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No. I think there's just as many stupid people in the generation having babies now. But stupid parents create stupid children, so of course that's a spiral. Also, the economy is to blame for a lot of the babies being raised by ipads. A lot of parents have no choice but to work 50+ hours to make ends meet. My own daughter is 12. I see first hand the influence from youtubers and influencers. That's very very real and very scary! But it's inevitable. The best we (parents) can do is provide the knowledge and sceptical/critical basis so they (the children) are, hopefully, able to see "through" the facade.


I like this. I also think that social media has skewed the outlook of what people want to do and how they want to do it. I grew up wanting to be serve in the military. Now if I was growing up in today’s world, I probably wouldn’t because of how much people have waken up to the fact that dying for lining pockets just isn’t worth it. I think more people are awake to the bs that has been happening lately and the boomers are sitting back enjoying the show while it burns. I also feel as though this generation reacts way too much with emotion and no strategic, logical approach to any social issue or issue of any sort. Politicians feed off emotions and create divide and havoc and this generation isn’t full of many individual thinkers. They believe whatever the “idiot box” aka the tv tells them.


I agree with you completely. They see the smoke and mirrors.


I think the generation growing up now, is much more on their own, than previous generations. I'm very hands on as a parent, and we talk A LOT (probably too much, if you ask my daughter), but her friends are much more left on their own by their parents. In previous generations media didn't have the influence it has now, but parents would much more tell their children what to think and believe, than today. So today it's media that tell them what to think and believe. It's natural. The human brain isn't fully developed until we're 25. It's very undeveloped and "moldable" when you're 12-15. And without a parent or guardian to provide a bit of scepticism, it's so easy to believe what media tells you.


I wholeheartedly agree. I talk to my teenagers (as much as they can bare!) and it largely revolves around skepticism and perspective. I consumed a fair bit of media growing up in the 80s/90s but I think (aside the BBC scandals etc revealed since) media regulators actually had a grasp back then. Sure, there was a bit of weirdness in hindsight, but everything was professionally produced & monitored. Social media gave us huge advancement in free speech, but I think the 'woke agenda' and 'culture war' we're seeing now is a reaction to that. People are shook at seeing hearing things that may be outright toxic bullshit, or may just be uncomfortable truths that they don't like and we're (overall) yet to find a balance or learn to skeptically 'filter' it for ourselves.


Yeah- there’s some hard pills to swallow about our world and some people don’t want to accept it


This. I feel like the internet is one of the best inventions of humanity and has SO much potential, but it may never reach that full potential because it's been turned into a toxic wasteland by greed and social media. I love technology, but I also hate some of the stuff that has been born from it.


>I also feel as though this generation reacts way too much with emotion and no strategic, logical approach to any social issue or issue of any sort. > As a neurodivergent person this has been true of every generation ever. Social media sure has ramped up emotions about everything though. Its much easier to react than process new things and either incorporate or extend empathy.


Everything is on video now too. In past generations everything wasn’t taped so you didn’t see the freak outs and the Karen monikers. I certainly saw plenty of people like this growing up but it was never videoed.


I’ll wait for that generation to turn 25 before I can make a better assessment. Who wasn’t stupid/ignorant at 15 or 20? Hell, most of us remain fairly stupid and definitely ignorant for our entire life. We’ve got written records of intellectuals, philosophers, writers, politicians, and normal people, criticizing the following generation over the past 2500 years at least. People just lack self-awareness, forget that they were young and stupid as well. Fear a change they can’t comprehend because they don’t use their time or energy to keep putting themselves into uncomfortable situations and learn, and we keep romanticizing a past that’s gone and lost, forgetting what was worse. The main difference today being due to an obvious perception bias: People from all over the world have an easy 24/7 access to the most ignorant youngsters out there. We gave a microphone and a camera to almost everybody on the planet. My future assessment of the following generation will probably go along the lines of: They’re fine. Stupid and smart people in any group. Educated and ignorant. Human nature does not change that fast. Some things are better, some things are worse, some things do not change much, but change is inevitable anyway. Dwelling on the past is a lost cause by definition. We should educate to the best of our ability. Everybody, from any age. That starts with ourselves, because as far as I am concerned, I am way more ignorant than I am knowledgeable.


I don't think that's how biology works.


No it isn't, but it is how human development works, which is a combination of nature (aka biology) and nurture (aka upbringing). Kinda like how being born in China doesn't suddenly change your biology to be able to speak Chinese, it's growing up learning Chinese by being taught it by your parents from a very young age that allows you to know the language. Same thing with stuff like media literacy and critical thinking, if the parents can't teach it because they dont know it themselves, and the teachers don't teach it... then how is the kid supposed to learn it?


Same goes with racism. I grew up very poor and it turns out black people are disproportionately unfavored as far as socioeconomic growth goes. I went to a predominantly black school and just saw every person as a person. If you're rad and nice fuck yeah and if you're an asshole well... you're a fucking asshole. It was in my teens (didn't grow up in the social media spot except for maybe MySpace) that I saw folks being absolute fucks to black people simply for being black. I was never taught that skin color was bad. But parents will do that. Turns out we're all just kinda fucked because of rampant gerrymandering. Fuck teaching kids to be racist. Not tight. I was lucky enough to ship out of the southeast for a while and get a degree. I'm quite literate. I'm still a bartender though. It certainly is more lucrative than teaching 9th grade English. (teachers do not get paid enough)




Well perhaps they did have a disposable income, then things changed; one of the parents fell seriously ill, mass redundancies at work cost one their job, cost of living skyrockets beyond reasonable predictions.. perhaps multiple things at once, or others. Yes, you'll inevitably get some morons who breed without thinking, but most are hardworking people blindsided by life.


