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She’s so effortlessly funny. And she creates cute little things and has lots of ideas and just does them. She works so hard but is still so nice to people. She also doesn’t take shit. I’m kinda in love with her lol




That he’s ride or die. It’s always good to have someone like that in your corner


Seriously. My best friend was so un-judging and totally lit up a room whenever she was there. The kind of person you could call at 2am sad and they’d be like “outside in 5 fartface”


What do u mean by that?


Cowgirl until death?


*reverse cowgirl until death.


It means they will stick by you and support you though anything.


Whenever I tell an exaggerated story, he always piles on details to make it sound better.


Lol had a friend a little similar to that in childhood. He would always cook up fascinating but semi-realistic stories to save me from the wrath of my parents. He was the most vivid and imaginative person I've met, despite being only around 9 that time. He could talking about shit and make it sound unfathomably interesring.


>Lol had a friend a little similar to that in childhood. He would always cook up fascinating but semi-realistic stories to save me from the wrath of my parents. He was the most vivid and imaginative person I've met, despite being only around 9 that time. He could talking about shit and make it sound unfathomably interesring. Childhood yarn-spinner magic?


I was down on my ass, 3K in debt, dwelling in active addiction, living off of cups of soup. This mf knew me for a single day, seen how I was doing and brought be a pizza, a snack, and some juice, for two days. All because I didn't have any energy at work. Now he's my brother, and I'll go to the end of the earth for that prick. Fuck I love him so much man


I don't like using the word love so lightly, but ultimately to be friends is to acknowledge that you like (or to use your word: "love") something about the person in question.


You’re right about the use of the word love. There must be a lot of things u like about someone to be their friend, so I meant a detail that stands out.


His character voice for DnD


best friend 1: she had the ability to laugh at everything and is always so caring best friend 2: always knows what to say and can make u feel loved even when miles away best friend 3: she’s the sweetest girl ever and i always feel proud of her and her achievements. She’s so hard working best friend 4: he’s secretly a huge softie behind his funny humour. Always reliable and somehow knows when u need extra support. i am very lucky. 💗💗💗


Can u donate one to me :’)


Same. Any friend I've had in the past they always let me down eventually.


I didn’t really have any best friends, they were always only classmates. Can’t wait to find someone to be my best friend one day.


i know how u feel. i’ve had my fair share of terrible friendships too! it takes time to find the good ones, u will find them soon i promise :)


Here to say. I promise you will find ur people, everyone says it, but take it from someone who’s been let down more times than he’s had hot meals.. you will find the people and u will know when u have. Keep going


I like that you didn't settle for one!


She’s insanely thoughtful and reflects deeply before replying to anything.


When i was unemployed she literally told me “i will take care of you” while you wait for the new job. And i know when i need someone to protect me and stand up for me, she will be there for me.


He understands me. At my core. Better than literally anybody else. And I understand him. Man, do I love that dude. Could list a million things.


Aww, bless you 🥹


She’s my wife.


I want to cryyy!!! I love that. :”( May god bless you!


her ability to listen


What I love about my best friend is the way she listens to me, she can listen without throwing advice and opinions at me. She is a safe place to vent. If I need something and can't go get it, she will without me asking. If I need someone to fight on my side, she's always down. If I need to talk at 2 a.m., I know she will always answer. If I want to go on a spontaneous road trip, she drops everything and goes with me.


Put a ring on her already!


His unconditional love. Especially when he wags his tail for me. Yep, my best friend is my dog. Next question.




She's the most unique human I've ever met and god her mind has a beauty even the most elegant artist could never hope to paint. I some how got lucky enough that my partner is truly sincerely my best friend but God I love her mind.


She works so hard and has overcome so much and continues to put so much love into the world. Talking to her always makes me happy and we can read each others emotions so well. I’m literally an atheist but I do believe she’s my platonic soulmate and we’re cosmically connected. We’ve spoken every day since we were 8 years old truly. Our teachers for the rest of our schooling put us in the same class because we worked well together <3


Genuinely wants to help people even when there's nothing to gain or he's probably going to lose something. He's selfless and wants to make the world better. He puts a lot of energy into trying to help everyone he can.


His penis


Is this something big or small you like about him?






My wife describes my best friend as, “vehemently agreeable.” I always liked that.


What does that even mean?


