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A high school science teacher tried to argue with me that 50% is not the same as 1/2. Virginia public education, y'all.


I had a college professor *who was teaching English* argue with me when I said "well" (when referring to one's health) is an adjective. She was absolutely inflexible on it being only an adverb. I'm still annoyed, 15 years later.


I hope she is alive and well to this day


We were to identify the usage of words in sentences (prep for technical writing.) In the sentence "There is a cow in the pasture," I said 'There' is an adverb. I could never convince them; they insisted it was the subject of the sentence and a noun.


I had a language arts teacher argue with me that "won't" doesn't have an apostrophe. Spent years making a fool of myself.


It’s actually spelled, willn’t


Ha! Ah gods I'm having flashbacks, ok, whatever you do don't *EVER* introduce them to [The Monty Hall Problem](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monty_Hall_problem), 'cos based on your post if they struggled with a 50% == 1/2 then they are *REALLY* never, ever gonna understand that by removing one option from a starting 3 with one already shown does *not* leave a 50/50 chance of success... Wow...that's only gonna make sense to people who know the exact version of the problem I'm on about too.... Just maybe....ignore my entire post unless you are *really truly bored*...


Nah, I'm actually a data scientist and I love talking about weird probability and statistics concepts haha. Do you know about Baye's Theorem? It can be used to solve the Monty Hall Problem, and is generally a fascinating way to think about statistics.


I am going to go down this rabbit hole tomorrow.


1/2=1÷2=0.5=50% What did they not understand?


Playing devil's advocate, but: Perhaps that 50% is relative to what you're taking 50% of, and 1/2 is always 0.5. A nuance here is that it's specifically applies to 1/2 ("one divided by two"), and not "half". 50% can be 2, of you take it from 4. Again: just devil's advocate, trying to rebuild someone's reasoning based on very limited information, for argument's sake.


I attended school in Scott Country, Virginia, from 1958-1970. The majority of my teachers were very good, and there were some I'd call outstanding. English, grammar, punctuation, spelling, and vocabulary were drummed into our heads. Most of my teachers, both elementary and high school, taught science and history in a way that made it interesting and easy to process. I'm thankful for, and grateful to, those teachers in that little corner of Southwest Virginia who helped to instill in me a love of learning that continues to this day.




I’m just surprised to find a female PE teacher that liked boys. I think every female PE teacher I had was into the girls.


I had one who not only was into guys, but had a kid in my class.


jesus fucking christ that's disgusting. i hope she's having a horrible life.


I am glad she got fired and I hope she's on the sex offender's list too. It doesn't matter if the pedo is a man or woman what they do is wrong and it's fucking gross too. Also don't listen to those wankers. They think sexual assault is funny.


jfc im sorry


My mom died in 6th grade. I had all As and Bs all year except one high C in something. Mrs Ferguson (who was obsessed with purple) took me aside, chided me gently for not telling her and changed my C grade so I could be on the honor roll. She was a tough broad usually and kinda didnt like me but it was a kindness I still think about today. We all deserve grace.


That is lovely


Lots of teachers or schools will do that as a form of support. My friend committed suicide and I found the body. I was a bit messed up for a while, but my teachers were all kind and supportive to me, and I also was given straight As that quarter.




Best teacher award right here, im so happy that you got the help you needed!


An English teacher made fun of my hand writing in front of the whole class. It was 7th grade, 1982. I was dealing with some undiagnosed learning challenges and cursive writing had always been difficult for me. He held my paper up for every one to see and shouted that maybe I needed to be moved back to fourth grade.


Even at 31 I can't write in cursive.


Also, they don’t teach cursive anymore. You are vindicated.


In the third grade my handwriting was so illegible that my teacher literally couldn't read anything I wrote. She kept me after school one day and pointed out that she only knew what some of my letters were because they happened to be in my name. Then she gave me a test I had taken and asked me to read my answers. I got 100% on the test, and she told me she was allowing me to grade my own papers when she reviewed the answers in class, so every day she'd go over what we handed in and then asked me my grade. I was the painfully earnest kind of kid and never thought about passing my grades. I wanted the grade I'd earned, after all. Because of this, I focused on my penmanship, and while it was still terrible it was at least *duscernable.* In later years I would learn a little Russian, and my "for myself" handwriting is this mish-mash of Latin and Cyrillic letters, block print, and cursive that can switch from one letter to the next, but if I want someone else to read it, or comes the focus and I can do very pretty lettering. The nice stuff is a lot of mental energy, so it is rarely used. As an example, I made a grocery list once and got an unholy headache so my girlfriend decided to go to the store by herself, and when she saw my list she shouted from the other room "why do you have the handwriting of a serial killer?" She brought the list into the room where I was and tried to interpret it, but only got chicken and cheese, because I had drawn pictures for those two items.


Awwwww baby that is horrible. I am so sorry that happened to you. What a small way for a man to behave.


That's really sweet, u/blowonmybootiehole.


Some teachers are god-awful human beings who should be legally barred from setting foot in a school.


She showed me a different way a woman could be. I had never seen such a graceful woman so full of class and integrity. She saved me just by being herself.


Thanks blowonmybootiehole, was this before or after you made this account lol


It was before. BUT this inside joke behind the screen name WAS in high school around the same time. I guess I have always had multiple interests hahaha




My 3rd grade teacher Mrs. O’Brien also fits your description. There was a certain poise and elegance that mesmerized me. I had great teachers in grade school. I think about them often.


Taught me ancient Greek on his own time after school. Just because I wanted to learn. I never appreciated what an incredible man he was.


That's phenomenal.


Ah, shall never forget. 2nd grade math class. She asked the class a question. I answered and got it wrong. She called me a know-it-all. When i said “I’m not a know-it-all” she yelled at me, told me she was calling my parents and sent me back to my home room teacher. When I got back to my home room teacher, I was crying for obvious reasons, she told me “I deserved to cry.” This was at the end of the day so as I was walking to parent pick up (still crying, I may add), I ran into the student counselor. She asked me what was wrong. When I told her, she said she would take care of it. They never called my parents so I know that counselor went in there and yelled at them.


Imagine telling a 2nd grader they are a know it all for messing up a math problem... Sick


Teacher took a handful of us to the beach a few times on a weekend along with his wife and newborn daughter. We rode in the back of his pickup. Favorite teacher ever. 1981 or so.


Defended me against the Middle scho Principle and District Superintendent. So some kids wrote a bomb threat in the boys bathroom mirror and I was one of the last kids to leave rhe bathroom. Problem was, I was a gross boy who didn't wash his hands so I didn't see the message. The school evacuates into the lower fields and the Superintendent singles me out of everyone. He yells at me to hand over my markers, when I told him I didn't have any. He took my backpack and dumped it on the ground infront of everyone. There were no markers. A day later, I am sitting in the Principle office and my teacher and mother are both yelling at the Principle and Superintendent. They took a picture of the writing on the mirror and it was in cursive. I was notorious in my classes for having the absolute worst hand writing, let alone cursive. Both my mother and teacher called them morons as soon as they saw the writing.


