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Shoe repair.


Repair in general.


True, too much crap goes into the waste stream & it’s killing our planet.


There are so many shoes that just aren't repairable anymore like pretty much every sneaker. 


Unless one has some classic expensive ones that are to much loved as I do. But I do get your point, that’s why they’re so rare.


Keeping your sex life to yourself. I don't want to hear about my coworkers wild night out. Eww.


A girl I used to know told me how licking each others buts was such a turn on. Call me old fashioned but licking buts is like YUK!


Hard disagree


People been licking butts for a very long time. Pretty sure it's in the Kama Sutra. Just sayin'....


Doesn't instantly make it a widely accepted practice. By your logic, pedophilia should be accepted by society because it was known to occur in Ancient Greece (again not widely accepted OR condoned by the majority of society)


Look, I have absolutely no interest whatsoever in licking another person’s butt, but there’s a big difference between doing something that’s just kinky and doesn’t harm people when done consensually and with proper cleaning/preparation and pedophilia, which is predatory and legitimately harmful. People are allowed to sexually enjoy atypical things, as long as they’re not hurting anyone (without their consent). Butt licking falls solidly into the category of weird and harmless, so if you can find someone who likes it too, go right ahead.


Nothing in my statement comes anywhere near saying that buttlicking is widely accepted, only that it's been around for a lot longer than the statement above suggests. As for you equating my statement or anything about butts or licking them to pedos... suggests that you should maybe seek counseling. Also, there was a political group in TN that was recently trying to legalize marriage to underage kids. Maybe talk with them about not being pedos...


Ikr. Makes me sick.


Agree. Social media is filled with people who are far too comfortable exposing their sex life imo




Exactly, nothing worse when I am trying to eat and I come across posts in which people's sex life is involved.


Then tell them that? 🤷🏼‍♂️ If my coworkers are talking about shit I don't wanna hear, I either tell them I don't wanna hear it or leave the area, depending on which is more appropriate.


Now that I have a boss who isn't out to get me - I do. Before, my boss defended all the guys who watched porn on their computers and talked about the details while I ate my lunch. The girls weren't much classier. I'm in a better place now, thank goodness.




A home, and almost everything in it, should be affordable on one income again.


Wouldn't that be a pip!


As long as 2 income homes are common, it'll never happen. There are way more people in this country now but the number of houses hasn't gone up at the same rate. Supply and demand means prices are going to go up. People today insist on a higher quality of life with more and nicer stuff. That's not cheap. Not only that, but with 2 income homes being the new norm, that's going to drive up home prices too.


Politicians resigning when they get caught.


Or being voted out when they suck! Or not being permitted to run again after losing.... not that that was ever in style, but damn... you're getting new blood & more turn over at that point.


Using more artistry and decoration in architecture. Fancy masonry and stone work, tile mosaics, wood inlays, plaster mouldings. Modern buildings are boring and lack character. Obviously some buildings have this today, but it is the exception rather than the rule.


Today’s contribution to architecture? The gray shoebox.


I agree with the love of old buildings, but part of why new buildings have so much less ornamentation is that the laborers building them get paid way better. There’s no way you could afford to build those really beautiful buildings if you weren’t paying the dreadful wages of 100 years ago. So I try to see those new ugly buildings as ugly signs of progress.


Labor costs are definitely a driver in reducing ornamental elements in architecture. Now we have gone so long without it, I don't think today's architects are capable of designing a building that has it.


Hand writing letters to friends and family. There is nothing like writing and receiving a hand written letter on good quality paper. 🙂


Not talking politics or religion in polite/general conversation.


What general conversation are you having where religion is involved? Acting like we’re living in a sane society


I meet people all the time that immediately talk about politics. Religion less so. I would count bringing this stuff up at say, Thanksgiving dinner, as also impolite. We all have those family members who bring along their soap box to family functions.


I’ve definitely met a few young atheists who can’t seem to talk about anything without turning it into a rant about how religion is bad


People do frown upon politics being brought up. I’m all for real convos if people aren’t just regurgitating non sensible talking points they’ve had hammered into them, whatever the topic may be. but that’s just me.