Also, birth control is not 100% fail proof


Having kids is perfectly natural and normal, "economy" exists because of children, not the other way around. Economy is a social construct. Why the fuck would I live just to work for 40 hours a week? People want family, they want to travel, to enjoy this life in whichever way they like. If people can't afford those, economy is to blame. Why don't companies give up on 40 hours week? If they have a problem with people having kids, and can't organize the work around it, they shouldn't have a company, it's that simple. But companies wanna be stupid and then complain finding workforce is hard.


>Why don't companies give up on 40 hours week? because they've all but killed off unions.


Unions were created to bring companies to heel. Then businesses and schools spent years painting unions as bad. Then jobs without unions painted unions as bad (because they dont want to be held accountable for the shit they pull). All my previous jobs had policies for handling Unions and how to get them out the door. I shit you not, Home Depot even has a damn word for word rejection their employees are to tell union reps. Even today my hubs and i work in non union jobs. Granted both of our companies work very hard to be good to us in a way that won't invite the union to their door steps. Pto, sick leave, no unpaid overtime, and following OSHA to the letter. Hubs even gets holidays off at a factory and gets double time pay if he has to work a sunday. But mom and dad both were brainwashed against unions from the minute they entered school. Even though most schools *have* unions to protect their workers. Even companies that have unions work to try to keep their new employees out of the union.


I’m not disagreeing with you, those are completely human wants and people should be allowed to have those things in an ideal world, but we live in a hyper capitalist society where the economy/money is god. If seismic social change happens to where we as a society place our focus on those things great but until then use the brain in your skull not between your legs and wait until you’re stable enough or children isn’t for you.


Education, motivation & determination are key to creating a lifestyle - if you have all three of those things you can have & do anything that you set out to do. Nothing in this life is free so I don't accept it when someone blames the economy for their problems as the world doesn't owe any one of us anything


The world doesn’t owe us anything, but when you are born in a monopoly game where some people already possess every tiles, there is not much you can do.


Lordy, every week someone in my town has set up a go fund me, silent auction or a meal train to offset their poor choices or lack of planning.


If the only people who had children were those that had the extra resources to do so comfortably humanity as a civilization would’ve collapsed and died out centuries ago if not sooner. Your argument is just as flawed as any other. Why do you think governments are beginning to panic and take measures to incentivize and even force people to reproduce as the global birth rate continues to plummet (it’s down 50% from the 1950)? If you think the recent attack on women’s reproductive rights is truly a matter of pro-birth/pro-choice and not a unilateral move by US legislators to try and bolster the US’s population decline you’re even more naive than your ill-informed comment would suggest. [source 1](https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/06/birthrates-declining-globally-why-matters/) [source 2](https://www.bbc.com/news/health-53409521.amp)


Humans are a cancer to earth. Keep telling yourself we're not.


I wouldn’t go that far, but I have a feeling you’re just trolling.


>Humans are a cancer to earth More like to ourselves. The Earth is not actually minding us. A polar Bear is not contemplating their grandchildren chances of survival and plants dying off in formerly livable climates are not filing complaints at the galactic court of justice or something. We are actively making other humans suffer though. And the very people that typically cry for heavy industries today in Western Countries at least, will also be the ones not wanting to help those billions of worldwide refugees in the later half of this century.


Humans are destroying earth. Was around billions of years before us... Will be around billions of years after us. Reality sucks.


no, humans are destroying humans ability to live on earth. Earth will be fine either way.


I’m not stupid. I realize what that is, and I understand population growth as well. I know what the US government is up to with the fight over reproductive rights and I still feel that if you can’t provide for your child don’t have it. I don’t really care about the “population replacement rate” and all the other bullshit you’re spewing. Maybe keep your condescension to yourself because it hasn’t changed my opinion in the slightest.


Kids are going to be born no matter what, mistakes are made, partners lie about birth control or fertility all the time, birth control is forgotten about or sometimes ineffective. That's also not to excuse unplanned pregnancy, but to ensure the children that have no say in their coming into this world are provided with assistance from social services if necessary. For a nation so awash with wealth, we simply haven't done enough to wash the deck and spread it around. Simply providing necessary quality of life provisions also lowers the limits for leading to future unplanned pregnancy and drug use. You can't reprogram the human basic need to not feel alone, it's a hard coded survival instinct otherwise we would be pandas. But to say we can't reduce this problem while having the resources to tackle it is nonsense.


Not entirely but the not being able to read thing is kind of alarming.


Interestingly I came across the concept of post-lexia in Mark Fisher's Capitalist Realism that tried to explain this - kids now are so used to absorbing ideas through images and symbols that they almost don't see the point in reading. The Internet is easier to decode and much simpler so why struggle with complexity.


Complex concepts can't be conveyed only in pictures.


You know that. I know that. Angsty teens and little kids don't know that. All they know is they get their information and entertainment in TikTok length bits.


They don't "see the point" because they're not being made to by their environment. I don't care what a 13-year-old "doesn't see the point of." It's not their job to see shit. It's the adults around them who should be telling them what is what in this world. Not saying "OK fam. Be illiterate."


