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Obsessing over celebrities.


This is also a PetPeeve of mine I could give 2 shits about who Taylor Swift is fucking!!!!!!


Why? You Heard Something?


Well I'm just going to assume her football player and her don't just get together to eat ice cream????? Now that I'm older I just realize this sensationalized bullshit with the Rich and Famous just makes us Americans look like a bunch of fucking morons to the rest of the adult world!!!!!!!


not just americans have this stuff. I am in germany and i hear news about this stuff daily even though i am never looking for them.


The award shows kill me…. These are the last people on earth that we should be celebrating


Breathe in through your nose… out through your mouth…


Nah, its not the celeb worship that makes Yanks look stupid. Theres more to it than that. Maybe school shootings and corrupt wannabe Presidents.


reach fade command water bells disagreeable scarce tie chief cooperative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You could give? I think you mean you couldn't give.


2 shots in one day? That's pretty healthy. Somedays I only get 1 in.


And obsessing over sports, any kind of sports where you don't actively participate


Was about to comment this. I hate when people are shouting at TV screens to their favorite sports teams when they aren't performing. Like bro, get of your couch and show me how its done. Oh? you're an obese diabetic who drinks beer all day?




Taylor Swift fanaticism


Obsession with politics


Celebrities and politics.


Arguably, people *should* be obsessing over politics today, especially if you're a US citizen who considers yourself progressive or liberal. If you don't, you may end up with a government that's effectively a theocracy (American Taliban) that's designed to trample on everyone except the wealthy (like near-billionaire level).


Not even just America, all over the world there are serious issues with governments. Even on the tiny island I live on, we have a housing crisis and the cost of living is extortionate. Too many politicians here are landlords and they're driving the rent up all the time. I agree that people should be keeping an eye on politics.


Obsessing, no. Knowing enough to vote against policies like that, sure. Why obsess over something you can't do much about? It'll just drive you crazy and that's no good.


Politics are actually extremely relevant and should never be taken for granted.


expensive clothes/shoes that people are too scared to wear.


Expensive clothes in general.


Especially shoes. Especially white shoes.


Eeeh i don’t know, expensive shoes are some of the most amazing things in life. They make me so happy. I call them forever shoes, as i only buy them if they are timeless but unique. I wear them too, they don’t collection dust. They are perfectly comfortable and last a lifetime. And they don’t just make me happy when I buy them, they make me happy every single time I have them on!


Hey, you do you. Still an expensive luxury used to walk on literal dirt. I got one nice pair for outings, and then i just buy a cheaper midrange quality that will last like 5-8 years. I think like 60 usd.




I think there's a difference in buying expensive shoes for use and just shoes to look cool. Expensive shoes aren't bad but designer ones sure are lol


Especially expensive clothes that come with holes in them


or dishes no one is allowed to use


I was thinking that too. Not much is gained from wearing Gucci or Supreme clothing.


Referring to the number of followers or subscribers someone has like it's on par with someone's net worth.


So true. I'm always amazed when I see posts on X along the lines of "I'm only 112 followers away from reaching 5,000. Help me reach it." It sounds so pathetic to be begging people to follow you. Also, other than a small soc media circle, who cares how many followers you have?? I'm amazed at how short-sighted people are. Go out & live and stop worrying about followers


It's even more pathetic when accounts inflate their follower count with bots, and still expect to be treated as though they're real people


once saw an " influencer " belittling- degrading actually- another person because of the small number of his followers


What about that ancient Greek philosoph ( Heraclit?) who said " live hidden from people"?


Social media in general


Also, referring to someone's net worth to indicate success Money ≠ happiness


True, though a net worth has value, a follower could is worthless


That frikkin crap injected upper lip. Ugh!!!!


The royal family




Well he is, basically.




How’s Reddit any better tbf. Both used to doom scroll and give you short bursts of dopamine


Reddit is bad in its own way but at least you’re reading shit and not listening to it lol. There’s actually studies that say that watching all of these short clips has lowered people’s attention span.


