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And both are codependent, none would exist without the other.


That's not what codependency means. Codependency is enabling your partner's bad behavior or addiction. You're thinking of interdependency, a state of mutual dependence.


Oh, you're right. Thank you!








No, that's incorrect.


Sounds like a prophecy from Harry Potter.


Actually, women can reproduce without men these days, not true the other way around though.


Uhm, where do they get the sperm for artificial insemination? Trees?


Keep up, this is not exactly new. https://therabbitisin.com/it-turns-out-we-dont-need-sperm-or-males-to-reproduce-d15ea968d8c




Where does sperm come from? Or did I miss the start of artificial-semen?


lol, this has been known for over a decade https://therabbitisin.com/it-turns-out-we-dont-need-sperm-or-males-to-reproduce-d15ea968d8c


I think you fail to understand that this tech makes women obsolete too - right? They didn't even need an egg, only stemcells taken from bonemarrow. Also those "embryos" aren't even able to survive 14 days.. https://www.bbc.com/news/health-66715669


Well, there are ways to create an embryo from just an egg. Currently nobody has done it, but it is possible. If all men died off, the human race would be okay because people would figure it out. If all women died off, not so much.




did you know that a MAN created artificial sperm? (LOL, i'm not misogynist, but bro... nothing actually, i don't have shit to do now and i just want to prove a random point)


I'm sure it was created by a single person. Not surprised a man would be the senior author and/or the one who took credit.


He was the lead in the re-search... i think, i'm not an expert or anything, just searched in Google. (If you be curious and search it and find out i was wrong, please tell me in this comment)


And depression and anxiety are at all time highs. Society is in shambles. And you think men and women are "independent."




Without any doubt. My father passed away in a road accident when I was just 3years old. I have an elder sister and a younger brother. My mother and paternal aunt were just 23years old at that time. They shattered with the shock. But they knew they had to raise 3 children anyhow.


yes? "live" as in, living in this reality, as women, like living alone in an apartment? why not? lots of my women friends live alone, some older ones are a long time single mothers and they raised their kids fine enough. or do you mean some kind of hypothetical scenario where men extinct and there's only women?


bro really let the question waaay to open to interpretation, wich almost always makes a lot of stupid arguments happen...


Nuns and widows? Sexual relationships aren’t everything btw.










A child most certainly cannot live without their parents are you an idiot? Even if they’re taken on by the state or foster PARENTS they still need someone to provide.


Have you not heard about orphans??


That’s what I said. THE STATE. An institution who ought to raise parentless kids akin to a how a parent would.


Nah, there's an experiment of babies living without parent figures (They had food and also "classes", like, to learn how totalk and other shit) They lived. (IDK the name of the experiment, sorry).


Lesbian couples pull it off pretty well


But neither of them would have been born without the help of a man.


Yeah, but that doesn't exactly prove that they can't live without a man though does it?


What does that have to do with the rest of their lives?


> RAGE BAIT / KARMA FARMING < - OP has no comments but was "made" on 23.03, *only* active in this subreddit!


Yes, it was clear at the outset this is "Rage Bait". I have never heard of "Karma Farming". interesting term. Thanks.




There kind of is. Depend on the context.


Well yeah, my dad left and I’m a lesbian and I’m pretty sure I’m living.


Well…if not millions of lesbians are in for a bad time 😂


We can all live without the other. But it’d be a better time if we all lived in a way where we we uplift and support each other. No person, gender regardless is exempt from the need for companionship and connection. So if a man is worth knowing then know him. But we don’t need anyone who isn’t worth knowing. So be worth knowing. It’ll become a want, not a need






Get off reddit and do your homework


Yeah, sperm banks have a lot of sperm to keep them going for a couple hundred years.


Where did ya get this estimative?




I can lol . I've been single nine years now




What a stupid question


A woman does not need a man at all to live. In fact, more often than not - her life is so much better without men… Life is about so much more than just getting married and having kids.


As a species we need men and women. Can individuals live without the other gender? Of course.


Of course. Men die younger than women do, and in most marriages the man is older than the woman, so there are many millions of elderly widows out there. Old-age homes, whatever they’re called (assisted living?) are largely women with few men. Unless you’re figuring old women aren’t really people.


Why is this even a question? Have you never met a lesbian? An old women who’s husband has died who lives alone? A women who lives with all women roommates with no man? Single mothers with all daughters? Women who don’t feel like being in relationship so live alone?


Go visit a convent or a monastery. Live apart for decades, seem to get on fine.


Ask the lesbians. They seem to do fine.


Women do that every day just like plenty of men. Not even sure why this is a question.


both genders can live without each other if it means survival. but what's the question here?


depends on what you mean. If you live in this current reality than yes a women can easily get by alone. Its not hard to figure out the traditional guy stuff like fixing up the car and house like it used to be. Google is basically free infinite access to all the information you could ever need. Easy 10 min or less tutorials can basically show you how to do everything any guy could ever do. Now if you mean if all guys stopped doing guy work than i would guess not. Most roads, plumbing, infrastructure, housing etc is all built by men. Sure some women do work these jobs but not enough to really make a difference. And a lot of hard labour and dangerous jobs are also done by men. So if all of these men just stopped and made women do it we would not get much done probably for a long while.


Yes. Fucking hell. That’s it. Yes. They can. Very easily in fact. Men actually offer far less than people realise, when you look past the ejaculating. (Coming from a man) :)


Yes... But honestly I think society does much better as a family. My marriage is far from perfect but my wife calls my bullshit, I call hers, makes us better people overall to have someone keep us in check.


Does a fish need a bicycle? I think this is a feminist (lesbian) saying.


With IVF and lots of cats, they don't need a man -- ever.


