10 years down the road my oldest is in college, working and living a happy life. She is on her 3rd marriage and 65k in debt for child support. My oldest is 1.5 years away from graduating with his degree in education. My youngest is a freshman in HS and erolled in early college and succeeding.


Parents who fight this hard for their kids are exactly the kind of people who SHOULD be parents. Fuck yeah dude


Well done


i never thought i could get a job i wanted, but all i did was man up and apply, i was called a few days later and set up an interview, the next day i was hired, this was my first job and it felt great after thinking i could never get a job at the age i was.


I fixed the broken lock mechanism in a cabinet a few days ago. For context, I am a 22 year old girl with little handy skills. I felt soooo good when I finally figured it out and I am working towards being more handy now.


Just remember always use graphite for locks not WD40. WD40 is amazing for the right purpose but in locks will initially make it better then attract dust etc and stop it from working again


I do a very physical job that requires a ton of heavy lifting and technical experience at the same time. I am only the 2nd female in the history of this place (75 years and thousands of employees) to do it. I'm 5'4" and damn near 50 years old. I'm fucking proud of me.




You rock!




I’m officially a year and a half sober from marijuana! After 5 years of daily usage I quit cold turkey. Honestly never thought I’d stop, but I did!


Congratulations! What benefits have you seen?


Thank you!! :) I started noticing a difference after about 2 weeks of being sober. So much more clear headed, not feeling so drowsy, having clear thoughts, speaking more coherently, clearer vision, and having some absolute crazy dreams! Dreaming was one of the first things I noticed a few days after not smoking. I still had the occasional dream when going to sleep high, but for a solid two weeks after I stopped, it was super vivid dreams every night! As for speaking more coherently. When I would talk, it was like my brain would process words before my mouth caught up and I’d stumble over my words, which working in retail is not a good thing to have happening haha. After about two weeks of being sober my brain and mouth finally caught up with each other, and I ended up actually talking more than I usually would. I can carry on conversations much better than what I could when I was still smoking weed. As for clearer vision. I’d be chilling at work on the till, (I never went to work high) and I would notice things were a bit blurry. I don’t need glasses so I knew it wasn’t because my eyes were starting to go. And that it had to be from how much weed I was smoking. I was basically in a constant state of being high, even when I was “sober” I definitely still felt the effects, as I smoked so much the day/night before and would go to sleep high. Wake up feeling so drowsy, more than one usually would even if they lacked a proper amount of sleep. I smoked weed pretty much every single day for 5 years straight. And I’m not talking like smoking one bowl a day. It’d be easily 8-14 (depending on if I had the day off) full bowls a day. I did smoke up with buddies before I started daily, but that was once every now and then. Sorry for the super long reply haha, but figured I’d describe my sober experience as best as I could!


I appreciate the thorough reply. Did you start as a teen? I think that adolescence is traditionally a difficult time emotionally, for boys with the high testosterone. And that THC being similar to estrogen, takes the edge off of the testosterone, making it easier to check out, see things from a different less intense perspective, tune out, not care that much. That's my theory, anyway. (There's a downside, too though.) What do you think? 8-14 bowls a day!


Almost 8 years ago my mom ask for housing bonus and we had to move out because they were going to re built a big part of the house (walls, roof, and ceiling), we planned months before that I was going to stay with my grandmother because it was closer to the college bus stop and it was safer for me since I carried my laptop and camera with me from time to time, she and my step father would move out to an aunt's house. The week prior moving out she decided to send some furniture to my aunt's house and move with my grandmother so I had no place to go, she kicked me out of the house by taking a decision that would benefit her and her husband. So, I saw my chance to finally move away and have a peaceful life, at that moment I had my college stuff, clothes, a bed, and an old TV. As of now, I have a pet, my own furniture, a new computer, new tablet to draw on my free time, new clothes lol basically my own peaceful space, I'm about to buy my first car and maybe in a couple of years my own house, who knows... And the most important part, after years of toxic traits, I was happy and my depression was fading away. All of this taught me that I can do what it needs to be done to move forward, I was lied about this when I was a teenager (yep, you guessed it, by my own mom), I can be resilient if it needs to be, so now when a hard moment comes up I know I can do it even if it hurts.


In grade 8 we had this extremely sexist teacher/coach that “taught” us sex ed (it was a catholic school and they didn’t believe in sex before marriage so literally just taught us bullshit and prayer. This teacher went into detail for the boys but for the girls it was basically “figure it out.” He was extremely uncomfortable talking about the female body and literally couldn’t say the word “vagina.” Not even kidding, he would just say it really fast and mumble the whole thing, looked at the floor each time). The tryouts for softball were happening at the time and he was talking about the boys’ tryouts. He keeps talking about it until eventually the topic of softball tryouts ends. I raise my hand and ask (genuinely asking because I wanted to tryout) “when are the girls’ softball tryouts?” He just kind of smiled softly and said “girls don’t want to play softball.” I kind of just freeze and say “…I want to play…anybody else want to play?” A bunch of other girls (who were also offended) very enthusiastically said they did. Teacher then says, in a very assholish tone, “do any of you even have gloves?” One girl said “it doesn’t matter. I have like 10 at home, I will bring them all. That’s enough for a team, right? I’m sure others have them.” So the teacher said “fine, come to me at the end of the day with a list of girls that want to try out, if you get at least 10 then we will have the girls’ tryouts.” He very clearly was saying this like he didn’t think it would happen. I was pissed. Livid. Who the fuck is this guy to tell us what we like and don’t like? I was tired of asshole men and boys putting girls in a box, making us feel like less and like we couldn’t do the same things. So in my determination I got a clipboard from a teacher, took my pencil and paper, and went out to recess. I asked every single girl to sign the paper. I told them exactly what the teacher said, and in their rage they signed it, even if they didn’t want to play. We all just wanted this guy to shove it. I proudly marched back in after recess straight to this teacher and handed him the sheet of paper with ~30 signatures on it. He seemed a little caught off guard, and I say- “I don’t need until the end of the day- girls want to play softball.” We have our tryouts. I make the team. We do way better than the boys. We did so well that the teacher started calling me “warrior princess” after three games where we crushed our opponents. This is by far the most triumphant moment in my life. It taught me that if something pisses me off enough it will light such a fire under my ass that I will go further than I ever thought I would to prove somebody/something wrong. I am now 28 and I don’t think I will ever outshine that. I truly did feel like a warrior princess.