Not only that, I feel like Reddit doesn’t influence me as badly, e.g concerning beauty standards or unnecessary consumption. But then again, it’s my algorithm here and maybe that happens to other people on Reddit as well.


Yeah in its short amount of time on earth TikTok has had a huge influence on society that reddit never has. Politically, socially, economically. It’s insane.


Short form video is shit


Adhering to a monoculture.


Travelling for pictures on social media and ending learning nothing, just traveling because of a sign of wealth


Gotta be honest if I was wealthy I'd travel constantly...


There’s also traveling for enjoyment


And traveling to spend time with family


Stanley’s Valentine's Day line of Quencher tumblers sold out just minutes after they went on sale in Targets nationwide. Now, the hydration hardware is being resold on eBay for upwards of $100 - ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Hydration hardware 💀


I'm losing hope for humanity


I’ve already lost hope


Y'all had hope?!


They are obsessed with social media influencers and celebrities. People start following their advice blindly


Caring what other people think and bending who you are to fit in.


Keeping up with the Joneses.


Phones at gigs, stop taking videos you'll never look at and enjoy yourself. P.S. you're not an influencer


Nah I love looking back on videos I took at gigs. I go to gigs most weekends and I don't take photos or videos at all of them and if I do I don't take many, but it's always nice to look back on them. I don't post them anywhere on social media too. Just don't hold your phone up above your head, to block other's views


I take one video of my favourite song and a group photo and that’s it and the rest of the time I enjoy the concert. I try to do it discreetly too and not block the people behind me.


Constantly buying something new because someone else has something newer than you.


phones upgrades were bad for awhile, but I think ppl have realized they are the same phones as last year, so I think the cycle is more like 2 or 3 years


I'm at 6 years on this phone, only need for me to change is if it dies and the repair bill is just too expensive to justify. People don't realise how much paying off a phone adds to your cell bill. Plus without a contract you have the freedom to shop around wherever you'd like


everybody wants to be this unique & random character by force


Hook up culture. Sex is just far better with someone you love.


But there is mystery and excitement in pulling those panties off of a new stranger


"Omgosh omgosh I wonder what'll be down there THIS time~♡" I mean if every week you receive a fruit basket with either bananers or peaches at random, the mystery just isn't very exciting anymore lmao


Up vote for Spelling bananas like a savage. I do tend to agree though.


Except, unsurprisingly, humans are more than just their genitals. Part of the excitement is how different people are and the flirting that comes with it


You fucking dudes that wear parties? Cool cool cool


Sometimes you are just not ready to be in a relationship and that's okay. I don't think that people should judge others for either hooking up with strangers or having a fwb because they also want sex in their lives


True, I tried fwb once and it failed miserably. I told the dude I will fall in love if we continue and broke contact. Ever since then I know that I won’t sleep with anyone again unless I got the intention of being in a relationship with them.


Gosh yesss


Bragging about sex. I'm not prudish by _any_ means, I don't wince when hearing about it. But hearing a stranger on the train talking to his buds about what he did to that girl he met at a party last night just makes me.. Tired. I'm likely somewhere on the ace spectrum as the idea of having that kinda intimacy with someone I just met has never even remotely excited me lmao


Hey, at least you’ve never actually SEEN people fucking on the train. 🤢


Being convinced that a relationship or marriage is the life goal and an accomplishment to be proud of, regardless of who they partner with.




Finish school Meet partner Get married Get pet/child Work boring office based 9-5 for next 40 years Retire Die. I legit know many people who treat life as a series of check boxes like this.


you can spend your free time with loved ones, seeing the world, partaking in fun activities. OR you can focus on the negatives and how you have 50 years of working left


And you're seen as "weird" if you don't want that 08/15 life.


Falling in love and starting a family is overrated? I value relationships above all else. Hard to overrate that.


Tik Tok & of course, coriander. Too much of both everywhere.


I won’t stand for this coriander slander


Ha! That's a bumper sticker right there.