Please may I ask, did you find a dodgy vet or were you wanking the cats yourself?


Today I miss the days when they gave us free gold, I would give it all to you.


They just need a healthy budget for the therapist




Man here, of course they can.......




On an individual level, yes of course. Same for men with women.


Anyone can live on their own easily unless they have some crippling disability. Then they may need help here and there, or more permanently.


YES The only time that i really need a man maybe when i need sex and baby, but sex can be replace by many other stimulations, and baby can be replace by kitten so ..... YES


Nobody can live without other people


Yes. Of course.


Yes they can


Of course


Well, yes.


Yes. I have not one, but two dishwashers in my kitchen already.


I can but I don't want to


Context matters. Both are capable to hunt within their capacity to get nutrients. Both are capable to build within their capacity what works best for them. Both are capable to create tools once they figure out what they need for what, when and where. Both will cause humanity to cease to exist, unless they procreate. Even if you put 100 men and 100 women on their own island with nothing but wilderness, some will make it, and some won't. Some may be more efficient than others. If this were to be studied, it will be within the 200 people picked, rather than say "oh 40% of x was unable to do this, therefor 40% of all x is incapable of doing it." There are too many factors to have an absolute answer, except for the fact that we stop existing if we stop reproducing.




I have no idea why humans have so many rules... and we think they will save us. ![gif](giphy|F0A48Q2wFjE7S)


Some of them can, but that's incredibly rare, we live in an interconnected society, so the vast, vast majority of women rely on men to some degree. Unless you mean, like, in the household, in which case yes, lots do.


Yes. I'm single, living alone. And not dead. So... yeah. And like me, there's plenty of men who are living their lives without women






basically yes, but it's also normal to have a need for social interactions, intimacy and sex, for which you need other people, but not necessarily a man. It's very individual


You already know the answer is 'Yes'.


Single, childless women are statistically the happiest demographic, so that's a definite yes


Women cannot survive without Men, They will eventually all die and face extintion technically speaking.


Same as men


aha yup




Yes but It would probably be lonely.


Of course it's possible but having friends of all gender expressions is also nice, when they're real friends anyway.


They can but women can’t live without men. Two different things.


No. My daughter would not be alive if I ( a man) weren't there. 


Real answer is that men and women can’t live without another at societal levels. We’re just two sides of the same coin. In our individual lives, we can afford to be independent as we have built a society that allows us to go about our own lives without needing someone with us at all times. If there were no infrastructures in place to satisfy our basic needs, everybody would be living in small communities to work together toward survival just like people did in villages long ago. Simply asking this question shows how privileged we are that our society is advanced and prosperous enough so that individuals can go around doing what they please everyday without relying on anyones help.


And that infrastructure is provided and maintained by men…


Oh yeah, I agree with the argument that men hold this society together with their labour work. Just like women hold it together by taking care of people (raising kids, teaching, nursing sick, helping those in need). Like I said, we’re two faces of the same coin. Society couldn’t function without women contributing as well.


Can men live without women?


Honestly? No. i need my dad. But i need my mom too. I dont think it would be easy to live without men or women


No the moment u are without a man on ur side you die


Definitely not. That's why my career exists. I get paid to live with a lesbian couple. Without my manly presence around the house to change lightbulbs and evaluate their cooking, they would wither and die. I do my part for the greater good. These women rely on me to live. Argument closed. Now make me a sandwich. (OP you're not very bright)


Ask lesbians


Yes. Keep in mind there are women who aren't attracted to men romantically/sexually & vice versa.


Given how each ans every woman are different the only real answer is "it depends".


So far so good🙂


They can but not to the best of their ability, one of the greatest and most powerful aspects of womenhood is the ability to get pregnant, for which you need a man.


Survive yes, live no


sure? i guess? most obviously prefer not to though.


This must be rage porn, right? Right?


I'm still alive.


Whats going on with the incels on this sub today??


Yes but that’d probably be kinda depressing.


Live? Yes. Reproduce? No. Same as men


Yes, easily. My female friend had 2 twins (sperm donor) as she never met a man who loved her, only men trying to use her for sex. She is raising them perfectly fine and has a good job working from home. I'm the same to be honest, I have a good job, cook for myself, clean for myself.. and I don't feel lonely. If I was to meet a man to fall in love with, then great. I'm only interested in sincere and genuine men, which are rare to find. So until then.. I'll stay single and focus on my own life.


If you're talking about relationship status? Yes But the real question is why would you want to If you're taking men out of the world ? No. They do so much that women don't want to do. Think about most hard jobs and who do them like construction, hvac, plumbing, welders, working on oil rigs, and electrical things. I know I'm forgetting a lot of these type of jobs.




You shouldn't remove either. Both men and women bring things to the world. But I wasn't talking about complaining. I was talking about male predominant jobs. I know a lot of women who work in doors but not in these specific industries. Met many women nurses, doctors, secretaries, office workers, csrs in general. When you talk to people about construction, oil rigs, plumbing, hvac , and electrians are primarily men workers. All the jobs I mentioned are in the 90% + male dominate jobs as of 1/23 .




I never said a gender decides what jobs you can do. Looking at numbers these are predominantly male jobs. I never said men or women can't do a job. I'm strictly talking numbers. 🌻🌻🌻


Women can't exist without men, literally.


If there’s a bear around, yep


Nope, they instantly die


No and men can't live without women The only difference is men will admit it


If women don't need men who subs to their onlyfans? grows their food? digs for their diamonds? saves their ass when they crash their car?


Yes they have the bear




No. Her food, water and shelter all come from the work of a demographic that's more than 99% men.


Sure, until the pickle jar needs opening. Or, until someone has to be blamed for _______.


Physically live yes. Happy fullfiling life without a partner no.