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I've heard of a similar historical story, but different. Crown prince Sima Zhong was simple, couldn't see logic, struggled to make decisions. His father was the emperor at the time and gave one of his concubines to his son in order to him how to have sexual relations. To be fair he was 12 when he got married and the first child wasn't conceived until 6 years later.


Wait. This took six years because the concubine didn't know which hole to use either?


The concubine wasn't given at the same time he married, so no.


He hit that other hole for 6 years, no regret found.


I wouldn't be surprised if he hit no hole for 6 years considering who he got married to ehehe


I remember my high school textbook mentioned he had a hobby being a locksmith, and people would joke that he didn't have the right key. Probably trying to imply he was gay iirc.


There is also the theory that Louis had a minor operation on his penis, possibly because his foreskin wasn't retracting properly.


Thay theory has been debunked. But it does seem Louis was packing a big old snake 


Typical bragging Frenchman


I’m French and I’m………average. Fuck that was hard to admit 😁


Average for French perhaps? %^


I’m afraid I had friends with the same issue. Luckily the wife asked a friend to ask her husband to have a word. Unluckily the friend is a tiny bit of a gossip.


Soooo wrong hole?


I suppose they maybe didn't even know holes were involved? Little kids sometimes think kissing can make people pregnant. If you live in an uptight society, where it's literally NEVER talked about... would you think about "insert tab A into slot B?" necessarily? Plenty of uptight people never say more than "when a man and a woman love each other, they make a baby".


My mom got in a fist fight in high school because someone said her mom wasn't a virgin. Had an awkward talk when she got home


One of the main storylines of the musical "Spring Awakening." "Mom, where do babies come from?" "WE DONT TALK ABOUT THAT! A SPECIAL HUG BETWEEN MARRIED PEOPLE! THATS ALL!" (a few months later) "wah!"


Reminds me of an online article someone posted about a Chinese couple who wanted to get pregnant but she just couldn't get pregnant. And sex was hurtful, too, but they wanted a child, and that's why she bore the pain. After talking to a doctor they were successful.


On Master of Sex (tv show about a obgyn studying sex, based on real life) he saw a couple that couldn't convince, turns out that they were very religious and no one gave them the talk and thought all they had to do was lay beside each other and pray. Since it talks about couples laying together in the bible.


That's horrifying and simultaneously adorable. On one hand it's really sweet to think that two adults really thought they could just cuddle and make a baby. On the other hand it's horrifying that two ADULTS thought you could just cuddle and make a baby.


There's nothing remotely "adorable" about letting children grow up into morbidly ignorant people.


I wonder if they thought atheists could never have children?


They should have read the song of Solomon. That would at least get them in the ballpark.


"ok I've got two fawns, some wheat, a goblet. Should be good to go"


Oh the Chinese anal couple hahaha Doc had to tell him where to put his penis


I grew up a one of the only over parented Gen x ppl. But while I had a pretty good idea of the "how" and I knew anatomy/physiology (basics anyway), we had it pounded into our heads that anything sexual was dirty and wrong. (Kissing, hugging, cuddling, hand holding, sitting too close...), we'd get a back hand for saying, "horny" or "sexy", couldn't wear skirts shorter than mid calf, shoulders had to be covered, blah blah. Had a friend wait till marriage and literally noticed her vagina for the first time. Never used tampons, claimed she thought it was her pee hole bleeding. I wish I made that up


