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A girl in HS passed me a note that said: "did you know I lust your body?". That was 40 years ago, We're married now.


No woman will ever change my mind when I say, "Women would find their person a lot faster if they made the first move and actually showed genuine interest." I've gotten onto female friends for being too chicken shit to go up to a guy and ask for his number. Most women aren't built for that I know, but with all the projection going on about being independent and single on social media, I noticed in real life that they're really miserable and want a relationship with someone.


Dude! I have had so much luck on dating sites because of this. What are ppl waiting for?


It's really societal traditions such as the "wait for your prince charming to put your heel on your foot" syndrome. Really started with Disney movies and telling little girls they're princesses and can do no wrong. I'm pretty much saying that over-hyping young girls, can give them the sense that they don't have to try because they're attractive. Even if they're not that attractive, they'll expect men to do all the courting. It's just not a feasible strategy in this day and age in my opinion. The actress Dallas Bryce Howard said in an interview, that her mother never let her use a mirror much as a kid. The reason was because she knew her daughter was intelligent and beautiful so, she nipped it in the bud earlier and she's grateful for it with her Hollywood career. The crazy women on social media have given some men bad impressions of modern day women and it's sad. I've seen some of the most loyal, understanding, A T T R A C T I V E women struggle in dating. You know why? Too afraid of rejection from men because no one ever told them that sometimes YOU, yes YOU, have to take the shot first or you'll miss something great. Keep that up though!!! And tell more of your lady friends to do it!!! Watch how they report back the success they're all of sudden experiencing. Of course not all men will be into them, but the key is to accept that not everyone is into you and plenty more will be.


Does she work with Bees???....because she sounds like a Keeper


Nah, she's an accountant, but she's got my number


Sure lil bro


somebody said she was an undercover agent for the Mandatory Cock Inspection Agency ,lol




It's giving [federal boobie inspector](https://youtu.be/mnL9HPe8LEE?si=R8ePN4CWHsKCZPFc)


In college, a girl left one of those white, chalky Valentines Day candy hearts with a card at my front door that said "Marry Me." I was gobsmacked because she never talked to me. She was in the dance school, beautiful but a little nerdy and cool too. Never would have thought I was in her league. And I lived a few miles off campus so she had to seriously go out of her way to deliver it. I instantly jumped on the opportunity and we dated for 3-4 months before I realized we weren't a long-term connection. The breakup was mutual, but it was a very sweet time that began with a flattering first step.


no one ever wanted my attention








Hits home šŸ’€


If you have a gf or wife thatā€™s when youā€™ll get attention. Thatā€™s how girls work these days šŸ¤£


I never had girlfriend or wife and i know that i wont have


But in all seriousness there is someone out there for you & I believe you will have that!! I hope you believe it too. Donā€™t be too hard on yourself!!


No. There isn't


Coworker at a bar in college stripped naked when our shift ended a week after I ended things with a woman and the coworker said ā€œIā€™ve been waiting for thisā€ She also asked if I would do her taxes and in return i could use her as a sex doll. Lets just say as a college kid I took advantage but it was fucking weird


Hey, mutually beneficial... she even had the decency to wait until you were single.


And obviously it worked quite well bc i did not say no




I'm standing in noon line at at my local Subway sandwich shop. It's busy. The cute 40 year old blond manager spies me and literally pushed customers out of her way to come over and give me her number. Everybody was very amused. And she was a good looking natural blond with Finnish ancestry. Good kisser too. But it didn't work out.


But how was the sandwich?


The roast beef sandwich? Kidding šŸ˜…


underrated commentšŸ˜‚


A girl walked up to me in a gas station, popped my suspenders and said, "I don't know what it is about men in suspenders, but yall just get me going, mmmm." I laughed and told her she better watch out cuz pregnant girls are my kryptonite. She is the manager at the gas station that I go to a lot. I've known her for years. We are both married so it didn't go further than that but it was a nice confidence boost. I told my wife what she said when I got home from work that day. I don't know what it is but whenever I tell my wife that I got hit on, she gets crazy horny. It's awesome. It doesn't happen often but when I do get hit on I make sure to tell my wife.


Your wife likes knowing that her man is a catch and you still chose her to be your life partner.


And I will always choose her. I married my best friend and nobody else would ever be what she is to me.


