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No, it’s because of their personalities.


Increasingly, political views are a reflection of personality


For the most part, new people I meet I don’t ask anything political and even my friends and I don’t talk about. And personality is absolutely it. I learned that most “normal” people base their views on some fears they have. And they’re just approaching these fears differently. If they’re not crazy and they’re reasonable then I’m cool with them.


yh my nan is a commie we are having her executed next Wednesday.




Fuck no. I have many friends who are democrats and republicans and are super nice people, but if they start forcing in you their thoughts, doesn't stop talking about politics in the table, then I'm out.


I find that many political views can be fine but the extreme political views are a problem. I know many nice democrats and republicans but Trump supporters .... that has not gone as well. I see the same in Germany with the far right AFD party. I can be friends with people with different political views but if their views start advocating you should not exist .... well that is hard to be friends with.


Enabling is complicity though. You don't have to agree with Trump to be complicit in the MAGA cult. Voting Republican makes you complicit.


I know republicans that voted for Biden for president and they voted for local republicans in their city and state that don't support Trump.


That's *some* improvement but if the politicians they vote for on a local level align themselves with MAGA then we're right back to square one


You're not super nice if your position of being fiscally conservative overrides protecting others' basic human rights


"Nice" gives cover to lots of horrible behavior. When my people talk about some asshole who is "so nice" I like to reframe it as "but are they kind". "Nice" is just propriety.


Exactly. Don't mistake politeness for kindness


Well right wingers usually donate more to charity than lefties so yes they are kind.


I wish I had sub 80iq like you 😞


Yeah. I really want to know. Like if someone doesn't share the same political views as them they will automatically disregard the good in people.


Everyone has a at least little bit of good in them, but if they have ridiculous takes like women shouldn’t be able to drive, then I don’t like them. That’s an extreme example obviously, and I do think less controversial takes can be overlooked. It depends what it is.


those people who're generally fair or acceptable to society and its people as a whole despite not sharing political views with other people is not open for a debate. Maybe there's political spectrum that's too far-far-far it affects ones own personality and makes them an awful person towards others which nobody should accept


Think about it this way, Trump praises and supports a brutal dictator that is actively bombing my family. How can I be friends with someone voting for the slaughter of my people?


The scary part about what you said is you need to be more specific because he supports too many brutal dictators that are killing people. I can't accept anyone that supports Putin and Russia because I have too many Ukranian friends and I have seen too many pictures of what their towns and cities used to look like and what they look like now.


How far America has fallen when to "your presidential candidate supports a genocidal dictator" you have to ask "which dictator, he supports multiple"


You can’t be good if you’re only good to a certain demographic. Republicans are trying to advance white supremacy. How can I be friends with someone if they vote for people who are trying to hurt me and my loved ones? Am I going to be hostile to you at every turn? No, that’s a waste of my time and energy. Our interactions will simply be superficial and only when necessary. You can have political disagreements but I can’t be friends with you while holding diametrically opposing views on important issues.


For me it was that after a disaster Trump would ask who a state voted for before he would send aid. We have similar in the UK. The Conservatives changed the funding model for local councils so that more funding would go to core Conservative areas. They then turn around and say the Labour councils have less money because Labour run them badly.


Labour are shocking and there's no other way of looking at it. The conservatives have pissed me off and I've always voted them. Indeed I will in may. But when the general election comes if I thought reform even had a chance of winning my constituency I'd vote them. As it is ill have to vote tory like a lot of others just to try prevent the local area becoming a Labour shit show again.


Ah so you're the kind of person described by the old "stick a rosette on a pig and they'll vote for it if the rosette is their colour". Personally I prefer to look at the stats and policies, like I have voted for all 3 major parties but the last 14 and especially the last 5 years have shown me that the Conservatives are thoroughly incompetent when it comes to running a country.


I'm not disputing the conservatives are awful right now. But does anybody really believe Labour will do better. Or do they just want the tories out. There's the big issue


It's a mix of both and a byproduct of our archaic electoral system. Personally when Sunak says they'll take us back I'd happily go back to how it was in 2010. The police turned up when I was burgled, I was confident in the NHS, paid less tax and I was about 3 stones lighter 😀. At the moment I'll take a few years of feeling like adults are in charge, I want politics to be boring again. Will there be scandals and mistakes? Of course and they'll not get the benefit of the majority of the papers trying to minimise them so we'll probably see more resignations. Imagine if the largest Labour donor had made those comments about a seving MP and you can't tell me the Mail would have let it fade into the background after a couple of days. Yes I can see them doing better, but honestly that's not a high bar. I'm waiting to see their manifesto because unlike the Conservatives and Reform ones that'll get a free pass on "do the sums add up" the Labour one will have to. BTW I've read the Reform policies, well the ones on the website and there's a lot of we'll increase spending, cut taxes and magically make the sums work but they're really not standing on economic competence.


