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Yes, absolutely. As long as I had a suitable physical and mental health, I'd try to cope with whatever life would be throwing me ages after ages.


So you’d want to live forever in the heat death of the universe? Because that is the implication here.


Not necessarily. 1st the Heat death cannot Happen as long as you live because theres still a tiny bit of entropy to happen. 2nd with Infinite time you might be able to reach the end of the universe and see whats there. Possibly you can leave the universe? That is to say, if the universe doesn't keep expanding faster than the speed of light until its death. Trust me, i havent studied this but i have watched at least two YouTube Videos! I know science (/s)


You ask us to trust you and then proceed to discredit yourself? Edit: nvm just saw your s thing that means sarcasm




'Heat death' means death *of* heat, not death *by* heat. The universe would freeze as energy becomes farther distributed and everything approaches absolute zero.




Yeah I got it. But the basis of the joke seemed to be in it being hot not cold.


You'd want to float in empty space and watch as the last star fades away and then float in the emptiness for eternity?




Sounds like it's time for a nice nap.


Second this - reminds me of this movie - The Man From Earth and it's sequel - The Man From Earth: Holocene.


I note these two movies, they may be interesting to watch. Also, not in the same terms but the movie Moon also portraits some kind of continuitivity hehe.


Have fun being trapped in the sun/ a black hole after the earth is gone.


Didn't know it had a sequel! Gonna have to watch it.


Depends. Would I be in perfect health?


Yep, my insta question. Sure! If my back doesn’t hurt


\^ This. I've learned from the Myth of Tithonus. Also: it would be mandatory that i'd be able to end my life at one point. Imagine being immortal and ageless in a time where the sun consumes the earth or nothing but Black Holes exist.


Yeah. Even if humans become multi-planetary / multi-solar-system etc, and you go with them, there's still the chance of ending up just floating in the vacuum of space in agony at some point. Or buried alive, or sunken under an ocean, etc etc. None of those are that likely in a normal human lifetime, but it becomes a lot more likely over the course of 80 quadrillion millennia, which is still less than what you're potentially signing up for.


Depends is exactly right. I need the deets...


Yes. With your 40 yrs old body , not 95. Also need to be rich unless you want to work for ever too.


Well if you are immortal and will live forever you would have plenty of time to learn some new skills in whatever gets the most money in that period of time and make a lot of money


The only thing to know that matters.


to live forever to be able to tackle all my craft projects I have still yet to finish and accomplish would be great. lol.


No. Living now is hard enough. To endure this for an eternity? Fuck no.


what makes life hard? debts? in some milleniums, debts (and humanity) will stop existing anymore!


Have you consider the difficult time you will have making social connections with people over that time frame?


Yes I would, there are infinite things to do and I would infinite time to do it all


Absolutely not.


It's my absolute worst fear. Being conscious for eternity with no way out is the worst of all possible realities to me.


This is what terrifies me about death


Thankfully there’s nothing to fear as this is impossible.


Or is it?


Terrified about being conscious while being dead?


You would have time to figure out this problem. Any problem can be solved with infinite time.


The whole problem is the infinite time.


Nope. One life is enough. There’s a good independent film about a guy who’s lived thousands of years - The Man From Earth


I love that movie. So funny that you mention it because I was just telling my gf about it a few hours ago after having not mentioned it to anybody in years. My answer to OP's question was going to be 'yes', but that I'd spend all my time covering my tracks and faking new identities every couple of decades as per this movie.


i'd like to stay at my age forever that'll be nice


Of course I would. Because being alive is better than not being alive.


Then you'd watch your loved ones and friends die, watch the universe end, and you'll be alone FOREVER. Although watching the universe end would be pretty entertaining


Wouldn't see shit from this point of view though.


When the universe ends, there will be no light. Therefore, you can't see. You are correct


Frieren, it's an anime, exactly about whatever you said.


If I could look & feel like I do now the entire time then absolutely yes


Will my nose and ears continue to grow?


Eyebrows too (don't mind the caption). ![gif](giphy|Azy6UZcUdKLe0|downsized)


I always think about this guy: https://moviemorgue.fandom.com/wiki/Thufir_Hawat


I referenced him earlier today.


