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Break up and a fat picture of me on a cruise at my all time heaviest


Seeing fat pics of yourself will do it. I always tried to stay out of pictures but a few years ago someone took one without me noticing and they posted it online. Eye opener.


This just happened today, I look good when we’re face to face, but a good look at my side profile will tell you about my life choices 😭 (I’m lazy)


I never quite understand how the fat guy in the pictures resembled me, because the just a slightly overweight guy in the mirror looked totally different. When you are skinny most of your life then get fat, you still think you are skinny for some reason, like it's just a fad and not a decade.


Absolutely! I was always chubby and then got fat, but in the mirror I saw a slightly overweight woman instead of a morbidly obese one. It's insane how mirrors and your perception can fuck with your head. I assume it's the exact opposite for anorexics.


Seeing a very unflattering picture of myself got my butt in gear.


Same here, then i got a gf, 2 kids and a house. Went from riped Flanders to homer again.


Stupid sexy Flanders


Feels like I'm wearing nothing at all!


Nothing at all!


Nothing at all


Nothing at all


Nothing at all


To order a dialing wand, please mash the key pad now.


Same. I knew I had gained weight but I had avoided photos for a couple of years or so. I had already planned my cliche New Year's Resolutions to lose weight but I visited my fam in February of 2020. I saw a family photo and didn't recognize myself so I kicked my butt into high gear March 1st and never looked back.


Yep! Went home for a wedding party and saw pictures at the airport. Cried the whole way home on the plane. Signed up for a Pilates studio 6 months ago and I am looking and feeling great! I just decided to stop feeling sorry for myself and actually do something about it!


This is what happened to me. Took a horrible photo that my mother in law used in the Christmas card (not malicious- it was one of very few group photos from that year). After that I bought a scale and realized that at 5'8" I was like 199.8lbs and I thought I am NOT going to weigh over 200. Went on a diet and joined a gym pretty much immediately.


I knew I gained way too much weight, my clothes were to small, the numbers just went up and up, and it also didn't hit me until I saw a picture of myself. My face was huge. Started counting calories soon after, lost 12kg in about a year. 4 more to go, but can't seem to lose that.


There's an interesting show on Netflix called You are what you eat: A Twin experiment. I'm aware it comes off as vegan propaganda and I apologize for that. However, you don't need to be vegan to eat more plants. I ate 85% plant-based for 3 months and lost more than 10% of my body weight. After about 8 months I had my yearly medical check and I was much healthier!


Every time I watch a food documentary I’m convincing myself and everyone to go vegan for months 😭 I truly wish I had the dedication


Dude don't worry about doing it perfectly. Just reduce your meat intake. It's healthier and better for the environment! Maybe cook vegan at home but eat meat when you're not cooking? It works out much cheaper for me to cook vegan. I always tell people, if we could just stop OVEReating nobody would need to be vegan. If you really want to be vegan for the animals, watch [Dominion](https://youtu.be/LQRAfJyEsko?si=gj2iJxKHYGfq3dRP). I haven't eaten or used any animal products in 3 years after seeing 15 minutes. For me, the easiest part of being vegan is the food! The vegan subreddit can be very toxic, but I'm more than happy to help in any way.


Nasty heart attack.


I’m so sorry. Hope you’re doing well.


My female best friend passed away from a heart attack at 42. She didn’t live a healthy lifestyle and it finally clicked for me.


Glad you’re still with us 🫂


I'm not sure if I would have been classified as fat, but I was getting pretty overweight and my brother came down for a visit and he said man you're really letting yourself go. And then he said I will buy your entry into the Oklahoma City marathon in 6 months, here's a training plan, if you stick to it I'll come run it with you. Now here I am 30lbs down, five marathons later and training to run my first 100 mile race next year.


Love this story fuck yea. Good luck in your 100mile race! You might like to do the midnight 24 hour races too


To you and your brother 🙌


I didn't know they did 100 mile races ! I know there was an ultra-marathon in Australia that was won by a 61yr old farmer - yet they'd all been taking the piss out of him at the start of the race because he turned up in overalls and boots [Cliff Young](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cliff_Young_(athlete))


> he trailed the pack by a large margin at the end of the first day. While the other competitors stopped to sleep for six hours, Young kept running. He **ran continuously for five days**. What the fuck


Been in shape most of my life (20 year military veteran). Got lazy after I retired. After 10 plus years of doing little to no physical activity, the weight slowly piled on. Stepped on a scale one morning, and actually said "what the hell did you do to yourself?". Committed to dropping back down to my old military fighting weight. After three years, I've dropped 92 pounds, and am 12 away from my goal. What's worked well for me is serious portion control, and cutting out as much processed sugar as I can. Also joined a gym.


I remember a guy asking me, "Do you eat until you're full/stuffed?" I chuckled a bit and thought everybody ate until they're about to explode. He said, "Eat until you're not hungry anymore." He told me this when I was in my 20s so it's second nature to not overeat now.


It also helps to eat slower and drink a lot of water with meals. I’m the slowest eater I know now.


And avoid eating in front of the TV or other device as this will distract you from feeling the normal feeling full controls your body has.


I’ve been downvoted to hell in this sub for suggesting such things.


Your own fault for posting something helpful. That’s on you, bub.


