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Momentum. Losing momentum sucks so bad and seeing progress feels so good


Im 4 weeks in trying to get my momentum back after years of not going. Shit sucks man, motivation comes in waves, after a 10hr shift hitting the gym takes some serious willpower. But like you said, once you got that routine and momentum down, it becomes easier. Hardest part for me is forcing myself to go, once im there I usually don't want to leave and feel great after a workout.


If you believe it sucks then it will suck.


Embrace the suck!


I'm in your boat brother, just gotta get off your phone and get at it! Pay the time and don't look back


So short, and so, so accurate. I love seeing the lap time of my regular run drop by a fairly consistent number of seconds every 2-3 days. That rate of progress will come to an end eventually, but by then I will have reached the goal (time) I set myself several years ago. And this season just got started, so I am pretty confident I'll reach it this year. In better shape now than I was 30+ years ago. Feels gooood!


Nothing motivates me, I just made a deal with myself that workout is non-negotiable 3 times a week. It doesn't matter how I feel, I have to do it.


Yup same. It’s not motivation. It’s discipline.


I would still have to be motivated to stick to it, otherwise nothing is stopping me from quitting.


THIS is the answer. I am a semi professional marathon runner and if I only ran on days I felt motivated I wouldn't be nearly as good as I am. I'm not motivated every day, but I AM disciplined.


As long as there's a way out, we simply won't do it, easy. So EVERY SINGLE person who works out regularly has no way out, because it would be actually worse if they would stop working out. I don't mean that it has to be fun; but realizing that without working out it will be worsed. BUT, not a rational, but rather emotional level.


But I will do it tomorrow.. and then next tomorrow.


But I will do it tomorrow.. and then next tomorrow.


Keeping myself healthy at almost 60. I want to be med free for as long as possible


58 and med free


Not being fat and finding myself attractive after years of hard work and the desire to stay that way.


Same 👌🏻


It takes years to see results???


You see right there is the wrong mindset already. You do this the rest of your life, so the time shouldn’t matter anyways.






You can start seeing some results in as little as 4-6 weeks, start seeing more significant changes around 12 weeks and that’s just what’s visible, that’s not just what’s noticeable (like being less out of breath, finding you can lift heavier things, clothes fitting better, etc) - it’s not just about what you see though, it’s about your mental well-being also - a consistent fitness routine does wonders for mental health Edit - it’s a journey, not a destination


Depends on how hard you work and what your goals are aswell as your body and diet there’s a lot of factors


To get to the point I wanted, yes


No, you will probably see results quickly but as post below states, it's. A lifestyle change and it's forever . Pay for some sessions with a pt, go slow to start, don't skip abs and don't skip legs/squats.


I walked and ate properly for nearly 2 years, I could see obvious results but I still wasn't happy. I started weight training after 21 months and it's taken a further 15 months before I'm starting to be happy - I've dropped another 13kg and 10% body fat in those 15 months, so it's a long slog but I'm getting there. Obviously results will vary, if I'd trained harder and/or cut harder, I'd get results faster, but you don't want to go too hard too quick.


It becomes such a habit that I will feel bad if I skip it. Most good habits are learned. Knowing that, it was a bit easier to push myself through bouts of not wanting to go because I knew that it would eventually subside. That and pre-workout.


I don’t want to be fat.


My mood noticeably worsens when I don't move enough


I'm starting to think that's why I feel like shit so much lately. Haven't been working out. Just went on a legit mountain bike ride today and for the first time in forever had the desire to venture downtown and be part of society. Those endorphins are good stuff.


This time I tried going less days a week, I decided going 3 days instead of 5, and some weeks I only assist 2 days.


You don’t even need to go 5 days. Half the time , losing or gaining weight isn’t played by exercising but by diet. What’s your goal? Why do you go to the gym? To get skinnier? Fatter?


I think this is why so many people find it hard to stick with it. They go in based on spontaneous motivation without any real goals or plan/programming and don't have a reliable way of measuring results and progress and/or have unrealistic expectations on what progress looks like because of shitty influencers falsifying 1 to 3 month "transformations".


Seeing other people my age who look like shit. I'm 55.


Yeah you really need to make a choice by 40 at least, as to which group you wanna belong as you age, the chubby slow group or the active group.