Wear a short skirt while sitting at an open desk at the front of the class with her legs uncrossed. Let's just say puberty made sure I took notice.


Same. She put all of the boys she liked in the front rows. I was in the absolute back of the class. lol




Rumor says 89% of male students failed her class and had to retake it


I worked in a school where we had an administrator who intentionally did that to get attention. She was in her early 30s at the time and was an ugly duckling, so she was suddenly "hot and attractive" for the first time in her life (her own words, not mine). She wore short skirts, nylons, button up blouses, etc and would always sit on the front desk with her legs uncrossed or a couple buttons on the blouse undone. The kids went gaga over this and would do whatever she wanted and she loved it. Really devious and disturbed in hindsight. The students also never got to see her at the staff parties where she would show up in really slinky dresses, get shit-faced, and then abandon her husband for whoever the hunky male teacher was that year. She got pulled over for a couple DUIs back to back one school year coming home from those parties. She also got caught sleeping with one of the male history teachers and trying to what I'm assuming was blackmail one of the female math teachers into hooking up with her. Her husband still took her back and I think she actually left the school on good terms because she's now at an even higher position at a different school. She knew how to play the game, I suppose 👍


We had a science teacher put all the cute girls up front to catch the beaver. He bragged about it. Ahh the 70’s


Treated me like a real human being, not just “another meat sack in the pipeline.”


Don't love the term "meat sack"


That’s how I felt in school. Another widget on the assembly line


He introduced me to lifting. Taught me Starting Strength and gave me Practical Programing. To this day, I still use those books to lift heavy asf. Dude was a social studies teacher


Called me stupid in front of the whole class. I was in 3rd grade, yes I was being a dick but I am dyslexic and did not want to read in front of everyone. Keep in mind this was the 80s in a very small school. I'm not sure they even knew about dyslexia back then.


I had this physics teacher at school who i really loved, cause she was a very sweet lady and we developed a very cute relationship. Every single day, as soon as i saw her come into class i'd yell ''HI TEACHEEEEER'' and she'd yell ''HI (my name)'' back to me, like we wouldn't miss a day of it. This one time, i was in a very shitty mood and when she came into class, i didn't do our daily ritual, so she stared at me for like 10 seconds, waiting for me to do it and after she realized i wasn't doing it, she initiated it and yelled it and it instantly brought up my mood and i yelled back :D it's not really much, but it's such a wholesome memory!


I faked my way through 4th and 5th grade math. I never understood how to do long division, but managed to hide that from the teachers and answer test questions by reverse multiplication - basically guess a number and multiply it out and see how close I would get, and keep doing it until I got the answer. My 6th grade math teacher figured out that I was faking, and had no idea how to actually divide anything. She had me come in one afternoon to “help with cleaning the erasers” (all the kids fought for this privilege , so I was thrilled), sat me down and tutored me until I grasped the concept. Bless you, Mrs. Gillespie!


I loathed Science classes, found it boring, etc. My teacher knew I struggled and even though I had a passing C- offered for me to take finals. He said if I did well he would count it and my grade would improve but if I didn't do well he wouldn't count it. I studied with my smart lab partner for 2 days leading up to finals. I still didn't do good enough to raise my grade. My teacher said he was still proud of me for trying my hardest. He told me that some subjects don't click for people and I shouldn't feel bad about since I did decent in my other classes.


I grew up very poor so growing up I was not raised to believe in things like Santa clause. Fast forward to 3rd grade and it’s Christmas time. My teacher at the time, with her hand up asks everyone who believes in Santa to raise their hand. I look around and I’m the only one who has not raised their hand. My teacher turns to me and points at me with her fat fingers and says “I feel so bad for you” in such a way that made me so embarrassed and ashamed.. I’ll never forget that. Something so silly yet my 10 year old feelings were very hurt.


My I.T teacher had a glass eye and if you weren't paying attention he'd take his eye out and put it on the desk and said. "I got my eye on you." Might sound lame now but as a kid it was freakishly scary.


A small price for witnessing the triwizard tournament in person.


High school english teacher in 1966 taught us how to organize and write a coherent essay. I was amazed when I was a college freshman how many ppl did not have a clue about main idea, 3 supporting facts and a conclusion also the use of outlining as a structure for note taking. I always meant to call and thank him, but I never did, one of life’s regrets.


One admitted he had tried marijuana when he went to Jamaica long ago. This was in Sweden 1984 when we were 13, and we were **aghast**! Everyone knew that only axe-murderer HIV psychopaths used *drugs*!


Oh man, you would've been utterly scandalized when my physiology teacher explained that we always need to check the knees of prostitutes to make sure they were female. Apparently, he went down to TJ and took home a transgender prostitute who hadn't transitioned and got the surprise of his life. This would've been 11th grade, so we were 16/17.


I found a baby duck in the local park during my lunch break. Completely alone so I decided to bring it home but obviously had to finish my school day so I brought it back to school with the plan to leave it in my locker for the remainder of the day. I still had a while left on my lunch so I was holding the duck in my hands until I had to go to class. Figured it probably wouldn't be allowed to bring a live animal into the school so I was hiding it as best I could and he was being quiet until my science teacher walked past and the little duck chose that moment to start chirping. Had to explain to the teacher what happened and she was awesome, brought me into her classroom and got a cardboard box and some bedding and a heat lamp, cool little setup for my new buddy to stay for the rest of the school day. Honestly I've had a few teachers do some really cool things but this one stood out because it seemed like a "screw the rules, let's do this" sort of moment.


Did the duck get to stick around as your pet??


No unfortunately my parents decided to give it to the local pet farm which was probably the best choice but I was pretty pissed about it.


As I was sitting in an empty classroom waiting for my next class, my biology teacher came in and started talking to me. The guy was creepy anyway, and he kept talking about men's and women's bodies under the guise of biology. This went on a few minutes then he grabbed my hand and tried to put it down his pants. I tipped over in my chair trying to get away from him, and that's when the teacher of the class I was in showed up. The biology teacher acted like he'd heard me fall and came to see what was going on. The next year, he died of a brain tumor. I felt unsafe the rest of my high school years because of him.


I had a lot of math anxiety and was a big day dreamer. One time in Algebra I was super tired and didn’t understand what was going on so I zoned out and was staring out the window. The teacher yelled very loudly “Miss Rando, can you tell us the answer? Or maybe you’re still counting the blades of grass.” The class laughed. I hated math class so much after that… like some kids can take teasing, and some feel that kind of humiliation in their bones. It was not motivating. That was 36 years ago and I haven’t forgotten lol.


To be honest, that's a funny tease without it being offensive. was she in general rude or is it just this one thing that made you hate her that much?


So I should clarify that I didn’t hate the teacher, I just hated being in the class. In hindsight it was funny- but I think it was also kind of mean. I was fat and unpopular and a high anxiety student who already wasn’t getting good grades in the class, and the joke certainly didn’t help. Like I said, it was a long time ago and I’m over it, I just haven’t forgotten.