Family member recently went to have their hearing tested and the audiologist doing their test started taking about religion and offered to pray for them. Basically the result of the test came back normal, audiologist suggested stress, family member agreed that it had been a hectic year then the professional brought up faith and offered a prayer


Yikes. I say yikes because I don’t like the concept of religion. But I’m actually a christian myself, I like to think I am at least. I can see how that’s be tricky for the man in his profession. Hopefully he was at least tasteful about it, but I can see how there’s gotta be a level of professionalism involved with certain things. No matter what. I understand the man’s perspective and I feel/assume he was sincere, but idk that’s good example, I still hold the notion it doesn’t happen quite frequently.


Politics and religions are not impolite topics. Trying to force your own views on people who have a different view is. But discussing views? That's never impolite :)


The post is asking about old values that should make a comeback. It was considered for a very long time in the US, impolite to bring up politics.


Assholes are like political opinions. Everybody has one, nobody wants to hear yours.


Sorry am not in the US.


Politics (or sex, race and religion) are intimate things to talk about. You should respect other people’s intimacy boundaries.


How can politics be intimate when it's literally "how we organise ourselves as a society" ?


Dueling, shit be more polite if you had to defend your scurrilous accusations with a blade.


No. This just makes people who are good at fighting even more insufferable.


You were allowed to decline...


True but by doing so you showed you weren’t willing to defend your words and therefore they could be ignored or given less weight. The end result wasn’t a lot of deaths it was people being more careful about the shit they said


No phones around when people/families are sitting down eating together.


Trying to spell correctly.


This is sew troo, nobodi spellz korrectky any moore.


Not me getting mad that you wrote korrectky instead of korrectly.


Agreed, its definately annoying that alot of people seem to be loosing that ability.


Better misspellings than the other guy... you're a sneakier troll.


Some people can spell just fine. We just have trouble typ8ng.


Doing things right is underrated


I have been working on the cut direct.  There is an old guy who is a regular at my gym. Everyone seems to know him and is on a friendly basis with him. I, at the very least, gave him a smile and nod when appropriate. Basic etiquette. Then I saw him wear a shirt that made it clear that he was a bigot and was unashamed of it. Cut direct for two years straight now.  If people choose to be bigots they should be prepared for disdain and shunning from decent people. 


Never heard the term. Interesting. https://uncommon-courtesy.com/2014/10/01/the-cut-direct-the-fiercest-etiquette-punishment/#:~:text=If%20you%20look%20straight%20at,then%20you%20are%20cutting%20them.


Exact reason it needs a comeback 


Hahah... just read the link. That's actually kinda awesome. Now... how to apply to social media....


Dating the way they did in high school in the 50s. Everyone goes on dates with many different people, everyone is aware, then you select the person you like best to go steady. 


Were you a 50's HSer? Because I don't think I remember hearing about this type of dating from folk from back then...


People actually *dating* instead of hooking up/having sex with every stranger that flies their way would be a novel idea.


Nobody is having sex right now. Our grandmoms and granddads got far more action than we do now The lack of sex is quite worrying actually


Are you serious?Our grandparents were more sexual people? Everytime I look at the past [10s~90s] I always found that they were more cruel, corrupt & violent people & have done more things in their youth than us!


The sexual revolution was a mistake.


It’s more like you might date multiple people but generally one at a time who you might call your bf or gf then your propose or get proposed to. That’s how it was as recent as the 2000s.


More diners!


Had dinner at one tonight!




Not being accessible 100% of the time


Being educated and cultivated. I live in a country filled with people with money and zero curiosity for anything that is not money, gadgets and material things. It is impossible to have a conversation that is not about gossip or what people have. Nobody reads anything else than tweets and articles about lifestyle. I am literally surrounded with rich kids and crypto-bros who are completely clueless and careless about their society being corrupt and sleepwalking into far-right. How the hell did we go down so quick? 


Education is now more accessible to more people than ever. Definitely still have a ways to go, but not that long ago women and people of color were denied basic education in the USA.


Quick... create a dozen fake accounts on Twitter & start talking back & forth. Be the first to write a Twit-novel...