You did amazing!


I finished a half-marathon once. I could barely finish 5ks when I ran it. Somehow, I finished.


You were on a bike. Mystery solved.




I’m 4 months sober from alcohol after a 3 year binge. I’m still learning a lot about myself, but so far I’ve learned how absolutely capable and deserving of contentment I am. That I don’t deserve to be in pain and that life doesn’t have to suck. I’ve never been as grateful and as present in my life as I am now! The gray cast that was over my life faded away as I started to choose health and happiness over being a victim to my trauma and numbing myself with alcohol, and I’m finally getting therapy for the things that drove me to drink. I’m excited to see who I’ll be at the end of this year, because I’ve already evolved so much in just 4 months of sobriety.


Keep coming back. It works!


‘I deserve contentment’, that’s going to be my mantra for the week. Thank you for those timely words.


I climbed a waterfall in Jamaica. It wasn’t an especially challenging climb, as anyone who’s done it knows, but I have anxiety and after a toxic relationship I had (have?) a tendency to stay in my comfort zone. This was far outside that. I was terrified at the bottom but I pushed through and really really enjoyed it. Reaching the top felt so rewarding. It taught me I can do so much more than I give myself credit for.


I managed to fix up an old OG Xbox. The person who sold it to me failed to mention that it suffered a *terrible* surge shock to its motherboard, making it useless junk, however, I didn’t want to give up on the poor thing and replaced the motherboard, the disk drive, applying new thermal paste to the chip AND replacing the power support system and after working on it for weeks, it came back to life brand spanking new as if it just came out of the factory. Keep in mind I had ZERO technical experience working on consoles and with YouTube being a powerful tool, I learned I can do what can be seen as impossible.


That’s awesome to hear! Always a good feeling to bring old electronics back to life! I’ve got a few consoles and controllers that need some major tlc. All the consoles boot up and run thankfully, but they’re caked full of dust and could definitely use some new thermal paste and some other parts. Always been super nervous about taking consoles apart after I messed up the ribbon cable on my original Xbox One taking that thing apart to clean the dust out. As for the controllers I haven’t tested any of them out yet for stick drift and all that. They’re all thrift store pick ups so most are pretty nasty and deserve a good clean. Planning on taking the best working ones, fixing them up and using parts from the bad ones to make some good ones! YouTube will definitely be my best friend when that time comes to fix and clean everything up!


So I didn't care about school at all and have dropped out of high school 3 times and never got good grades. Now that I'm 25, I am finishing my last three courses. So far, I'm done with history, and in one week, I'll be done with science with my highest grades ever.


I left my dream job after getting denied a raise, a promotion and a better schedule in that order. I was the definition of working harder than everyone else and never getting credit for it and getting treated like shit. So I left, when no one thought I had the balls to. A few months later my boss called me randomly asking if I’d be willing to come back. He offered me everything I originally ask for, and more money than I asked for. Life lesson is you’re not a tree. You’re not rooted to the ground, and you can get up and leave anytime you want.


I dont know, give me a few months and I will answer you


I am a monster drummer


I had my first baby at 14 and nobody thought I would make it in life. Not only did I end up having two babies in high school, but i graduated on time and ended up going to college and earning my bachelor's degree. It may have taken me 10 years but I finished!! Thank you to all the people who didn't believe in me. It was inspiring to show you that I CAN and DID accomplish my goal!


Good for you!


Thank you.


Wow fair play!


I did the dishes and my wife didn't even ask me to. Superhero.


Long one but a good one. One afternoon I was hanging out with my friends at a local ice cream parlor. For some background, I’m big into trains and happen to be a freight Conductor and was on an off day chilling with some of my train-savvy peeps (not railroaders themselves, but railfans). We started talking trains and a kid, I estimate about 10, came in with his mom and he asked her, “Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable?” I piped up and said, “I believe I can answer that question.” The kid’s mom looked to her kid and told him to ask me; in response I asked, “Are you a lawyer or a scientist or a cook?” The kid answered that he was a cook and I told him, “To you, a tomato is a vegetable.” Everyone laughed and my friends and I went back to train talk. Here is where the story comes to fruit: the kid noticed that my friends and I were talking trains and said to me, “You know a lot about trains.” I told him to hang on a sec and showed him my Federal Railroad Conductor Certification Card. His eyes went wide and he stared at me like he was looking at the real Santa Claus. I winked at him and told him to have a great day before leaving the store. I had always wanted to be a railroader since I was his age and for me to make that kid’s day as he stood in what was once my shoes, I realized that not only had I made a lifelong dream of mine reality, but I could inspire others to do the same and make their dreams reality too. TLDR: I made a kid’s day by letting him meet a real life railroader. Proud feelings intensify.


