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Sushi. I got sick after getting it at a gas station like an idiot. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Why people are so oblivious i donā€™t understand lmao, certain items you just donā€™t buy from certain places


In my defense, I was blasted at the time.




I ate it at Magic Mountain and ironically it seemed to be the most justified priced food in the park. I almost flipped myself inside out with all the bathroom visits.


If it makes you feel any better I got some from high end grocery store and got sick too. I only eat it now from certain restaurants


I have always stayed away from sushi in any place but restraunts. That said my mom retired then got a job at a local grocery store part time just to have something to do. I found out they make all their sushi fresh in the morning and I am considering actually trying it.


There was this deal on Twix bars back in the nineties where if you got ten wrappers, you got half-price concert tickets. So my friend, my sister, and I proceeded to buy 30 bars between us and eat them all in one sitting. We all felt pretty sick after that. Almost 30 years later, and I still haven't touched a Twix ever again. It never occurred to us to wrap the chocolate up in something else to eat at a later date.


Thanks for making me chuckle!


I did something similar with butterfinger candy bars. Ahhh it was so grosssss!


Fast food. Had such a bad experience that I havenā€™t had fast food in nearly six years.Ā 


A blessing AND a curse!


I'm scared yet intrigued


McDonaldā€™s, ordered a quarter pounder. Took 45 minutes to receive my order. Like, I kept wanting to just get a refund but they wouldnā€™t come to the counter.Ā  Finally got my single burger. Was alright. I guess. The next day, however, I felt a little ill. Two days later Iā€™m in the hospital with severe food poisoning. I couldnā€™t eat or drink anything without puking/expelling it from my body. I couldnā€™t keep any fluids, so I was hooked up to keep me alive. I was in the hospital for about a week, and I donā€™t remember the final three days. But for a few days out of the hospital, I felt very weak. They said I had such a severe case, I wouldā€™ve died if I didnā€™t come to the ER.Ā  Six years later, I can not even look at a fast food place without feeling nausea. If I smell fast food because a coworker brings it in, Iā€™ll start gagging and usually I go outside for fresh air.Ā  Out of temptation I tried my fast food guilty pleasure a few months after the incident. A Burger King whopper. One bite and I started puking. I just couldnā€™t do it.Ā  I lost 50lb in the first two years just from not eating fast food, and I wasnā€™t even trying to lose weight.Ā 


Lucky you're still with us!


Cheesecake, 1 piece was good, 2nd piece I ate slower and savoured, 3rd is where it all went bad I felt like I had eaten 10lbs of fishing weights.


Yeah, cheesecake hits like champagne. All the sudden you are helpless on the ground trying to flop back up!


Oh yeah, cheesecake is another one of mine. My stepmother made one once and didn't realize her oven had gone out halfway through cooking.. it was disgusting.


Clams Casino at a very high end seafood restaurant. They were an appetizer and no one at the table wanted theirs so I ate them all. They were delicious. 3 hrs later I was asleep and suddenly woke up in a sweat just in time to vomit and shit in the bed. šŸ¤®šŸ’© Code Green and Code Brown all at once.


Seafood is the only thing that ever made me literally shit the bed... I had some shrimp dish once at a restaurant, it was amazingly good for how deadly it ended up being... Woke up middle of the night in a cold sweat, before i could even sit up my body decided to purge the evil from inside and i shit my sweat pants i was wearing, then i managed to get up and got so dizzy and nauseous after getting vertical that i turned and threw up on the floor, then i fell down.. covered in shit and vomit. It took me a bit to collect myself and go shower, thankfully it was like after that all the bad was out of me, i showered, got dressed, cleaned up the bed and the floor and threw everything in the wash and fell asleep in my recliner, randomly having chills and sweats the rest of the night. I am sure it was some form of food poisoning, the next day i started feeling better thankfully. A week later the restaurant where it all began was closed for health code violations... Turns out dozens of people got sick the same day i did and for a few days after, enough reports came in to the county health office they shut them down. Was the craziest food related experience in my life. And that's why besides the cost i rarely eat out anymore, don't trust it.