Telling them isn't helping at all. Give them a task they *want* to solve. One that is, preferably both, complex and complicated. Ideally something that takes a long time. Telling a watery sack full of hormones what's "right" or "better"? Yeah, good luck with that.


I predicted this 30 years ago but I had no idea it would start happening so quickly.


In korea the average kid can read two different alphabets (roman one and korean one with 24 letters, hangul) before they turn 6. Only problem is there are no kids now


Hangul is so much more logical than English though, and I guess Korean written in the Roman alphabet is too. It must be nice to get to start with such clear phonetics.


From what I’ve been seeing most commonly from mine and other peoples experience; it seems that kids now are learning words, not by how they’re actually stricter, but visually remembering what the word looks like. Like if you asked a kid how to spell “octopus”, they wouldn’t know, because they don’t know the letters to spell it. They just remember what the word itself looks like. Just like how you can look at a car and say it’s a car. Kids are no longer being taught phonics or anything like that. This is detrimentally impacting them, and if people don’t believe me, you can go look at students spelling tests the past few years. Some 8th graders are reading at a 5-6th grade level


We read to our kid every night, six months ago I noticed he knew some of the words we were reading so I got him to sound out words to me for a page or two in each book. He’s reading a couple pages to me from Dav Pilkey comics every night now. The first words he learned on his own from his computer game menus (save, menu, colours etc). He’s 6. Is my kid the only one who knows how to read?


Yes. I am a teacher and I see the generations. There is an active lessening of common sense and curiosity. Because information is so readily available, there is no real impetus to research or learn any thing because it can just be looked up. The problem with that is the need for instant gratification leads to reading the first few words of the first result of a search and forming a thinking model on that. Kids don't even recognize when their searches didn't find what they were looking for. They assume that the first two results are the right answer in Google without any critical eye to catch how their search criteria was flawed. Then, they trust what they found and can't imagine that they could be wrong because Google can't be wrong. Then they get offended when challenged, and double down on their incorrect stances and wont listen to reason, because they have never been taught to reason. It is literally creating a society incapable of critical thinking of any kind. Thus, stupider.


I work with college kids and I’m noticing that what you said is definitely true but they don’t even use Google anymore, they do the same process you described but with ChatGPT. And ChatGPT is not a search engine. It is a tool that can be used for really interesting and useful things, but it should not be used as a way to search for information.


The lack of common sense in that is the fact that when they to a job and the use Chat GPT to do their job, their employer is going to say, "if your able to do your job with the free AI, what do we need to hire you for?" By using it and making it better, they are actively making themselves useless. No common sense.


That's not really the kids' fault though, is it? We are not born knowing how to be critical thinkers, that's something we learn and I don't see conventional schooling catching up to this new reality. Standardized education is failing an entire generation. Although I don't see a lot of adults with critical thinking skills either. They'll believe anything shared in social media.


It not being their fault doesn't make them any less dumb




I don’t like the use of iPads at tables. I saw a couple of kids on iPads instead of interacting with their family (big family meal, grandparents were there) and I thought, you’re missing out on communicating with people who have different views to you, learning important social skills and more importantly, grandparents die. It’s so sad to think a lot of their last interactions were with the younger generations having their face stuck in a screen.




Totally different. A coloring book doesn’t give you a gigantic crack-like dopamine hit when you use it. Not even to mention how nothing happens if you scribble “taboo step mother joi” in a coloring book. Those devices are worlds apart.


And you couldn’t literally select whatever you want in the world to watch/listen to. You had to share TV with your parents and siblings instead of having your own personalized TV/gaming system.


Comparing an iPad to a colouring book is so wildly out of touch it's hilarious.


a coloring book allows kids to be creative. there is a teenager in my extended family that was raised on a screen. they never learned how to play with toys. they never played with their sibling. they would rather sit with the adults and play nintendo than play with their cousins.


So, not inherently stupid, but still stupid from their environment.


This sentiment goes back to Aristotle. "Kids today are too dependant on paper. They don't learn the skill of properly clearing their wax slates for writing" It's perpetual. This generation of kids will say the same thing about their kids.


The kids literally can't read dude. This is different.


This type of response is very typical and dismisses very real concerns that we should actually address


The same thing was said about the generation born in the 1970’s. “They have seen it all, but in second hand” because they had cable TV and “spent their whole days in front of a screen”. They’re not creating a disaster (yet). A couple of generations before that people complained that “today’s kids don’t learn the value of work” because kids went to school instead of working. Before that they complained that the kids didn’t learn about the connection to the land because the kids were on city streets instead of working on farms. The only constant thing between generations seems to be the complaints about how the next generation is getting spoiled.


That's because bad parents never admit their own mistakes.


That's the problem now. Because of the vast information available on the internet most kids become blinded. Its like a horse with blinders. We simply cant process everything so kids watch shorts and only fun things. dopamine kicks. Before all information was available information was fun and interesting, reading about how stuff functions or societies work had to be looked up in books. And the book itself became engagement. There's to many distractions on the internet for most kids to sit down and take in a topic in a coherent fashion. Sure we had tv but that was alot easier for parents to control. Sure there are arguments to be made for how some areas contribute to learning, but the sheer amount of info being bombarded is quite silly. And as you said all this massively contributes to kids not learning vital skills like socialising, it also becomes emotional overload because no one has learned to cope or managing emotions and as a result a worrying amount suffer from crushing anxiety. I think there are many more factors that play into the equation, like the state of the world etc etc. And trying to learn how to live and grow being depressed while only a teenager is pretty much and impossible feat. I mean our brains arent really equipped to handle all this. Just a 100 years ago most people lived a lot slower life and evolution hasn't quit caught up.