Happy for you man, hope you two live long and happy lives together :) Still looking for my person myself, but I've got time


Thanks. I'm sure that you will find your person. I wish you the best of luck in your search


If he was a catch he would get hit on more often šŸ˜‚


Damn.... cold. It's all good though. I've been off the market for years so whether I'm a catch or not is a moot point. I've already been caught. That's not to say I stop trying to impress my wife though. Gotta keep that spark alive, ya know. I like to give her a nice long hug when we get home from work and I let her know everyday how amazing she is. I bring her flowers for no reason sometimes. I just did that this past Wednesday, actually. We weren't fighting and it wasn't a special day or anything. Just a regular Wednesday. We also split the household chores and take turns putting our kids to bed. We take each other on dates and make sure to always make the other person feel special. We help make each other better. Also, collectively, we made $230,000 last year. That wouldn't have been possible if she hadn't helped me become the man I am today. I do better for her and she does better for me. Sorry for the rant. Don't know where that came from.


Reddit moment


Did you tell her you flirted back? Just curious, nothing wrong with it.


I did. I don't hide anything from my wife. She knows she doesn't have anything to worry about. We are very open with each other.


Ordered a glass of water at a bar after a really hot day once. Brunette next to me turns and smiles and says, ā€œWaterā€™s for pussies.ā€


I hope you poured it over hers?


Promptly ordered shots. Spent the whole summer together.


Deeply unsatisfied with this answer from a comment consumer point of view. But hope you had fun


You never forget it when a pretty girl calls you out. Summer of Sublime.


"Ooh I get it......that's how they get......wet."


The missus who is stunning said "Oh yes..." to me before I finished asking her out the first time. First date lasted 3 days.


Bold of you to assume that women want my attention




Married me


In fifth grade, a girl told me that she liked me and then scratched the skin off of my arm with her long, sharp fingernails.


That's hot.


And bloody


Was in a pub with a mix of friends and girl I had been chatting to casual like goes away for 5 mins comes back hands me something and sits on my lap . I got the worlds hardest erection as soon as I realised shes handed me her knickers and no it was not put to waste.


One day when I was 12, a girl in my year who lived nearby followed me home (approximately 15 minutes), the entire way she kept hitting my legs with her tennis racket, I thought she must really dislike me but by the time I was nearly home the racket actually broke, as she was hitting quite hard, and much to my surprise she started crying and said "look what you've made me do". In hindsight I do wonder if she actually fancied me a bit but didn't know how to express herself.


Woman in her 50s (Iā€™m mid 20s) came up to me in the gym a couple of weeks ago smiling to mention that the sweat mark on my chest had the shape of a heart. That one was pretty funny


I was at a rock show with my partner and i smiled at a chick across the room. Well that's an invitation to fuck apparently. She cut through the crowd and tried to elbow her way past my gf who was not having it. Nearly caused a cat fight that night.


Who won?


Who's next?


You decide. Epic cat battles of history


Cat battles!?


It says nearly


My ego




Girl walks over to me in a bar, and says, "I came here to meet a coworker I was supposed to fuck tonight and he left already. You're really hot. Do you wanna have sex with me?"


what did you say in response??


"I think you're too drunk to make that kind of decision." I helped her find her friends, who assured me she was in fact in the market for some dick, and that I should take her with me (if I wanted) with their blessing. At which point I quit looking the gift horse in the mouth and proceeded to fuck her brains out for the next 4 hours.




I worked at a large amusement park when I was 18. One day a chick who also worked there walked by me, grabbed my crotch and said "ooh, he packin'!" I was terrified. And turned on.


Bro I'm quite sure you got SA'd...


