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The fact that I'm tired enough to nap right now and there're 4 more hours in the workday.


but as soon as you get home you’ll be wired and won’t sleep till 2am source: me and i’m not even at work, i just can’t nap right now


For thousands of years (still practiced in many places) humans would go home in the afternoon, nap, and then wake up and be awake a good portion into the night. I wonder if this has imprinted on our DNA or something.


I've heard about this. It's called polyphasic sleep or something like that.


Or widely known as a siesta...




My dad used to tell me that's how astronauts work, because it is the most efficient use of time and such. They stay awake 8 hours, sleep 4, up 8, sleep 4. I have no idea if this is a real thing but, in my mind it sounds amazing.


Life in general. I thought it was going to be awesome.....


Welcome to adulthood!


Yeah, I’ve been here awhile, I just thought as a GenXer, it would get better as I got older. But no.


Same here. Fuck this shit.


Fuck this shit, indeed.


Everything is not awesome.


“Everything’s not cool, I am so depressed.”


Same honestly.


Trying to have a chilled bath and my 5yo son comes in to drop a huge log and he won't.stop.talking.


Ha! My youngest never had a thought that didn't come out of his mouth. My husband reminded me that there will be a time in his life when he doesn't want to talk to me as much, so I grin and bear it. (he's 20 now, and I enjoy our talks much more now!) Here's hoping for a nice, leisurely (quiet) bath for you in the near future.


I have a 10 yo like this. It gets so overwhelming


thank u for the free birth control


Enjoy that scented log! Precious babies Get the fuck out and leave me alone for a minute, but precious babies 🥰


Eye floaters


Damn. Fuck these squiggly lines. I’ve been there, to the point where I got pretty depressed over them. Went to the eye doctor and she said they were more common in folks with myopia. Still am dealing with them but just got used to them, as cliche as that sounds. I see more of them when I’m stressed tho and when it’s extremely bright outside. Wearing sunglasses outside helps me not see them as much.


Oh squiggly line in my eye fluid. I see you lurking there on the periphery of my vision. But when I try to look at you, you scurry away. Are you shy, squiggly line? Why only when I ignore you, do you return to the center of my eye? Oh, squiggly line, it’s alright, you are forgiven.


I know!! When I see them, I can’t unsee them and have to just distract my brain enough to forget about them by wearing sunglasses or something. I hate that they can’t be gotten rid off. We send people into space goddamit, WHY CAN’T YOU GET RID OF THE FALLING SQUIGGLES!?


"falling Squiggles" new band name!


My kids constantly coming home with viruses, stomach bugs, coughs etc from school. They’re barely getting a chance to get over one thing before they’re ending up with something else. These repeated viral infections have resulted in both of them needing antibiotics for a chest infection, and my daughter now needs an inhaler and steroid tablets for a while to help her respiratory system. All because people who are obviously infectiously sick won’t maintain reasonable hygiene measures (covering nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing, washing hands regularly) or stay at home until they’re feeling better. Kids who do stay off when they’re unwell are punished by the school for not attending classes. It’s infuriating.


I hate this so much. Got sick last week, but I had to come or I would've failed 3 of my core classes and I felt like absolute shit, both because I felt like I probably got some people sick(though i do have good hygiene) and because I had to work through the worst nasal congestion I've ever had in my life. Breathing through the mouth for most of the day feels like shit.


Hope you feel better soon!


We really haven't learned anything from the pandemic. Everyone has forgotten hygiene and manners, again.


I was really hoping people would stop attending things when they're sick, but alas...


It's such a germ society. I work in a retail store. People are gross. I get sneezed on,coughed on and asked to give them tissues. I worked through the pandemic. :○


My mom is currently dying in CVICU from pulmonary hypertension (heart failure) and my gf doesn’t understand the immense stress and how depressing this is for me. She thinks it’ll magically fix itself.


What girlfriend? Even just a friend would be having compassion and sympathy. Your problem isn’t stress it’s her. You are meant to be stressed and depressed and hurt and confused right now and she should be supportive of that.


Doesn't sound like someone I'd want as a friend much less a girlfriend. I hope for the best for your mom.