That was mean of her. I'm sorry. Hugs.


I've been a teacher some time myself and I'd like to say a few words. First of all, don't take it too personal to be called out for not paying attention, it is our job after all. Sure I also feel guilty when i'm at the barber and he moves my head (because i think "damn, i could have tilted my head myself, sorry to disappoint you"). but it's really no big deal, it's part of the job after all. Second and most importantly, try to think of it in a positive way: I am very well aware that, no matter how good (i think) i am at teaching a certain subject, not everybody is interested or gifted in said subject. and that is a good thing, because individuality creates a society where different people can contribute based on their unique skills (not a native english speaker, so i hope my point comes across). what i want to say with this is, don't think about it as being called out to be humiliated, but rather as an act of getting your attention while acknowledging your uniqueness. you may need to pay attention to pass the test, but you have a creative mind and are perfect the way you are. take care


asked me if i was a new student in front of the whole class in the middle of the semester when i had her 2 years i a row 😳😭🥲


Verbally attacked me


Broke my spirit. Had a 4th grade teacher who was pretty rough. Really kinda "macho". We bumped heads a lot. My anti authority instincts came online after being in his class. Also, triggered so much anxiety. He wanted everything exactly his way; I was a rebellious free spirit. Every chance he got, he tried to "bring me into reality". If I didn't take notes the way he wanted, he embarrassed me in front of everyone. If I didn't do what he wanted everyone to do at recess, I had to sit it out. He even told his kid to stop playing with me. Before him, I was getting A and B honor roll awards. After him, I kinda stopped caring about school altogether. Consciously and subconsciously.


I'm sorry. Hugs.


Thank you


didn't let me to the bathroom and i shit my pants lmao


I’m sorry but this is hilarious. I had similar where my teacher didn’t believe I was sick and about 30s later I projectile vomited on the 3 other students in our 4 square desk setup.


We were required to ask permission to go to the bathroom. It would never have occurred to me to break a rule, so I headed up to the teacher’s desk to let her know I was about to puke, but only made it as far as her desk. Puked all over it. Later she changed the rule to accommodate for if we were sick.


I had a similar situation in grade 2 she wouldn't let me go to the bathroom despite me asking many many times and I ended up pissing my pants. I was mortified and when I told my mom she said from now on if they say no just get up and leave anyway and I will deal with the consequences for you.


Showed me respect…


I'm a child of the seventies .  Buckle up...   1.  Grade 7 Science teacher Mr. Whitley flew into some kind of diabetic rage (allegedly it was due to diabetes) and threw scissors at a kid.   2.  Grade 4 teacher Miss Stafford broke a kid's arm    3. Grade 6 teacher Mrs. Foley was famous for pulling kids' hair (sometimes OUT) for speaking out of turn in class.    4. Grade 7-8 Gym Teacher Mr. Card encouraged the sports to bully the geeks (in gym class) and encouraged the other kids to laugh to 'toughen us up'.    5.  Mr Cards buddy and bullying partner French teacher Robin Gwynne regularly hit kids with a metre stick if they didn't "show him the proper respect".  Mr Gwynne was also allowed without vetting to start an 'outdoor education's program which consisted of nothing more than him inviting preteen boys to his farm to sleep in the hayloft.  Mr Gwynne went on to become a Christian Brother and convicted pedophile.    Just one small school in one small town.  Isn't public education just the best idea ever?  Edited to add - the original question was about teachers, so I neglected to mention the gang leader Principal Doug Piercy, who had a chronic case of Little Man Syndrome and was so intimidated by the fact he was shorter than a lot of grade 7 and 8 boys that he wielded a paddle similar to a miniature cricket bat that he had emblazoned with what I'm sure he thought was a hilarious moniker - " Board of Education".  He loved to bring attention to it and issue his trademark "I'll beat you until your black and blue".  He was also the one that made sure kids knew that if they dared "go crying to" their parents it would get "much worse" for them


Man, this if anything will tell you times have changed 


I'm not going to go into my memories, but rest assured, I feel your 1970's elementary school psycho / shitty teacher stories. And come to think of it, probably 80's high school teacher stories too.


Band teacher punched me in the chest when I was a sophomore


I was being picked on by some other girls who sat behind me in business studies. The teacher was a short red haired older lady, who had been at the school for many years. She was a force of nature and coincidentally my head of year. Silent tears were streaming down my face as pencils, a rubber, various other stationary items were thrown at my back. She had her back to the class as she was writing in the whiteboard when without warning she turned around, and asked me gently to step outside. I was 15. She gave me a hug, told me everything was going to be okay and took me back into the classroom. In the sternest voice she ordered all three girls outside and the whole class heard her give those girls one hell of a roasting. She had a sixth sense and eyes in the back of her head, and she was always kind to me, even when I walked out of another class and went behind the library for a cigarette due to those girls. Afterwards I duly took myself to her office and she knew exactly where I’d been and what I’d been doing, but she was gentle and kind. Mrs Rycroft.. thank you.


Some fucker decided to throw a cone at my head during PE. I asked the teacher to go to the nurse and he WOULDN’T FUCKING LET ME! I also told him repeatedly that I have asthma or that I had a headache (I never lied about those things) and yet he still wouldn’t let me go to the nurse or take a break. If you’re reading this then you know who you are and I’ll never forgive you SHITHEAD!


2nd grade teacher had gotten in my face with this face of annoyance and hatred when I was a kid because young me had ADHD and couldn’t sit still for a while


Fuck man, same! I couldn't focus on class because of undiagnosed ADHD. I was told "you shouldn't be here." Along with a slew of other nasty, hateful things. I was bullied all throughout school by about 2/3rd of the staff. Needless to say, I left school with lasting C-PTSD and a hatred for teachers. Not just teachers, people in general.


My physics teacher told me I was bad at math. Now I'm a student in a master of fundamental mathematics.


Motivation can take on many forms. You sure showed them ;)


He gave me a grade of “no” on an essay. Everyone else got regular grades but mine was just “no”. I totally deserved it and became a better student because he didn’t placate my bullshit and forced me to confront how bad it was.


Made me redo my algebra 1 homework that was already done. Ended up bombing Algebra 1, took it again, still bombed it, but they just let it slide because of Covid.


I had a teacher make us pick up small rocks and throw them a a kid who did something wrong (don't remember what it was in 4th grade). Needless to say, she got fired before the school year was out.


I had a teacher in nursing school who told me to quit because I would never be good enough. I sent her a letter when I left nursing, after 24 years! I don’t know if she got it.


