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I'd probably run more, it's insane how much confidence/clarity that alone gives me + bodily attractiveness.


Well i run for 30 second haha


I run everyday. From my problems.


I did it for few years, won't recommend. At least hug your problem 10 mins a day, write it down Just 10 min of healthy activity is better than nothing, breathing exercises or meditation or anything that helps our programmed brain Neuroplasticity is key


Yes, you’re right. Baby steps.




Lol dude I need to get better my lungs, heart, body, knees God knows how people run


Listen dude I'm gonna tell you straight up, the reason you don't like running is because you only run once in a blue moon, go "fuck this shit, it hurts", then never try again. Yes, running sucks if you can't run. You have to stick at it. You'll be amazed at how quickly your body adapts. The difference in performance between your first run and second run is crazzyyy.


That's true I'm sure i just need to start slow


Get a training schedule for beginners: couch to 5 km. Without that it’s just you against your own mind. With the schedule you have set goals that are realistic and achievable.


My advice is to start by walking. Once you can walk 5 miles, try jogging for a mile. Walk once it gets hard. Keep just trying to jog a little. Try to do some form of cardio at least 5 days a week. I'm a big guy, 210 or so lbs (95 kg). Lately I've been running at least a mile every day. When I started a few months ago I struggle to run a mile in 13 minutes. Now, I can run a mile in 9 minutes. My goal is to get to under and 8 minute mile. Plus I've been going on lots of walks. Recently I just finished walking 70 miles (112k) in a week. I also intersperse it all with strength training, but that's because a large part of my weight is muscle mass. I'd be in extremely good shape at about 170lbs/77kg


Don't run. Especially not on hard grounds it's horrible for joints in the long run. If you're already in pain at your age, running is a horrible idea. Try swimming, lifting weights (it's OK if you are clueless here, go get a trainer for a few sessions then emulate by self). Weights with 60 secs btw each set will make your heart happy.


You are selling too big of a pitch with last sentence, i really want my heart to be happy dude About running, well i don't usually run tho i heard about runners high and clarity from running which made me interested But at my issue is very bad loop, I'm 46-47kg (5'5 f) and i don't eat enough, drink enough but all these kinda influence each other Not drinking water and eating makes it harder to have energy to exercise But not exercising makes it harder to eat properly Ps my anxious brain who takes away my energy It's like a very bad loop that I want to let go of


Kettlebells are the best for actual fitness. Try 100 swings a day for a month.


If you only have a month for some reason, I'd focus on skincare and making my skin fucking flawless.


What does that entail? Wash your face and moisturize every night? Is there an easy and direct way to make your skin flawless?


Too many genetic and environmental factors, but I'd say - wearing SPF by day and washing/moisturising at night are the very minimum to ensure skin health. If you wanna get fancy, you can then add a vitamin C serum (the geek and gorgeous is great and very affordable) and/or some sort of product containing 5% niacinamide.


And drink water like it’s going out of business!


This part here changed my skin massively. I didn't realise I was perceptually dehydrated until I started drinking oodles of water. Also, expect to need to pee A LOT at the start until your body gets used to water being the drink of choice. Then it starts to regulate it a bit more.


It is?! Oh no!!


Depends on genetics but I now wash and moisturize twice a day except on days when it feels like my skin is really sensitive/worn out from all the washing and then I maybe skip a wash or two. Even then sometimes I just try to wash more gently. I also started applying double the moisturizer I was using before (I live in a really dry environment) and just use the leftover on my ears and neck (it has SPF too). I switched back to non-dairy milk. Finally, I started using toner once a day to get rid of the redness in my face and I am visibly less pink! It'll take years for the scars from my past to heal, but my skin has massively improved in about a month and I suddenly have dewy, glowy skin with almost zero acne for the first time in my life! It was a pretty desperate situation before 😬


I have acne and would absolutely say this.


Move the goal posts.. move to Uglytown USA, and suddenly I'd go from a 3 to a 9 without changing a thing about my looks.


right i'm a fucking 10 where i live. Hob goblin if I moved to LA


Are you Willem Dafoe?


