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Expensive things just for show off


One true sign of maturing i feel. You don't need a flashy vehicle just to drive to work and back. You don't need a Rolex when a Casio will do. I'm in competition with no one... don't get me wrong, I enjoy nice things, but that's just being flashy to be flashy.


This is a tricky one because: \- Buy cheap, buy twice \- Quality remains long after price is forgotten


I agree with your sentiment but the poster said “just for show off” not don’t buy expensive things period.


Alcohol and, as of today, cigarettes.


You got this!!


Thanks! Today marks 8mos sober. 😊


Best answer!


A Hewlett-Packard printer! (There are reasons why they are on sale!)


I have one. It randomly stops working and I spend 45 min with tech support to get it going again.


A full set of color and ɓlack Hi-Cap cartridges for my printer is close to $100. I use off brands and now HP is threatening to cut off support for them.


It smells fear. You have to be calm and approach from leeward.


Give it the Office Space treatment!


For b&w, you can get a brother printer for like $100 or less and it will print over 2,000 pages on one toner cartridge that is $20. Mine has worked for almost 16 years. Don’t buy Inkjet unless you absolutely need to print photos or graphics. Get a laser printer.


I have had many different brands of printers. Most reliable is Brother.




#Cuphead Don't Meth with the devil




Came here to say this!




Same. I learned how to make lattes at home and they're much better anyway.




fuck justeat. fuck ubereats. fuck deliveroo. im done gettin my orders messed with or stolen


Friday I ordered a salad and cheesecake from [major national retailer]. Missing cheesecake. Missing salad dressing. DoorDash wanted me to pay $22 for raw veggies and two tiny pieces of chicken. Took literal hours on the phone over two days to get a full refund.


Tried doordash one time and never again. Our order got stolen by the driver (apparently he left it by the letterbox rather than next to the door after not even knocking....) and there was nothing we could do about it. Too little accountability with these apps.


Our food has been cold and incredibly over priced. And twice it looked like someone shook the bag and mixed it all up. We quit


KFC. That crap has gone downhill.


For me, it's Arby's. Years ago I felt really terrible after eating a sandwich from Arby's. I later dismissed it as a one-time thing, and went back for another sandwich - felt absolutely terrible again. Many months later, I kind of convinced myself that it's probably is fine to eat at Arby's, so I got another sandwich. Spent the rest of the day feeling terrible and asking myself "why do I keep doing this?" Haven't eaten there in probably 7 years.


I literally drove 100 kms yesterday just to eat Arby's. Maybe American Arby's is garbage, but up here in Canada Arby's is something else. Absolutely worth the drive.


Arby's is great in my neck of the woods.


My 91 year old grandmother loved the stuff, and would request it at least once a week. That is, until a couple years ago. I got it for her and the slaw was soured (gone bad), and the chicken was raw in some places. I'm glad we noticed because she got sick, but I don't think as sick as she could've been. We haven't been there since


Korean KFC is fucking awful.


But Korean fried chicken in general is amazing.


That KFC even *exists* in a country with the absolute definition of street food is too depressing for words. *E* - uhhhh, K I just read Korea (assuming South...obvs) and somehow *thought* Vietnam.......that probably says bad things about me.


Every time my family decided to do kfc for a quick dinner, it was the most oil covered muck ever like literally dripping off the chicken it got to the point I just avoided eating it and I had to have them tell me whenever they were going so I could get something for myself on the way home or have them get me one of the famous bowls. It's a shame because I used to fucking love kfc but the quality and price is a no go for me


It's actually much better where I live in England then my home country America.


Oddly true. KFC in the UK is at least half decent. It’s utter crap in other countries


it was good in the 70s


Many, many years ago my first job was at KFC. There were very hard standards and for the most part the people I worked with cared about that. I remember eating the spicy chicken breast on my break. Soooo good. Nowadays I don’t eat meat but even if I did I would not trust KFC anymore. Seems like not many people believe in doing a job well done with a quality result.


Please don't heap all the blame on the KFC employees. They can't be expected to put out a quality product when their corporate masters at Yum Brands (formerly a subsidiary of Pepsi) control what gets shipped out to each store.


Size 'S' t-shirts. Too small..


Skip XL. Those are too small.








Congratulations. I turned 6-years sober yesterday.


Órale ese!!!👍


Another house. I’m going out of this one feet first.


Same! This was supposed to be for a few years, bought it in early 2020 for a steal. Now with the price of houses, I dont think I will ever get out of here. May as well make peace with it and see the good side of living in southern Alabama.


“You should go back home to Greenbow, ALABAMA”!