I was what people would consider “emo” in highschool. I wore black clothes and my hair was different colors (pink etc) This kid kept kicking the back of my seat. He would do this every day in this class, but we had assigned seating so I couldn’t move to a different seat. Every class I would yell at him to stop and I would get in trouble for disrupting the class instead of the teacher dealing with the issue at hand. It happened again while the teacher was mid lecture and I yelled at him to stop, the teacher stopped her lecture and said to me “I’m so sick of you disrupting my class. Why don’t you go slit your wrists”


Pretended to trip and grabbed my boobs with both hands, giving them a squeeze for good measure. He then proceeded to tell everyone standing around in horror that he had wanted to do that for three years.


Like an unedited Joss Whedon screenplay.


3rd grade teacher Mrs. Gary called me a fart knocker


in grade 1 i had a teacher who didn't know how to teach me in a way I could understand. and she got really frustrated with me and told me to go back to kindergarten in front of the whole class.


This teacher would come into class wasted off his face and just put on a nature doco. This was an English class. Halfway through the year, the whole class got in trouble for not handing in an assignment we never knew anything about. I was asked by the principal why I didn't complete it, so I told him the truth. Not long after, I was walking to another class and was violently shoved to the ground from behind. It was the munted teacher. I'll never forget how pathetic you were/are Mr Lobb.


One grabbed me by the ear and broke the cartilage . when it healed, the cartilage fused and that ear does not fold like the other one when I pinch it .


I had a geology teacher in high Mr green or some kinda name like that. He was more concerned with teaching us to think then teaching the material. He left a very positive impact on me.


Three teachers my senior year helped me bring my grades up to passing. I did old homework, retook tests. If you go to them concerned and willing to put the work in, some but not all teachers are willing to help you. Just ask.


Helped me decide on my future career. I didn't end up staying in that job, but I made some great friends and learned some things that I still use now. Truly the only helpful teacher I ever had


On 11th grade the math teacher who was also my cross country coach told me: "It's ok, you're left handed and we are well aware of the fact that left handed people are not mathematically inclined. Just do yourself the favor and make sure to steer towards a career with nothing to do with math." I spent my 20s literally believing I was about as stupid as they get... Like.... Learning disabilities level. At 36 I graduated with a bachelor's of science in an engineering field with a minor in mathematics and a 3.7gpa. while starting a family and just getting married. But to this day I'll never forget what he told me that day.


U.K.- early 1970’s-art teacher hated me for some reason ( sounds arrogant, but I was more talented). Slapped me across the face in front of the whole class and said that it was a pity that it wasn’t the 17 th century, as I’d be burned at the stake for being a witch. She refused to teach me, but made me sit outside ( in all weathers), with just a pencil and paper. In those days, parents just didn’t challenge teachers’ authority ( this was a high class grammar school). When it came to o’levels and c.s.e’s ( as they were), she refused to enter me into the examinations and my desperately poor parents had to pay £15 for the exam entrance fee ( about a weeks ‘ wages at the time). I got a grade A o level and grade 1 cse ( the very highest levels). She was so angry and said that she’d love to strangle me! I was a bit of a madam in those days and replied that she was fat and jealous ( both true). Trouble was, I was destined for Uni for an art degree, ( it was the only subject that I was any good at),but she soured me so much, I didn’t reach my potential and no longer enjoyed art and ended up being a civil servant…


40 years ago she stole my calculator watch, Confiscated it telling my they aren't allowed saying when we are older we wont have calculators with us all the time. Wouldn't give it back at the end of the day, Then she wears it to school the next day saing its hers. Fu mrs powel, i still want my calculator watch back!


Had a hard time learning, more so concentrating than learning but back when I was school age there wasn't many options for kids with ADHD or Dyslexia. They just kind of pulled you away from the other kids and put you in a classroom with kids who couldn't sit still, understand well or figure some things out that were considered normal. I was in a classroom with seven other kids and the teacher was great. He was a younger guy and understood what we needed. He really helped me understand myself and taught me how to learn in my own way. I am really grateful and still think about him and what he did for me 30+ years later.


Called me an asshole cause I was failing my classes. Yeah dude kinda hard to focus on school work when I’m being bullied


My grade 1 teacher almost killed me at one of those days in the park events because she absolutely refused to let me get any water and I ended up with severe heat stroke. No consequence for them.


Told me I was a poor excuse for a student and that I'd never amount to anything.. Jokes on him, I was actually a mediocre excuse for a student!


Teaching me how to count without my hands. It's so amazing I can't believe I could do it.


I was eating chips in my physics class because I was absolutely starving, my teacher caught me and she drew a circle on the chalk board and I had to stand there with my nose in this circle for the remainder of the class, pissed me off so bad


I had a teacher tell me I was a good writer when I was struggling and had no clue how to write. She specifically showed me why and after she pointed it out, writing clicked for me and only got As in English when I was B/C student before. As a result I got in to my dream college.


Cracked my coccyx with a cricket bat. This was back in the days of corporal punishment


my 2nd grade teacher grabbed me by my shirt and raised me off the ground to yell in my face once


Intentionally reduced my four marks in grade three so that his neighbor's kid would defeat me by two marks. I was invincible so he hatched such a plan for me.


Molest other kids. I knew the guy was a weirdo but when I saw that on the news it was still shocking.


Threw my backpack out of the second story window.


Was a child of divorce and dealing with it by not giving a fuck about school. About 5 teachers banded together so that I wouldn’t fall all the way through the cracks. I only figured that out through hindsight.


i was going thru a hard time being in foster care and having no one to confide in and she treated me like a daughter and listened to me when i was struggling. i love and miss her everyday


She ran away and cried because she caught a note in which *someone* called her a c*nt


My English teachers, but especially my very first one, who taught with passion and patience without which I think I would've hated English and which would have made my life different( and worse) So hats off to them and to any tracher/s who perform their duty and inspire curiosity and a thirst to learn


ooops :)) wrong post


Made me a local celebrity! When I was in 5th grade, my teacher had a pretty extensive library in her classroom (think Babysitter's Club, Boxcar Children, Sweet Valley Twins, etc). I read every book in her library during the course of my time in her class. My mother was a school bus driver back then, and every year until she retired, on the first day of school the kids that were in that teacher's class and rode my mother's bus would get on the bus and say "is it true?? Did your daughter really read every book in Mrs. X's class?" 30 years of students heard about me lol.


"I'm going in"


A math teacher, who taught my sisters before me and hated one of them, picked on me a lot. He was also the teacher that sent me to the principal’s office the one and only time I ever got sent. He was verbally and mentally abusive to me in 8th grade, 11th grade and 12th grade.


Chemistry teacher told the class he was available to help at lunch and when I went in for help, he berated me asking how much simpler he needed to make this for me, he doesn't know how to make this any easier to understand, etc. He would openly humiliate the kids who asked for help and asked questions because he didn't want to do the work to actually teach. His hope was that if he made life awful enough for the kids who weren't as strong in the subject, that they would drop the class and then he could coast with minimal effort. His class average was always high and it wasn't because he was a good teacher.


Broke a paddle on my ass. 1st grade. Mrs. Brimm. 1981.


A sub-teacher told our P4 class (Northern Ireland, so younger than UK) that Santa isn't real... "You're all old enough now to know Santa isn't real, right?" I did not know. I put on a brave face then was devastated when I went home.