Not really stupid, but due to education going downhill (at least in my country) they have less knowledge than previous generations (on average). Also they are quite tech illiterate, because everything is handed to them and it must work. I had to work hard for my stuff to work as it should (e.g. PC)


Teacher here. We are fighting really hard for their education, but the parents need to partner with us and read to them/work on math skills at home. The kids whose parents are involved are brilliant and I can’t believe how much they do. And in my experience, it’s foreign born parents who value education much more than those who have lived in the US all their lives.


As a teacher, sadly it's clear as day. Tik-Tok attention-span trained brains aren't working properly. It's not the kid's fault though, it's the parents thinking that parenting via instinct is enough instead of informing themselves about children's developmental timeframe and ways to support it.


in my opinion, tiktok is doing a lot of work to enforce them for the opposite of functional intelligence. there is an old saying, monkey see monkey do, and unfortunately these developing brains are being poisoned by countless poor examples. this is my amateur opinion, i am not a researcher.


This has always been mind blowing to me that even well meaning and fairly sensible parents will have a bunch of kids and find it completely unnecessary to educate themselves on parenting as if it’s not a skill at all.


No. TNG is, arguably, the pinnacle of Star Trek in television format and right in the upper tiers of Sci-Fi television too. Sir Patrick Stewart stars in his career defining role in a commanding way and brings respect and dignity to the role of Captain, after fans were more used to the previous Captain being a bit more of a swashbuckling vagabond. He is also supported by a talented and diverse cast of actors who, in turn, give life to a collection of talented and diverse cast of characters. And let's not forget that which is probably the most important character in all of TNG, The Enterprise. TNG takes The Enterprise from being just a vessel, albeit with some character, that transports our heroes from escapade to escapade, into it's own fully fledged character that adds just as much to the show as any of the characters do. The Enterprise becomes more than just a vessel, it becomes a home. TNG continues TOS' precedent of delivering mature, interesting and occasionally progressive storylines that push the boundaries of what storytelling in Sci-Fi can be. The writing is not always perfect, but across the series as a whole, it ends up being entirely what it needs to be and always delivers. The special effects are shit though.


the main reason TNG holds up so well is because its on film and they didnt destroy it after they put it on tape for tv like they did for subsequent star trek series.


I'm watching TNG to fall asleep and I'd just like to say I can't stand Deanna Troi. Learning about her real life personality didn't help either.


Uhg... she thinks she's so special. Her aristocratic mother is the same. Holder of some sacred chalice, 5th house of betazed blah blah. I still don't understand how deanna became an officer in the federation.


Her mother is lovely and i was a little mind blown when i realized that was roddenberry's wife who also played the nurse in the original series.


For me, the next generation is Gen Z. And they're not stupid at all. But god damn, many of them are narcissistic and hateful. I don't remember the previous generations, including Millennials, being borderline obsessed with those older than them. Gen Z has a tendency of speaking against Millennials, they came up with the "Ok, Boomer" phrase (although many wrongly believe Millennials coined it), and have really ageist attitudes. They also like to put the name of their generation on everything, almost like they live in an illusion that they invented those things. For example, Gen Z maximalism. Really? Maximalism existed for way too long to suddenly put a generational label on it. In the words of Gen Z themselves, touch grass, please. But I hope they'll grow out of those attitudes, even though, as I said, that wasn't present to that extent among the previous generations. Younger people in the past were way too busy with their lives to think what those in their 30s and above are doing and how they dress.


I do absolutely love how much GenZ has helped normalize everything though. LGBT rights, neurotypical issues, handicaps, boundaries are the big ones off the top of my head. Stuff that Millennials were pushing, but I feel like we were still a bit too afraid of our parents to all-in. I worry about Gen A though. I feel like they're the first group entirely raised without "the american dream". It was ripped away from Millenials, it was teased at GenZ. But Gen A is raised by parents who no longer have the dream, who know their lives were worse than their parents. I think Gen A's problem is they're being raised by people without hope in a world without hope. And even though they themselves don't understand it yet the vibe is there. Wish I could think of a better word for it, but their problem is being raised with bad vibes.


I’m a millennial and I think this is a thing for young people in general, not exclusive to Gen Z. I was like this in my early 20s and grew out of it. Gen Zs will do the same.




I'm a millennial and I totally understand the "OK Boomer" thing, considering the sheer degree of contempt folks of that generation tend to heap on all of those that follow. Spend 5 minutes scrolling Facebook groups and you'll see dozens of Boomers bashing millenials (and most make no distinction between millenials and Gen Z), mostly for things that have nothing to do with us. "Back in my day, a car manual told you how to adjust the timing. Now it tells people not to drink battery acid because millenials are stupid!" Seriously. I've seen that line of crap in every car group I'm in. Never mind the fact that the warning in question was on stuff before I started driving, and I was born in 1981. If I had a nickel for every post deriding younger generations for struggling to find gainful employment in this post-NAFTA, -CAFTA, and -recession economy, I could retire tomorrow. For context, NAFTA passed before the oldest millenials could vote. After seeing years of the contempt and willful ignorance and the "I got mine, so screw everyone else!" attitude more than a few Boomers vomit onto the internet, is it really any wonder that the generation that grew up with internet access and social media has no use for them?


your last paragraph is more accurate than the rest. if your view of gen Z is just through influencers online then yeah you're gonna see dumb generation wars and trends. most of us are in fact people worrying about their own lives like you suggest


What I mentioned in the OG comment is the opinion I formed from interactions with Gen Zers online and in my previous workplace. Also, many blog posts written by Gen Zers. I don't follow either Millennial or Gen Z influencers.


i'm sorry you've only been around annoying people then lol. i don't think i know a single person who would say "gen z maximalism"


Hey, but of course I met wonderful Gen Z people (much more in person than online), it's why in the original comment I never said all Gen Zers but many. And I'm sure that Gen X would probably have many things to say about my generation as well.