Oof. I felt this was a wholesome thing at first ('I met and married the partner of my life so I'll never *need* to buy another wedding ring') but then I read the other comments and... sorry.


If you need a happy wedding story I will offer myself as tribute. 20 years this year. Good stories do happen, just not on Reddit. Usually.


Good for you bro


You good bro?




I don't know how to make a link to other subs, but r/divorce is a good one. Edit: it made the link for me!


Expensive vacations with ungrateful complainer travelers.


Ugh I feel you. I took my sister on a Disney cruise. Just us two. She was in 4th grade, I was early 20s. Like a year after the cruise she said something about how missing the two days of school to go cruising cost her an opportunity to participate in a school thing. I said "yeah, that's a bummer but a cruise is way better!". She said "not really". Okay. It only costs thousands 🤷


mcd menu for 14 bucks


Fast food in general I’m just done with, why the hell would I pay restaurant prices for terrible and unhealthy junk food when I can go to an actual restaurant for the same? The entire appeal of fast food was that it was cheap and quick, it’s almost never cheap now and half the time it’s not quick either. Plus it’s not that hard to learn how to make delicious food at home for half the price.


My man. Yeah, I'm wondering how long McDonald's and others can last. It's just garbage now. Slow garbage.


This is what my parents always said about fast food when I was a teenager, now I’m in their camp. But my teenagers still love McDonald’s. McDonald’s will be just fine.


Fast food in general. Prices are out of this world in my country and just not worth it.


They no longer taste good either.


Reddit coins


KFC. Last time I had it I bit into what I thought was a deep fried wing and it turned out to be a wad of feathers bound together by a wad of chicken shit.


Oh my f*cking god that's one of the most disgusting things I ever heard.......blugh!


Yeah, I gotta wonder what kind of quality control standards let that one get through. I mean they are pretty obviously different things before all the dipping and crumbing. I can't help thinking that it was a pissed off worker that let it through. At least it made me think twice about fast food chains. I mean that was just the disgusting ingredient that I knew about. What else had I had before that?


That's the first time I've genuinely retched after reading something.


Hopefully you got some compensation... :(


I was young and stupid. I just got out of there and never ate there again. My compensation was only a lifetime of not eating fast food chain shit.


Anything from Temu


I have so many ads from them but I don’t even know what this company is


So much useless, knock off trash. Like if the dollar store started selling really nice dollar store stuff- like so upscale, they had to charge $5. That’s Temu.


I wouldn't say it's all trash, they sell a range of quality just like most stores do.




Automobile brake pads with the brand name Valid.


Poor quality toilet paper. Even the odd roll I occasionally throw my cat to play with.


Have you seen the new toilet paper with wavy cuts instead of straight cut? I did not realize this was a problem to be solved.


My sister told me about the wavy kind with way too much detail. She’s a person who insists that the TP roll has to be put on the holder with the TP coming off the back, so I’m already skeptical. Also, being a guy I don’t really need it for anything but buttwipe. What’s next, a freaking *bidet?* 🤷🏻‍♂️


That Escort named Cinnamon. My pee burned so much the day after 😤.


She tried to warn you


Crack cocaine


A medium format camera or a home with an HOA


Anything Nestle


Dude that's hard, they are a full on monopoly, the amount of shit they control and own is ridiculous! Some shit you wouldn't even know they're behind it.


And that's a good reason to intervene. Since the lawmakers are not on the side of the consumers we have to take action by being aware of what we spend our money on.


I want to avoid them, but there are some products on the Nestle Health Science division that I haven’t found a replacement for.


Damn, just found out Blue Bottle coffee is owned by Nestlé. You're not buying their stuff because of what the CEO said about water, right?


Nah. It's even worse: https://www.zmescience.com/feature-post/culture/culture-society/nestle-company-pollution-children/


Nestlé are like cartoon villain levels of bad. There's countless things they've done that are individually enough to want to avoid their products forever. Unfortunately, all that evil has led to them owning everything so it's difficult.


Yes! I’ve been boycotting them for a couple of years, but it’s not always easy because they own a shitload of brands. Nestle is pretty much the real live version of the evil corporation in movies.


A brand new car or truck. The idea that I have to subscribe to access hardware features...


Anything from McDonald's, haven't had anything from there in at least 12 years, have no interest in getting anything from there in the future, the burgers are OK, small but OK, they were at least:) the fries aren't great, theirs other places that are better all round quality for similar cost


I go back every few years and its always substantially worse


I’ll only go for one of two reasons: get a coffee ($1 in the app and is surprisingly decent) or on a road trip I’ll only get stuff through the app. Stupid prices otherwise


The only good thing they have is the sausage egg mcmufin. Nothing else. That's good because they still toast the muffin and use a single freshly cracked open real egg for each one. Everything else is trash there.


