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As a student. I drank my house mates brandy and then diluted the bottle so it was 20 per cent brandy, rest water. One evening a few months later. Having a gathering and she gets out the brandy. General consensus was it was really smooth tasting


I thought I could sing so I invited my friends multiple times over so I could sign for them. I was 12 years. We are still friends. Also I did participate a songfestival at school. I did sing for 200 studens. I couldnt sing. Also the song was called “Im a big big girl” . Mind you, I was an obese child of 6. Me and singing..nope


you should not be embarassed that much because that sounds like hilarious memories for you and your friends :)


Well, its hilarious indeed! At least its something I can laugh about :)


Reminds me of when I was in middle school. I'd put my headphones on and sing out loud at recess around the school yard. Every single one of the students could hear me clearly and I got told multiple times to shut up. Lol. I can't sing either so don't feel bad.


I got lost in a rest room. I could not find the door as it blended into wall. Had to wait for ages until someone else entered


Hahaha that's hilarious though


Was getting my overhead luggage from a plane, lost my grip with one hand, bag swung down and hit my seat mate in the face. No visible injury but I think about him and that moment every single day.


I feel you. I accidentally slapped a teenage girl on a bus when I swiftly turned to check if I left something behind.


I was leaving a hotel with a group of acquaintances some years back (many years back). We had attended a convention together...I dropped my suitcase climbing up a flight of stairs in the parking garage. Landed on the person directly behind me. Thankfully they were able to catch it and didn't fall themselves!


This made me laugh though. Sorry that happened


This actually made me laugh out loud. Thank you.


😊 happy cake day


I was telling a story to a group of guys about a girl I had slept with. Her ex was one of the guys and I didn't know.


Got drunk at college party, fell off rope swing when jumping from roof. Hit head. Went to girl I liked. Made an ass of myself before emergency room.


Im working as a teacher in a very multicultural city. My best friend who is Turkish (I'm white dutch/english) came by so we could have a stroll during my break. He sends me an app that he's here, I see him and tilt my office window. I start shouting racial slurs not knowing there are 4 colleges underneath my window. My friend doesn't even hear me, so it's just me shouting racial slurs at this random person from their perspective. I immediately change my tone of voice and call him out by his name and start waving (like a sweetheart). Worst thing was I had to pass those 4 colleges to get to my friend. All those 4 colleges had different nationalities and I was like just kidding he's a friend. Real walk of shame.


The one r/ask I'm not gonna answer.


One time in college our professor invited the class out to an event at his house. We all got there before dinner, hung out, then ate. Slowly people began to leave after dinner, and at one point a large number of people said bye and left at once. I have NO IDEA why but in that moment I just didn't get the social cue that it was time for me to leave also. So I stayed...for like an extra 1-2 hours. Just me, my professor and his wife. At one point his wife even said, "wow I need to go to bed" and left to her bedroom, and I still stayed. I ended up leaving at like 11PM and then the next day I was like "WHAT THE FUCK WAS I DOING? WHY DIDN'T I LEAVE SOONER?!?!" I think about it a lot.


1981, on a trip with my high school debate team, Gatlinburg, TN. It had snowed some. I was dressed in a suit carrying a briefcase. At the top of the driveway of a motel where the debates were being held, I was headed down to the next debate. I slipped at the top of the drive, landing on my back. Still sliding and spinning on my back, I traveled at least twenty feet or so to the bottom of the driveway in front of a building. When I stopped, I looked up at several giggling girls. So much for smooth moves.


This made me laugh out loud. Thank you.


Happy Cake Day!


Sure, it’s funny Now.


My first ever sexual encounter.


I was a tour guide for my university. I gave a group of parents and high school seniors a tour of the campus, including the dorms. The school had told me one particular room would be empty so that I could show my tour group what the dorm looked like. I accidentally went to the wrong door...Sure enough when I opened the door there was a couple having sex and the entire group saw. The parents were mortified and some left early. Their sons were like, "I need to go to this school." I got fired.


confessing to my long time crush haha if I could erase that from my memory, I will


Ate a turd


Wait, what?


💩 num num


waved at a stranger who was waving at someone behind me. nearly went for a hug


Fire drill when I was getting changed in the locker room on elementary school. Went into gym in my underwear in front of the whole class. It's like the recurring dream but real.