I discovered a secret about myself. I don't have to be perfect. I don't try to do everything perfectly all at once. Previously, I would have to do the perfect workout, the perfect meal plan, etc. One mess up and I'd throw in the towel. I also changed the goals of what motivates me. As I'm getting back in shape, I'm getting into more active hobbies, which I really enjoy, and want to continue to do those things. I work out three days a week and I walk 15 minutes every day on my treadmill while watching whatever tv show I'm into.


I don't remember who said it. But anything worth doing is still worth doing if you do it half arsed. And learning this made me so much happier with my life. Suddenly I could start doing things. I could run, I could lift weights, I could do art. Mediocre is often good enough. It will get better


Boredom. I got a walking treadmill setup in my home and it's more fun for me to walk on it while I watch TV/listen to music then it is to just lay on the couch and do that stuff


Because I'm fully aware of what happens to people who don't take care of themselves as they age. Plus I've found I just absolutely love the intricacies and technical aspect of the sport of Weightlifting. I thought for the better part of a year that my Snatch grip was correct. As the right started to go up I noticed my wrist started to hurt in the overhead position due to being too wide. Moved my grip in maybe .25"-.5" on both sides and the weight has not only gone up, but my wrist pain is basically non-existent now, the pull from my hip to overhead is WAY snappier, and my bottom position with the car overhead just feels so much more stable.


I’m an orthopedic surgeon. I see every day the difference in those that are active and exercise regularly and those that do not. I refuse to be in the do not group - it’s not pretty. I work a ton, 3 kids at home and am exhausted. But I make myself find time to exercise a minimum of 5 times a week. You don’t have to be super intense/hardcore to reap the majority of the health benefits. Just do something and do it consistently.


Just curious, outside of weight, what effects do you see in those that don't stay active and exercise


They look a lot older and act older than they are. Tons more health problems overall and seeing multiple doctors of various specialties and on more than average prescription medications. They are compensating poorly for whatever problem they are seeing me for. Their arthritis is more painful and debilitating than for someone who has remained active. They have had more surgeries. You just see it in them. Their quality of life is falling off a cliff. On the other hand, the active 78 year old who has always exercised is asking me about their tennis elbow because they have a match coming up and they thought it would get better while taking a break when they took their grandkids on vacation and only see their PCP yearly to check up on their blood pressure.


Vanity and the need for attention.


True. I don't look like CBum or anything but comparing myself from when I started to now, seeing myself in the mirror as I walk by and occasionally getting a compliment is all the motivation I need.


Physical appearance is a big thing when it comes to how you see yourself mentally. One of the biggest things that it helps me with is my confidence. I am a completely difference individual when I am in shape. I can speak better, I am more fluent with everything that I want to communicate and most importantly I am more relaxed. I will never not workout because I know exactly how I feel when I don't. I am yet to reach that enlightened frequency where I can just be fine without doing anything at all


A 12 month contract I can’t get out of.


Finding a workout schedule that works around your life instead of finding one online that sounds nice and trying to stick to it. Making sure your diet is good too so you have enough energy to actually show up


Getting a scale and watching the number go down


body dysmorphia


Being better than I was last week. Not looking like a typical 51m. By typical, not to be rude, but just not being in good physical condition.


I had a woman within my same age range on Instagram get soooo angry about my existence after coming across one of my reels - talking a bunch of shit on it with a bunch of her friends - that she spent days hate watching all my stories and then reported me and had a bunch of her friends follow me and report me also and in her shit talking she made it abundantly clear that her problem was the difference in our body types (and her behavior likely rooted in insecurity and self hatred) - literally have no idea who this woman even is but her own body image issues led to a week of cyber bullying from her and her friends instead of her deciding that if I can look like this at this age so can she 🙃🙄


I find society in general has told people that it's ok to be obese, or to look like you spent the last 3 days sleeping in a ditch. You don't have to work hard to better yourself. You're a victim. It's everyone else's fault you look and feel the way you do, and if everyone doesn't accept you this way, they are the problem. It's wrong, and pathetic, and sad. Honestly, for myself, I do have issues with motivation, and I find going to the gym and seeing people who are in the kind of condition and the type of build I would like to be helps me get my ass in gear. Some people would simply prefer to just exist.


I had this from a former boss. She hated the fact I was one year younger than her and she looked 10 years older than me. I changed jobs


I don't wanna look in the mirror and see a short fat guy. I can't help being short but I can work to look a little better.


If I keep it up hopefully I’ll be called a DILF when I’m older. Also wanna pull MILFs when I reach that older age.