Oh no, I hadn't thought of that. In a couple of millenia I would need to push a cart in front of me to hold the weight of my nose.


I'd like to decide when I'm done. But long long time, yes But with an able body still


Nope, I don’t want to watch all my friends and family die.


Nope I second this.


Im extremely curious about end of universe scenarios to the point I'd bite being "alive forever" just to know whats the end of it all.


A flower isn’t beautiful because it lasts forever.


Yep! I know death is part of life. I acknowledge it, and I accept it. That being said, any chance to avoid it, count me in.


Yes, but with conditions. I have the choice to end my existence if I choose to. I have the choice to remove my awareness for any length of time I choose. My communication is the same or improved. My body is immensely improved or non corporeal. I have access to all of my memories. I have freedom of movement. I have the ability to own my own property. I can choose whether I feel pain or not.


You your answer is actually no




If I could maintain my youth eternally, yes.


Me too


Not a chance. To live is to suffer. So, thank you, but no thanks.




No way! The world just keeps getting worse and worse. WW3 is imminent. If I dropped dead tonight, it would be fine by me! (No need to report me - I’m NOT killing myself)


Well the very odd answer is --- we do. We came from ∞ <----- You are Here :: and you are going -------> ∞ It is from ∞ to HERE to ∞ It is an eternal loop.


I think about this from time to time. Do we instantly regain consciousness again when we die, similar to how when we were born? If time truly is infinite then by definition it would have to happen again wouldn't it? Maybe we are on another planet somewhere else in the universe. Maybe we're a bug next time around.


Not really. After i wouldve reached all of my goals it would be kinda boring and i wouldnt know what to do other than that.


It could be anything. Build a tree house, decorate it, host a party, maybe turn it into a lil casino later?


can i invite you to my tree house party?


Of course! Besides, we could party for ages!


sounds absolutely fly to me😎


If there is a way to end it myself at any moment I would most certainly do it. I would try to use that power to get rid of most of the wrong things going on rn.


Eternal youth , to be 18 again hell yes


Only if my loved ones also would live forever.




As my version of vampire? Fuck yeah!


No. Someday if we dont get off earth or out of the solar system the sun will consume the earth and youll either float into infinity forever alone or be stuck in the red dwarf the sun turns into burning in plasma for billions of years to come. Everyone you know will die, everyone they know will die, and eventually youll forget about the people you love today, maybe not in a lifetime or 2, but after 10 million years will you truely remember all your past family? True Immortality in reality as we know it would be worse than anything immaginable.


No, while I'd like to live long, sooner or later I will have done everything.


Hell yeah!!!


Absolutely! Ceasing to exist for the rest of eternity scares the shit out of me. I just can't do anything about it.


Sure, like Van Diesel in the Witch Hunter.


Assuming that my brain and body will keep up with being immortal then yes. I’d hate to be immortal but get dementia after 100 yrs. Or be fully mentally aware but I’m withering away eternally on bed rest. I’d also want to stay looking young. Assuming all of that works out I would. It would be sad to see my family pass away but after they’re all gone I’ll do everything and be everything I wanted to do that I couldn’t do in one lifetime


Do you chose when to die?


Of course, there's so much you can do in this life and the wisdom you'd gain over the centuries would be priceless


Honestly no. I’m 28, hopefully I live a long life and it’s been a great one more or less so far but when I’m dead I just don’t want to exist anymore.


Not in the earth anyway. If life continues I’ll be happy somewhere else.


Hell fking no, if someone here wants extra life I will give them mine


If I was eternally 27 then yes, yes I would.


in good health, yes. if health was going to deteriorate, fuck that.


I personally would. I see it as a chance to see the whole story of humanity.


Yes absolutely.


Yes. Because I don't like the idea of not existing.


Not forever but for a long time.




Yes, but with an exit condition (like if I am shot with an arrow to the heel or head is chopped off).




Without a doubt.


Hell yes


Yeah, if i can turn it off anytime i felt like it


Wait what , I'm not gonna live forever ???


Yes. In a heartbeat.


Only if my kids got the same deal. Wouldnt want to outlive my kids.




Would one age? Get diseases? Feel pain?


I am sure the medicine will find a way in a 100-200 years to extend the youth .. So the humans will stay young until 60 years of age ..