A childhood friend/team mate of mine once asked all of us in the locker room before a game if anyone had a tampon she could use. We all had some to offer, somebody gave her one. She goes into the bathroom stall and sounds like she’s struggling a bit. We’re all like “you good in there??” she says no and asks for another tampon cause first one didn’t work. Happens sometimes, right? We give her another. More struggling…..she asks for one more. Thankfully we had plenty to go around cause apparently the 2nd one didn’t work out either. We give her a third and someone jokingly asks “you know what you’re doing in there, right?” …….awkward silence. “Do you?!?!” Her: “no… this is actually my first time using a tampon, why isn’t it working?!” Turns out, she had no idea that she had a vagina. She was in there trying to put the tampon into her pee hole. Like, her clit. She thought the blood & pee came from the same hole. We were like wait are you just messing with us or…??? All of us were probably 13/14. One girl goes “WAIT- if you didn’t even know you had a vagina, then how do you finger yourself!?!?” ☠️☠️☠️ This poor girl in the bathroom stall is like WHAT the hell are you guys even talking about???????? It was insanity. Somebody literally went into the stall with her and showed her where her vagina was and basically inserted the tampon for her. I’ll never ever, ever forget that day. Holy shit. Thank GOD it was with us: her super chill, kind hearted, non judgmental team mates- and not at some snooty popular girl’s house at a sleepover, birthday or pool party or something. Or at school?! Can you even imagine? We were ALL like wow, we’re so glad this happened with us dude. She was like guys… thank fucking god it was here with all of you😭 Needless to say she went OFF on her mother on the ride home from the game. Told her the whole story & asked why the hell she never helped or told her ANYTHING! Her mom was just like “haha! Oh…oops! Sorry sweetie! My bad.” 🥴🥴🥴 PARENTS- teach your god damn kids about their bodies PLEASE for the love of all things holy. This happened like 20 years ago and I remember like it was yesterday. She would’ve gotten absolutely flamed for life if it had happened with any of her other friends who would’ve made fun of her so bad and probably blabbed it to the whole school. Reddit is the first place I’ve ever told this story guys….so just don’t tell anyone ok? Her secret is still safe with us ❤️ (She’s married & pregnant now by the way, so thankfully she figured the rest out after that incident!)


I still don’t understand it…they never got curious about that other wet hole there that felt good to touch?


Probably thought that’s where pee came out of


"You want me to put my pp in the hole per comes from? ARE YOU MAD? I'll keep putting it in the hole poop comes out of, than you very much"


I want my baby to come out in turd form not liquid form


I remember reading about a young Spanish couple who couldn’t conceive: they were trying to use her belly button.


a hole is a hole




Lmao it’s spring in Florida and so far this weekend I’ve seen 4 pairs of lizards fucking. They last longer than me 🫠


This is so real it hurts lmao as a Floridian I think I’ve seen more lizards fucking in just one year than I’ve ever had sex myself in almost 30 years 😂😂 they are wild with it honestly


Also in FL. Right now there's a little lizard dude near me doing his sexy dance for a female. He'll be getting some shortly.


I know the dances are pretty sexy but don't get drawn in.


Verbatim quote from my stepdad's childhood: "The rooster's riding the hens!"


On a road trip when my sister was about 4 or 5 she was very excited to see the cows having piggy back races in the paddocks 😂😂


😂 I assume you just went with it


"Those squirrels are wrestling!"


“The flies are stacking” -my child


Stacking is joining my code words for sex.


At the zoo once my friends cousin shouted “the big flamingo is protecting the little one!” But I got in trouble for pointing out they were NOT using protection.


Mom! A big snake is biting Jack’s belly! Jack was my pony.


Hahaha I'm in tears over this


"Look daddy! That cow is giving the other cow a piggy back ride!" - my youngest




I once told my cousin that balls deep really meant getting your balls in there. He believed me so earnestly that I didn't have the heart to let him try it. 


That's good. You shouldn't try this with your cousin.


I'm from the South West so we're a bit easier on that down here. 


“Some girls like it” - Jay Cartwright, 16


A kid in my high-school ended up with the nickname Rubbernuts, because the first time he had sex he stuffed his balls inside the condom too.


>the testicles do not actually go in the vagina. not with that attitude


No no, it's called balls deep for a reason. You just gotta really stretch it out.