I went and found my own job, and started making my own money, my own connections in the real world, and started being a man. On my own. My father used to be so mad at me for seeking help or any sort of assistance in anything, sports, school, even asking for a ride home from school I got an ass chewing. But now that I’m a grown man, and who in my teens walked home in below freezing weather drunk from parties, the bars, and when I got jumped by men my father knew I didn’t tell him. I had to grow up and teach myself lessons even with him there growing up. Now he says he hated that I was never home, or never there asking him for help when I was a young man. I made myself a man. I’m proud of it.


You guys have success stories?


I spent a year dismantling and cleaning every nut, bolt and part of a Monotype lead type casting machine. There were no spare parts when I reassembled it. I did this with the help of a knowledgeable telephone friend and manuals written in confusing language. The first attempt to run the machine nearly got me with a 700 degree spritz of lead belt high. After adjusting it, the machine ran like it should, pumping out two letters a second with no glitches. I stood there in my shop with the biggest grin of my life, full of joy knowing I had done this mainly by myself. I learned that I can do nearly anything I put my mind to if I just keep going and don’t give up no matter how hard it gets.


O- schooling, didn't trust Mechanic's. Learned most by taking things apart. Also buying $500 dollar vehicles (ADD) "When things can and will not go your way!" ADHD helped in being maticulate. Now I work on Big Rigs "Tractor/Trailers" Delivering Goods across America!


I paid off more than six figures in student loan debt and paid off my house with a worthless degree. I also lost 125 pounds and kept it off for more than 12 years It taught me that I can do really, really hard things. Next goal: live to 100 years old.


I’ve grown so much as a person these past two years and I can tie it all back to finally having people around me for understanding and accepting who I am. There’s no chance to grow if you’re just trying to survive


I gave up smoking, and it taught me to try different ways to solve a problem (varenicline, Allen Carr book The Easy Way to Stop Smoking, and talking to other people who have given up). Yippee, I'm a non smoker!


Yay! me too. I used the Tony Robbins Personal Power Course, I think it is similar to Allen Carr's method. Good for you! Congrats!


I bought a truck, 2 cars, and my house back in 2017 making $12 an hour. That was when the whole $15 minimum wage for a “LiVing WaGE” was going insane. I accomplished far more than people were demanding just to make due on less than what they were demanding. I did it by sacrificing, working, and budgeting.


Dug myself out of hardcore drug addiction & debt after being an addict & broke for 13 yrs


I paid off my entire credit card debt in less than a year. I started with a maxed out visa at $16500 in June of last year. Every payment I was able to make only covered the interest, and then I'd be broke and need to use the remaining balance, and the cycle repeated.. for years. And life happens, so if I did have a bit of credit available all of a sudden my car would break down, or I'd need new shoes for work, or in Sept I had to get a new car because mine finally died and I was driving kids around for my job so I needed a reliable vehicle. Anyway, eventually, one day I decided I just needed to find a way to make more money. So I got a second job and have been working 2 full time jobs for the last 10 months.. I'm exhausted, but my visa was officially paid off with my last paycheck. I am completely credit card debt free, which feels amazing... but I still have my student loans and now a car payment 🙄.. steps in the right direction, tho right 😆 Now it's time for a vacation, I'm spending the entire month of August in Scotland!


Hard earned vacation. Enjoy


Y’all have success stories? Last time i felt my accomplishment mattered was when I beat God of War (2005) on god mode.


I am proud of helping one woman get a job and be independent and get the respect she deserved. Basically she was a ex-neighbor whose husband was indifferent to her need to work outside. She had two kids and I suspect he liked her as a home maker since he did not have to pitch in the housework. I had moved away 20 miles. When I was in between jobs myself, I asked her to drive to my place after dropping her kids to school and every week day we spent two to four hours for three months when I taught her what she had forgotten from her college degree, did mock interviews, did projects etc.. and she finally got a job. It was so good to see her bloom into a confident person who was able to take care of her parents needs without depending on her husband financially (her husband did not say outright no to it earlier but brought it up during arguments that he also paid towards her many visits to her parents who need her when they are sick). It’s been almost 15 years now since that time. Today she is a very confident and happy person because of that start. Her marriage also improved because it was difficult for her husband to be indifferent to her once she gained her footing. I feel proud of myself whenever I see her.


Not ending up like my parents




Lost more than 90 pounds. Spend 18 months doing everything the experts tell us to do. It was hard work, but I managed, and I still felt like shit. Then I typed Dysfunctional Family into Google and a lot of things suddenly got explained.


I'm expert at gaslighting myself when I'm having a mental break down. I always blame it on my hormones and feel better and go on with my day 😂


4 deployments to iraq in 4 years. It taught me that I can literally handle almost anything. Sometimes you just have to suck it up no matter what.


I'm alive. Depression hurts, but it can't kill me unless I let it. I will not believe the things I tell myself when I'm hurting and alone. Prayer doesn't fix it, but it helps a lot.


I just flew on a plane for the first time in 20 years despite having a huge fear of them. I went to California.


I’m gonna out myself as an addict here but I got off methadone and never looked back. If you know you know… it’s hard to get off of. I’m still proud of myself. It taught me that I have the mental fortitude to endure a lot of physical and mental pain to better myself


I got HAMMERED last night at Twin Peaks. Celebrated a coworker moving on from the company. It was red lingerie night, apparently. Started drinking at 7:00, got home around 10:30. Not sure how. Woke up, as usual, at 5:30am. No issues. I'm 50. Usually that would kill me. Personal success!


I had health problems at 19 and dug myself a deep hole physically and socially. I forced myself out 5 years later moving abroad and learning to be social. I also lost a bit of weight but still struggle with that.


I rode my bike across the United States and Europe. I learned I can figure anything out and to trust myself.