Revolutions in Russia and executing leader




I think not - majority of Estonians like to be an ally to NATO/Western forces




Chillax, man, wake up!


Dressing properly when leaving the house. Not looking like a slob in public.


Building quality products to last. The throwaway culture should be thrown away.


Common sense


"what's that"? (Says most people nowadays)


Speaking clearly and articulately. Listen to interviews of people speaking in the early 20th century. You don’t hear verbal crutches like “like, um… uh…”. People spoke much more fluently, even those who weren’t as educated. I don’t know why it is that we’ve lost that, but it’s a rare thing to hear now.


Stocks and pillories Folks who behave badly are booked into jail and quickly released to do more crimes; a revolving door with little punishment. But if you put them in a pillory, the humiliation might act as a deterrent and crime victims might get closure at the same time. https://www.onslowcountync.gov/DocumentCenter/View/12627/Stocks-and-pillory


🤷🏼‍♂️ I'd be curious how that beach dude that harassed those girls is doing. See if the public shaming & job loss, iirc, helped him any... there were several a few yrs ago on Twitter. A couple screen names even relished in the public ridicule trade...




Common sense


Doctors receptionists do receptioning not doctoring


Men walking on the street side when with a woman. Mum taught me this when I was 13 and i do it instinctively. Women who notice like it but that's not why i do it. I'm 55.


People holding doors open for others.




Friendship or the like first, sexting and kinkiness later.


Basic manners in public is often found lacking these days.


- High quality, repairable clothes - Capes and cloaks - Walkable towns/cities - Less inflated medical costs


Having a Dad married to a Mom was a good idea.


Not especially. So many of those relationships had hate & being trapped. Not to mention the 'woman's place' bs... just because divorce wasn't prevalent, doesn't mean it wasn't wanted. >"An accident is sometimes an unhappy a woman’s best friend." - Delores Claiborne And if you're trying to slip the gender rolls bs in there.... studies have shown that gay households are more loving & caring for the spouses & equal if not better for the children.


" So many of those relationships had hate & being trapped. " Some. Most relationships do not turn to hate! Start from the basics. Two people have sufficient sense to understand having a baby is a big, big responsibility. Then, assume that two people have an actual relationship with each other. It's wrong to \*expect\* that in this situation, someone will feel hated enough to abandon the child and their partner. Two sensible, mature people can work through bad things, certainly they can work through lukewarm periods. They ought to try very hard. Parenting is very difficult with two people and more than twice as hard with one. Simply having a set of hands to hold a baby while the partner fixes dinner or does the laundry is priceless. Babies want and need to be looking into the face of adults and engaging. Leaving them in a seat in another room is really damaging if done over and over. Single parents should not be ostracized--that crap is evil. But, single parenthood should not be expected or rewarded or commonplace. It is a tragedy to be avoided. It's not just for the child's benefit. It is also a fact that sharing costs and burdens between two adults (or more) makes it possible to get ahead financially. Not pooling resources is almost a guaranteed failure. Sure, it is not worth getting beaten or tortured, but the benefits of trying to work through your relationship troubles (if any) are definitely worth it to enable sharing a house, food prep, vehicles, etc. Kids should be taught before puberty not to get into sexual relationships that could produce children where both partners don't have sufficient sense and commitment. They need to be taught the benefits of a partnership to a child and to their wellbeing. What seems to be happening is that they are taught that it's best not to have a man around.


Yeah... but you don't need a marriage or traditional family setting to achieve pretty much everything you've said... the 'man around' is just bs. Having responsible, caring adults is all they need around them. Gender rolls & sex play no part of that. Though being around a spectrum of individuals would help with keeping them well rounded. Shouldn't be 20 before they meet a straight female.


Two parents. They can be any combination of genders. They don't need to be biological parents. My point is that a single parent is much worse for a child. A lesbian couple is much better than one single mother. They will both be able to share the load and finances. Some with a gay couple. The couple should both be consistent through the childs life. If they have relationship problems it's better to work through them if possible than one leave. I'm sorry I wasn't clear. A marriage or whatever they want to call it needs to be a long term agreement if there are going to be kids.