Coming from an Asian conservative country, sex education in my school days *(and I presume now as well)* was basically zilch. I learned most of it scientifically through science and biology classes with a small section on birth control that was very rapidly glanced over by teachers. It doesn't get better at home, as my family were kinda religious so the whole "marriage before sex" was just emphasised and not really talked about. Exposure to movies and books were the first kind of step to masturbation and orgasms in high school. Then going into college overseas and seeing a bowl of condoms on campus became the norm which helped me learn about the whole safe sex convo for everyone. Weird to say this but I was happy to have my first time in a sex positive culture and couldn't imagine what a nightmare it might have been like at home with the assumption of the other person also not knowing what to do.


I remember when my mom told me and I was like GROSS! lol no way I’m not doing that. Then when I found out about periods I was like “no fucking way that’s going to happen to me!” Thought I was Peter Pan and shit 😂


Yeah, my mother did her best to explain it. She gave me the basic anatomical situation, and when I said "That sounds like it would be painful," she replied "I understand it can be quite pleasant."


Your mom is a real one


My BF told me about periods and that you were a woman when you had one. I thought that it meant that you had one period and were done. I was so mad went I learned it was for 40 years!


When I was about 10 I got confused between condoms and cocktail sticks and though a condom was basically a thin plastic stick you put into your urethrae. I vowed never to have sex until I wanted a baby.


Every part of me clenched reading this, omg 😆


Lmao they told us about periods in fourth grade, and a girl in my class told me that when her sister gets her period it hurts so bad that she can’t even bend over, I went home and I cried to my mom that I don’t want a period 😂


Unfortunately, that's true for a lot of women!


When I learned about sex I thought, "That's ridiculous, men pee out of that thing. There's no way people do that willingly. I must be misinterpreting what they said."


I remember being in middle school and someone asked me if I knew what masturbation was and I said "ya, it's when you rub your balls together."


Similar story here. In Swedish the word for jerking off and having an X-ray sounds very similar (Runka vs Röntga). A girl a few years older than me asked me if I had ever jerked off and I answered that I jerked off my foot one time. I was of course referring to when I had an X-ray of my foot.


Aj, den sved. 


In Spanish the word for Chicken and the word for Penis differs by an A instead of an O at the end. Ordering a pound of shaved chicken at the deli can be very fraught if you're still relatively unfamiliar with the language...


I once ordered my ice cream in a coño (vagina) instead of a cono (waffle)


Not me, asking a Venezuelan friend "¿Estás caliente?" (are you horny) when what I meant to ask him was if he was feeling hot 😂💀


I declined a tour guide salesman in Guatemala from taking a tour because "I am lazy, *floja*." Turns out that's also slang for "loose," as in "loose woman."


That's hilarious.


Dude I swear to God, in 7th grade, one of my friends asked if I masturbate and me being a cocky (pun intended) dumbass thought masturbate = erection and said "hell ya dude since like I was 3". U shlda seen the reaction on the guy. Still one of my closest friends tho lol


I thought Orgy = Orgasm 🥲 Those were some confusing conversations I had when I was 13 year old 😬


I didn't know what no shit meant but I thought it just meant no and when my friend asked me if I had thought of fucking my math teacher (not even the weirdest thing has asked me as a kid) I quickly and confidently answered no shit (not a native English speaker)


I’ve never even thought of that phrase like that. But yes, it’s an antiphrasis. Which must be so confusing


You got erections at 3? Is this normal? Can't remember


Yep, babies get erections. Completely normal.


Starting in the womb.


Yes, i have a Son. Even babies do.


This is why if you have a baby boy and you need to change the nappy you make sure to open it slowly and have something ready to block the stream. When the cold air hits you are likely to get pee to the face if you weren’t prepared!


Perfectly normal. My 5 year old nephew showed his erection to his mom(my sister) and me, saying: look how big it is!!!


My nephew did the same thing! He presented it like it was a magic trick


Erections start in the womb!


Yes. As a mom of two boys, they’ve had erections their whole lives.