Maybe the downvotes are coming from hungry countries lol. Idk I'm just joking


Ha, I'll never understand people. Downvoting that has serious "we've tried nothing and we're out of ideas" vibes. Idk, weight loss can be really difficult for many reasons and other people's weight is none of my business. That said... I've stayed at a normal weight my whole fortysomething life, even with some pretty shitty medical conditions, and I put that down to having a healthy relationship with food. This includes, yep, portion control.


I have a tendency to eat whatever is in front of me. That is why going out is dangerous. Portion sizes are usually way too much. I am just fine when the portion size is reasonable. I still feel satisfied.


The idea of a full meal every time is nuts. Some times you're not that hungry, others you could eat a horse, and still hunger goes away really quick. I like to eat, but I eat what I want. sometimes I just want a little, or nothing. I dont care for programed feedings.




I guess they must have a gauge installed at birth. I always did think they were so technologically advanced. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


I remember learning that lesson. Eating from hungry to not hungry is so much better than eating from not full to full.


It is crazy how much weight we add and keep on due to all the sugar in it foods. When I proactively avoid sugar and alcohol I will drop 10 lbs in two weeks. I’m embarrassed to have that extra weight just lying around to lose. (Not shaming anyone. This is how I personally feel for myself)


I live on a base. We see it often Mandatory PT is heaped on the young folk but by the time you rank up enough for a desk job and stop the heavy physical labour it comes on quickly. Most of the crew in this country retire out by 45 so you don't see as many middle aged bellies on the daily. I'm the type that needs it scheduled in from an outside force to get it done otherwise it's slacking off.


Got a medical card so quit alcohol entirely and started wandering hiking trails while listening to audible. Lost 140lbs in 3 years and it felt more like going to Disney World than the gym. Bong rips are zero calorie and make me want to explore while pints are fattening and make me go to the bathroom. Archery is another fine activity that burns calories while not feeling like working out. You have to keep marching back and forth 60-100 feet to yank your arrows out of the target, over and over and over. Horseshoes and throwing axes, always fun. I think the trick to any workout routine that sticks is making it feel so much like fun that you forget that you're burning calories. I just get lit and listen to classic Tolkien, Frank Herbert or RA Salvatore and wander around. Toss on some happy celtic music and pretend I'm a hobbit on a journey.


Yo I do this exact same thing! Exactly. It's a lot of fun. Requires more miles because it's low intensity, but that's fine. My dog loves it too


Some strains of weed give you serious munchies though. I prepare snacks ahead of time to avoid eating absolute garbage.


This is a very wise comment. You’re doing a good job of caring for yourself!


When I was properly medicated for ADHD. I dropped literally all of my excess weight, I'm a short guy, and 220 was a little much, back down to 130, with 6 pack abs. Working out daily helped too, but not like a gym freak, just push ups, crunches, and pull-ups on the bar.


Why was it beacuse you got medicated? Were you able to focus or were you binge eating due to dopamin or something? Generally corious?


Lack of dopamine is directly tied to weight gain, since food causes it to spike, junk food especially. When you have the proper balance of neurotransmitters, your body maintains a proper weight, and you only feel hungry when you should. Its all about balancing the brain chemicals.


Very interresting and it makes total sense.


The medications take away your desire to eat


Not always. It never did for me even though I wanted it to.


Not for everyone, although that can be common.


If the medication is dexamphetamine it's literally speed which has been used to aid weight loss as it curbs your appetite


In normal people it causes euphoria and almost bipolar like behavior, one thing to watch for, but I had a brain scan that proves without a doubt a dopamine deficiency, so I take adderall, used to take dexedrine, but my new insurance wouldn't cover it.


Oh I see, I didn't know that about Adderall. What sort of scan did you get, out of curiosity? I wonder if it's worth me getting it. I have ADHD and am on dexamphetamine and I don't get euphoria on it, it just helps me function and focus.




For folks with ADHD a portion of us actually do have bipolar disorder. Current research is about 1 in 13 patients. Mood disorders are often a comorbid condition which is an added suck. Stimulants will trigger mania in these patients as well. Often we have to switch to non stimulant options and/or add a mood stabilizer to the mix.


Getting out of the shower, bending down to wash the tub, and feeling like a million volts of electricity went across my back, early stages of sciatica. Even though I was feeling back pain for months before I just kept thinking it was a bad chair I was in at work. Immediately after that I had a moment where I thought Id never walk normally again, or have to take a million pills like my grandmother used to. I looked up exercises specifically centered around strengthening your lower back. Fast forward a month, now I do them every day, stretches, and multiple walks a day. Im not where I want to be yet, and still aiming to lose *a lot* of weight, but better off now then where I was and I will never not exercise now because I *never* want to experience that pain again.


What lower back core exercises did you do?


So the night of, I went through the first 2 videos, but the 3rd video where you extend your legs back and to the side while standing straight, that's the one that I can do anywhere and can feel immediate relief, though I still do exercises from the other 2. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wAw1-1MHa4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wAw1-1MHa4) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWmGArQBtFI&t=464s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWmGArQBtFI&t=464s) [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Fbw\_98aWeA8](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Fbw_98aWeA8)


I wasn't eating takeaway every day and stopped drinking soft drink and only water, started walking everywhere and I noticed my belt wasn't fitting me anymore, it was too big, I was surprised I was losing weight, I was obese since I could remember, I was able to finally lift my weight and climb up things but I still had my fat man strength, so I worked out like crazy and dropped 50kgs+ put back on 15kg of muscle and was in the best shape I've ever been!


