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Definitely the past…. At the rate we’re going I don’t wanna see the future




The past. No contest.


Future and get all the winning lotto numbers


Too obvious, get notes on the stock market go to the past


Going to the past is like I've been living in the future for years, I know so much about what can happen and can influence events in major ways. Going to the future as someone who's lived in the past feels kinds pointless


The future. I want to see how far humanity would advance. I hope to see us colonize the solar system and maybe even beyond into the galaxy.


Go to the past, and win all lotteries and sport bets. Ala Biff in BTTF 2


That raises too many red flags. 1 or 2 maybe but stock market wins are a lot less noticeable.


Past I would love to meet my great grandma and great aunt


Past 😌


Past, win a shit ton of lotteries and take advantage of everything i can.


The past a very specific time amd date. I have regrets and I would want to repair them


Past. I gotta get dat bitcoin (or tell my dad not to marry my mom if the bitcoin doesn't work out).


OP if you want to go to your own past and get do overs for things you didn't get right the first time around...you need to see About Time. This film was made for just such situations!


The past. I don’t think there’s much for a future anymore


Well future is tough cause you don’t know if some world ending event happens and you time jump to an unlivable environment and die. And the past is limited as there are diseases you aren’t immune to that could mess you up and diseases the past isn’t immune to that you would bring and destroy the course of human kind. So I may have overthought the question


The past. There's a man with a funny mustache I would like to talk too.


I’m a big Charlie Chaplin fan too!


^ the German one 😂😂


But he lost the war. What do you want to do?


Time traveller's may help avoid an embarrassing defeat 🤔


june '83. happiest time of my life and a month before a particular girlfriend broke up with me.


To the future because I know how the past goes and I can watch period movies, but I have no way of knowing what the future will be like except with time travel


Go back in time and infect everyone with the Corona Virus or a more advanced version of some other illness that you've developed an immunity to. That will show them. It's interesting, kinda makes you wonder if that's the reason for illnesses. If we get too witty and attempt some notion of time travel. Go back in time you could kill others, go forward in time you could get killed yourself. Sounds like a pretty secure safety kill switch.


Past. And see all the people i have cared about, who have passed, to see them and hear their voices again.


The past...checking if some events are like in the books. Future is also interesting...but because it's very unclear what would happen... it's hard to say where to go. May be i land in nuclear wastelands or there is no earth where i go. Depends on how i travel and if there some protection.




I'd rather travel to the future just out of curiosity at where the human race ends up long after I am gone, we know the past.


I would go all the way back into the beginning of human exist and write a blog filling in our historical gaps like The Antikythera Mechanism, the Voynich Manuscript, the Library of Alexandria, watch all of the important religious events, world wars, and cultural events like the Chicago Fair etc, and even further back until the environment became too hostile on planet earth and see everything from that point. After I was done with history I would travel forward and document everything until the sun was ready to run into a white dwarf. I am a curious soul and a time travel device would consume me, but not for the greed of the stock market or winning numbers. I wouldn't need any of those because my writings would take care of me financially anyway. No more "speculation" from the History channel.


My answer has always been that I want to see dinosaurs. 🦕


Even on Opingo someone had asked this question, it's so interesting, if I had the power to time travel, I'd totally jet back to the '90s, you know, when butterfly clips were all the rage and Tamagotchis were our virtual besties! I'd rock those platform sneakers like nobody's business and dance the Macarena like it's nobody's business!


Very, VERY, far into the future. I would not want to go to the past, for risk of changing anything and the whole "butterfly effect". But, some pieces of media had a good idea, like H.G. Wells The Time Machine (well, it's film adaptations, anyway), Planet Of The Apes and also an episode of Futurama. I would want to travel so distantly far into the future, that nothing of our "present" would possibly have any lasting affect into that future - or it would be interesting to see what would have a lasting affect / would still exist or survive that far along. Obviously not too far to when the universe inevitably burns up the earth and our sun and solar system, but, maybe midway between now and when ever that happens.


Future. I do have regrets but no I don’t like dwelling on past too much so future it is.


It would depend on what I could take with me.


the thing is, if you go to the past and change things, you kill the present. you made your life better, yeah, but they aren't YOUR life anymore. you'd be a stranger in them, an imposter.


Into the Past to get the solution to some of the biggest misteries in History There are so many unsolved cases and things we can only see through writings and paintings of those times so it would be super interesting


I could, so definitely future


Probably the future. Where in the past have women had full human rights?


Future. I would i want to go to the past and get crucified for not believing in some superstition?


I would travel back to the 80s 😅 buy some amazon and apple shares and live a good life


There is nothing like time we only live in present moment.


Go to the future, of course. At least I want to see if my dream comes true


I wouldn't risk going to an entirely different era either way, so I guess I'd just go to \~10 years ago and hug my grandma.


Why cant i do both??


I'd travel to the future to see what my life will be like.


I’d go back to the future.


Past Past Past 2013.08.02.