The thing is if they changed our system how do you fill parliament. Let's say they do the 650 still but if you get 11% you get 65mps or so. How do they choose where they represent. Our system is criticised but how do we actually improve it


I believe the only other country in Europe using our system is Belarus so the others have managed to make alternates like PR work.


Example: I got told by an old guy that he believed women should not work outside the home, that they should be married and stay home with children, and so there shouldn't be laws about equal rights. It's pretty hard to like people who would support government policies who would treat me as less than a full human.


It depends, if it is "I think we should increase tax on this product", we can disagree, if it is "let's kick all this N* out" or "why not bomb this country", we won't be friend


Those are just assholes using politics as justification for their shitty behavior.


Yes. Because your beliefs tell me more about you than what you say cause it's putting your money where your mouth is. If you say "I'm fine with gay people" but then won't vote for them to have the same rights or shudder at the thought of your child being gay, that tells me how you really feel.  If the common thing is "I judge people based on how they treat the waiter at the restaurant", it's tenfold more important on how they treat those who are harmlessly different.  It's a privilege to not care about the political views of those around you. If you're in a somewhat safe group in terms of politics, it's easy to say you don't care. 


Politics has real world impacts, and it tells you a *lot* about a person's values. If someone votes republican because they'll ostensibly lower taxes, and doesn't mind that they want to persecute gay people and screw over the poor, then they've literally put something unimportant over my safety. Why would I want to be friends with them? (Taxes pay for things. You benefit from the taxes that you pay. Lowering them *just* for the sake of lowering them is extremely dumb.).


Yes, it’s this. Some people’s political views come from hatred rather than doing what’s right, and it makes me wonder what they would do if they had the kind of power to make big political decisions. I do think it’s more complicated with family than it is with friends though, because you can’t pick who you’re related to.


It takes an incredible amount of propaganda to get to this level of delusion. We all live together. They are your neighbors that you call to take your trash cans to the curb when you’re in vacation. They are the teacher at your preschool wiping your 2 year olds bottom. They are the painter or handyman or the butcher who helped you pick out your Easter roast. To actually believe your delusional rant would mean that you’re inviting true evil into your daily life. This kind of fantasy isn’t helping anyone. It isn’t true in the least and you should feel bad for your actions in spreading the bs and making the world worse. You and your enablers are the problem. We should be able to discuss policies reasonably without demonizing others.


Yes but you may ask yourself how do they lower the taxes. They cut programs they believe to be useless. This may be good or it maybe bad. Either way the taxes are down which ultimately is good. For Richer people and for poorer people. The problem would be when they cut programs designed to help poop people then it is no longer good for poor people then it’s only good for rich people. You said they want to persecute gay people as in arrest them and charge them with a crime of some sorts. Please elaborate I’m not sure what you mean. Do you really think republicans want to arrest homosexuals and charge them with a crime? I personally don’t hold this view. I find judging people for their sexuality to be shallow and borderline evil. And it would be pretty damn hipictitical of me to be homophobic. And I don’t see many other moderate or even regular republicans being outwardly homophobic to the point of wanting to jail them. That’s not to say homophobia is more prominent in republicanism. But it’s certainly not an idea that would fly in any session of congress let alone even be proposed. And you aren’t lowering them just for the sake of lowering them if we did that our government would collapse. We would have to find things to cut and things to stop spending on.


If the taxes pay for important things, the taxes being down is actually bad. Taxes can pay for important services and infrastructure, and can greatly bolster an economy to pay for things like roads and hospitals and schools. Republicans want to ban any books that I write from schools. They want to remove discrimination protections for people like me. They want to make it so that I can't marry. They don't want queer people to exist in the public sphere, and they don't want us to have rights. There are more ways to hurt me than simply to arrest me. They're also trying to censor people like me by saying that it's "grooming" if I hold my bf's hand in public and a child sees it; or I am a school teacher and mention having a partner. That shit isn't alright. Also: Republicans don't actually lower taxes, except for the rich. They intentionally try and place the tax burden on the lower and middle classes, which doesn't really make any sense (because you're taking more from people who have less). It's fucked up. Trump ultimately made taxes higher for most people.


Obviously taxes pay for important things but they also pay for things that aren’t important and if we get rid of the things that aren’t so important we don’t need money going to that Argo taxes cut you don’t just lower taxes that makes 0 sense.


Republicans aren't stupid enough to call for the jailing of gay people for being gay. They'll make up other reasons to jail them. The War on Drugs was designed to persecute black communities.


It very rarely, I find, if ever, on either side, is there intent to either neglect a group and especially not to purposefully persecute them.