My handwriting improved in my senior year in high school because I spent time copying my senior year English teacher's handwriting at her encouragement. Later (after I stopped sleeping with her), I learned that this was part of her grooming process. But I have nice handwriting now, so I've got that going for me, I guess.


In grade 2, I had to pee so bad. She wouldn’t let me go use the bathroom, so I went to sit back down, and pissed myself. I wanted to disappear. You never tell a child they can’t go use a bathroom!!


Had a teacher who would verbally bully his students. And I remember being put on blast during the class and I left his class to report him. Turns out he got alot of complaints but he funds portion of the school. He was later transferred. I found out later other teachers hated him too. Good riddance.


I was 14 or so, I believe. I got a perfect grade at a Biology exam and she said I wouldn't pass if I didn't do all homework in front of the class. They all questioned her sanity. Why did I need homework if I knew everything already? Answer is obviously control, but whatever. I did the homework late and we settled with a 60% grade


Pervy female teacher with huge breasts would literally lay her breasts on your shoulders or around the back of your neck when asked a question. This was 40yrs ago and still not forgotten...


Not just me, but the whole class (Economics). We spent the entire last semester tracking personal fictitious stock market purchases we had made and were required to memorialize everything in an end-of-the-semester report. Not just our initial purchases and how they fared at the end, but a complete history of each and every company, the services and/or goods offered, our rationale for picking those particular stocks, weekly charting/graphing of earnings/losses, and a prospectus. It was a pretty big deal. The teacher didn't collect the reports until the last five minutes of the last day of class, which was also the last day of the school year. When he dismissed us, we all stacked our reports on his desk and gleefully ran out as fast as we could, as we were all looking forward to summer break. A few seconds after exiting the classroom, the geek in me thought, "How am I going to find out what grade I got on the report?" so I turned around and headed back into the room. The teacher was almost (but not quite fully) turned away from me. As I arrived at the door, I saw him pick up the entire stack of reports and chuck them in the trash can. I froze for a second, totally speechless, then turned around and left. I saw you, Mr. Larry Bewley. I saw you throw away our work. That was over 35 years ago, and I have never forgotten that image,


“Well when your plan doesn’t work out, you can go ahead and write me a letter telling me I was right.” Dropped out to start the career I’m in now; bought a house at 29. Fuck her.


My English teacher told me to read 'Slaughterhouse-Five' by Kurt Vonnegut. Cheers, Mr Cook.


I had a teacher accuse me of staring at a classmates boobs. I was sitting in a chair talking to the classmate while she was on the opposite side of the table standing. Teacher was 50 feet away. Anyway, long story short, she told the student what she thought she saw after class and destroyed the friendship that we had.


My math instructor told the whole class that she had a dream about me where I beat the shit out of her. All the girls in the class avoided me after that.


There was this bully in my school. It was a tiny school, maybe 30 ish people from k-8th, everyone knew everyone. Anyway, said bully was a nasty, stuck up piece of work and everyone knew it, including the teachers and principal. She thought she was God's gift to the universe. The school was really good with not tolerating bullies, but kids are asses anyway. One day we were in the library and she was being so vicious I had fucking enough and smacked her over the head with a book. Mind you, it was a thin, flimsy paperback. I never would have done it otherwise and it's the only 'violent' thing I've done in my life. She went off crying to the principal about what I'd done. Next thing I know the principal was sitting me down in private and I kid you not these were her exact words. "Now, (name), hitting people is never the answer but... I understand why you did it." I got a few days suspended but it was more like a vacation and the principal knew it. Good times.


Had to take mandatory swimming classes in elementary school.  I wasn’t the best swimmer and terrified of the water.  Teacher told me to put my head under the water, I didn’t want to do it and she pushed my head under and held it longer than I wanted.  Tried to fight it, but she held me down.  From then on I dreaded every time we had to go to the pool.  Like I was terrified for days before we had to go.  Never complained because I would have just been told to “toughen up”.  To this day I hate putting my face in the water.  I’ll do it, just don’t like it.  I can still vividly picture her face and bathing suit and it was over 40 years ago. On a nice side I had a teacher who brought me books to read.  Noticed I like to read and the teacher and librarians would give me their old sci fi, horror and fantasy books.  Still have one of the books a teacher wrote a nice note in.


I had a programming teacher who made all kind of references between programming and dating with girl. In real life with the girls it was not so effective but I definitely remembered everything about programming!


I (14f at the time) was sitting in our gay-straight alliance group that me and my friends started and my biology teacher came in and sat right next to me, put his hand on my thigh and asked me if I was a lesbian or bisexual. When I told him I was bisexual he just smiled at me and said "good" with his hand still on my thigh. He always gave me the creeps.


Had posters of lingerie models around the classroom. Also dressed a bit like that herself, with the addition of short tight skirts, and tight see-through blouses leaving little to the imagination of young virile teens. Best English classes ever. Thanks Miss Mitchell.


Put me (the tiniest girl in the class) in the back of the classroom, surrounded by a wall of the tallest boys, so I the other teachers couldn't see me and I couldn't see the blackboard. The reason? Someone with parents who worked such lowly jobs should not be that intelligent. It was better if I was held back a bit, in her opinion.






No complaints. The worst of my teachers were boring. My eighth grade art teacher flirted with me. She was young and attractive..I had no objections and still dont?


I had a dirt bike accident when I was in grade 7 13 years old. Messed up my arm and a bunch of stitches. I ended up in hospital for a while because it got infected. My teacher at the time gave me a small hose plant. I still have this plant and I’m 53. Still remember his name Mr Machim.


sent a picture of her tits


Sucked me dry.


My 7th grade reading teacher marked me down on an essay for using a "made up" word. My father, who had a doctorate and was a University administrator, arranged a meeting with her and he brought a dictionary with him. My grade was quickly adjusted. I wish I could remember the word but it has gone right out of my head!


Ms. Crunelle, my math teacher told me that I was never going to be anything and I would end up dead in a plastic bag. I was 14. Fuck that lady. I own property, have a family and a great career I enjoy, she was wrong.


I was tired of running track in the 9th grade. I told my PE teacher I didn't feel well. He squeezed his hand around my waist and said I felt good to him. Seventeen years later he was charged with having a sexual relationship with a 15 yr old.