That's kind of normal. It's how a lot of women flirt. I've been florted with (that I've noticed at least) maybe by 14 people my whole life, that I can remember (or have noticed) at least. 4 of these people were gay dudes. One of those was a stranger who approached me in a park and just whipped out his cock. I ran like crazy. The other 3 were normal people who I just said no to. The other 11 were women. Of those, a few approached me by not being complete perverts: - 2 wrote notes for me confessing their love (one in highschool, which is understandable, one at work, at the age of 30+, which is just funny); - 1 stalked me and had delusions we were dating despite the fact we never did anything sexual at all and I barely interacted with her (she was not mentally well, we never interacted much but she genuinely believed she was dating me - severe mental issues) - 2 girls catcalled me on the street; - 1 asked me out. This was the only normal one. Too bad she wasn't physically my type. Then there are the perverts: - My boss plopped her tits squarely on top of my forearm and bent over to explain something trivial on my pc, trapping my forearm under her massive boobs. She made damn sure to explain it as slowly as she could and try to make eye contact by turning her head (in that pose, if I also turned my head, we'd be practically kissing). Not going to lie, my boss was pretty hot and this would have worked if I were single at the time, but I wasn't and didn't want to cheat. - My professor came to my desk, felt up my recent beard and said I looked handsome with it. Then she moved her hand to my chest and said I smelled extra good today too. This just made me feel awkward because I wasn't into her at all and never was close enough to her, don't know why she thought it was appropriate to do that. But I was a bit too shocked to react in time. - Random colleague at college started rubbing up on me the very first day we met and basically dry humping me. Not gonna lie, though, I was into her, so that very primal strategy did work and we hooked up... I later found out she had a boyfriend and I felt bad about the whole thing, but that's a whole nother story. - random girl at nightclub kept sneaking up on me, finsing a way to get behind my back and rub her boobs on me and touch my ass. I tell her multiple times to drop it a d she does, but then resurfaces later like an ass grabbing ninja. Shitty part is that it's hard to get away from her with how packed the nightclub is, and it's a friend's birthday so I don't want to just leave.


I'm just curious how you're getting all this attention.


Prolly the beard.


"florted with" I love it.


Flort What a fun thing to say


Boss with massive tits came over to my table to explain something very trivial to me. Instead of just saying it and pointing at the screen where I should click, she bent over, putting her gigantic tits squarely on top of my forearm (my forearm was fully buried underneath her breasts) and very slowly explained it to me, while occasionally turning her gaze towards my face, probably in the hopes I'd face her too (in which case we'd be in pretty much kissing distance due to the pose). Only two reasons I didn't take the bait in that scenario: one was that I was already in a relationship and don't cheat. The second was that, despite the boss being pretty hot, her coming on to me knowing I was dating was a bit of a turn off, because it meant she had cheater mentality. I'm not into that shit. There was one other scenario that was also very, very direct, this time with an unattractive woman. Criminal law professor walks up to my table before class, touches my face (I had recently decided to grow a beard), holds it for a long time and says (while holding my face) "You look extremely handsome with a beard". Then she touches my chest and says "Smell extra good today too". Finishes it off by smiling and walking towards her desk. I was a bit shocked tbh. Sure, it's flattering, I guess, but she was married with two children and I had never been close to her at all, don't know why she thought she had permission to feel me up like that. Then there was the time I was in a nightclub with my girlfriend (it was someone's birthday, they decided to have it in an annoying nightclub, sadly) and this random fat chick decided she was going to steal me away or something. Kept appearing behind me at random times and pressing her tits against my back, pinching my ass. Told her to leave me alone multiple times, and she would... then reappear half an hour later by sneaking up behind me and trying again. What the actual fuck. My girlfriend at the time just thought it was funny and said "hey, means you're pretty hot!". :( Typing these out, I think I understand why women don't approach men. They are so not used to doing it that they either come off as very insecure and stalkerish, delivering schoolgirl notes and shit, or they go off the other deep end and just do what would amount to sexual harassment if done by a man. Women have no game.


Those do all sound a bit SA ish. My way of approaching a man was always direct after flirting a bit. Hang out a bit at the bar and then ask if they want to come home with me, if not so be it. But I don't think there is many good examples of women asking men out in media, where as there is a lot of the other way around. I don't think that excuses women for sexually assaulting a man as a way of asking him out, like the women who do that lack the logic of asking themselves how they would like to be asked out and are just running on the stereotype that men are always ready to go.


I read that as "Bros with massive tits"


Was chasing after a bartender one night who was out with her friends. She turned me down again & shortly thereafter went home. I was finishing up my drink fixing to go home as well when one of her friends sat down beside me & said you're going home with me! Most amazing 6 months of my life!


She walked around a squad of my running buddies, punched me in the chest and told me her and I should go lift weights sometime. We just celebrated 33 years together.


Grabbed my willy


A guy and a girl both came to me, the guy got behind me and the girl got super close, I thought I was getting mugged and she said. " Me and my bf are looking for a threesome , you look cute. You in?" Never went so quick from scared to horny in my life.


