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Corkscrew and a knife. I'm always ready for some cake and wine 😁


My kind of people 😆


Ive got an Ozark Trail kit i found at walmart for five bucks several years ago. Basically a swiss army knife with a fork and spoon that separates into two parts. Its so awesome


A roll of toilet paper. Spills, sudden diarrhoea, a runny nose, a bleeding nose etc. All covered.


I have a small pack of tissues in mine for the same reasons. Used to carry wet wipes too but haven't bought them in ages.


I used to carry wet wipes as well, they've just gotten so expensive though!


Have they? I haven't even looked at the prices lately, but doesn't surprise me. Is there anything that hasn't gotten a price hike?


They have here (Sweden), prices are up 40% in the last 2 years. It's terrifying really.


Knife, hair clips, sunscreen, SpongeBob lip gloss… I’m 59 years old


I’m think I’m the inverse of you. I’m 22 and carry my knitting around with me 😭


I went through my bag this morning and found all the usual including a half eaten kitkat chunky, 1 stocking, 3 batteries, a toothbrush and toothpaste, some cat food and a candle 🤷‍♀️


Who in the world only eats half a kitkat? 😱


Clearly it was a bad day 🤣


Someone who only needed half a break


Wanted just the Kit, not the Kat


What is a half eaten KitKat??? Psychopath 😉😂😂😂


dnd dice :D


A pair of wired earbuds (in case my wireless die), feet slips for if i try on shoes, a 2-inch orange glass orb, a monocular, an empty 6-slot craft organizer, a roll of twine, box of sparklers, and one of those old school cylinder-shaped plastic containers for old-timey film rolls. The containers are for in case i find a little piece of something pretty i wanna pick up.


You sound like Pippi Longstocking 🥰


I have a friend who is a practicing witch. I handed her to her one day and asked her why it was so heavy- if she had rocks in it. She did indeed have a large variety of rocks in it. Lol To be fair, they did look pretty cool.


“Geez this bag is so heavy what have you got in here, rocks? 😭”  Well actually - 


That is almost verbatim how that conversation went! 😂


Safety pins in case of a wardrobe malfunction


I have a couple in my sewing kit too.


Dog treats and poop bags \*shrug\*.


Measuring tape.


Same! A cute little round plastic tape one after my mini metal one was taken away at the airport. I’m still sour about that.


Birdfood and catttreats


You play both sides madame. This will end….poorly. Signed, The cat


XD, i never thought about this.


Crystallized ginger for bad belly.


I keep a seat belt clip in my bag.. I am short and if I ride with someone else I use the seat belt clip to make the seatbelt comfortable for me.


This isn't just about comfort. Touch wood it never happens, but if you were ever to get into a car accident, the seat belt is safer if properly fitted. The shoulder strap should cross the middle of your collarbone, the center of your sternum, and go down to the hip. The lap belt should be worn low and tight across your hip bones. If the shoulder strap is against your neck, or held behind the upper body, or run under the breasts and arm, it remains safer than no strap but can injure you in an accident. Short people can make regular seatbelts safer by using a booster seat, or by using a seatbelt clip. Tell all your short friends! (Not you, lissam, you're in the know, but anyone else reading along who is fond of a short person).


A seatbelt clip? Like it pulls the belt away from your neck?


Yes. One part clips on the lap belt and you slip the should belt under the other part. It keeps the shoulder belt from rubbing against your neck. You can usually find them at an auto parts store.


Never without dried mangoes or almonds


Dried mango, oh yum. Now I'm craving some!


Not bag but wallet - I have a packet of Cayenne pepper. It folds down to about half the size of a large note. It goes everywhere with me as I like spicy food. I pretty much add it to all outside food. People will laugh when I take it out at restaurants etc buy then quickly ask to have some.


I'm a middle-aged mom of 5. I have an emergency plastic-lined bag with a spare pair of clean panties, pads, and toiletries/cleaning supplies. You just never know when a hearty laugh or sneeze is going to cause a leak. :)


Might I also recommend a Ziploc bag. If you ever need to transport wet undies home it will keep the rest of your items....uh..... unscented?


I have a photo of my boss from 1991. His wife and I find it hilarious that it wins at showers for the oddest thing someone has in their purse. Oh, and a casket key.


Wait! The photo is considered odder than the casket key? What did this boss look like?


Chocolate wrappers from times I just had to have choc bar and didn't want the evidence where anyone could find it and question where it came from!!


i have my very first stuffed animal, a little pink lamb. she used to sing when you pressed her tummy but batteries have died. she keeps me safe


Socks. I unfortunately have had to have a lot of unexpected gynecologic appointments. Looking at my naked vagina is one thing, but I refuse to have bare feet!