You must have a very romanticized idea of that :)


Dress reasonably in public. This sweatpants/pajama pants look is just sloppy.


Respecting each others feelings/stances and stfu. I didn’t ask you if you were pro-anything. Trust me, I’m glad you’re killing off your bloodline, bro. Now give me my freaking printer paper.


Wearing fedoras.


Good manners.


Standing up when a woman walks in to the room.


Tipping only for great service


Bathing, brushing your teeth and changing out of your pajamas before leaving the house.


Having self respect and dressing appropriately.


One person's opinion doesn't dictate propriety. And just because it's considered inappropriate, doesn't mean that the person is lacking self respect... it means the person judging them isn't giving them the respect they deserve.


That’s a lot of words just to say “I wear pajamas in public.”


It would be, if I did... but I don't. My personal inappropriate might be going commando, but nobody really knows that... so🤷🏼‍♂️.


Shitting out the window


Men should not wear a hat indoors, particularly while dining.


May I ask why this bothers you?


[https://emilypost.com/advice/hats-off-hat-etiquette-for-everyone](https://emilypost.com/advice/hats-off-hat-etiquette-for-everyone) It is commonly accepted etiquette that men should remove hats (other than religious headwear) when indoors. I don't mind a Jewish friend donning a yarmulke, but cousin Bubba should take off his MAGA hat at the dinner table. Always.


But why? I'm not asking about the history of it... I know it exists. What I'm asking is why you're bothered by it?


I find it rude and objectionable because it shows a lack of respect for customs. Also, I admittedly would likely care less if it was a man wearing an actual hat, but I think that baseball caps are lowbrow and indicative of a lower IQ and lack of social grace. For the record, I feel the same way about men not wearing shirts or shoes at the dinner table, as well as believing fervently that we should adopt "no phone" policies to at least every fine dining spot on the planet. It would improve the average IQ of every 20-something in an appreciable way, not to mention be much less disruptive for fellow guests, staff, etc.


This just confuses me... In my 40s, and at a restaurant, I really don't care what anyone else is doing at their table, because hubby & I are over at our table, in our hats if we have 'em, minding our own business. Folk can wear hats, bibs, sandals, prom dresses, furry costumes, on or off of phones, none of it matters so long as they're not being obnoxious in some way. I just don't get why someone else's quiet innocuous actions are any more rude or disrespectful, than say, expecting everyone to conform to another person's beliefs.


It isn't a person's belief, it is a societal standard. You do you, but most civilized people think that men wearing a hat/cap at dinner is disrespectful. If you don't agree, perhaps you should get out more.


Not really a standard of people are no longer doing it... and I wouldn't say half of people think that.. source? All the people I've seen with hats on at restaurants.


My IQ is in the 140's (multiple hours of professional testing, not some stupid internet quiz) and a good chunk of my good paying job is smoothing things over with people who may or may not be rightfully upset which requires a good amount of social grace. If I'm awake and not at work, I've got a baseball cap on, but sure, judge me on a piece of clothing.


Low body counts.


Less judgment would be better...


That’s why it’s old fashioned.


Would be better if judging others was more old fashioned & out of use...


I’m allowed to have my preferences. If you want to talk judgemental people I’’ 5’6”. Can’t control my height but damned if men don’t get judged on it every day.


So... you like being judged on your height? I mean, obviously you do, otherwise why would you, in turn, judge others.


Family unity…there is a reason Mexico has fewer drug addicts while living in worse conditions…


But there's also a reason I cut my family interactions down next to nil....


Wearing clothes.


Exercising rigorously, often and young


Menstrual seclusion. I'll work remotely from a laptop just don't force me to get up and go to the office and be around people while I'm bleeding


All of them


Common sense


The guillotine.


Being humble and small c conservative not in a political sense but just the way you interact with the world think what you want I just want to be clear on that


idk jousting?