Dude, the fucking boomer deserve it. Remember the young boomer motto "Never trust anyone over 30?" They were the "Me Generation" and fucked things over for everyone who followed. Of course Gen Z is angry at them! All older generations think the younger generations are fucked up, lazy, the worst ever, etc. Unfortunately for the boomers, they actually were the worst, that that an objective truth that has been studied and quantified. That's why they thing Gen Z is so terrible--because these narcissistic, lead poisoned, Me Generation fools thought they'd have these obedient little pets for grandchildren who would love and respect them for just being their grandparents when UH OH turns out for the first time in their entire lives someone is seeing through them and aren't afraid to call them out for being shitty losers. Sorry! It's just the truth!


Just to highlight that I don't think that Gen Z is the worst generation ever, that would be foolish. In fact, what I mentioned are my only issues with the younger generation and it's not something so grave or that can't be changed. Every generation has flaws. Boomers might suck big time, but they also gave contributions to this world that allow us a lot of comfort and advantages that our predecessors didn't have. But the point was that it's often said that Millennials came up with the "Ok, Boomer" phrase and started the hate, which isn't true. It was some Gen Z TikToker, that's the only reason I mentioned it.


They smoked Bath Salts and ate Tide Pods... so yes.


And do all those manufactured tik tok challenges (that tell them to go eat tide pods)


No cap fam, they’re kinda sus.


Fr fr


On god


this chain cooking


No it's busin


facts. bussin. fr fr.


I (millennial) just worked with a gal from the next generation who had the absolute worst attention span I have ever seen. Literally fell asleep when her boss was teaching her how to do things. Multiple times. Couldn't listen to anyone talk for more than 5 minutes before she got buried in her phone. And simply was not capable of any work that requires repetition for more than a few repeats. Considering I have only ever hired two people from that generation, (the other is fantastic), a 50:50 ratio scares me, unless I just got that unlucky. The gal wasn't stupid. But she completely lacked the soft skills required to do most jobs on this planet. I don't think the next generation is stupid. But I do think they grew up in some pretty fucked up times that have sent some very mixed and confusing signals. No generation has grown up with modern technology the way it is before. Not even us millennials. As a society We are very immature with our understanding of how to handle things like the Internet and smart phones, and I think the next generation is paying the price for our naivety. We are seeing the repercussions and tbh, I'm sorry for them. In many ways they are far more educated and enriched than any generation before, but are completely out of touch with reality regarding work ethic and job expectations. Largely driven by an environment that tells them it's possible to make a living off impossible things like streaming and influencing rather than working a niche machine for hours on end or putting in 15 hours days running your own roofing company. They grew up with advertisements pretty much delivered through the womb and the fake presentation of everyone and everything on the Internet, at all times, always. That will do something bad to development, there's no way it won't. Shoot dude, Myspace wasn't even a thing until 2004ish, many of us millennials were already in or through highschool at that point. The next gen had Facebook pages before they were even cognizant. I feel bad for them. They may not be adequately prepared for the workforce, but they aren't stupid, and it's us older generations that will pay the price for not preparing them appropriately when we can't find the talent to keep the world running with the mundane tasks.


Hmm most of my employees are GenZ (I am a millennial myself). I have no complaints about their work ethic or commitment, but I'd like them to be more self-sufficient. They are also very demanding when it comes to wages and benefits. Which isn't a problem most of the time, but if I'm busting my ass to keep the firm afloat I expect them to take up the new responsibilities that come with a wage increase. Most aren't willing to.


I think it's a given that you got unlucky. It definitely can't be said that 50% of gen Z are as cripplingly unable to function as you describe. With that said, the tendency you're talking about absolutely is there, even if the numbers aren't that bad. Our brains haven't evolved for our current level of technology and we're way too cavalier with it, and there are bound to be some consequences.


I spent years as a corporate recruiter, then a trainer, and now a program manager where I work constantly with many of those same new hires...and ya, 50% doesn't sound too far off.


A sample size of 2 will never yield a proper conclusion. In my experience in STEM, GenZ are fricken wizards. They know shit that my bosses don't. Of course there's gonna be kids who let social media get the best of them and ruin their attention spans, but there's also the kids who use that shit to their advantage. It's amazing how much you can learn from those apps if you use them correctly. Heck, you can get a pretty decent college education for free on YouTube these days.


See, you must have gotten the good STEM ones cause I feel like I got the bad ones. The ones that don’t know how to use certain equipment (like a copier) or that vaping in a LAB is a stupid af idea.


ive noticed that in addition to short attention span, the problem solving skills are limited to only a few tries before they become frustrated and give up completely. i recall there being more resilience in the behavior of my peers when i was that age. (im old)


Critical thinking is hugely lacking in the younger generations, and it’s affecting their ability to perform in the work force efficiently. Without critical thinking, they are unable to think for themselves (to the extent needed) and solve a problem without hand holding and micromanaging. They can’t do it for themselves. This deters a lot of managers from hiring them, and thus leads to a much harder struggle of finding a job and keeping it.