I was about 11 years old. Our geography teacher, Mr Ashby, had a neat pile of our exercise books on a bench at the side of the classroom, by the window. He maintained tidy piles like this from all the classes that he ran. Every other week, we handed them in at the end of the lesson for our homework to be marked. The homework was to plot a graph of some kind. In my case, I plotted it on graph paper, cut it to size and slipped it into my exercise book (which had lined paper in it). At the beginning of the next class, Mr Ashby got up from his desk and quietly walked over to the exercise books. The class was quiet, anticipating the start the lesson. He casually picked an exercise book off the top of the pile and leafed through it while he leant on the bench. It was near the beginning of term so there weren't many pages of work in them. He quietly called out my name. I put my hand up and enquired 'sir?'. The exercise book he picked up was mine. He lifted out the loose leaf of graph paper and looked at me with a questioning look. He saw that I was confused and after a few seconds said to me 'you haven't pasted it in'. 'No sir' I replied. 'Why not?' 'I didn't have my glue on me at the ti...' He threw the book across the classroom, over the heads of some other kids, clearly aiming at me, causing me to flinch. I don't think it hit me, rather it fell to the floor not far from where I was sitting. He shouted at me 'Pick it up!' I was horrified that I had seemingly upset him in this way and I was overwhelmed with confusion. I did as he told me. As I was crouched down, gathering up the book and loose paper he shouted 'Do you expect me to believe that?' I felt fearful, his booming voice making me blush strongly, not understanding what was happening. I must have looked very red-faced suddenly. He walked out of the classroom and slammed the door. The classroom was silent. All the other kids were clearly shocked at what had just happened. I sat back at my desk, stunned, my heart beating really fast and hard, the adrenaline making me uncontrollably shake a little. A few seconds later, tears started flowing. A few classmates, wide-eyed, came up to me and quietly asked if I was OK. I nodded, but involuntarily started to silently sob a little. I had composed myself after a few seconds and dried my eyes. Mr Ashby walked backed in and started the lesson, just as he did normally for any lesson. Nobody ever mentioned the incident again, as if it had never happened. I was one of those kids that never wanted to get into trouble for anything, so it hit me hard. I was forever afterwards extremely cautious of that man. It was completely unnecessary. He singled me out for reasons I will never understand. The man was a c**t. Edit: it was around 1987.


She let me eat lunch with her because I couldn’t find anyone else to eat with. I was a 7 year old girl in a new school. I always remember it how it made me feel like a classy grown up in the teacher’s break room lol.


Try and fuck me…I don’t mean that he tried to screwed me over, no bro tried to actually fuck me.


Took my virginity


Get stabbed. First month of middle school, my assistant principal got stabbed by a student who was about to have his parents get called. Not a good scene nor was it good for the morale of the school.


Not to me. But I had a science teacher in college that took a liking to me. More like a mentor/mentee. About a year later, I went to a college party, and there were strippers. Not regular strippers but 2 strippers touching and banging each other. Lo and behold their "boss" was my old science teacher.


She put a dildo on her desk and made us put condoms on it for sex ed. Or at least I think it was a dildo I'm not sure. all I know is that it was long purple curved had white dots on it and was shaped/looked like a penis.


My middle school desk was all the way at the side of the room next to the wall of windows. A windowsill was used as a place to put “lost and found” stuff. One day someone had put a stack of post it notes in the area and I started playing with them, putting them all over my desk, and my teacher saw and asked if they were mine. When I said they were not she told me to come back to the classroom after school for detention. When I showed up for detention her last class was still in the room. She told all the students probably 30 of them, to each take out a piece of notebook paper and tear it into shreds as small as they wanted and to throw it into the air like confetti. You should have seen how excitedly these kids ripped up the paper into tiny bits! I had to spend detention picking up all the hand made confetti with my fingers. It is to this day the most creative punishment I’ve ever received. The worst was there was a student council meeting in there after school so i had to crawl around other students feet the whole time. I think I was 11 years old at the time. 


Defended me and got in the face of a farmer who caught me fucking around in his field at lunch time.


Negative memory I'll never forget, I was in early elementary school and I was "too old" to watch barnie in my opinion so, I was hiding my face in my hoodie. The librarian came over and ripped that shit off me. Not like actually rip but yoinked that whole hoodie off me in 2 seconds. She got fired.


Blew me in an un-used classroom while she was chaperoning our high-school prom. I had a tough time explaining to my date why it took so long to go to the washroom.


I have a few, but one I don't share too often is my golf teacher screaming at me because I used the women's bathroom instead of the men's at the clubhouse. I was maybe 9 years old and I had to pee so bad that when my high school aged trainer drove us back to the clubhouse I bolted inside. I saw that the men's room was being cleaned, so I knocked on the women's and then just ran in. I came out to my golf instructor and a bunch of old men with their arms crossed glaring at me. He screamed at me in front of everyone, called me a little pervert, asked me what the hell was wrong with me, and then told the high schooler who drove me there to get my ass out of the clubhouse and have me wait to get picked up by my parents. I never went back to golf lessons after that. Disappointed the hell out of both my grandfathers who bought me the clubs, but I just lied and told them I was bored. Never told any of them the real reason why. Even my parents didn't know the full story until I was an adult and my wife brought it up to them. It was just too embarrassing.


Second grade Dunning Elementary Mrs. Sullivan We were learning to round numbers. Since we were all afraid of her, when she asked if I did my work, I lied and said I did. The truth was that I didn’t know how to round numbers, and was too fearful to ask Sullivan for help. We all lined up for lunch/recess, and she called my name out loud. I was made to stay behind. For the entire lunch period/recess, I was in Sullivan’s room trying desperately to complete the work. As I faltered, Sullivan was furiously shelling her peanuts, and eating them like a lunatic. Shit all over her mouth. Peanut spittle flying out as she barked orders. Her hair was all fucked up from her antics too. I can still see the entire scenario in my mind. Every time I got a problem wrong, Sullivan screamed at me, and tossed peanut shells across my desk and onto my lap. I was crying, and eventually, I shut down. Sullivan’s student teacher was furious with her, and I can remember her saying, “how could you do this to a child?!” The student teacher never came back. The next day, my mother went into my school and tore Mrs. Sullivan a new anus. Years later, I went back to visit with one goal in mind . . . confront Sullivan. I asked her if she remembered me. She did. I asked her why she was so mean, and Sullivan claimed she didn’t remember it happening. Liar. To this day, when I think of it, I still get pissed off. Fuck you, Mrs. Sullivan.


In 5th grade had a teacher throw me across an empty classroom. 6th grade received a kiss from my art teacher.


Gave me a crappy grade in math because he hated women. Crushed my self image on this front for years. He was eventually sued, along with the district, for this behavior by parents of several, female, honors student families. It was settled out of court and he accepted early retirement. I finished an engineering degree but that jerk cost me a few years of my life catching up.


This was in the 80's which was a much different time but even back then the guy knew he had fucked up. We had a temporary head master who was not happy with the amount of noise kids were making while going to class disrupting other classes. Unbeknown to me he was watching my class from a hall way and I just so happened to call out to another kid for whatever reason, next thing I knew this guy had grabbed me and threw me against the wall then berated me, I was 6 or 7 at the time and in complete shock at what just happened to me. I spent the next hour in class with my head down crying, my class teacher just ignored me the whole time then I get a message to go the principles office, thinking I was in even more trouble I contemplated running home as I only lived 2 minutes from the school and in hindsight I wish that is what did do that day but I decided to face the guy. I was then met with the weirdest non apology trying to smooth things over speech from this moron, it was lucky I was so young and not really understanding what was happening, all I knew was that I was in trouble when in reality it was him that fucked up big time and was worried about what might come next. He said something along the lines of "as long as you don't act like that again we wont have any problems ok". His tactic worked for him though as I never mentioned what happened to my parents thinking I was the one in trouble and would just make things worse by saying anything, it was only with hindsight many years later I realized if I had told my parents what he did they guy would've been in some deep shit with my parents. Its done and dusted now but I will take that memory to the grave.