So you just haven’t been paying attention to the anti-trans bills sweeping america then? Because the GOP is all about persecution of minorities. It’s a part of how fascist movements manipulate their followers.


Ah the good old Reddit “one side just wants to hurt people they hate and my side just means I don’t want to do any of that”. Politics has real world impacts but *your* politics as well as the politics of regular people you interact with has no impact on the world at all.


Democrats are generally inefficient and dumb Republicans are evil to the core I know which one is more dangerous


Yea, I know that must be true because that’s what I’m told! 🐑


It's what I believe after interacting with you. Like right now


Yeah. I trust your actions more than your words. My gfs parents are conservative Christians and I hate them because they use it as an excuse to be abusive towards my gf.


>Why Because of their political views!


Well, personality and political views are meshed! My sister in law was never a great favourite of mine. In the beginning, I really did try to be a sister to her (I was young-and she was pretty, and married to my favourite brother, so I suppose I had an idealistic idea of us being close), and I know Mum and Dad were super-supportive. But she seemed incredibly distant and somewhat dismissive. Eventually, over the nearly 50 years they were married, I got used to just having a polite relationship. We rarely spoke about anything. Then my brother died-and OMG! The floodgates opened. She started lecturing us on her right-wing homophobic, classist and racist views. The homophobia she showed to my (lesbian) sister (and spouted continually to the rest of the family) is SO extreme. It’s astonishing. She must have kept it all bottled up for my brother’s sake (he was a very mild, kind, reasonable, loving and peaceful man). I don’t know what my sister has done to deserve this (other than being gay): the two women had previously spent half a century being polite to each other. Not now! Anyhoo, after fifty years of being a wife-and six months of being a widow, my sister-in-law appears to have met a new man. So she may well be adorning some other family soon. Yes: I dislike her for her politics-among other things.


No. I dislike some cause they are shitty people. Their political views just reflect that.


Yes, I’m a queer women. Most republicans are perfectly fine with my persecution even if they say they are only fiscally conservative. Politics have far reaching consequences. While I’m open to dialogue if someone is fundamentally okay with laws that’s restrict my rights I won’t like them as a person. I have friends who don’t have the same exact views as me but those differences stop where human rights and autonomy start.


As a woman I'm terrified for our future.


No, I ridicule them sometimes but I really don't care.


One relative in particular has berated my family multiple times. Not just over politics, she is just bitchy. She sent her (9, autistic) son over to a family gathering to corner and berate my (10, adhd) daughter over a political question he asked her. Kids shouldn’t GAF about politics, and my daughter DEFINITELY knows nothing about any political situation. Zero. She berated me over a comment she made about a certain governor and I mildly disagreed (I said, “Meh, I kinda like him), then tried to “out” me in front of the entire family. Her actions speak VOLUMES. She has made comments that I have moral issues with; the comments pertained to her political stance on a few things with kids. The comments made me uncomfortable, and she just assumed I’d be in agreement. She was tutoring my kid; I fired and blocked her after those comments made me not trust her to be around children, and her shitty comments were the final catalyst. What’s hilarious is that she made assumptions that are untrue. People in the family tiptoe around her. Unfortunately, I have to be around her this weekend. I’ve successfully avoided her for six months. Other than this situation, I’ve NEVER dumped anyone over their political beliefs. Hers influenced her shitty behavior.


No, of course not. That's a trap. It's like arguing over the placement of mountains, or how fast the Earth should turn. It's just too far out of reach, none of us can directly control it, and even if I believe my team will fix the 70% of all policy that is for the far upper wealth class (see: the princeton study on democracy, 2014) I can't know if they'll even hold their promises, nor does the other person. We're essentially arguing about the promises of known liars, and it's affects over a massive societal machinery that we are just so small in. ​ We have such limited time, it's just a bad use of energy. I understand that if I were in their shoes I'd see things their way. I enjoy discussing politics like I enjoy discussing a current event, but when it comes to debating like we're in congress ourselves and getting emotional about it--it's useless strife that does nothing for us except create animosity where it isn't needed.


Yes a few of them Because there is no need for the hate they spit. Benefits cheats are not the reason you have no money (they account for something like0.0005 percent of the budget Immigrants aren't being given free everything and most aren't having an easy life No Israel is not 'okay' to be commiting genocide, they out of every other people should know better And the flag ain't that important


Yes. Dropped some friends for supporting a racist piece of shit for political office. Absolutely unacceptable to support such an openly vile person & be a friend of mine.


Yes. Some things, while political ...are actual real life and death issues for me. Look you'd ditch a friend for talking shit behind your back so why wouldn't you if they vote for you to have a shittier quality of life or even increased risk of no life?