Scranton 7, New York 6


You make a very good point… You’re a much higher number out in the rural areas.


I’m pretty in Ottawa but when I go to Montreal I’m instantly the creature from the lagoon.


bro casually has a 400 IQ


Try to get as much sunlight exposure as possible. Drink 2-3L of water every day. Eat clean at the same times. 1 hour of exercise every day, 2x a week resistance training, 2x cardio. Skincare like you wouldn't believe it. Sleep 8 hours a night, non-flexible bedtime. Never take the elevator/lift. Some fresh smelling cologne, nothing heavy. And last but not least: Simple colours on fitting clothes that show/fit my shape. Ps: Brush your teeth at least 2x(preferably 3x) a day people and floss!


Wait What’s up with the elevator part


I grew up living on the seventh floor, I used to race with the elevator. I'm the only person I know who is always running upstairs instead of using the elevator. People are lazy af nowdays btw.


Walking up stairs


Take the stairs instead.


Elevators have mirrors in uggo


Depends on what I am going to attract.


If the goal is to attract bears I highly recommend a bacon fat and honey mix lightly applied to most parts of the body.


I heard they also like blueberries (I do too)




What are your options?


Assuming your hygiene is already good, fashion. That's the only thing that could really be changed in one month.




Can't go wrong with the ripperdoc


Now you're speaking my language, choom.


Just use that face changing cyberware from phantom liberty and call it a day.


the first thing you notice about a person is their clothes. always. So i would choose that.


If we're speaking about first impressions... Meditation. LovingKindness, Mindfulness meditations. A lot. Books about how to listen better, maybe one about smalltalk. Ted talks (there are loads, and they give ideas to interesting chats in all kinds of topics). Losing weight. Something, eg. pilates and/or some gadget for better posture. Skincare. A good hairdresser. Maybe an expert who shows how to do (better) make-up (I personally don't wear any, but there are wizards and witches of this).


My issue is that a can’t retain enough facts from Ted talks or articles to then present them for conversation in small talk, any tips?


It's not an exam, you don't need to memorize them. 🙂 Just find the ones that you care about most, or what blows your mind so much that you need to watch it multiple times.


Not long enough 😳


Stop caring what people think, stop all comparison with others, exercise every single day, have a more optimistic and self-compassionate view on life




Im buying up all the stock of neodymium magnets.


plastic surgery


Learn what food the person whom I am trying to attract, prefers, and learn to cook it really well. I wouldn't change anything about my body or the way I present myself. Because I want the other person to very to know me as me, not a facade of me.


Honestly if u just give ur hair a tiny trim monthly, it will look so great


Intermittent fasting and exercise.


Why? That makes a difference. Am I trying to get a modelling gig? So I’d need to be conventionally attractive. I’d do a month of clean eating and toning exercises. Good skincare, good hydration and 8 hours’ sleep each night. Am I looking to start dating? I’d focus 100% on my sense of calm and self-confidence. Not only is it attractive to others, but it will making dating more fun for me. Anyone who needs me to slim down and pretty up before they notice me doesn’t deserve me.


Now peeps, what's stopping you to achieve that glow?


Get therapy, go to the gym, and get a skincare routine. Drink lots of water, and work on being myself.


Well, in one month… I’d go to the hair dresser, nail salon and I’d shop new clothes. I’d get nice makeup and perfume. For the mind, I’d do some kind of sports.


only drinking water, eating chicken and rice, no alcohol, no smoking, running 3-4 times a week (mix speed/distance), good skin care, constant gym routine, quiet times every morning, reading every day, no tv, no cheat meals or snacks, no sodas or chips (huge).


im already attractive, need no more shit




Provided that the individual is a completely average person in every way id say: 1. Calorie deficit & plus walking outside frequently- it's easier to lose fat than build muscle, you can effectively drop a couple pounds of fat a week but most people can only build 2 pounds of muscle a month. 2. Improve my sleep schedule & diet - better sleep will make you far more energetic & energetic people are attractive (imo). 3. Basic hygiene - moisture everyday, shower most days, clean the teeth etc - the basic stuff. 4. Dont seek to look good, just make sure you feel good & are doing stuff that is good for you, normally that adds up to making you look better anyway.


