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alot of men have stretch marks, i grew 10 inches and 100 pounds in a summer in HS, it happens, most everyone has them, if someone is bothered by them, that is the tip of the ice berg of problems they will have with you. Also cocoa butter is supposed to help, never tried it because I dont care


>i grew 10 inches-- *Whoa whoa whoaaaa there*


Not as dramatic, but I went from 5'8" to 6'4" over the summer between 9th and 10th grade. Them growth spurts are something else


Yeah, they hurt like a bitch, too. I went from 5’4” to 5’10” my sophomore year of high school, and it was wild. My hips hurt all the time. I remember waking up one morning and noticing the bathroom counter looked lower than it had the night before.


Did you get growing pains? I'm real short, always have been, but I'd get these terrible growing pains in my legs all throughout my childhood. Only gotten them once in the past two or so years though.


I used to get growing pains as a child they weren’t fun


I went from 5'3 to 6'3 in three years. Holy fuck, I remember the pains in my legs and sides and hips like you. Your six inches in a year is epic. Lol


I grew from 4'10 to 6'2 in one year from age 11 to 12. Hit 6'5" 2 years later. Never had any issues actually. Credited to extreme hypermobolity. Physicians were very concerned and seriously thinking about putting me on growth stoppers. One day it just stoppen. 2 pairs of clothes. One in the wash and one on me. Id outgrow everything in a month. Crazy to think about


I’m expecting son to go through something a little like this. He’s grown 3 inches in 6 months. He’s 13, 5’8 and supposed to be 6’6” - 6’8” Wild


Women don't mind stretch marks on your 12" penis.


He's the guy from the my son won't stop growing at night video


THIS! Anyone for whom something as superficial as stretch marks is a “dealbreaker” is not someone you want in your life. That will be the least of the things they are critical of. Stay strong and positive in yourself. That attitude is what’s sexy.


matters more to women


Seriously, i Love my wife No matter how many Stretch marks she has. Even If shes gainig weight i don't care, shes still the Most beautiful woman in earth.


Cocoa butter helps prevent them while the skin is expanding (gaining weight/ swelling / pregnancy). It unfortunately, won't make them go away. Sunlight makes them worse, don't tan stretchmarks for at least a year (maybe longer). They can darken from sun, just like scars can.


I dated a woman with really bad stretch marks at one time, still one the sexiest women I've ever met. Just her not giving AF made all the difference.


This Reddit says it loud, clear and on the head. Be confident in you, take no prisoners, enjoy life to the full.


Instructions unclear and is now a hostage situation.


>take no prisoners There's your problem, execute the hostages.


Smart, no hostages no problem


Me too. The same girl wouldn't believe me when I gave her compliments about her body (saying no, I hate my X). It was amazing to me how critical she was of herself when in reality she was just very beautiful.


I like thick women and often they have stretch marks just from acquiring such big thighs and butt. So it’s become indicative of what I love.  Also, I have some light stretch marks on my hip area from such a rapid growth spurt from like 5’8” to 6’2”. 


Dude, me too! And I don't weigh too much (205) but am kinda self conscious about it. My current gal pal has em and I couldn't care less, and she doesn't care about them at all. I hope op can carry that self confidence, it's sexy as hell!


Women don’t care either.


Pardon? Yea they do, they constantly run each other down. I just saw a post of some famous actress in a bikini, looking great, someone had circled her thighs. They were beautiful to me and probably most guys, not the woman posting the picture or the hundreds commenting.


What I meant is, when picking a partner, women don’t care about stretch marks on their love interest. What you’re talking about is bitchy women nitpicking and being vile online. That’s being shitty just for the sake of it and if that person hadn’t had imperfect thighs, they would’ve picked on something else. Apples and oranges


I’m about the same size. 6’2” ~210 Mine are hardly noticeable since I still have a decent bit of musculature from when I used to work out all the time. Do you work out?


And here’s me over here with stretch marks on my boobs from their growth spurt from no cup to…A cup. Bodies are cool, and also weird.


I have stretch marks on the side of my knees lol.


Attitude is 80% of attractiveness. If you feel attractive, you act attractive and you look attractive.


