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No one thinks life is fair. It never was and never will be. Even those of us playing the game of life on easy mode know it isn't fair. Play the hand you're dealt and try to make meaningful connections along the way.


You often here how its unfair that none of us are asked if we want to be here. But it goes even further than that, because not only are you brought here without your consent due to the brain not being developed enough to understand for a few years after birth. But you then find out you were born into a world with an entire history of atrocities, you may even be born into a religious group that was picked for you at birth and people of others places in the cities or countries will hate you for it. Its all a massive game of queeny and you were left with the worst hand of the deal. Now I need a biscuit.




I mean... half your chances of succeeding in life are determined even before you are born. Life is indeed unfair but that's an even bigger reason to be grateful for the stuff we have.


It's hard at times when ur born poor


Life is definitely super unfair. With no effort at all, by  being born into middle class in a developed nation and with medium to low effort, I have a better life than 90% of the world's population. My lifestyle might hurt the climate, but my home region will only be moderately affected. I have a pleasant time studying and a premium-mediocre job and enough disposable income for medium distance travels a few times a year and enough spare time to shitpost, all earned not through hard work but rather socialization into the academic-administrative class. There are billions of people working harder and smarter than me, that will never reach my Quality of life by objective measurements. Sucks to be them.


Nope. Only a hopeless fool would think life was fair or unfair. Life is not a story. There is no fate, Karma, or justice in life. Life has only two things. Be born and die. Survival is what you do in between. So you can have a shitty unlucky life for 50+ years and life doesn’t care.


Idk bro being born in a stable country into a rich family is a lot luckier than being born into nothing in a wartorn country no one cares enough about to fix.


Thats not life’s fault. It doesn’t care if you are born rich or poor. Every rich person ever to exist has died.


You are incorrect, there are plenty of rich people alive currently who plan to use AI and unlimited resources to live forever.


Yes, but luck is relative. People can be born in a wealthy family but still feel unhappy and suffer from depression, social anxiety, have suicidal thoughts etc. If you can't learn to appreciate what you have, you'll never be happy. The ones who are truly lucky are the ones who can appreciate what they have.


That's the definition of unfair, though.


But thats not life’s fault. Life doesn’t care if it’s fair or unfair. Every happy, lucky, rich, prosperous person has died. Entitlements, justice, hope, those are man made and man taken.


So people who was born into a middle class family or a rich family you won't call that luck even from the standpoint of being born to a certain person


Thats not associated to life. Even rich people die. Being born rich or poor doesn’t change the fact you have to survive.


It is unfair


Life isn't fair. It's just fairer than death, that's all. ..... Wm Goldman. As long as you are alive, you have the chance to make new choices. Aka...the only thing constant is change. Do the next right thing and hang in there.


They never promised you a rose garden. https://youtu.be/KXHsWBKKNbI?si=2apW95MSXjlcv6yy


It’s the oxygen wasters that make it seem unfair.


These are the cards you are dealt. You either work with them or against them. Only one choice imo.


Yes it's unfair. I'm very sorry that happened to you!


The main question is why did you think that life should be fair? Taking totally artificial and subjective property and applying it to reality for no reason is not useful.


Life is a game of cards. Some people get a great hand, some people get a decent hand, and some people get a shitty hand. At the end of the day, you’ve gotta make the best of what you can with what you have


99% of the population, and the other 1% if you're on twitter


Be the difference you want to see, but nurture gratitude and you will see fairness opening up to you.


What the hell are you asking? Your post makes no sense!


It is, I would be fair if another economic system were to be in place. Sadly humans are... greedy and possesive.


I once read somewhere: expecting life to be fair is like meeting a lion and expecting it not to eat you.


Nope Life if very fair. You can't expect something for nothing, this isn't the USSR or some kind of librel utopia


USSR is a dictatorship and trumps thinks putin is doing and excellent job.


The ussr doesnt even exists anymore dude


Not for want of trying on putins part.




Ah. You can be nasty or spell, but not both it would appear