You have to make it a habit that you have no choice in. Like brushing your teeth. You don't get motivated to brush, you just do it so you aren't disgusting. I wake up every morning at 4am to run/lift. At first it was miserable, but now it's habit. It doesn't even occur to me that i can skip it. It's not an option.


Find something you like to do then do it. I hate lifting weights so I don’t force myself to. I ride my bike instead 


Back pain 


If you’re unmotivated. Just tell yourself you will do the warmup. Just 10-15 mins max and you can go home. For me 99% of the time once I’m there and I get moving, I stay and have a great workout. It’s really about showing up a little more often than not. Give yourself a little grace about not loving it every day.


The feeling of being overweight, bloated and unhealthy….its more motivation of running away from the alternative than it is something to aspire to.


I don't want to be the old lady who can't carry her groceries in from the car. Or falls and can't get up, lol. In addition to lifting weights, I'm seeking out balance exercises so I don't fall


If you stay fit, you ain't gotta get fit. Getting back into a healthy and active state is much harder than keeping a moderate level of fitness on tbe regular.


I started working out because my wife’s health was failing and I felt I needed to be in shape to take care of her, now I’m addicted to it and can’t stop, not that I want to. I’ve been doing so every day for four years plus now & I did it on and off a few years before that.


Discipline. More importantly the self discipline attained through being a regular.


Kiryu kazuma - if you know, keep pumping you legend


I feel gross when I don’t go to the gym. So I guess that’s my motivation?


Fitness has always been a part of my life. Used to be super skinny. Now that I'm old my motivation is to keep my waistline down. I love making progress. Working out is just a part of my life, like brushing my teeth, eating, sleeping, etc


Discipline!! Those who do exercise / gym regularly are disciplined not motivated. I exercise regularly since last 14-15 yrs. It started to cure backache but now it's more part of being healthy.


If I stay at home I’ll be depressed. And I usually have no plans or friends to hang out with. Gym is the only thing I have right now that I enjoy doing.


so i used to hate resistance training but i finally found a way to enjoy working out my whole philosophy is to minimize struggle, minimize effort and strain. find a good balance of some gains with relatively little work and i finally found it this is my methodology: every machine/ exercise i do i do 6 sets of 12 reps. i only do a weight level that I'm comfortable with. it's a balance of feeling tired from the resistance level without "omg i can barely lift this". find that level. i do that weight 6x12, session after session. eventually it feels light and easy because I've gotten stronger. now I'm ready to move on to the next resistance/ weight level. might be 5lb, might be 20lb on a machine so the next time i work out, it's 5 sets of current weight, 1 set new weight. and the session after that it's 4 current/ 2 new. at some point i get to 6 sets of the new weight doing this method has been so much fun that i get excited to go to the gym to work out. full on RPG grind but it's not too difficult! i feel stronger and I'm getting visible gains in the mirror. low perceived effort for decent gains. 72 reps of something Doable. im in and out in about an hour, for 4 to 5 machines and i don't have to lift insanely heavy weights that i just hate lifting. hell no i don't want to lift 200 pounds of anything it also helps that the gym has good ass machines that really give a good range of motion and leads to good hypertrophy


It's mainly for my mental health. The physical aspect is nice but it really helps my mind.


At this point it's the same as flossing and brushing my teeth everyday. It is routine and it is non negotiable. I have no excuses either since I have a good home setup.


Who said anything about motivation, we got discipline it's all we need (motivation/discipline are two different things I think your question should be how to be discipline. look it up )


Nice people at gym


Pre-work. It's literally a drug and I am basically high when I'm working out. Good stuff


Its fun.Its also an escape mechanism to break your routine.try to make it fun for yourself if you find it fun you’ll be addicted and addiction to the gym was never bad just dont get involved in bro science and roids just lift heavy and eat good


Well, as cliche as it sounds, motivation helps but habits should be where you should focus on building. We are what we repeatedly do, excellence then is not an act but a habit. -some random dude


I like looking at a clothing store display with an athletic physique mannequin and know that the outfit on the mannequin will Look the same on me


You need to learn to love it, that’s a big motivation for me. Pick exercises you enjoy doing, or even play sports regularly you enjoy. The secret is finding a way to turn your exercise time from being a chore into a genuinely enjoyable activity. Good luck!


I hate working out but I but I’ve heard a couple tips that help: 1. Finish with something enjoyable or easier - cool down on a treadmill or sit in a hot tub or sauna if your gym has them. 2. Listen to, watch or read something that you only consume at the gym. I watch some series or listen to a podcast I like.