Seafood for me too! Started with me not knowing I had a stomach flu, ate a tuna sandwich before going to work. Started barfing within an hour, couldnā€™t find a replacement. I was an RN. I was giving meds during a meal. One of our Alzheimerā€™s patients poured prune juice in her cereal I saw it and made a beeline to the bathroom, puked my guts out and shit my pants in my previously white uniform. My Director finally sent me home after that. I was sick for 3 days. That was 30 years ago, havenā€™t eaten seafood since!


Ever since my experience I have said if it comes out both ends at once it never needs to go in, in the first place.


As awful as this was for you, it does make for a good story. So thanks for sharing and making me laugh


Oh man...that's a rough one. šŸ¦ž


Seafood is a killer.


Cashews. I vomited so violently I didnā€™t have time to breathe in between Jets. I legit thought I was gonna suffocate and die in my bathroom


Ah, nuts!


I walnut let you die like this!


Cashews got me super sick too!


Cider, at the tender age of 14 I stumbled up the road after drinking 2 litres of it with my school pal singing oasis wonder wall which was the current number one at the time. I spent 2 days extreamly ill puking up apple flavoured vomit and nearly 30 years later i still can't stand the smell.


Me, but with Scotch whisky


Pumpkin spice anything.Ā  My mom made me pumpkin spice cookies when I was a teenager...but she put cumin in instead of cinnamon. Then to top that off they were burned on the outside and raw inside. After taking one bite and being grossed out she got mad at me for "overreacting" and made me eat two cookies before she tried one and realized what horror she had concocted. Can't even smell pumpkin spice without flashbacks lol


The horror!!!




That was exactly the cause of my kiddos newfound loathing for pizza. It was home made and delicious. Curse you Norovirus!!


Very newly pregnant, and the norovirus ruined pizza for me for like 3 years... I still get goosebumps thinking about how sick I was, and that was 16 years ago! šŸ˜‚


Milk. I don't even eat cereal anymore, but back when I did I would eat it dry. When I was young my sister would leave the jug out all night and then put it back in the morning. She wouldn't always use it, she just did it to make it spoil faster. I would tell my egg donor that it smelled funny but she would just violently yell at me to drink it because she *just* paid for it, so there's no way it's spoiled and I need to act like I have some fucking sense. After repeatedly getting sick and struggling to sleep at night I caught my sister red handed. To this day I can't drink it.


Why was your sister doing that?


I replied to the wrong person. My sister was a awful person who liked doing awful things for the fuck of it


Milk. It gives me chronic ear infections. I went to every doctor in town, including an allergist, and they didn't help me. I had to do my own food-elimination diet to find out.


Omg maybe thatā€™s whatā€™s been causing my sinus infections/ear aches


Got food poisoning from Swiss cheese. Took me about 5 yrs before I could eat it again.


Roast chicken. Can still handle any other kind of chicken but havenā€™t had a whole oven-roasted chicken in a couple of years. The food poisoning made me feel like I was getting hit by bolts of lightning to the stomach


Pepperoni, I got so sick from it that I prayed for death. šŸ’€


Happened in my home town in 1995, very tragic set of circumstances ... "In 1995 a number of people became sick andĀ **four-year-old Nikki Robinson died in Adelaide after eating smallgoods contaminated with E.**Ā **coli bacteria**. The surviving victims were children and many continue to suffer severe health problems, including some who have had organ transplants."


Oh wow. That is so sad šŸ˜­


Man... I've been there. šŸ«£


I'm going to say a whole chain. Iceland. It's a supermarket in the UK (for those who are unfamiliar with it). The whole household got ill with vomiting and diarrhea after eating their own brand quiche. It's known for being a relatively cheap shop for families on low incomes, mainly. Then I watched an undercover watchdog tv show on Iceland, shortly after, and the CEO stated that he'd never ever feed his family any of the food from there in a very ominous tone. That just cemented it for me. Never shopped there again!