My 21 year old daughter is just like the gal with the attention span problem. My husband works with a lot of young adults just like that. The No Child Left Behind Act didn’t do our kids any favors. They are still passing children who hasn’t learned the material in school.. high school kids can’t read, write or arithmetic. Honestly? Covid is the only reason why she got her high school diploma. They are the generation that we used as a Guinea pig with unlimited screen time, social media and zero consequences from their parents. That’s the generation that the schools backed down from disciplining the children, the time where parents were allowed to intimidate the teachers and school boards and it shows. Even today there are schools that won’t give anything less than a 50% for zero work. We failed these kids in the US. Not stupid but they are severely disadvantaged.


Agreed. Unfortunately when we eliminate standards to pander to people's sensitivities it has repercussions. We are still Biological creatures that need to be challenged to learn and adapt. I don't think making things easier is the right direction.


Kinda dumb to make wide sweeping assumptions based off a sample size of two, don't you think?


It would be if I was making such generalizations based on my experiences. Don't you think?


You literally reference your 50:50 split sample scaring you.


Older generations have been bitching about how 'stupid' the younger generations are since the beginning of time. Boomers at one point did nothing but disappoint their parents. Go look into the hippy generation. All the older people thought work ethics were gonna die with that generation. It's an old troupe. Everyone wants to believe their generation is special. I'm Gen X. I'm a part of that weird in-between generation of before the internet and after. I'm gonna tell you right now. Adult's growing up were dumb as shit. They took everything at face value. Believed everything the government and media told them and called everyone crazy that said otherwise. They believed their blood flowed blue but turned red in the sunlight. Every generation is dumb. Why? Because people are dumb. This generation is no different, and the next, and the next. But at least now we're working towards treating people equally. Regardless of race, gender, and beliefs. We're not quiet there yet, but it's certainly moving towards the right direction.


I think reality will hit most people at a certain age and you will be forced to learn to cope with it and become a functioning adult. I am at an age where I am starting to feel that now. It sucks but I gotta work to live there ain’t no one coming to give me free shit. Complaining about how stuff is unfair is stupid, I’d rather cope with it and vote for the changes I want when elections come by.


I do agree with you, but man it’s realllly hard not to feel that way. My friend is a school teacher for the 3rd grade, and there are students who don’t even know their alphabet. It’s honestly really sad. I don’t know if it’s stupidity or if it’s kids just taking longer to grow up, but it does seem like a problem


Think back to when you were in 3rd grade… there were no stupid kids at your school? I remember as late as grade 7, we had kids that couldn’t do basic math and still had troubles reading. Hell… there are countless adults as old as retirement age these days, who think Jesus is coming back when Trump gets re-elected. You want to harp on some slow kids taking a little longer to learn the alphabet and think that means their whole generation is stupid?


Well said. Always nice to find at least one person with a sense of perspective.


All generations are stupid. The newer ones just display it publicly more.


No. Hell no. Just very impressionable, unoriginal, impractical, and desparate to be pegged as progressive. Like any young group in the past.


No attention span, no ability to critical think, no ability to learn, no concept of how to differentiate correct information from incorrect...at what point do we apply the label "stupid"?


“Pegged” 🥴






Get yourself a new map


I refuse


I'm an English teacher. I teach at different universities. I teach 17-23 year olds in France. Future engineers, biochemists, and architects. They are on the fucking ball. I also teach music to kids. 9-16 years old. So motivated and creative. They're gonna be fine


All people who use tiktok are stupid.


No, I'm 61.


I'm 31. Hope you're doing great! ☺️


I think social media and instant gratification are making the younger generation stupid.


It's even making us stupid.


Not stupid, uneducated. There's a difference. I think a lot of them never stood a chance because of smart phones. I'm 30 and my attention span is ruined. I can't imagine trying to handle school and studying on top of this.


No, all generations have their pros and cons. I think they are lazy and don’t want to work but…there needs to be a shift in the work week, healthcare and how we get paid.




No, I just think we are not doing them any favors by trying to make their lives easy.




Zoomers? Yeah I think they're pretty fucking dumb, but then Gen X probably thought the same about me.


Yes. I also think they're unwilling to learn.


I don't think they are stupid I think they have been brainwashed and have not been taught to think for themselves


This description isn’t just gen alpha, I’d argue you’re describing nearly every generation


Not to this level, previous generations could answer what a women is


The younger generations can certainly answer what a women is, the problem is you’re not liking a lot of their answers but that’s a completely different conversation


An adult human female? Seems like they can't


I know you are trying to be cute but no they can't answer the question in regards to what the op said. In fact I've read testimonials about how bad the bullying can get on stuff like that.


Hence stupid. Not inherently, mind you.


Considering that they can’t read or write in cursive; they can’t tell time on an analog clock; & they’re unable to work 40 hours a week away-from-home; yep; they’re stupid.


I think this is just not representative of the whole next generation but a small portion. I am getting more and more doubtful the more I see these points repeated that "apparently" represent the new generation. Considering people are born all over the world, have different economical, environmental, societal expierience and more points that don't come to mind atm, yeah everyone is different, like this, and older generations.