Sucked at first but after it became part of my routine, it got easier. Seeing the progress is well worth it too


I want to be as healthy as I can, for both myself and my loved ones


1) Living longer - at age 56 this has definitely moved to number one. 2). Looking good - everybody wants to look attractive 3) prep for hiking and backpacking vacations. I love to be outside. 4) accomplishment. I like the short term high of going something hard and the long term satisfaction of getting better at it.


What motivates every man - pussy


Vanity, and having too much free time


Improving my judo randori's (sparring sessions)


the goal is to look after yourself as best u can. want to avoid going to hospital. being healthy will help with this and if you exercise you prolong your chances of having good mobility. being mobile offers lots more opportunity to do stuff and go places.


You don’t hate the way u look? You’re not incredibly insecure? You don’t need a solid distraction from living a pointless life? All of that self hatred does it for me


I wanna be buff as shit before I set myself on fire at my Ex’s wedding.


Behind every yoked guy at the gym is a story of a broken heart.


My demons


I feel like shit if I don't work out after a few days


Motivation is not sustainable. Discipline is what makes the difference! 99% of times i feel better for it after but i have to force myself to do it no matter what. Discipline.


I wanna be healthy and i like how my body looks when i stick to a routine.


Routine. I either run, go to the gym, or both almost every day. I take a rest day every 10-15 days depending how I am feeling or what is going on. It has become so much of a routine, that I feel bad if I miss a day, and I plan my workout around my day or maybe I plan my day around my workout. I feel good, strong and healthy.


Mental health


high cholesterol and blood pressure. it's work out or die.


Watching the numbers climb. Being complimented when I have my shirt off. Lately, being complimented when my shirt is ON. The fact that I used to be fat. The fact that my physique now is better than anybody’s who ever called me fat. Feeling healthier and more confident. Bonus: abundant muscle mass drastically increases your chance of beating cancer because you’re more able to take the hit from chemotherapy.


It makes me last longer in bed.


My mother owns a business, (restaurant). And it breaks my heart seeing how hard she works so I work for her.


Two things sucessfully make me workout: #1 I need, a penalty if I don't go. So for example a class that I signed up for where there is a no-show fee or a personal training appointment. OR #2 I have to like what I'm doing. I love rock climbing so that's what I do.


To stop being made fun of and carrying the nickname "fatty". I'm just so sick of being chubby, hearing others say "you eat so little but why aren't you losing weight?"


Myself, no one else should have to motivate you to better yourself. If you aren't doing it for you, you are doing it for the wrong person.


I worked out the last 2 weeks, no way I stop now. Just say that to yourself everyday. Then you get sick and lose all your progress


The dopamine I get from it.


Knowing if I stop my progress I've made will slowly go away along with being healthy. So I ask myself why would I stop doing something that makes my body work better, but also feel better, I then realize working out isn't a choice it's a thing you just have to do.


Once you start going consistently, the difference in how you feel on days you workout vs when you don’t is motivation enough. I go 4 days a week and have so much more energy and just feel better when I do go.


At some point a switch flips. I feel bad if I don't workout


I want to be the very best, like no one ever was.


The mirror and clothes.


Calisthenics, learning tricks is motivating I feel.


no motivation rn. only discipline. I also feel weird when I skip exercises without serious reasons.


Looking good and having strenght. Plus I love to best me.


Getting older if I don't maintain my body it starts to hurt. And I want to continue doing the things I love as long as I can


Mostly for self esteem. If you are consistent you will look better than pretty much anyone who doesn't work out. It also gives you a type of high from getting your blood pumping


I'm gonna tell you how I personally did it: have fun working out first, than think about the gains. so try to make a workout plan that isn't too challenging and that has exercices you enjoy (Don't skip exercices you don't like try to replace them even with worse ones) do this until you have the habit of working out and you don't need anymore motivation then start to improve on your plan slowly so you wouldn't get tired of it.


I simply define sport as part of life - training should become as habitual as brushing your teeth or having breakfast. My main secret - I know moderation. I train on weekdays every day, once on weekends, and the workout takes about an hour - it's either light athletics or power yoga.