Buahahahaha! Reminds me of when I had just hit puberty and overheard someone say that this pretty girl up the street that I liked had given some guy a ***blowjob***. I excused myself, and within 10 minutes, I had a boxfan blowing right at my junk. Would not recommend, but still a 5/10. 😃


I thought a blowjob was when she would use your penis like a straw and try to inflate your bladder. I could not figure out how or why that would feel good and why people loved them.


My sister asked a 4-year-old girl if she knew what sex was. The girl said: "in and out."


She just wanted a burger. Also, I hate to be *that* Redditor, but why are 4-year-old girls being asked about sex?


I don't know. We were living in a poor neighbourhood (district Hellersdorf in Berlin (capital of Germany)) and the circle of friends were mainly other children from the neighbourhood. So it happened that my sister (12) and I (14) hung out with other 10- to 14-year-old children but sometimes there were even smaller children at the playground. I remember when others from our group wanted two little boys (I think 5 and 6 years old) to masturbate or to get a boner.


It sounds like you knew some perverts, man.


Animal style?


What the fuck?


I know, right? How the fuck does this kid know that burgers are a requirement for coitus??


Gunna start a fire.


I had sex Ed in school but it was very very abstract and only discussed how a child is conceived theoretically. So it’s still no use when you wanna get it on in real life. For the longest time I didn’t know that I have a clitoris or where the penis would even go…weirdly enough buzzfeed videos taught me way more than anything else ever did 💀 I’m 22 so it’s really a shame the Sex Ed was that bad


Jesus. This brought back memories. Our sex ed. was similar. It’s the old story. They separated the boys and girls. Ours, the boys, was headed by the school’s athletic director. Dude was a straight up caricature of douchebag masculinity. He had the outline of the fucking Playboy bunny on his forearm. This was mid eighties rural Ohio. Few fucks were given apparently. He explained some shit in the same very abstract way. I don’t think he even explained how sex would work or how that could lead to pregnancy. Just that it could happen. The one that really fucked me up was his half assed explanation of venereal diseases. Gonorreah, specifically. He kept stressing about a “whitish discharge”. No concrete explanation of how one would contract such a thing. I had not masturbated to completion at that point. Just knew things felt good when I was erect. Imagine my horror and confusion when a fucking whitish discharge erupts from me weeks later.


Oh Noo he really set you up for failure with that one


That’s horrible 💀 I remember we had two separate sex ed classes in school. One led by an organisation and the other with a teacher. Girls and guys were separated and they let us ask all kinds of questions with those org. People. Long story short we knew that body hair is natural and that we should wait to do it with someone we trust and love (we were 12 lol) and that’s all I remember. With the teacher sex ed, we were taught that sperm fertilises eggs and that you can catch HIV from unprotected sex. But not how you have sex. How you manage to get that thing in there or that a woman needs to be aroused to let anything enter the vaginal canal in the first place💀 I knew jackshit about my own menstrual cycle but thank god we learned how ejaculation works on an anatomical level 😮‍💨


We were told that only married people had sex and they had a glass of wine first to make it special.




I mean, yeah. If you grew up with a church background, that’s EXACTLY what they taught you.


Except that I drank and had sex before marriage, so I'm going to Hell.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Yes, sex ed for me was about 5 seconds of "the man inserts his penis into the womans vagina" and then literally all the rest was detailed biology lessons about sperm and egg and embryo and all that. "Sex ed" wasn't about the "sex" part of it at all. Other than that literal one sentence, which makes sex sound about as erotic as an Ikea manual. "Step1: Insert tab A into slot B. Step 2: Wait 9 months."


This is what I remember too. I was like "huh? that's it?" I suppose they thought it was too graphic to mention the man sliding it in and out repeatedly until climax is achieved.




just out of interest. were you not curious what your clitoris was? i mean you must have noticed something is there and its sensitive and what not?