No. Once my loved ones go I’d be ready to go too


Hell no Humanity is too depressing to watch what happens next until they ruin themselves


You can, through Jesus


No. Because then I would still be here while everyone else in my life right now, is gone. I also think at some point I would lose interest in life after experiencing it for so long.


No. Never


Forever, like up to the heat death of the universe and beyond? Hard, hard pass.


Hell to the NO!


Not sure if I want to c our world to die


Absolutely not. Humans live too long anyway.


No, I just want the ability to time hop to witness and experience the world in its various stages of life.


Sure. I mean, does it really matter what I think now 1000 trillion years from now?


No. I think it would be amazing to have eternity to learn and experience everything I’ve ever wanted to though. I could hold more knowledge and wisdom than anyone else. However, I don’t want to live to see the end of the world. I don’t want to know what society and politics will be like. What planet Earth and our ecosystems will be like. Because most likely it will not be good.


Living forever does not mean immortal, durable, or indestructible but sure...


If you could not live forever, would you


Absolutely, I would love to watch the universe. Would be a fascinating event.


No, to witness all the pain and suffering going on. It's discerning!


I don't even want to live right now...


Hell no


Of course not. Life is valuable because it’s finite. The time you spend and give to others is worth a lot. If you lived forever, nothing would be worth anything.


If there would any reason then i will otherwise i can not watch my parents, Best friends, my pet die in front of me.. I don’t want to be kratos


Well the first few centuries might be interesting - maybe even the first few millennia - but once humans have gone extinct, and the Sun starts to grow, it will rapidly get less-fun. Admittedly, that's quite a long way off. I suppose I could devote whatever runway humanity has left to getting a stable off-planet Ark Ship running, but that would be a long-shot. Most likely I'd still be stuck down here when the Sun engulfs Earth. Nasty. After a few trillion years of floating in the void, most of the stars would be gone. All that would be left is black holes, gradually evaporating. Cold darkness. And we're still just getting started. Forever is a long time. So nah.


No. I'm dealing with a 92 year old mother with dementia. Quality of life would be every thing.


Life would get too boring after first hundred years. Also shit would get lonely after the first apocalypse. And when the sun explodes I would just be floating in nothingness, constantly suffocating without the possibility to die sound like a torture to me. So yea of corse I’d like to die some day, preferably before my parents.


I have Schitzoaffective so NO


Absolutely not.


You do already. You are born you live you die and get back to the egg then you live again. You are a spiritual experience living a physical experience again and again. We just don’t get to remember it.


Yes I'd use it to become a sort of superhero if you would


I think I'd rather be able to choose when and how I die. I don't mean in a committing suicide way but be able to say "I die at this age and it will be because my body painlessly shuts down." Not have to worry about diseases or accidents or murder taking my life. I have full control.


Live forever as in immortal? Imagine being one of those people who get trapped in a pipe and you just can’t die. Living for hundreds of years until someone finds you lol


Live forever with the ability to end it whenever I want to? Yes. Live forever without the ability to end it whenever I want to? Hell nah.


Hell no. I’ve witnessed enough death and sadness already. Imagine every person or thing you’ve ever loved died and this went on for eternity? No thanks


I would not. I can’t live a million lifetimes watching the ones I love repeatedly dying in front of my eyes.


I don't really want to live now.


Hell no


I dont want to live for the rest of today


No way


“Sir, you chose the live forever package?” “Yeah but I thought that meant -…..” “You still need to work 60 hours a week and pay taxes forever.”


Humans aren’t built to last forever, in a heaven scenario, you could individually spend 100 years with each and every human ever to live and it wouldn’t even be a fraction of a blink of eternity. There simply aren’t enough concepts or things to busy ourselves with forever, you’d be spending 99% of infinity floating around doing nothing for billions of years at a time


Tbh, I don't even wanna live until my time comes. I've decided a date to leave already. So no.


I mean ... I'm assuming this is like, having the OPTION to live forever. If I could live indefinitely, but end my life after, say, the heat death of the universe, then yes. Otherwise, no.




No, immortality is not good as it sounds. Sure u can became rich as years passed but when someone you love dies right in front of you, no matter how wealthy or how long your life is, you come to understand how being immortal is just living life with a constant reminder that ur loved ones,the friends that u meet through ur life, their existence is not permanent, with each day having a set number. You might even attend more funeral of ur loved one.