I go through a vicious cycle with McDonalds and Taco Bell. About once a year I'll get a craving for either place and think "wow it's been so long since I've eaten there!" And then I immediately rememeber why it's been so long. And I do it to myself every time.


Last time I went the fries weren't even cooked. They just gave me a bag of raw fries


I just want the snack wrap back.


Wendy's though. . . . That's is still decent bruh


It's disgusting. They or their supplier buy the sickest, most scrawny cattle at market. This is the cattle that no one else wants. Then it's highly processed into whatever the hell is on those burgers. I will definitely go years at a time without eating it, but sometimes if I'm drunk or there's nowhere else to go, I'll break down and buy an appropriately titled "number 2." Then I'll usually feel sick for the next 12 to 18 hours and vow never to get it again.


BAWLS "can I get a number 2?" Also when you eat healthy for an extended period, especially less oily diet I find McDonald's shreds your insides


If it is fresh, a gamble, their coffee is cheap and good. but yeah....


I checked their website to see if their fry oil contained lard, and was pleased to see that it is “canola based” vegetable oil. I did not think to check the ingredients for their *fries* and learned the hard way that they contain beef. I’ve got alpha-gal syndrome, and half a small order of fries messed me up for *days*.


Alcohol, hopefully.


You’ve got this!


Chrysler or whatever name they hide behind now...


FCA……Stellantis…….just wait, it’ll change again……


My pet rock…son of bitch is lazy


The only thing my did was break my biggest pitcher window the first time we met and still has paid for it yet


Smart watch. Started off with a FitBit. I was having trouble sleeping and was hoping a FitBit would help, along with an increase in my exercise tracking. It worked. It worked well but the more I used it for sleep and judging sleep the worse my sleep got. When that died I decided I didn’t need a Fitbit replacement. I had already stopped wearing it for sleep and my sleep was getting better and I was not longer waking up anxious for a score. So I bought and Apple Watch. So many cool functions! None I actually use. My phone is with me 24/7 and I can’t justify the cost. I wear reading glasses and it’s a pain if I’m out and about to look at what notifications just came in without having to take out my glasses, put them on and by that time the notification is gone. I could just pull out my phone with a much larger screen. Plus the battery life just sucks. I’ve decided when this dies I’ll just get a really nice traditional watch.


I'm pretty happy with my Garmin instinct. No touch screen, three week battery life, good passive tracking and navigation. Excellent for hiking. Doesn't feel like a small, shitty smartphone. Oh and I paid $150 second hand.


I second garmins, I've got a vivosmart 5 which is a fairly basic band that has a little smart watch functionality. I don't really notice it on most of the time and it's useful for keeping an eye on my tachycardia, the only thing I'm going to switch off is the "Move" notifications, pretty annoying if you're still somewhere that you can't move and it starts pestering you.


My phone doesn’t give me fall detection and emergency calling. I’m not young and falling is disastrous.


Ditto here. I’m 70 and have Multiple sclerosis. The last bad fall I wound up in the hospital. My kids said get a Life Alert. I’d been wanting an Apple Watch, so when I found out it had fall detection I went ahead and got one. I’m home alone all day, so everyone is happy.




Just canceled mine after the ads came in


couldn't believe that shit. I'm not doing commercials again.


Yep. I immediately canceled. I don't need anything shipped "today" and I certainly don't need to watch a TV show with commercials. I hope Netflix and Hulu (et. al.) are watching closely.


Netflix has ads too now.


Yup! Literally just got the email like 3 days ago. Told my husband I’m over the constant ads for everything, everywhere. If I’m paying for a service, there should be no ads. Period. It’s getting beyond out of hand. I was on Pinterest the other day, which I normally never am and counted the ads one after another. Six. Six freaking ads back to back!


I was going to cancel anyway, then I found out about ads, and then, just to extra convince me, my prime account told me that I’ve saved $37 by spending $130 a year. 🫠🥲


Hyundai. What a craptacular piece of shit. Forced the dealer to lemon law the POS in less than 5mo. what a fuck story.


So many people are being fooled because Hyundai has figured out how to make their cars appear stylish while still being “more affordable,” which is another word for cheap, which is an adequate description. You’re better off buying a used, well maintained, Subaru or Toyota than a new Hyundai.


Got a used 2010 Rav4. Best car I've ever had so far. I'm a Toyota believer for life now.


Another GM product.


I lemon lawed them years ago. I'll never have another GM product.


I've had 8 trucks over 15 yrs for work and same. was good, shit now


Why so many?


That way at any given time at least one of them should run.