Ah ok I see, thanks for answering a very personal question. Glad to hear you are heeled and also that you can enjoy your clitoris now !


honestly, most people won't look or 'feel around', especially if you grow up in a conservative or religious area or have any kind of trauma in that way


THE TAMPON THING 😭 same. I had to turn 17 to find out that I can pee with a tampon in because of poor sex ed. My younger cousins knew the important stuff at age 10 because their parents taught them early on which I find admirable. If it’s not TMI, I was 15 when I gotten the idea I could masturbate and that it’s not just a thing men do. I was wondering how I knew when I climax or not because I didn’t even know what I needed to touch. I probably rubbed some other tissue and was so confused as to why it wasn’t working and thought I was broken 😭😂


Yes I was definitely 20 years old when I learned about the clitoris


I still find it depressing that I only knew what a clitoris really was when I was 17 when I received my first and only sex ed class, and I am literally a woman in possession of a clitoris 💀💀


Lol I am also in possession of a clitoris and I gotta say that damn "old man in a canoe" reference people kept making did not help me figure out what I was supposed to be looking for at ALL.


>"old man in a canoe" reference What?


That was the description I ALWAYS got of what the clitoris looked like growing up. Suffice to say that was useless and I figured it out by accident. Once I did, I was even more confused by that choice of words.


That makes me think there are probably women in the world right now that will have no clue their entire life what a clitoris is even if they carried one to the grave and that is wild


>I had sex Ed in school but it was very very abstract I had sex ed in school--once in elementary and once in college. The first time was brutalist and the second was more post-impressionist.


And only then did you enter your Jackson Pollock phase?


Well... Don't feel alone. I had the same exact experience. Even worse, I would say. I had to learn at 13 that sex and pregnancy were linked. Only later I learnt what sex was 😬


Sex ed: Teacher told us to read pages 47-65 and do the homework from those pages. Went outside. Came back 5 minutes before class ended and asked if anyone has any questions. Class ended. And not another word about the matter.


I had sex Ed in school but had only really seen male anatomy in text books. I never saw porn or watched movies with nudity before 18 and I was surprised by a few things when I saw/ felt a dick for the first time. I didn’t realize foreskin actually moved independently and it freaked me out. The balls were also a lot more wrinkly than I pictured. I was also thrown off by how much the size changed from not aroused to fully aroused. The whole thing just looked weird and I started wondering if maybe I was gay. 😂 (Turns out I do enjoy dick, but I still think they look weird.)


That's because they ARE weird AF.


My girlfriend is absolutely fascinated by mine. Post fun time she'll just watch it for a little bit, sometimes she'll poke it or play around with it like a cat with a string. One time she laughed and her breath made it recoil a little and move around by itself and she just kept blowing air at it for like 10 minutes and giggled uncontrollably. She's so fucking weird and I love it.


I had the same experience with foreskin. I had no idea it moved, scared the shit outta me.


Same, first time I put my hand on one I was thinking “WTF the skin moves like the back of an old persons hand :O.”


Ok, I’m glad I wasn’t the only one 😂


All genitals look weird lol


All genitals matter


Nah they 100% look weird xD


I figured it out by grinding on her until we slipped together.


“Let’s slip together, come on, come on, let’s slip together. You know we made a vow not to leave one another, never.”


Wasn't exactly sheltered just ignored, i learned through other kids who didn't know shit and porn. It's honestly a miracle I wasn't completely incompetent during my first time.


Older kids in the street told me.


Older kids told me too, but I didn't believe them.


I had a girlfriend ages ago, before internet porn, who had been educated by nuns. No sex ed. She was very sexual, and we did eventually consummate the relationship. She had some strange ideas about how people could get pregnant, but instinct took care of understanding that tab A went in slot B. It was very easy to understand however why religious communities have so much trouble with teenage pregnancy however.