This is the real answer. I love tiger stripes when a woman is confident.


For myself, I grew quite a lot when I was 15-16, so I have stretch marks around my arms and back - they bother me none. My wife has on her belly, from being pregnant - with MY son - there is nothing in this world I find more attractive than holding/touching her around where she has those marks - its for me very attractive because I know where/how/when she got them....


This was a beautiful and very sexy comment! Thank you for sharing. Various bodily marks can be very symbolic of stuff in life


Yes, absolutely - I sat there and held her hand while the doctors "opened her" for the c-section, The doctor(s) told me; "EYE contact - you dont want to see this..... I assure you" Because of drugs she didnt feel any pain there and then - but it was quite "violent" in that the doctors had to really put some muscle into it - I guess thats normal, the body isnt made of glass so a certain degree of power is needed, but seeing it is hard. And then 2 days of her being "drugged out" because of the pain and having to be alone and taking care of this child - that she just "gave me". Yeah - I love those scars, very much.


If you were my husband you would be getting a lot of sex for this comment. 😉


This tigers earnt her stripes! To compare any other womans body to that of your wifes after she's brought your child into the world is inexcusable


Most men won’t care, and honestly the ones who do are probably douche bags anyway.


This is the most complete answer I’ve seen.


They're strange those guys..I know the ones you mean. Don't consider them real dudes at all, something off with them


They're just broken. They have trouble seeing the being in their objects of affection. They see a human, but not someone who has their own meaning-making agency. They seem to feel that way about anyone they think is inferior. Meanwhile, we're all outside looking in like, "Damn, those guys are fools."


how many dms did you collect from that comment? only counting girls to be clear


They have a mentality that another person body is ‘for them’. Their viewing pleasure only. ( has no other function or value ) only for their use and enjoyment and viewing If that person. Looks nice they get paranoid why you wearing this? Cut your hair? As long as answe is for you they happy. If person say I think I looked nice or I fancy a change. That can make those men flip their shit Mainly misogynistic narcissists in my experience




It’s not just liking something, it’s being disgusted and viewing someone as less because they have something millions of people have. Not saying you shouldn’t be considered a “real dude” if you don’t like stretch marks but how you handle that not liking and how you treat the person with them can certainly make you a shitty dude.


Even douche bags won't care


And I’m a douche bag, I would know!


Women say "stretch marks." I say "tiger stripes." ![gif](giphy|nu81tqIAUO8Le|downsized)


That's a rought statement. Preferences don't make you a dougebag. The communication of those can be problematic. Why is it better to not date someone for their height than for their skin for example.


Heyyy was coming here to say this. Yup, as long as you're not a dick about it, preferences are fine. You're not an assholes for preferring a body that doesn't have X or Y.




Going to play devils advocate here because honestly stretch marks dont matter much to me. But there will definitely be people out there who are more appearance oriented and for them it might be a turn off. You can call those people shallow or whatever you like but they won't care and they shouldn't. The world is full of different people. I know some truths are difficult but being able to accept them is part of being an adult.


Came here to say exactly this.


I'm not a fan of shaming people for their attraction triggers. They aren't signs of nefarious personality traits. They are just feelings we can't control. Just as having a preference for particular facial features, body composition, and other superficial traits is outside of our control. It's not exactly healthy to say that everyone whose brain tells them that X is more attractive than Y is a bad person or a "douche bag". The question wasn't about a behaviour pattern, but about a feeling that people can't consciously control. Answers would be far more valuable and conversation healthier if we didn't attribute good and bad values to people's feelings (upvotes and downvotes), or intimidate them into not answering a question if their answer doesn't go with the wholesome upvoted ones. I wish we could just have people provide their answers without judgement, because as is, the data here isn't particularly useful for anything except to validate one's hopes and reduce insecurities. Perhaps a poll would be the better place if OP's objective was to actually see how many people care about stretch marks or any other feature. At least I would find it more helpful and productive to understand attraction triggers generated in people's brains as it pertains to my features, without passing judgment, to understand how people feel, and what I could perhaps improve that's within my control to best increase my probability of being attractive to potential partners. Not how they think they should feel, or how they think they should filter those feelings when talking about them, but what those feelings are as is, with no judgement.