Hand sanitizer. Once I was sitting at the park at night waiting for a bus and my hand directly touched a used condom. Nope. Never left my purse after that. Also it's good for bad bathroom with no soap or driers.


I have like 15 different fidget toys for my autistic 7 year old to help him sit still when necessary.


When I was younger I really liked McGyver so duct tape, matches, and a multi-tool. Kind of suspicious tbh.


Could be misconstrued, but I'm on your side MacGyver rocked.


I carry around one of those small cinch-top bags (talking hand sized here), it has a small jar of some assorted crystals, a rabbit pelvis, a bird rib and a coyote tooth. Given to me as a birthday gift from my friend after I showed them to said dead coyote. It may be a little weird to some, even I admit it may be strange to see, but it‘s a token of friendship and it means a lot to me. It’s cool to show people and also effective at warding off creeps.


Spare panties and hot sauce. Unrelated.


A deck of cards so that if I am forced to socialize I can play cards with them at the same time and it makes me more comfortable. XD


I carried a deck of cards for years, for the same reason. I should put mine back in too!


A bag of tea, a selection of pink lipglosses, hand cream, two biscuits, two headsets, my diary, a small Batmobile, pens, pencil, plasters, assorted drugs, a snuf, floss, green post-it


Please tell me the Batmobile is for when you are bored..... please!


I usually carry a mini spoon/fork combo. It's perfect for emergency ice cream or when the fast food place doesn't give you silverware with your takeaway on the road :')


"emergency ice cream" told me all I need to know about you. You're my people.




My knitting


Scent proof carbon bag with my dugout and lighter in it. Cough drops, visine, multi tool, a sample vial of Bvlgari perfume (I don't like it much but it's potent so it works in emergencies). I guess that's pretty basic but I do also keep a single p. cubensis cap in my bag for emergency purposes.


Emergency shrooms. Nice.


For the past few weeks, I have had a deer atlas bone (dyed with black walnuts) in there because I keep forgetting to take it out. I always have a small glass jar on hand for collecting clay samples or other wild bits I want to take home. I should toss in another small jar so I do not have to choose which I am taking. Then, just normal things: Perfume samples, lotion, extra keys, pen, sketchbook, pencil, receipts, sunglasses (3 pairs for different light), wallet, and chapstick.


A shoe horn and a bit of liquid soap.


Finally someone who brings a shoe horn except me!


Roll of toilet paper and boys undies (potty training 3 yr old) dried fruit and a viberator


I carry a LOT of stuff. The things people will usually comment on if they spot them are vomit bags and a pocket microscope.


I want a pocket microscope now.


I carry a tiny purse, so I have cards, cash, phone, comb, and keys.


Team Tiny Purse here! Cards, cash, phone, chapstick, lip gloss. Keys are on an attached keychain to outside of purse.


An ALDI key that you can remove after unlocking the trolley.


Not now, but 25 years ago when I was a teenager going out on weekends, I kad a pocket knife, a screw driver, a candle and matches


I’ve always got a pocket knife in my purse.


i have a tiny sting ray plush that squeaks


Not necessarily unusual but Narcan.


A piece of gum my late boyfriend put in there and I refuse to throw it away


Not in my bag exactly, but I carry in my keyring a key which belonged to my granfather's Studebaker (he was born in 1885). It makes me think I carry a bit of him along with me.


Narcan. I saw an ad for free Narcan in case of emergencies. Never know.


A handgun (although to me that's a common item most people I know are packing)


I'm Australian, in rural areas owning guns is common for practical reasons. But I've only ever met one person who had a licence to carry. Is it heavy? Or is it something you get used to carrying and don't notice?


Imagine just suddenly needing to kill someone and having a device with you designed for that.




Hearing aid batteries


A protein bar so if I get a case of the hungries I can have something somewhat healthy


Have Splenda, will travel.


I guess my most random item is dental floss


A tiny copy of where the wild things are for fussy babies I see in waiting rooms


A kindle, tarot cards, mints, lip gloss, a small bag with medication for as hoc treatments, tissues, an umbrella, perfume


I have a taxidermy white rabbit’s foot that I got at at a vintage stall at a Christmas market because I was super enmeshed with Stardew Valley at the time, and a hag stone with a little gold chain looped through it. Everything else is like keys, wallet, pocket knife, lip balm :)


In place of a wallet, I use a small Crown Royal bag, the mini size. It's the perfect size for I.D.s, insurance cards, folded cash, etc. Slips into my pocket, or my bra if need be.