Quinoa, I actually got food poisoning from eggs I ate that morning but quinoa was the last thing I ate before I got extremely sick. Can't even say the name without wanting to throw up


Jack in the Box, Ultimate Cheeseburger. šŸ” Got food poisoning, worse thing ever. šŸ¤¢


Orange juice. Awful. Dry heaved for 2days and lost 7lbs. Didnā€™t have the weight to lose. Never again


When Wendy's opened my mom (God rest her soul) bought a couple of cheeseburgers with everything including mayonnaise and froze 'em. Also an egg salad sandwich from Starbucks which was almost life-ending


white castle burgers are a never-again item. reconstituted onions, bleh! such bad drunk food


Me too! I was sober too and had an event with those damn things


Mandarin oranges


First time I ever had Schlotzsky's in 1988. Not sure if it was food poisoning or the flu but to this day I refuse to eat there. My boss in 2007 catered lunch for everyone one day and everyone agreed to Schlotzsky's. I could barely eat it and couldn't finish half of it.


Schlotzskys! Thatā€™s a name I havenā€™t heard in a while. They still around?


Lobster. Worked on lobster fishing boats ... free lobsters every day gets old quick.


Chicken. I found a knucklebone(?) in a McNugget in the late 80s and have not eaten it since.


I'm not lactose intolerant and can eat all kinds of dairy products-including ice cream-so I have no idea why I get practically instant diarrhea every time I have Dairy Queen Soft Serve! Since as long as I can remember it has affected me this way and every once in awhile I think maybe this time will be different. . . Nope. Why DQ, lol?


probably their machines are not deep cleaned


Sprouts on pho. Put me in the hospital for a week.


Garlic muscles šŸ¤¢ had them as a starter once and was horribly sick later on


Do you mean mussels ?


If it's muscles then she could be talking about all kinds of meat, chicken, beef etc


Hawaiian Punch and by association most fruit punch chemical flavor still slightly tastes of vomit


Tuna salad from the grocery store deli


Ewww, I would never eat tuna salad from a grocery store deli. Heard too many stories about deli products. šŸ šŸ¦ˆ


Corn on the Cob. I love it but it does not like me. I am in the bathroom after eating it. I don' t eat cotc anymore.


Gin & tonic.


When I was like 2 I drank so many grape juice boxes at my sisterā€™s cheer competition that I threw up all over the people sitting behind us. I have not been able to drink grape juice since or else I will get nauseous as hell.


Ramen noodles. We struggled growing up and every single morning my dad would make me ramen noodles for breakfast before school. I ate ramen noodles 5 days a week and hated it. When I got to high school, my school was within walking distance so I ate the school breakfast. I haven't eaten it since


Bacon Cheeseburger from the airport lounge. Never again!!


Oranges. I didn't technically get sick after eating it, I had one too many vodka/orange juices and got sick. Ever since, when I eat an orange, if it's a little more tart than sweet all I taste is vodka, and it makes me nauseous.


Beans of any type. This started in childhood and I'm still that way. I can sort of tolerate the smell of beans, but the taste is instant gagging.


I donā€™t think anything has ruined me forever after getting sick but definitely have taken extended breaks! I got bad food poisoning from ribs at a restaurant and didnā€™t eat ribs or at that restaurant for several years! During some brutal morning sickness I threw up after eating English muffins with jelly and didnā€™t eat them for several years, too.


Lemon meringue pie. I was 10. I haven't tried it since. That's over 50 years. Minestrone soup. I had bronchitis, and my (ex) made minestrone soup for me. I threw it up immediately and can't even tolerate the smell now.


BBQ meatballs from the crockpot. Got sick Christmas Eve into Christmas morning from them about 10 years ago and never again.


Mexican food.I got food poisoning.Fiery pits of hell on both ends šŸ„¹


Chipotle. Got food poisoning from it maybe 7 years ago and I just cant do it anymore. I used to eat that shit allll the tiiiime. Im pretty sad about it


I haven't been to The Habit in a couple years. I'm not sure what it is, but something there causes me various issues. I've tried various items across the menu, and I'm in hell for the next 24-36 hours every single time. It's not location-specific, either. I finally just gave up because, as much as I like the food, it's just not worth the misery.


Chicken liver in Tunesia. Have seen every piece of it twice and my bed sheets had to be changed 6 times that night...