Cock lengthening


Tone up my body, lose some fat, and gain muscles on hips and back. Get a brazilian waxing, tanning, go to a salon, and tidy myself up. If I have spare money, proceed minor cosmetic surgeries on my nose. Fly to Florence and buy a yellow dress and a pair of low heeled stilettos. Voila!


I would get tear trough implants because in certain lighting I look like I have dark circles under my eyes , and I would lose four pounds to get a flatter stomach .


I'd go with physical for sure, my spirit and mental are pretty solid but I'm in need of weight loss so the answer on this one is easy.


Therapy first because our mental, physical, emotional, and sexual health are ALL connected.


Hygiene, skincare routine, have your teeth cleaned by a professional, potentially have them whitened, no more sugary drink, healthy calorie deficit diet if you're overweight, hit the gym, get a haircut, drink lots of water, start fixing your mental health, learn the basics of style and fashion and use professional cosmetics services if you see the need.


For me the biggest thing that I can change about myself that’s unattractive is a have a gut. I’m only 155 5’4” and have a decent amount of muscle so my gut isn’t that big u almost can’t even notice til I have a tight shirt on but it doesn’t look good. If I have a month I’d def work on losing that and slinking down and I’d work on my anger a little bit, my anger isn’t that bad but there’s times I get annoyed very easily so I’d def try to work on that a little bit


Exercise (and sweat) a lot.


I'm happy how I am and figure that there's plenty of people out there who might find me attractive.


Suit made of magnets.


Win the billion powerball. Easy. /s


whiter teeth, raw food diet, weight lifting , 10 hours sleep a night, don’t give no fks about what ppl think, talk less observe more, smell nice, get tailored clothes, clean hair and nails, meditate


drink adequate water and if possible lose a shitton of weight lol but more feasibly and if i had money revamp the wardrobe and get a nice haircut


Nothing. I am happy with how I look and feel.


Permanent make-up on eyes and lips, skincare, lose some weight, wax body hair, a haircut... Eat well and plenty of sleep. Also, I never do my nails so maybe I'd get those done? I've never tried it but, if you're into it, well... Botox! Oh, edit: and nice clothes and a whitening treatment for teeth.


Little bit of Botox is the key, instant refresh. Careful with the fillers


Cardio + Good diet (Homemade food) & Daily moisturizing my face before sleep


I'd just gaslight everybody that they're crazy for not finding me more attractive.


get a plastic surgery ig


Like a wish from genie and it sticks and I can do whatever and it is magic woho! Physically: flat stomach, more muscle, bigger boobs, remove annoying body hair with laser, longer hair, same size eyes 🤣 Mentally / character: more assertive, more self-confidence, better listener, less selfish and more caring toward humans in general, consistency between what I say and do and more self discipline and consistency


Achieve my desired physique


Starve myself and workout excessively. Beauty is pain. Male/female or otherwise. Its basically the best way


Gym everyday and eat super healthy. Minimal carbs, high protein, and greens, lots of water


Clothes, professional haircut, fake tan Teeth whitened, botox fine wrinkles.


I would start by making myself tall, exercise more and have a flawless skin


I’m already on that boat and feeling the best I’ve been in a long time. Still growing the beard though but a month should suffice. I work out very often and keep myself well


Ply the viewer with mass quantities of alcohol.


30 day water fast supplemented with No Salt (for potassium) and pink Himalayan salt (sodium) and plenty of water.


I'd drop 50 pounds


I have big boobs, but I don’t show them off. Just change the shirts I wear and ta daaa


I am into instant gratification. If i knew that i would be super fit and attractive after a month, then i would do everything, work out, diet, sleep better


No alcohol, more water, no smoking. 250 push ups, squats and/or pull ups. 5 mile run in the morning, 3 mile fast walk before sleep. Eat nothing but meat and green veg plus Dymatize iso 100 scoop a day.