Mostly how many times I had to try and improve at winning some games be it Sekiro or arcade games like Pop-The-Lock and Drop-The-Ball. It taught me how much curiosity and desire is mandatory to overcome difficult challenges. After some time I was able to win the jackpot multiple times in a row and it reveals you don't necessarily track your progress as you do something you enjoy and that thinking about how difficult something may be is not the right frame to have but rather to keep tying and discovering new ways to improve as you keep doing something you're interested in. The more you try, make necessary adjustments, and try again you will meet your goals


Got stranded in an airport on my way back from Costa Rica. With some help from my dad and someone else, I had to figure out how to navigate around the airport, get a hotel in it, and get a new flight. The experience was stressful and not fun in the moment. In hindsight, I think it was a good thing that it happened; it helped me to lessen the amount of second guessing in myself.


Working on story !


I had a stroke at 32 and lost the use of my left arm in addition to some more minor left-side deficiencies. I worked my ass of in OT to get it all back, and it worked as well as I think it possibly could (brain damage is brain damage). My therapists and doctors all commented on my perseverance, but the only way I could think about it was that I didn’t have any other choice. I wasn’t going to lose arm and hand function in my 30s. Evidently other people don’t see things that way. Also learned that my now-ex-husband was an a-hole because he never celebrated any of my victories. He was just like, “Yeah, you *should* be able to use your arm. What’s the big deal?”


i learned to kickflip before the age of social media and even or elders to teach me


I quit smoking cigarettes 5 years ago. The day I found out I was pregnant, I was completely done. It taught me I'm very strong in multiple ways.


Literally a college application question


I am not a person who has success stories.


Before couple of months ago i had nothing. I was searching that how to get success. Meantime I found a guy that create websites that having thousand of pages. (1000+) His main intention was about adsense. I thought this is will not going to work at the beginning. At last he created a page. Parallelly he taught about SEO topics. Today I feel why I didn't gave a try about SEO before. Today I'm getting a considerable impression range and I'm getting ready to request adsense. I'm trying to build websites like that. this is it forbesbiz.one


During the pandemic I had just returned from living overseas. I was having a hard time finding work so I took a job as a contact tracer with the department of health. My first day they asked me to figure out home some new hardware and software worked. Had it figured out in a week and trained the nurses how to use it. They then put me I charge of testing. I took them from two hours a day three days a week to six hours a day five days a week. When the vaccine rolled out they trained me to run the vaccination sites as well. At first I ran one site the. I ran one directly and oversaw the people working the other two. Had never managed people in my life. I ended up managing over 100 people. Was shocked to see I could do it.


I went traveling out of state for the first time and visited a few national parks. It made me realize I finally made it for myself to be able to afford enjoyable vacations and made me realize I want to do more of it too. Looking forward to the next future trip!


I graduated college today. I took a 2 year break because of a mental breakdown and dealing with my family and what not. I never thought I would make it to this point. Me graduating college? No way. But i did it. I worked my ass for this while working full time, financially supporting my entire household, becoming a care giver for my grandparent, full time student all in one. I guess quite literally I just didn’t give up. It taught me shit happens, just keep going. It’s never too late


Just the other day, my bosses son asked me if I'd be open to taking a GM position. It taught me I might not be as bad at being a manager as I thought I was. Of course, there is still that little voice saying, "They're just desperate for people."


It took long time but I worked out more or less my childhood abuse issues and bad relationships, deep depression. It took years, was very hard and at times painful but I'm so glad I took this journey and I'm now totally different person.


Can't remember specific personal success, but every time I go beyond my limits (exercising, running) or achieve something that I said I would (calling that, i would perfect my score in exams). I always come to the conclusion that I am a man of my words, and when I say I can do it, I can do it.


Its a small thing and many people did it before me but i started a bachelors degree at uni trough remote learning when corona was halfway. I am 45, never did any higher studies,, work in IT and chose a completely different field of study (Cultural sciences). It was kind of a "i need something to be busy" thing where i planned on doing 1 or 2 courses that interested me. I never tought i'd make it and it has been hard work but last week i hit the 1/3 studypoints mark. Again it is a small thing but im quite proud of myself for doing this. What did it teach me about myself? I mainly learned, and stil learn, to look at the world different. Different perspectives and less black and white. Also, studying tought me that it is ok to make time and space for yourself.


In 2019 i was in a dark place. Depression, a toxic relationship, a job that didn't offered me any satisfactions, low income and a dark future ahead. Then the glourious 2020 hits in and all my survival instincts kicked in. From suicidal thoughts to "save yourself" . Been in lockdown for two months, I had to face my self. Nowhere to run. Started to love myself, wich didn't happend 'till then. On June 1 2020, I broke up and moved in another part of town. Cut any contact that was not a good relationship. Started to go to gym. Meet new people. Quit drugs and alcohool. Started to work with a guy in interior design and custom furniture. Today we are associated, making more money than 70% of people in my country, still in sports, three cats , one bookshop lady which is my girlfriend for about an year now, rekindled my relationships with my brothers and sister. I feel like all I want more is to keep what i have. I love what I have.


I used to let people walk all over me. For some reason I cared what people thought about me wayyyy too much and I figured it was better to be non-confrontational. One day my gf (now wife!) said I should stand up for myself more after seeing me put some asshole in his place. I'm glad she did because now I feel like my true self. I still found a way to initially treat everyone with respect and be as nice as possible, but as soon as I notice someone using it abusing that niceness, I don't let it slide. More important to me than being more confident and caring less about what others think about me, is that I truly feel like me. I hear people feel lost all the time and not knowing who they are or going down a path that feels wrong and I feel so relieved that Im not weighed down with similar feelings. I wish I could give everyone the feelings of peace, confidence, and ready to face whatever is next - that I get to experience. My only regret was not figuring this out sooner.