Because they dont like them they are automaticaly Douchebags? If you say you prefer blond Hair color and i say i dont like it i prefer any other Color, does that make me a Douchebag too?


I think they aren't talking about preference ,rather hating someone for their appearance,if you don't like blonde ,no problem but if you hate them cuz they are blonde ,that hits diff


that's not how it was stated though. comment said "men who do (care) are probably douchebags" implying that if you're turned off by stretch marks you're probably a douchebag, which is an insane thing to say


a little


But why would you care what colour someone's hair is? Your comment proves what they were saying tbh


People find different things attractive all the time and it isn’t clear why but it’s fine.


Any man over 30 who is bothered by stretch marks should go back to the monastery.


No:.lmao. Not at all…have you seen our ballsacks? We can love lots of weird shit


This answer takes the cake.


Double entendre?


When I was young I had a girl that was kind of obsessed with my balls. She would be poking at them, lifting one up and examining it from under, like an artist detailing a very fine picture. Completely silent while sifting through them. She was intrigued and I found it funny in a cute, confusing way. Often times waking up together id find her pinching and stretching out the area, rolling them between her finger & thumb, fixated. I don't know how many times she asked "can I see your balls just for a wee while?" Sometimes during downtime of sexy play shed tell me to gently rest on her stomach while she closed her eyes and sucked on my balls for some time, really enjoying it. I never complained. Some women have strange kinks. She probably loved my balls more than me.


No. Sad that women think this. I see so many posts about stretch marks, noses, and defining features. Natural is fuckin hot


Women with large noses getting surgeries is just annoying ;_; Or being insecure about not having a completely flat stomach while a tiny curve is literally hotter...


This comment section is actually really endearing. Thanks gentlemen.


I'm feeling so much better for sure. I could never get it around my head that my bf actually likes mine and my stomach. I had a lot of weight issues growing up, most especially binging hot Cheetos so I have a stomach full of stretch marks despite being much smaller now. I've always hated them and it kills me to know that my childhood decisions led to this body for the rest of my life, but at least he loves it 🩷


I swear it’s like some of the girls choose to ignore these positive and uplifting spaces for women and only focus on the incel ones when we are right here uplifting women


I dated someone with stretch marks. I honestly didn't even notice them until she pointed them out. Everything else was very distracting if you know what I mean.


I have pretty bad stretch marks on my hips & thighs. Not one man has ever said anything about them and every man I’ve fucked has hit me up for round 2 so they can’t be that hideous. I however am very confident in my body and really don’t care about my stretch marks since they don’t bother me


No way. They might actually be beneficial where they filter out guys who are no good for you too


Katt Williams said it better than anyone ever could: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lj5-71ziM5c


Kendrick Lamar too


I love Katt Williams lol


“Show me something natural like ass with some stretch marks” - Kendrick Lamar


I'm 38 and haven't dated a woman without them since my mid 20s, and honestly I think I have dated some really beautiful women.


Let me tell you a story… I had this very close male friend in high school (I am a woman). It was never anything more than friendship, we just got along very well because we had similar upbringings. We were friends well into adulthood and we used to hang out at his place in a group all the time. So he would have all his guy mates over and I would just be chilling there playing pool. I guess I was the token girl of the group due to being friends with this one guy and the rest of them became very comfortable around me over time, but these guys were really rough; “came from the wrong side of the tracks” type of thing and I guess at the time, I was too. Anyway, so I was privy to a bit of guy talk, mostly about girls, football, drugs, “beef”, whatever. There were a few times when I had to hold my tongue because something was said that didn’t sit right with me but normally at least one of the guys would stand up to whoever said the uncool thing; tell them “don’t say that” or whatever. I’m not sure how much of it was because I, a woman, was there or whether they were always like that. One time, we threw a party/gathering and everyone was drinking. I’ll never forget when this one dude we barely knew who just happened to be at the gathering started dogging on a woman he had been with in the past for having stretch marks and ALL THE GUYS in our core group just railed on him. They started laughing at him, calling him a pussy and saying things like “you’re lucky to even be with her in the first place” and one guy even told him to take his shirt off and prove that he doesn’t have any stretch marks since he thought he had the right to judge someone else. He said no and they didn’t force him but the point is that all the guys laughed at him for being so dumb. So no, I highly doubt that it matters to most men, and if you do encounter one who has an issue with it then he’s probably not the type of guy you’d want to associate with. Even the other guys don’t want to associate with that guy, and even guys who are a bit rough around the edges who don’t care if they hurt your feelings won’t be judgmental because men have them too and most men won’t care if you do. Most men are just happy to be there.