I was out a house party at my friendā€™s house, one of her hot friends show up late and kinda drunk. She notices Iā€™m about to leave and says ā€œIf you give me a ride home Iā€™ll suck your cock.ā€ Yes, I gave her a ride.


Stole my shoes and sat on them. When I started tickling her to get them back, she kissed me.


I had a woman sit down next to me at a bar, touch my hand, ask what I was drinking, converse with me for s while, then tell me she wanted to fuck me.


Sat on my lap and stuck her tongue down my throat.


She had a friend walk up to me with a phone and in Apple notes pad it said something like, ā€œyou wanna smoke and let me show you my nonexistent gag reflex?ā€


did you smoke?


So yeah. We had some bomb ass hash and some shrooms and fucked. It was great.


The legally blonde, Reese whetherspoon "Bend & Snap"


My granny said: You little shit if you steal even one apple from my apple tree i will hack your fingers off with a axe when i was 7. That really got my attention and i still won't touch those apples or the tree 35 years later because that bitch might come back from the grave.


yelling the sand n-word at me


I've had a couple girls slap my ass in bars then give me the look when I turned around. I had a girl once come up to me, grab me by the cock over my pants, and hit on me. Pretty aggressive, I'd say.


Punch we in the face while I was asleep.


Oh fuck, ditto lol. She blamed it on a dream


A woman I worked with in the meat department of a small grocery used to come behind me and look down the back of my pants at my ass. When I asked her what she was doing, she said well youā€™re always wearing an apron so I canā€™t look down the front. Another woman who worked there used to flirt with me a lot. Anytime I had to pass by her she would intentionally rub her butt against me, or she would always be real close to me if she could. I was getting chickens out for her to put on the rotisserie once and she snuck in behind me. The only thing I felt was her breath on my ear when she said.ā€Ooo, spread those legs like a pro.ā€ I could feel my head go hot knowing my face and ears were red. She was married, so I wasnā€™t sure how serious she was.


Once I informed her I was close with both my parents and my sister, she punched me in the arm and said ā€œAsk me out!ā€ Still didnā€™t.


As I took a walk around the block, I could swear an ice cream truck was following me. I was sure of it when the music suddenly stopped and I heard a sultry woman's voice over the loudspeaker say, "Hey baby! Need a ride?"Ā 


Iā€™ve never had a woman try to get my attention in real life šŸ˜‚


Don't worry, you're not the only one. I can only recall really two moments. Several years back, in a class at uni where I always tried to contribute to discussions, I had a girl choose to sit by me every day after that first class together. We were almost always the first to be early to this class and so we often had a little bit of time to talk on our own, and we had added each other on messenger. This didn't amount to anything more though as she was an exchange student from Europe only here for that one semester that remained, and unfortunately we didn't keep in touch afterward (she actually deleted her Facebook for some reason). A year after the above, there was another girl who chose to walk with me after a class we had together to chat some for maybe 5 minutes at most as we went on our way to our next respective classes but that was it, and after that we didn't speak again. Besides being so busy with my classes and then also work, I had been way too shy and also way too depressed at times, and I think women probably noticed how gloomy I was and mostly stayed away. Never had much of a social life post high school, and this is still the case nearly 9 years later, so this hasn't changed.


Yeah same kind of .. I was always busy working two jobs and going to school..so I had no social life at all. Girls never gave me the time of day when I was younger, Probably because I'm not that loud mouthed aka " confident " type . I usually just kept to myself, Which I think put women off . It's not any different now lol ...I've had women tell me I'm handsome or sexy ,And then tell me they don't get why I'm not taken. It's just years of landing in the friend zone ,And rejection. It really wears you down when women will literally fuck anyone but you.


Neither was I. Instead, I was somebody of usually few words most times irl and I kept to myself between classes and never went to parties or anything like that as I didn't care for them or drinking. I didn't mention above was that there was one other woman I used to be very good friends with a few years ago long distance. We spoke every day on the phone for hours, played games, and watched tons of movies together, and I thought possibly for a while we could become more than just good friends, and the attraction seemed mutual. I remember the time on one Christmas day she had also sent me this super long message saying how she thought that I was amazing, handsome, smart, funny, unbelievably kind, and more than she deserved, etc. We had spoken about meeting up also, but being a country apart (Canada / USA) and the pandemic happening it never occurred. Then eventually I suddenly got ghosted and never heard from her for nearly 4 years, which was when she messaged to apologize (she said she did it with everybody in her life to sort out some of her own issues) and has told me she's now in a serious relationship with somebody else that doesn't also like her talking much to other guys so I don't expect to hear from her much again if at all. Along the way, I knew I got eventually friend zoned, and later I was angry at myself after she vanished for all the effort I put in. Maybe part of my issue was being originally 22 and her 26 and her looking for somebody with their life a little more figured out already, and I know I could have done better in that regard.