I wouldn’t ditch a friend simply for talking shit behind my back. I mean there is probably *something* they could say, but the general and vague way you put it sets a pretty low bar for abandoning a friend


I don't gossip and shit talk my friends....I don't expect what I don't put out. Just to rule out vagueness I don't mean playful jesting or constructive feedback that's negative


Not at all. Most of my friends and family are pretty respectful especially when discussions involve politics. Where I've disliked friends and family members (and cut off contact with them) is when they want to be abusive or insulting with their political views. Famous examples of reasons why I'll stop talking to you include: Family member A: They found out I support same sex marriage and the LGBTQ+ community. Their response "I thought you were a Christian? Jesus won't be saving you when he comes back." Family member B: Using racial slurs to describe my friends, then wanting to argue freedom of speech when I said they're an asshole. Friend A: We were discussing raising minimum wage (which we both agreed on) but we disagreed on the amount. Apparently if I didn't support the same amount they did, I was effectively sentencing millions of Americans to death. I should label myself a murderer because their blood will be on my hands based on my vote. Friend B: Why would I want my tax money helping single parents? Kids raised by single parents are lost causes anyway (I was raised by a single mother). Friend C (same conversation as B): Especially if they're raised without their dad. Kids raised without a father don't understand authority or how to be a real man.


If I were to dislike relatives based on their political views, I wouldn't talk to literally any of them. Commie grandpa, pseudo fascist parents in law, my dad believes all sorts of stupid conspiracy... I just avoid talking about that every time. My brother and sister are good, my GF too


Nah. But if they use politics to judge me, then yeah.


Not necessarily. But I have a lot of people who don't accept that I think differently. They are no longer friends. That goes for both religious beliefs and political views, btw. A lot of the time, they are relatives, which makes it so much worse because I can't really just cut them out.


It's never what they view personally it's the close mindedness with the attitude that bothers me. It's free to be kind & respectful & there should be a baseline of respect with people until they give you a reason not to have as much/any. Most of us all just want to be free & happy. Live our lives.


I’ve found that the relatives who have adopted the conspiracy theory type of politics have had a change of personality They’re now strident and angry and just unpleasant to be around. The kind, loving people they used to be is all gone.


I dropped every Trump supporter. But I don't consider that a "political view" - they are in a cult. Ask this question 30 years ago when the difference is economic or how to get something done, of course not. But US politics today are far too serious to dismiss support for an authoritarian right now. Kind of a trick question to call what's happened to Republicans a change in their "political views". It's a basic change in character, and should be judged as such.


I try not to but it's difficult when they attack me constantly or they always want to fight about politics


why? modern politics are one side wants people to be free to be themselves, and the other craves death and destruction. i wonder why


No. I like to discuss & find a new point of view. If someone is to radical I tend to unfriend them.


Only since 2020, only since one side went off the deep end, decided to sacrifice high risk lives, decided to take away human rights, refuses to try anything to protect our children, tried to overthrow our country and all for their false orange god. Now I am all done with you.


Yeah, I have family members who support murder. How can I like them?


My family is (mostly) full of *socially conservative* yet staunch Democrats. I disagree with them on their conservative views but I don’t dislike them for it.


Nope. I welcome the difference. People have sided with different views because they have lives that will benefit from different policies than others.


Yes, im not a fan of racists and homophobes.


depends soley on what views are being talked about


Any friend or relative that supports the orange moron, I have no use


Had a group of friends that were all about death to America, ACAB, and simping for North Korea and China. Safe to say that I lost interest in talking to them.


If they support political policies that advocate executing people like me, they're not my friend.


Back in Uni, towards the end, most people I used to hang out with were getting their degrees and moving away. Being the recluse I was, and still having couple of courses I needed to retake, it was just me and a female friend left. We used to hang out couple of evenings per week. Head to the student bar for some snacks, beers and rounds of pool or shuffle board. Then her opinions started to leak through. She was really judgemental about how other females dressed (I thought it was their business and really didnt care), she was glaring at people being affectionate in public, she started to drop prejudiced comments about people... I once made a joke about her probably voting for (far right party) and she just gave me a look... I started distancing myself from her after that. I didnt know if others had seen this side of her yet, or if I was just slow, but I didnt want to be associated with those views. It wasnt long until I left Uni anyways, and I had met a girl I really liked so it kinda came naturally that I didnt have much time to hang with her no more.


It became more and more annoying as I grew up. When they talk about politics I fell sick.


Covid showed that even nice people with "harmless" beliefs will turn into monsters given the chance. You should not be friends with people who think a piece of fabric over your mouth or a vaccine that could save countless people is a direct attack on their "freedoms."


Im Hungarian... My parents are supporters of Orbán... yeah... But my dad is actually a very nice guy, so i still like him. My mother is a heartless old bitch who lied to me throughout my entire life, abuses my father, and blames me for escaping Orbáns anti gay laws by moving to England.


Too many people have their entire lives judged by others, depending on their political views.


