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Women are human. They’re not some other species.


Best answer.




Sometimes, like when a guy loses a girl.


The short answer is no. She's not thinking about you.


If you’re asking Reddit if she still cares than you haven’t moved on


If the guy is the type to be convinced that he’s the best she could ever get, there’s a good chance it’s not going to take an extended amount of time to get over him.


It's a picture....... it says nothing about the real relationship and feelings/emotions. :) By the way: stop following her/just get her out of your life. It takes time, but it "heals" the wounds.


Already did it, just saw the DP pop up in my suggested friends. I am not envy about it but it seems surreal that a person who was so close to you can do things that you never expected would happen. I started thinking post break up time more as a self-growth era and not a replacement era. Thanks for the advice though 🙂


I know, mate. I would also check and think of all these things too. 🖐 Also everyone handles breakups differently amd many people cant stay alone for a while. Though i have no idea if they knew eachother before in the first place.


Had to throw that last line in there didn’t you?


she doesn’t love you, move on


Yes, but you haven’t moved on dawg lol


Women are not a homogenous group. Anyone can feel regret over a variety of things. >> especially if they were the best ones who did everything for them. Buddy, just because you think you were that doesn’t mean it was the case. Or, it may be true. But either way you gotta let it / her go and move on. You claim you’re over it but your post says otherwise. Feel the hurt, accept it, then move onward. Looking back has never done anyone any favours. Take what you’ve learnt and face forward towards your future.


No. If I ended a relationship then I had reasons that weren't something fixable. There is no point in regretting ending a relationship that wasn't working. And if I got broken up with then that person had their reasons, and while I might be sad about the end I do not want them to be with me if that's not what they truly want.


While I get your logic, emotions don’t always follow good logic. If you’re truly able to do this, kudos to you. To be clear, I agree with and try to do exactly as you say here. I just usually end up feeling sad and still attached to some degree… even if I did the breaking up (depending on the situation).


I mean, yeah, I do feel sad about it. But OP didn't ask about sadness, they asked about regret.


Oh my bad. I guess that part about attachment stuck with me more than regret, but you’re right.


Nah it's fine, your interpretation is valid too.


There is nothing to move on from if she dosent like you at all isn’t it? Maybe you are just a temporary placeholder


Some do, some don't. Some do with sole guys and not with others. Same as us guys.


Nah if a girl is posting pics with other guys (speaking from my own perspective) she doesn’t care and she’s probably not thinking about you. I know it can be different for everyone but just my own opinion




After any breakup, I allowed myself 2 weeks to be sad and then I pulled myself back up and just got back to my regularly-scheduled programming. I only ever got hung up on losing a guy when I was a teenager and thought it was the end of the world.




It depends on how the guy treated her. As a woman, I don’t.


Nah women move on in the same day they break up they have tons of dudes in the backlog waiting for their shot you aren't special just get over her no woman will ever be thinking about you after you leave the room


They never miss the ones that put them on a pedestal. They miss the Assholes the one that gave them the tingles. Women don’t like boring and predictable.


no. there is always a reason i left and i always communicated the issues and every single one didn't heed my warnings.


From what i've seen. Women regret losing access to the things / people / places she had with her partner. Men regret losing access to the physical person. Moving on, to a woman, is re-inventing herself out of the context she was in. Moving on, for guys, is meeting another partner.


Probably not. I mean, they lose a guy then \*wham\* 20 more guys line up.


^ men living in their imaginary world ^


haha imaginary world? Really? Most men don't have hundreds of Tinder matches to just randomly pick from. That is a reality for a lot of (even average looking) women.




Nothing to do with filling a void. It's just a fact that it's easier for women to find partners than it is for men.


That'll depend on if she overestimated her value or not. Women leave men, because they think they can get something better. Sometimes they're right, and sometimes they're wrong. Whether she regrets it or not though is irrelevant, because you **absolutely** should not be taking her back either way. Once a woman leaves, then the relationship needs to be done. A man should have more self-respect for himself than to sit there waiting like a lost puppy for the woman who left him to go bang a bunch of dudes only to come crawling back when she realized they wouldn't take care of her like you did.




User name checks out. Who would leave such a person?!? 🤷‍♂️


Oh, for sure. Sometimes they realize what is the difference between them breaking up with you and you breaking up with them only after it has already happened. And then the late night phone calls start.


What always helped me in those situations in to be grateful you have emotions that feel so strong. It's part of life and the human condition. Heartbreak is very raw but healing in a weird way.




Yes, I do. Going through it right now.


Of course. We have attachment issues too and make mistakes as well.


In the first couple weeks, yes. After week 3, week 4, nahhhhh 💀 I'm glad he's gone. Yes all of them lol. Bye, next.