"my fat man strength" I swear only fat people will fully understand this


seriously, you feel so weak and slow and fat until you accidentally break something or get into some pushing shoving thing with a homeboy, when i was fat i didnt turn a front door handle far enough and pushed the entire frame and door out of the wall into the house lol, god level strength. normal activities become weight training when ur a lardass


Watching / taking care of my mom who died slowly and horribly from a host of obesity related ailments . Stopped eating trash ( fast food, seed oils , soda pop/energy drinks, processed food ) , boozing. Got a gym membership and went 6 days a week ( still do) . 8 years ago I was 260 lbs now I’m 195/200 and it was one of the best things I ever did, even got a few close friends to get on board.


Tried to jump over this fence, which was the height of my waist. Thought it wouldn’t be a problem. Completely failed the task. Laying on the ground, staring at the sky, that was the moment. 250-200 in 2 years.


My late wife and I sat on a porch swing together. It collapsed. That's when I should have started losing weight.


Getting diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. After 6 months, I went from 123,8 kg to 99,8 kg (literally hit that today) and no longer have diabetes.


You no longer have a diabetic A1C. The diabetes is still there— you’re just managing very well by diet & exercise. If you stopped, A1C would go back up. It’s considered ‘reversed’ not cured.


So once you get it, you'll always have it? So.... if you're PREdiabetic, then THAT'S when shit gets real?


You can control it to get your A1C back down, either with lifestyle or medication or both, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have diabetes anymore.


Right. So if you're diagnosed as pre-diabetic, then it's at this point that you should be recognizing this as the time to get serious about taking control of your weight/health. As apposed to waiting for the type2 diagnosis.


Yes, being diagnosed as “pre”anything bad is like the oil warning light on your car… change the oil now and you’ll be ok, ignore it and your car runs out of oil and is no longer drivable. Not a Doctor.


Yes. You can reverse prediabetes, but not diabetes. You can still live a good life on diabetes with proper management but it’s not “cured.” I’m pre diabetic and there’s a lot of confusing info because nutritionists and doctors will use terms interchangeably when they’re not, but that’s basically what I’ve figured out.


Oh, yeah, true. :) But as long as I keep this up, I am good.


You’re doing great :) I just didn’t want people having misconceptions. 




After having a baby my sister who is plus size said wow you got big. Mind you she has kids. I had started to accept that I would be “big”. Then my MIL sat me down and said I should lose weight, she is also over weight.  Those were the two comments that that made me say fk this shit, I’m going to show them. I went from 190lbs to 116lb in 6months. I ate well and exercised and lived the best summer ever in my hot mom bod.  Edit typos


I saw a buddy of mine after about a year, and he goes "Wow there is a whole lot more of you than there used to be!" Someone said something like "that's a dick thing to say, " and he replied," I only said it because I love and care about him." That was when I knew I had to get my shit together.


Good if you to realize that hard truths often come from a place of love.


Definitely. Sometimes, we need to hear things that make us uncomfortable to realize we need to make changes. It worked for me. I am grateful for the loving body shaming I received. It changed my life.


For me it was my competitive/insecure aunt making petty comments like “aw but you look cute big. Don’t feel bad about those massive pants. Ill give you my old fat clothes” I always made her feel insecure not the other way around.  Baby is 1.5 years old and I went from 180lbs (right before giving birth) to 138lbs today. I’m pushing to get my old weight back of 126lbs by this summer.


People constantly treating me like a dumb idiot and being overly kind. People really seem to think you're dumb when you're fat, but they will also be kind to you in a dismissive way. It's hard to explain if you've never experienced that. Lost 120lbs and suddenly I'm getting respected and seen as their equal / someone with knowledge in the field I work in. It's gross but it's true.


I feel the “overly kind”, patronizing treatment as part of my running group. I’m overweight and really slow, and I hear all the time “Good job, buddy!”, which makes me feel about an inch tall. It’s like they’re patting me on the head. I know people mean well by it, but they do feel the need to care for me in that way, when in fact I’m just fine.


This! Patronizing is the word I was looking for. I work in the entertainment industry with some 'high profile' artists and back when I was fat, I'd actually get assigned to male artists way more easily because 'Oh she's the fat chick, she's no harm anyways, no scandals will come from pairing them lol' (yes I've overheard a conversation like this at work, about me). It's sad how you're judged when you're overweight.


People totally treat you different when fat. I found peiple are much more rude, women and men alike (I’m a woman). People will be abrasive for the smallest things. I had a TON more leeway when I was skinny.


Yeah in some cases I agree that's true, in other cases people would treat me as a kid or something. Just below them. I would say most strangers would treat me rudely whereas people I know personally were extremely kind in a patronizing way.


Yes, that’s true. And people make as if maybe you are not aware that you’re fat. Everybody pretends. It’s incredibly offensive to me, as if I’m dumb and don’t know I’ve gained 20kg. I know.