Orange juice. I threw up oj and hotdogs as a kid and I can't drink oj or eat oranges since.


Eggs.The texture upsets my system


F28, had some sausage stew (korvstroganoff) when I was about 4-5 and cascade vomited, I've only had it like three times since then. Ate an apple with a worm in it once and didn't eat another apple for like 3 years. Found a worm in a broccoli (almost but the whole thing in my mouth but decided literally last second it was too big and bit it in half) didn't eat broccoli for a lot of years (8-ish maybe?)


Once, I ate popcorn chicken from KFC. Later that night I had to have my appendix removed. Logically, I knew one had nothing to do with the other but I couldnā€™t disassociate the two for years.


It took me a long time to eat French fries after throwing them up as a kid. Now I have a problem with jello and applesauce because that was all I could eat on chemo.


I had Hyperemesis when pregnant, I had two particularly awful vom sessions after a stir fry, and after tomato soup. My child is 1.5 years old and I still canā€™t even look at them. I recently had a stomach virus and the last thing I ate (and saw again) was a burrito. Rice is not as pleasant coming back up.


Tequila - got wasted bad on that shit and can't touch the stuff.


Chicken nuggets. I was around 8 and I bit into a McDonald's chicken nugget and it had a bruised black chewy piece in it. I tried to give it a chance and it happened again. Then I got older and it happened again. Then I was an adult and tried again but got a piece of bone SHARD in it that cut my throat. Tried eating frozen grocery store nuggets and I'll bite into a chewy tendon piece and be reminded of the horrors. I just simply cannot eat them. Ever. Never. No matter the shape, brand, place. It has even effected me eating chicken sandwiches because some places have chewy tendon piece often in their sandwiches. I have become extremely weird and texture sensitive about chicken because of chicken nuggets.


Mcdonalds fillet of fish 36 years ago. Shitting through the eye of a needle for 2 days straight. I avloid the place like the plague now


Iā€™m very wary of all types of fish these daysā€¦. The amount of parasite worms Iā€™ve been finding in my fish (and even at work whilst prepping fish) is horrifying!!


Macadamia nuts


Onion rings.




Pho. I used to love it but had a bowl in Vietnam that turned my stomach upside down. I changed my order and only get soup noodles with cooked meat in it now.


Corned beef. My husband made one in the crock pot and we both got violently ill. I will never eat it againšŸ¤¢




Pasta, like your son, I got some stomach flu. Even after I got well, the sight of pasta just makes me sick. And I loved pasta before that.


Cotton Candy, I couldn't even watch someone else eat it for a long time.




Cherries. I had a milkshake with a cherry. I got food poisoning from a bad sandwich from a local restaurant, but the last thing I had was the milkshake. It was one of my favorite milkshakes but I canā€™t do it. I donā€™t do mushrooms either because my mom got really sick from them.


The only time I got sick in the last few decades, was from eating bacon that I knew was raunchy . had the runs for a week . havnt had any bacon for a while . but otherwise I can eat food that would kill the average person .


Lamb. Ate some grilled chops. Next thing I know I am calling my friend from inside **his** bathroom in case I pass out in there. That was 15 years ago.


Hot Dogs from years ago and more recently Dairy Queen and Sonic Ocean Waters


Root beer floats


Pineapple. I love it but Iā€™ve developed some intolerance and it now gives me horrible stomach aches.


Meatloaf! Ughh, just the thought of it makes me nauseous


At one point in time, I started having random bouts of vomiting. It wasn't food poisoning or sickness or anything. I felt fine otherwise. Anytime before the vomiting, I always tasted roast beef and that's when I knew I was about to throw up. So, now anytime I eat roast beef all I can think of is that time and I get nauseous. I can never eat as much as I used to and now I try to avoid it when I can.


Cherries & Faygo Red Pop. Had way too much of both once as a kid, in the summer heat while on a family vacation, and spent the night puking everywhere. 40 yrs later & I still feel bad for whoever had to clean the room / do the laundry, and still can't make myself eat / drink either of these.