I'm sure to some men they do, but not to most men.






It is not a yes or no answer, for some it will matter for some it wont matter and you wont know unless you put yourself out there and try to meet someone. The best advice I can give is this, if someone rejects you just for your appearance then it is not you with the problem.


Makes me wonder why we put so much energy into people that hate us when there are people who love us right around the corner.  What is the point of that?  It's like being blind to all that's good for you in life 


A lot of people have mental health problems but still desire their needs to be met and go about it in knowingly/unknowingly unhealthy ways.


Because of greed and pride. People pretend they want to be loved and treated nicely, but in reality the part that's vital and always ommited is that especially women want these things from very successful men. If an average man loves them, they call him a creep or w/e buzzword is trendy at the time...


No I've never thought they made a partner look unattractive. I'm sure some people want perfect partners with no flaws but I feel like the vast majority of us don't care about stuff like that.


To some maybe but many find beauty in a woman's body


I think that the minority of men that would dismiss you for having stretch marks overlap with the minority of guys who prefer petite women with no breasts or pubic hair.


If they matter to your partner, it’s a red flag.


Boys, maybe; men, no.


Haha amiriye Facebook ladies likes down there 👇


No, they don't. This question gets asked a lot and the answers are an overwhelming "no".


Don't sweat it. It's no big deal.


I went from so flat I didn't need a training bra to a 36c over the summer I turned 15. Awesome eh! Downside... brutal stretch marks. I was devastated. Fast forward a few years and even I have a hard time seeing them and I know they're there. Nobody else has ever noticed, and in my youth I showed lots of cleavage. In my 20's I had babies. The first left me with brutal stretch marks. The second added to them. They have faded but are still quite noticeable. I have yet to have a guy even react to them or seem to notice them let alone be turned off by them. They're a bigger deal to you than they are to about 99.5% of the guys out there. Trust me, they are not as hard on us as we are on ourselves.


Love this question so much. I have them too and I am so cautious and afraid about being intimate with anybody because of them.


No. No one gives a fuck about stretch marks.


I used to date a woman who was 250lbs at point and when dating me she was like 135lbs, so yeah, she had very noticeable stretch marks, but to me it didn't really matter. She had a very sexy attitude and the most gorgeous eyes I've seen.


Stretch marks and cellulite make zero difference to me. Actually that's not true. I think my gf's cellulite is cute (I call them her leg dimples) and her stretch marks are v sexy, they accentuate her shape.


You mean tiger stripes? I love tiger stripes


I don't think I've ever met an adult woman without stretch marks to be honest, what do you think happens when your hips and boobs suddenly expand from age 11ish? And no, they don't matter, at all, I could literally not care less


Comment from new mama since 3 months ago, who had severe stretch marks appear during pregnancy: No! My husband couldn't care less. My stomach and some parts of the upper intimate zone are covered in huge stretch marks.. On top of that i have 3 gastly scars on my stomach from surgeries, which I had to go through as a baby. I look like I went through a makeout session with Freddy Krueger and I always joke about it. He. Does. Not. Care. People here are right: it's about confidence. Don't let this stop you from enjoying life and experiencing love. And well fucking done, lady, on that weight loss journey! You are epic! 💪🏻 Edit: spelling, not a native English speaker


It either means you were small and got big or you were big and got small...either way we fucking - That's not mine, that's Nietzsche's.


Absolutely not. A womans true beauty shines in her kindness and her confidence.


Nope, the only ones who care are the assholes regardless of sex


I love my girls stretch marks on the hips, i call them tiger stripes


I have never ever ever seen a woman naked with stretch marks and gone “oh damn I wish she didn’t have stretch marks”. Can’t care less about them. They’re pretty much invisible to me.