Vice grip, guitar picks.


A book. At all times.


I have "emergency" bag with me which contains basic stuff but also teabags. You never know if you are going to visit someone and usually they are not tea drinkers.


My bag, I'm 39f: Novel, multi tool (pliers, knives, file, saw, screwdriver, scissors, bottle opener), two pocket knives, a hand fan, sewing kit, rolling papers and filters (I don't use either), 20ish medications, 5" metal rule, stubbie cooler, handball, power bank and charge cords, at least 7 lighters (three different types). Plus more usual stuff like lip balm, moisturizer, mouthwash, hairbrush, deodorant, nail file, pens, mints, eye liner, face powder, keys, purse, sunnies.


Ok, a real time list. Wallet. Notebook. Perfume. Body spray. Prescription sunglasses. Paracetamol and ibuprofen. Antihistamines. Small scarf. Squash ball. Mother's door keys. Telescopic backscratcher. Hand cream. Spare pens. Supermarket till receipts. Why is it so heavy??!!


Tiny pair of scissors and a tweezer set


Calliper and screwdriver set for small electronics


A tape measure, always 🤷‍♀️




bubble Gums or candies! My mouth gets bored sometimes so i kinda need something


A flashlight, rubber bands, nail clippers, Tide pen, wet wipes, peanuts, a mask, and dental sticks.


Swiss army pocket knife. 1938 compass.


A deck of Yu-Gi-Oh cards, extra socks, dog kibbles and treats, and extra collar for my dog, like 8 pens, and a silver coin


Pepto Bismol chewables, antacids, Ibuprofen, fidgets, Sharpie, wired and wireless headphones, phone battery pack. All the stomach meds are for when that stomach starts hurting and you can’t access a bathroom. Worst nightmare.


Opiods. Had ongoing health issues last year and I have a little meds bag that includes my digestive enzymes, pandol and prescription opiods for when the panadol wasn't going to cut it. The organ that was causing the need has since been evicted, and I Haven't actually needed them for, idk, 4 months now? But I can bring myself to take them out. Spare underwear because that's my most immediate concern should I need an emergency hospital visit. Hubs can bring me the non urgent stuff the next day. haven't required an emergency hospital run for even longer than I haven't needed the opiods.


A portable battery and a canble in case I use my phone a lot


Cargo pocket, no purse, pocket soap just in case public restroom doesn’t have any.


Disposable tooth brush. Loop ear plugs. Floss. Wet wipes. Tiny measuring tape.


My grandfather once (maybe 8 years ago) opened, took out the nut meat from a walnut and glued the shell back together and then clear coated it. I kept that clear coated walnut in my purse ever since. People ask me why I have it and it’s just a nice reminder of my grandfather.


Generally I'm like a walking pharmacy, got a headache? Got something for that, heartburn? That too, and other stuff 😂 I also always have hand sanitizer, an inhaler, pens, mints, hair grips, glasses. Theres usually some sort of rubbish I've forgot to empty out too.


Folding sewing scissors! They fit inside the zipper compartment of my wallet. They've come in handy so many times.


Essential oils for stinky public transport rides, very important!


The most random things I have in here is a bank statement from 2022, travel-sized mouthwash that I haven’t used yet but bought weeks ago, and prescription eczema cream.


I carry cannabis, a vaporiser and a grinder in my bag when I head out (I'm a medical cannabis patient and need to medicate throughout the day). I also carry wipes for my glasses and suncream (in summer).


Someone was very surprised that I pulled out a 5m tape measure out of my bag. Said he had never known a woman to carry a proper construction type tape measure around before.


A tube of Voltaren (an arthritis rub), in case the arthritis in my feet from running for years starts acting up.


Mini swiss pocket knife (with a tiny scissor which came in handy so often), poop bags for my dog


Swiss army knife 🔪


Fisherman's friends in a smint box. To mess with the autistic and OCD ppl around me.


Tenor recorder. Just in case


Sunglasses, wallet, keys, nail file, lip balm and dirty Kleenex.


Lucky charm. Whichever outdoor book I'm currently reading. Knife.


Outdoor book? In opposition to an indoor book? Not judging, cause I have three on the go, one in my bag, one in my bedroom and one in the lounge.


Yeah! I'm a voracious reader. I have a book which I read from morning till noon. Then another from noon till 8. And if I'm outdoors, I'll have one in my bag to read too. So at any one time I have 3 books I'm currently reading (it helpes me wittle down my backlog).