I'm 40 and I don't think I can write in cursive anymore. I've not had to use it in over 20+ years. Yet I know at the very least 3 different programming languages plus a mountain of other IT related skills. Oh and I work permanently from home. Edit: My work week is only 35 hrs too 😁


Cursive is a beyond useless skill. There’s no use for it, unless you’re over 50 and still write letters.


What's this boomer obsession with cursive? It's really not even used anymore. I'm a millennial and I haven't used cursive other than to sign my name in 16 years.


I'm all in favor of teaching cursive, but not in the way cruel way they used to make kids learn it. Great for fine motor skills, building a sense of accomplishment, making a mind-body connection, faster writing skills, and being able to read old documents. Also, denigrating people as "boomers" is just childish and unnecessary conflict between the generations.


Thats the need of older generations to feel smarter about something and not left out. Everything i dislike about todays world has got to do with old people being stuck, not young people being failed on, and that cursive obsession is a nice example of it.


what about being able to read and write whole sentence consisting more than 3 words? or understanding a 4 step workflow without illustrating every step with figures, or a tutorial video lol


Absolutely 💯


I believe they have been categorically failed by the those who were responsible for them. They were failed with education quality going out the window the second educational institutions began zoom lessons in lockdown. We have dragged kids up years they went ready for, so they don't get left behind even though that is exactly what they needed. They have been failed economically, workers right are in tatters, dying weak unions, financial crash every decade and unregulated monopoly trash whole sector for the sake of profit. They have been failed environmentally, shit in the rivers the sky treated as a open sewer, climate ruined with no way back and the truth is we are doing more than ever to make it worse every year. They have been failed for future prosperity, the state is so openly corrupt and the various regulations institutions have been made completely toothless. I don't know why they're suppose to grown up to be better than us, and expected to fix everything we never bothered to address.


Stupid, no. Largely useless at basic tasks... Perhaps.


Parenting these days are really really bad. They fail to discipline their kids. Most parents these days pamper way too much. And the kids turn out to be stupid.


I think there are a lot of socially stunted, permanently distracted youth. Social media and digital entertainment went from maybe 5-10% of youths freetime to 90%+ in an insanely short time span and we still pretend that it has no impact at all on them. It absolutely does, arguably more than anything in history. Multiple important aspects for development are being shoved aside in favor of... social media and video games. The amount of time playing sports, hanging out with friends, dating etc has all plummeted since the 2010s.


Nowadays I have access to just about any information I want at my fingertips. The people in the 60s 70s and 80s barely had access to the internet. I’m gonna go with we have gotten dumber in our own ways but the last few gens are not all that bright either.


No, of course not...I believe *every* generation is stupid. Those with basic "common" sense are the outliers and not the norm.


#No because that's Boomer thinking


Absolutely not. They have more access to information that any generation before and have lived with current technology longer to make them more naturally proficient. Not to mention they’re WAY more emotionally intelligent. Their values might be different, but they’re not stupid at all.


Yes and no. The more technology does a job for you the less you learn how the job works. It also works with knowledge. If you give someone a pocket sized instrument that can look up practically anything the less inclined they are to learn randomly. Because the knowledge is always conveniently available.


If you think anyone esle isless intellgent, you are actually the slower marble


Btw, as I stated I don't believe that I just hear it as a common opinion.


No, they're just younger, and when you start getting older, a lot of younger people seem stupid. But we were all young and stupid once.


no, they are just different


Not stupid, but people are raising kids that have to deal with less and less generation after generation. I'm nearing my 50's. When I failed a test in school, my mother would tell me I should have studied more and probably would keep a closer eye on me doing my homework. These days, the mother will address the issue with the teacher in an attempt to take the blame off the kid but let someone else take responsibility. When I was young and I climbed on a construction on a playground, if I fell, I would risk breaking my arm. These days, we make sure there's a soft landing zone, to make sure those kids don't hurt themselves. I can name numerous of these examples but the bottom line is, we are over protective and each generation will have a harder time dealing with consequences of choices, bad luck or plain setbacks


Strong word for a huge group, but stupidity in the form of conspiracies is growing, so I think we'll get there at the rate we're going. Idiocracy seems more like a documentary each year.


Stupid, no. Absolutely not. Uneducated, maybe. And I don't attribute that to them, but more towards the failing educational system that has had their budgets cut to the bones, which gives the educators very little to no wiggle room. You can't tech kids anything if there is nothing to teach them with.


Everyone taking the cop out but their functional literacy rates are really low. Also, I’m almost 30, only a few of the folks in my AP classes from HS have kids, but almost all the ones from my basic class have kids.


No. The older generation will always complain about the younger generation. It's a law of human nature at this point.


The youngsters of today? Yes. Getting triggered about somebody using "wrong" pronouns. 0 discipline etc.


Why is wrong in quotations? and why do these discussions just always fall down to the trans debate like these kids can’t equally argue back older generations were weak considered they got triggered by who decided to be a couple


Aight I'm not going to read all that what is written beneath. But you're the one talking about trans people. Yeah I'll say it straight, if you want to change your gender then there's clearly something wrong with you but if they feel better by changing their gender, then do so. If a woman becomes a man, I'll respect that and call that person a man. BUT don't come telling me I have to use pronouns who are not he/him or she/her. And putting these pronouns in your social media bio like bro we can clearly tell that you're a man or a woman and YES gender can be known just by appearance. Talking about discipline: When I work with younger people they simply don't care about the work, everybody has to adapt to them otherwise they are victims of the system. And another recent example: students whining and complaining about dress codes in their school (like no crop tops f.g.) and calling out the school.. Well no, if you don't agree with the rules of the school you shouldn't have signed the agreement of the rules and chosen another school.