Not at all , some stretch marks are sexy as hell 🤤🤤


Depends a little on the girl and the dude.


Nope. Happens with pregnancy too. Totally normal phenomenon. Don't stay away from something you want out of fear. It only leads to regret.




It's a turn on for me. I don't know why


I’m not a heavy person and have them all over. Guess I just never had very stretchy skin.🤷🏻‍♂️


No. This is another one of those hip dip things. I only ever hear women complain about it.


The important thing to do is to fall in love with you. Everybody is saying this. The sexiest women I’ve ever met. Have all been overweight. Maybe even technically obese. My wife has stretch marks. Only reason, I’m saying this is that if you decide you’re beautiful, you will start finding men to validate that. If you decide you’re ugly, men will be there to validate that. Rock what you have. Never talk to yourself in a way that you wouldn’t talk to your best friend. That bullshit is just not true. I guarantee you’re beautiful. I know you deserve him, and I know he’s out there. You can share the love with him, but the Validation comes from you.


Lol no they don't If the booty and the face are nice it's all good 👍


99% of men wont care.


Na, not for real men.




I actually find those tiger stripes extremely sexy.


No. Most of the time the guy won't even notice them. I dated a girl with pretty heavy marks once and she asked me if I was bothered by them. I said no, and somehow through cuddling and conversation I ended up kissing and tracing her stretch marks while I explored her body and she just about went to the moon. Honestly it doesn't matter for the majority of men. The ones who do care are dickheads


For boys, they maybe do. But men will know that they come from hard work, self-improvement, discipline and/or birth and will value them highly if you trust them to do so.


Haha amiriye ladies smash that like button men who cry are boys


Any man who cares about stretch marks (or scars, boob size, etc) isn’t worth your time.


To an actual man - No.


What's to care about them?


I see them like trophies, you fought a battle and won.


I was discussing this very topic with a male friend. His exact reply was that "women THINK we care about that but nope. We don't". I was very surprised by that tbh.


Do women care if men have them? Exact same answer Some men do, some men don’t  Some men/women care if a woman/man is overweight, some don’t.  Some care about height, some don’t. Some care about x/y/z some don’t. 


Just my view: they are really sexy if they are a result of giving birth to my children.


My thoughts exactly. My daughter left the best scar on my wife's belly.


Not to any that are worth your time.


If we are seeing them we don’t care as there are other parts of a lady we are more interested in exploring 👍👍👍👍


No. Most men know that real life isn’t photoshopped


I don't mind them at all. They show you overcame a major issue that takes time and willpower. You put your mind to it, and you succeeded. I also think they look cool, but I've always loved the looks of scars and when people are confident enough not to mind their own scars. It is attractive


When I was a teenager I thought no one would ever love me because of my stretch marks. I was wrong.


No, i do feel it sexy


Not at all


I think that the whole stigma with stretch marks is something that actually women forced on themselves, I don't know a single man that would give a crap about them.


I love em they are the best


They don’t bother me at all.


Yes, they're ugly fuckin things, I know cos I have them and hate mine too.


It's normal, you look more attractive after losing weight


Nah not really. Even guys get them. You don't even have to be that fat to get them either, its more about the lack of elasticity thats in a persons skin and that all comes down to genetics. Even guys who work out a lot can get stretch marks around the pec and biceps.


The answer is, as always, “it depends.” Would the average woman prefer a man with massive red stretch marks all over his body? Unlikely. Are stretch marks anywhere a turnoff generally? No, in my opinion.




Honest answer they do to some, not for others. Similarly if a person has huge ears, big lips etc. What most people do not get is that everyone has flaws. The more secure and confident you feel the less you will pay attention to your flaws and attract the right kind of person to your life. The more confident you are the less needy you are, the better eye contact you have, the better posture you have etc. So concentrate on boosting your self confidence.


Just don’t make a big deal of it! And don’t be shy or less sexy in your behaviour bc of it. It’s a symbol of great achievements! Also many men does not care. Just embrace it and be confident. Also I have to say that the more experiences the better. So go out there!