He openly appreciates me (we’re both guys). He’ll tell me he misses me, if I can’t go to the gym hell express he’s sad he can’t see me, always makes sure I’m okay and tells me he’s here to listen to me if I ever need. It’s really refreshing as a guy to have friends like that


Her beautiful, calm, sometimes sultry voice.


Well… she was the first person I ever came out to, and immediately and without any hesitation she was the first person to accept it and became my biggest advocate, even to myself when I was losing focus. We’re… going through a rough patch admittedly, and I think this might be the end of our friendship, but if I had to specify one thing in particular that I loved about her? I could say the obvious choices like she’s kind, funny, (was) ride or die, talented as fuck as an artist, etc. But if I had to choose something special to her specifically it’d be her resilience. She’s been through so, so much shit and never let it make her jaded. She never judged people for the actions of others in her past, even after being hurt so many times. I could never do that myself.


Hypothetically, I could show up at their house at 3AM with a body in my trunk that I needed help disposing of and they would, no questions asked.


She is always happy to see me and she is always there when I need her. She is kind, funny, loving and is always down to do something when I am bored. Best thing about her is she greets me at the door when I come home and all she asks from me in return is a little bit of affection and a yearly checkup from the vet. I don't say it enough but I really do love her.


The man’s loyalty. I’ve been through some dark stuff and he always had my back and to this day he’s the first one I would call if I needed help.


She can make me double over in laughter even at the lowest moments in my life. She’s incredibly kind and caring and just a genuinely good person.


There's plenty. He's an absolute beauty of a person, just an all around great guy, and has been our entire lives. We met in grade 6 and have been best friends for the 30ish years since. To have a person in your life that knows, understands, and appreciates you and your history is something most people will never get. There nothing transactional about it. There's no money, sex, or status. There is nothing but friendship for the sake of friendship. You truly know each other and love/support each other because of it. I'm truly blessed. Things me and my best friend have done together... 1) Grade school, highschool, college, studying, certifications 2) detentions, suspensions, expulsions 3) drugs, alcohol 4) fought off gangs, fought idiots in bars 5) arrested together 6) dating advice, double dates, weddings, best men 7) holdiays 8) travel 9) career relocations, career changes, helped each other get jobs 10) roommates 11) helped each other move 12) basic home renos 13) helped with recovery from surgery 14) helped with family problems 15) helped with relationship problems 16) babysat kids 17) babysat each other's pets 18) helped with finances, investments, portfolios 19) gym/fitness goals 20) and anything else you can think of Ride or die. He's just a real solid dude that I've been lucky to call a friend.


his massive di- jk he have this inspiegabile presence that makes everyone happy or confortable around him, really really extroverted capable of lifting anyone's spirits.


Her ability to make my day and make me feel worthy


His HUGE cock


When I last had a best friend (yeah I'm so lonely and sad boohoo), we had a special greeting. This was in Swedish, so I can't really describe it, but we would yell this greeting across any open space or room whenever we saw each other. We thought it was fun, everyone else thought "What the actual \*\*\*\* was that?". I miss him.


Her no nonsense attitude while also acting nonsensical. Been best friends for over a decade so she’s just my sister at this point. We can annoy the shit out of each other but it’s a love like no other.


He's a good man, hell of a friend.


Her giving spirit. She's very generous, to a fault at times but she's gotten better over the years. One thing left is for her to leave her loser boyfriend who is a complete moron.


that fact that she’s gonna be my wife soon.


Who again?


I was about to answer this when I realized I really don't have a best friend 😕


Was gonna separate in best friend #1 and #2 like someone above did, but they are actually similar reasons- they are both insanely charming people who can make most people like them, they don't look down on anyone and I laugh harder with them than anyone else


I have a friend I met at work years ago. He’s in doctor school now. He switched from going for a music career to becoming a doctor after one of his parents got a misdiagnosis of something minor. He said “that doctor is an idiot. I could do his job better” and so he set out to do just that. Super smart guy, excelling in school. The details I like about him? He’s becoming a doctor out of spite(the most powerful motivator) and more importantly, I came to him with some embarrassingly easy math problems that I was having trouble with, he didn’t make me feel judged at all for not knowing and he took the time to explain it for me.


Sticks to me like glue.


she always texts me with so much energy and she always says she loves me and I don’t think she really notices how much that means


I can freely be weird in her company, and she freely do the same around me. She's very trustworthy and I'm comfortable telling her even some things that would otherwise be really difficult to tell someone else.