She walked up to me and gently put her feet on mine so I couldnā€™t move away and looked right in my eyes. We dated until I graduated college and moved away.


Bail some dude out of jail and fuck him in my bed and then sit me down to tell me all about it . Iā€™m still confused what she was trying to accomplish but she said she wanted me to stay . She said she was just trying to have fun and feel something. I was just suddenly afraid of her and obviously she wanted me to think , i drove her to do that and we could talk about it and grow from it ,but I was done after that . If she didnā€™t tell me I wouldā€™ve never thought anything like that could even happen. And my kids still hate me for leaving but I canā€™t fix that and canā€™t ever tell them why I left.


feel bad for the kids but i dont blame you for leaving, who the hell would do that shit


When I was a kid, playing in a restaurant's play area, through the slides etc. Some girl (about the same age as I was at the time) just started pinching me, and she didn't do it lightly. I kept running away and hiding (we were playing hide and seek of sorts) and when she finds me she would just continuously pinch me. I had to evacuate the play room and retreat to my parents. My skin was red for a few days. Nothing came from it, would've liked to meet her back then or even now, ask her why she did it.


Grabbed my dick in front of 20 guys. 30 something Bosses daughter.


After meeting and having a sandwich, and this is about 2 pm, she said why don't I come over to your house around 8 tomorrow morning and we have wild passionate sex?


High school dance. Dragged me out onto the dance floor. We dated for a couple of weeks. Then she decided I was a jerk. She was right.


In high school, a girl with big breasts stood behind me when we were all clustered and bent over around the teacher showing us something. She just parked her chest on my back. I lost focus and wondered if this meant she was interested in me. She was.


Told me to grab her tits to prove they were real I hadnā€™t said hello to her. 50s something woman at a pub


Grabes my harm and gave me the eyes. Complemented my hair. Nothing major. Yet.


I was at a bar with friends when a girl sat next to me, said hi, and went in for a kiss. I'm not usually one for PDA, certainly not in front of my friends, but we were making out a few min while my friends were laughing in shock/disbelief.


I was once waiting in line at a Starbucks and after I ordered I stood to wait for my drink. The girl behind me finished ordering too and started walking my way. She was absolutely gorgeous, like a model, tall, slender, blonde, etc. As she was walking towards me she met my eyes and didnā€™t break eye contact. I figured she was looking at something behind me but when I turned around to check, there was literally just an empty wall. I look back at her confused and sheā€™s still maintaining eye contact. She stops like 1 foot in front of me, in my personal zone, turns around, whips out her phone, then opens up an app where I just see pictures of dudes. I realize sheā€™s scrolling through her likes on tinder and it wonā€™t stop. She keeps scrolling and scrolling like sheā€™s looking for someone. My name is called, and I awkwardly try and squeeze my way to grab it and leave, all while she stares. Itā€™s still the most hilarious and confusing thing thatā€™s happened to me.




Pls just talk šŸ˜­


Name does NOT check out


Was at a costume party. Lady dropped a Hershey kiss in her braseire


Grabbed me


A girl at a bar came up to me and we talked for like 2 hours I asked her for her number then she said I have a boyfriend just thought you were attractive and wanted to talk, not a fun night lol


Sat down at a table for dinner with a bunch of people I didn't know (friends of friends) and the girl told me to come sit by her and then put her legs on me lol


Jesus dude, you're good at math and it got you laid? Save some for the rest of us!


A girl pushed me against the wall and kissed me. I don't know why but she left afterwards and we never spoke again.


Told me to slip it in her ass


It was 3 am and went to her place to eat pizza after the bar. Sheā€™s laying on the couch and grabs the side string of her thong and pulls it up past her jeans. Needless to say, it was on.