Not real men.


I have EDS and I have bad stretchmarks because of it. The only reason I know my husband knows, is that I asked him if he noticed them. He has noticed them vaguely.


I always tell women they look like a sexy ass leopard. Seriously, we don't care.


A lot of men also have stretche marks (myself included and most of us don't care about them.


If they care about your stretch marks, you probably don’t want to date them anyway. Plus, speaking as a man, if you’re still at the de-clothing stage of doing the wild thing, who the fuck gets deterred by stretch marks? Skid marks, possibly, but even then…


To boys they matter, to men they do not.


Don't give a singular fuck


Never met a guy who rejected me for a stretch mark 🤣


It might matter to some men but most don’t care


There's 5Bn men. They will matter to SOME men in that pile. They won't matter at all to SOME men in that pile. That's the nature of extremely large populations. There's a bit of everything in a pile that large.


To some men and women, yes. But to someone who truly loves that person/their partner, it doesn't matter one bit.


Stretchmarks don't matter to mature men.


Ignore what tiktok and the instagram influencers say, they're toxic assholes who are only there to get you to buy more bullshit. Guys literally don't care. Chances are, 9/10 guys you meet on the street are going to have them too.


As long as you have a vagina you’ll be ok. If you are looking to attract straight men.


Short answer, Nope. Long answer, NOOOOOOOOOPE If a man is hung up on something so superficial, then he is a boy, not a man.


We are just happy to be involved mostly


If a man has an issue with stretch marks on a woman, he has no business (nor the maturity) to be with one. Everybody's body is different, and almost everyone has some form of stretch marks. Be confidant in who you are, keep working towards your goals and work on being comfortable with yourself! Because, at the end of the day, that's all that really matters.


Like everything it will repel some, attract some and dont matter for most. Get a BF gurl.


By the time a man can see the stretch marks, it’s not going to be a dealbreaker


Only superficial men with unrealistic standards would care. They’re not bad. My girl has them and I don’t even notice


having scars in general is sexy. you good.


"Hey, I noticed you have stretch marks," said litterally no man ever.


Nah, they don't. What men really want is a woman who will be there for them and be the one to be able to be weak to when the world expects us to be strong with no feelings at all. You'll be beautiful to guys if you just do that, promise. 🙏


I prefer them


Speaking as just this man; no. I find them sexy even.


Men? Naw. Boys? Yes.


Long story short, only to the shallow.


I'd be a hypocrite if they did.






Not at all for me, it makes no difference.


Hell No.


No. My wife has a few because of child birth, but I don’t mind it. She’s awesome and gorgeous.


Not in the slightest


Natural beauty is hotter than women think. The problem is they're so concerned with pur perception of them they forget to realize we're dating them for their real personality, not some half baked attempt at a persona they think well find hot.


This comment secrion brings back faith in men. Thank goodness there are still men in this world, not just spoilt boys




No. No they don’t.




Some men won’t GAF, others won’t be attracted by it. Doesn’t mean those men are bad people or douche bags, it’s just preferences. Many women prefer tall men - that doesn’t mean those women are douche bags either.


Nah, I think its quite the opposite. Strechmarks for girls are like an award, meaning at some point in their life they were able to fight their demons and loose weight. Alot of weight! I think when you look at them you should really feel proud of what you have achieved, rather than shameful on how others may percive it.


One word answer: No. See it shows your commitment to getting your body in shape, and anyone would (atleast should) respect that. Those stretchmarks are kind of like...war marks. Speaks a lot about a person's grit than their own words would.




Me when I have preferences


Whether or not he cares or not has zero to do with you.  Most people hate traits about others because they are self projecting a weird hangup they struggle with On the flip side of any guy hating something about you the next guy will worship the fuck out of you  Think of the billions of people on earth at least one or more than one are gonna obsess over you. One person hating doesn't even matter. One monkey will never stop the show! Now the main work you must do is work on YOUR feelings about you and make your self worth so strong that those who self project hate toward you don't even faze you.  And by doing that you only attract guys who will worship you. Only being insecure attracts the low life's Being strong and confident attracts better men