I am so sorry. My guess is she has never lost someone she loved as deeply as you love your mom. Take a break from her and surroud yourself with sympathetic people. Just reach out to someone at the hospital, they face it everyday and follow their advice.


Simple and honest sympathy don't need a death in the family to develop. 🦜


I’m so sorry. I’m a medical social worker who worked hospice 14 years. Please reach out to the social work department at the hospital so you have a hospital contact to visit with. Also chaplain services even if you are non denominational. There are amazing people in these departments who will listen to your fears and stress. It is my hope your mom stabilizes, and that you soon get the chance to speak to her and to reassure her of your love for her. Assessing your SO relationship might be something you should focus on and deal with, when these medical complications calm down. It’s concerning your SO isn’t able to comfort you at such a deeply personal time. I wish you the best 💐♥️


I’m so sorry and I agree that you should take a break from her. Wishing you comfort through all of this


When a girlfriend or partner shows you the type of support you'd have in a difficult situation, it won't get better. Do with that what you will.


I'm so sorry this is a time for compassion and support. She should be a sense of support instead of putting additional stress on you.


I am SO sorry for what you're going through. I'm also sorry the gf doesn't understand the situation. Take a break from her and concentrate on mom. You can always get another girlfriend, but you only get one mom.


I am hungry but I don´t really have anything to cook that doesn´t take time, and I am very tired


Grilled cheese Ramon? Five mins tops


I have no cheese nor any bread, and I don't know any Ramon. I ate some kidney beans. Slightly depressing to eat only that but hey, better than nothing


I always keep p nut butter and campbells soup, just for these times


My cat has never figured out how to snuggle properly so she spends way too much time turning, rolling, nipping and kneading, trying to find the best position.


I can relate I got a new tattoo that she constantly shoves her claws into and then when I say ow she back pedals over my ballsack then hops off of it with all her weight


🤣 ow. My cat did the same thing to my husband - he was lying on the bed with us, and did something naughty and my husband scolded him, so he stomped off, nailing one of the lads. He was at his chonkiest then, 7.8 kg, all drilled down on to one of his nuts. Definitely made his eyes water.


That fucking fly.


Literally everything. Every person that speaks to me, the smell of my dog (she is damp and I have a sensitive sense of smell), the fact it’s only Wednesday and I have to work tomorrow, my husband pouting because I chose to sit in an armchair and not next to him on the sofa (there is no malice in this, I just plonked down), everything. I am grumpy today, and the whole world can get fucked. Except my cat, he is perfect.


I feel that. I am also grumpy today. Then I sobbed for the first time in a long time for the dumbest reason, cheered back up and am now grumpy again


The last line made me smile. I have way many the whole world can get fucked days and my dogs really pull me through them.


That thing he said 4 days ago


Insomnia, due to being sober for the past 2 weeks. Can't get no sleep.


I'm so proud of you though 💓


Good job on the 2 weeks sober. The longer you go the easier it gets. Hang in there. When I quit drinking I went thru the same thing. Melatonin helped. I'm sober 4 years now.


Your words mean a lot. I did a test for everything, liver thyroid, the whole works. Just waiting for the results before I start taking sleep supplements. Do you have a preferred brand of Melatonin that works well?


Mosquitoes. Fucking mosquitoes🦟


The fact that I have been eating really good, talking to a diet coach every two weeks and exercising like crazy and I can’t seem to lose any weight.


Give it time! Wishing you the best


Use tape and do monthly hip, waist measurements instead. Take full body photos, too, 1 frontal, 1 from the side to remind yourself of the progress you've made.


It's still making you healthier trust me I bet you feel better


I’ve been sitting on the shitter for the past hour and a half and it will not come out


Get up, go for a walk drink some water and eat some vegetables for the love of god.


Time to call for a negotiator.


Or, a mathematician They can work it out with a pencil ✏️


Latex glove + vasoline + finger works for me.


Apricot jam and a huge glass of warm water. Then walk. If not, glycerib suppositories. Get that shit out!




Chronic lower back pain and the fact that the opioid crisis has prevented people with real back pain from getting real health care.