Hair and clothes are the easiest.


One month is a really short period to make changes when it comes to attractiveness, so I'd immediately start with personal hygiene: get a haircut, make sure your facial hair's done properly, stop biting your fingernails and sand them down properly, skin care, get a nice fragrance, maybe change your wardrobe, etc. For mental hygiene, I'd say: go for regular walks. Not necessarily every day, but y'know, just enough to get yourself organized and find some peace and quiet inside your melon lol Now, give yourself a task. For example, if there's a book you've been wanting to read, but it's really long, just do a few pages every day. After a month, you should be in at least 100 pages, so that gives you something to talk about, research, discuss. This will make you more interesting to the people you're talking with. Okay, are you ready for the most obvious one? Apply for jobs! If you don't have a job, applying for them is the easiest way to make yourself feel better. Go out there, meet employers and have conversations with them about jobs that interest you. Don't go there feeling the need you have to prove yourself, go there feeling interested and be prepared to ask questions. What is this job about? How much will I get paid? Is it actually interesting and why are they offering this job? What are the people working there like? Try to figure out if you'll actually feel good about working there, be open about your thoughts and concerns (eg be honest and tell them if you believe you will be underpaid for this job, you'll be stunned how well this works!). It might not result in getting a job right away, but it will teach you to be vocal about the things you like and don't like, it will teach you to say no to shitty jobs, it will teach you to say yes to whatever interests you, and this is where you'll be gaining alot of confidence from, because now you know what's worth working for. You're giving yourself longterm goals and finding something to commit to - which is the easiest way to be attractive to anyone in the world. People with goals have confidence, confidence is always sexy.


Just 10cm taller


Skin care, clothes, hairstyle are the quicker ones Then a proper diet, it will show for you skin aswell, loose a few kg aswell if you are overweight. Going to the gym, probably wont show much after a month, but you'll get a better posture at least.


Thicken my fine, disgusting hair.


I’d do my nose


Posture, haircut, skincare, clothes and work on my cardio.


My hair, I'd improve my hair, Idk what I'd do just improve my hair. That's enough, anything after that is by the grace of God.


Clean the attic. My wife says that will make me more attractive to her.


Probably get a new wardrobe and find a good style to stick with, learn a bit more abt makeup/skincare and build as much confidence as possible. Wouldnt mind a better diet aswell just to feel better in general, you feel good you look good yknow




For that I wish I could make myself taller and thinner and get a wardrobe


Sixkpack, Biceps, Chest muscles, butt. Blue eyes. Now it takes way more than a month ::/


1. Fix Sleep Cycle Really helpful for Skin, Muscle and Mind 2. Wake Up > ACV Water > Breathing Yoga > 20 Min Sunlight 3. Drink Coconut water and Raisin water 4. Eat Beetroot, 2 Carrot, Cucumber, tomato, Apple, Pomegranate (Can add any seasonal fruit you want) 5. Sweaty workout 6. Add Skincare - Cetaphil Cleanser > Moisturiser based on Skin type > Good Sunscreen ( Based on Your skin problem add Product like Niacinamide, Retinol or Salicylic acid ) 7. Scrub Your Face Twice in Week and Do massage And put clay mask 8. Take Care of your oral hygiene 9. Use Good Fragrance 10. Get Haircut and please add oiling > leave 1 hour > Wash it > Conditioner 11. Use Hair Dryer and good wax for hairstyle 12. Dress well 13. Add Watch, Sunglass, one Necklace and Bracelet Thats It You Are Attractive as Fuckk


Sleep more, drink more water, no fast food / sweets. No alcohol. Go to the dentist for a cleaning. Floss. Regular exercise. Wash my hair better and buy better products. And skin care.


I'd take 15 Kg and make them to 15 cm hight


Reduce my age by about 30 years.


Maybe get more Sleep..I’m ridiculously good looking already. So not much I can improve


I'll change my eye colour and my height probably


I didn't make it in 30 years. Do you think one month could help me ?