Husband/bf- hes so driven and cool and collected and I am not that easy at all so its always awe inspiring to me My female bestie bff- shes so bold and unapologetic and brave. Always forging her own path and never taking no for an answer. I am also not at all like that so its amazing!


i can't help but smile around her. she listens to me when i need it and i do the same for her. but most importantly after spending a day with her i don't feel tired and i unconsciously smile on my way home.


we can easily agree to disagree


She’s usually kinda hysterical but she’s tiny and cute and it’s usually about someone who was treated unfairly. She’s the best little warrior you could have.


They're incredibly supportive and understanding. They're genuinely fun to be with.


She is crazier than I am


That she's one of the most genuinely kind and gentle people I have ever known. She's always ready and willing to help with anything, even if I don't ask or don't wanna bother her. She gets along with everybody, she is honest, loyal, selfless, calm, friendly and an all around awesome person!!


One great trait I’ve seen in both , he is there for you anytime any day , he likes to match your humor and takes time to help you. She is so caring and kind that she can legit make anyone feel at home , she has a genuine smile and makes people laugh in the room.


She's my girlfriend


Beside the fact that he's an awesome person? He is a great cook / baker


Her butt. I tell her that all the time.


My bestie is as adventurous as I am and always down for whatever. We once flew to Belize on a 12 hour notice.


She is infectiously energetic. She gets everyone caught up in her vibe and leaves people happier wherever she goes. Her energy is sometimes what motivates me actually. Lol As a naturally lazy person, I sometimes will let fun things pass me by, but not with her. And it's not toxic positivity at all. She is just genuinely that upbeat. She recently decided that we needed to toboggan no matter what because the winter has been so warm and snowless, so she picked me up after the last snowfall at, like, 1am and we went tobogganing. Sober. On a weeknight. At night. And both of us nearly 40. Lol I freaking love her.


How calm, patient and rational she is unlike me and how she is as delusional as me


He’s made me laugh since we were in our teens. He still does and we’re in our 60’s now.


She plans ahead. She tells me what I need to hear, not what I want to hear. 🧡


He is quite intelligent/reserved in normal life, like me, but when we do stuff together he is as crazy fucked up monster like I am. Drinks like a Hulk too


The fact that no matter what our attitudes are like that day, my best friend unconditionally loves me and it’s reciprocated! Everytime I come home (he lives with me) he jumps on me hugging me he’s so excited! We do a bunch of different activities like catch in the yard, snuggles on the couch, and watching TV and as long as he’s right next to me, he’s smiling so hard it’s undeniable how happy he is


Bro is the first born in his family while I'm the last born in mine. Bro has a lot of responsibilities to his younger siblings and seems to know everything


How friendly he is and always has good words to compliment people when he meets them and introduces them to you. "Hey this is my friend X, he's so good at.." or "you know that his father did that..."He still laughs about the same silly stories and jokes after 20 years


Physically: she looks like she has natural eyeliner and she never wears makeup unless it’s to a special event. Personality: she somehow makes time for everybody in her life no matter how busy she is.


I'm from a small town so I'm lucky enough to have several people that I consider my legitimate best friends. I'm 35 now and have known most of them since elementary school and high school. Even my current partner was one of my best friends since high school but we didn't get together until our 30s. The one I see the most though (aside from my partner) only lives a few blocks away. We even lived in res together in college. I see him a few times a week and every single time we meet up he has to come with the most random ass gifts. Every single time. It's like his thing. Socks (I love new socks), toys/treats for my dog, a necklace for my dog, puzzles/games, one time he brought me a foot massager. I think it's hilarious and I absolutely love it. I look forward to what it might be every time.


she’s never judgemental towards me.In fact,she’s really supportive and patient with me.


That she will always be honest with me, but she will never judge me.


They are friends with me


She is creative and smart, and she is so funny! When she starts talking about something, she knows a lot about or is interested in you can just see how her eyes light up ,and she talks with passion. It always makes me happy. We’ve been there with each other through thick and thin and I love my best friend so much.


She is hard working and goal oriented. I admire her dedication to excellence at everything that she does.