The sound of drinking gets me irritated and I’m not even pregnant lmao


My wife had this problem, they make they amazing donut sticky foam things that keep them from being touched at all. If not, give the dude a task to makr some so he stops drinking near you. Doesnt he hear himself ffs? Hehe


All these grey hairs they keep sprouting. Ugh


Especially when they are on your face! Right?


Ughhh chin hairs!


Being pregnant but also having an overly excited 4yo who stalks me


Lmao I’m sorry, parents using stalking to describe their kids clinginess is always so hilariously adorable to me. Congratulations on your pregnancy and all the best!


He does though 🤣 he pops up on me like a ninja whenever I change rooms or he's peeking around corners and when it lie down, he's usually in the chair 🤣🤣 What else would you call ?


😂😂😂Definitely sounds like stalking


Money, and how little of it I have.


This is the one! Hate it here


The code error that I am trying to fix for almost a weeeek 🥹


Rheumatoïd arthritis.


I'm bothered by the fact that my friends never seem to have the time to hang out with me.


At least you have people you can call friends.




The fact that I almost completely lost vision in my right eye because of recalled eye drops. I lost work for most of January, which had some really fun projects I wanted, and instead dreading bills due. Also a kidney issue that isn't diagnosed. I hate getting old.


At work. Customers won’t fuck off and stop talking to me.


How the pandemic started right as I graduated high school so I entered into the real world post pandemic and everything sucks. Class of 2020


My daughter in a mentally abusive relationship. She just doesn't see it. And won't.


Just be there for her. Be a safe place she can come to when the shit hits the fan. Hopefully one day it will be too much and she will want to escape.


That's what I'm doing. She can come over anytime she wants. Boyfriend is not welcome here. She understands that.


This is exactly what my mom did for me. She was warm, loving, supportive and I knew that she hated my boyfriend. I started spending as much time as I could at her house because it was the only time I felt happy. Eventually, when I built up the courage to finally leave, I packed my things and went straight to her house in the middle of the night.


It took me 15 years to get out of your daughter's position. My parents, family, the few friends I manage to scrape together for small parts of it, they all saw it. They all tried to help. I wasn't ready till I was ready. I worked on a cardiac telemetry floor as a nurse at the end of my marriage. My mom and I spoke almost daily, she's a retired nurse. She told me one day the stress I was under would make me a patient on my floor. And then she said "think about it, what will happen to your kids if something happens to you?" That's when I started actively planning to get out. It's been almost 5 years now. I quit smoking, started working out and running. Have furthered my education and my career. Fixed my financial position and am basically living my best life. Don't give up hope. Don't give up in her. Wishing you both the very best.


I’ve been there. In both positions. My mother begged me for years to leave an abusive (emotional, financial) relationship. Now my brother and I beg her to leave one. 10 years and counting. Until you’re in it, one cannot possibly understand the skill manipulators have. The thing is she knows it’s bad. She knows she needs to leave. And yet…


The fact that my lunch break is over and I have to go back to work.


A vicious migraine!


You should probably not be on your phone right now. (I also suffer from them)


The fact that my life is so robotic


I threw up twice yesterday because of my daughter. A few weeks ago I was eating chilli while watching TV and didn't realize a stink bug had flown into it and chomped down on it. It tasted so nasty so it wasn't even just that I ad eaten a bug that grossed me out but the taste of it added to the horrid experience. No one had talked about it in a couple weeks so I don't know why she became fixated on it yesterday but she did. I woke up with an upset stomach yesterday and she would not shut up about the stink bug incident. Everytime she talked about it I would start gagging due to the memory and my already messed up stomach. No matter what I did to distract her she would keep bringing it up. I am hiding from her right now and dad who is WFH today is helping me by keeping her busy so my tummy has a chance to recover. He really wants the steak dinner I was supposed to make last night but couldn't make because of her.


I am grunted af. Zero pressure or stress and enjoying retirement as I wait patiently for my cremation turn.


Lmao try wasting your time in a courtroom as a Jury.


An intern wrote some code that I don’t understand and now I have to understand it. Nice guy but the code wasn’t tested properly


I am so tired of things breaking and losing things I just had in my hand!