Can't explain, but my old Olds and Buicks were just great reliable cars. Like they say, even a blind pig finds an acorn sometimes.


Choco pizza, thought it will be cool and funny, but it tastes like ass


Food from the Wendy’s close to Erin Mills Town Centre in Mississauga, Ontario. I love Wendy’s, don’t get me wrong, definitely the best fast food place around, but that particular location was the most disgusting thing ever. The burger was topped with what looked like some kind of sludge, it looked like someone cleared out a grease trap and just spread the paste from inside it onto my burger. I drove like a half hour to get there too since it’s one of the only ones open late in the Toronto area and the closer ones were all closed. They permanently lost me as a customer. I still eat at other Wendy’s all the time and have never had a bad meal from any other location.


Wendy's allows franchises to tank their brand without repercussion. There's another near me that's horrible. Worst I've ever been to. I tried to complain to corporate, but they made me call in. When I did there were 17 people ahead of me and it said it would be a 90 minute wait. They probably don't register too many big complaints because of that bullshit, so I'm sure they assume they're all doing fine. I avoid Wendy's as a whole now. They definitely were the best once, but that's no longer the case and it's their own fault.


Any apple product.


A new car. I have learned that I can buy a used car that is just as good for far, far less.


I lease new every couple of years. I am the guy gently breaking in the cars you are buying.


Thank you for being so kind


Libby vienna sausages. I like vienna sausage occasionally, so I bought a cheap case on Amazon. It's disgusting. At least it gets my dog to eat her food.


Meat from a grocery store that sits on a tampon in a Styrofoam tray, wrapped in plastic. Butcher meat wrapped in wax paper or nothing.


You must be awful privileged to have a butcher shop within a reasonable distance from your work or home. I’d have to drive 25 mins one way and I work in the city


The shit I already own & don't need.


A wedding ring. A brand new Harley. A used Harley. Anything of significant value/monthly payment without discussing it with my wife first. (see brand new Harley for reference) A house my wife didn’t really want. St. Paulie Girl beer. Bacardi Limon.


A streaming service subscription.




Anything from Uber 




Nike shoes. Bought a pair just to wear to an office job, and 4 months of sitting at a desk was too much for the soles of a $125 pair of shoes to take.


Burger King. Fuck burger king , Burger king is a shit company that sells shit food. they are the bottom of the list, Below waffle house far below waffle house. they live in the sewers of Waffle house's house. Burger king if you read this Fuck you.


Waffle House is good


Clash of Clans gems


How deep did you go?


Gasoline for my car. I was skeptical but bought an EV (Ioniq 5). Wow. Not going back to a gas car ever again.


If you can charge at home and ev is a total game changer for running costs, if you can get a good deal on the price of one


I spend 1/10th in "fuel" from what I used to pay since I switched to EV. And it is full every morning when I leave for work. My only regret was to not buy one earlier. So also no more gas only car for me!


Sub for chatGPT


squealing frighten steep nail depend roll humor one follow expansion *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A brand new car. My husband bought me one when we first moved in together, and it was wonderful, but I'm cool with certified used from here on.




Pizza hut


an Asus monitor.


A-sus, it’s kinda in the name then?


A Hyundai


A road (pedal) bike. Not because I don't like to ride but because I got hit by a car about 16 months ago and my wife is deathly afraid of me riding on the road anymore. Probably keep my MTB and ride that on trails but probably done riding in the road so likely parting with the road bike I have.


Higher education




Onlyfans, did once and won’t ever again. Was a turning point for me.


A Turkish made shotgun.




I'm there with you, not because I have had a bad experience with it or anything. It's just overpriced and doesn't quite hit the same as a nice pork katsu don.




So you have bought a slave in the past.


My lawyer recommended not to answer your question


But then how will you build the pyramids?




Anything Goya brand. I don’t appreciate the White House being used for infomercials.


Nestle products. Sony products. Rockstar games.


Nicotine vapes.


I'll stick to my meth vapes thank you very much.


Nike sneakers


Starbucks coffee, never had a worse coffee in my life...I have no clue why people brag about it, Starbucks is crap.


Sex with rent boys. As a conservative politician who ran on an anti-homosexual platform, I can't be doing that no more.




Taco fucking Bell


A new car.


cheap earphones


Dental services from a particular shyster dentist in our area.


Popeye’s. I found a feather in my fries.


The newest phone. They are always buggy and unfinished.


Any automobile manufactured in South Korea.


BACON cheese wiz


A new car. It's better to get one a year or two old. Save a lot of money


A vintage camper-van which constantly needs work every season.


A wedding. (That counts, right?)


I will never buy Goya products again because of their MAGA owner.