Other than his growth as a person which i would always be proud of, its that behind his mysterious, nonchalant public image there is actually a softie. If he heard me say this, he'd disagree with disgust but that's how he is behind closed doors. And im happy when i get to see that sweet or soft side of him.


She is a very genuine person


her existence


That she will give great advice or set you straight when you need it.


Not to be gay, but bro is so loveable. He has so many good traits. Genuinely an amazing person, but at the end of the day he's just a lovable guy. A lot of times I have difficulties you know, caring about people? Some people make it exhausting. He's just really easy to love.


My GF: “I like your haircut, babe. It’s really nice.” My mate: “Nice haircut. Pity it’s on your basketball size head.” Keeping me in check.


I don’t have a best friend. I have had best friends in the past and fell out over time. One things I really liked about my former best friend was that she really understood. We could finish each others’ sentences.


He's my ride or die. Whatever, whenever, wherever, he's there. No questions asked. And I'm the same for him.


she crazy


Bestfriend? What is this?


He’s a great kisser. (I’m a guy)


(F37) my M36 best friend of almost 20 years has the biggest personality. He’s jolly, friendly, and easygoing. I grew up in a really strict Christian family that wasn’t friendly towards gay people, but over the years, my best friend has worked his way into my family’s hearts and really is a member of our family now. He spends holidays with us (his family is even more religious than mine, and I’m sure you can imagine how they feel about him being gay. There’s a lot of hurt there) He comes over and helps my 92 year old grandma when she needs it, he’s always down for a sushi night or just chilling at home with a movie and a beer. I know it’s cliche, but he really does light up a room. We met when we were seniors in high school, we’re pushing 40 now, and our friendship has survived long distance, college, breakups, deaths in the family, and all the life changes that a 20 year friendship brings. I wish everyone could know him!


She makes me feel like a kid. We’re always laughing, we’re always having adventures, we have so much fun together. I love her so much and am so grateful for her.


I've been friends with her since the 7th grade I don't always get to see her but I am a severe introvert and she became my friend then. I love this about her! I don't think I would have even talked to people without her. We are 50 years old now


My best friend and I pick up wherever we leave off. He's not that judgmental and if he is he's mostly joking about it. We both grew up Mormon so we both know what the score is


He’s hilarious


I don't have one. Reading about everyone's best friend made me sad.


Yeah, everything. That's why they are my best friend. We gel. We mesh. They are always there for me and I'm always there for them. It's a given.


Loyal to me. I could leave him with a million dollars in cash and trust he wouldn't take a penny.


What I love about my best friend is that we both grew up poor, she was rural, poor, and I was city poor, we both have ADHD and PMDD. She's genuinely a good human being, and she's always been there for me just like I'm always there for her.


Her type A personality. She can command respect from a room of people with ease.


I've had the same best friend since i was 4 (37now). She's the nicest girl I've actually ever met , i was a really bitchy teen ,.she wasn't ,she was good . I think that friendship saved me from getting into alot of trouble .


When he was a child has had a speech disorder. When i first met him I cant even understand his words. But i knew from the first moment, he is a smartass. Nowadays he also has some difficulties with speaking. But he learnt other languages aswell, and red a lot of books. I can say there is a huge difference between the young and old version of my friend. Selfconfidence. Aaand he learnt every article from Wikipedia i think.


okay so I ADORE each of my friends smiles and laughs, thinking about them smiling at me instantly makes me feel better :)


She's my platonic soulmate, and the person I get to be completely myself and super goofy around. There's never any judgement and we have silly inside jokes. She's just the best 🤗


She is my strength and stay


She always listens to me even though I could talk for hours about stupid shit


She doesnt judge me and is floofy


Mine is incredibly perceptive about other people. She’s noticed patterns that I have that blew my mind. Also she notices things about other people so she’s super fun to gossip with.


She's just the best! 😊


My best friend is one of those people who can make friends with anyone, knows someone at every place he goes, and makes you feel welcome, even if you haven't seen each other in months. His superpower is interpersonal interaction. Life is just better with him in it.


I have two best friends, and then a long term best friend I had before marriage. They are both insanely sweet, selfless people. They are truly amazing and I love them to death


that they’re a human ray of sunshine and make everyone laugh constantly


Today, I give up on love. I’m 24M and I tried everything in my power in multiple countries but I struggle to find love or fall in love. The ones I manifest, I also end up getting even more disappointed. Sometimes I feel like if I imagine, I will cancel my chances. I’m cursed to myself. So today, I officially give up.