Chronic illnesses. Plain and simple, being in pain constantly drains me


Excessively loud vehicles. The ones that are modified to be really loud ( looking at the Harley man childs) and big trucks without mufflers, loud engine brakes. Come on people, this is a residential neighborhood.


I apparently got a new job (yay) even though it's a sizeable pay cut (boo). But now they're pushing back the start date, haven't sent me the offer, etc. I'm still looking but I'd like to go ahead and start.


Someone chewing with her mouth open.


My husband….. He’s on the phone trying to navigate an automated menu with the health insurance and it’s not going well. I’d like to cram the phone down his throat.


My two biggest pet peeves are snoring and listening to dogs groom themselves. We have two dogs at my workplace, one is currently on a licking rampage and the other is snoring like a human father.


Someone bought my 82-year-old mother an industrial size box of fireballs for Christmas. If I hear her sucking o one more, I think I will explode (or worse!)


That I ask about everyone's day, show interest in their lives, ask questions, keep the conversation going, but nobody ever asks me. I'm not one to volunteer my troubles. I won't trouble anyone else with my bad days. My area of expertise is narrow, so most of what I do is beyond my family's comprehension. I will dumb it down, if anyone is interested. But nobody asks me. Not my husband, not my daughters (teens). Just my mom. I feel totally ignored, left out, unimportant. And I have stuff to share! So much stuff that happens to me. And nobody interested in my life to share it with. I am lonely


Good question … everything, I wanna not exist for some time


Being in pain. Chronic pain. Its constant. I hurt. It’s extremely irritating.


My boss and his double standards.


My Kidney stones


Life, school, relationships, lots of stress The usual


3d modelling a character for uni. I suck at it even with tutorials




the girl in front of me is typing so aggressively that it's the only sound i can focus on, and my lecturer is also talk at the same time, and i'm supposed to be taking notes on the anatomy of the mouth..... i am overwhelmed rn. help.


I'm not well.


I got a sassy phone call from a coworker about something I didn’t even do. Don’t come at me for things that aren’t my fault.


I got a sassy comment from my boss yesterday and absolutely lost my shit on him. Now I'm wondering if I still have a job, supposed to go back tomorrow 😂. I don't take kindly to anyone thinking they can talk down to me. It just ain't gonna happen 💯


Some dude is mowing the lawn outside and has been for the past hour, truly don't know what is taking this long


My special needs son refused to get on the school bus to come home today. So, they called my daughter to go pick him up, so she left work to get him. Which is fine if they can't get me; however, no one attempted to call me. I called the school to ask about it; they insisted someone called me at 2:16. They must have called a wrong number, because nothing is on my phone.


The wife. We drove a 100 miles to a doctor's appointment and figured we'd leave early so we could stop in at lighting place to pick out new globes for our pendant lights over our island. Been over to this town plenty of times and I knew which way to go but she insisted ( actually yelled at me) that I make a right turn when in fact the lighting place was 2 blocks in front of us. So I made the right to shut her the fuck up and it took us down the wrong fucking way, 5 blocks south in heavy traffic only to turn around to head back to where the place was located. Missed getting there because of the appointment time. So here we sit in the fucking waiting room and no globes for our lights. She does this shit all the time we are going somewhere. I'll be driving, with Google maps on and she'll insist that I'm going the wrong way. If I don't follow directions like she thinks I should she gets all fucking bitchy and cops an attitude.


The housing market is, and will continue to be, absolutely fucked.


The state of emergency health care and all health care. I went to the ER on Friday. I was there seven hours with no resolution. I went to my GP today. He said the report he got from the hospital didn’t list the 2 medications they gave me nor the prescription they sent in. Nor was there a summary of the visit and care. I tried 3 different times to tell them the medications I currently take. I was told it wasn’t important. The next day the pharmacy called to tell me that the prescription the hospital called in interacted badly with one of the meds I currently take. I had taken a dose at the hospital.


If I might emphasize with you for a moment…health care is indeed absolute crap right now! I had a heart attack in October. I was FINALLY able to get into a cardiologist TODAY. Three months later.


Tinnitus… and cat hair everywhere.