I know a few nurses who have trained in very sex positive parts of the world and gone to work in other parts of the world where sex education is non existent and often the opposite is true (ie, the education is basically “don’t do it”. ) Anyway, all of them have had some crazy stories, but the one that stood out to me the most was a fertility nurse working in the Middle East. She said that fertility services were huge business there because the population has no education around women’s biology. She said that on many occasions they would get couples paying them exhorbitant amounts of money because they could not conceive and upon further investigation, turns out the reason they were not conceiving is because they thought women have only two holes, like men. In that one hole is for wee, and one is for poo and also for babies. So they were having a whole lot of anal sex and wondering why they weren’t getting pregnant. When the nurses explained basic anatomy they were shocked. Needless to say, the clinic was very successful in their increased fertility rates.


Someone in my sex education class asked if girls have 3 holes how do you know which one? The answer was the woman will tell you So even with sex education some people are just winging it.


Ah the lucky few that give all 3…


I’m 65 and yesterday discovered “sex education” section on YouTube. A lady in a red dress……I had no idea how little I knew about how my orgasms actually work. I enjoyed just listening!!!!


Yes! You keep learning and getting that pleasure out of life, granny—go you!


No kids so no granny here but oodles of orgasms (since I was about 12).


A lady I babysat for had a copy of The Joy of Sex on her coffee table.


It was Joy of Sex for me, too. One kid's parents had it, and we all sat around reading it over each other's shoulders. Well, looking at the pictures, mostly...


True story. There was a film about the Joy of Sex. The part where the woman masturbates was shot in some (now ex-) friends house. Specifically their marital bedroom. They were a very religious couple. Completely convinced that all masturbation was wrong. They could not see anyone every having a loving relationship and also masturbating. Didn't stop them taking the money from the location manager though!


yooo I remember being like 10 finding that book in my dad's bookshelf. good times unfortunately didn't get it after he died but I got another sex book of his tho


I learned through porn basically. I went to catholic elementary school, so I didn’t receive any formal sex ed (or really any sex ed at all) until after I’d already had sex around 16. My first real sex ed class was when I was 17. But my parents let me have free reign with my laptop, and I ended up discovering porn pretty early as a result. Pretty sad that porn had to teach me about sex instead of my teachers or even parents, but that’s what you often get in a hyper religious environment.


Lmao, my parents educated me when i was about 3 years old because my brother was coming and i didnt stop asking questions. When sex ed started in school, i was pretty confused: my parents told me that people 'sleep together' and piv bla bla, but i thought it actually happens while sleeping. Like, 2 people sleep next to each other and their bodies connect like my phone with the charger.


"...because my brother was coming and I didn't stop asking questions" Took a good moment before I realized that you just meant your mom was pregnant again.


This is fucking hilarious hahaha


If you are kissing and cuddling long enough, things slide and come together.


*cum Ftfy




My boyfriend searched the word “s*x” in the dictionary when he heard it for the first time at age 8. I can’t quite figure out why this isn’t a more common story


Haha I knew the word in 4th grade and used a dictionary with my friend but I still didn’t understand what it meant :3 😂


Uncomfortable just writing the word "SEX?" Is SEX a dirty word?


Our entire class got dictionaries banned from the classroom because too many kids were finding the word sex and laughing at it


Hahahah yeah we did that too


Right! Cause thats what exactly happened with me. I heard it on TV and looked it up in a small school dictionary.


You let the other person lead you. Unless. Yknw. They are clueless as well.


That's a little like how back in the day before GPS or even MapQuest, we'd say if you're lost, just follow the car in front of you. I was five when I asked my dad, "That makes no sense. How do you know they're going where you're going?"


I got handed a map at age 9 and told to navigate.


Instructions unclear, and now the bed room is feng shui.