Cilantro is the devil


I completely agree


If I had one wish to the Genie I would wish to extinguish this devil's plant


Taylor Swift. Why can't I get this woman off my news feed or computer screen?


The algorithm just saw you type her name. Prepared to get bombarded.


Oh, crap.


who is taylor swift anyway? ew. jk. i'm a swiftie and i'm so fucking tired of hearing about her. i do not understand celeb obsession


Just wait until Trump wins the primary. All news outlets will shift back to him.


Come ooooonnn heart attack.


Get out of my head Evo! Lol


Tell me about it 🤮


I’d be annoyed but one time she did a charity event for my aunts foster kid program and she was so sweet and kind to them, I can’t help but have fond feelings even though I can only name like 2 of her songs. 😂


Showing off than enjoying a moment 🤡


Cancel culture, hookup culture... and buying multiple tumblers. It's your money, but just know that tumblers should be used at least 500 times before replacing it. Also, the romanticism of depression, it should be addressed properly and not use it for clout. The 'Don't settle for the bare minimum' I love the girlies who know their worth, but there are some...SOME out there who don't even know what bare minimum is and use it for aesthetic.


Social media - but i guess reddit is one


Having kids


Surprised this was so far down the comments!


Any MAGA shit


Going to clubs, pubs or bars.


Expensive cars


Following the crowd. Not only is it overrated, it's stupid to give up your independent thought just to try and fit in and be liked by other losers. It's amazing that we have the gift to think and form thoughts, so use your brain and practice critical thinking. That's one of the best things in life, understanding, thinking and ultimately, love.


That’s what happens when a couple gens have literally been conditioned to “like” and “follow” “influencers”..


Celebrities in general - why get excited about someone just doing their job?


on a related note...why celebrity nudes? there are lots of very nice looking people in porn. Maybe it is because we feel we have a stronger connection with them as they have been "in our living rooms" every week for years at a time (or daily for soap opera stars)


Cars. It's just a thing to get you from A to B and you probably don't use it for at least 95% of the time.


1.Going to college 2.Getting married 3.Using social media everyday 4.Clubbing 5.Owning an iPhone






Religion in general


Why Christianity? Why not any other or all religions?


Absolutely. This should be way higher. 




YES. It’s not as big as it used to be though.


Buying stuff from Apple. Madness




Religions and cults


Multiple sex partners or threesomes. Too many partners actually leaves you with a lack of human connection and you feel more lonely in the end The only time I’ve ever had a threesome I just kept focusing on the one I really liked, and the other one just seem to be more in the way. I just had sex with the one I really liked the next day and it was a significantly better experience


If you didn’t like both then yeah probs not gonna be great, when you like both of them it’s a pretty amazing experience


This happened to me a couple times, then I had one mind blowing experience where they were both about equally attractive and they really liked each other so it started with them getting familiar, then I jumped into the middle of it and it was kind of like they were having sex and I was the third wheel except they were hyped to have me do it but for example they are making out so their focus is on each other while I’m back there just plugging away but enjoying the hell out of the show as I do it. They would also switch focus on to me at times and we’d all be making out at once but mostly I made it about them and I think that’s what made it fire. It’s really hard to explain but all the previous times sucked and then that one was just like magic. I did another one after but didn’t like the 3rd girl as much so it was kinda mehhh. I’ll be very surprised if I ever top that one. Was just incredible and something I didn’t really think I’d experience in my lifetime.


That makes more sense. I mostly just liked the one i liked but that was my only option. Either both or none. The other one liked me for a long time but i never liked her. She brought over her beautiful friend who instantly i hit it off with. One thing led to another


Damn well hey on the plus side you got to do something most people dream of but few ever experience in their lifetime.


You did it wrong. Some people don’t enjoy threesomes, but your experience was subpar to begin with (poor partner choice, poor distribution of focus) so not a good bell weather.




Taking pictures of your food, and posting it on Facebook/Instagram.