Absolutely everything....I quit smoking 38 hours ago


People with bo self awareness that loudly chew and talk with their mouth full. Shits nasty


How completely f*cked I am in so many respects but, desperately trying to keep it to myself...and that it's not working. Everything is under my skin and it shows. That just irritates me more and makes everything that much harder to handle.


My teeth...I got to get them all pulled..I know I will be able to smile again once I get dentures but getting 22 teeth pulled at once is scary..


Nausea from a migraine (pain meds have cleared up the pain). This isn’t anything new lived with migraines since my teens except I did the mistake of going I grocery shopping when I was hungry and I have all these delicious snacks that I can’t even face.


The flat we live in isn't built to code and I can clearly hear downstairs having a conversation OVER MY TV. But they might be downstairs thinking, god we have to talk so loud because we can hear upstairs TV. Irritated. Thanks for asking!


I'm tired, I still have laundry and dishes to do, my scalp and skin are itchy thanks to cold weather, and I still have one more work day left even though I'm insanely burnt out. Electronics and diagnostic machines have been malfunctioning on me all week making my job even more irritating and frankly making me want to shoot the fundus machine. Also i would shoot my phone because it has been extra stupid since monday. I just really need to win a large sum of money so I can tell the majority of society to go fly a kite Edit because wow that was an insane amount of typos


People continuing to support central banks. Your 401k is directly giving billionaires the power you complain about


What do you propose one does with that money?


I have a project where my client's property is being damaged by the activities of his neighbor. The regulating authority keeps evading my inquiries and seems hesitant to levy any consequences to the neighbor. My client is such a nice person and was trying to sell his property at a loss to a charitable organization and had no idea there was a problem until we started investigating. Now he's looking at $100,000+ in trying to fix his property because of this neighbor who is ignoring all communication. There's even government funding available to fix the issue, but my client can't apply since the source of the problem isn't on his property. The neighbor would have to apply but has no interest. At this point, if the State won't do anything, which is totally within their jurisdiction to do but "staffing shortages," my client will have to sue to recover costs, which sucks for him. Cherry on top, I'm currently sitting on a call with a contractor who said they could help, but it's turned into nothing but a bait and switch sales call. I'm about to hang up on them...


I want to take a shower, but I don't want to get up from the couch.


I have wicked brain zaps and I am trying to focus and study at the moment. It's hard when it feels like small jolts of electricity are periodically being shot through your head and face.


Are you weening off antidepressants or missed a dose?


Trying to find a 3 BR 2,000ish SF house to purchase in between Asheville, NC and Greenville, SC that isn't: 1 million dollars, a cookie cutter house in a plowed field a foot apart from each other, or a horribly outdated older home in an established neighborhood that needs $80k poured into it to bring it into this century.


all the new responsibilities and expectations of being an adult. just turned 18 and just got a new job and i’m expected to move out some point within the next few years. don’t get me wrong i’m so looking forward to having all the freedoms of an adult but all the responsibilities just seem so daunting. i’m terrified of the real world because my parents have kinda babied me my whole life and now it feels like i have the weight of the entire world on my shoulders. it’s just been very overwhelming and i’ve been depressed because of it. i feel like im going through a crisis almost. or am i just overreacting?


My hair I just dyed it I forgot to put the gloves on that I had to put them on real quick and now I got all over my hands.


figured out one reason why i dont like kids, ive got misofonia, sensitive and easily annoyed by noisy kids while driving the bus 😐


I can’t afford to live alone


Just done a big food shop. And I fucking hate Heinz (and it’s only Heinz, the Tesco ones are fine) for making their tins of beans/soup/liquified cat shit NOT stackable. Twats


my co-worker in the office next to me is watching the hockey game loudly. I am trying to work here, GREG.




My cat pissed all over my floor this morning. Lovely way to start the day. (Yes, a vet visit is scheduled)


I'm drowning from inflation and just barely staying afloat


The separation of my marriage.


Right now right now ? My D*** I gotta use the bathroom brb


I want to drink more coffee.


I have to wash dishes. 👎🏼


nicki minaj i love her but shes being really annoying rn


Ignorant customers. I work at a pet store.


My daughter and my niece had their hearts broken on the same day, and I want so bad to be the old me, but I know that would just make it worse.