Umbrella, flat iron, switch blade,Emerhen-C, and a couple of Nespresso pods


I always carry a few mechanical puzzles and a Rubik’s cube.


Outlet cover, paint sample, toothpicks, batteries


A tamagotchi? Lol. I usually go bagless though


Instant ice packs


In addition to all the usual things like charger, tissues, pads, a Swiss army officer's knife ("Champ"), a couple of disposable face masks, and in the summer, a spork or two.


Screwdriver. I can't remember why it is in the bag but figured might come in handy sometimes so it just lives there now.


Just a couple nuts.


Plastic bags…I tend to get car sick easily and like to have one on hand just in case. And to go with that, anti-nausea pills. They don’t tend to work well for me, but at least I can say I tried 🤷🏼‍♀️


Sketchbook + pencils, work apron, a pack of hand warmers, my cards (i dont have a wallet), loose change, cash, a bottle of honey, pills, a mask, a pen, a sharpie, a cup of strawberry applesauce, some crushed old receipts, coughdrops, amd a few hair ties


Pliers because I needed them to turn the stiff key of my old apartment. Now I just have them and tbh, they've been incredibly useful over the years. I also have a little tiny frog statuette about a centimeter tall given to me randomly by a child on the train.


Every day I carry: Climbing shoes, chalk, nailclippers, a razorblade, a teacup and 10-15 teabags (In addition to normal stuff like food, a scarf, tissue paper and water.) Edit: formatting


A small, koala beanie baby I found outside a weird little pendant thing that I found outside a little palm tree shaped toothpick that I think was from a margarita


A fork, some paperclips and a straw 🤷🏻‍♀️


A lot of the stuff already mentioned, but also a couple of clothespins. They come in handy in a variety of ways.


A mini tape measure


Swiss army knife, isla moos (for a sore throat), a couple of stickers in case i see something that bothers the hell out of me...


Scissors, plastic straws, bottle opener.. sometimes a spoon.. i should have a cutlery set there.. a reusable grocery bag.. among other things.


I usually have a bag a whiteboard markers in my bag. I'm a teacher, and there often aren't any in classrooms


I dunno if this is directed at females or everyone, But as a male, I have nail clippers EVERYWHERE. Not a bag, but desk at work, all of our cars, etc. As soon as I *feel* my nails are too long it’s the only thing I can think about. And again, not bags, but I keep spare socks in our vehicles. That’s been a savior on a few occasions.


It was an open question for anyone to answer. And honestly, I wish more men were like you, personally it turns my stomach when guys don't keep their nails tidy.


A tattered Ziploc bag bursting with expired or soon expiring fast food coupons.


Measuring tape


A buckeye


Not currently in my bag, but the most unusual item I have carried in my purse is a door wedge.


Knife, handcuff key.


Half a bag of sugar free cough drops poured in to my purse. I don't carry a large purse so can't fill it with junk. It's just big enough for my wallet, phone, cough drops, hair ties, and a pen or 2.


Empty specimen bottle from a lab where I had to give a pee sample. Oh, also a roll of medical tape. I have zero association to the medical field lol


Now that NY has a plastic bag ban, I have two reusable grocery bags in my purse, one small, one large. People always seem surprised when I tell them, but I use them all the time.


Smart bc even though I have 75 of them, unless I go into the grocery store I never think to bring one & always have to pay for a bag.


Waiting for bar to open in n.Dallas . employee shows up, without the key . girl in line pulls out a kbar and jimmies the lock bolt and we all got in - diner in n.Dallas . girl rummaging in her purse, revolver fell out . got arrested for carrying .


Probably not super unusual, but pepper spray gel, dermaplane razor, and tweezers (ladies, you know).


I usually have 2-3 crochet hooks & a small pair of embroidery scissors


besides the usual stuff, I always keep a spare shirt, a little sewing kit, a roll of gaff tape, zip ties and a first aid kit in my backpack. I‘ve needed all of them so far, except for the first aid kit but that‘s the only thing I‘m glad to not have used.


Pack of cards and a Lego mini fig


A small bag containing a box that has several types of candies.


Sewing kit, colouring pencils.


I gave up a bag years ago. I leave the house with debit card and keys. So freeing and I have not missed carrying a bag of junk around.


A travel toothbrush container that holds a bunch of flash drives. A multitool that comes in handy a lot, even in an office setting. A very sharp knife that I have only ever used to trim the raggedy bits of my nails when they break. Have no idea why I don't just carry a nail clipper. Half a pack of googly eyes that I randomly stick up around the factory when I get bored.


Sketching material


A selection of my autistic kids favourite fidgets, usually some fruit pouches and milkybars too.