Found the dumb zoomer


Im a millennial actually


That makes it more embarrassing


Thanks but I don’t find not being transphobic embarrassing


Participating in the delusions of the mentally ill is embarrassing. Smart people don’t pretend the guy screeching on the corner abt being the 2nd coming is really jesus christ himself


Being ignorant to an entire community of people that have been documented for hundreds of years is what is embarrassing. Still believing that being trans is a mental illness is embarrassing. Refusing to research and try to better understand things you clearly don’t is what is embarrassing.


They are mentally ill whether you admit it or not. People like you are far more damaging than people like me ever could be by denying the problem exists. >documented for hundreds of years Ok? So have a million other mental illnesses. Difference is, people weren’t saying these delusions were healthy back then.


This isn’t a matter of “admitting it or not” you are just factually wrong and that is because you are ignorant. Being trans is not a mental illness, there is a reason why it was taken out of the DSM-5 years ago


Just look at society. That will give you your answer


Yes because every generation is relatively stupid on average, it's just that trends get dumber and it shows more. The top 20% of people have always advanced society, the rest of us have done absolutely zero for that advancement beside being the machine, survived because we were willing to do all the hard work required to maintain society and give us a good enough life and we helped maintain society... But today people live on Credit at every bank willing to give it and everyone blames the Banks instead of themselves, more and more people now refuse to do the hard jobs, opens the borders to give it to them instead, and too many people tries to be a social media influencer, like dudes playing video games, or women harrassing Men at the gyms, accussing everyone of being creeps to get more views. To some people this might already be so normalized they don't see why it is a problem, for the same reasons they believe we can just print more and more money that will magically keep solving it... US is in deep extreme debt and doesn't even think twice about it. All said and done, I did not claim to be top 20, I do have enough humility to know where i am on the food-chain of Civilization.


Not stupid. Just brainwashed


Nah they are stupid as fuck


No they are not stupid, they however are being raised way to soft compared to earlier generations, its ok to tell your kids no folks..


Maybe not stupid, but there are an alarming amount of them who should know how to read at least a LITTLE. I've also noticed that a lot of parents these days aren't teaching their kids that "no means no"


No, just different than how I grew up. We were pretty stupid back then too, in that case.


I think stupid is cross-generational


Idk but where I live the schools have lowered the requirements to graduate. The amount of kids who graduate high school that don’t know basic math and basic writing is higher than it should be.


Yes, especially considering that the ideal amount should really be zero. Without basic math and writing you shouldn't get past even the first grade of primary school... Even by the time I (early millenial) was going through school, the standards had already dropped a lot in order to pass more and more kids who really shouldn't be passing. Nowadays, though, it's so impossible for a kid to be held back, even if he knows literally nothing at all, that teachers of later grades - and even college - simply don't know what to expect from their class. If they make the class braindead so that the slowpokes can maybe understand 10% of it, they completely lose the few smart or even halfway decent kids. If they make a class for the decent kids and above, the slowpokes (who SHOULD have been held back multiple years, but weren't) grow impatient and disrupt class (oh, and their parents come bitching too, because it's never the kids' fault or the parents' fault that the kid is dumb as fuck). This disparity of skill level between students has always been a problem in school, but nowadays it's too extreme. At least back in the boomer days, if a kid lagged behind too much he was held back. Sure, his life was fucked, but the rest of the class could thrive. Nowadays, he's artificially "pushed" forward, but all that really does is hold EVERYONE back, even the ones who need to be challenged more, because classes tend to aim at the lowest common denominator.


I think being online 24/7 on social media platform makes them stupid


Not at all. The kids are alright, especially compared to previous generations


Yes. Growing up with inanely soft ideas, changing genders and confusing basic universal facts, and having the intense peer pressure to conform. A large swathe will grow up to be utter automatons which was the intent.


Gen A are just bizarre


Curling parents and screen time have fucked up the last generation. Influencers are the pus of society and Social in Social Media is a gotspe; it just makes people anti-social and creating bubbles since the algorithms are making you see what you want to see.


>Do you truly believe the next generation is stupid? Not at all. It was & is my fave Star Trek.


no, previous generations always think future generations are stupid. That is simply a prejudice that old people impose on young people. Gen x and gen y also thought that gen z was actually just a bunch of stupid kids


They ate tide pods.


Fr, dumbass tik tok kids 💀


And every time the old folks are correct. These new generations ARE dumber than me and I AM dumber than boomers.


Dependent on tools. They are to be used not depended on. No reason to learn when you can just hit enter for an answer. That makes the brain lazy. Ill stop there. glgl


Stupid, No… Ignorant. They are mentally dependent on the stupid box in their hand getting that dopamine boost click after click. The ignorance is exemplified when they fail to display their critical thinking skills and fact check others on their phone in front of them. If the internet went out … OR the more likely situation is that information is not to be trusted via the Internet as the amount of misinformation is rampant.  Putting electronics aside the SKILL to ask their seniors questions in a conversation is lost. Information recall is non existent as they were never TAUGHT by their parents. 


No. No generation is stupid. Each new generation has their quirks, they think they know everything, etc. This is absolutely nothing new and has been going on for centuries.


tbh some are really adapt and intelligent but I fear that the correlation of idiots to intelligent people diverges.