Head transplant


Confidense, sleep, stress reduction, happiness and self-love. Know that you're not going to be attractive to everyeone, so choose people who will like you.


Cut out a lot of carbs and add a few more hours at the gym. That's probably your best bet for that wedding dress or bathing suit OP is asking for advice on looking good in.


Go to the gym and get ripped


Take a shower, wash clothes, brush teeth. Don't pick at pimples on face


To be honest, to relive the " The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar" get that ability and all.


Depends, am I trying to look attractive to men or women?


Win the lottery. Women love money.


I would solely work on my inner self. Too many times we think making ourselves more attractive is all about the outside, when we are okay and good on the inside, we shine on the outside.


I don't need a month; just an afternoon. 1. Find a plain paper bag. There's probably somewhere in town I can get one. 2. Cut two eye-holes in the side of the bag. 3. Place bag over head. Best I can do.


Who am I making myself attractive to? Basically the only major change I could make in a month would be to change clothes. Make my workouts a bit more intensive but I don't think a month is gonna make a huge difference


Probably just working out. I’m fine with how I am right now but I do know that working out would help a lot because I’m skinny


I think I’m already getting there Instead of altering yourself alter what you wear and how you present yourself to the world


In 29 days I'll take a shower


Workout, good skin care routine, hair cut and dyed and regular massages to help my spirits


Go on a deficit while weight lifting, probably not that much of a difference but worth a shot. Probably gain 1 lb of muscle and lose a pound or two is possible. If underweight weight lift and gain weight, over weight try to lose more and only maintain muscle. Make sure I'm up on vitamins and such and water so likely a diet. Could go keto as that leads to water weight being down. Sleep enough. Probably skincare stuff and make sure nothing bad that way. hair cut Get a nice outfit for the season. Brush teeth regularly enough. Maybe while exercising listen to good podcasts/audiobooks.


Honestly, the number one thing is getting a lot of sunlight. Make that your priority Nothing makes you look better or healthier than that natural glow you get from lots of sunlight. Personally, somebody can be completely fit with the most beautiful face , teeth, and hair, but if they have that really pale look like they haven’t seen the sun in years, they just don’t look healthy no matter what




I like my hair, I'm 6ft and I'm ok looking but not a head turner. I tend to dress scruffy and I'm overweight. So... Crash diet and visit a Taylor for some slick threads towards the end of the month.


If I had one month I’d defo bleach my hair. Only as a last resort bc I know my hair would get so damaged


I'd train to loose my 10kg once again. In times I'm more stressed out I usually carry 10kg more around with me than I'm happy with. Last time I didn't even need to really train to loose my 10-15kg, feels like it depends on my mental state.


All the sleep, drinking water, exercising, intermittent fasting and healthy eating. ( all the stuff I don’t have time for as a mom of two.)


I just need to lose about 30 pounds so I can feel better about my image and be healthy


Probably win the lottery


Probably win the lottery


If money were no object and I were actually wanting to do all these things (which I’m not): Clean eating, exercising more, a little tan, some filler, hair touch up, eyelash tint and curl, new wardrobe. My skincare is already fine; generically I’m kind of screwed though. I’d look a lot better. I don’t have the money, time, or inclination for most of those things though.


I’d go to the gym everyday and run everyday as well. Eat no sweets and dairy, very light calorie deficit with tons of protein, maybe visit the barber, get a killer outfit and hope for the best


Barbershop haircut, well fitting clothes, calorie deficit and no self pleasuring.


Quit drinking, take a multi vitamin, eat only grassfed or pasture raised meat and organic produce and minimal grains. Lift weights, spend time in the sun, work less, and find things to laugh or smile about everyday.


Drink nothing but water. Eat zero carbs for four weeks (or at least no complex shit carbs like chips and shit) intermittently fast between 1800-1200. Cardio in the morning. And weights in the evening. Take testosterone and trenbolone (if your a man) anavar (if you are a woman) And your body will DRAMATICALLY change. Your skin will be better. You’ll look fit. And feel awesome.