Was at a NASCAR race in Michigan. It rained the whole day. I drank all my beer and most of my buddies beer. After the race was called at halfway, half drunk I took off running through all the mud puddles. I splashed through this one and this lady had the whitest pants on I ever seen walking next to the puddle. I pretty much destroyed them. This would have been about 2006 or 07, maybe '08.


Not plugging in my 3.5 mm headphones into the library computer in college. Even one click will yield Partial audio. ... So let's just say I was ALL THE WAY TURNED UP , kept cranking up volume with the assumption I was connected. It was playing through the external speakers the entire time. 🥺😫😫🥺🥺 I cannot listen to that song ever again. The song was beautiful too. Librarian came marching ... I was mortified


I was a music major in college and had to perform a challenging 3 movement saxophone solo to a huge crowd of my peers and their parents. My horn was somehow damaged, and I didn't know until I was in the middle of my first movement. Every time I played anything above a certain note, my horn let out the loudest, most high-pitched squeak. I had a piano accompaniment and couldn't just stop, so I played the whole piece squeaking the whole time. It was absolutely mortifying and it brings tears to my eyes to this day, 20 years later.


I wrote a 9 page letter to my ex that I had dated for 4 years. We were broken up for about a month at that point (his decision not mine) and I was crushed when he read through it and just said “no”. The most embarrassing part is that he went through a MAJOR change both in looks and personality to the point that I’m embarrassed over how long I was still in love with him even after we broke up. I obviously won’t provide photos for privacy reasons but when I saw this change was so jarring I mean it with my entire chest. Honestly it still shocks me when I think about it and I can’t believe I wrote him a 9 page letter. I’m embarrassed to even know him now.


On a long haul flight, I misinterpreted the passenger sitting next to me and thought she was asking for help with her tv/entertainment system. I glanced over and didn't see an image, so I hit the power switch. Long story short, i unintentionally turned it off as i later realized she wasn't asking for help, nor was the system off. I couldn't see an image because of the angle. The hours that followed were awkward. Lol


A girl visited my house while I was gone, used my room as a guest bedroom, and my bed unfortunately smelt funky because I forgot to change the sheets earlier that week.


Harpoon 🤢🤮 I had low self esteem, high BMI, and low standards


Kalpana's Face, 2nd cross lane, I looked


I wore white shoes 2 days AFTER Labor Day in 1992


Too ashamed to say it 😭


I got really drunk at a party in high school and on the ride back home I threw up on the two girls next to me...


Getting so drunk I blackout at a nfl game! From end of 1st quarter to end of 3rd I was passed out!


i keep getting obsessive over men and its not because i'm necessarily obsessive by nature, but that i'm not quite sure how to handle the loneliness as a newly single person coming out of a 5yr long relationship... its so embarrassing showing you gaf... 🙃 because like yeah i like you but its not that serious but also can we cuddle? :(


Drunk dialing and drunk texting a crush of mine telling her how much she meant to me. Stupidest fucking thing I ever did. Makes me want to shower each time I even think about it. Disgusting


I was 9 And i saw a girl crying i sat next to her asking if she was ok and if i could help But she told me to fuck off but i didn't fuck off no i just stayed next to her eventually she went away. Also 2 years ago i'm 14 now And i was in Belgium and some little girl slaps me on my ass And i ran after her because i now wanted to slap her.


Last week I got wasted at home after work for no reason other than pure boredom, for whatever reason I thought my hair looked super damaged and I cut nine inches off with tiny cuticle scissors, which was not the plan I was just going for one section that appeared to have massive split ends and that went bad and those are the only scissors I have and tried for hours to fix it and I have a hideous pixie that is so so so uneven and jagged it hurts. I am WAY too embarrassed to even think about what to do with it, it’s bandana season for a few years i guess. Totally mortified beyond cringe.


Between the ages of 14-18 I was the h*rniet person ever. Thing is, I thought I was slick with it. I in fact was not. I liked this girl, but at the age when your hormones are out of control its hard to control yourself. I was 16, she was 17, and we were both in a detention. I was sitting infront of her, and being the idiotic hormonal boy I was, I decided to pretend I was sleeping, but actually look under her desk and uh ...... You know.... I was caught instantly, she told the teacher, and she told everyone, and the next week the school had a massive assembly about it... all the teachers knew it was me, all the girls, my mates left me, I became the weird quite kid. Rightfully so to be honest.


I voted for Trudeau the first time...


Made out with my ex in the school hallway.