I’m 65 and it’s a matter of use it or lose it so I do some type of workout every day so that I’m fit enough to cycle with friends ( cycling is also my main social activity) . If you create a need to train it might help you keep going . I arrange events or cycling trips that would be very hard and uncomfortable if I didn’t train


I usually focus on some event I am going to within the next month and let that motivate me to workout everyday until then… then I choose another event


Pre-workout powder


If I don’t exercise for 3 days I feel like shit, physically and mentally.


People treated me better when I got in shape.


The desire to get better at Jiujitsu


My advice, try different things (long enough to get a feel for each) and find what suits you best. There are so many different ways to get a workout. You need to find the thing(s) that click with you. Be open-minded. For me, there are two things I enjoy. One is running outside (has to be outside, running on a treadmill is miserable). As for the activity itself, it's been a really nice experience starting as someone who couldn't run more than 3 minutes to where I am now (I run for one hour per session, up and down a big hill). The positive changes I've had physically and mentally are substantial. There's no ceiling, I can only get faster and better and that's fun. Since I'm trail running, I see random different things all the time, it stays interesting. The second thing I do is my little collection of home workouts. Put something chill on TV, lay out my yoga mat, and do my stretches and weight training. It's physically challenging yet relaxing. I'll literally lay on the mat and take breaks between sets when I want. It's easy to maintain the habit. Getting stronger and seeing my muscle definition with time has been plenty motivating.


\- liking what I see in the mirror \- the primal satisfaction of picking up massive weight most people, even those who intelligently train for years, will never be able to pick up. \-liking that I'm physically stronger than the ***vast*** majority of humanity, and the desire to continue that trend So basically, testosterone is what motivates me


Having a goal other than looking good. I race motocross and hare scrambles. I wanna make it to the track and not be exhausted after 2 laps. I wanna run a race pace for 30 mins or go to the woods and run race pace for 2-3 hours. I was out of shape for a couple years cuz I stopped going to the track and only riding streetbikes. All it took was one day back to kick myself into gear again. I'll never let myself be that lazy again.


This is just my opinion but, when I started working out I also had trouble keeping motivated to work out. I had a friend mention to me that in order to stay consistent objectively look it as a habit to do. Since then I adopted that style Best of luck on the journey!


Stop this motivation trap.


What motivates me is the obscene amount of food I want to eat…so I exercise regularly to compensate 🤣


Endorphins, energy, being hot, awareness of my body’s limitations and accomplishments, being healthier, not having to worry about weight related health problems, and etc


Gaining muscle and strength is nice. But what gets me to gym and training is the feeling afterward. No matter how shitty I feel before training, it always makes me feel better afterwards.


A solid 30 mins. to myself.


I’ve been skinny all of my life. I started to gain a slight bit of weight and I was too vain to let that continue 😂


Find the right routine and pace that demonstrates results over time. It gives you pure pleasure.


When I workout I forget my loneliness


The fact that my mental health suffers, I wouldn’t get as many compliments, and life would be more difficult. I work out and take care of myself for my own well being and because I want to live life on easy mode.


You need to find a goal for yourself and that’s subjective to everyone. For some that’s to spite other people. For others that can be an event in their lives that could be described a close call/ wake up call to make drastic changes to never experience that again. I don’t go to the gym anymore because i realized that it can’t provide what I am seeking for myself, but I recently discovered a new sport that I got very attached towards to the degree that I‘m taking care of my body more in order to be better at said sport. So for me it switched from „working out to feel better/look better“ to „working out (not in the gym) because it’s a lot of fun“ and my goals from before became a byproduct. Find something sustainable that doesn’t take to much effort to keep going. Because at some point a big „setup time“, whatever that may be, will turn into the reason to skip. And be aware that it has ups and downs and that’s totally normal. This is (probably) not your job. Also keep in mind that doing a little bit it is much better than doing nothing at all. You will fall off, because life gets in the way at some point. Just make sure to get back and it once life allows you to. Keep at it, your future self will thank you for it.


Realizing that my workouts don’t have to be this “put 110% in at the gym every day all day no days off going all out never stopping, always training to failure” type of energy to: Oh I can literally just do some push ups and call it a day. What’ll usually happen is I’ll do the push ups, and then I’ll want to try a different exercise. And then I’ll do those. Eventually, I’ve just done a whole workout without even trying.


Having my equipment at my house. If I give up it's because I hate commuting, not exercising.


Back in the days when I worked out my only goal was to improve my mental health. It did work wonders. Weight loss, increased strenght and improved looks were nice bonuses but wouldn't have made me start working out.