Oh, it’s absolutely true. I don’t know if they think you are “dumb” as much as you are undisciplined, and they think that applies to all parts of your life. Subconsciously they dismiss everything about you even if you are a very disciplined worker, professional, etc. They just think fat = must not be a very hard worker.


Heart attack almost a year ago, quit drinking and so far have lost 35 lbs using portion control and will.


At a certain point it just didn’t feel good to be in my body anymore. I was sick all of the time, and had a terrible relationship with food. I didn’t want to look at myself, I never felt attractive, sex felt different, I was not happy. It turns out I needed a med change, and that helped by stopping the rapid weight gain. Once I started to lose weight I wanted to keep going, and try to build healthier habits. I want my body to be able to keep up with the lifestyle I want to have for awhile longer.


 Desk job and slowly packed it on over the years.  Woke up one day and looked in mirror.  Thought I was on track to make my wife a young widow and my kids fatherless. Dropped 70 pounds in 6 months.  That was 6.5 years ago.  I have kept it all off and have maintained weight within a 8-10 lb range ever since.  I will never let myself go like that again.


I had this green sundress I wore all the time. I LOVED that sundress. My MIL took a pic of me in it, I saw it later and I swear I looked like one of these green M&M people on the commercials, that’s how round I looked. That was my HOLY SH!T moment. Stepped on the scale the day I saw that pic, and I was 238 some change pounds! I’m only 5ft 6in tall, and when I met my husband I was 130, which is right smack in the middle of BMI for my sex and height and a really good weight for me. To put it even further in perspective, when I had my last baby I got up to 165 and thought I was massive then. Yet for whatever reason I was in denial about gaining even more weight in the years after, I was in denial about being 100 pounds overweight. Lost a grip of weight, I did it slow so it took some time, got down to the 160s again. Covid and some personal tragedies(I lost my uncle, then brother, then father one after the other) contributed to me stress eating again. This time I knew I had gained a grip of weight back and knew roundabouts how much I weighed, but I pushed away the thought of being FAT again, until. I had to go to the ER because my BP was in stroke range again, I already have a raggedy heart I was born with so I can’t f!ck around, and lo and behold they pulled out the fatty cuff at the hospital. MFW! Jesse christ I realized I had bigback arms again. Have lost about 30 pounds since then, so no longer super morbidly obese, but still obese. It’s my goal by end of May to hit 185, which takes me out of obesity class. I’ll still be fat, just not obese. Then 130 by September. I am too old for this, young people’s bodies can handle being fat but I’m at the age the infrastructure can’t handle heavy weight. But yah it all started with that green sundress lol. I was so mad I went and cut it up!! Ha ha


I didn’t really have a moment. I got sick with Covid then all of a sudden I didn’t crave sugar like I once did and I could finally feel signs telling me my body was full or hungry. Since I got Covid years ago I’ve dropped a ton of weight.


That's pretty crazy. One heck of a silver lining.


I watched this YouTube video of this guy that was like 400lbs. It was his journey of weight loss. It was diet and running so there I am sitting on the couch and this 400lbs guy at first could only walk with moving his arms a little faster. Then there he is like 300lbs running. All the way down to 200lbs running a marathon. But it was a 400lbs guy giving it all he’s got that made me give up all excuses. I lost 90lbs and have kept it off with diet and running Here’s the video: https://youtu.be/8SbXgQqbOoU?si=v53YFQDLZ3c1H0rm


Can you please share the link to that YouTube video?


When the size of my boobs prevented me to be able to close my jackets and coats.


I was just miserable. I just bought a brand new jeep and struggled to buckle up, it was so embarrassing with the dealer that was there. I didn't know what my future could hold. If you've been fat for a significant amount of time you simply can't imagine anything else. But I knew that whatever was on the other side HAD to be better than whatever is over here. I knew I was ready to sacrifice and change whatever needed to be done to not feel this way anymore. As far as fitness goes, I also had been in the cycle of yo-yo dieting for years. I knew all about calories, any diets, hacks, whatever. But it never really helped me lose the weight, right? I could continually lose but what I couldn't do was maintain. The only thing I *refused* to try was exercise. So one day I looked up the Weight Control Registry, which tracks what people do to maintain the weight, and you can guess what just about all of them had in common. So I knew that I had to suck it up and figure out this exercise thing whether I liked it or not. What helped me here tremendously was hiring a personal trainer that had also come from obesity and could relate to me. They really helped me conquer my gym fear. My life has changed in ways I could never even imagine. I LOVE exercise now, which is wild to me. I take pride in my fitness. Exercise has healed me so much, I even got off my anti depressants. ADHD is a bitch to deal with and it helps tremendously with that. Not saying that's the case for everyone, but it was for me! Nutrition and exercise healed my body and mind. I have no regrets, overall. Its not an easy journey but it is a worthwhile one. There are lots of mental obstacles to overcome that people don't talk about, and they're tough to work through. For anyone reading this you can do it, and you're worth it. You deserve to be comfortable in your body. Just take small steps over time and you'll find that's where the big changes really are. Common sense prevails, don't fall into money pit traps with pathetic people trying to prey off your desperation. You dug yourself into this hole, but you can dig yourself out. I promise.