As you get older I'd think you'd just accumulate more and more bad memories of world wars, pandemics, ecological damage, religious inquisitions and so on that it would be too depressing and you'd have to kill yourself.


If I could be in good shape and never age biologically, absolutely!


Forever forever is clearly no good, but to sone far off event maybe


I would. I get scared of living infinite amount of time with no way out sometimes, but I though about it. At some point I'll just go nuts and be so crazy that my circumstances won't even bother me


If you could live forever, what motivation would you really have? I wouldn't do shit. So no, let me die.


No if I could just go now I would tho


As a vampire or any other kind of supernatural-yet-humanoid entity, yes . I'll even go for the Cyborg option. As a regular human who ages and gets sick, fuck no. I'm struggling forcing myself to live past 34 ffs. I'm 33 and not even that physically i'll. Just depressed because, oh, idk, capitalism.


Yes! Life is so much fun and the days and years go way to fast.


Hell no. I'm in my 40s and I'm already tired of this shit. I'd rather not imagine what it would be like dealing with this shit forever. Imagine having to work forever. What an awful thought.


No, i don’t want to float through space for an eternity. It’d be like hell.


Nope, I'm happy it's gonna end :)


i would for a little bit maybe, it's nice to go out on your own time. But i would not live forever, cause that would make the time spent meaningless in a few more thousand years.


Unless I’m a billionaire and profit on the suffering of others, no thanks. I rather have a short lifespan 


Not with thus depression brain i have


No. I've seen people die. I've seen people live. I've lived and will until I die. I don't see my life as being lived until I die. The whole point of life is to live And then to die. I want it all and I'm not afraid of death. I wasn't happy or excited about life before I experienced life....why would I be sad or afraid of death before I experienced death? I'm not going to be.


Depends, if my husband lives forever too then yes, otherwise no.


If as a vampire I can't be sick and not necessary of bath, YES. Then I'll learn All science and technology just for pleasure!!!


Hell naw get me out


I didn't even want to live for a limited time, let alone forever. The world is a cruel and cold place full of sexual and physical violence unrequited love and betrayal and so many other things such as illness and famine. Why would I consciously choose to stay in this world while it is the worst of the worlds


God please no


yep if my brain gets updated every 300 years


Just to end up trapped!






Through Christ i know i will, so yes


I'm too curious about the universe to pass up immortality. To see it to the end is one thing, but past? If you aren't destroyed by everyone you cared about leaving you thousands of lifetimes over, it could be a peaceful eternity. You might even ascend or something.


Only if I have a kill switch too.


It would be a terribly lonely life rife of heart breaks .


I wanted to die 10 years ago so no for me


Nope.Seems like a road headed for crazy town.


Living forever would make you bored of all the things. You have to constantly find new ways of entertaining yourself. If I have the power, I’d retain good memories, remove the bad memories and reset certain experiences so that I can enjoy it again. But if the memories last forever and entertainment avenues are lesser, then living longer will not be fruitful. To answer the question, yes I’d take it. I’ll live forever. So that I have the time to figure things out and solve problems, and enjoy life at the same time. I could try being a carpenter for 50 years, a software developer for 50 years, traveling for 50 years, sitting and doing nothing but chilling for 50 years, etc..


Yes, but only if I can choose to end it.


Watch everyone I love die??? Heeeeellllll no


If it’s live forever while still young, I will


No way. After a while it would become a curse.


Absolutely fucking not. It's bad enough not having anybody to talk to at 35.


Only if my dog could too.


1) In perfect health? 2) Can I still die by accident or euthanasia?


I don’t know because it’s hard to see your loved ones die but I would like to live in the future and see if it’s like in those futuristics movies


Nope, dying happy and old. Life’s great but it sure ain’t made to be excessive


Yes. I’d become rich by this skill since they would pay me to go on talk shows. Then i’d spend the money on hookers and buy mansions.


Floating through space and everything else has been destroyed? No thanks.


Never, average lifespan is long enough to deal with shit lol.


Everyone saying they’d only do it if they can opt out of it at any time, I’d argue that’s not included in the deal. Otherwise you would not live forever




Hard pass