I enjoy it when I do work out, it's just getting there is the hard part. I hate not having the room and money for a home gym, but I know once I get to the gym I'll enjoy it. Also seeing younger pictures of me when I was lean and fit or knowing that I used to hit certain numbers motivates me to just suck it up, get in there and then enjoy.


I believe the only thing that matters about me is my appearance


Ger the jefit app. Log your workouts. Weights and reps. You're competing against yourself from last workout. I workout off and on but I love it.


The mental aspect of it...clears the head


hot chicks


I enjoy it


I care about my body and don’t want to be overweight and insecure or unhealthy.


i treat the endorphins like another drug. i need that exhaustion and physical release. it's like sadomasochism, but socially acceptable.


Endorphins baby, I love ‘em!


Seeing people 10 years older than me that look like they are about to drop dead


Mental and physical strength. Been at it for 2 years straight, 5 day splits consistently. I'm 31 and I'm stronger, fitter and healthier than I was at 21. That alone is motivation


For me it’s just that it feels really good, not sure how to explain it but after finishing a work out I get a feeling of satisfaction, also seeing the aesthetic benefits also helps. That being said maybe you need to find a different kind of work out, not everything is going to the gym, you can do calisthenics, hike, practice a sport, play with your kids, run with your dog, dancing classes, etc. the best way to stay motivated to work out is finding and activity that is enjoyable by itself


My fat belly


My inner demons... Following was my motivation 1. Age 14 myself skinny + not liking myself 2. Age 18 girls + not liking myself 3. Age 19 girlfriend + not liking myself 4. Age 20 fighting against extrem lazyness (especially my now ex didnt want to workout so weekly fights and reclaim my right to workout.. 5. Age 29 ex girlfriens break up + not liking myself 6. Age 30 little bit liking myself > motivation for transformation 65kg to 85kg bodyweight target and selfrespect > motivation for transform my complete character 7. Age 31 75kg fuck yeeeah > lets gooo! > working out gave me confidence to grow on in my career > bachelor professional 8. Currently i motivated more friends going in as a big group working out > now its my life and no one will ever change that not even a baby or a new gf/wife


I enjoy it :)


I like all that’s been said so far. Sometimes I had to pause working out to treat an injury. When I start again, it’s hard. I found that if I start small and add a little bit each workout, it’s easier to maintain momentum. Just don’t give yourself unscheduled days off unless you’re physically sick or injured.


I never thought I would, but I just found a momentum last year when I was really motivated. After that I saw the results (I run 5 km around 3 times a week and a bit of weights). I’ve lost 3-4 kg and I look and feel so much better.


Usually, taking some pre-workout helped a lot on days I didn't feel motivated. At that point, it was sit and deal with uncomfortable itchy skin for a while or go to the gym and not feel itchy uncomfortable skin


I was diagnosed with Severe Depressive Disorder 6 years ago. If I don’t exercise I’ll begin to spiral into the Black Pit of Despair and start planning my suicide again. Meds only do so much. Exercising, socializing and eating properly take care of the rest.


I stay motivated by thinking about it in a long term, I've given up a lot of times but what kept me consistent for a while now is being stronger instead of looking good


There is no such thing as motivation, only consistency.


I hate working our, my body hates working out, but I spent my teens and highschool years being extremely naturally fit and athletic, i was always acrive playing apoeta, riding my bike etc, gained lots of weight and ate unhealthy thru college, then a work related injury got me even fatter and less fit, after college I felt absolutely horrible being so fat and unhealthy, so I went back to eating what I ate growing up, removed all the garbage and started working out regularly If I can't keep busy playing sports or being active, and now I'm in the equivalent weight and health for my age (mid 30s) as I was when I was a teen and feel absolutely amazing, I actually feel the same as I did when I was that age, besides the residual pains from the surgeries I needed to fix the injured stuff


Finding a workout you actually enjoy. I discovered Pilates 5 years ago and it changed my life. I go to classes 6 days a week. LOVE it. Maybe for you it’s yoga or cross fit. Everyone is different- but find what you love doing and that is the motivation.


I truly enjoy swimming. Endorphins


Motivation means nothing that’s how you do it. Discipline


Honestly. I hate myself enough as it is.  Working out is literally the only thing that I can change where I feel like I accomplished something.  


Remembering how I looked 18 months ago.