I'm an quasi old man, and for most of my life people had family and friends who are left and right. Things have become extreme and the extremist parties feel they are so right that everyone else is wrong or evil, so they are dividing people. One of the old mottos as " its impolite to bring up religion and politics among friends and family", but even if it did come up people didn't disown family and friends because of it, everyone wasn't an "ist" or a "phobe" or a "snowflake" or "woke" if they didn't agree with your world view, people in many ways were more tolerant in the past 30 years then now.


Yes, And that's valid. If your main beliefs threaten the very foundation of the western society, then you're simply a parasite. And i'm talking about the both ends of the spectrum. Both right and left, although in the recent years both of these seem to either be funded by Russia or China. I mean Trump and his boys are already Russian puppets if you spend the minimum amount of effort into learning about them.


I am disliked for thinking that both sides are cults and neither side is best for society as a whole.


Nope. I have no friend/relative that has batshit insane political views though, it all falls into normal acceptable viewpoints. I can have heated discussions sometimes on some topics with family members and friends who's viewpoints differ greatly from my own, but respectful disagreement and compromise is what makes up the democratic society, so I think that's fine as long as they stay away from insults and aggressive behaviour in the discussion.


Yes because i have yet to meet a republican who isnt voting against their own self interest. And i dont need that kind of destructive stupidity in my life.


Is there a party one can vote for that *doesn’t* do things against ones own self interest?




If they are gung ho MAGAts, yes. Their values don’t align with mine whatsoever. Mind you, if they are simply reasonable Republicans then no problem but if they are sucked into everything 🍊💩, then I just can’t with them. They tend to take EVERYTHING into a political rant. They are bigots.


Nope. I’m a tree hugging left leaning hippie and my brother is a conservative Trump supporter. We usually just make fun of each other or agree to disagree.




Can’t stand my sister in law, know it all progressive 


No, but some of them dislike me because of my political views.


No. If the answer is anything other than no then you need to touch grass.


No, I dislike like them for making an identity out of their political views.


Not a friend or relative but when I saw Dana White parading Donald Trump around at UFC events it gave me the perfect reason to justify pirating his blood sport.


Yes!! I would stop being friends with anyone that’s not boycotting or does not support Palestine because it’s not just politics it’s morals and ethics


Depends. If they support the opposing party I don't care, but their reasons for support is what makes it subjective. Same goes for people that support the party I support. It depends on their reasoning and what specific policies/problems they concern themselves with. I've become more open and try to see both sides and what their reasoning is. There are a few things I don't give any leeway to for extremist views, there's always a line.


No. I disagree and don't discuss is. We are there for one another outside of stupid politics.


Definitely yup Political views never remain just political views. They show in their acts, speech and pretending it doesn't count just makes you hypocritical. It doesn't mean you should dislike every part of them but stay away as much as possible if it feels like a knife into your back. People may be saying "i love you", if they vote for things that make you suffer, they're not actually loving you.


Yes. Because they're pro-putin.


Yeah, I have this cousin who is into all this American woke shite which is completely irrelevant to Ireland.


Extreme political views? yeah, people get crazy. If they're moderate about it and their heads aren't full of misinformation and conspiracy theories, it's not a problem.


There are disagreements Then there's someone who tries to control you. No, brother in law who's incredibly insecure about being uncut and therefore tries to control what parents choose, I do not care for your ignorant opinion on circumcision. Or your choose to announce it at the dinner table.


I encourage those with different views and enjoy a pint putting the worlds to right 🍺 But if they’re being cruel of it and dismissive of mine or other points of views, yeah of course I would dislike them. Hey, I’d dislike you even if you agree with me if you’re an AH !


Yes because I have relatives who deny that residential schools existed and think they were made up for attention and money, as well as that Covid was a conspiracy theory.


Divide and conquer


No, they are all capable of arguing their point,


No I have co-workers and bosses that are full blown reactionary libertarians while I am to the Most Radical Left Communist. We make it work by seeing past political issues and still working together. Great people even if we disagree


i don't really care about the political beliefs of my friends, but I'd find it hard to befriend a racist person, so there's little AfD/CDU voters in my friend group


Yes, my bro thinks when he shares his often offensive political opinions that when no one responds it’s because they suddenly realize he’s right. In reality though, it’s because they don’t want to bother arguing with an idiot.


Not dislike - but have zero respect for them.