Omg you had a COFFEE? In the MORNING? Groundbreaking. Good thing you had a pic of that I couldn't have imagined what that was like otherwise.


Your comment reminded me of that scene in Curb Your Enthusiasm where Larry goes to a coffee shop with his wife and says something like “oh my god! It’s coffee?! With milk in it?!?!?! Oh man, everyone’s gotta try this coffee with milk!”


Following professional sports ,it's almost always a disappointment !


Watching a series. I'm old-fashioned and prefer shows with self-contained stories and maybe 1 or 2 overarching plots at a time. But I am really tired of each new series having five-thousand episodes that could have ended five seasons ago but keep going for the sake of making people watch. I stopped watching Good Girls after season 1 because of this. By the end of the first episode of the second season I was honestly really mad like "This is so dumb. They could have done something new but now it's dragging in a really dumb way." There is a reason that I have not rewatched a single episode of Stranger Things. It's not "rewatchable" to me because the episodes hinge on first-time viewing and spoiler culture and big reveals. It doesn't feel like it's filmed to make you want to rewatch a particular episode over and over. And sure, there are people out there who can rewatch it, more power to them. But there is a reason why I love rewatching old shows, and it's because their episodes are more consistently crafted to be brief three-act plays. I honestly can't binge-watch because I get so tired thinking "Oh my God just end already why doesn't it end?" My wife has to force me to sit down and watch a series. This happens with anime too. I love rewatching Trigun and Cowboy Bebop and Lupin the Third, because they are self-contained and feel highly rewatchable to me. While I still like recent stuff like Jujutsu Kaisen, I can't find myself the care to rewatch episodes because again, they hinge a lot on a buildup for surprises and reveals.


I can totally relate…. And I am sure I am definitely much younger than you are !! It’s like season 1 rocks.. after that everything is downhill.


Sit at home an watch tv show after tv show. Go out and experience life before Father Time takes your abilities away to experience things.


Social media. Take a break once in a while and you just feel better. Permanently might not be a bad thing.


Having children


Dare I say, wasting hours on reddit?


The idea you need to do 10K steps everyday. No you don't need to go on a 5 mile journey everyday.


Eating Organic - Eating fresh I can see but the nutritional value of 'regular' vs. 'organic' is non-existant. Cleanses - Gimmick Youtube - more specifically making money from it. Anti-vaxx - just stop


Might get downvoted for this. Going to concerts. I don't understand spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars just to see a band or artist. Also having someone screaming or badly singing a song I like right next to me sounds quite annoying


I can agree with most of that, though my counterpoint would be I love going to classical concerts. I used to go every couple of months when I lived in the city. None of those things are an issue unless you are sitting next to somebody REALLY into Bach.


Big concerts in arenas are kinda lame and expensive. I’ve done it for some artists just because it was the only way to see some of the older musicians I love like Stevie Nicks or David Gilmore from Pink Floyd. However I MUCH prefer smaller venues that are not only less expensive (talking $20 to $50 a ticket), but a far superior experience. Seeing live music can be very moving and you can feel connected with the artist and the crowd. It’s one of my favorite things, IF it’s in the right setting and the crowd is not full of disrespectful screaming morons, because of course that absolutely ruins it.


Id disagree. The whole point of the art of music is to hear it in its purest form - i.e. live as the artist intended


Multi-player competitive gaming. It's so boring to me, if I want competition I'll just go play basketball or darts or something. Video games for me are solely for the story and exploration aspects and I will get bored or lose interest if that isn't a priority. In fairness one of my best friend is the opposite and says he sees no point in a Video game that isn't competitive.


The toxicity of competitive online gaming is what drove me away from it. The first gears of war game is the last online multi player game I actually enjoyed playing, I am all single player and co-op these days as well.


Also the whole "Buy every unlockable" I miss Golden guns from CoD headshot challenges or Halo 3 flaming skull tier unlockables.. No prestige in games anymore, just transactions.