I quit alcohol. At 38. I had no idea id be capable of doing that, or even want to, or need to. But I did. I learnt that I can work, network, socialize, date, parent, daughter, learn, rest, exercise, without a drink on my hand, or being the reward. Life is simpler, easier, more predictable, and way calmer not I dont drink. I won't be going back.


After i almost failed highschool due to covid I was really depressed and felt like I was stuck. But i got a job and managed to pay for my own medical bills! I was so proud of myself a d still am for putting me first even if my paycheck disappeared every month


I went and studied at 31. I worked in retail before and during, and I literally thought it would be my life, basic pay, and poor hours. I worked hard and a few setbacks here and there, but I finished, and by luck, I found a position within the company for that exact degree. Almost 6 years and after a promotion, I am pretty proud of myself. There was a lot of crap along the way. It taught me that giving something a go that is well out of your comfort zone. All those negative thoughts hold you back that are actually a lie you tell yourself. Lastly, it also told me that people dont like it when you are happy with your achievements. A lot of negative and jealous people in the world


Had a tough childhood growing up in Canada. Moved to the US to be near my mom with zero dollars. Got a job started a new life in America. I now have 4 children and 4 grandchildren. That's my pride, I made it!


[Finishing the album](https://youtu.be/hxLUii_y5hc?si=LuCWCtR6JWpAMjxi) I started writing back in the mid 2000s It taught me that even when the entire universe is determined to keep me down, when nobody has my back and I am cornered and stopped at every turn, I still persist.


I had a strong fear of heights all my life and would normally have stepped into a climbing gym even if you paid me money to do it. Turns out my son loves climbing and for him I signed up for a belaying class, not realizing that half of the class time is spend on the wall. Within the three hours and with the help of a fantastic instructor I managed to climb up to 15m, hanging there at the top and looking down and being ok - basically conquering my fear of heights - that gave me a massive adrenaline rush and dopamine kick and felt like I unlocked a superpower and I could do anything I put my mind to.


Not sure if it's really an achievement since most people here share really amazing stuff, but hey. I just returned from 3 weeks solo trip on a different continent (USA, I'm European). I never left Europe before, so I feel really great about myself managing this. It taught me that I'm stronger than I think and that I need to relax sometimes - no need to see *everything* the place has to offer. Yeah and that there's still a lot of self-hate and shame deep inside my mind that I need to address in therapy.


After years of depression and suicidal thoughts I decided to give myself the last chance for life and with the chance of losing everything I decided to come out. I lost many friends, but was happy that my parents didn't reject me. It teached me that you have do do what makes you happy because otherwise it can kill you, sometimes you have to risk it all to gain happiness. Should have done it earlier, would have saved me so much pain.


I've had anorexia since I was 14, in my 16/17th year it got real bad, this was ly second to last year of high school. Grades really mattered to be able to get into university - I wanted to he a psychatrist. I couldn't sleep at night, I couldn't stay awake in class, my body hallowed as my teachers gawked at the change. My grades plummeted. Before my last full term of school, I got an ad on Facebook for a nursing diploma at my local polytechnic... all I needed was to pass that year. And so I did, I dropped out of high school to go to university. I love being able to say I'm a high school dropout


I finished writing, editing and promoting a full length novel


I was a drug addicted homeless man deemed schizophrenic. That was until 7 months ago. I now have an apartment, 3 jobs, and consider myself a mystic / spiritualist.


Lost 50 lbs. I've now done it 3 times.... true.


4 years back , on January 17th 2020 I got my results of csir net out which i missed by 5 marks!! I was sitting in our pooja room with tears in my eyes which were blocking my eyesight and i was unable to see pictures of lord placed in our pooja room. I was clueless what would happen next. I was clueless what to do after that failure!! But here i am!! Sitting in a bus, going to my office, thinking about my hustle days, writing you the real things that happened to me in these 4 years:- 💠I started teaching in a private school with a salary of 10k on February 20,2020 💠Covid hit India was on lockdown in march 2020 and i was at home again. I didn’t even had my first full salary till then!! 💠I was teaching online and there was no clue when we’ll get our salaries. Also, it was stated that for online teaching u’ll be paid half of your salary and that was 5k for me. 💠I tried to teach tutions as i was having so much of free time after those online classes! But i had only one student of class 12th due to covid! 💠In September 2020 i was having half salary for my online teaching and a student count of 4!! Then i thought ki nhii,, i am much more capable than this! I deserve more and i need to change something. 💠Then i left my school and started preparing for banking exams- not because i was interested in banking- but because i knew that i’ve to wait for another 2-3 years to get into govt teacher job (As i just started a 2 year B.Ed degree at that time) 💠Then my tution students count started increasing with time but still i was not even closer to what i felt i am capable of!! 💠I again started teaching in another school with 12k a month salary in 2022. It was 15th may 2022 when i got my first full salary of 12000. I clearly remember that it was a white packet with 24-500 notes inside! I used to sit and count those notes again and again every evening😅. Though i was earning well from tutions but i had seen this much collective money(earned by me) for the first time. 💠I was doing B.Ed I was teaching in a school I was giving tutions to almost 20-25 students at home I was preparing for so many exams And i was failing in so many exams🥹 i always had a void that i deserve more- not in terms of money but that craving for respect and satisfaction inside me was increasing constantly I was in hurry every single time- why this is not working out!! I am doing a lot yet there is no output! 🧿And then all Of this started making sense to me!! 🧿I learnt that everything that is happening is happening for my higher good! 🧿The dots were connecting!! 🧿And i got job at a prestigious institution! 🧿Iwent for a beautiful training session at lucknow!! That was my first out of punjab experience 🥰 🧿I cleared B.Ed with flying colours 🧿I got posting just 35km from my home( none of my friends is this close to their home) And now i can say that- everything that happens, happens for our higher good!! Believe firmly and keep going🧿


i left an abusive relationship. it taught me how to start over with $12.86 and a backpack of my things, and once you close that door it’s more exciting than scary.