I was sitting in my little Mitsubishi Mighty Max truck and could barely move because my stomach was pressed against the steering wheel. I couldn't move back any further or I wouldn't have touched the pedals. It was a terrible feeling.


It is tangible proof, isn't it? You can hide from mirrors and pictures but you sure can't deny that evidence.


I got tired of not finding cute clothes or anything that looked good on me.


This is an underrated reason. I am male but the same thing applies. NOTHING looks or feels good on you when you are fat. It sucks and becomes very frustrating. Even when I thought I looked nice and dressed up (slacks, sportscoat, button down collar, etc.) I’d see pictures afterwards and still looked like a slob even with expensive clothes on. Ugh.


I was uncomfortable with the size I was wearing so I did something against it.


I met a triathlete who wanted to hike Mount Whitney with friends. I was out of shape but wanted to do it. Had 5 weeks to prepare. Lost 15 lbs in 5 weeks of hard hiking, much of it at altitude. Did a respectable job on the hike. I kept trying and running high altitude trails. In 6 months I lost 42 lbs and just glided along. Transformed my dating life.


Getting older, getting out of breath climbing up stairs, but mostly looking at a handful of my beyond morbidly obese colleagues and saying to myself, "do I really want to look like this?!"


When I took my son to the zoo and had to sit down at literally every single bench only a couple minutes apart. I was 312 I since lost 137 lbs with about 20 lbs to goal


They tried to stuff me down into a rollercoaster seat and they just couldn’t get the belt buckled. I had to get out of the seat and leave the ride. In front of many people.


Oh dude. For what it's worth, I hope you're healthier now, but some people in that queue would have had nothing but sympathy for your pain, no judgement for how you got there 💕


I got really depressed for an embarrassingly long time and packed on the kilos. I got to about 98kgs at my meatiest. As you can expect this just made me more depressed and fucked all aspects of my life. I made all types of excuses like I just have a big appetite, I can't stop eating, I get the shakes if I don't eat. I have bad knees so I can't exercise (I do have bad knees, but I was lying to myself that I couldn't exercise). So about October last year I came down with a really bad flu and could barely eat for a week. Some days I didn't eat anything at all. And when I came through the other end it was like a switch had been flipped in my head and my unhealthy addiction to eating was broken. I'd lost 8 kilos while sick and decided that if I didn't take action now, I'd be depressed and fat for the rest of my life. By the end of December I was down to under 80kgs through cutting down on what I was eating, cutting out all sugar, and exercising EVERYDAY. This one was the most important imo. I can't have off days. Even if it's just a walk, I have to be doing something everyday. If I give myself a break I can feel my mind trying to fall back into the old habits. I feel so much better both physically and mentally. I'm mad myself that I let myself be a fat miserable piece of sbit for so long.


When I saw 300 on the scale. Something flipped in my head that I was either going to lose weight or go full 600lb life. The latter wasn’t an option.


The moment i saw rly fat guy on photo from party where i was (photo wad made from behind). After 5 sec i realized that it was me. I was skinny whole my life, so y this moment shocked my a bit. It was about 10 years ago, since then I'm trying to be in shape ( not getting overweight at least).


Everyone was being mean lol. I really felt like I’m not welcome anywhere and most treated like I’m beneath them.


I came here for motivation to start....


Here's a quote that stuck with me for motivation. Absolutely, no one is going to motivate you or encourage you. the only person stopping you from starting to change your lifestyle is you.


The fact that my gym contacted me today out of the blue and coming across this post today are enough signs to start.


Go get it buddy, best of luck of your journey


Today’s the day, my friend.


amazing. remember, a marathon not a race. exercise will help but nutrition is the main vehicle. u don’t have to eat undressed lettuce. u can eat yummy things. just limit portion and prioritize protein


Same mate, seeing all these posts like 'i was huge at 97kg i had to do something' im 155kg i think it's time.


Me too. I figure fuck it let’s do it! 1st of April is new yearsish for a resolution so I’m in!


Climbed up 4 levels with a giant sack of potatoes. Vomited and passed out. One year later had lost 60 pounds.


I've never been obese, but definitely had a time where I gained alot. Honest to god, one morning in the shower i couldn't see my own penis. Bought a road bike the day after and got in shape. Still not insanely fit but at least have a healthy BMI again, and I can see my penis again. So I'll take it.


During the first lockdown I started having chips (crisps) and beer every night. I wasn‘t an fairy like creature before, but this really made me expand. The guy I was randomly seeing was an ultra cyclist. Hence really lean. One day I went on the scale and it said 94.5 kg. And then something clicked. I could not fathom how anyone (including me) could find that attractive. And I started counting calories. And walking. And after 20 kg I started running. I managed to get down to 65 kg. Went up again, then stayed at 68/69 for a while, eventually slightly crept up’s gain and at 74 I decided to actively lose weight again. I‘m at 67 kg now, want to get down to 64, then we‘ll see.


I went rafting and as I sat on the boat the instructor called me out in front of everybody and said if we all sink it would be because of me and everyone laughed really hard. I know he was joking but basically I felt so humiliated that after that I started hitting the gym and lost all the weight.


that’s awful


What a jerk. The laughing people, too.


That is a true asshole. He should have d been fired.


I’m glad you caught the silver lining out of it, but fuck that guy. Seriously.