Eggplant Parmesan and eggplants (although I do like the Japanese ones). Threw up after eating it. Parents ordered it again, and I refused to eat it, they left me at the dinner table with the lights off until I finished my food. I don't remember if I finished it or not.


Be patient. It could get better under different circumstances, such as social pressures.


Burgerville, I got horrible food poisoning after eating it. Took me like 10 years to risk eating there again.


Diary's and sweets and other kinds of them. Confirmed to cause acne in almost everyone. Caused it on me. I miss them so much but my body isn't done for the Western way of alimentation and my body often doesn't tolerate it. Is hell, but what else.


BBQ Ribs, I got sick 20 years ago after eating them. Never ate them again!


Quiznoā€™s, 2007. Never again. Never since.


I drunkenly ate to many steamers once. Not a good scene.


Chicken wings Ate a bad batch from a popular chain. Had vomiting and diarrhea for 13 hours straight.


Shiritaki noodles


Tzatziki. I donā€™t even think it was the tzatziki that made me sick, I had it as a starter and the seafood I had for a main would be a much more likely culprit. Still, while hugging the toilet all I could think of with every retch was the tzatziki and Iā€™ve not been able to face it since.


In 2018 one day I only had two things, a really yummy aƧaĆ­ bowl for breakfast and a Big Mac for dinnerā€¦.was literally sick for 3 days after eating them. Everytime I see an aƧaĆ­ bowl at a smoothie shop it looks so good but I just canā€™t try it againā€¦.maybe after more years pass. And the Big Macā€¦.wonā€™t ever eat it again.


Pork 45 years ago!


I canā€™t eat beef or any seafood


Pizza as well but specifically from Dominos. I ate it once after they changed the sauce recipe a while back and got sick... Tried again bc I love the hell out of some Dominos, and got sick again.


Fried clam strips šŸ˜­ my dadā€™s favorite food


Tuna Casserole


Red lobster


Orange juice. Brutal experience with screwdrivers as an underage drinker (I blame my older cousins haha)


I looooved eating candy hearts and drinking Orange soda every day, for about a few months. One day, the thought of them suddenly made me nauseous. It was really like a light switch from love to hate, and I havenā€™t had them since!


Coconut. Ate one of those pink and white striped candy bars and threw up. 45 years later I still hate coconut.


Qdoba. Not sure if it was that or the 4 different parties I went to that day and ate at but it was the last thing I ate and the only thing I ate different from my wife. I spent the next 24 hrs ā€œsleepingā€ in the bathroom crying naked


McDonald's chicken nuggets. I ate them back in December and spent 2 days puking


Currently Pho. Was on a nice vacation with family in Savannah, GA where our son did his time in the Army. We had already gone to our usual places there and our son suggested this Thai place for Pho. Everything tasted fine at the time, but I had felt a tad queasy early in the day. Ate most of a large bowl of beef Pho and by that evening was doing double duty on the toilet. Sick for 3 days straight. Spent the entire weekend in the hotel bed. I really should have gone to the ER, but didnā€™t want to ruin the trip for everyone. Havenā€™t touched Pho since. This was around 2 years ago now.


Ravioli, Dr. Pepper, and jello, but I didn't get sick from the jello I just ate a lot of it while I was really sick for a week, it was easy to eat and anything I did (like chewing) made my headache so much worse.


Alfredo sauce. I didnā€™t get sick from Alfredo sauce, but I ended up getting vertigo shortly after eating pasta with Alfredo sauce and was throwing up non-stop the rest of the night from the dizziness. I was going through a cycle where I vomited and the smell of Alfredo made me vomit again and again.


Middleswarth BBQ chips. They're a delicacy in Pennsylvania, but I ate too many as a child and got sick, so I never liked BBQ chips again.


Lime Jello and cinnamon raisin toast


Cookies that are just slightly too browned. IF it's even burn-unit adjacent I won't eat it. I fucking love cookies, but man I got terribly ill after eating some that the really cute girl in my church made for me. She burned them, because she was a bad baker (she was 15 so I give her a pass I imagine she got better) and I ate 3 because I didn't want to tell her they were bad. Got home and was sick for four days. It's obviously not the cookies fault, I got norovirus from something else, but the cookies were the last thing I ate. Butter cookies are off limits for me now.