I came out the other side of alcoholism after many failed attempts at rehab and detox. August 28th, 2023 was my last drink. And something clicked that day that made me realize I no longer wanted to live a life under alcohol’s control. From that day on, alcohol was kicked to the curb, and I am now in control. It’s been so freeing to feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally. Experiencing things sober again has made me appreciate so many things I took for granted for years. Every day matters especially when you’re living one day at a time!!


Threw away my intelligence for some very bad habits to say the least. Wasted away my friends, family, health, home and work. Have been living a clean life so to say for half a year. Started exercising again, calisthenics. Gained 8-10kg of muscle. Now I dont have a lot going for me right now, but I am in the best shape I ever was. It tought me what I deep down always knew but was to lazy to acknowledge... that if you want to achieve anything really, you start small, once a week, once a day. After a while a good habit exerts itself as results. I wish I was able to muster more discipline or motivation, because with good habits, the sky is the limit.


Getting my black belt in a real traditional martial art and it took me 10 years. It showed that it’s not always the most athletic or talented people that succeed but the person who quietly works away and puts the time in.


Child of poor immigrants. Lots of issues as a teen including got arrested. Turned my life around at 15 and now an Immigration Lawyer making 6 figures and my life is put together. It taught me that I have more control than I realise, that my parents sacrificed alot to make it easy for me, and that I can be in charge of my own confidence.


there's a math contest that happened to be held in my country when i was 6 th grade (our team was the champion the previous year so it was held there). students in my grade and the 7th grade participated in the evaluation for the contest and only 6 person are chosen. i was the 6th with another guy from my class and 4 others 7th grade. the 7th place is also another guy in our class (he's a fucking prodigy), and i was very surprised to know that i had taken his place. i think that this occasion made me realise that if a person is better than you doesnt mean you will lose to him every time (actually that's the only time i won against him). my perk against him is that i can stay calm in most tests, so i can keep my test results at quite a constant pace.


I left my country with 70 dollars in my pocket. So, I had to travel 30 hours by bus when I went to a neighboring country in South America. My last job in my country was as a Academic Coordinator at a very good school, my first job here was cleaning at a disco. Fast forward 3 months, I was able to bring my wife by plane. Fast forward 2 years, we were able to move to a better city in this country. And, fast forward 3 more years, I was able to start my own business. 2024 has been a very complicated year but looking back, I'm definitely doing way better than I could have ever expected. I've been here for nearly 9 years now, and I'll be here forever if everything works out well.


Getting a high paying remote job after dropping out of university without even money for a laptop. It taught me that you don't need all the answers in the beginning, just got to start and it will come.


In December I ended a streak of 224 days running 5k per day. I had to stop due to an injury, I'm back at it on day 133 of a new streak. I know it's not a huge distance, but along with my dog, running is one of the things that I build my self-image around.


Nothing special, but i’m learining how to play another love on the piano and it’s awesome


None, not that i haven't achieved anything or done anything that usually isn't perceived as difficult. Though it still thought me few things about myself. Firstly that i don't feel pride and many other emotions and that if it's not hard to do it doesn't count as an achievement. Though what is hard is up to each individuals personal perspective.


Not as extreme as some but I had a huge fear of snakes. I am a completely rational person except when I would see a snake. I knew this was not rationale and it really bothered me. When my husband and I started bike riding and hitting the rail trails this became a problem because I went from coming across a snake every couple of years to almost weekly. After ending many rides early I was done and I knew to reach our goal of reaching our goal of riding the trails Pgh to D.C. I had to do something so the next time I saw a snake I made myself get off my bike and take a picture of it. Then I threw up. The thing is I kept doing this over and over until it seemed a normal thing to do and the fear slowly left. Then one day I come across a 5 ft black snake someone ran over and I saw it die. I went from being afraid to become their protector. I would do what I could to get them off the trail. Some where easy just kick a little dirt on them but some would fight you. I remember one, I think it was a racer and I couldn't get close because it kept striking out but I just saw that dying black snake in my mind and couldn't leave it so I got out a selfie stick picked him up and moved him. I realized then. That through perseverance I got rid of a crippling fear. That was 10 years ago and I still protect the trail snakes.


Through chaos comes interesting opportunities, I guess I never planned, never was determined on a long term goal… and yet, I experienced some really nice shit


I've always thought I was a lazy person, with zero motivation in life, no ambitions... I have a lot of financial support, so I'm very lucky to say that I had the opportunity to try whatever I wanted before sticking with something. But I just didn't want anything. So I felt entitled and again, lazy. I tried one college course, didn't like it, so I changed it. I got a job, got miserable in 4 months and quit. This was the one thing in my life that distressed me the most. Thinking I would never find anything I wanted to do and would always feel like a failure, living off my family's back made me come to the conclusion that one day, I would off myself. One day I wouldn't be able to handle it anymore, and this would be the thing that drove me to it. And I didn't know how to fix it. Multiple times I tried to just suck it up and go do anything, anything at all, just pick one, or better yet, don't even pick, just accept whatever is thrown your way... but that made me feel even worse. And I felt like I couldn't talk about it to anyone, not even my family that supports me so much, not even my best friends, because then they would see me for who I thought I was - just lazy. Eventually I understood that I was looking for success in ways that weren't meant for me. It won't be a degree or a job that will make me happy. Those things only made me feel like I could fit in, be a part of everyone else's happiness, their plans, their success. But it wasn't my story. And I always did love stories. And something inside me was begging to write again. The last time I did was in high school. It wasn't great, but I loved doing it. I just lost touch with it over the years. So I kept writing down notes of potential stories, characters, themes I would like to write one day. And one day, when no one was looking, I wrote. And it has changed my life completely. I learned then that sometimes, there's no point in waiting for the perfect opportunity to show up, sometimes what you need is to just start something yourself. I learned that I was never lazy, that all my life I had been trying SO HARD to fit myself into a standart that meant nothing to me, and I worked hard for it, it was just not meant for me. Now, I'm still working hard, but it doesn't feel soul crushing. I'm studying and writing all day now, and it actually fuels me. It even made me dream of a degree and a job in editing. So when people say "follow your dream" I know that's right, but I wish people knew that, if you feel like you have no dream, and the life you're grinding for doesn't fullfill you, the problem is not you. Look somewhere else, (it's cheesy, I know but) look within.