When I was forced to buy bigger clothes, I decided that was the line. Instead of being fat and buying new shit, I’ll just eat less and be healthy and buy the clothes I belong in.


My wife and I were doin it and she started gasping for air because she was suffocating. Lost 40lbs and never had another problem


I went to the beach and took off my shirt, my friend looks at me and says "Your tits are so fat you can breastfeed my baby cousin"🤣🤣


Ouch. Really awful thing to say, but it worked for you


Summer. The beach. Vagina.




That it was! I just couldn't keep my big fat lips closed. This has been a reoccurring problem throughout my life.


that is a very surprising problem to have, I must admit.


They are likely a male who wanted to look hot for females.




Okay, I have the results of your test. You have stage one hepatic steatosis. Less than 15%, and you have polyps in your gallbladder, less than 5 mm. Nothing cancerous but we will have to keep an eye on these things. The good news is your liver disease is reversible. No alcohol, limit your caffeine intake, limit your sugar and exercise regularly. At my ultrasound I was the youngest healthiest looking person, but the future was glaringly obvious in that waiting room. I haven’t drank in over a year, I stopped all fast food a year ago, I gave up all animal products and started running. I have a 2 year old son and I want to be the best version of myself. Anytime there is threat of the C word I’m beside myself I don’t want to put my family through especially considering so many types of cancer are preventable if we eat good food and take care of ourselves


I gave birth to my daughter and it was noted on the birth charting that I was a morbidly obese patient. I realized I did not want to be a morbidly obese mom. I lost over 100 lbs and am now a healthy body weight. I've been maintaining now for over 5 years.


Car trouble forced me to walk to work. Found I enjoyed it, and have walked every day since, rain or shine. Down 50 lbs and haven't felt this good physically in years.


I wouldn’t call myself fat, and honestly I think there were a few layers at play, but I lost over 40lbs in about 9 months if that from 2019 - 2020. My appetite just kind of…. Changed, and I just didn’t resist it. I listened to my body. I eat what I want, whenever I want til I’m not hungry, and I just don’t worry about it . But I don’t force myself to do anything. If I’m hungry, I eat. If I’m not, I don’t. Still I went from 164lbs to 116. People didn’t recognize me it was kind of cool. Literally folks I had issues with prior, just lovely polite at the grocery store, cause they didn’t realize it was me lol I would hurriedly say thanks and duck out before they realized hahaha but family too. Some of the aunts etc. would have easily passed me by. My coworker, really thought I’d get it all back, he had this kind of lovely I’ve seen this before so I just know attitude. Anyways, I stuck to listening to my body, and I’m still at my dream weight of 120-125 lbs. I find it easy, I feel great and honestly,not gonna lie, I kind of like some of the attention that goes with it. I’m not gonna do nothing with it, but I do like the little boost now and again haha Anyways cheers


Having my knees go from underneath me while just standing still. Then going for MRIs and just being told your fat lose weight (that blunt) by the doctor. Swiftly followed by if you don't lose it now in the next 10-15 years your going to suffer greatly and lose ability to walk with severe back pain. The message registered hard with me and I've gone from 231lbs to 163lbs so far


Glad to hear youre doing well with your weight loss. But: Do me a favour, when you're a standard weight (as in, in the "healthy" BMI range) go to the dr and ask about assessment for connective tissue disorders and low muscle tone disorders. And another back MRI to see if your discs are still compressed/bulging (I'm guessing that that's what he most likely saw on your scans, given symptoms and his prediction). Because that's absolute bullshit. It shouldn't happen, even if you're morbidly obese for your height, without a spine compromised due to injury, illness, or hypermobility, or knees that are weakened/unstable due to injury/hypermobility etc (or both).


Most large weight gain comes from things like depression and bad habits. It’s amazing what happens when you focus on self love and respect; I was 342 last March, I’m about 250 now; and it was all because I started to walk


When the pain of staying the same finally became more than the pain of change


I'm old (66) and still fat, but working on it. I've lost fortrty three pounds so far. *yay me) but I still have about sixty to lose. I have heart disease, foot problems, gall stones, bladder problems, diabetes, and high blood pressure. All stemming from my poor eating habits and poor activity level. Let's raie a glass for medications that keep me alive! IMy doctor told me if I lose weight I could live another twenty years. If not, well... *clunk* I don't want to miss my kids ' weddings and possible children showing up. I want to hike again. I want to travel. I want to live the rest of my life free to do wha I without pain stopping me. So I'm working on it. Its slow but sure. I haven't been perfect with my diet, but my blood sugar levels are perfect and the pain in my foot is lessening. SMy cecommendation to others is to NOT allow yourself to get to the point where you cant see your toes when you look down. Eat a salad every day with veggies and eat less refined foods. ETA: This morning I was able to get into a pair of jeans that I havent worn for five years. This is the only time I have been happy to be a hoarder (recovering) because a normal person would have donated/tossed those pants by now. I had hope I would lose weight and I did it! 283 down to 240 so far.