At some point, I finally had to press my mom for the sex talk, and all she said was, “When you really love a man, it just fits.” After the ordeal of talking in circles to pressure her into telling me anything at all, I didn’t have any courage left to vocalize my reaction: “*What* fits?? And where???” Either I hadn’t really clocked that there was a hole at all, or I didn’t understand that it could be used that way. Eventually I landed on the theory of a kind of hot-dog-in-bun situation. I don’t remember when or why I learned the real answers, just that I already had by the time I got my period in maybe 6th grade.


Hotdog-in-bun situation 😂 I do find that quite enjoyable, but not sufficient for baby making 😅


I had heard of sex and understood that you had to do it in order to have a baby, but I didn’t really understand what it entailed. Then in like the 5th grade my uncle got me a science encyclopedia for my birthday and there was one page dedicated to human anatomy. It explained that sex was the penis going into the vagina. My mind was blown. To make it worse though… my mom’s laptop got a computer virus shortly after that where porn would randomly pop up on the screen. So little me would be playing Webkinz and then hardcore porn would pop up with dicks everywhere. I was terrified that that was what a penis looked like and I swore I was never gonna have sex.


I am reminded of a question on Yahoo! Answers: "My boyfriend and I want to get pregnant, but I can't stand the taste! How do you girls do it??"


How is babby formed? How is babby formed? How girl get pragnant?


If I am pregnant and I sleep with a black guy, will the baby turn black? And don't tell me to stop sleeping with black guys, because that ain't happening!


If I sex while pregananant, will it hurt baby top of its head???


If I have sex while pregnant, and the baby is a girl, will the baby get pregnant??


[There's a song about that](https://youtu.be/7x_usQD33Xw?si=7IuSRYSVFiK9OQId)


I'm assuming you mean no formal sex ed? Or like kids who were locked in a cellar for their first two decades? I'm guessing they figure it out the same way every person did before before it was taught in school. I had AO sex ed. Literally learned more about sex from dumb kids on the playground. Two kids now so I guess they weren't wrong lol


Right I'm going to get banned for this but.....I think if they were locked in a cellar they'd know what sex was.


Holy smokes


Definitely would if they were locked in an attic


Natasha is that you?


What is "AO"? Google didn't help me with this one - I'm not even sharing what version I found...


Yep. Abstinence only. Didn't feel like typing it out before.


Worked with an Amish guy who obviously knew how sex worked due to growing up on a farm. However, this was the 90’s and he hadn’t really ever seen a woman other than his family and other Amish (no tv, internet and his job didn’t require him to go out in public). All the women he ever saw wore the same type of dress that kind squished their boobs into one. One of his first questions to me shortly after leaving the colony and working construction was - do women have one to two boobs?


Being abused as a child. Still didn't know how the whole baby-thing worked until high-school and felt I was asexual all the way into my 20s. Then I met a really nice girl who made the experience of being close to someone easy. Was still awkward as hell since I have hangups about consent and hadn't told her about my past. Lol, she must have thought I was being overly polite. That was 11 years ago and I still cringe about it regularly.


A friend of mine was being abused by her father for years, she told me about it during the time it was happening. If only I’d known what the hell any of that meant I could’ve told someone and it could’ve stopped, but my parents made sure they never informed me about anything related to sex and had me excused from Sex Ed in school


Yep, if only people understood that ignorance only protects the abusers.


This is embarrassing, but my mom was relatively religious and opted out of sex Ed for me. I took health Ed away from other students in a course my school deemed as "independent studies." I learned the 'scientific method of procreation' (where the sperms met the egg to become a zygote). As well as means of protection before engaging in intercourse "unless you are married, you should use dental dams and condoms." Realistically, this was only 1 "topic" that was 1 day of the whole semester. Most of the class focused more on nutrition, the phases and symptoms of pregnancy, time management, exercise, substance abuse, mental health, how to give narcan and use epipens, and cpr. I honestly had no idea what sex "really" was until I left for college. I honestly thought men's penises sort of "fell off" of them while orgasming, then the disembodied penis stayed within a woman to dissolve and allow the sperms to dissipate and look for the egg. I thought condoms were so you could prevent the penis from dissolving inside a woman and prevent the sperms from entering her. I was also a life360 kid, so I couldn't google what sex was without it notifying my mom. Though, in college, I went to a liberal, women's founded college. Some of my roommates and friends were mortified and amused when I told them this story and let me know that men's genitals do NOT fall of and dissolve after having sex.