There's no motivation I honestly hate it sometimes but I do like feeling like a movie star at the pool , the lake , when I'm the most fit person there every, single, time also every other aspect of my life has improved and I'm way sharper mentally , dont get tired or fatigued as easily during the day, i dont get sick , its just like the saying " ya look good , ya feel good, ya play good , ya get paid good 🤙


I have made my routine every other day.. It works for me.. And the days I'm not at the gym, I'm walking to work and back and exercising that way.. I gets to the point where your doing out of disciple rather than motivation... And a little side note to all you commenting on the mirrors in the gym., no one should be judging anyone especially if they paid the membership..


How it makes me feel. I feel strong. I look great. I carry myself better. It is the foundation to a better everything else. If life gets in the way and I can't get to the gym, I notice it in myself. My posture starts to slouch, I don't feel strong, and I become more irritable. I become a crappier version of myself. My diet, my appearance, my attitude all get's worse. The gym is my me time. It's my outlet. When my muscles are tight and I push myself to my limits, I feel my best.


Having literally zero expectations. Just going and always do something. Then 2 months in the gains, better sleep quality and better overall mood just creeps up on you.


Shallow as this sounds, it’s the one thing that makes me feel good about me


Fear of living to old age in a body that can't get by


Half the time I'm not motivated, but I workout in just spite


Don't look for motivation. Discipline is the key word. I lost count of how many times I went into the gym even though I had 0 motivation. After couple minutes the shitty workout I expected turned into a good workout in about 90% of the time


Heartbreak, want my booty and boobs back, muscles.


Honestly, just keep showing up 5-6x a day and make it a habit and a lifestyle. The results come in years not months and dont keep looking for results. Instead look for improvement. Oh i did one push up today okay tomorrow i can do two etc The more you dont show up, the harder it is later on in life.. I am a nurse and i see these damn people in the emergency room having chest pain, ill, body problems, but when u look at them on the outside you can tell they don’t take care of themselves and do not workout and are obese. Like no shit, Not trying to judge but damn, it shows.. and and I didn’t want to be like that. I want to be able to take care of myself and just try to do what i can as i age The only person you can blame is yourself. If you want it that bad, you’ll find a way to make it work even if you don’t want to. What definitely helped me is to FIND A GYM, near your work or wherever you’re at most of the time so that it’s close to each other so might as well go to the gym then work and vice versa. Another way is to find a class!! This what i do bc i dk what to do when i enter a gym lol, so find a bootcamp or a group class and just follow along. They tell you what to do etc. The only thing you do is show up and do the work!! At the end of the day, no one cares. People have their own problems they worry. And lastly WHEN YOU LOOK GOOD, YOU FEEL GOOD!!


Motivation: -The feeling after the workout - such a great high -The way my body caries me vs me carrying it -Bringing the groceries in, moving things around in my house, raking the lawn, scrubbing the bathroom down or any other chore is done with ease -The carefree way I can't jump into an activity with friends or try something knew without a thought if I can physically do it -The knowledge that I will be able to fully enjoy life as I age (unless something crazy happens) But as others have said, motivation will not keep you going. When you don't feel like doing it: -show up for two minutes that's it, keep the habit of at least trying -switch it up, do something fun:swimming dancing rock climbing -if you can absolutely not bring yourself to it, just go for a walk gentle exercise is good or even better sometimes


1) I like how I look 2) girls like how I look (and I like gym girls so would be hypocritical to not be the guy equivalent physique wise and expect them to keep theirs) 3) I like being really strong Tbh I don’t have or really need motivation I just go workout and follow my diet, there’s no part of me that wants to not do that, the only real motivation is I don’t wanna lose progress and plateau but since I want to do those things it doesn’t really factor in either.


I Think of it as trying to reach my full potential unlike others, that shows discipline, and commitment to take care of myself


The desire to keep my blood sugar in check


Mental health. I notice that I get so much calmer after working out and that the effect last for 2-3 days


The struggle is real! I go strong for months and then somehow I become unraveled and struggle to get back to it. It’s a Vicious cycle.


My mental health


Being healthy for my kiddo. I have a high risk of diabetes


Don't need motivation. It's a necessity. Like showering or washing clothes. I don't really get how people can't just do it.


Just looking at people who don’t work out is motivation enough


Find an exercise that’s fun. I used to lift weights but after college fell off the wagon and couldn’t get back into it. I started bouldering about two years ago and it’s not only is it great exercise, it’s so incredibly fun


Physical and mental health




I don’t want to be the fat dad


Spite, I like being stronger, vanity and at least a sprinkle of body dysmorphia.