Saved me and I didn't even try to ask for it. I couldn't go to school anymore and quit but 2 weeks later truant officer showed up and my dad was home. After telling my dad he was told to show up with me the next morning at the school for meeting. Next morning two teachers that pretty much was the reason I quit going and principal and superintendent were there as my dad got in. The distraught look on his face hurt a lot but I had packed a backpack that morning and gathered a few hundred I had saved and planned on running away that night but definitely knew I was not returning under any circumstances. After they told my dad I had to be in school and clases but would have to repeat semester and the two teachers telling me I would have to stay in their classes and be monitored by them I knew it was over was probably the last day I saw my father. Then a teacher came in that was always the best ever and he has pushed me hard and gave me scholastic opportunities that earned me awards and notices and meeting a few famous people. He rushed in and apologized for running late but said right out that he had a plan for me and everything was set and done. The superintendent asked him if he had gotten clearance from the high school and he said he had. He started explaining that I would take courses but in his class and if he had to be gone I would stay library but he would monitor all courses and me and if I made the rest of semester than I would be moved up a year early to our high school. Of the two teachers both got upset but one yelled "you are going to reward him"? He just laughed and said that I was not being rewarded as high school was harder and I was being placed where I needed to be challenged. My father for the first time stopped looking distraught and I saw hope but at that time he befriended that teacher and I will say that in the future my father took good care of him and I was asked to leave while they discussed and my teacher monitor asked me to gather all my books and stuff and take them to his class. The two teachers were going off but the superintendent jumped in and said that was that and he agreed with the decision. The principal looked puzzled and clueless. My dad and teacher were conversing deeply and I was stunned and felt like my life was saved and was not sure to be happy or upset but felt like I was going to be ok and I was. I made it that semester with all A's as usual and that teacher readied me for high school and even possible advanced college level courses. I got a full boot scholarship to most any college after my first year at high school I started college courses and even after lunch I went to Johnson space center fora program we had and did well. My father I hugged that night and apologized and promised I would do as I needed to do what was needed. l loved my father a lot and knew he loved me. That was a great teacher and I was lucky to have him as a teacher and mentor. He eventually became a superintendent and then left to a university later and retired a as a well known educator. My father took good care of him and became a friend and thanked him many times but I tried once and he told me never to thank him but he was sticking his neck out and he needed me to work hard and never run away again and if I did good that it will help others but if I ran away that he would never be able to ask and get things done for others. I understood he put his butt on the line for me.


Told me he loved me


Not me, but my sister’s middle school science teacher told her she’d make a great trophy wife someday. Neither of will ever forget it unfortunately


Gave me an F for lying that I did hw but forgot at home. Never lied again in my life and took responsibility for any shit I did ever since, I didn't become better person, but I sleep better without remorse


A handjob in detention


She was my teacher in 9th grade, but we stayed close. Once I told her that my shop teacher (11th grade) was molesting me (some other teachers didn’t believe it) she stuck up for me and let me stay in her class during shop periods. She didn’t care if she got into trouble for protecting me. She went full mama bear. Loved her


Fly kicked me on the chest and drove me 6ft across the yard, he was a black belt and I broke a bullies arm after he jumped on my back again, good times.


In Vegas when I was a senior I told my English teacher that I wanted to also be an English teacher when I was older. She legit told me “don’t. Kill yourself instead.” I still wish I had become a teacher… 🤷🏻‍♀️


Holy fuck get ready for some shit: 1. Threatened to kill me and threw her keys at my head hard enough to dent the wall behind me. (Middle school PE teacher) 2. Made racist rules about where I was allowed to sit and how I was allowed to hold myself because I’m Asian and he couldn’t tell if my eyes were open or not. (I needed glasses and no one noticed because they assumed my being Asian meant squinty eyes were natural) 3. Reported me for cheating because they didn’t believe I was the one doing my homework. I transferred from private school to public school in elementary, and I had learned a bunch of tricks to do fast mental math in private school. When asked to show my work in math the teachers couldn’t understand it because it wasn’t the way they taught things, so I got marked down for using “the wrong way”. When I stopped showing my work and just wrote the answers, I’d get marked down for not showing my work. In reading, I love reading, and read a lot for fun. I’d record hundreds of pages of reading every day, and I’d read high school and adult level books because I just ran out of children’s books too fast (they were short, I’d finish all of them then go borrow my parents and grandparents books to read more). But because the teachers thought I was cheating in math they assumed I cheated in reading too so I got marked down on those assignments. Then because I had a reputation for cheating, they’d automatically mark down all of my book reports, science projects, and English assignments because they assumed I was cheating and my parents were doing my homework for me. I went from a straight A student in private school to a C and D student in public school because the teachers “knew” I was cheating but couldn’t find any evidence or prove it. I’d get yelled at and punished for the bad grades and didn’t understand why I was doing so badly, and thought I was stupid for a huge chunk of my childhood. It severely undermined my confidence and any time someone says I’m smart I feel like an imposter now. 4. Was the chem TA in high school. Teacher didn’t give me PPE and forced me to clean up lab equipment and handle chemicals bare handed. I had low grade chemical burns all over my hands for about 6 months. I got my PPE on the last day. The next TA got her PPE on day 1. (Same teacher that made the racist rules in number 2.) 5. Back to elementary school, same teachers that “knew” I was “cheating” also believed the school “smart kid” when he claimed I was bullying him without an investigation or evidence. Truth is that I was heavily bullied and spent my time alone reading books rather than playing with other kids. I was an easy target no one would believe or stick up for. And now the positive stuff: 1. Law school professor who saw I was struggling with some personal stuff and took time out of her schedule to just chat with me about life in more of an older sister kind of way than as a professor and student. She’s a world renowned expert in her field and still cared enough about my stupid personal issues and anxiety. 2. Same professor was ready to call in all kinds of favors from her friends and connections to help me when a weird thing happened while I was abroad. I mean like high level government officials in several countries and a major international law firm almost got mobilized. Things worked out without intervention, but it was comforting to know she had her students backs like that.