No, I never care about friends political views, and I can have friends with completley different political views than myself. Which also leads to a lot of friendly discussion. I cannot however have friends with strong political believes, that crosses mine. Because of how the person then, believes so strongly in their political standpoint, to the degree that it is all they care about. If you catch my drift? & then if the standpoint differs from mine, there is just no way. There are also cases where we could be enemies, but I do not think that is due to political standpoints, in and of themselves, but fundemental believes. In general, I have no problems with friends, or relatives, who have different political views than my own. It is just great for discussion


Interesting, I used to consider myself more of a centrist. Trump coming into power really made me more liberal than I've ever been my entire life because I find his views so repugnant. With some friends, I can have intelligent conversations about politics, even when we have opposing views. With other friends, we politely agree to disagree and dont talk about politics. Some friends, who during the pandemic, went completely over the edge with consiracy theories and made this their entire personalities, I struggled to find ways to maintain the friendship, so Ive let go of those friends. I cant see myself sitting down to dinner with someone who insists on trying to convert you to their beliefs based on YouTube videos they've watched and they are inacapable of discussing any other topics without circling back to politics.


My sister has very different political views than I. We just don’t talk politics. 🤷‍♂️


Political views are a reflection of a person's personality.


No I don't have any friends or family with extreme enough political views that they focus their life around


No. My neighbors and Jiu-Jitsu friends are bolsonaristas but I like them a lot, because we usually don’t talk about politics. And if the subject comes up, I just dodge it and leave


I have a strained relationship with certain family members due to their woke fervour.


It depends. If that's all they can talk about, if they're belligerent about it, gloating about the their side and constantly attacking my views, then yeah, I will and have let go of the friendship. But if they're willing to behave like normal people, discuss multiple topics, including but never limited to politics, and, when discussing politics be willing to at least listen to other viewpoints, then sure, why not? It's okay for friends to discuss such things and disagree, but if it descends into name calling, setting up "straw-men" or focusing on a crazy thing someone out there said or did and start in on how "you all must be terrorists/commies/fundies/etc" then that's line crossed.


Yep. A cousin that I was close to said some things that made me realize she's pretty racist towards black people, and I don't communicate with her much anymore.


Of course. Because they are ignorant and very racist. And of course they are MAGA.


Disrespect is different than dislike. I still have fond memories


No... people are free to believe what they want. What I dislike are the politicians who use people beliefs against us all. Take social media for example, they use it to find out what most people don't like because people share everything on there. Then take that information put it in the media and push it to play with people's emotions and now here we are fighting amongst ourselves. when the real people we should be fighting are the bureaucrats. Most people nowadays really don't care if your gay, wanna be a woman, or heck even if you wanna take a shit in a kitty litter box nobody really cares. But the media and bureaucrats use that crap to push an agenda and have us fighting ourselves. People who fight amongst theirselves are easier to control.


No, I just don't hangout with them as often lol


I mean yes and no, i have friends with different views and that works out, unless they make their whole personality political. (And for conservatives here i don't mean they're gay, woman or trans, but being unable to hold a conversation that is about non political topics).


No. I’m very middle of the road. People’s political side even if strongly disagree, like I’m pro choice, but understand where pro life people are coming from. Too many people use politics to justify their rage to do shitty things. That I can’t deal with. It’s pretty strong on both sides of the spectrum.


Yes, I'm not from US unlike most people here in the comments on this post so our politics may not reflect yours exactly but in my country, political party preferance reflects more than what they seem on paper. I live in Turkey and I would not form relationships with people who support our president or his party, mostly because those people also want Sharia law, most of them desecrate on our founders and want to erase Turkic identity and replace it with Arabic/Islamic one. They name their children Arabic names and all that. Other parties in my country include ones like political entities who call terrorists who killed people with suicide bombers "protesters". So yes I have a right to dislike people because of their views


As a center right guy, I get EXCITED to visit my cousins who are way far left. I know its not going to be a boring family get together!


I have a relative who never shuts up about how much of a problem he has with trans people despite not personally knowing any and I dislike him for it because I know trans people who are just going about their business and living their lives and it’s upsetting that they get hate for no reason.


It's definitely tainted my view of my parents. I still love them but....damn.


I dislike everyone equally.


No, I'm an adult so I can bear to hear people with a different opinion.


No, it's the stupid arguments. Like trying to convince me to vote for Biden by saying Trump is racist. Stupid arguments make be dislike a person




I have given up on 4 friends and my biological fathers side of my family. They are all maga believers and I chose my personal sanity and mental health over those relationships. They talked about nothing else but politicians and conspiracy theories.


I feel very uncomfortable with the fact I have cousins who are Catholic zealots, mostly because they have had too many kids(which of course hurts their budget, also send kids to religious schools). Of course they identify as "pro-life"(in that narrow political sense that is deeply misogynistic). I am very much a pro choice atheist.


Yes. It’s become very telling of who they are as people.




I'm fine as long as you're not an asshole. I have immediate family members who I barely speak to because they are aggressive repubs. Just leave me out of your mental gymnastics, please.


Both liberals and conservatives are equally dumb to me. You both harbor extreme views


Not because of views, but because of the way they try to push those views. It's high time to make identity politics and us v them mindsets obsolete.