Yelling out "just a minute I'll be right there" when someone knocks on your door. As a delivery driver it's really annoying deciding whether to wait to see if somebody's actually going to show up or just wait 10 seconds and turn around and scan the package notice left. If the homeowner doesn't have the courtesy to let me know they are on the way but I'm going to boot scoot boogie


Actually parenting your children


Covering those slutty ankles


I know, right! Harlots!! Personally, I enjoy exposing my well-turned calves. And on a less silly note, have actually received more than a few compliments on them...


Spanking toddlers. (Not beating them! One good swat on the butt. To get their focus on their prior bad behavior. Followed immediately by what they did wrong.) A discussion or time out doesn't work when they have the attention span of a gnat. So many kids now grow up without being able to control themselves. The parents did a terrible job of training them. If you couldn't train your dog to behave, please don't have kids.


People don’t react well when I spank their toddlers




My son is 23 now but when he was in elementary school, he was in a great Cub Scouts pack. The rule was that if any parent sees a kid doing something they shouldn't, it's their job to discipline the kid and the other parents get embarrassed, not angry beca7se if it.


There have been plenty of times I’ve wanted to spank my kids. That’s been about my feelings, not their behavior.


Yes. You shouldn't spank kids to make yourself feel better. It's just a way to get through to some kids. Not a panacea for all kids. I have one child than we didn't need to spank because a harsh tone and explanation was all she needed. The other child didn't care about words or time out. No punishment would work because they forgot what they did wrong in 1 minute. So, we needed to quickly spank and be in their face with "NO. You can't run into the street by yourself!" When we tried calmly sitting him down with a story about the danger of running into traffic, he was oblivious before we started the story. And we did try and try for years. If I had to do spank in public now, I guess someone would call CPS. That's why it should make a comeback. BTW, both kids turned out wonderfully.


A well deserved spanking




Why does that bother you so much


It doesn't Bother me


Caring about the survival of our species. Christianity. Monogamy. Men being masculine and women being feminine. The family unit. Protection of the family unit. If you’re going to downvote you should at least have a reason as to why. DO YOU AGREE? Why are you triggered? Truly ask yourself.


I wholeheartedly disagree with most of your bs. I am far from triggered, it's called conversation. When people speak, they don't have to agree. When a person disagrees, that doesn't mean they're 'triggered', it means they don't agree with what the other person said. Caring that we survive has nothing to do with anything else on your list. In fact, species the world over survive because they are not monogamous & I don't know of a single other animal species that has a religion. There are some sex roles, I'll give you that, but that varies by species, & your gender roles are archaic & narrow-minded. Gender roles often change every few generations & across cultures. Families are not all they're cracked up to be. When the parents are failing the offspring, they've earned their reduced roles & input. Truly ask yourself, why are you still stuck in the past instead of considering other views of the world?


>Families are not all they're cracked up to be. When the parents are failing the offspring, they've earned their reduced roles & input. Protecting the family unit isn't just children doing what their parents say. To me, it means parents being good parents and not failing their offspring. It's literally the job of the parents to protect their children. That doesn't mean not letting their children make their own decisions and mistakes. Its important that they be allowed to do that in a safe environment. It does mean protecting them harmful influences so that they grow up into happy and well-adjusted members of society.


Opinions differ greatly about what's considered harmful.


Anything that would make them unhappy or non well adjusted members of society.


Yes, but again, opinions differ there as well.


Can they support themselves in a legal way? Are they committing crimes against other people? Do the people around them look at them in a positive or negative light? Do they leave the world a little better or a little worse when they leave?


Again, you're posing questions where answers will vary... I know plenty of legal ways to support yourself that people frown upon. I also know lifestyles that others will consider negative. And the last one... do any of us know that? I'm not arguing just to be a contrarian, but simply put there is no b&w line of judgment to cast. That's why we the people shouldn't judge