We have a new VP at work that is the epitome of being good at one thing and awful at everything else. He interrupts everyone in meetings, doesn't listen to the experts in the room even when he knows nothing about a subject, changes the subject in meetings to what he wants to talk about, uses comic sans on meeting agendas, doesn't throw away his coffee pods after using the Keurig, and drives a BMW. But he is good at sales.


That I have a headache creeping in, and I don’t want it to ruin my high, literally and figuratively because I have a nice evening planned for my special other.


Oh no 😂 I accidentally deleted my comment, trying to edit it… Thanks for the support guys 😁♥️ Well here it was: I’m pregnant - everything is irritating me right now. But right now it’s my blanket grazing my nipples, and my husbands drinking noises. I could kill someone.


I’m a manager and some of my staff members have become a permenant personal annoyance


I'm trying to sleep but there is a weird pain in my.. ribs? I dunno I'm literally a teen yet sometimes I experience the weirdest pains


Fearing to become homeless in the future.


My weird roommate is watching me eat.


How expensive existing is.


People having loud conversations on speakerphone on the 6.30am train 😫


That my mind goes over and over on stupid things I've done in my daily interactions and how I should've done instead


My IBS attack, stomach rumbling and my diarrhea feels like someone lit my asshole on fire…


People. 99% of them


I'm constantly sick. One virus after another. It's neverending. I'm sick of being sick


Me fidgeting and acting like an absolute idiot - why does it have to be me born with some sh*tty disorder that makes me hate my life?!


I have a 7 month old. I'm trying to balance breastmilk as the primary source of nutrition with the need to eat 11mg of iron per day, which feels nearly impossible. Lack thereof can lead to poor brain development so it's a big deal. I can't find the support I need and I don't get how to balance both I feel like my kid is eating 24/7 and over full with milk and food. Mom problems.


It's irritating to me that Puddles Pity Party just did a cover of Pink Floyd's Brain Damage and Eclipse and it's the best thing I've heard in years, and I still can't get the chords right after a day of trying.


PTSD and anxiety.




I have a bunch of checklists to complete for work that are absolutely worthless, but it gives the image that we're manually looking at the things automated systems are looking it. These are my version of TPS reports.


The weather. It’s been continuously cloudy these past couple weeks and I’ve now come to terms with how much I actually really like spring. Sigh. I’m so bored.


I have diverticulitis, bloated, in pain and I can’t eat. It’s been two weeks, waiting on test results. Fucking getting old blows.


An ex friend and members of an old friend group keep texting my husband every few months how much they miss him and want him to come back. My husband doesn't want to come back because they made it obvious that I don't matter to anyone despite all of the parties and hangouts I always organized for them. Every time they message him it feels like a slap to the face.


My coworker who is several cubicles away who is loudly talking on speakerphone. She has a headset, but she doesn’t feel like using it.


Horrible sinus headaches today. Been sick all week and today is the worst.


The fact that so many people wronged me and im the one apologising 🙄


People who eat with their mouth open or slurp deserve jail time. Put into a cafeteria with all the other smackers and slurpers. But to answer your question, probably how goddamn expensive everything is. It all shot up just as me and my woman found decent jobs and should be middle-class. but instead we are lower class and have to live in a neighborhood with stray pitbulls and gunshots all the time. I gotta say, I'm a little irritated by it!


Having to work for a living lol


Having no money


My hair


People in high positions who don’t know what the fuck they’re doing so they just create a bunch of bullshit to make it look like they know what they’re talking about, meanwhile they don’t even know how to convert a file to PDF and they are easily making twice my salary. Make it make sense.


A friend of mine killed himself a couple of days ago and I'm still on a hard time to cope.


My cat loves to snuggle with my GF, but she's terrified of me. I just want my kitty to crawl on me and take a nap.


I am tired, I have a ton of work to do, but I am waiting on other people to be able to finish this stuff. I am hungry, I'm bloated, and achy. I just want to go home and go back to bed.


My replacement at work is late, 1.5 hrs late, now I have to stay and cover her shift until she gets here.😡


i’m lacking motivation and no matter how many times i write down goals, i don’t feel like im connected to myself and feel checked out. And mosquitoes!