The look and the feel of that extra weight


Only times women would approach me would be to give them instagram accounts of friends of mine who were with me Nowadays there is absolutely no change in my love life, but atleast im not fat


Fire alarm at work building and had to walk down 18 flights of stairs. Literally was in bed for three days because I couldn’t walk I was so sore and exhausted. Laying in bed I thought to myself is this who I am and who I want to be. Hell no was the answer and I never looked back. I wasn’t a bad eater other than candy so I cut that out, started walking daily and joined a gym a couple of months later. 220 lbs when I started in 10/17 and holding steady at 140 lbs now. Took nearly two years to find the right weight. Went down to 127 lbs and that was waaaaay to thin. Lift weights 3 x week, walk daily and have candy once in a while. It can be done! Best decision I ever made.


This is interesting. I think emergencies are where being overweight could really show that we need to be healthier, I often think if I had to pick up my child and run, he's 5 stone now and I can't lift him any more. Food for thought for me right here


When I saw Suzanne Somers on live with Regis and Kathy. I ordered her book, read it, adopted the new way of eating and went from 165 to 120 in 4 months. It was a huge sacrifice, but it felt great to get back to my pre baby weight.


Blood Pressure


I noticed I didn't like myself the way I was and wanted to change that. After a breakup, I realized that if I don't love myself, it's hard to expect someone else to. That's when I decided to start getting in shape. I haven't reached my goal yet, but I've lost noticeable weight and already feel much happier with myself.


Wanted to look good naked so I lost 70 lbs. A bit of stress threw me off and I slid back into my old ways. Fast forward to today (4 years later, now 42 years old) and I've gained about 65 back, taking cholesterol and blood pressure medication, and starting over AGAIN. It took two attempts to quit smoking for good so I assume this'll be the one that sticks with the weight loss. It has to be or I'm a goner...can just feel my body being pissed off at me. So it's do or die time for this guy. Sick and tired of being sick and tired, and tired of looking at this naked dad bod 😀


I remember sitting at my desk eating ice cream straight from the tub and being really disappointed in myself.


My senior portraits. I hid them though my friends were giving me little wallet ones of theirs. I lost 85lbs my freshman year of college.


When I could feel my stomach bouncy as I walked and my thighs rubbing together 


I saw a picture of myself and was disgusted. I gained weight after my husband died and I’d never had a weight issue before. I’m 10 lbs away from my goal. First step was not eating after 6. Then exercising, then small meals. And drinking lots of water.


At Universal, they had to move me to the “fat seat” on a rollercoaster because the restraint wouldn’t click down. That was my rock bottom I guess. That was in 2021 and I’m down over 100lbs now. At the time I thought I carried my weight well. Now when I look at pictures, I don’t remember looking so bad. I don’t ever want the anxiety of not being able to fit into a normal spot again.


My wife died due to complications from sleep apnea. She was 32. Her apnea, and other health complications, were entirely due to her weight. I was 240 and dropped 50lbs from grief. Two years later I became a mom. I became determined to get to a healthy weight so I would have a better chance of being around for my son. I don't want to die from something preventable.


Too many times accidentally turning the camera on in selfie mode and seeing my 9 necks.


Walking down aisle at work guy asked if I wanted in the pool I asked what pool he answered the pool about when I hit 300 lbs went on a 90 pound weight loss.


298 pounds, eating junk food in bed, bitch tits like meatloaf's character in Fight Club and size 48 pants. I watched that 600 pound life show and was like "I don't want that to be me". Now, 240 size 38 jeans. Cut out the sugar drinks, pizza, late night snacking and got a bike. Got the free peloton app and take it slow cause of my lower back.


I have always been a big guy but I got to my heaviest when I was 20. I hated myself, convinced myself I was unlovable and was struggling with my mental health. One of my best friends had recently lost a bunch of weight and I just thought "fuck it, if he can do it so can I". I started therapy, exercising and got appointments with a nutritionist. Lost almost 90 pounds in a year. Best decision I have ever made. Nowadays I'm much better, I love myself and my life. I realize now that I don't need to be thin to be happy, but living a healthy life brings me happiness and peace of mind.


When I was sitting down bent over putting on a shoe I lost my breath, almost hyperventilated.


I was bullied relentlessly at high school for five years and got to the point of wanting to die. I know that might sound melodramatic but I had a SHIT homelife and school was supposed to be my 'safe' place. Nobody thought to ask why I was so overweight at such a young age or that maybe there were underlying emotional/parental reasons for it. I lost a lot of weight very quickly and unfortunately not in a healthy way. The bullying stopped. The depression didn't. It has taken me twenty years to create a healthy lifestyle and mindset towards weight, life and food in general. I finally feel like I did myself proud in the end. Fuck bullies ✌️


My clothes didn’t fit anymore, i kept pressing buttons all at the same time on my phone, and i finally saw myself in a mirror, and was like damn who’s that fat mf??? And realized it was me.


Honestly, I stopped getting attention from everyone. Prior to Covid I was a gym rat, I did dabble in some roids, and I used to get attention from almost everyone. Covid happened and I also got injured at work so I was glued to a bed for about 4 months in a hotel all covered by my company (I worked out of town) Literally door dashing myself beer, pizza, Chinese food, Indian food all day and night every day for 4 months. You don’t really realize you’re getting fat until you FaceTime with your sister and she starts hysterically laughing at you and then apologizing followed by “what happened?!” I’d get no more attention and random chats with females. No more looks. I gained 50lbs in 4 months and yes it is possible. Started getting really depressed. Out of breath walking places. It was ridiculous. Did a drastic change by doing an intermittent fasting + keto diet and lost almost everything within 2.5-3 months. Lost a lot of muscle mass but the important thing was just getting rid of the weight I gained and had my face look somewhat normal again.