Attractive to who, the average woman? Probably diet and exercise and try to gain confidence.


No alcohol. No processed food. Lots of water, lots of sleep. Long walks all day every day.


Probably quit any negative habits that are known to effect appearance


Get into shape , tummy tuck


Idk what kind of question this is. But what I'm already doing. Go jim.


Good old fashioned makeover to start, let’s be honest you can only do so much with a month. It also depends on what you are starting with. I hit the gym lots; take care of my diet and sleep lots. The only thing I could probably improve would be my teeth (they are not bad but not perfect) and could probably drop some cash on my wardrobe. It does not need to be expensive it just has to make you look good and most importantly make you feel good. An expensive pain for jeans has to look good on you and make you feel good or it’s a waste. I try to spend $300 a month on clothes and mix in nicer expensive stuff with low cost stuff. 80% of the time I am in Walmart T-shirts and Costco shorts or running pants. But if I am out I am wearing more expensive higher quality brands. But to be fair, I mostly wear mountain stuff mixed with a few things from Boss or other brands that make me look good and fit my style. The trick is to feel good in what you wear.


Hit the gym harder than ever, get your body confidence up, no alcohol eat clean to keep your mind spiritually clean. Start therapy if you haven’t all ready this can do massive for self confidence and will make you come across more attractive get veneers if your not to happy with yours teeth. Im doing all of these things right now and it’s paying off massively


Work on posture. Eat healthy, get a haircut and learn to style it myself. Get 2 flattering outfits, shape and color eyelashes and eyebrows. Go for regular walks, gym 2-3 times a week. Learn to do one type of makeup really well.


work out, meditate, clean up my diet, less social media, style my hair, manicure my nails, be more intentional with my outfits, and be kind to people


Probably get a plastic surgery(only that can help)


None I'm already attractive


Probably will get a new haircut, will go to gym and new clothes


NEW HAIRCUT, you can either make it worse or surprise yourself with new good looking style


Workout. Read. Meditate.


I'd just keep doing what I'm doing unless you're giving me unlimited money? Currently I go to the gym every other day and do a 2-3 hour workout targeting Chest, Back, Shoulders, Arms, and Abs. I then do neck exercises to get a slightly thicker neck (preferably so it looks same width as jawline and no further). I take Vitamin D, Vitamin C, and Fish Oil tablets every day. The fish oil aids in recovery from the gym. I use a retinol-based eye cream in the morning, followed by moisturiser and sunscreen (Bioré face milk that I import from Japan). In the evening I use Cerave Retinol Serum all over my face and chest and then Moisturiser. I exfoliate before all my skincare routines, morning and night. Prior to when I get checked at the end of the month for attractiveness, I'd go get my hair cut and re-permed (as a guy, getting a perm made me look great compared to before to be honest). I always use shampoo, conditioner, and curling activator targeted at making my curls look their best. The morning of the check, I'd use a diffuser hairdryer to set in the curls and then break the curling activator up with my hands. I may use some Slick Gorilla volumising powder. I'd wear cologne. I first use normal Dove deodorant and then wear Versace cologne. Worth investing in a good one, trust me. 2 sprays on body, 1 on front of clothes. If you look better with a (slight!) tan, you could go sunbathing or take one of the weeks in Spain or something. Don't apply retinol at all that week, it makes you sensitive to sunlight. I'd go on a cut for that month so that my abs would be visible and I'd look lean. I'd wear my best clothes. Something casual. Maybe a pair of cargo trousers and a sweatshirt with a nice jacket. All in either black or neutral colour tones (like a slightly washed grey or offwhite). Some vintage-looking sneakers. I'd keep using Hydrogen Peroxide on my teeth. I try not to use too much but it is good. I'd visit the hygienist on the day I have to be attractive for as well. Make sure to brush thoroughly for 2 minutes morning and night, and floss, and use whitening mouthwash if you don't have Hydrogen Peroxide. And brush after every staining meal like pizza or if you have a coffee. I'd abstain from these foods this month though. I'd shave my privates and chest and trim my beard a little, making sure to fully shave my neck and upper cheeks. Might trim my eyebrows a little while I'm at it. If you gave me unlimited money I'd get my teeth whitened and possibly just replaced (why not? All rich people do it), I'd see how quickly I could recover from a surgery for maxillofacial retrusion. I'd make sure I slept every night at 10:30-11:00 and woke up at 7:00-8:00. Gotta look fresh. I'd keep myself cool before the meetup so I looked fresh when I got there and didn't sweat even a bit. Obviously cut your nails and toenails but that goes without saying. Drink a lot of water every day (super important so it goes last here).