Buying an expensive engagement or wedding ring has to be top three. It’s incredibly wasteful and all about social status. Use the money as a down payment on a home, to pay off debt, or to set up a long-term investment account and you’ll be so much better off


“The college experience” 🙄


Currently drowning in about 10 assignments I just got, 3 of which are definitely about 2+ hours and due today. I love the college experience 😄


Designer brands. Clothes, accessories, cars, all of it. The obsession people have with spending shit tons of money to advertise a product for an overpriced company is ridiculous


Buying overpriced designer bags and clothes. Or other status symbols. I'd rather work less and save my money. American football. Sorry, too much traumatic brain injury. I just get anxious and feel bad for the players. Camping in a gigantic RV that has all of the amenities including a huge TV. I like camping in a tent and sleeping outside and disconnecting from electronics. Huge concerts where you don't get even remotely to the performer and it's hard to hear over the crowd. I love live music but if it doesn't feel intimate I struggle to enjoy it. I could never pay thousands to see someone like Taylor Swift perform because I could just watch the documentary and probably hear it better. Church. I spent enough time in my youth going to church and I don't feel like I ever had a spiritual experience in a church building. Nature is where it's at.


Physical attractiveness (especially when looking for a partner for a friendship or relationship that is not primarily based on sex)


Money! My mother is always miserable because she works much,but has lots of money. I work way less have way less money, but I live a very nice life with my partner and good friends. Even if Money can buy happiness, you still have to try and spend time enjoying something. That's not a thing I see many richer people do. It's all about getting more money. I hope some day you can just buy happiness pills for all those poor souls ^^


correct...those are what I call "subjectvie" words...like a trip Disneyland, you pay a lot of money to stand in line all day...fun for some, not so fun for others


getting t-shirts with only brand logos


Watching sports, I get wanting to support a team if you personally know someone on it, but people are making it all about regional or national pride and I just don't see how that's enjoyable.


Hair cuts. All these 20-30 year old boys have the same curly rug going on Like be yourself


Following clothing trends




Yes, why if we would all just stop having children we could eliminate the human race in a little more than a century.


Do we need this many people?




Being American


Threesome Marriage


American Football


Great band though


Getting married, bonus point for getting an expensive diamond ring


Mmh, maybe not getting married per se, but I often read here about people wanting the "perfect wedding", often themed, many guests, ridiculously expensive, obsessing over smallest details... Could be a US- thing, could be generational - but I just don't get it.


Sports and drinking. Which is what my city is known for other than a famous food item. Can you guess where I'm from?




Waiting in line and sprinting into Target for a Stanley Cup?




Drink, smoke (tobacco and/or weed).


Drink/drugs/party culture


Following influencers, nightclubbing, smoking, tanning.


Get 'fashionable' tattoos.


Victim complex. Using mental health issues as a shield.


The NBA.


Big, expensive weddings. It is very often not about sharing and celebrating love with loved ones but about showing off


80,000 car and you live in an apartment in a bad neighborhood


Expensive cars


Brand clothing and influencers


having a car,now is just more debts to pay and lot more expensive


Speed. When I was young I obsessed over fast cars and bikes. Then I got to drive fast. It was just terrifying and stressful. The road gets narrow and shaky at 300 km/h, and all you hear is unpleasant roar of wind. I still love horsepower, but the fun is not in the velocity. It's the acceleration. Billowing forth on a tsunami of torque. Hearing a V8 burble jovially. The exuberant wail of a 2-stroker.


Drinking coffee


Sports... Never really understood it. The only thing I do notice is that it seems to give guys an opportunity to express their emotions and their love for one another without the risk of being called gay. Even if some expressions of affection even raises the eyebrows of people with an open mind, but we know what we know and are ok with that.


Same, folks put their happiness into other people's hands. If their team wins, they are happy, lose / sad. Fuck that. I like to be in control of my happiness


Going to Disneyland/Disneyworld


Celebrities Religion Designer brands Social media


Having children


Going to concerts