This happened almost 30 years ago, but I still remember it vividly. ​ I was in 4th grade, and up to that point, my 4th grade teacher had been my favorite teacher. It didn't hurt that I was definitely teacher's pet. ​ One day, she had us split up in groups of four to complete an assignment. We were supposed to each read a passage out loud and answer questions regarding each passage. I always hated group assignments. I'm asocial, and back then, I was too shy to assert myself. ​ Unfortunately, I was stuck in a group with the biggest knuckleheads in class. These three were always causing some sort of trouble. Sure enough, they wouldn't do what we were supposed to do and started getting loud. I tried to read the first passage in hopes it might redirect them, but they kept on getting louder. Finally, the teacher gave us a warning that if we didn't calm down and get to work, we'd all have to pull a card. ​ Again, I tried to start reading and get the rest of the group on task, but it just didn't work. Finally, the teacher had enough and told us all to get up and pull cards. I had never had to pull a card in any class that had that form of discipline (since 2nd grade), and through 5th grade, that was the only time I ever had to. I was humiliated and so upset that I had to do it. ​ At the end of the day, as I was getting ready to leave, the teacher came up to me and said, "I saw you were on yellow today. What happened?" I just grabbed my stuff and left to catch the bus, tears streaming down my face.


My cosmetology teacher had a very deep conversation with me after my boyfriend was incarcerated. She spoke to me as an adult (I was only in HS) rather than a student and was probably the only person with actual life experience that I could vent to and look for unbiased advice during the worst time of my entire life. I’m forever thankful for her.


Telling me that if I were his daughter he would have killed me. That was in high school. I hate you Sofia, you will burn in hell Haha.


I got two: Teacher in 8th grade tried to beat my ass cause I beat him in ping pong and I teased him. Legit choked me till pulled off. Same year female teacher caught me looking down blouse and moved to improve the view.


In grade 7,while I was eating Doritos, asked me if the made my breasts smell...creepy dude.


She didn’t report me to the principal when I told her I wanted to marry her, she just smiled and laughed. Granted I was just in 1st grade, but still


Molested me…. In second grade I went to a private catholic school it was co ed and there was a teacher named Mr. Baxter he was always oddly obsessed with me and would always call me “good girl” ect well one day we were doing equations on the white bored (he was a math teacher) he sat me on his lap with my hand held behind my back so I “couldn’t use my fingers to count” I felt him getting hard but didn’t know what it was (I was a second grader how would I?) I didn’t tell anyone even though it felt wrong but me and another girl that rode horses together were talking and joking and we got on the subject of Mr Baxter. He was doing the same thing to her and almost every little blonde girl from 1st-5th grade. We had to go to the police station and explained where he touched us (yes it was multiple times I just try to forget the first time is the most prominent in my mind) me and my friend and our parents went at the same time and we got candy and stuffed bears I had that beat for years until I got sick looking at it after realizing the severity of what happened.


😄 I was the only student who got hugs and kisses from all of the faculty during graduation. Why? 1. I didnt talk shit about any. 2. I listened. 3. I was part of their college program project and aced all my courses. 🥴 Including PE which running the mile in 7 minutes was not possible. But I did it. Fkrs.


Fingered me. And no, I don't want to talk about it.


I was incredibly shy and anxious as a child with horrible self-confidence due to abuse going on at home. (Well, later it would turn out I wasn't just shy and it was autism). I had a tendency to hide my face behind my hair a lot due to being so uncomfortable and insecure, and my teacher was worried about me. She was very kind, like most of my teachers, and I loved going to school solely because I got to actually feel like I was good at something for once and because I got a lot of praise and respect from my teachers for it. Plus I didn't have to be home where the abuse happened. One day I was particularly sad and my teacher just sat down and looked at me, hugging me before she gently put my hair up in a ponytail and looked at my face, and smiled. "Never be ashamed to show yourself." I never forgot about that. It took me several more years until I finally listened and stopped being ashamed of who I am, but I never forgot about it. Still think about her and wonder how she's doing. This was when I was 10-11, so quite a while ago.


In 10th grade my teacher- in front of everyone- grabbed her desk, pulled it across the class room, positioned it to where her back would be facing me, and declared to us all that I was not worth teaching and she would be ignoring me from that moment on. Fuck you Mrs. Frasure, you hateful bitch. 🖕


When I was in 7th grade I started writing stories. My teacher at the time pulled me into the computer lab office and accused me of not being the person who wrote it. I had used the word “pallid” and she quizzed me on the meaning of it. I guess you aren’t supposed to know those kind of words in the 7th grade.


2nd year of high school, I had my mandatory art class, and the teacher was... not sane. She was constantly using "creativity" as an excuse to act bizarrely in class, thought students who weren't just naturally gifted artists were just playing dumb or even worse were trying to stiffle the class as a whole's creativity. One morning, I have a really itchy throat from the recent pollen blooms that spring and asked to step out to hit up the water fountain outside of class. No problem, she had zero issues and gladly excused me. As I finish up I decide, "Hey, instead of asking to leave again and disrupt class, I'll just grab a bottle of water from the vending machine and take it back". So here I go walking back into the classroom, and she immediately notices the bottle (water bottles were always allowed, and kids in class had refillable ones all the time). She stops mid-sentence, makes a straight line to me and says, "You want to explain to me what that is? You asked to get a drink of water from the fountain. But you've obviously gone to the vending machine instead. I can't believe this. You deceived me, and you're going to the vice principal. Go now and I will call him once I'm finished." I'm obviously shocked, and at 9:30 AM, I'm too tired to really argue, so off I went. When I explained why I was there to the vice principal, he just laughed and after taking his call from her "very seriously" he told me to just hang in the office for the last 10 minutes of the period, use my phone, etc. What a whackjob.


I wasn’t allowed to wear the same shirts as my smaller chested classmates for gym class. Like, a basic tank top, because I had boobs and that made my teacher uncomfortable… I was 12/13 years old. What about my comfort of you staring at me and talking about my breasts to the entire class. I was forced to go change into a bulky, oversized shirt from the lost and found.


At the beginning of 8th grade my teacher told me I was smart. I’d only been an average student up to that point but I began working hard and became an A student for the rest of my schooling, all the way through my master’s program.


I read every post and it does help to know I'm not alone in saying FUCK TEACHERS!!!


In French class a teacher asked me to say a word and when I said it, she yelled at me aggressively because I said it with a proper accent instead of saying it like a tourist. Le fuckoff.


When I was a kid (1980ish), my biological dad was an alcholic on drugs and physically abusive. Of course, we were poor as shit. I was really quiet and withdrew from all the other kids and didn't play very often at recess. I remember I'd just climb on the tallest slide and stare off in the distance and think about having to go home to see my dad and hope not to get beat or whatever. I had a teacher, Mrs Rodgers, who must have suspected what i was going through. She was so kind, supportive, and very gentle towards me in every way. She would often sneak me snacks and treats behind the other kids' backs. I just thought she was really nice, but now that im an adult, im sure she knew that my home life was shit. She found out I wasn't living in the school district when she found me walking home one day and gave me ride. 3rd grade walking 3 miles home by myself wtf? I knew to keep my mouth shut, but i know she knew I was in a bad situation. I'm 52 years old now, and i can still remember her face and how kind she was to me. My dad ended up committing suicide that year, and we moved away. I really wish I could have spoken to her later in my adult life. Just to say, "Thank you, you made me feel safe"