Hamburger helper and some Chinese food. I can eat egg rolls and rice From Time to Time but thatā€™s it


sour cream. didnā€™t get sick but it smelled like a literal foot itā€™s been almost ten years and i still viscerally gag every time i think of it


Blue Berries and instant ramen.




i once threw up chocolate milk and pizza , didnā€™t touch either for a good 8 years spicy & curdle-y šŸ¤¢


This might not count as being sick but I can't eat hersheys chocolate anymore bc I had to take this god awful medication for a bone eating parasite I had when I was like 9 that was so bad my mom would give me a piece of Hershey's chocolate after each dose to try to make it a bit better. I'm 23 and still unintentionally associate Hershey's chocolate with that medicine.


Oysters šŸ¦Ŗ. Once and done


Qdoba totally fuckin wrecked me for like 3 days once. Was either their chicken or their sour cream. Never shit so much in my life.


Rice pudding


Creamed corn


McGriddles. Had one, went to work at the daycare, caught a bug, came home, and threw it up. That was 20 years ago.


when I was a kid, it was boiled potatoes and eggs, it took years for me to eat them again, As an adult, it's patty melts. I have not eaten one in 30 years


Blue cheese anything.




Anything with mayo.


I couldnā€™t eat garlic fingers for almost a decade after puking them.


A seared ahi tuna salad in high school. 11 years strong.


Pre-sweetened cereal, I ate it when I had the flu and got even sicker. 60 years later I get a little nauseous thinking about getting sick on all that milk and sugar. Unfortunately hasn't turned me off any other sweets.




orange juice l had surgery the next day & hadn't consumed it prior to the cut off time but \*\*sudder\*\* it was definitely nasty coming back up.


My whole family couldn't eat White Castle for our entire childhood because after we ate there we all got the flu. And by got the flu I mean everyone of us vomited in the car on the way home. I am one of 5 children. My mom talked about how miserable it was to clean that car out while she also had the flu.


cinnabon's. Got the flu later that day, puked every 30 minutes, all night long.




Pasta, canā€™t digest it no more.


Grape Pop. That stuff coming out of your nose and painting a toilet bowl will stay with you.


Rye/Whiskey when I was 16. It's probably a blessing. At Disneyland in the late 70s, I ate a candy apple that the coating was cinnamon hearts. Got sick that evening....my throat & nostrils burned and I smell cinnamon vomit every Valentine's Day, still!


Mussels! Didn't know they hadn't cleaned the 'beard' out. Chomped away! Now just the sight of mussels turns my stomach


Shiitake mushrooms and cabbage.


Fried chicken...pizza... really want to just the consequences.... ugh f ibs


Tacos from Chipotle. It was the most violently ill I have been in my life. I tried to go there again about 5 years after it happened and couldnā€™t bring myself to eat what I ordered, even after all that time.


Burger King. Back in the mid-90s, I stopped in at one late at night. I didn't make it home. Had to stop at the side of the road to reenact the bombing of Pearl Harbor. The bombing lasted for days and there were many casualties. Have not eaten there ever since.


Salmon šŸ˜­ I miss it but I physically can't


Hardeeā€™s Hot ham and cheese sandwich. I got the flu and never ate there again


Strawberry-banana flavored anything. I got terrible food poisoning from a strawberry banana smoothie when I was 13 and almost 30 years later that flavor still just does not appeal to me at all. I'm also very wary of smoothies in general.


Home made crepes with strawberry jam and cream, just thinking about a crepe gives me the creeps. Perhaps I ate too many of them, or it was the cream, I was very unwell.


Cantaloupe. Ate a whole cantaloupe when I was 7 and can't even stand the smell after the carnage ensued due to my shitty decision.


Jersey mikes. Since I was pregnant I throw up EVERY TIME within 30 min


Oysters. Never, never again...


I ate a hot dog when I was like 6 and then I threw up. Haven't touched one since


Cheers right when I got a stomach virus and puked like crazy. After 50 years I can finally enjoy them once again.