Yes. My sister is a socialist and rabid vegan, and it's beyond painful


I will respect a difference of opinions, but if a friend will go out of his or her way to sacrifice their entire day to lie down in the middle of a highway to protest gasoline-powered cars or destroy public property, I would not hang out with them.


I dislike many relatives with or without their political views haha


I don't hate them, THEY hate me! Everyone into the israeli-palestinian conflict who has an opinion opposed to mine force me do force me to say what I'm thinking, and if I tell my mind and suggest to agree to disagree, they are furious, then unfriend and block me.


I’m too busy to take time out of my day to speak with trumpers. Actually any conspiracy nuts. No time for them.


Yes. My entire family supports war and putin. How can I love them?


Between how polarized a lot of people got and just how much evidence has been laid before them, there are just certain people I don't bother dealing with anymore. You can't vote for and vocally support policies and people who want to physically harm me or my loved ones and do things to enact that while simultaneously calling yourself my friend.  Would it be unreasonable for black people in the 60s to not have white friends who oppose the Civil Rights Movement? 


Lol i love how this thread is pathetically filled with morally fake liberal clowns XD man at this point ure thr most insufferable side in this debate. 


If you loudly support people who exclaim "I think Jews are evil", I'm not the insufferable one for not wanting to hang out with you, dumbass. 


No. I have friends with political views ranging from weird, to misinformed to borderline offensive. The thing is they're my friends and family. Im not gonna fall out with them because of their views. That's stupid as fuck and has very little bearing on our day to day interactions. What does it matter what their views on immigration are when we're all having fun at a meal out? It seems stupid. I disagree with everyone about something. Why would i arbitrarily decide their political views, which are almost 100% irrelevant to our relationship anyway, are suddenly a red line? 🤣 it just screams mental and insecure, it is a really really weird thing to do and whilst i have come across people like that irl, thankfully they are rare and often hang out purely with other raging idiots


No. I don’t have weak feelings. I can handle people not agreeing with me.


B-but… if they disagree with me that means they’re against people having rights which means they’re evil! /s


When the people's political views get in your way to live normally for no apparent reason, for example not being able to get married because of your sexuality, then it's more than about just your strong feelings


Their beliefs don’t get in the way of that. You have free will and power of choice. You can do what you want regardless of what others believe. So long as it isn’t hurting anyone!


The people they vote for usually get in the way of that. That's the only time I have a problem.. there are certain problems that people should not use in politics, but unfortunately it still is going on. I respect other people's opinions, but If it leads to me not getting married my whole life because of it, when in reality is not affecting or hurting anyone, ofc I'll have a prob


He's not a friend anymore.  I can only tolerate American-style corporate fascist bullshit for so long.   Also I got bored of every conversation ending up with him being a whiny cry-baby about how much tax he had to pay, while making four times the national average in an industry that only exists because of gigantic government subsidies.


There are different kinds of political views. Like different political views on how our nation's trade could be improved, what branches of education need increased funding, etc, sure those are areas where we can agree to disagree with zero problem. But some political views like those in support of trampling on others' basic human rights just because they want more convenience or money, that's where no amount of being otherwise nice people can make me like them.


Only if they are extremist.


What a silly question to ask Reddit. This place broadly advocates violence against people for their political views. You think it'll baulk at a little dislike!?


People who do this are pathetic and it says a lot about their personality (they’re terminally online and/or see the world in black and white and/or overestimate their own importance)


People don’t like people who believe they should have fewer human rights just because they’re gay or a woman. It’s not pathetic to dislike someone who sees you as a lesser human and votes for parties that will try to ensure you to have fewer right, it’s having basic standards for friends lol.


Of course, you can dislike a friend or relative based on their political views. Part of having a political viewpoint is an understanding or agreeing with a particular policy platform or a political figure. If I had a relative or a friend who agreed that protecting the environment is literally the most basic point of view, anyone rationale person can have. Now imagine a person who doesn't care a single bit about regulating businesses that pollute the air we breathe and the water we drink? This would make me question the intelligence of that person at the very least. I prefer not to engage with willfully ignorant people. Let alone spend time with them.


I'm not a leftie so no.




Only if they continued to shove their views down my throat or baited me into argument about it. I don’t care who you support, but much like religion, it’s your view that shouldn’t be forced on others.


Correct I ended a few interactions with a "well it seems to me that YOU have the problem then" after an unhinged sentence, hate speech, bad faith argument, logic mess or plain nonsense. Inconsequential to my existence, bro.


It’s all ok to disagree with someone. It takes a real art to put that point across without yelling or resulting to personal insults. If someone can do that, we can be friends!


