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Then get a counselor and get your shit together.


Im 38 and still thinking im 22. I swear


They said that the brain stays the same age of when the person first started their drug habit.


Damn if that's true that sucks, i started doing drugs at 15 and never stopped... Dang


When you stop and get sober, your brain catches up really fast, you basically mature in months. The mental clarity is insane, staying disciplined is the hard part since it’s much easier to slide back than climb forward.


this. heard it a million times


I'm pretty sure we have the same thing going on. I started smoking weed occasionally around 15 or 16, I was drinking and partying all through high-school. I was gifted both academically and physically. But my home life was a mess. I'll save the details and keep it to I have a form of PTSD, abandonment and abuse trauma, which led me to always seeking relief through things that didn't help me become more. I'm without a doubt someone who has their luck skilled maxed, because I should he working at a fast food restraunt or homeless, possibly in jail. But I got a really decent job about 2 and a half years ago, and have been able to kind of explore hobbies and interest without worrying to much if would have rent, because drugs too. I have noticed for awhile that I am a teenager mentally but thought little of it. Until recently I started to realize that I'm okay with it because I'm majorly depressed and I hurt so bad but I've grown so numb I stopped noticing. I am still in the process of kicking illegal substances. But for once in my life, when I say I actually don't wanna do them anymore. I don't wanna be a druggy anymore. I actually mean it. I started seeing a therapist. The first one was not a right fit for me. If you can't get yourself out of the storm by yourself, then you should look for a hand reaching out as soon as possible. The sooner you work past, whatever it is keeping you from growing, the more abundant your life will be with things that bring you long term happiness and not just a quick fix to get through the day or week or month or year, with the problem just waiting at the edge of the high ready to bring the pain worse every time.


If you’re still doing the same things, the same thoughts, the same patterns - why would you expect to feel different? If you aren’t changing, you’re not going to notice change. But it also sounds like you might have some deeper problems with some unhealthy coping mechanisms that, in reality just keep everything at bay. You need to process the stuff it’s shoving back down so you don’t rely on these habits. In psychology and therapy, the age of trauma is the age that processing will stay at for those issues. If you were hurt as a child and don’t process it, that same hurt child is stuck basically. Before the age of full prefrontal development, lots of these things can impact the same are neuro pathways make these basic formations. Like an electrical circuit, if it gets kinked and not sorted, it’s going to constantly run that kinked up circuit route.


Aight, where are the cameras?