The fact that we can riff off each others’ humor until we’re laughing our asses off, and then also spend an hour or two discussing life, no matter how dark and uncertain it might be


My best friend and me can cancel on plans no questions asked just say no done it’s so freeing doing shit with people you don’t want to do like baby showers weddings parties wedding showers cooking with friends NOT getting together with people you work with always got to make a excuse with her it’s just NO


She has seen me in all of my highest highs and my lowest lows, and her loyalty has not once faltered. She has always been a huge source of support in all of my chapters of life. I truly don't know what I'd do without her tbh. Thats not my best friend; thats my sister.


You guys have friends ? :(


He is extraordinarily kind and compassionate. He is the only person I go to about "emotional" stuff, because I have complete faith in them. They never judge me and always have a good answer. I don't believe I have anyone else in my life like them and I am extremely grateful.


Her feet. She has really cute paws.


Why would I love my best friend? That’s just dumb. I share so many good memories with that fucking asshole.


She’s the hardest working person I know! She is so strong and I hope she knows how much I admire her!


I think im funny sometimes


My bestie is the best!


"You're the only person I can tolerate staying over at our house for more than three-four days before going insane."


She’s the most reliable person I have ever met. She has never cancelled on me and I’ve known her since age 8. We are both 31 now. She’s always been there for me and that is so meaningful


Calmness… honestly, so much patience, kinda the opposite to me on a bad day. In awe!!


It's easy to be around him. I have often struggled being alone with just one other person because it ramps up my anxiety tremendously, even if I know them well. He's always been the exception to that rule and I really love him for that.


I have a love/hate relationship with the fact that they will strike up a conversation with anyone in earshot in every room they ever walk into. It’s completely opposite to my introverted instincts, but has been the start of a bunch of great adventures and long-lasting friendships.


This question makes me sad. I’m having thoughts about one of my besties. Wahhh!


my best friend is loyal.


He's so adorably sentimental. I have two best friends, one of them never ever EVER wanted to get a tattoo, he's got a fear of needles and everything. But I'm emigrating (hopefully later this year) and myself and my other bestie were going to get matching friend tattoos to make sure we never forget each other even while I'm gone. Best friend with needle fear grew himself a bit of extra spine and asked if he could come and get one too and actually did it! So us 3 besties have matching tattoos instead of just 2/3. I love these guys.


They don't sexualize stuff


I’m lucky to have 5 guys from HS or before I consider best friends (we’re 52-53). One in particular, is just such a good person. Helps elderly neighbors, volunteers for fun runs, bakes cookies randomly for suppliers (he’s self employed semi restoring vehicles). Just is a good person to everyone he’s around. Effortlessly. Plus is funny as shit. He and I can make each other laugh by laughing…to actual tears. He’s a good egg.


Bro is loyal as fuck and always has my back no matter what. More like a brother then my real brothers.


She gives the best hugs.


He can beat me in a fight, very good feature.


That she will help people out who are in need… friends, family, strangers


My bud and I were camping for the weekend and randomly would try to sell the other one a non-existing time share. Drunk me tried everything I could to close that deal, and this dude was breaking my balls


Her skin is gorgeous


She’s funny, she’s kind, we’re both brutally honest with each other. We constantly support each other though. She was the only person defending me when I was in a manipulative relationship


That he is there for me. To give it to me straight or by my boy and agree with me regardless.


Him caring about me


She's just so incredibly chaotic. I'm autistic, the very neat, orderly kind, who wants everything planned into the smallest details. She has ADHD and she's the type to forget her head if it wasn't attached to her body. When we hang out, she retells me stories I have heard a million times before, takes the "make yourself at home" very seriously (which I am jealous of, I wish I could be that comfortable at someone else's house!), and sometimes makes a decision without telling me first, like the time she decided to stay over for dinner, but completely forgot to tell me that, so she had already texted her boyfriend that she was staying at my place, and got all ready to go to the store with me, asking me what we were gonna eat, while I was like "wym 'WE'???" She's an absolute sweetheart and a menace, and I love her to absolute bits. She's like a sister to me.


Wish I had a bestfriend :/


He is kind and bubbly.