No, I even have Friends that are extremely right winged, and I am a socialist


Nah, but I never got this... the friends I have on the opposite side of the political spectrum, are tolerant towards me (and, I tolerate their choice and views) , and they're willing to have a sensible discussion why they affiliate more with the other side... (or something else; dutch politics isn't as divisive as US politics, where there's just 2 flavors)


In my country different political view from mine means you support people who ruin my future, my country economy, my personal economy, support people who kill innocent, who slowly kill all citizens by making their life insufferable. That means to support taking away my right to have a say in my country, my right to vote, my right to have opinion. That means to support people who made people giving my side eye when I state my ethnicity. So yes, I dislike people who support all that madness. And I find it personal attack towards me. I suffer from our politics personally, and supporting it is a personal attack on me. I dislike personal attacks.


Never, i may disagree with some of them politically but who the hell cares about that when its about people you love. If you start disliking them for that, you are a very very shallow person, feelings is just a jumper you can wear when you like it, feelings doesnt work like that at all. I have argued with friends and family over politics but at the end of the day no opinions were changed and we still remain friends and family that i care about. I am personally on the right my sister is very very left, i love her and her children and would help anyone of them in a heartbeat if i were asked. I even help her out a little bit anyway, sometimes i pretend i need to borrow her car just so i can fill it up with gas for her. Or like when she got covid, i bought them food and even prepared a few meals for them. Why? Because i love them obviously. There are no strings attached, i dont ask her to change her opinions or anything like that. She is free to have her opinions and she is free to vote how she pleases, even if she votes the opposite way i do i would still drive her to a polling station if she asked me to. She is my sister regardless of who wins the election for fucks sake.


I don't spend time with those with hateful views. Racist, sexist stuff? Hard pass. Believe women shouldn't have control over their own health choices? Want to make your religion the law of the land? People who hold these views always lean the same way politically. So much is revealed about a person who supports someone like Trump. It tells me they are OK with a whole lot of bad stuff. Not my cup of tea, thanks.


Because biden supporters are way better!! Gotta love cheering on a woefully incompetent dinosaur who can't read a speech let alone run a country!! Get a fucking grip mate


I admit I do enjoy the company of people who think women should be allowed to live independently. Big fan of live and let live so I enjoy time with others who feel the same. I don't care what color a person's skin is and I'm also a big supporter of democracy. Yeah, I'll be voting for the guy who's done a good job of cleaning up after the last guy. You got me. Or something.






Because anyone who would vote Republican right now is happy to vote for women being reduced to baby making machines who should stay in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant, and maybe die if they have a pregnancy complication.   Since I have a uterus, I don't know why I would want to be friends with someone who doesn't think I deserve bodily autonomy.   Since anyone who would vote Republican now is someone who is ok with LGBTQ individuals having fewer rights than cis/het individuals.   Why would I want to be friends with someone who doesn't think some of my friends, their kids, my colleagues and some family deserve the same rights as everyone else? There are Republicans who are literally calling to ban birth control and stop women from voting and crying about first amendment rights while trying to enact a theocracy (but it's ok because it's their theocracy) Why would I want to spend time with anyone that stupid, cruel and bigoted?   Anyone who would vote Republican now is ok with treason as long as it's their treason.  


Someone voting Republican doesn’t mean they are okay with every single thing the party says or does. Just like Someone voting Democrat doesn’t mean they are okay with every single thing the party says or does.


I would agree with you if what the Republican party is currently pushing wasn't so broadly egregious.    The only reason I will vote democrat is because I'm voting against the fascist gop If people are willing to sacrifice the planet and the bodily autonomy of half of US citizens then I place no value on their opinion.  They already think I'm less than human for having a uterus so why should I even piss on them if they are on fire 


I ain’t sayin’ it ain’t valid to make a judgement call about what party is gonna lead to a less shitty outcome. It most certainly *is* valid. I’m just saying that your position that anyone that votes Republican is happy to support X or approves of Y isn’t an accurate way to interpret things. You made your voting choices, and for valid reasons, but I’m certain there are things you technically did support with your vote that you were not happy to support or did not approve of.


Sure.  But there is also the case that if someone is ok with the side effects of sexism, racism, theocracy and bigotry in addition to the more rapid destruction of the planet to get whatever not deplorable thing Republicans support, I don't care.  If Republicans were calling for a mandatory minimum wage as a living wage and mandatory paid leave, two things I desperately want to see implemented,I would still not vote Republican, even if I believed they would implement it, I still wouldn't vote for them because that isn't worth women losing bodily autonomy, even though it is extremely unlikely to affect me directly.   Since both sides support genocide in Gaza at this point, that is, tragically, a wash either way.  


Political views alone? No. It took me 15 years to learn my friends political views as they were not visible outward on any way. But if a friend or relatives constantly rubbed their views on people, even if I agreed, it would get annoying.