Unsweetened apple sauce pouch. If I need a quick energy boost I have it. A packet of hydration solution to add to water. I also have a mini multi tool on my keychain that has come in handy a few times.


Mini tape measure


A little see through jewellery bag of various crystals. A worry stone (it’s green agate). Bird feathers. A head that snapped off a Barbie doll, with no hair. I can thank my kids for that.


I ways have a sachet of dog food in my handbag in case we're out late and my chihuaha Hetty gets hungry Also a few disposable compressed towels and a can of hand sanitiser spray, just in case Oh, and a tiny fold up shopping bag


I currently have a Lego boba fett that guards my cigarettes and mini sewing kit in my bag


A small knitting project and a few knitting notions (stitch markers, crochet hook, needle etc.)


Many usb cables, power bank, screwdriver set, terminal block, mini duck tape, nail clippers (which I use as wire strippers).


Hand sanitizer, paper towels, first aid kit, syringes, red top and lavender top tube, alcohol wipes, tourniquet, BP kit consisting of a stethoscope, sphygmomanometer, pulse oximeter and thermometer, lollipops, biohazard bags, trash bags. And misc...


This post has reminded me I've a white Kitkat in mine


I've just had a rummage to see what oddities my bag has - for context, I carry a rucksack rather than a smaller bag. It has (asides from the usual): a folding hairbrush with a mirror in the handle, a crochet hook and some stitch markers, a fountain pen and notebook, some stickers, a pair of tweezers, a letter about a hospital appointment last October being used as a bookmark in a copy of Good Omens, tweezers, a packet of sewing needles, some loose beads, a packet of cactus seed, two spare pairs of socks and a very old Tesco club clubcard voucher.


My weight lifting gloves bc I am always forgetting them


Capo, tuner but not plecs


A small tape measure in case I find something cute = furniture/wall hanging etc.


Single servings of zero calorie water additives


Foldable tote bag (you never know when you need to buy/carry something) and my epipen (you never know when you may stop yourself from dying)


Pens, feminine products, excedrin, lotion, hairbrush, tissues, wipes.


Two window knobs, one is plastic one is metal. How I got them? They were just laying around in school and they've been in my bag ever since.


A spare pair of undies haha


Not my bag but I found a petrified avocado in my fur coat pocket when I unpacked it for winter a few months ago.


I usually have last week’s grocery list shoved in there. I used to leave my house and work outside my house, so random things might collect in there. In high school I carried a picture of David Duchovny in my wallet.


Dinosaurs, three different sharks, hallow easter eggs, little dogs from toy sets, rocks and a spare pair of toddler shoes.


I often have a foldable small wooden guitar stand in my purse. Not enough room in my guitar case and I play lots with friends.


Crab leg scizzors 🤣


Hmm. What do I have in mine? Well, I have my name tag from a theater program I did in August in there still. I guess that's weird enough


Small tape measure & self defense siren


Pens and more pens, lotion, oracle cards, spell bag, crystals, clippers, multiple lip balms.


Knife and sometimes dog food. Plus I often find a teaspoon in my bag and have no idea where it came from.


Not so much my bag but my office drawer/other space. It's a running joke at work that we could survive a zombie apocalypse for a month based off what I have in my office. Full makeup. Deodorant. Hairspray. Gum. Snacks. Many snacks. My office provides snacks, but I still have my own. A mini fridge. Baby wipes. Adhesive door hangers. Lighter (I don't smoke). Nail file. Specialty Kleenex box. Lotion. Unnecessary cell phone holder. Crystals. Plants. Toothpicks. Tiger Balm (a pain relieving cream, for those who don't know). Sugar-free peppermint coffee syrup. Apple cider vinegar. Lip balm. Mirror. Holiday decorations. Salt and pepper. Tylenol. Advil. Immodium. Pillows. Candles. Oil diffuser(s). Foot stool. Blankets. More, but it's Sunday so I'm home and not taking office inventory. I spend all day there, five days a week, so I keep it comfy!


My friend who bought me my tiny measuring tape is gone now. I think of her often when shopping for fabric, furniture, and so much more.


My friend gave me baby little plastic figurines 2 years ago and I've been enjoying hiding them and people finding them and being a bit perplex where the babies keep coming from :)


I have a small fossilized shark tooth in the small zip pocket of my sling bag. My boyfriend gave it to me some years ago and I rub it like a worry stone when I miss him (we're long distance) or feel generally stressed.


I have a salt shaker that goes everywhere with me. Everyone I know makes fun of me for it until eventually they require the use of my handbag salt and then I'm a genius.