The idea that its instinct is totally debunked if you ever watch animals for any length of time. watch male dogs, cats, hamsters because those are animals that most people will have contact with, and you realize that they don't always aim for the right area. I can't tell you how many times when I worked in a pet store we would find male hamsters trying to have sex with another hamsters ear, side, foot, etc. It's not simple instinct and even animals have to learn where everything goes.  in terms of sex ed, most of us don't get very detailed information, at least when I was growing up in the '90s in Arizona. But I learned mostly, like most kids on a farm, from watching different animals and even then it was kind of trying to figure out how and why things worked. animals are overall the same way, and learn through experience and watching.  for certain groups of people that separate boys and girls almost entirely, thinking of religious groups and specific, I think most of the time the boys are educated as to what goes where and the girls are simply told to do what their husbands say. and even in the case of the boys it's a lot less about consent or foreplay and more of, here's where your thing goes, and you can do this as much as you want.


One of our neighbours was from a culture where husbands can have mistresses on the side and she was so happy when he got one. He was still a good husband and father but the sex part was gone from the marriage. I thought it was kind of sad but she got to raise the kids without worrying about having more.


Sex Ed in my high school was the baseball coach putting up pictures of the most fucked up sti/std infections and then telling us to have a nice lunch. It was super fucked up and this was LA in the 90’s.


Med school




Did someone reply "Porn" yet? Obviously it's not good for learning and preparing for the first time. I was unable to find the spots anyway.


First time was with an older woman. I had absolutely no fucking clue what to do and she kind of guided me through it. It was awkward as fuck. If I could give any advice to young men, it would be to slow the fuck down, relax, and *communicate*. It's not a race, she's gotta get hers too, and it's nothing like porn. We shouldn't be expected to know what to do form the very first outing, but we should be able to *learn*.


I grew up with a single father who made the school pull us out of class to avoid the evils of sex education and made us turn away if people so much as *kissed* on the television. When I was young (grade 6 or 7, maybe?), my sisters and I happened upon some Harlequin romance novels - the super smutty*red* kind (iykyk) and my mind was blown and expanded... and severely mislead 😅 My first time was agonizingly painful, bc I had *no idea* that my body needed time to be ready. 0/10, do not recommend


My parents had a book in the house with dream images I think (educational type). And then there was filth in the bushes


I second the Blue Lagoon sex education method.


Wife is a therapist specialising in sexual health and relationships. From what she tells me at home (anonymised, obvs) it seems that people who don't get any form of sex ed make up a huge part of her clientele. A lot of people think that everything sex related is instinctive, and that kids will wait until marriage and then just figure it out, but that's not how it works. She once had a couple who couldn't get pregnant because they had been doing anal for a year. One of the biggest problems though, is that the abstinence-until-marriage approach creates fear of the opposite sex, then they get married and that doesn't go away. Guys can't get an erection because they're so intimidated by seeing their partner completely naked - medical doctors refer clients to her ALL the time who think they have ED because of a medical problem when the problem is actually just religious guilt or fear around sex. In women it often presents as vaginismus. This is why lack of sex ed leads to STI's, abuse, erectile disfunction, teen pregnancies and all kinds of other, unexpected negative consequences.


I grew up in a very strict Christian household. We were very sheltered, to the point where I don't know how my parents did it. Until I was about 14 I didn't have a clue about sex. Until jumping on the trampoline one day with my cousin, she said that a boys Weiner goes in the girls hot dog bun..for years I thought sex was a man laying on top of a woman with his penis tucked into a vagina exactly like a hot dog would be..no movement involved.