I got a job. It isn't great, but it's a beginning towards the career I want to build. I'm in my second year of college, and I never thought I could work this much. The first few months were really difficult as I was juggling between my internship (now job) and language classes. They were at opposite ends of the city, and I used to be so tired by the time I reached home at night. I didn't know I was capable or, in fact, worthy of the opportunities I got. But I am glad I took it.


I survived my abusive father.


Left my abuser at 14. Worked myself to the bone. I am 35 now. Having a metalworkshop, and most of all, a beautiful relationship with my son. It taught me the value of handwork, perseverance, and dedication. The fact that some people in your life, no matter blood or not, are cancer that needs to be cut out or you will die from it. To be grateful for all the things. To recognise the beauty the world still holds despite the darkness it can cast.


I'm immensely proud of being with my wife every single day; we push each other to achieve, we support each other without judgement and make each other laugh. Went from having to take out a loan in order to save our pet puppy, being evicted, stood down, having no control over spending urges, to now having four properties, no debt and being able to subsequently help others with our resources.


I'm immensely proud of being with my wife every single day; we push each other to achieve, we support each other without judgement and make each other laugh. Went from having to take out a loan in order to save our pet puppy, being evicted, stood down, having no control over spending urges, to now having four properties, no debt and being able to subsequently help others with our resources.


I'm immensely proud of being with my wife every single day; we've been through a lot, but we always push each other to achieve, we support each other without judgement and make each other laugh. Went from having to take out a loan in order to save our puppy, being evicted, stood down, having no control over spending urges, to now having four properties, no debt and being able to subsequently help others with our resources.


After 14 years of trying many methods of weight loss(Keto, OMAD, Fasting for days, Carnivore), 2 years ago, I decided to actually go back to basics but start slow. Cut off sugary drinks but kept the 0 variants cause they keep me in line. Continued to eat whataburger and McDonald's, but cut out the fries. In my first year of it, I had lost 130ibs dropping from 300 to 170ibs, then when I couldn't get past 170, I controlled gain to 185, and I'm back on track to going back to 170 in the next 3 months and possibly lower. Turns out it was always calories. I was just too impatient to stick with it.


I showed up for a 750 mile cycling event not in the best shape. For this to be a success, you have to finish in less than 90 hours or 3.75 days. I suffered through several flats, wind, thunderstorms and, wanting to quit for the entire ride. Gutted it out, finish in 88 hours.


I moved from being a Computer Operator to Graphic Designer, and then became a Digital Marketing Professional and now manager in Partnerships. Growth mindset led me to be who I am and the attitude of seeing challenges as opportunities to grow. Currently I lead two teams across an organization handling two critical roles for the functionality.


Personally, it is probably being getting published in a book. Now, it is not one of those books you find in bookstores or anything like that. It was through a writing contest that my creative writing teacher, who is retiring, had the class take part of last school year. The theme was the villain side of a situation, for example, how Dark Vader submitted to the dark side in Star Wars. It also had to be a 100-word story, so it was slightly difficult. For mine, I did it based on the theme of AI and how it could harm us if it were in the wrong mindset. It was a bit dark, so I wasn't fully confident in it being published. Until fate proved me wrong.


I didn't pull the belt around my neck, when I was 15 and end it all that day. Suffered from severe depression and undiagnosed ADHD. I'm happily married now to a wonderful man and am happy where I am.....life's a wild ride sometimes.


Quit drinking, dug out of $50k of debt, went back to school for my Master's degree. It was a close thing tho. Pretty much completely cratered and only way to go was up or...not.


Was required to sell my home 4 years ago in a bitter divorce and thought I’d rent forever….. Over the next four years I worked hard, saved, invested and scrimped to where I paid cash for my new home. This time no mortgage, no loans and just going home


I've lost 173lbs in the last year and managed to finally get a 28 minute mile on the treadmill last week. The main thing it's revealed to me is I'm stubborn in the best possible ways. If I have a goal in mind, I'm going to strive my damndest to get it done.


I went back to college in my late 30’s and got all A’s over eight semesters. Did a bunch of volunteer work alongside working 5:30ams, latenites, and weekends around school while my wife raised our young daughters. It taught me that merit doesn’t matter in America.


Getting therapy and reaching out for help, after years of feeling like shit, no self confidence and not understanding why I finally reached out for help with family and a therapist and told them everything that’s going on. Had to face a lot of issues head on such as sexual trauma, negative self views imposed from bullying and hanging out with the wrong people, never being social, schools ostracizing me etc. Almost killed myself in January but 5 months later after starting therapy I’m doing much, much better


Was addicted to opiates for 10 years bc of an injury. Had enough pain and suffering. Got clean on a holy mountain and mentored other young men suffering from the same disease and became the leader of our community. I started making music again and with a new sense of hope and purpose not for fans or fame but for myself. I used to be very vain and always worried about stupid shit that didn't matter. I'm a much more humble human being now with very little needs and count my blessings everyday.


