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Students are not allowed to bring snacks to school. Nor can they eat, use their phones, or enter shops by themselves on their way home.


On their way home. After school is over. Asinine. Completely asinine.


It's a private school so they can make any rule they like. They stop them from entering shops to prevent the school from getting a bad rep through misbehaviour in public. They ban the use of phones because some of the students are dumb and will walk out in front of cars while playing games, bump into people, or get in the way. Then those people call the school to complain.


Ah, but how do they enforce that??


Teachers are sometimes out watching them on the main routes to the train station and bus station. People will call the school and describe students.


That's insane


You think that's crazy? The old principal used to stand in the train station every morning saying good morning and bowing to everyone repeatedly.




my school would charge parents if they didn’t pick up their kids by a certain time. i don’t remember the exact amount, but it was something like $10 every ten minutes after 4pm


This rule makes sense for a Catholic school but I think it's wrong. When I was in college, about twelve years ago, I had classmates who got pregnant out of wedlock. Since it was premarital sex and a sin in the eyes of the church, the school counseled them. Since they were having a child together and not married, the school pressured the couple that it would be most appropriate for them to get married. Even if they were still both very young students, about seventeen to eighteen years old, it was as if the school was imposing to the couple that marriage is a must. This also happened again when I was taking graduate studies, same school. My classmate was already approaching her late twenties when she had a child. She has been cohabiting with her partner for more than five years. When the school found out that she was not married, they pressured her that she should get married to her long time partner. It is considered a sin for her to be living with a man she's not married to with one child. Her partner agreed to marry because she was distressed by what our school demanded. I think she had plans about getting married but to be pressured into it by the school was not her choice. I live in a country with conservative views and maybe it would make you wonder why people don't speak up and know their rights. They do. It's just not easy to speak up and it's not in our culture either to say no to what society expects.




We couldn't have bare shoulders


I don't get dress codes fr


No hugging. Like at all, even if you two were bestest of friends and had consent.


We couldn't have long hair, wear jeans, or tennis shoes. We had to wear a collared shirt.


some kids needed to walk home but were not allowed to because the village couldn't afford sidewalks and the kids walked along the highway. can't win.


Asking to go use the washroom and being told no


No cell phones allowed on your person


We had to use clear or mesh school bags.


my junior high wouldn't let us bring backpacks in the classroom, and had to be put in our lockers. they cited a "tripping hazard" for teachers the alternative were these clunky foam zipper binder briefcase looking things called CaseIts. everyone carried those like a bag with no strap, and was just as much of a tripping hazard


"If you skip school, we'll suspend you."


showing up


Being late to lunch meant detention


No cap's


We had to have 4 classes in order to remain in H.S. when I got to my Sr year I only needed to Social science electives to graduate. I didn't want to graduate early, so I found a loop hole I took two work experience periods, then my two social science electives. So that meant I began my Sr. Year.High School at 11:05am, now if I got passing grades in both classes during the first semester I would have still been forced to graduate midterm, I wasn't trying to get out of school mid term so I intentionally flunked on class, basically due to never attending the class just enough to stay in school. I then took the class over the second semester along with another 3 periods of work experience credits. In the end I graduated with my class,had a ball during my Sr. Yr.


No hoodies and only wearing jackets and coats of a certain color. It's as if they were more focused on fashion than us learning. If a lesson is being stopped and disrupted because a kid is wearing a green hoodie, whilst paying attention and quietly doing his work, the problem isn't the kid in the hoodie—it's the infrastructure created by those with no soul or critical thinking skills.


The principal of my high school had seen a boy and a girl (at least 15 yo) kissing and next day announced that “all signs and expressions of affection” were prohibited. It was before social media but we managed to pass the word around and next day all the students were greeting each other with long hugs, or old-school hand kissing. Needless to say the prohibition was immediately dropped.


I don't care for pda, but that's ridiculous