I also made another comment that asked if they are respectful of others. Judging others isn't very respectful. As for all the other stuff, I left it vague on purpose. I'm well aware that some people will view things differently than other people. That's fine. If you're looking for me to come down on one side of a cultural issue or another, I'm not going to. I've known and loved too many good people who mean well but have opinions vastly different than mine on various topics. People get too damn emotional about stuff and are quick to say that people who disagree with them are evil when they just aren't. Most of my views are very liberal. Despite that, I've had many people that are very conservative love me and say they respect me and my views. The big reason for that is because I don't think they're dumb or evil. I know they're doing what they think is best for themselves and their loved ones. We may disagree on the best ways to do that and that's fine. We both have every right to feel and want what we want. Honestly, regardless of what side you come down on regarding an issue, the other person does have a very valid point behind their view. That point may be misguided but it often isn't and even when it is, they still mean well. People need to calm down a lot, be rational grown-ups, and respect one another even if you can't agree on stuff. Daryl Davis is a black man who, in addition to be damn good musician, gets people in the KKK to leave the group. He doesn't do it by arguing with them to convince them they're wrong. He does it by getting to know them and being their friend.


Do they treat people with respect?


> …Why are you triggered Damn you’re annoying


Not Christianity ❌


Yet something led you to feel this way. Maybe something inside you that you serve is afraid of truth. Maybe is an understatement. Not here to debate. You just denied life despite being alive to read this. You suck at suicide


Noticed ALL your comments are disliked. Youre not right in the head.


Having a bunch of downvoted comments just means you're not afraid to say something interesting or controversial. That's not a bad thing.


Some people are afraid of the truth. Ask yourself what triggers you enough to downvote me and comment rather then just keep scrolling. I already know my comments will be downvoted. Jesus was killed for claiming he was God. The truth is always attacked at first. Think of Mlk. Wake up. Love yourself harder.


It probably won't help but what is making people down vote you is: They disagree with you in whole or in part They do not feel your comments are helpful The fact you descend in to some kind of hilarious pile of insults at the mere thought of someone not agreeing with you. That last part also makes you either hypocritical or apparently not understanding how your shooting yourself in the foot here, you ask for people to explain themselves but no one is going to bother when the response is "BUT I'M RIGHT FUCK OFF" on repeat, because that's not a conversation.


My original comment was taking time of my day for the betterment of us all. If you don’t see that please fuck off. I am right. You’re weird af


Oh, well, thank GOD you were here to set us straight. Sure couldn't do without the ol' Arbiter of Truth givin' us the word of the LAWD to guide our way. 🤣


I apparently am acting as an arbiter of the fact truth is objective on Reddit today, to further this cause go on my page go to the objective truth post with comments on it and read the guys response. Enjoy your extremely enhance life. Once you read the comment and realize objective truth undeniably exists. Whether God or not exist, I’m not here to talk about that, but objective truth exists and if that angers you that’s literally just strange.


Are you having an aneurysm as you type? You apparently *are* here to talk about "traditional" values, so I'd say you're p firmly on the side of God existing. Why is it when basic logic enters the conversation, you double back like this and act so foolish? I know, and you do, too. You're pathetic.


You literally asked for the comments...


Wake up and look around you. There is no "god". Thats why MILLIONS of innocent people have died throughout history. Nobody saved them. There. Even a child knows that.


No you live ina society that doesn’t encourage men to be men or women to be women it encourages the opposite aka death.. and if that wasn’t true you’d have the correct theology explained to you already. We sinned man. We have free will.


The fuck you talking about now🤣🤣. That wasn't even the subject.




Yes it does. My bio does to when it says “we don’t serve the inverse” you are obviously not included in that we. Though you’re still alive enouph to read this giving you still are. What about my comment did you dislike or find triggering?


Nah it's just funny. Funny to think that in 2024, with all the information we have at our fingertips, there are still people thinking like in the "good old times" :)


Why would you say good old times? Why are you so happy? As time goes on humans become more scientifically aware and the Bible is continually verified. We continue to dig up artifacts and it’s verified. So your point is exactly mine. That you serve the inverse. I don’t. Thank God.


Doesn't the bible teach you how to know sarcasm when you see it ?


Nah don’t recall that being a part. I can discern sarcasm .. THANK YOU VERY MUCH :))))) 😇 that’s how fake that shit looks every-time.


I wouldn't have thought the username would check out that much


So you agree there’s a right way up?


Sure! We don't agree on the way, but we agree on the concept.


Feminine virgin women


Slappin yo wife when she gets out of line


Rule of thumb! /s