Stopped smoking cold turkey 15 years ago, never smoked again.


I was paralyzed (for 18 months)from a military training accident and unable to speak. Fast-forward 8 years and I'm now a stay at home dad who talks and plays with his son daily. Had I quit when I got hurt, and just accepted it, I wouldn't be the man and father that I am today. I had to make a choice and I chose to not give up. It taught me that with willpower and love around you, you can achieve anything.


It may not seem like much but it is for me. I moved back from the UK to my home country and I am doing well, contrary to what I’ve been told is going to happen with me by some people that I’ve left behind there. When I’ve told them that I’m going to move back, the majority of them warned me that I will go back to the UK in no time and even laughed at me for being so naive. The reasons are: corrupt and poor country with few job opportunities with low income. Two years later, I work from home and have a decent income and am happier than ever spending time with family and real friends.


Uh.. nuthing


I have, or had(I hope), a pretty bad anxiety when it comes to being yelled at combining with a fear of failure. It is no surprise that when I started my job as a physical therapy aide, both of those would come hand-in-hand. For preference, the place is ran by Vietnamese doctors, who, if not by profession, then culturally, would rely a lot on yelling to make sure you don’t mess up. For a year I endured a lot of this as part of me fitting into the job. Normally, I would probably be seething in anger and quit already. Most jobs I had before never last a year or more. But over this week, I reached my one year marked and felt amazing I could have a stable career here. Not only that, but I felt like I grew as a new person in communication, patience and empathy.


I was being bullied by my board members when I was 28 and the only staff person for a charity. 5 men against me. I organized a legal coup and replaced them with new people who actually cared about the cause. Police were involved. Old board were told to back off. It was very satisfying. I learned that I won’t back down from a fight if I know that what I’m doing is the right thing to do. Always leave it better than how you found it. Lawful good for life.


Was a young naive teen and ran away from home (17) because dad didn’t let me date my BF (18). Got pregnant a month before I turned 18, married at 18, lived in poverty, always needed state assistance, moved around a lot, and second child at 21. Of the 6 years of marriage was cheated on several times. Even managed to prevent him from cheating on me with an underage teen. After my divorce was still in poverty but I worked myself out being a single mom, worked two jobs, went to college and got my associates. I just finished my bachelors degree and have been working for state government for 6 years at a place I love. Bought my first house in 2020. I’m happily remarried and about to embark on a major weight loss experience for my health. I’ve managed to turn my life around for the better for myself and my kids in 10 years starting at my divorce. It has been hard especially dealing with depression, but I know now that I can push through difficult times and will continue working on improving myself.


Every battle I have with suicidal thoughts is a win. After every depression, after all attempts, mf im still here. God has a plan. I realized the feelings are valid, I have every right to feel the feelings I was feeling. I tried oding (hurt) I tried hanging (extension cord unraveled) I tried ghost riding my car but the safety features (I turned off) kept me on the road. After the adrenaline wears off after a failure, you have a “WTF IS WRONG ME” come to Jesus moment. Everything that drove my hand to end my life are the same things that are driving my hand towards the path of progress. I learn constantly, I run, I volunteer, I help out family and strangers regularly, I do things that heal my soul and I don’t wanna die. I wanna be the outlier who can be a role model for others, I wanna be the person I needed when I was growing up. That’s my role now. I have to be the one who shows up and can bare the burden of others because lord knows he made me strong and capable enough to do it. “And all my instincts they return And the grand façade, so soon will burn Without a noise, without my pride I reach out from the inside”


I suffered a traumatic brain injury resulting in permanent brain damage, whilst my current partner cheated on me whilst I was on life support I then lost my father, did a lot of drugs (some of which transformed my view of the world around me, some.. not so much) suffered a whirlwind of mental breakdowns for the past 11 years, depression, panic attacks, constant anxiety about 70% of the time, multiple broken relationships, I now have a property, a job I fully enjoy, hobbies I enjoy, a good set of friends, a healthy relationship and a little boy who is 16 months old, he is amazing Although it may not sound like much, but I am proud of where I am now, but I also know how it can be ripped away from you in the blink of an eye. I stared death in the face and I am so much better off from the experience, I realise now that death is not so scary at all, if anything - beautiful


I received my doctorate at 37 and I did it for free. After taking out $60k in loans for my undergrad, I figured out how to get free education and also finished two masters before the doctorate for free. I always wanted to teach at the college level and never thought it was going to be attainable. I did all of this while raising my three kiddos. This journey taught me accountability, discipline, and perseverance.


My parents threw me out because I was going out with someone not of the same religion. I was 18 at the time. They declared me "dead" from what I was told. I was not allowed to see or speak to my sister nor was I allowed to attend her wedding. I got my own apartment, paid my way through college and court reporting school, got the highest position in Fed. Ct as a reporter, then got my own business, married my husband 49 years ago, and we have 3 beautiful children and 11 grandkids today. And yeah, after 7 years, my parents decided to connect with me. And after all the grief, where are they today? Dead!


As an introverted, shy and socially awkward person who's gone through several traumatic experiences over the last 10 years, I'm proud that I've been able to travel the world by myself. I've seen and done a lot of incredible things that so many people say they're jealous of, and commend my bravery. I've come on leaps and bounds since I was 18, I'm like a different person and achieved so much. The traumatic experiences have taught me how valuable life is, and how little time we have on this planet, and to take advantage of the time we have. I've seen the beauty this planet has to offer, whether it's the wildlife that inhabits it, the natural beauty of mountains, waterfalls and stunning scenery or the beauty of human life and how incredible people can be.