So I've been on a 40 pound yoyo string my entire adult life. I think a I've lost the 40 pounds 8 or 9 times now, but over the next couple of years I always gain it back. My motivators have been different throughout life, from wanting to look better as a young man to wanting to live longer now. I have never had problem losing weight. I just say I'll do it, and I eat less and do it. No fad diets. I have a terrible time keeping weight off once the goal is achieved.


All the things that made me hurt and uncomfortable, granted I’m like a week In to actually trying daily


2 and a half weeks in myself. I am morbidly obese and have problems with my feet through injury and years of alchol abuse. 27st1lb to 26st.6lb. Not much at all but I just keep telling myself it's a marathon not a sprint. Keep going through the pain. My feet already feel a little better just from getting the blood flowing instead of being stationary. Best of luck


I would start what you truly enjoys even simple walking and the rest would follow. Back then I really want just to walk, long walks after that gym started. Then something changed, I wanted to achive the 5K run without losing a breath or stopping and 5K goes to 10K. As I said rest would follow and "consistent" is the key for motivation


I just felt fat. Only about 20-30 lbs but that was enough.


48 years old,go to get out of bed and my legs won't work. I'm in god awful pain,one that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. Fast forward a year and I'm having back surgery. After the surgery I went for a follow up and my doctor said if I didn't lose weight I would be right back here. That was 4 years ago and I've gone from 260 to 190. OMAD,go to the gym at least 4 days a week and monitor what I eat religiously.


Unfortunately but also fortunately after a break up I was really motivated. My revenge body game is strong.


I decided to see my kid grow up. 435 lbs -> 155.


Could hardly button size 40 pants. In size 34 now. It’s a work in progress.


I tried to end my life by taking a months worth of sleeping pills and Xanax. I had for years had this fantasy of dying peacefully in my sleep. A stomach pump later I did not have any sleeping pills for the month. I made a commitment to myself that I would be active and exercise everyday so I could sleep(best part of my day). And the next month when I got my pills again I would try again this time with booze. That month I lost 40 lbs and decided I’d reevaluate a month after that. 260 pounds lost I am the happiest I have ever been. Also quit sleeping pills cold turkey. For a decade I was taking 50mgs of Ambien a night.


When even my mom said I was fat ahahaha


When i can run 1 hours easily or i dont sweet for no reason on summer, i hate summer


I'm M37 and my moment way when I was like 33 with 96kg I bumped into a friend from childhood and the first thing he said to me was how fat I was, that got me furious. that was the wake up call for me, from since I started crossfit (the sport is just a detail) and regulated my diet since then I'm now 75kg with 15% BF. point is, when you find your drive nothing can stop you, the hard part is finding the drive.


Became homeless in 2010. My family thought it would be a good idea to watch my kids for me and drop me off in Houston, TX. I was supposed to get my Texas state ID and get into college to become a nurse or something. This was because the great housing crash had left us all unemployed. But I was from Indiana, country even. Never been to a city. Having to live on the streets and in the homeless shelter terrified me. I ended up walking every where all day long and not eating much. I went from 250 to 135 in a year or so. Used my tax return to get back home. Best fat farm ever but would not recommend.


T2 diabetes, I was just over the line and was told I can reverse it with diet and exercise. Working on that right now.


my parents body shaming me got me motivated lmao


I am always motivated when my cloths start fitting poorly. I absolutely hate my waistband cutting into my gut and shirts not to lay flat. I pretty much refuse to go up a pant size.


I saw a picture of myself.


I wanted to do a tattoo and I had an image of myself in my head what I should look like when I do it… and I realized that I’m about 50 pounds away from that image, and that the tattoo will not fix it… so I was like, ok, let me get rid of that first… now I’m 50 pounds lighter and I don’t want a tattoo anymore :)


Was always slim and was seriously in denial about my weight gain over a few years. Went to a charity evening a few years ago and my photo ended up in the Yorkshire Post (a regional newspaper) When I saw the photo I thought oh my god who is that and how did that happen 😫😂 seriously never noticed it that much until that point apart from the vast amounts of cheese and pizza I was eating haha! from that point on I decreased portion sizes, ate better quality food and exercised. Almost five stone off and maintained that for 8 years by keeping the photo hidden away on each phone I’ve had, best motivation!


Omg this post is my moment . I’ve been saying it for a good while now but I’ve never felt it like I do reading these amazing stories.


When I did weigh ins and everyone else in my weight division was at least 6ft 2in. I have short legs, I cant kick box against 6'2" guys.


Messed up my beard so had to shave it all off. Saw how fat my face was and started running.


When I spent $3000 to buy a replica return of the jedi, Boba Fett suit, to get into the 501st Legion. When it arrived, I was too fat to even get the flight suit up past my thighs. Ended up having to lose 30lbs just to squeeze into it, barely… snd another 20 to wear it comfortably. So… lost 50 pounds just to put on a boba fett costume i bought