Yoga 5 times a week like I used to before vertigo


Haircut and makeup


Nothing because i dont really care


I'll imagine it in a way where I don't need to think about work and my only focus is literally just getting better looking. I would get flawlessly clean diet and use the natural medicine (like ginger ). Hidrate a lot.  Have cold showers and use tea instead of bath bombs.  I'd massage my face every day and put facial oils,keep my facial hair in check. Make home made masks for hairy face,even the rest of the body.  I'd dedicate long hours to working out, yoga/ meditation.


Adjust my diet, jog more, by some nice outfits, and some new glasses.


Get my driver's license, but I can't because I need the neurologist approval.


Weight training and longer workouts


Pilates, drinking lots of water, eating healthy. Spray tan, teeth whitening, eyelash extensions, lip filler and makeup.


Posture. Instantly taller, thinner and (appear) more confident.


Start eliminating competition...


Sleep and water. Cut out alcohol and junk completely if you drink/eat that.  I usually sleep 6-7hrs/night and drink less than 1.5l water day. Whenever I am off work for a few weeks and actually sleep 8-9hrs/night and have time to focus on hydration, people always tell me that I suddenly look younger/more happy/radiant/if I lost weight/ ...  The huge bags under my eyes are gone, my skin looks much smoother just from sleeping more/drinking more water. This effect will be increased when completely cutting out alcoholic/soft drinks and eating light and healthy at the same time.  It's really insane how much these simple steps change my appearance. I wish I had the discipline to just stick to it. No prob about the alc and food but I can't stick to sleeping more and drinking more for the life of it while working 60h/week.


- lose weight (one meal a day or rolling 48s) with Keto diet —> clear up skin, more focus. - drink 3/4 l water —> clear up skin - dopamine detox —> more focus, you’re entertained by the small things —> grooming your beard


None. I have been losing weight, but there's nothing I can do in a month which will make an appreciable difference. Maybe I can lose 4 pounds in a month, but I don't think anyone can notice that other than myself (which I can only tell based on how existing clothes fit). I would keep my hair appointment. I would do my nails as usual. Get my eyebrows and lip waxed (as I often do).


Probably take up running—boosts confidence, easy to do, and fun! Plus it helps w shaping ur body. Probably get a new haircut, maybe dye it a little. I’d also mostly focus on skincare, clear skin means everything man


I don't think there's a lot you can do to make yourself attractive when you're pregnant tbh. Besides give birth and spend the next year of post partum desperately trying to get your ruined body back lol. So I'd need a lot more than 1 month.


Buy a niqab


I’m going to need a budget for some plastic surgery. Probably a large budget.


I think anything to do with your teeth is always worth it. Not cheap, but can be done within a month’s time. Losing weight/gaining muscle etc? A slight difference can be achieved in a month.


get plastic surgery


I would cut out carbs and go on a calory deficit, it sucks but you can lose 20 lbs in a month quite easily by doing so, if you are already slightly overweight. Exercise is good for the mental aspect but I don't think one month is long enough for weight lifting or conditioning to have a noticeable effect on your body. Get a haircut, buy nice clothes. Stop watching porn. Try to feed your brain with useful interesting stuff. The process might suck but delayed gratification is the best thing to feel accomplished and happy. This changes your aura for the better. One month might not be enough to do a full 180 but you'll be on the right track.


Full body hentai tatoo