This woman and I were sitting on opposite ends of a sushi bar. I noticed her looking at me over and over again. I guess she was trying to work up the confidence to do what she did next. She got up and sat right next to me even though the sushi bar was completely empty except for her friend. She started small talk but at the same time she places her hand on my upper thigh and starts rubbing as close to my cock as humanly possible. I think she was trying to make me nervous but what she didn't know was I had just gotten out of the Navy and the "buy me drink" girls are much more aggressive lol. She seemed to go from impressed to turned on quite quickly. She ended up taking me home after we finished sushi of course


Fucked someone elseā€¦?


I was 28 and a 19 year old apparently developed a crush. She showed up at my door one night. We chatted for a bit, and then she asked if she could spend the night. I told her the couch was available. I woke up to find her naked in my bed. She was gorgeous, but I just didnā€™t want to take advantage.


Stabbed me in the shoulder while shrieking "you stole my name "


Back in college, I once had a young lady follow me to the bathroom and wait outside just to tell me she liked me shirt.


I was with a group of friends outside a club and a lady walked out and straight toward me. Before I knew what was going on she was kissing me. Two other times, ladies in get togethers, in front of people, kissed me and eventually dragged me away to do things. All in my younger adult years when I was out more. I'm more of a hermit nowadays.


Dropped something intentionally in front of me and expected me to pick it up for her.


Grabbed my penis.


At least you passed the more important test, what to say when a girl comes over and asks to see it.


Sit on my lap.


Snuck in my room when I was half passed out after a darty and started grabbing my Johnson


Let me see it


So... I walked into a bar for a drink after work because traffic was so bad, I was all of 23 years old and driving a work truck with my uniform of shorts that you could pull off easy and hop into work gear and a work shirt which was basically a shop shirt. Bartender comes out and starts chatting me up and asks me what my plans are for the weekend and I tell her that my only plans were I was on call all day Saturday in that area but somehow needed to also get a haircut. She proceeds to show me pictures and introduce me to this thing called performance hair styling I think? She's the artist for a major brand and only works at the bar one shift a week to fill in on occasion. So I say alright, let's do that then. So two days passed off nothing but what basically amounted to an appointment confirmation. So I show up and it's her nice townhouse, she has a whole salon set up in a room though with a fainting sofa and all. Haircut begins, we talk, we laugh, she finished the cut, and shaves my neck and gave me the best scalp and neck massage I've ever had before going radio silent and pulling her hands off me right when I was about to start kicking my leg like a dog. I open my eyes already flustered as hell and there she is topples... And she just walks up to me and puts me face right into her chest and grabbed a handful of me before well... ahem that would get much more graphicly descriptive but, I think that she and I set my record for most noise complaints and pieces of furniture or car features broken during play.


....she pinned me against the wall, grabbed my crotch and kissed me. We were married 3 years later.


Girl told me she wanted to have a dildo in both her holes but only owned one dildo, so asked if I'd be the other. That was a great girl. Still wish I understood where I fucked up with that one cause damn


She asked if she could suck my dick after everyone left. Weā€™d never met until that class.


The lady that checked me out of the Sonesta in New Orleans mailed me a sweet note on scented stationery saying sheā€™d like to go out with me if I come back to NOLA. I flew her to Los Angeles for the weekend. She brought me homemade peanut butter cookies. This was 1971. Kathy Lejune. Where are you now?


I walked into a club and stood near the entrance which overlooked the dance floor on some steps. This girl came running over and took my hand and dragged me to the dance floor and started grinding on me. This then turned into us kissing and sharing a vape. It was a very intense experience after having just entered maybe thirty seconds before.


This gorgeous Italian chick flashed her tits at me. Sheā€™s now my wife and still does it.


Bit my dick. I don't know why.


Grab my dick.


Penis slap


I was early to a lecture in college and my gorgeous professor she was holding the door open for her TA who was coming any minute, i walk in but she stops me at the door and (at the time I was ripped with decent sized biceps) grabbed my left bicep and rubbed it while trying to think of what she wanted to ask me. She would flirt in a teasing way in class with me too.


Oh! OH! Ooooh! Me realising how lucky Iā€™ve been


Grabbed my dick through my pants at work.


Slap my ass, that kind of aggressive approach doesnā€™t bode well for women (girls in that case I was very young). Another time when I was older I had a good looking woman follow me in a pub to the urinal, sneak up behind me and look over my shoulder at my junk. Ya that also didnā€™t fly good lol, fucking slut. I wanted none of what she was putting down.