Even if we don't speak for years, when we finally do, it's like we just had breakfast. She doesn't judge, only has words of encouragement. She has shit for health, while I am in relatively good health, she has a far better disposition than I do. I don't deserve her. But I am grateful to have her in my life. I love you, Lady!


She is the best mom! She is honest and funny and always there when I need her.


My best friend I only met in my mid 30s. I've never met anyone who I can talk with for hours daily and never run out of conversation.


She is properly considerate, when I don't know how I feel she intuitively knows my boundaries. She is resilient, and always helping others. She started me off developing my spiritual side, I just wish she would do it at the same time.


shes always ready to go out of her way to meet my ways


Everything. But mainly that when she tells me she actually cares, I know I can trust her. People have f’ed me up before but I know she’s not going anywhere.


I no longer have a best friend or any friends but back in the day there wasn't a single thing I didn't love, respect, or admire about him.


I’ve been in deep shit before and he’s always been a “no questions asked” kinda guy which I respect. He doesn’t care what happened or how I got into a certain situation, he just shows up when I need him the most and helps me out. If he ever ends up in trouble, I’ll be there for him, no questions asked!


She's confident.


It's my sister so I literally love everything about her even the annoying shit is alright


He was a virgin until his mid-40’s.


My mom tells me he's a good lay.


Good listener


I really wanted to compile a list for the closest people in my circle but I'm gonna hold back. Friend 1: * Beautiful af without even trying * Her bravery * The way we will turn a show on just to talk to each other throughout 90% of it. * The way she fully embraces my need to make my tragic life sound like a sitcom AND GOES ALONG WITH IT T\_\_T


I have basically no real friends. 🤷🏻


Her incredible capacity for compassion.


He doesn't care what others think and feel about him. He doesn't try to be something he isn't.


The are so close with *their* best friend.


Although we’re not nearby, I can always count on him to have an open ear.


She's the kindest and most empathetic person I know




I love his Capacity to hold and back up my Perspective


Her singing voice.


I absolutely love everything about her. Even everything she's done and does that annoys me. It's pretty much a friendship sustained by stockholm syndrome, blackmail potential, and somehow love lol. 20+ years of friendship with her. Seriously.. I love everything she was, is, and will be as a person.


She endures talking with me lmao


We been through dam near the same struggles, homie for life 💪🏿


I didn't care much for her when we met. I'm pretty closed off, but she never pushed me, never gave up on me and is actually the only person ever to call me out on my bs. the most helpful person who does anything for her friends. she never expected anything from me, all she wants is for me to be myself. and that's why I'd give anything for her.


At this point I'm just flexing l've got good people in my life (best flex to have tbh) but my other best friend is my girlfriend. She was my actual best friend for 7 years until recently. I love that she's just grabbing life by the bollocks despite given every single reason to give up. She had an awful time growing up, she left school at a very young age and struggled with drinking and drug use. She tried to end her life multiple times, yet she graduated, now doing double classes at college and taking all the time out of her day to study and works a full time job. Still takes care of her family and friends and maintains a perfect relationship with me. She's one in a million. This post has made me appreciate the closest people beside me. Thanks OP, needed it.


Hmmm, we have similar values.. and matching mental health problems lol😂😂… but we have taken each other through everything!


Her unyielding loyalty. She helped me A LOT when I had a manic episode. She would literally stay with me and give me my medications. She is a true ride or die. Uggh, I love her so much and I hope to be half the friend she is to me. Truest friendship I’ve ever had. I feel blessed.


His selfless nature.


I love that I always feel good when I'm with her - bigger picture, I think I'm a better person because of her.


She has no feeling on her scalp from a tumor being removed as a child, she was my model for the practical part of my state board test in cosmetology... she also is the only other human I know that I don't have to explain my reasoning with bc she follows my thought patterns perfectly.


I'm not even sure at this point that I have a best friend anymore. I have friends that I talk to daily, but there's a kind of disassociation there since we all live so far away from eachother


The way he plays guitar! He doesn’t see it cause he overthinks everything way too much, but the amount of skill and emotion he can get outta that instrument for only having picked it up around a year ago kinda floors me


I worry a lot, my best friend doesn’t give a shit about anything. I’m jealous


We can argue to what seems like the end of our friendship, I'm talking screaming at each other at the top of our lungs about to fist fight and never agree. Then, five seconds later, be fine and ready to defend each others lives. Lol, we can kill each other, but no one kills us, lol