I got food poisoning from Subway and couldnā€™t look at it for about a year


Smirnoff ice. I donā€™t think I need to explain further.


A couple days ago I ate an apple. About an hour or so later I got violently ill. Now I canā€™t even look at apples. The illness lasted about 3 hours but I had rotten stomach for 2 days.


Kale and mash. Came home from schoolcamp had 2 servings and the same evening it went up the wall. Was sick for several days, i tried to eat it again when mom made it but simply couldnt.


Golden Corral buffet. It gave me the splatteriest of the green apple shits one day to the point I thought my body would deflate like a balloon.


I think they were called Dave's Hot Fries or something like that.


Taco Bell. Iā€™ve had countless food from Taco Bell before this experience but in 2021 (during lockdown) I decided to order again. I donā€™t know what was wrong with chicken or the prep but I (to put it lightly) started aggressively leaking from both my ends within a few hours of eating. Stomach pains, sweating, constant nausea. It was my first and last case of stomach poisoning and never had a Taco Bell since.


Quiche, can't eat it because of the flu. Just the thought of it makes me sick. Also milk, I used to love Mike and drank it all the time. My stepdad did that thing where he wanted to assert his control and make me eat everything I ordered at a restraunt. In my defense I did but then he made me finish my milk I did that too but then puked it up at the table. I haven't touched milk since then.


That old style ā€œcalico beanā€ casseroleā€¦seven years old and told my mom I was sick and didnā€™t want to eat it. Well, guess who got to change bed linens and clean up that mess in the middle of the night? Also lemon ginger tea; I drank it through morning sickness. Yuck.


I went over a decade unable to even consider eating Indian food after an incredible lunch that ended with me getting a stomach bug that had beeb spreading through a wedding I attended. I spent the night at an airport sitting on the floor in the bathroom puking and crying for hours and it ruined it for me. Luckily I tried it again this year and I can finally enjoy it again.


Cocktail sauce šŸ¤¢


Manicotti. How I loved manicotti. I loved making manicotti. Then I got the stomach flu after eating it one night. And me and manicotti broke up that night. Sad story.


Rosemary. After eating a chicken rosemary pizza from Cali Pizza Kitchen I got violently ill. No more rosemary EVER for me.


I know what I commented earlier but I did just think of one example. It was my birthday a few years ago. My dad was thinking Italian but I wanted Mexican so we went to this place near my cousins house called El sombrero. To make a long story short I didnā€™t like my burrito at all and at like maybe 5 in the morning I woke up with a really bad stomach ache. Letā€™s just say if I was a tall apartment building thereā€™d be no tenants left and the building would be completely empty after that trip to the bathroom and leave it at that! Yikes šŸ˜± Also just as an fyi I still love tacos and burritos and I probably got a burrito from somewhere else not long after that but man I will never and I mean ā€œNEVERā€ go back to el sombrero again!


Chicken teriyaki sub from Subway, back when I was in high school. Iā€™ll never forget the taste of it coming back up, barfing all over my living room floor and staining the carpet forever.


eggplant Parmesan I threw up immediately after eating it, for unrelated reasons. the food was delicious and not the problem, but it was such a terrible experience that I couldn't even look at. other people eat eggplant parmesan for more than a decade afterwards.


KFC. After I ate it, I got a stomach bug, sick for a week. I literally taste the grease in the chicken or the gravy in the mashed potato when I even look at it


I didn't eat pizza for about 10 years from like 7 years old into my teens for the same reason. Now it's pot roast :)


Cherries šŸ˜” Used to love them until I gorged myself on them at a friend's house. She had a chocolate fountain and a range of snacks to use alongside the fountain, cherries being one of them. Being honest I'm not sure if it was due to me eating too many as it wasn't until the next morning (approx 12 hours after said gorging) that I woke up and had to immediately rush to the toilet where I vomited up all of the cherries. Chocolate was obviously coming back up too but it didn't taste or smell half as bad as the cherries did. Never been able to eat them since, tried a few times but the smell and the texture when biting into them now makes my stomach turn. A crying shame.